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Hybridization and Chloroplast Captures in Asarum sect. Asiasarum (Aristolochiaceae) Documented by Chloroplast DNA Sequences PDF

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by  YamajiHiroki
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Preview Hybridization and Chloroplast Captures in Asarum sect. Asiasarum (Aristolochiaceae) Documented by Chloroplast DNA Sequences

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-756S ActaPhytotax.Geobot.58 (213):87-(926007) Hybridization ChloroplastCapturesinAsarum Asiasarum and sect. (AristolochiaDcoecuamee)nted by ChloroplastDNA Sequences HIROKI YAMAJIi・6", TATSUYA FUKUDA2, JMUNYOKOYAMA3, [[AE-HONG PAK4, CHANG-ZHENG ZHOUS, CHUN-SHU YANG5, TAKASHI MOROTA6, and MASAYUKI MAKI7 iBiological institu tGer,aduate Sbhool ofScien c7ebh,oku Uhiversi( BSlenda il,apan; 2forestry Science institute, (]raduate St:hoo lofAgricul t]ktochti n2 U;}zivengi 4A"lrngoku .Kbch4 .]Zorp a3nD;eparttnent ofBiolo tgherullty of Scienc e},2imagat aUhivensi4 )ILZimagata l,apan; 4Department ofBiolq Cgbrllta,g qefAJintur aSlbiences K,)?ung-fook IVtxtionaUlhiversiolDaqgu.Kbrea;5Beijing UhiversitoyfChinesMbedieine;CBotanicRaawlMbterialsResearch Departrnen4 BotanicaiRaw imterials Division, TSumura & Co, ,Ami, Ibarald, mpan; 7Division ofEeolo agnyd Evolutionai yBiology Graduate School ofLij S?eiience ,fohoku Uhivet:si CS}llendu i.,Jitpan The phylogeneti crelationships ofAsanttm sect. Asiasan{m based on geneti cvariation in non-coding chloroplast DNA sequences were examined. A tetal ofca, 960 bp sequences of thre enon-coding regions, namely trnL (UAA) intro rnp,sl6 intro anndpsbC-trnS (UGA) interge nreigcion, were analyzed for 37 accessions from 13 taxa and one geegraphi crace. in the maximum-parsimony pm) tree, four types were recogriized,' Among the 13 taxa and one geographic race, 1O taxa were identifi easd belonging to a sin- gle type, while the rernaining three taxa and one geographi crace, A. patens ,A. sieboldii £ sieboidii, A. heterotFqpoid vearsL seoulense (fre Kmorea) and A. vensicolor, belonge tdo two types. The types all cor- responded to more than one ribotype recognized in previou sof nrDNA, ITS sequences, The phyloge- netic tree topologies were diMcul tto compare, Chloropla psotlymorphisms within a taxon and incon- gruence of the phylogeneti tcree topologies between chloreplast and ITS were considered te be cansed by chloroplast capture fbllowin ghybridizatio nRe,ticulate evolution in sect. Asiasarum was therefore inferre tdo be more extensive than implie dfrom ITS sequence data ,Asarum marayamae was speculated being from betweenA. f A. as ofhybrid origin crosses sieboldii sieboldii and mikuniense. Key words: Aristolochiace aAes,arutn sect. Asiasarum, chloroplast capture, molecular phylogeny, reticulate evolution Species ofAsarum L. sect, Asiasarui nAraki the limit softaxa and the rank at which some taxa (Aristoloch airea lcoenga-e1)iv etdhizomatou sherbs should be recognized. The taxa have been recog- with a distribut iion nJapan ,China ,Korea, and east- nized on the basi sofmore than one character. The ern Russia (Maeka w1a936, Cheng & Yiing 1983, discrepanci ebsetween systems are due to differ- Kelly 1998, Yamaki et al. 1996, Lee & Lee 2000). ences of opinion on which characters are the impor- Section Asiasarum, comprising ten species and tant ones. Taxa with intermediat echaracter states are thre evarieties (Yama jeti al. 2007a, b, c), presents possibly ofhybrid origin, many taxonomic