Also of Interest DIXON & LESLIE Solar Energy Conversion HOWELL Your Solar Energy Home HUNT Fission, Fusion and the Energy Crisis, 2nd Edition MCVEIGH Sun Power MESSEL Energy for Survival MESSEL & BUTLER Solar Energy OHTA Solar-Hydrogen Energy Systems ROSS Energy from the Waves SIMEONS Coal: Its Role in Tomorrow's Technology SIMON Energy Resources STARR Current Issues in Energy VEZIROGLU Hydrogen Energy System (5 volumes) Pergamon Related Journals Annals of Nuclear Energy Energy Energy Conversion International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Solar Energy HYDRO-POWER The Use of Water as an Alternative Source of Energy CHARLES SIMEONS M.A. Industrial Consultant Director of the Action Learning Trust Former Member of the British Parliament PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK ■ TORONTO · SYDNEY ■ PARIS · FRANKFURT U.K. Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 0X3 0BW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. CANADA Pergamon of Canada, Suite 104, 150 Consumers Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada AUSTRALIA Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box 544, Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia FRANCE Pergamon Press SARL, 24 rue des Ecoles, 75240 Paris, Cedex 05, France FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press GmbH, 6242 Kronberg-Taunus, OF GERMANY Pferdstrasse 1, Federal Republic of Germany Copyright © 1980 C. Simeons All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition 1980 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Simeons, Charles Hydro-power 1. Water-power electric plants 2. Water-power I. Title 621.312Ί34 TK1081 79-41535 ISBN 0 08 023269 8 In order to make this volume available as economically and as rapidly as possible the author's typescript has been reproduced in its original form. This method has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no way distract the reader. Printed and bound in Great Britain by William Clowes (Beccles) Limited, Beccles and London Foreword For many years I worked in industry, responsible for a factory producing speciality chemicals for the photographic industry. We were very conscious of the need to conserve fuel, mainly because it saved us money. In 1970 I was elected a Member of the British Parliament; but not for very long. I was swept out again following the coal crisis of 1974 in the Election which followed. During my time in the House of Commons I made my contribution as to the needs of industry, the environment and heavy lorries, drawing upon my experience in these fields. But of energy production I knew very little. And yet, as an M.P. I was expected to join the decision making on a wide range of issues, including energy, without any real knowledge of the technology. I was aware of considerable need to become better informed. It was also clear that there were very few source books which brought together the information scattered over a broad area published by people expert in their own particular field. Here was the chance to achieve this and at the same time learn more about energy. I began with Oil and Natural Gas Recovery in Europe. This was followed by a study of Energy R &D Programmes in Western Europe. I then examined Coal and it's Role in To-morrow's Technology, in a world-wide context. Now it is the turn of Water as an alternative energy source. It is a vast subject to which it is virtually impossible to do justice in one study. What I have attempted to do is to examine the principles of the technology involved in the extraction of energy from water for use in some other form. Then to take a look at some of the projects which a number of countries are undertaking. I am immensely grateful to all those who sent information which I acknowledge in the Bibliography, not least the Indian Official who forwarded an envelope bearing 287 stamps. I hope my efforts will be of interest to those who like myself had little knowledge of the potential contribution which water can make to our energy needs. Also that the expert will find the detail and statistics useful as a pointer to general trends. VII 1. Water and the Energy Gap INTRODUCTION Two thirds of world energy demand is accounted for by the United States, Japan and Western Europe: oil features prominently. Because of this dependence upon oil by these blocks, prices for oil and gas in 1973 were forced up. Consumption then fell. In the following year published figures for world energy consumption showed it to be running at around 5600 mtoe. By 1975, the United Nations Organisations Statistics, published in 1976, showed that consumption had fallen still further, to 4060 mtoe. This was accounted for in part by conservation measures, but also as a result of industrial stagnation. Today, the industrial world runs predominantly on oil, followed by natural gas and coal. Waterpower and nuclear energy contribute only a small part to the total demand. Proven reserves of oil and gas, recoverable through the use of current technology, are sufficient to meet world needs until 1990, and possibly beyond, although future discoveries may be sufficient to enable both to be used well beyond that date. Coal reserves are likely to be sufficient for a further hundred years. However, these reserves are not found where they are needed, but scattered world wide as well as being difficult to recover, in many instances. The problems associated with coal recovery are described in "Coal: Its role in tomorrow's technology". Those in need of oil generally have to import while the countries possessing the reserves usually have very little need - that is until their manufacturing capabilities become developed. It is not surprising therefore that alternative strategies are being pursued by countries world wide, since nations are interdependent and in need of international collaboration on an unprecedented scale. However, this type of exercise requires adequate backing - finance, labour resources and ingenuity - with a common objective, all brought together in a way rarely experienced except in times of war. The International Energy Agency and the European Community Commission are such vehicles. While these organisations tend to work in international & EEC spheres, they often co-operate so avoiding duplication of effort. 