Hydraulic Parameter Identification Generalized Interpretation Method for Single and Multiple Pumping Tests Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona HongKong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo Luc C. Lebbe Hydraulic Parameter Identification Generalized Interpretation Method for Single and Multiple Pumping Tests With 112 Figures and 34 Tables , Springer Author Prof. Dr. Luc C. Lebbe Research Associate Fund ofSdentiflc Research-Flanders University of Gent Geological Institute Krijgslaan 2.81 (58) B'9000 Gent Belgium B·rnait: [email protected] ISBN-13: 978'3.642.64264-7 Springer. Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lebbe. Lue. 19~0- Hydraulic parameter identification: generalited interpretation method for single and multiple pumping tests I Luc Lebbe. p. em. Includes bibliograpbical references. ISBN'13: 9'78-3-642-64264"7 e-ISBN"31 978-3-642-60"7-0 001: ,0,'007/978-3-642-60117-<) I. Groundwater tlow--Mathem.tical moods. 1. Hydrog«llogy--M" hematical models. I. Tide. TC176.L43 1999 55'·49'OI·~1111--dc21 99-191140 This work is subjeCi to copyright. All rights are reserved, whelher the whole or pari of the material is concerned, specifi"Uy Ihe righlS of \[lUislation, reprinting. re-use of iUU5tralions, recilation, broadcasting, reproduelion on micronIm or in Olber ways. and storage in data banks. Duplicalion ohMs publication or parts thereof is permined only under Ihe provisions ohhe German Copyright L.w of September 9, 196~, in ils currenl version, .nd permission for use mU51 always be ob"ined from Springer.Verlag. Violations arc liable {or prosecution act under German Copyright Law. C Springer.Veriag Berlin Heidelberg 1999 Sofl<:over reprint of the hardcover lst edition 1999 The use of general descriplive names, regislered names, lrademarks, elC. in this publication don not imply, even in Ihe absence of a specific "alement, Ihat slleh names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and Ihere(ore free for general usc. Production: ProduServ GmbH Verla8$service, Berlin Typesetting; Camera·rudy by author Cover design; Springer·Verlag, E. Kirchner sPIN:106972:13 32/)020'S" 3 2 1 o P· rimed on acid·free paper To Bernadette, Joris, Komeel and Adriaan Preface This book is intended for all hydrogeologists or geohydrologists, environmental and mining engineers who want to tackle a hydrogeological problem in general. The identifi cation of the hydraulic parameters is a crucial step in any hydrogeological study and is the fIrst aim of the book. This identifIcation process is demonstrated by using a unique and generalized interpretation method for single and multiple pumping tests. The identified parameters are the water conducting and water storing parameters of the groundwater reservoir. Therefore, the work starts with an overview of the different ways to define and determine these hydraulic parameters. The related parameters that are frequently used in this work are also described. This part is followed by a review of the successive "classi cal" analytical models that were developed to derive the frequently applied interpretation methods. The most important drawbacks of these methods are their large variety, the fragmented analyses of the observed drawdowns and the different derived values for one identifIed hydraulic parameter. In this book a unique and generalized interpretation method is presented which overcomes all these drawbacks. This generalized interpretation method is obtained by a combination of a numerical method and a non-linear analysis. The numerical model is an axi-symmetric two-dimen sional model. This method is preferred because it requires much less computer time than the three-dimensional model. This is an important characteristic because during sensitivity analyses and the non-linear regression a large number of runs are made. The applied numerical model also allows the drawdown simulation with similar accuracies at distances close to the pumped well, in the order of centimeters, and at larger distances from the pumped well, in the order of meters to hectometers. By the non-linear regression method one set of optimal values for the hydraulic parameters is obtained along with the joint confidence region and a set of corresponding residuals, i.e. the differences between the logarithms of the observed and the calculated drawdowns. If the spatial and the temporal trends of the residuals are suffIciently small the applied schematization of the flow can be accepted and the optimal values of the parameters are then representative for the actual physical parameters. The joint confIdence region gives us an insight of the reliability with which the hydraulic parameters can be derived from the observed drawdowns. This region and a number of statistical parameters that characterize this region allow the evaluation of the degree of mutual dependency of the derived parameters or in other words to make a collinear diagnostic. If the interdependency of a number of the required parameters is too high then the generalized interpretation method can help to design an additional test. This could result in the performance of a double or even a multiple pumping