difficult iaess e,videnced by the A previous molecular study on the internal discrepanci eisn previou staxonomic treatments in transcribe dspacer (ITS o)f nuclear ribosomal DNA NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 88 APG Vbl,58 regions revealed the phylogenetic relationships of umented in many plar rgtroups and are considered to the taxa within Asarum sect. Asiasarum and the be the result of chloroplast capture through intro- extensive reticulate evolution in the gr;ou p(Ylimajgiressio n(Rieseb &e rSgolti s1991, Rieseberg et et al. 2007c) .In the ITS sequences, eight taxa com- ai, 1996, Wolfe & Elisens 1995, Tsitrone et al. prised a single ribotyp ewhile the other fiv etaxa (A, 2003). heterotropoid eFs. Schmidt var. heterotropoides, In this study, we examined the non-coding var. manctshuricum (Ma)ci Kmit,a)g., var, seoulense regions of chloroplast DNA sequences to add to (Naka iK)itag. ,A. misandrum B. Oh & J. Kim, A. the phylogenetic infbrmation ofAsarum sect. versicolop (Yamak iY) Lee) were composed oftwo AsiasaTum and to resolve the status of putative ribotype sB,ecause all taxa in sect. Asiasarum are hYbrid sand chloroplast captures to compare with the djploi (d2 n= 26; Ono 1960, Sugawara 198I, Choi et ITS phylogeneti tcree. al. 1998, Yamaji unpubl. data) t,he taxa containing two ribotypes were suspected as being of dipleid Material sand Methods hybrid origin and to have retained their parental ribotypes (Yama ejt ial, 2007c) .The discrepaneiesPlantmaterials between the taxonomic systems therefor eappeared Thirty-seve naccessions of 13 taxa and one to be caused in par tby extensive reticulate evo]ution, geographic race of sect. Asiasanim were sampled in Problems in understanding the phylogeny of thi sstudy (Tab l1e, Fig .1) ,All ofthe samples were sect. Asiasarum ,however, have not been settled. already examined for their ITS sequences in a pre- One of the unresolved putativ ehybrids, Asarum vious study (Yama jeti al, 2007c). We divided marayamae Yamaji & [fo rN,akam., is sirnilar to Asarum heterotmpoide svar. seoulense into two A. Miq. infloral based (Korea sieboldii £ sieboldii color pattern geographic groups, on source or and chemical cornponents, whereas it is also smi1ar China) because they diffe irn fiora clharacteristics. to A. mikuniense Yarnaj i& Tbr ,Nakarn. in floral Asarum caulescens Maxim, (fro smect. Asantm), A. shape and pollen characteristics (Nakamur 1a986, qpigynum Hayata (fro smect. Geotaenium (F M,aek,) Yamaji et al, 2007a, b). ln the ITS sequences, A. L. Kelly) ,and A. muramatsui Makino (fro msect, marayamae does not exhibit a comhination of ribo- Heterotropa (Morr &, Decne.) A. Braun), were types, and fbrms a monophyletic clade with A. selected as ontgroups becaus tehey are considered to mikuniense and A, tohokuense Yarnaji & Ter. be closely related to sect. Asiasantm (Kell 1y998). Nakam., but not with A. siebotdii f sieboldii (Yamaji et al. 2007c) .It is possibl ethat the parenta lITS DA44 isolatio annd ampldication sequences ofA. marayamae have been fixed to Total genomic DNA was isolate dfrom 200 to those ofA, tohokuense or A, mikuniense by con- 3OO pg of fres hleaf tissu eor herbarium specimens certed evolution, which is mechanism to homoge- by the modified 2×C[[AB procedure ofDoyle and nize polymorphisms in tandemly repeated nuclear Doyle (1987 )Th,e isolated DNA was resuspended ribosoma lDNA in the same or differe nltoc iwithin in 100 to 200 LtL TE. The regions to irrvestigate a lineag e(Aguil eat ral. 1999). were selected by a