1 2 Hydro Power ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND PROJECTIONS Experience has shown that energy consumption runs parallel with the level of the Gross Domestic Product. This will place a theoretical strain on the large energy consuming countries. An indication of the trends can be seen from projections made, by the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England, of energy demand growth rates for world regions employing assumptions for economic growth as the basis - using high and low levels, as shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 Projected Energy Demand Growth Rates for World Regions i Region Energy AAPG Energy AAPG Energy AAPG 1960-72 1972-85 1985-2000 Unconstrained Unconstrained | High Low High Low ] i N. America 4.1 2.6 1.9 2.6 1.9 W. Europe 5.2 3.3 2.6 2.9 2.2 Japan 11.2 5.2 3.6 4.1 2.8 ! Rest WOCA 6.8 6.3 5.0 5.0 3.8 ! WOCA 5.2 3.6 2.8 4.0 2.5 j WOCA shown in Table 1 represents the world outside the communist area. These projects for potential energy supply to 1985 take into account the unexpec ted surplus capacity for oil production during this period which might well inhibit the growth of alternatives. From 1985 to 2000 a fast expansion is assumed for both coal and nuclear energy although rates of expansion are con strained by the lead times necessary for developing the industries. By comparison actual figures for the European Communities show in land consumption of primary energy, for each source, to be as listed in Table 2. TABLE 2 Six Months Primary Energy Consumption Comparison 1977/8 for the Community Jan-June '77 Jan-June '78 % Change 78/77 M.t.o.e. M.t.o.e. Hard coal etc. 89.7 91.4 + 1.9 Lignites 13.0 13.7 + 5.4 Crude Oil 253.3 255.4 + 0.8 Natural Gas 83.9 88.5 + 5.4 Nuclear 13.6 13.7 + 0.7 Hydroelectric 19.6 16.4 -16.3 geothermal etc. Total gross in land consumption 473.1 479.1 + 1.3 i for six months It is interesting to note from Table 2 that despite an overall increase in con sumption of 1.3%, that derived from hydro-electric and geothermal sources fell by Water and The Energy Gap 3 16.3%. What the figures do not show, however, is that 90% of all coal burned was used in three countries only: the United Kingdom account for 53%, Germany 28% and France 13%. In 1977 coal, a prime candidate for the generation of electricity, was roughly in balance, in terms of internal consumption, in U.K., France and Belgium, while in Germany, despite a fall off in production of some 10% below capacity, a surplus resulted. Overall production within the community was down 4%. With coal surplus to needs, it is not surprising that further attempts to increase generation of electricity from sources, other than nuclear energy, is not a top priority in Europe. However, while the Community objective of a 40% dependence upon imports target by 1985 is clearly not attainable, it is now hoped that a 50% figure will be achieved, as shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 Energy Dependence - European Community 1973 61% 1974 61% 1975 57% 1976 58% 1977 54% 1985 50% The figure shown for 1985 in Table 3 is made up of the mean of a number of fore casts. By this time, however, the nuclear programme will not be sufficiently advanced to make a marked contribution to total energy needs. Reduced Import Dependence Import dependence is a problem facing most of the non communist world. It is not therefore surprising that steps are being taken to reduce consumption and at the same time replace, if only in part, those sources which are non renewable or in restricted supply. The fundamental need is to develop those alternative strategies which are the most economical in the use of non-renewable resources have least impact upon the balance of payments are least harmful to the environment This means promoting research and development of alternative sources of supply: nuclear fusion, solar energy, geothermal energy or the recovery, re-use and recycling of every kind of energy and materials. Water as a source of energy is a useful, although expensive, contribution. Parallel with this objective is a vital need to reduce the rate at which demand for energy is growing and then to reduce the absolute level of demand itself, sector by sector. Taking the field of transport as an example, it should be remembered that in the United States 25% of all energy used gas in transportation. In the U.S., 96% of all energy used is derived from oil much of which - 60% - is imported. Figures for Europe although lower, stand at 14% and 95% respectively. The solution to making savings in transport may lie in the development of electric vehicles. 