test. The general ized interpretation method also allows the interpretation of a multiple pumping test. The applicability of the axi-symmetric numerical model is augmented by the possibility to simulate the drawdown in a laterally anisotropic aquifer. In addition the drawdown in a pumped well can be calculated as the sum of the well loss and the aquifer loss. With a supplementary computer program the drawdown due to a mUltiple well fIeld can be calculated in a multilayered isotropic or anisotropic groundwater reservoir without or with lateral constant hydraulic head and/or impervious boundaries, or with a vertical plane of discontinuous lateral conductivity change. In all these cases the subsidence due to VIII Preface pumping can also be estimated assuming that the changes of the specific elastic storage, the vertical and horizontal conductivity are constant in each layer during the compaction process and are independent of the drawdown. The latter possibility allows the planning of the development and the management of the groundwater resources. This book can, however, also be considered as an introduction to inverse modeling and its continuous interaction with the consecutive steps in hydrogeological investigations. The design, the performance and the interpretation of a pumping test can be regarded as an example of these consecutive steps. Pumping tests are simple and well-defined hydrogeological studies that can be performed under favourable conditions. They are simple because in most cases their lateral influence is rather limited so that the lateral heterogeneity can be ignored. In hydrogeological studies on a larger scale this is not the case so that the number of parameters can grow to an unacceptable large number. In the pumping tests, the discharge rates are generally accurately measured. In hydrogeological investigations on a larger scale and over a longer period the discharge rates of the pumping wells and of the rivers are less well known. The installation of the pumping and observation wells for a pumping test allows the collection of detailed information on the lateral and layered heterogeneity of the groundwater reservoir which can be used during the design of the test. The effect of the layered heterogeneity on the water conducting properties of the groundwater reservoir can be studied by the execution of multiple pumping tests. By the design of these pumping tests one can create and observe large horizontal gradients in the pervious layers to, deduce their horizontal conductivities and large vertical gradient over semi-pervious layers to deduce their vertical conductivities. In hydrogeological studies on the other hand, it is much more difficult to observe such large gradients. In most cases the hydraulic gradients are smaller in regional groundwater flow problems. Here, the location of the large gradients can be seasonally dependent. It is easier to remedy some measurement errors during pumping tests then during most of the hydrogeological studies on a larger scale. For example, the well storage can be eliminated by the installation of packers above the pressure transducers. This is necessary in wells with a rather large diameter, installed in rocks with a small permeabil ity with a relatively fast growing drawdown. So, the interpretation of the pumping test is an inverse problem of the first (simplest) type where the hydraulic parameters are the only unknowns. Experiences with this simplest type of inverse modeling is preferred to start with. These experiences can help to tackle more complicated inverse problems as for example hydrogeological investigations on a large scale where sink and/or source term, initial and/or boundary conditions must be identified besides a rather high number of physical parameters. Until now several FORTRAN programs are available on the world wide web. They allow: the simulation of pumping tests without or with an artificial created error (forward problem), the optimisation of a given number of hydraulic parameters (inverse problem of first type), the information of the required input data and the creation of input files needed in the forward and the inverse problem and the drawing of graphs with results of the forward or the inverse problem. These programs are described in the book. Although sufficient examples of simulations are given in the book, these programs allow the reader to develop his/her own exercises, problems and pumping tests. Preface IX Acknowledgments I would like to thank the Fund of Scientific Research - Flanders, under the auspices of which the scientific work and the development of the computer programs were carried out. I also 'wish to thank Prof. Dr. W. De Breuck for the opportunities he gave me to design, to perform and to interpret a considerable amount of pumping tests at the Laboratory of Applied Geology and Hydrogeology, Ghent University. Some of these pumping tests are selected and represented in the last chapter. The double pumping test in the quaternary sediments was performed in the framework of a hydrogeological study which was financed by the Ministry of the Flemish Community and the Water Company (T.M.V.W). The double