preliminary examination and For fUrthe erxarnination, analyses ofthe other then three infbrrnati rvegeions were selected: txnL geneti cmarkers mherite dindependen otf ITS inher- (UAA) iniro nrp,s16 intron a,ndpsbC-trnS (UGA) itanc ewould be usefu1. Inconsistenci ebsetween intergeni PcC,R amplifications were achieved using cytoplasmic (e. cghl.oroplast) DNA phylogeny and universal primers ,c and d fbr trnL (UfAA i)ntron nuclear DNA (e, gIT,S) phylogeny have been doc- (Taber lete tat. 1991), rps1612 Fand rps1612R fbr NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocieityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmioastics November 2007 YAMAJI et al.:cpDNA  ofAsamim  sect. Asiasarum 89 【o   〔 §    <O のの8冐o=げo.        ⇔)吻O角ャミ n閏ひひひN口q マめひ ひN{m 脇めひ軌軌N口Oめ OひN凶 ト門ひひq口Nq ロのひひ軌N国o ひmααqNコq O寸ひaひN餡 守ひまNロコ N寸ひa軌N禹 ひひひ箇寸N【m 寸寸ひαひ凶m円り寸ひαひN冖m O寸αひびNρ自卜寸ひaぴN晒【o寸ひαα引m【Q ひ寸ααひN薗 Oりひひ N箇 一鳴ひmひNρ員Nいα 軌N薗 m頃ΦαひNq 寸いα軌αN鬥m いいひひひN口q Oひαひ頃N葭 トいひa軌N餌 Qいひa軌NロQロひいぴひひ自N箋Oり軌ααN国 一りひαひN国 個Oひ0薗0d $ひまN国 寸9軌軌軌N餡 αα頃OαN口 りり0ひひ伺m【 トリひひひd¢q αOひひひNqつコひOひααN{m の』[【の    犠 < < く く < く く く < く < く く く く < く く く く < く 〈 く く く く ぐ く く く く く < < く <   . 臼   £℃娼o      乞旧O口Oの的…芒=9 Oα0ひうトひ0ασ◎ひoαQo0ひ⇔00OぴひO 冖Oひα N釟ひO 寸Oひひ 略Oひα OぴひO トOαひ 0αひ90 ぴOαひ 〇一ぴひ 州一αひ N一αα m【αa 寸【釟ひ 嶋一 ひ 〇一ひひ ト一αα o一ひαQ ひ一ひひ OσぴN n軌ひO 一囚 ぴ NぴひN 卩Nぴα%寸N ひ 頃咽ぴα OぴぴN トNひひ oαひQN αNひ0 Oひひon 一8α N笛ぴひ 溢o珊     くりOO b丶 賄ミ ひd【くm ひN国く ひN{H< d凶イ「αN【<m α咽 < ひN凶く ひN < α【αく魯αN箇く αNρく勾ひd口く ひN国く ひ創国く ひN笛く α斜箇く αN自く自αNρく自ひN自く自ひN自く自ひ個口<⊇ひdρ<Q ひN凶く αNくqコαd < αN醗く ひNく詮 α創凶く ひN餡く ひd口く 軌N囗く自 αN鉛くαN餡くひN廸く ひN【<m 釟Nα<コ Nくp口 扁巴o≧       芟自9   ス 【 一 一 【 冖鳬 り 五肖くの〇旨邸のの.        ぐくP)qミ、 ひ鳩oひ 咽ρくD箕OゆO  m<Dpq OひひN口くOOdαひd的くOoomひα創口くO⊇Qo寸0αひNρ<0コ9いゆDひひN口くO自燈り0ひ軌四m【〈9 トリ0ααmく9qコ◎りOひひNくDq○口ひゆQひひNロ<oコO卜oααq口くσ トQひひN<OqqN卜QひひN口くO自n卜0ひひm国く0 寸卜QひひN【<◎m いト0ひぴd国くつ O卜QααN【<Qm 卜卜DαひNρ<Qq ◎卜DひひN<oqoq ひトQひひN[<つm Oαα創国くoOQo〇〇ぴぴN薗く〇ロ Nαぴ軌NαくOつコQ 笛αひαN鹸くDO5寸Oαひ 軸ロくpDコOひひNりゆ自<Q○q Oαひα創m門く0⊃0トQひひNロ<oコQo0αひ創幽く5σ0QDひO獻 N口<qoDoO軌αα軌a餡く9OひひN国くQo囚ひQひφN【<om ひDひ 四m【<Q 寸ひロ象Nαくっ勳αoα軌N口〈D⊇ oo   <Z嵩o⇒ぴoのO         (o⇒ト)℃、NNり (o⇒巳h丶臥Oり (のコ匕丶O、臥 (o口」じ筋『O“り(o⇒ト)O「もNり  (o頃←)OQり (o⊃」じO、qQQりQ 訪⇔ト)h、◎ho 砺⇒臼)O、QDh   (の鶤卜)hQ   (の=旨)NO   (の頃』)qNQ(の⇒匕h丶価℃ (o二←)h℃h唖N (Q⊃←)OやNうN (の⇔臼)ヤ鱈触も (の⇒H)丶O』O (o⇒←)N賦OうO (ロ⇒日)丶Nヘ昏O (白⇒卜)丶もO℃り (o⇒匕h跡O℃り (の⇒日)O丶ooNm (しこ⊃」h臥、DQり (o⇒旨)O丶』OりD (o⇒ト)丶h喝Oう (o⇒ト)O臥O賄彊   (o)頃][NつNh(Q⇒ト)O臥O偽り(o⊃こOヤ、q」D暦(し⇒←)q臥「始り(の)⊃臼N賄OO(ヒの⇒℃も腎始 (o)O⇒臼hりOQo(o⇒ト)QOりNqQQ (の=卜)丶 (の)=旨  (の=←)偽 覧赫邸90    , 壱H卩oo 戴ドミミひ或ミミか§貯ミ戴榊ミミ戴鯉奪ミ軌ゆ臥諠泡或曹ミ舮ミ導ミかミミミ 駄℃』善駄℃臥羮、ヤ§う瀞ミ奪ミ 覊曹ミ.かミミミ.斜戴ミミ.か£ミミ、紳或曹ミ蝿ド曹ミ或ド貯ミ £ミミミミミ 罰蝿曹ミ.恩攴ミミ眇戴ミミ眇ミ蕁ミり卜℃譲或熱壱ミ、或』貯ミ黷舮曹ミ罰蝿曹ミ,ト或ミミ葭』ミミ禽瀞曹ミ 民略も臥謹ヤ丶韓軌N ヤま臥餮 コ の > 凄 凄電麺 電 瞭蔑電 更幾 弋 電 電 更更頑国嗹窺 電霞睫 霞 顛更電 醸更睚 o =] 』 [ ε℃翹蜘唱舞頬耄嘱糞o×o嚏o・qqo曽oq。oooqのP][屈唱易唱嘱謂つ〉9旨ooo語の口o霞o勢Ho⇒ooq.o §冨o自o    凋膏畄℃琵堂国図国禺6霞⇒邸汐邸蠱OO莓ユ.、.q    調瑁0莞℃個販短堂口hoり毫目蝿 oo口邸画邸6・、O.高鵞差ε】≧三O℃蜀堂=『ouu詮≡邸邸目゜OO壽血帽−ハ昏帆、   』三M唄‘』←h<oo〇3≧嬉旨O日oゴOo莓匹吋−5.“    』着羸蜀ゐΣ[=旨h〇OおO面)OO日ヨ5壽ロ邸−、..  交凋く凋N芝ロ眉屈日三〇屋嚢鳴撃図口 ほq醴口笥町oo.      品Σマ図団目bOO信O⇔ 豊Oρ占隊津莓oいD      謂図唱哨){図日βb毒津6自O◎b口Oあ6曾O−o幻.のΩ      謂呂唱咽會当口島出≧σ盞O◎口Oば2−D帆Db0D              図栃咽唱【〉砺嘱OO>邸 u=っ   哨順絹剛N囚≧ロ鵞屈日ヨ‘O日田×N口×漏Ooq紹ゴづqDO界。  出三酬NΣρ后滋日三Q后日×N自壽5凋ゆq5口識O、     幽く図訓】『8o?oの籌日5ゴo艮q邸畠邸oハ.0     覇咽ブ[O)[「9肖ヨ日§紹日ロコ口酪壽ロ邸−..“     着uZρ‘O『田営自OO壽b邸づづ口螂二鳴o−qD、.     誠署綴渚ρ‘り踊駕霑昌目OOあおo,づ讙畠−.廻.、     ‘咽寓岩冨の図調O『蓐OOO毒嘗O塩⇒壽画邸−..o.     ‘順露濁o量謂Q醇εo?げ目日o切摩自匹自..  着乞唱<当謂日陛葛自&霞の⇔磊O日O5OO器匹−o.ハ.     二唱出眉追弖隔二‘旨ho〇o邸的5〇o日訌帽−.邑い      量○Zρ‘Qh帽只声日O臼駆b邸,5日遂吋−oハ.^       盲律マ図出口5=OOロO酢⇔囗邸邸O』O−Qの.D.        冒胴で図図目駈6o口o津b鳴邸o』o・D、帆q 眉マ呂ρ‘勲Q昌≧ρ団莓。6¢OO昌劬信O門ヨ謬hつDobOり晶,、o        三霹一ブ【』‘Qhの幽O轟bロゴ爭昌邸島邸o、.              唱QO麟むゴb面do.2o0      日屈薊幽o【ρ盃ε=Q日⇒σ自O口目O O鳥う、.       