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Hybrid Systems and Multi-energy Networks for the Future Energy Internet PDF

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Hybrid Systems and Multi-energy Networks for the Future Energy Internet Yu Luo National Engineering Research Center of Chemical Fertilizer Catalyst (NERC-CFC), Fuzhou University, Fujian, China Yixiang Shi Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Ningsheng Cai Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, United Kingdom 525 B Street, Suite 1650, San Diego, CA 92101, United States 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organi- zations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experi- ence broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluat- ing and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instruc- tions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-12-819184-2 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher: Brian Romer Acquisitions Editor: Lisa Reading Editorial Project Manager: Chris Hockaday Production Project Manager: Prasanna Kalyanaraman Designer: Victoria Pearson Typeset by Thomson Digital Acknowledgments The authors would like to appreciate the support and contribution of Prof. Lilong Jiang, the director of National Engineering Research Center of Chemical Fertilizer Catalyst (NERC-CFC) on Chapter 6. Prof. Lilong Jiang shared his insightful views, interdisciplinary thinking, and comprehensive vision, which help us open our mind and have a new understanding about the potentials of ammonia (NH ) as a clean and efficient energy carrier. The authors would also 3 like to appreciate the contribution of Yi Zheng from the Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University on Chapters 8 and 9. The authors would like to appreciate the support from the Beijing Natural Science Foundation Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Project (JQ18009), the National Youth Talent Support Program, and the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2014CB249201). ix Chapter 1 Introduction Yu Luoa, Yixiang Shib and Ningsheng Caib aNational Engineering Research Center of Chemical Fertilizer Catalyst (NERC-CFC), Fuzhou University, Fujian, China; bDepartment of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 1.1 World energy Energy is one of the most significant basis of human activities. The history of energy transitions reflects the history of the development of human society. As science and technologies develop rapidly, industrialization implements and the human population booms, an increasing amount of energy is needed to produce food, offer clean potable water, process raw materials, support communica- tions, lighting and mobile devices, etc., in order to satisfy the requirement for comfortable and diversified lifestyles. The original form of energy is a resources existing in nature, which is called as the primary energy sources. The common primary energy sources include fossil fuels, hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy, etc. Table 1.1 summarizes the global primary energy consumption by energy source in 2018 and the expected one in 2050 released by Energy Information Adminis- tration (EIA) from US Department of Energy [1]. In 2018, global energy struc- ture is still dominated by fossil fuels, that is, coal, natural gas, petroleum, etc. The use of fossil fuels accounts for more than 80% of global primary energy consumption, reaching 5.23 × 1011 GJ. About 15% of global primary energy consumption, that is, 9.8 × 1010 GJ, is attributed to renewable energy, and nu- clear energy accounts for less than 5% of global primary energy consumption (3.0 × 1010 GJ). According to the EIA’s prediction [1], global primary energy consumption in 2050 will rise by almost a half to 9.53 × 1011 GJ, in which renewable energy will rise rapidly by ∼3% per year in the coming decades. In 2050, the global renewable energy consumption is expected to climb up by 2.68 folds to 2.63 × 1011 GJ, exceeding any other primary energy sources. Coal, natural gas, and liquid fossil fuels (represented by petroleum) are ex- pected to rise only by 11%, 43%, and 22% to 1.88 × 1011 GJ, 2.08 × 1011 GJ and 2.54 × 1011 GJ, respectively. Relatively slow increase leads to the shares in total primary energy consumption dropping by 6.3%, 0.3%, and 5.5%. Even so, fossil fuels are still expected to account for almost 70% of global primary Hybrid Systems and Multi-energy Networks for the Future Energy Internet. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819184-2.00001-8 1 Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Hybrid Systems and Multi-energy Networks for the Future Energy Internet TABLE 1.1 Global primary energy consumption in 2018 and their expectation in 2050 [1]. Realized primary energy Expected primary energy consumption in 2018 consumption in 2050 Energy Quantity Quantity sources (billion GJ) Share (%) (billion GJ) Share (%) World total 651 100 953 100 Renewables 98 15.1 263 27.6 Nuclear 30 4.6 40 4.2 Natural gas 145 22.2 208 21.9 Coal 169 26.0 188 19.7 Petroleum 209 32.1 254 26.6 and other liquids energy consumption in 2050. Overall, carbon-free energy sources are playing a more and more significant role in the future energy consumption, but fossil fuels will still dominate in the global energy structure. EIA also summarized the global end-use energy consumption by sector and end-use fuel in 2018 and the expected one in 2050 as shown in Table 1.2 [1]. Whenever at present or in the future, industrial sector always accounts for more than a half of end-use energy consumption. Transportation sector slightly exceeds one quarter of global end-use energy consumption. The re- maining end-use energy consumption (less than one quarter) is attributed to building sector (residential and commercial). At present, the end-use energy consumption is mainly dominated by fossil fuels involving liquid fuels, natural gas and coal, accounting for over 77% of global end-use energy consumption. Among these fossil fuels, liquid fuels are the main fuel or feedstock of trans- portation and industrial sectors owing to high energy density, acceptable cost and appropriate chemical properties, accounting for 42% of global end-use en- ergy consumption. Coal is still an indispensable industrial end-use fuel used in energy-intensive industrial processes like metallurgy, cement production, etc. Especially in China, coal is still a major energy form widely used in centralized chemical plants. Meanwhile, most of electricity, heat and cold generation are still relied on large-scale coal-fueled power plants, combined heat and power (CHP) plants and combined cooling, heat, and power (CCHP) plants. Since the Second Industrial Revolution, electricity (secondary energy) has been widely used in the residential and commercial buildings. In end-use side, electricity consumption reached 8.2 × 1010 GJ, 17.4% of global end-use energy consump- tion. With renewable energy blooming and energy conversion technologies and Introduction Chapter | 1 3 TABLE 1.2 End-use energy consumption in 2018 and their expectation in 2050 [1]. Realized primary energy Expected primary energy consumption in 2018 consumption in 2050 Quantity Quantity Sector (billion GJ) Share (%) (billion GJ) Share (%) World total 472 100 655 100 Industrial 250 53.0 334 51.1 Transportation 127 27.0 175 26.7 Residential 61 12.8 95 14.4 Commercial 34 7.2 51 7.8 Realized primary energy Expected primary energy consumption in 2018 consumption in 2050 End-use energy Quantity Quantity form (billion GJ) Share (%) (billion GJ) Share (%) World total 472 100 655 100 Renewables 24 5.2 36 5.4 Coal 72 15.2 87 13.4 Natural gas 95 20.1 142 21.7 Electricity 82 17.4 148 22.6 Petroleum and 199 42.1 242 36.9 other liquids information technologies developing, energy systems are transforming in the distributed (flexible-scale) and electrification direction. Electricity is expected to play a more and more significant role in the industrial and transportation sectors. In 2050, electricity is expected to account for 22.6% of global end-use energy consumption, about 5% higher than that in 2018. Despite renewable en- ergy sources only account for ∼5% of end-use energy consumption at present or in the coming several decades, electricity produced from renewable energy sources will grow significantly according to EIA’s data in Table 1.1. 1.2 Electricity Table 1.3 reveals the global end-use electricity consumption by sector in 2018, as well as the expected one in 2050 reported by EIA [1]. Currently, global elec- tricity use is estimated to be 22.8 trillion kWh, in which industrial sector con- sumes 10.4 trillion kWh electricity, dominating the global electricity consump- tion (accounting for ∼46%). Residential sector consumes almost 30% of global 4 Hybrid Systems and Multi-energy Networks for the Future Energy Internet TABLE 1.3 End-use electricity consumption by sector in 2018 and their expectation in 2050 [1]. Realized electricity Expected electricity consumption in 2018 consumption in 2050 Quantity Share (%) Quantity Share Sector (trillion kWh) (trillion kWh) (%) World total 22.8 100 41.1 100 Industrial 10.4 45.9 14.9 36.2 Transportation 0.5 2.1 2.5 6.0 Residential 6.7 29.3 14.7 35.7 Commercial 5.2 22.7 