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Special Publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists No.4 Alain Mascle (Ed.) Hydrocarbon and Petroleum Geology of France With 327 Figures, Some in Color, and 22 Tables Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo HongKong Barcelona Budapest Alain Mascle Institut Fran<;ais du Petrale B. p. 311,1 &4, Avenue de Bois-Preau 92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex. France Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hydrocarbon and petrolcum gcology ofFrance/Alain Masclc (cd.). p. cm. - (Special publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists: no. 4) ISBN-13: 978-3-642-78851-2 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-78849-9 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-78849-9 1. Petroleum-Geology-France. 2. Natural gas-Geology-France. 3. Coal-Geology-France. I. Masclc. A. II. Series: Special publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists: 4. TN874.F8H93 1994 553.2'8·0944-dc20 946892 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are rcsened. whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. specifically the rights of translation. reprinting. reuse of illustrations. recitation. broadcast ing. reproduction on microfilm or in other way. and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9. 1965. in its current version. and permission for use must always be obtained from Sprin ger-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under thc German CopYright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1994 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1994 The use of general descriptivc names. registered names. trademarks. etc. in this publication does not imply. even in the absence of a specific statement. that such names are exempt from the relevant pro tective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: App!. Wemding SPIN: 10097067 32/3130-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface ThIS volume contaInS proceedIngs from a specIal seSSIOn devoted to the hydrocarbons of France, whIch was held dunng the 4th Annual Conference of the European ASSOCI atIOn of Petroleum GeoscIentIsts and Engineers at the Palms des Congres, Pans, from 1 to 5 May 1992. The conference took place in parallel with the 54th MeetIng of the European Association of ExploratIon GeophysicIsts. Altogether there were some 4500 attendees at both. ThIS volume also contaInS additIOnal papers selected to pro vIde a more complete reVIew of regIOnal and thematIc research currently beIng under taken to Improve the effIcIency of hydrocarbon exploratIOn and productIOn In France. ThIs volume IS composed of 32 chapters correspondIng to fIve regIonal tOpICS. Chapters 1 to 4 (Part 1) are general IntroductIOns and statIstIcs on exploratIOn-pro ductIon of hydrocarbons and underground gas storage In France Chapters 5 to 12 (Part 2) concern the Pans BasIn (where about 61 and 3.7 % of domestIc 011 and gas are currently beIng produced) and the neIghbonng offshore French Western Approaches. Chapters 13 to 17 (Part 3) are devoted to the AquitaIne BasIn, IncludIng the Pyrenees foothIlls and the ParentIs offshore basIn, where about 38.7 and 93.5 % of 011 and gas are currently beIng produced. Chapters 17 to 22 (Part 4) concern the Gulf of LIOns and the onshore South-East BasIn where three tIny and now abandoned 011 fIelds were de veloped in the past. Chapters 23 to 28 (Part 5) are devoted to eastern and northern France where about 0.3 % of 011 and 2.8 % of gas are produced, the latter as desorbed methane In abandoned coal mInes. Chapters 29 to 32 (Part 6) deal wIth four French Overseas Departments and Terntones where some exploratory work has been under taken In the past. ThIS fourth speCIal publIcatIon by EAPG follows three previous volumes: Spencer AM (ed) (1991) GeneratIon, accumulatIOn and productIon of Europe's hydrocarbons. SpeCIal publIcatIon of the European AssoCIatIOn of Petroleum Geo scientists No 1. Oxford UmversIty Press, 459 pp Spencer A M (ed) (1992) GeneratIon, accumulatIOn and productIOn of Europe's hydrocarbons II. Special publIcatIon ofthe European ASSOCIatIOn of Petroleum Geo SCIentIsts No 2. Spnnger, BerlIn Heidelberg New York, 294 pp Spencer AM (ed) (1993) GeneratIOn, accumulation and productIon of Europe's hy drocarbons III. SpeCIal publIcatIOn of the European AssocIatIon of Petroleum Geo SCIentIsts No 3. Spnnger, BerlIn Heidelberg New York, 380 pp Reference to works In thIS volume should be made In the follOWIng style: Gaulier JM, Burrus J (1994) Modehng present and past thermal regImes In the Paris BasIn; petroleum applicatIOn. In: Mascle A (ed) (1994) Hydrocarbon and petro leum geology of France. SpeCIal publicatIOn of the European Association of Petrole um GeOSCIentIsts No 4. Spnnger, BerlIn HeIdelberg New York, 464 pp The AssocIatIon gratefully acknowledges the assIstance provIded to the EdItonal CommIttee by the techmcal referees: J. BenkhelIc. B. BIjU Duval, E. Brosse, E. De VIlle, B. Durand, N. Ellouz, J. P. HerbIn, J. M. GaulIer, R. GIllcnst, P. C. de GraCIansky, W. Kuhnt, D. Larue, A. Le Marrec. H. P. Luterbacher, J. A. MIles, Y. PhIlIppe, J. P. Roy, G. Sambet, PM. Shannon, J. C. SIbuet, M. Tardy, B. Van den Berghe, R. VIally, H.E Wang,J. Wannesson, W. WIldl. Alain Mascle The European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists and Engineers The AssociatIOn serves professIOnals mvolved m geophysIcs. geochemistry. explora tion and production geology. petrophysIcs and reservOir engmeenng. EAPG IS umque m ItS multldlsclplmary character and because. as a European orgamzatlOn. It alms to bnng together professIOnals from Eastern. Central and Western Europe. It was launched at ItS hrst conference m May 1989 m West Berhn and has smce grown to a membership of about 1000. Meetings EAPG has successfully orgamzed Annllal Conferences, simultaneously with EAEG. m Berhn. Copenhagen, Florence, Pans and Stavanger. More than 3000 delegates at tended the Stavanger Conference and one m four came m order to attend the EAPG Techmcal Programme. Future Annllal Conferences are planned for Vienna m 1994, Glasgow m 1995, Amsterdam m 1996 and Geneva m 1997. Workshops, courses and speclahzed conferences are orgamzed as well, sometimes Jomtly with EAEG, AAPG or SPE, and often in combmatlon wIth the Annual Conference. The bIannual Ellrope an Symposlllm on Improved GIl Recovery IS now under the auspIces of EAPG. FIrst held m 1981. thiS symposIUm attracted an attendance of over 500 m Moscow m 1993 and Will next be held m VIenna m 1995. Publications EAPG pubhshes, Jomtly with EAEG. the monthly Journal FIrst Break, contammg short articles and news Items. The Speczal PlIblzcatlOns volumes are now pubhshed for the ASSOCIatIOn by Spnnger-Verlag. The hrst four SpeCIal PlIblzcatlOns contam papers from the Annual Conferences. There IS an annual Yearbook with membershIp mfor matlon. EAPG members enJoy substantially reduced pnces on these and other petro leum geoscIence books and Journals. European Activities EAPG has always stood for good hnes of commumcatlon with petroleum geoscIen tists m all European 011 and gas producmg countnes. ThIS has resulted m formal affth atlons WIth a large number of geosclentlflc sOCIeties m the regIOn, as well as a network of natIOnal correspondents. Jomtly WIth EAEG a new orgamzatlOn, the PACE Foun dation. has been set up to mtenslfy contacts with, and proVIde support to. geoscIentIsts m Central and Eastern Europe. The European CommiSSIOn has shown an mterest m cooperatmg with EAPG and ItS Annual Conference. The Conference provides an overview of European petroleum geosCIence research and also serves as a forum for the presentatIon of Commumty-supported research The European CommIssIon pro VIdes fmanclal support for participants from Central and Eastern Europe. Membership Over 16000 petroleum geoscIentists and engmeers are profeSSIOnally actIve m the Eu ropean countnes With the petroleum mdustry. EAPG Will need the support of these profeSSIOnals m order to grow and better serve our mdustry. Membership IS open to all profeSSionals wlthm the dlsclphnes hsted above and may be obtamed by wntmg to: The Secretary-Treasurer, EAPG. P. O. Box 298.3700 AG Zelst. The Netherlands Contents Introduction to Hydrocarbon Exploration and Underground Gas Storage inFrance ........................................................... 1 Exploration for and Production of OIl and Gas III France: A RevIew of the HabItat, Present Activity, and Expected Developments A Mascle, G. Bertrand, and Ch Lam/raux ............................... 