幽℃ま』=謂Q図コ畆壽ゴo⇒ oぱo』o−、        ヨρ曾℃η畷Q図甲螽OO鴬6皀Oっ−G帆.        冒{唱)【】信=boo口o酢b自6−−oo、20  三嘱髱≧咽磊出β扇当』Q『r龕日 霞⇒O龕紆り−臨.   ぢ鶯超筥語磊麟】≧鼠『O出譱口鬯5艮ぼ匐山帽驫.     三甲匿唱鬣鬣的FO∈ ロ切覊芻翰口Oあ司雲O−−、.5      】唱=‘Q冨属富b心西⇒O日邸ロ“O 豊O−o.            (た竜霞ぢq&ミ嚇 の..     (環ミミqの.    (Oミ躄§亀 ℃鎖謂順冩一む一」。。8冨自ゴロo8。おooo田薗く目>O。。。“、q9磚相ヨ写咽憲賓拐口目×oの・臼oΦお器日帽qo。o 昼ω 日邸霜o已弱                   隅脚ミミ弼軌qりO會自NO.  蹇寸ミ鬟弋緊辷紐幅蝕らO織O象勉語〉りO壁ミ嚇,. 斡一§《選芍避園亀薯幅慾らo魯9軸紹〉り§睾軸、, 頃N起ミ弋慧避踏鮎織O亀2恕冓〉偽q魯亀ミ艶o転鴨−,. Nミミ書弋卜ミB鑓園らO魯辷ミ唱時>h§Nミ魅,. 一腕竜磯選弋園遷嘉這、託電ら魯o」鵯お〉喃o魯9む、.  壷竜選避N鬥ミδ団、芍ミ謡9嵩鑓電ミ詰冫り量9蠱ー,,  【肖£壷竜竃是『N竜ミ嵩k鳶陵qミ蔚>ho蹇墅恥辱−,.叩く国函O図ミ程避、、慾層砺ミ嵩O嚇り詔〉喝q§o曳賜,.門<国畄O図ミ竜、弋丶電黯§o軸『お>ho量誌電−. 7〈乙唄=⇔ミ選、醍潤お〉電砧霙§o黷ヒo登螽.、=<り自=Oミ違避『崗託ミ髦竈o黯>ho魯ミ勉−,.Nマ〈Z頃Q黌鵞畷、軸ミ唱リミ試O噂h毎〉隔O登OいH.k.               囚壽鎗団ミミ篭ミ8.               H喫穐関煙l勉リミミ毘ミ.               d隔遷N「鮎%ミ鴨ミミI.               n嚇遵嘱『勉偽鎚舶ミミI.               一団も鴬ミ弓螽qミ.               d団も鱈ミ噂謹噂ミ、               一噸母型執軸砺ミ勅嵩OO−,               q遵是『£勉物霞勉O−.               寸曝起団執嚇隔竃鴨嵩OO−.                一丶、詮亡OO穎鋤斟.                、掣咽髭之OO鍵船冫、                嶋、鴇層廴濟へ畑OO轟−O.           四兆§心一蝦Nミ心嚇「O鴨隔腎鴨鴫.           O嘱ミ崎嘱蝦鴇ミ喝嚇「Oいりq恥鴇I.           ぴミ嶋嘱§心蔑嚇NNO塾りO働りI.N         7ミ唱ミ、蘭隣ミN韓ミ謹qミO晦,         マミq§心 ミNミ唱ミ勉りミNO.         一§心塙園、ミミ嵩瓊転O』邸〉O勉『ーQ..               N、、園ミ鴇噛幅ミ轄ミ,.               〔、、『〜、、ミミqミー.                  囚園毘らミq犠,                  い嶺ミら墅u駄.                        一oコ9』bゴOqDq暑)ε者嵳園鳥ミ黽囂魯q§ミ唱切⇒口 め田O噂ミ弼臥高ミ角、曳ρ)一一≧ミ団智O噛ミミq『9=口Oコ 日越り黛鋤9鞄曽90囗d6..oぐ琶)=螽網ぢ誌。gミミq゜き。bの僑詮ミ遣墅魯・・.D. [ 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestyefo rSociety for PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 90 APG Vbl.58 A,heietvmpoicles sew) var. heterompoides C v r1 A.heterotmpoides ee} { var, manctshuricum Eiilliii . tohokuense [ ;4ttf/ttt A. 500km i - FIG.1. The distributi oofn each taxon and geographic race, and the lecaliti eosf samples examined in thi sstudy. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics November 2007 YAMAJI et al. : crpDNA ofAsarzam sect. Asiasarum 91 rzpsi6 intron ,psbC-tmSIF and psbC-tmSIR fbr Results psbC-tmaS (UGA) imergeni csequence CNishiz a&wa Watano 2000). We used the fo11owin gthermocycle The trnL (UAA) intron ,i:ps16 intron, and protoco l1: cycle of2 min at 94e C, 30 cycles of 1.5 psbC-trnS (UGA) intergen ircegion from species 94eC,2 48"C,3 720C, 1 in Asiasarum 445-446bp,207bp min at min at min at and sect. were and , cy cl e of 1 5 m in a t 7 2 o C. The PCR reactson rnixture 299-306 bp in Iength ,respectively. Among them, consisted of 10xEx-[la qBuffer (TaKaR a5) pL, there were fbur nucleotide substitutions and three dNTP mix (TaKaRa 4) FL, fbrward primer (10 indel swere observed (Fi g2.), Among the fbur pmolXpL) 1 pL, reverse primer (10 pmol!pL) 1 pL, nucleotide substitutions, two were autapomorphic; Ex-Taq (TtLKa RO.a2)5 pL, DMSO 5 pL, D,D,W, the other twe were phylogenetical liynfbrmative. 32.5 pL, and template DNA 1.25 pL. PCR prodncts Among the thre eindels t,wo were poly A and poly were separated from other byproducts using 1% T tracts ,and they were excluded from the phyloge- TAE agarose gel electrophoreses. The desire dbands netic analyses because of their possible parallel were cut out and purifie udsing GFXTM PCR DNA evolution caused by their high mutation rates and Gel Band Purificatio Knit (Amersha bmiotech). (Prov aetn al. 2001). In the MP analyses ef the cpDNA sequences, Sequencing the PCR products we obtained only one most-parsimonious tree with We sequenced the purifi ePdCR product susing 39 steps. The censistency index (CI )excluding the BigDye Terminato rver. 3.1 Cycle Sequencing uninfbrmative characters was 1.00 (Fi g3,). We Kit Model31OO (Appliedhavedefinedfburtypes(typAe-D) and automated sequencer within sect. Biosystems), fbllowin tghe manufacturer's instruc- Asiasarum (Fig s2,. 