9.1 22.1 electricity use, that is, 6.7 trillion kWh, and commercial sector consumes ∼5.2 trillion kWh, almost 23% of global electricity use. As expected, global electric- ity use will rise by 80% to 41.1 trillion kWh. Electricity use of industrial sector will rise by 43% to 14.9 trillion kWh. The growth rate of industrial electricity use is lower than that of global electricity use, thus, the share of industrial elec- tricity is expected to drop by 10 points of percentage to 36%. The electricity use from residential sector is expected to soar up remarkably by 2.2 folds to almost 14.7 trillion kWh. The share of residential electricity will reach almost 36%, equivalent to that of industrial electricity. The electricity consumed by commercial sector is expected to rise by 76% to ∼9.1 trillion kWh, the share of which slightly drops by 0.6%–22.1%. The electricity used by transportation sector is expected to be almost triple of that in 2018 due to the development of electric vehicles. However, the share of transportation sector in electricity use is expected to be still no more than 6%. In the coming future, much more electric- ity is needed to meet diverse lifestyles of human beings. Therefore, distributed power generation could increase to meet the end-use electricity demand from residences, commercial buildings, electric vehicles, etc. 1.3 Renewable energy IEA’s reports indicate that in 2010, electricity generation from renewable en- ergy accounted for ∼21% of global electricity generation [1], and the share rose to 24% in 2016 [2]. As IEA’s 2019 report expects [1], in the period from 2018 to 2050, electricity generated from renewable energy will rise by 3.6% per year in average, faster than electricity generated from any other energy resources. Electricity generation from renewable energy is expected to be ∼8.2 trillion kWh in 2020, and increase to ∼21.7 trillion kWh in 2050. The ratio of electric- ity generated from renewable energy to global electricity generation will further Introduction Chapter | 1 5 TABLE 1.4 Global electricity generation from various renewable energy sources in 2020 and 2050 expected by EIA [1]. Electricity generation in Electricity generation 2020 in 2050 Renewable Quantity Quantity energy sources (trillion kWh) Share (%) (trillion kWh) Share (%) Renewables 8.16 100 21.72 100 Hydroelectric 4.70 57.6 6.02 27.7 Wind 1.76 21.6 6.74 31.0 Solar 1.29 15.8 8.31 38.3 Geothermal 0.11 1.3 0.24 1.1 Other 0.30 3.7 0.41 1.9 rise to ∼31% in 2020, and soar up to ∼49% in 2050. Table 1.4 shows the ex- pected electricity generation from various renewable energy sources including hydroenergy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, etc, in 2020 and 2050 [1]. Until 2020, electricity generated from hydroenergy still dominates re- newable energy-driven electricity generation, and wind energy and solar energy will share ∼22% and ∼16% of global renewable energy used for electricity generation, respectively. Nevertheless, in 2050, renewable energy-driven elec- tricity generation is expected to be dominated by solar energy, wind energy and hydroenergy, in which hydroenergy is expected to share less than solar and wind energy in global renewable energy used for electricity generation. Solar energy is expected to be the largest renewable energy sources used for electric- ity generation, that is, ∼38%. The share of wind energy could be slightly lower than that of solar energy, ∼31%. Almost 70% of renewable energy-driven elec- tricity generation is expected to come from solar energy and wind energy. Con- sidering the features of intermittency and fluctuation, the wide application of solar energy and wind energy needs scale-flexible and operation-flexible energy storage systems to balance renewable energy output and end-use electricity de- mand. For efficient electricity generation or co-generations, distributed genera- tion systems are also necessary. Therefore, distributed hybrid energy systems are one of the essential technologies for large-scale utilization of renewable energy sources. 1.4 Carbon dioxide emission Current fossil fuel-based energy structure results that carbon dioxide emissions are bound to an inevitable issue. According to the statistical data and expected data from BP [3], Fig. 1.1 shows annual CO emissions by sector in 1995 and 2 6 Hybrid Systems and Multi-energy Networks for the Future Energy Internet FIGURE 1.1 CO emissions by sector and their 2040 expectation in ET and RT scenarios. 2 (Data from BP Energy Outlook: 2019 edition [3].) 