pumping test in a laterally anisotropic aquifer formed by fractured rocks of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age (Sect. 7.2) was made with the financial support of the Belgian Geological Survey. The triple pumping test in the layered ground water reservoir (Sect. 7.3) on one of the campuses of Ghent University was made as part of my research program. The single pumping test to determine the conductivity of the tertiary, silty clay (Sect. 7.4) was made on order of SIDMAR, N.V. Finally, the artificial recharge test in the natural bare dune valley (Sect. 7.5) was performed in collaboration with the Intermunicipal Water Company of the Veurne Region (I.W.V.A.). I am greatly indebted to all these organizations and companies. I also thank the colleagues and students of the Laboratory of Applied Geology and Hydrogeology, with whom I had numerous enlightened discussion about the design, the performance and the interpretations of the pumping tests. The help of Ing. Eric Beeuw saert and Ing. Jacques Vandenheede is also acknowledged for their work in performing the pumping tests, for the development of a data logger and the numerous discussions that lead to the installation of packers above the pressure transducers to eliminate the well bore storage. I am also indebted to Freddy De Leeuw, Marleen Lacroix and Martine Bogaert for the meticulous drawing of some of the figures. I thank Marisa Boesman who helped me overcome my computer problems. Last, but not least I thank Drs. M. Mahauden, Drs. Y. Vermoortel, Dr. I Gaus and Drs. N. Van Meir for the discussions and correction of some parts of the work. Any comments anyone would care to make will be received with great interest. Computer codes The executable codes are available on http://allserv.rug.ac.be/-luclebbe. The FORTRAN codes were compiled by Lahey Fortran 90 v4.5 (Lahey Computer Syst., Inc). With the exception of inrmp code the other codes can be subdivided in three groups. The inrmp code allows to make the input files interactively for the forward and the inverse problems. The first group of codes treat the forward problems. They allow the calculation and the representation of the drawdown or the subsidence due to pumping on a single well or due to pumping on a multiple well field: This group consists of the codes sipurS, outpuS, sidap7 and multpl. They are described in Sect. 4.7 and further developments are given in Chapter 5. The code sipurS simulates the drawdown of a pumping tests and compares the calculated with the observed drawdown. The code sidap7 allows to make observed drawdown files of hypothetical pumping test of which the drawdowns are simulated and x Preface whether or not increased with an artificial error. The code outpu5 plots the simulated drawdown in time-drawdown and distance-drawdown graphs either with or without the observed data. This last code allows also to plot the drawdown contour lines in a cross section. With the code outpu5 the evolution of the subsidence can also be plotted in time subsidence and distance-subsidence graphs and by means of subsidence contour lines in cross sections (see Sect. 5.7). Additional input data to simulate the drawdown for pumping test with variable discharge rates, in laterally anisotropic aquifers and in pumping wells are described in respectively the Sects. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. With an additional code multpl the drawdowns can be calculated due to a multiple well field. The results can be plotted by the code mulpl2. With this code it is also possible to simulate the drawdown in groundwater reservoirs with lateral bounds and with lateral discontinu ous conductivity change. These possibilities are given in Sect. 5.6 and 5.7. The second group of codes allows to run and control the inverse numerical model for the interpretation of single and multiple pumping tests. These codes are described in Sect. 6.6. The code inpur5 allows to run the successive iterations of the inverse model for the interpretation of a pumping test. The code solpu5 is mostly used for the step by step interpretation of a multiple pumping test. Based on residuals and sensitivities of several pumping tests, which are joined in one data file, the adjustments of the considered hydraulic parameters are calculated. The code etabdi plots the residuals versus their probability along with the best fitted normal distribution. The codes plprcr, susqln, susql3, sumsqr and sumsq2 plot two- or three-dimensional cross-sections through the approximate or exact joint confidence region. The last group of codes allows the approxi mation of the drawdown confidence intervals based on the optimal values and some statistical parameters characterizing the joint confidence region. Four different computer program packages are described in Sect. 6.7.3. The author has written, researched and tested the source codes to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. Neither the author nor the publisher give any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the performance of the codes. No warranties, expressed or implied, are given by the author or the publisher that the codes are free of errors, or are