3). Type A was placed in the tions, We used the same primers as those used for basal assemblage of sect. Asiasanim. Type B, type ainplification, The sequences were aligned manually C+D, and type D fbrmed monophyletic clades, respectively, arid type C was placed in basa lassem- Pdylogeneticanalysis blage of the monophyletic clade C+D, Types A, Phylogenet ireelationships were analyzed using B, C, and D include 4d, 7, 4, and 3 taxa, respec- the maximum-parsimony (MP) method (Swofft)rtdively A.mong the 13 taxa and one geographic race, 2004). For all the analyses, we used PiALU P4.0b1O 1O taxa were ofa single type. The remaining three (Swoffb 2r0d04), AII characters were weighted taxa and one geographi crace were ofmore than one equally, Indels were binary-code dTh.e MP analyses type; Asanum patens (Yamal cYi L)ee was of type A were conducted through a heurist iscearch with a and B while A. sieboldii £ sieboldii, A, het- TBR branch-swappin goption. In each analysis, erotropoides var. seoulense KOREA andA. versi- 100 rounds of random sequence additions were color were recognized as types B and C, In com- performed to identif myultiple island sof equally parison with the MP consensus tree of the ITS most parsimonious trees (Maddiso nl991), sequences (Yarna etj ial. 2007c; Fig. 3) ,correspon- Bootstra panalysjs (Felsens t1e9i85n) with 1000 dence between the fbur types and the eight ITS replications and 100 rounds of random sequence ribotype wsere examined. All types corresponded to additions fbr each replication was perfbrmed using more than one ribotyp Tey.pe A corresponded with the same program. ribotypes P and M because in samples with typ eA haplotypeA,. R Asarum patens contained ribotype heterotropoid vears. seoulense CHINA, var. mand- shuricum, A. misancb"um contained ribotype Ps and NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocieityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmioastics 92 APG VbL 58   − り  【    ε   崔 9 吟 [ 1 臼 臼 臼 白 9 白 臼 臼 白 臼 臼 口 誠   &      臼 臼 白 白 白 臼 臼 臼 白 白 臼 葛 の   8」       臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 日 日 日 臼 。 牽   H   白 臼 白 白 』 臼 臼 白 白 白 臼 箱     繧(〈Oh 一り O α 一 II II臼  Il − II II − II Il II II II II II ー II II II II II lI II III − 1ー く− 謡II 団− くー 頑− 頑ー く− くー く− く− く1 宅の器順を蓉    じ 臼 臼 臼臼 白 臼臼 臼 臼 臼白 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼ー 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼 臼臼 日1 臼臼 白 臼白 臼臼 白臼 白白 臼臼 白日 白臼 臼臼 臼臼 。崑冨』    り、鬟 臼9 臼』 』白 白臼 臼臼 臼』 旨臼 臼白 臼臼 巳白 臼白 申白 臼申 臼』 白白 臼臼 臼臼 白』 白』 臼』 臼』 白白 臼臼 臼臼 臼日 臼臼 臼白 臼臼 日白 臼臼 臼臼 日白 日白 臼臼 臼臼 臼臼 臼臼 冠。o・ ρの弓   も心鴨へ mo 白臼臼臼8臼臼 白白臼臼臼臼臼 白日白白日白』 臼臼臼臼白自白 白臼臼臼臼臼臼 白白白』臼臼臼 白臼臼臼臼臼臼 白申白臼臼臼臼 白白臼臼臼臼臼 白白白臼臼白』 白日臼臼臼臼臼 白日白臼日白臼 白白臼臼臼臼臼 白白臼白日白日 白白臼臼臼臼白 白白臼臼臼臼臼 白白白白日白日 白白白白日白日 臼臼臼臼臼臼臼 臼臼臼臼臼臼臼 白臼白臼臼臼臼 臼臼臼白白臼白 臼白臼臼白日白 臼日白白白臼白 白臼白白日日白 臼白日白日臼臼 』臼白白臼臼臼 』』臼白臼白白 』白臼白臼臼白 』臼白日白日白 臼』臼白白白白 白申白臼白白臼 臼臼臼臼臼臼臼 』臼日白日日白 臼白白申白白白 日白白臼白白白 臼』白日白臼臼 の塁の8宕昌.蕾富慧冒。         省凋目2 一 属oの 磊器    凶 uuu uuouuuo uuuuuuuouuu 臼 驀 。   O 甑 彦  竃 り   野 月。q   th th wn oo ψ ooooooo ooeeooooooo o く ()oo ooo 〔Dooooooo g饕 。§   尸anO < < < く く o < く く く く く く く く 眉(ヨ    薗O ひ一 く−1 くくl くくく くくー くくー くくー くくー くくく くくー くく1 <くー <くー くくー <く1 <くー ぐくー くくー <くー くくーくくー くく1 くくー く‘1 くくー くくー く頑1 くくく くくく くくく くくく <<く 鵡ぐく <<く くくぐ くくく くくく く試く <O巳ヨ。」。