2017, and their expectation in 2040. From 1995 to 2017, annual CO emissions 2 increased from 22 Gt by 54% to 34 Gt. This increase should be mainly attrib- uted to power and transport sectors, which have caused that CO emission rose 2 by 5.4 Gt and 3.3 Gt, respectively. BP also presented two scenarios to predict CO emissions in 2040 expectation, named as evolving transition (ET) scenario 2 and rapid transition (RT) scenario, respectively. In the ET scenario, population, gross domestic product (GDP), energy use, policies, technologies, etc., evolves in a manner and speed seen over the recent past [3]. The RT scenario reveals the most optimistic prediction, where all the low-carbon scenarios in all the sectors have been considered to minimize carbon dioxide emissions. In the ET scenario, annual total carbon emission in 2040 is ∼7% higher than that in 2017, revealing a much slower growth rate than that before 2017. However, this pre- diction is still far away from the realization of Paris climate goals. Therefore, much more efforts should be paid on CO emission reduction. Among all the 2 sectors, power sector was expected to be the biggest contributor of CO emis- 2 sion in the coming several decades. In the RT scenario, the annual total CO 2 emission was expected to be almost a half of that in 2017, which is mainly attributed to significant reduction in power sector (reducing by 75%) and indus- trial sector (reducing by 75%). To promote CO emission reduction, we should pay our efforts on three as- 2 pects, that is, resource efficiency improvement, development of low-carbon en- ergy sources and carriers, and carbon storage and removal [3]. The crucial point for CO emission reduction is to utilize low-carbon even zero-carbon energy 2 Introduction Chapter | 1 7 sources and develop decarbonized power. On one hand, decarbonized power needs more renewable power, nuclear power, or power generated from fossil fuel-based power plants with carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). On the other hand, novel clean energy carriers like hydrogen and bioenergy are suitable for meeting energy demand from end-use sides. Meanwhile, efficiency enhancement in energy systems can also help to reduce CO emission. To ap- 2 proach to the goals in RT scenario, renewable power is needed to scale up, and advanced low-carbon technologies are in urgent demand. 1.5 Summary To develop low-carbon and energy-saving energy roadmap, a series of support- ing technologies are required, such as energy storage technology, demand side response technology, grid interconnections and multi-energy networks, energy use electrification, and digitalization. As renewable energy is playing a more and more significant role in the energy structure, energy systems tend to be more scale-flexible and decentralized. Therefore, these supporting technologies will be combined to develop novel distributed hybrid systems, and further pro- mote the formation of the future Energy Internet. In this book, we aim to introduce the concept of the distributed hybrid sys- tems, review a part of novel technologies applicable in the distributed hybrid systems, and share our understandings on the future combination between en- ergy technologies and information technologies. This book consists of 10 chap- ters. In this chapter (Chapter 1), we briefly reviewed current energy status and the expected energy structure in the coming decades from EIA and BP. In Chap- ter 2, we will present a brief review on the status of the distributed hybrid sys- tems and supporting technologies. In Chapter 3–7 promising low-carbon energy carriers and their related energy conversion devices, as well as system layout, typical performance and system dynamics of advanced distributed hybrid sys- tems. In Chapter 8 and 9, we will extend to energy networks and discuss their combination with advanced information technologies, especially the artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, and share our perspective on the future Energy Internet. Finally, we will outlook the opportunities and challenges for the dis- tributed hybrid systems and the future “Energy Internet.” References [1] DOE-EIA. International Energy Outlook 2019 with projections to 2050. 2019. <https://www. eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/pdf/ieo2019.pdf>. [2] T.M. Gür, Review of electrical energy storage technologies, materials and systems: challenges and prospects for large-scale grid storage, Energ Environ Sci 11 (2018) 2696–2767. [3] BP. BP Energy Outlook: 2019 edition. <https://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/business-sites/ en/global/corporate/pdfs/energy-economics/energy-outlook/bp-energy-outlook-2019.pdf>.

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