4 Hydro Power The part which water can play in the generation of electricity is probably under stood by most people. The use of wave and tidal power receive a considerable amount of publicity and are known too. However, the production of hydrogen for use as an energy carrier is not so well appreciated or the need for the use of hydrogen in the process of upgrading low Btu gas. The traditional method of production of electricity by hydrogeneration is more extensive than may appear at first sight, as can be seen from Table 4. Figures shown in Table 4 show that the countries with greatest capacity for elec tricity from hydro-electric sources are: Norway - 99.5% Zambia - 97.7% Iceland - 96% Netherlands - 90% Brazil - 88% Switzerland - 87% Morocco - 85% Luxembourg - 81% Clearly water available under the right conditions offers a very considerable potential. The countries listed above obtain their electricity by conventional means. By contrast those with the greatest tidal potential feature fairly low in the ratings at present, namely: Australia - 28% India - 42% Korea - 15% United Kingdom - 32% U.S.A. - 13% U.S.S.R. - 21% The exception is Canada which already enjoys 60% hydro capacity. The remaining chapters set out to examine that potential by countries for energy derived from water. First the technology will be discussed and examined in principle for Wave Power, Tidal, the generation of Hydrogen, Storage and finally conventional hydro-electric. This will be followed by a report upon current development among those countries which responded to the appeal for information. But first a review of resources, development to date and factors affecting develop ment will be examined. Water and The Energy Gap 5 TABLE 4 Electrical Energy 1976 Including Hydro Sources lOOOs KW's PUBLIC SUPPLY Millions kWh's Installed Capacity Produced Total Hydro Hydro Argentina 7,876 1,721 5,000 Australia 19,957 5,535 15,595 Belgium 9,788 502 334 Brazil 20,405 18,000 79,170 Canada 59,040 35,604 189,364 Chile 1,891 1,355 5,453 Columbia 3,500 2,350 9,700 Czechoslovakia 11,367 1,758 3,331 Egypt 3,900 2,500 7,000 Finland 5,236 2,018 7,538 France 41,328 17,439 44,500 Germany D.M. 12,232 719 1,113 West Germany 64,833 5,581 12,099 Ghana 900 792 4,221 Greece 4,599 1,415 1,870 Iceland 523 503 2,349 India 21,539 9,029 34,827 Iran 3,689 804 3,974 Ireland 2,162 531 892 Italy 36,055 14,908 33,350 Japan 104,271 24,887 82,300 Korea 4,810 711 1,789 Luxembourg 1,157 932 524 Mexico 11,460 4,541 17,011 Morocco 980 833 978 Mozambique 680 514 1,750 Netherlands 15,009 13,509 52,228 New Zealand 5,125 3,471 14,922 Nigeria 955 420 2,525 Norway 14,966 14,940 71,171 Pakistan 1,911 772 4,600 Peru 1,360 1,090 4,400 Phillipines 2,083 896 3,420 Poland 3,354 2,323 2,098 Portugal - - 4,859 Rumania 11,223 2,680 8,037 S. Africa 14,364 329 1,876 S. Rhodesia 1,141 705 4,856 Spain 25,501 12,405 21,357 Sweden 21,440 11,143 50,698 Switzerland 12,016 10,410 23,430 Thailand 2,543 910 3,637 Turkey 3,852 1,861 8,333 U.S.S.R. 205,907 42,931 135,135 United Kingdom 72,781 2,349 4,159 United States 531,287 67,798 283,680 Venezuela 4,552 2,245 10,524 Yugoslavia 9,408 5,023 20,459 Zambia 973 951 6,539 6 Hydro Power HYDRAULIC RESOURCES Some 23% of the world's electricity is at present derived from Hydraulic Energy. It is a renewable resource; it is reliable and flexible and therefore forms part of any general water resource programme. For this reason, when a hydroelectric development, of whatever size, is envisaged, the initial planning stage must take into consideration all water resource needs and the way in which they are to be met. Hydroelectric development must not be considered in isolation from the general requirements of the community. Water supply in many parts of the world is a controlling factor in human and commercial activity. This is being appreciated to an increasing degree in many parts of the world where management and control of river basins are seen as the logical way of using and conserving water resources. This method of approach has been introduced in Britain where England and Wales are divided into ten authorities, France with six bassins and Belgium with its three areas of control. The United States, because of its size and considerable "State Autonomy", looks on partly with envy and partly in a spirit of doubt as to whether river basin control is applicable there. Other countries not plagued with pollu tion from modern industrial processes, are moving fast to river water quality con trol including that of harnessing of the power potential. Tidal Barrages and Wave Power introduce new problems. While wave power is very local in effect and unlikely to cause hazard, other than near shipping lanes, tidal barrages come into quite a different category, making their impact upon a whole range of factors which affect the quality of life. These include:- movements of shipping tidal patterns and levels local nuisance during construction erosion of the coast line Where rivers are shared jointly by bordering states as in the case of the Rhine, running from Switzerland through Germany, skirting France and passing through the Netherlands to the sea, river management is vital. It isn't surprising therefore that in the early 70's it was said that as the Rhine passed through Rotterdam, it brought with it annually 1000 tons of mercury, 250 tons of arsenic and 100 tons of cadmium. Joint action is now setting about to put this right - over a period. Equally, without adequate management a crisis in water supply could equal that which is threatened in energy, the tip of the ice-berg becoming clear from experience in both fields over the past few years. It is interesting to note that the United Nations Environmental Programme includes the drawing up of a policy for water management in developing countries. Development should proceed on a broad front, the plan making sure that a full economic return is obtained from any energy contribution which can be made. The benefits may include irrigation and combining navigational needs with power generation such as in the Danube and St. Lawrence developments. Such projects involve the consideration of a number of factors: Legal and political Technological Environmental Social impact