目      お く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く ぐ く く く く く く く く く く 《 ‘ く く ‘ く く く 司 ‘ 惣 で  . ヨ く く く く く く く く く く く く く < く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く く ‘ ミ 。N 丕 →縄§ くくく くくく 両ぐく くくく くくく 褐くく 《<く くくく くくく くくく くくく くくく ぐぐく <<< 紀<< ぐぐく くくく くくく くくく くぐく くくく くくく くくく くくく くくく くくく くくく くくく ‘く‘ くくく くくく 団くく くくく くくく くくく くく団 くくく も南 且闘8 量 じOPt くO くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく << くく くく くく くく くく くく く鵡 くく く罵 くく くく くく くく << くく くく くく くく くく くく くく くく ℃ミ。捻三 −  H  U  U  O UUUOUUO く く く く u 〔丿 uU 〔丿 uuuuuuuuuuu 自口o.蕁.冩ち←゜・ 仁 弩 唱 三 鍠 ω自 熈 ミ  ●口9  h 還皀劬鼠 =〈乙=O、黯§§黥−【〈QミNZ【=笛隷謹霙−  鐸黛蕊竜ミむ§ミ−  ゜一蕊竜暑ミ彗§ミ・−              一ミ,寸ミ ー                驅   .        マミミ                                                                               寸℃Nミ§軸oり勉爰蚰嚇1 n【選き遷§鎗ら爰黷選避な§蝕らミ卜N隱ミ§銀むo象− H【隱ミ俺電h勉0象唱「−9. ミε蹇月蕁辷砺口ミミ竃.卜⇒くゐ且a蒭98碁O莞一旦冒も出亳駈 日話o」。 3叨≡ ミ魯贈ミミ嵩ミ,、翰黛蚰9鞄這q9, 鴇ミミ島魯, 選避遷ミ頴〉りミ龕oN,選避 戞§ミ〉物o爵,選芯ミ§ミ頴>h旻,竜避摘鐙題驀〉りo建,    N 憩ミミ黛唱ミー. ミ唱鵜ミ心暑ミ謹唱ミO偽.ミ嘱、丶心措N惻遣ミo唱蜜」o燭向,   N隱悩黛ミミミ,.   oミ塙ミミミ電ミ「,.  .              認.            ..  躍   H咢ミ心ぎqミ−.   酬罨ミq蠧竪ミ−. 措ミ“聡嵩ミO匂口邸〉O吟.    一蕊ベミ嚇賄寵勉O,.   N蕊弋ミ動hミ勉O−.   寸蕊弋ミ軸町障塾O,.   マミ靂幅嚇物霞層ミ.   Nミ謹、動偽ミ勉ミ−.   【豊恕 勉寵障嵩ミうー.、、弋鳶判g訂〉り笛o魯9触軸軸.隱き隔毘註〉むo§ミ.選き制§魯蠧〉りo要.隱ミN無鵠〉旨o量龕.選べ琶お転電〉吻9龕賠. 嵩団『もぢ。の遣ミ菱舅8.嘉鵞岩頓ち盤坊の。} 嬌它ε名←霞o∈日Φ・ぎ。 靄 丶 団 、 関 曳 図 丶 隅 『 N 園 洩 側愁 園 『 団 『 曳 『 『 『 『 園 黒 『 「 の ヨ。 量 。 。 ←殳 巳 巴 鵞 昌o < 酸 9 自 冫,白 霎   岩」◎o 呂。 。象 。艮 ζ巴 No.ε 驀 o ← 旨 起 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  SSeerrvivoeice TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocieityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmioastics November  2007 YAMAJI  et al.:cpDNA  ofAsaruni  sect. Asiasanum 93 、.− qo 的o 些 98  お 鷺 曾   三 で 3 壱   も嵩ミ、ち巷のo 經覃32 謹ρ。露oコ      目o 莓℃ ℃   一一一 ■一一「一一瞬一一一゜ 紹お 』o 自o 書盛    『篭蓬勉へIーーI−Iー1II1I,IIIll111  :鼕籠丶聽電’『竃舅.鬘・電」理ミミ隔豸711靉電・’『§ミ1§簡麸.、『ミ鼕ミ鹽 ,趨竜蔑「§黜ミくミ罎〉〜鹽.  耄Q鐚{「お嵩o霙〉鹽L   心冨蔑黛P躄嵩o塁お〉一「IIP11II    一IlI 選避弋篭嘉瓸黌軌智ミお〉...〔)昼着鬻= 吋− 一■Iー監r■■,III冒             II一IIlIIIIlI…  IIIl   一             1        IーーI−III11−IlIlI1IIIIIII 丶紐『』OO艶勉臣1「匹1■I−」l.1II1II1IlIll 一腎               脚III■−犀lI■−III のヒ<Z」⊆O、刈唱℃甥くZち告芝莓駑〔【β目oo日oり吋云号o壽o。 鵞一』(O[纛ざO一岩沼>o冒〉ロお器邸曾oO〉1ロOD..1.qoρτ‘煽石ゼεQト=替5←特おo0昌8帽尾ωo8oロ8doの蒼暇で奮書←2口o畧q霞8靈自o窪0唱q勢o8o.                       I ミ靄一Q)11呂防 目ooo   困寒魯嵩qミq嵩§k.蝕、り黛逼9り嵩魅U.、潤ミ嵩塁碕§. ←Ω征」Φα〉O  9←蓙ΩΦα〉Oっ− きコ蘆ΣΦqO ←Ω漫尸工Φα〉O dエ←蓙Φα〉O−D ≧⊃蓙尸〉 αO d←£>配Φα〉O−,−1−− ←⊇←匡Φα〉O ヨ葛て←団q8のミミq顎8⇔当げo.0ひnも環窃2#。8O目崙巴雪O幽。 三τ=唱‘醤でロb目o。o。ロロ・ ×oコoワ魯幻.og弓屓o鎖唱弓崙霪]目琴Qoのo0り9                の D ( 口   のH 口o o 鳴8   鬥 眺 卜OO   弓島冒O.母.<Z#O    く の8 竃   客∩ 口 魅 &  < di O a qo 曁暦 絹               ΦQ>                                ΦQ〉 ・.                          Φ(>Zs                          ΦQ> 唱唱日o 寄嘱げ 。コちタ厳 勹函のoo       一 一一  ト        一  一 一  一  ト一一  一        r − 一ト 一               駑o 邸q 豁 員8  .        唖『、跫助qミ購L嵩ミ,Nリミ嚇Q鞄鳶q9. 魚ミ§謹『            ℃団ミミqへ.    一<Z[【=Q、凝到嚇賽触謎O塾輸]邸匪1」., 一一<ブ[【国りミ凝層Qヒミ潭O旬賜」邸臣1ロ,、一   円<乞O心心NH=関勉いO鮎ひ旨d}ミ誌1.....    四一虻骨髭弋「ミ嵩」嵩黛唱ミ旨“〉ー...    m【畏ミ竜畷「ミ謹嵩ミ唱幅ミ国〉ー,..         凶ミ魯関ミ謎qミー.「        N層靼吻霜qへ−,  N織繕、鴫黒唱魅、喝謹理鞄OりO角.  Oミ丶心嘱℃、嶋蝿鎚鞋N『OりO動り, マ丶哨ミ、喝蝕団ミ、ミ唱訪りqミO『. 寸ミ嘱魅、南摘環ミ鞄ミ嵩9ミO恥吻ーq,α噸っ      ミミN潤周隔丶ミ瀧qミ,.      n鴬、軸黯団Nミ養ミq,.N<国匡O)【丶醍団軸り隆曽嵩O嚇h詰冫I一,..      .  邑 . , 姫   .      ”..「           腎  瞳砧曜』..     繊  .靆.将        四ミ『嚇、Oり甓鋤き1. 一、暹丶嶋蝕団Nミ嵩鳶ミ執O匂』σ}Ohー5., ひ隔滝丶喝罵U、丶喝叙『鵜O嚇Oり1,め〈国匡O)【丶べ団軸りお〉匿軌諱O嚇吻ー..,       一、鴛乗廴O0k>■q9.o 「       り、幅団臥O0りkり斧19,の喝      【ミ壷団&一嚇リミ効O1.     囚蕊壷ε団鴨リミ軸O−,     寸噸虻層幅聾頃竃嚇戔oo−.,      一N遷N園恥蹇勉黛ミ−.     N蕊 驚憶鴨硫窯効袋ミI.σ℃     m蕊「つ蝕N舶り寒謎ミ−、寸却鳶鴨醍べ潤N軸鴨o§」嚇嚇』邸〉o−k...9書覧醍醍「島ミら&ミ勉詰〉...い咽善だ弋蚕驚鳥竜§oも慧冫−..卜N善芍“蚕驚篭ミ§oもお〉−..【m竜苓是弋園昼芍り魯oミ詰〉−,., Z<Oqo篇ρ順冨#馬Σεno・8qω目o。時臼日oO。8。Q..勧哨嘱(<O巳リ6翰℃廿、⇔口oo』o5δミ栽日}0 唱勹閣哨瑟」ロ諺 』旨o N蟹垂ののO8諱っコ5』肩ちヨ騨鬟日罨団ぢΦ器ミミ臼自oQ曽罨閉..