3 A HIstory of Petroleum ExploratIOn III France F Henfler .......................................................... 29 RegulatIOns of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production III France 1. C Hervet .... .................................................... 47 Underground Gas Storage Facilities III France E. Blondtn ........................................... . 51 Modehng Present and Past Thermal RegImes III the Pans Basin: Petroleum ImphcatlOns 1. M Gaulterandl Burrus ............. . ............................ 61 Paris Basin and Sea ofIroise .......................................... 75 Sequence StratIgraphy of the JurassIc Senes of the Pans-London Baslll C. M. Ponsot ........................................................ 77 Sequence Stratigraphy and Orgamc Matter DIstribution of the LJas of the Pans Basm G. Bessereau and F. GUlllocheau ....................................... 107 Relationship Between Orgamc Matter and SedImentatIOn III the LJas of Lorrallle (France) M.Hanzoandl Espztalui ............................................. 121 An Integrated Approach to Reservoir CharactenzatlOn for a Gas Storage III the Paris Basm 1. C. Lecomte, P Houel, and F. Verdier ................................... 137 Management of Chaunoy Oil Field Multilayered ReservOIr C. Bacchzana, 1. Parpant, and B. Smart .................................. 147 SeismIC ApphcatlOns of a Pans Baslll Shallow Geology Data Base F. Hanot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 155 LIassic Source Rocks from Three Wells from the Sea of IrOlse (French Western Approaches) and Dorset (UK) Outcrops: Nature and Modeled Maturity History 1. F. DeronZler, A. Bruneton, 1. Mondtn, and A. Mascle ..................... 157 VIII Contents Aquitaine Basin, Bay of Biscay, Pyrenees 171 Deep SeIsmIc InvestIgatIOn In the ParentIs BasIn (Southwestern France) C BOIs and O. Ganel ......... . . . . . . . . . . 173 SubsIdence In the ParentIs BasIn (AqUltaIne. France)' ImplIcatIOns of the Thermal EvolutIOn M F. Brunet .... .. . . . . .. ..... . ...... . 187 The Arzacq-Western Pyrenees ECORS Deep SeIsmIc ProfIle M. Dalgnuires, M Seguret, M. Specht, and ECORS Team 199 A ReInterpretatIOn of the Stress RegIme of the AqUltaIne BasIn. Southwestern France. and ImplIcatIOns for Hydrocarbon Recovery ] S Bell and G Call1et ..................... .. . ........ . 209 South-East Basin, Gulf of Lions, Western Alps ........ . 221 Structure of the Gulf of LIOns (Northwestern MedIterranean Sea)' A RevIew C. Gonnt, A. Mauffret, P Guennoc, and A Le Marrec ... .. .. ............ 223 Multlphase ExtensIonal Structures. Fault ReactIvatIOn. and Petroleum Plays In the AlpIne Foreland BasIn of Southeastern France F. ROllre, 1. P Brun, B. Colletta, and R. Vwlly ............. .... . . . . . . 245 Thrust PropagatIon and SyntectonIc SedImentatIon In the Savoy TertIary Molasse BasIn (AlpIne Foreland) E. Devllle, E. Blanc, M Tardy, C Beck, M. COl/sm, and G. Menard .... 269 The Southern French Alps Paleogene BasIn: SubsIdence ModelIng and GeodynamiC ImplIcatIOns R Vwl/y ................................ . 281 The Mid-Cretaceous OrganIc-RIch SedIments from the VocontIan Zone of the French Southeast BasIn ] -G. Breheret . . .................................. . 295 ReserVOIr Aspects In RelatIOnshIp WIth Sequence BoundarIes In Carbonate Platforms A Arnaud-Vanneau and E. Carno-Schaffhauser ....... . . 321 Eastern and Northern France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........... 325 Transfer Zone In the Southern Jura Thrust Belt (Eastern France): Geometry. Development. and Companson WIth Analogue Modeling Expenments Y Phllippe . . . . . .. .................................................. 327 Tnassic TransgressIve-RegressIve Cycles In the Bresse-Jura and Adjacent Basins. Eastern France G Dromart, P Monter, A. Cllnal, R Moretto, and F GlIlllocheall .. .. . ... 347 Petroleum ExploratIOn In the French RhIne Graben A Richard .............. ........... . . 361 MechanIsm of FlUId PaleoclrculatIOns In Fractured Rocks DetermIned by VeIn AlteratIOn StudIes A Mellnter . 365 DeformatIon of the Nord-Pas-de-Calms CarbOnIferous CoalfIeld (France) In the Vanscan Frontal TectonIc Pattern B Le Gall ............... . 