consistent with any particular standard of merchantability, or that they meet the reader's requirements for any particular application. In no event shall the author or the publisher be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or use of the codes. Support for the codes on the Internet is available in this book. All graphs are in HP GU2 codes (trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company). Although this book and its programs are copyrighted, the reader is authorized to make one machine-readable copy of each program for personal use. Distribution of the machine readable programs (either as copied by the reader or as available on the Internet) is not authorized. Programs will only give meaningful results for reasonable problems. The programs represent a basic and general model that can be modified for efficient application to specific field problems. The user is cautioned that in some cases the accuracy and the efficiency of the models can be affected significantly by the selection of values for certain user-defined options, for example, the use of a large initial time and a reduced number of rings per layer as demonstrated in Sect. 4.6.1. Another example is a too simplified conceptualization of the flow as shown in Sect. 6.5. Contents Chapter 1 / Introduction .................................................................................... . 1.1 Previous literature on pumping test interpretation ............................................. . 1.2 Proposed generalized interpretation method ..................................................... 2 1. 3 Additional aims of the book ........................................................................ 5 1.4 Arrangement of subject matter............................... ...... ............................ .... 6 Chapter 2 / Hydraulic Parameters .............. ......................................................... 9 2.1 Hydraulic parameters describing water conducting properties ................................ 9 2.1.1 Darcy's law .............................................................................. 9 2.1.2 Hydraulic head and fresh water head................................................ 10 2.1.3 Intrinsic permeability................... ................................................ 12 2. 1.4 Heterogeneity and anisotropy of geological formations with respect to hydraulic conductivity ...................................................... 13 Heterogeneity ............................................................... 13 Anisotropy....... ............................................................ 14 2.1.5 Generalized law of Darcy..................................................... ......... 19 2.1.6 Hydraulic conductivity ellipsoid...................................................... 21 2.1.7 Classification of layers according to their water conductive properties ....... 24 2.1.8 Hydraulic parameters derived from hydraulic conductivity ...................... 25 Transmissivity .............................................................. 25 Hydraulic resistance ....................... ................................ 26 Leakage factor.......... .................................................... 26 2.1. 9 Methods to derive the hydraulic conductivity ..................................... 27 Direct methods .................... ......................................... 27 2.1. 9.2 Indirect methods ............................................................ 30 2.2 Hydraulic parameters describing water storing properties ............... ..................... 36 2.2.1 Conservation of mass in a completely saturated volume of material fixed in space ................................................................................... 36 2.2.2 Specific elastic storage................................................................. 39 Compressibility of water......................... ......................... 40 Effective stress concept .............................................. ..... 41 Compressibility of matrix ................................................. 42 Movement of solids in deforming medium............................ 43 2.2.3 Hydraulic parameters derived from specific elastic storage... .................. 44 Elastic storage coefficient... ............................................. 44 Diffusivity ................................................................... 45 2.2.4 Methods to derive specific elastic storage................................ .......... 45 Direct methods. ............................................................ 45 Indirect methods............................................................ 46 2.2.5 Storage coefficient near the water table... .............. ............................ 46 2.2.6 Hydraulic parameters derived from storage coefficient near watertable ....... 49 2.2.7 Methods to derive storage coefficient near water table ........................... 49 Determination by pF-curves .............................................. 49 Determination by pumping tests ......................................... 50 Determination by inverse models of unsteady state flow............ 51