丶触ヨ冒鴇戯鵯魅ミq蠧電ミo自o。o畠o0亀。.5Qoo り℃ 畄 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 94 APG Xio1.58 M. Similarly t,ype B corresponded to ribQtypes R S, is widely distribut eond the Korean Peninsula ,in M, Vl, V2, and T, type C corresponded to ribotypes western Honshu, Japan, and in central and eastern R S, M, Vl, and V2, and typ eD corresponded to China, but broad sympatry with other taxa occurs ribotype sM, Hl, H2, and T, only on the Korean Peninsula .By contrast, taxa Asarum maniyamae is a putative hYbrid with- with a single haplotyp ewere allopatric or parapatric, in sect. Asiasarum, Its phylogeneti pcositio nwas mainly in the Japanese Archipelag oand northeast- remarkably diffbre bnettween cpDNA and ITS trees. ern China. It shared the typ eB haplotyp ewith A, sieboldii f Overlappin gdistribution scan result in intro- sieboldii, althoughA. siebogdii f sieboldii fbrrne da gressiv ehybridizatio nbetween species of sect, monephyletic clade with A. tohokuense and A. Asiasartt mI.TS polymerphisms presumably caused mikuniense in the ITS tree. Although A. het- by introgress ihvyebridizati woenre also recognized erotropoides var. heterotropoid sehsowed compar- arnong the taxa distribut eidn these areas, although atively larg evariation in it sITS sequences, all five the ITS sequences were rather consistent with the samples of this taxon had the same type D haplo- taxonomic boundarie s(Yarna ejt ial. 2007c) ,The type. ITS sequences are considered to be stabilized by backcrossin tgo one of the parenta lspecies and by Discussion (Aguilar consequent concerted evolution et al, 1999), whereas chloroplast capture might some- Our results showed intraspeci pfoilcymorphism times refiect past hybridization (Wolf &e Elisens in chloroplast sequences in 4 of 13 taxa and one 1995). geographic race: Asarutn patens, A. sieboldii f All taxa except Asarum misandrum with a sieboldii, A, heterotropoi dvaers. seoulense KOIUIA, type A haplotyp eoccur on the Eurasia nContinent. and A. versicolor. In the MP tree of cpDNA Asar"tn misandrum has obviously spread from sequences these taxa were scattered across more southern Korea rather recently because ofits limit- than one typ eM.oreover, the tree topologies ofthe ed distribut iion nJapan and because it has the same cpDNA and ITS sequences cannot be simply com- ITS sequence as A, heterotropoid evsar. mand- pared because all the types in cpDNA phylogeny shuricum and var, seoulense (Yarn eat jali, 2007c). corresponded with more than one ribotype. Since the type A haplotypes are placed in a basal In many plants ,chloroplast polymorphisms positio nse,ct. Asiasarum is speculated to have orig- across two or more taxa and incongruenc eofphy- inate don the Eurasia ncontinent and spread te the logeneti creticulations between cpDNA and ITS Japanese Archipelag oT.he conclusions from obser- trees are considered to be caused by chloroplast vation of the ITS sequences coincide with those capture fbllowing hybridizatio (nTsitr oent eat, (Yama jeti at. 2007c), 2003). In sect, Asiasarum ,chloroplast capture sup- One of the putativ heybrids ,Asarum maraya- posedly is extensive. The chloroplast polymor- mae, is distribut eind a restricted areu of Shimane phisms appear to be related to the patter nofdistri- Prefectur ewe,stern Honshu (Yarn aetj ail. 2007b). butio nofthe taxa (Fi g1.) .The taxa with more than The phylogeneti pcositio nof these plant sbased on one haplotyp eare sympatrically distribut eond the the cpDNA obviously differ sfrom