379 Contents IX Polyphase Coalification m French Intermontane Coal Basms of the Late Carboniferous L. Courel, X. B. Llu, and H. Wang ...................................... 399 French Overseas Departments and Territories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 409 The French Guyana Margm and the Demerara Plateau: Geological History and Petroleum Plays S. Gouyet, P. Unternehr, and A M ascle .................................. 411 Structure and Tectomc History of the Kerguelen Plateau R Schlzch, M. P. Angoulvant, B. Frasch, M. Munschy, and M Schammg ....... 423 The Sedimentary Basms of the New Caledonia Region Y Lafoy .......................................................... 427 Sedimentary Basms and Petroleum Plays Around the French Antilles Ph. Bouysse and A. Mascle . . . .. ....................................... 431 Subject Index ....................................................... 445 List of Contributors M. P. Angoulvant Ecole et ObservatOIre de PhysIque du Globe (CNRS URA 0323) 5, Rue Rene Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France A. Arnalld-Vanneau InstItut DolomIeu, URA, 69, Rue M. GIgnoux, 38031 Grenoble, France C. Bacchwna ESSO-REP, 213, Cours VIctor Hugo, 33323 Begles Cedex, France C. Beck LaboratOIre de GeodynamIque, URA CNRS, 69, UmversIte de SavOIe B. p. 1104,73011 Chambery, France I S Bell GeologIcal Survey of Canada 3303, 33rd St. N. w., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7 , Canada G Bertrand SCGH-DIrection des Hydrocarbures - Ministere de l'Industne 366, Avenue Napoleon Bonaparte, 92501 Rueil-MalmaIson, France G. Bessereall Institut Fran~aIs du Petrole, B. P. 311 1 & 4, Avenue de BOIs-Preau, 92506 Rueil-MalmaIson Cedex, France E. Blanc InstItut Dolomieu, Universite J. Fourier Rue Maurice GIgnoux, 38021 Grenoble, France E.Blondm Gaz de France, DIrection des Etudes et Techniques Nouvelles Departement "Reservoirs Souterrams" 361, Avenue du President Wilson, B. P. 33,93211 La Plaine-St.-Denis Cedex, France C. Bms Institut Fran~ais du Petrole, B. P. 311 1 & 4, Avenue de BOIs-Pre au, 92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France Ph. Bouysse Bureau de Recherches GeologIques et Mmieres B. P. 6009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2, France Present adress: C.C.G.M., Maison de la Geologie 77, Rue Claude Bernard, 75005 Paris, France I.-G. Breheret LaboratOIre de Geologie des Systemes Sedimenta ires, UniversIte Fran~ois Rabelais Parc de Grandmont, 37200 Tours, France XII List ofContnbuters J P Brlln Geosciences Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu, 35 042, Rennes Cedex, France M F Brunet URA 1759 CNRS Tectomque, Departement Geotectomque Umverslte P & M. Cune, Boite 129 4, Place Jussleu, 75252 Pans Cedex 05, France A Brzmeton Belclp-Franlab, 232, Avenue Napoleon Bonaparte 92500 RueIi-MalmaIson, France J Bllrrus InstItut Fran~aIs du Petrole, B. P. 311 1 & 4, Avenue de BOis-Preau, 92506 Ruell-Malmalson Cedex, France G. Cmllet Elf Petroleum Norge, B. P 168,4001 Stavanger, Norway E. Camo-Schaffhallser L.G.I.T. - IRIGM, B. P. 53X, 38041 Grenoble, France B Colletta InstItut Fran~aIs du Petrole, B P. 311 1 & 4. Avenue de BOis-Preau, 92506 Ruell-MalmaIson Cedex. France L. COllrel Centre des SCiences de la Terre, Umverslte de Bourgogne et U.R A. 157 du CNRS 60, Boulevard GabneL 21000 DIJon. France M. COllsm LaboratOire de Geodynamlque. URA CNRS 69. Umverslte de SavOIe B. P.I104. 73011 Chambery. France A Cltrlal SOCIete DIASTRATA. 20 biS Rue Songleu. 69100 Villeurbanne. France M Dmgnzeres Departement des SCIences de la Terre. Umversite de Montpeilier II Place E. BataIlion. 34095 Montpeilier Cedex 05. France J F. DeronZler BeiClp-Franlab. 232, Avenue Napoleon Bonaparte 92500 RueIi-MalmaIson, France E. DeVille InstItut Fran~aIs du Petrole. B. P. 311 1 & 4. Avenue de BOis-Preau. 92506 Ruell-MalmaIson Cedex. France G Dromart Centre SCiences Terre. Umverslte de Lyon. 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex. France J Espztahe InstItut Fran~aIs du Petrole. B. P. 311 1 & 4. Avenue de BOis-Preau. 92506 Ruell-MalmaIson Cedex. France B Frztsch Ecole et ObservatOire de Physique du Globe (CNRS URA 0323) 5. Rue Rene Descartes. 67084 Strasbourg Cedex. France

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