the position Korean Peninsul a(Yamak eit al, 1996, Yamaji et al. inferre fdiro tmhe ITS tree. These putativ heybrids 2007c); A. patens ,A, heterotTopoid vears: seoulense contain the same cpDNA haplotyp eas A, sieboldii f KOREA, and A. versicolor are endemic to the sieboldii, A. sieboldii f maculatum (Naka Yia)rnaji, Korean Peninsula w,hereas A. siebotdii f sieboldii andA, dimidiatu mF. Maek., but notA. tohokuense NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics November 2007 YAMAJI et al.: cpDNA ofAsarum sect. Asiasarum 95 and A. mikuniense. Because chloroplast genomes are between the 'Okuezo-type' race andA. het- maternally inherited in a majority of the erotropoides var. seoulense. The sample belonging angiosperms (Mogense 1n996) ,A. marayamae is to the 'Hidaka-type' had the same haplotype D, therefb rceonsidered to be a hybrid derive dfrem which was not assignable to A. heterotropoic vlare.s crosses between A. sieboldii f sieboldii as the seoulense (KOREA and CHINA) but to A. maternal paren tand A. mikuniense or A. tohokuense tohokuense and A. mikuniense. The chloroplast as the paterna plarent. genomes ofA, heterotmpoide vsar, heterotmpoicles The putative paternal parents, Asarum were possibl yintroduce fdromA, tohokuense or A. tohokuense and A. mikuniense, from eastern and mikuniense. [Ib clarify past ehloroplast capture, it nonhern Honslni a,nd high altitu dareeas ofnonhern would be usefu1 to determin ewhether thes especies Kanto, do havedifferentiated intheir byinves- respectively, not occur sympatrically or not cpDNA with A, marayamae. The putativ meaternal parent, tigating an extended region of the cpDNA, A. sieboldii f sieboldii, which is widely distrib- uted in central and western Honshu, Korea, and We thanl Dcr H, Ohashi for providmg valuable advic eWe. central and western China, does occur with A. are also indebted to Drs. J. Endo and T, Nakarriura of the maivyamae (Fi g1,; Yamaji et al. 2007b). Asarum SIcsiheinncoema Ukni Sievnesrhsui tUyn iovfe Troskiyto y,a,nd D Hrs.. N aTk, aNi eomfo [tIobh okouf is the mikuniense rather plausibl eas matemal parent Universit yfbr advice. Thanks are also due to Messrs. because the narrow calyx throat is common in A. M. Tatiak aM,. Sumita ,Y Mizuno and many people in the mavayamae (Yarn eat jaLi 2007a, b), Since the dis- town of Samani for providin gfaciliti eansd, Messer R. tributio nofA. marayamae does not overlap with A. Tbya for collecting samples in Japan .We are indebte dto tohokuense and A. mikuniense, which are rather Messrs .K. Choi, J. Yang, J ,Kirn, S. Lee, S. Jo and S. Park boreal A. of Kyung-Pook National Universit yfbr fiel dwork in species, niarayamae possibly originated Kerea, This study was partl ysupported by a Grant-in-Aid from a relic population of the paterna lparent. frorn the Ministr yofEducation, Culture ,Sports S,cience, Asarum tohokuense and A. mikuniense may have and Technology ofJapan to MM. migrated durin gglacia clycles, as suggested by pat- tems in some alpine and cool temperate plants References (Fii ejt iali. 2002, Fajii & Senni 2006, Ikeda & Setoguchi2006). Aguilar, J.E, J.A. Rossello & G. N. Feliner.1999. In contrast, hybridizatio nevents involving Nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA )concerted evolu- Asarum heterotropoid evasr. heterotmpoide wsere tion in natural and artifieial hybrid sofArmeria (PlumbaginaceMoaLe)E.col,8:1341-1346. inferred from both rnorphological characteristics Ch e n g, C. Y & C. S. Yang. 1983 . 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