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Hunter Wise Due Diligence Addendum PDF

394 Pages·2011·29.57 MB·English
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! ! ! ! ! ! ! "#$!"%&%'$()$! *++$(+#,! ! ! -.$/0.$+!12.!3#(4$.56%7$!82,/0(%$7!! 9:! ;,/%.$!;($.':!82./2.04%2(! <(4$.(04%2(0&! ! ! =0(#0.:!>?@@! ! 1) EMPIRE/GSLM MANAGEMENT 1a) Malcolm Bendall - CEO • CV – Appendix A • Directorship Resume – Appendix B • Tasmanian Business Reporter June 1999 Article – Bass Resources – Appendix C • The Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd. Reference Letter – Appendix D • Zeehan Zinc Limited AIM Placing and Admission Document – Appendix E • Zeehan Zinc Limited Summary of Ore Reserves and Resources – Appendix F 1b) Dr. Clive Burrett - Chief Geologist • CV – Appendix G 1c) Paul Heath – COO & Executive Geologist • 2007 - Present – Mr Heath is the Chief Operations Officer and Executive geologist of Great South Land Minerals Ltd. He has been responsible for the facilitation of the granting of Exploration Licence (EL) 14/2009 and any previous permits associated with Great South Land Minerals Ltd, Special Exploration Licence (SEL) 13/1998. Mr Heath is responsible for ensuring the implementation of best practice environmental management measures across its exploration tenements, and is the primary contact between the regulatory authorities and the company. • 2000 2007 - Mr. Heath has been Mineral Resources Manager and Senior Project Geologist for Oceania Tasmania and Zeehan Zinc Ltd and has been instrumental in the development of the Comstock open-cut mine from preliminary exploration to pre-production stage between 2000- 2007. Mr Heath played a key role in the implementation and presentation team for the admission of Zeehan Zinc Limited for to the AIM of the London Stock Exchange during 2007.Other responsibilities including ensuring the implementation of best practice environmental management measures across all mining tenements, and is the primary contact between the regulatory authorities and the Company and was previously assistant mine manager. • Mr. Heath holds a Bachelor of Science with Honors from the University of Tasmania and a Bachelor of Science with a major in geology from the La Trobe University. He also coordinates graduate research projects with the University of Tasmania. 1d) Nicole Chestman – Company Secretary • In 2007, Ms Chesterman has held positions of Director and Secretary of a Zinc Lead and Silver mining company listed on AIM of the London Stock Exchange for 2 years. Ms Chesterman currently holds position as Company Secretary for GSLM, and has previously been associated with and worked within the oil and gas industry, managing & supervising operations of frontier basin exploration within Tasmania. She possesses over 19 years combined experience in fields of banking finance, marketing and corporate administration, and is currently a Director of Bass Resources Limited and is also an Executive Director of a private renewable development company, Page 1 Bass Energy Pty Ltd whose primary interests are developing wind farm assets in Australia. 1e) Dr. Zohreh Amini – Geologist & Data Management Officer • CV – Appendix H 1f) Diego Gonzalez-Rodriguez – Fuel & Sedimentary Geologist • CV – Appendix I 1g) Todd Goebel – Production Development Manager • CV – Appendix J 1h) Gerard Murrell – Finance & Operations Officer • CV – Appendix K 1i) David Dunsby – Drilling Supervisor • CV – Appendix L 1j) James Johnson – Company Counsel • CV – Appendix M 2) VERIFICATION & VALUATION OF 668 MILLION BARRELS OF UNDISCOVERED POTENTIAL PETROLEUM RESOURCE 2a) The Tasmanites Oil Shale The Tasmanites Oil Shale is the World Standard for Type 1 Kerogen. It is the richest source rock for oil and gas production in the world. These facts have been independently verified by the following world recognized independent authorities. Each of which has also validated the undiscovered potential petroleum bearing structures Empire/GSLM have discovered. • Weinman Geoscience, Texas - 2001 • Anderson Schwab, New York – 2001 – Appendix N • RPS Energy, London – Competent Persons Report – 2008 – Appendix O • RPS Energy, London – Economic Evaluation of GSLM Petroleum Structures – 2009 – Appendix P • WHK Denison Accountancy Firm, Australia – Comparative Economic Evaluation of GSLM Petroleum Structures – 2009 – Appendix Q • Virginia Energy Consultants, Virginia – 2010 – Appendix R 2b) Stratigraphic Drilling Well Program From 1995 to 2001, the Company completed a seven-hole stratigraphic well program onshore in the Tasmania Basin. The results of the program confirmed a live petroleum system, produced surface oil seeps as well as natural gas and helium. Page 2 Borehole Depth Hydrocarbon Formation at Age (mKB) Indications Total Depth Gilgal-1 51 Shallow Gas Abels Bay Late Permian Shittim-1 1,751 Methane 31% Phyllite and Proterozoic Ethane 2.12% Quartzite Traces C3-C8 Helium up to 4.8% Flowed, Flared and Sampled. Jericho-1 640 Methane 10% Bundella Fm Permian Ethane 1.26% Traces C3-C6 Helium Detected Lonnavale-1 557 Methane 1.8% Ferntree Fm Permian Ethane 0.35% Traces C3-C6 Pelham-1 503 Methane 0.1% Bundella Fm Permian Hunterston-1 Precollar Methane 30% and Dolomitic Permian (336) Ethane Siltstone And 1,324 Traces C3-C6 Proterozoic Helium >1% Bridgewater-1 252 No Sampling Ferntree Fm Permian Completed 2c) Duke Energy Pipeline North Carolina based Duke Energy International, spent 3 years from 1998 to 2001 with 10 petroleum geologists confirming the validity of the Tasmanian Basin petroleum project. After confirming the existence of the basin, Duke Energy spent USD$2.6 Billion constructing a pipeline and gas fired power stations linking Tasmania to the mainland Australia cities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. It was Duke’s projection and Empire’s validated belief, that Tasmania could eventually supply 80% of Eastern Australia’s natural gas market and 100% of Australia’s crude oil demand. All currently producing oil and gas fields in Eastern Australia are today 80% depleted and production rates are in steep decline. 3) DRILLING AND EXPLORATION PROGRAM • Proposed Exploration Program Year 1-2 – Appendix S • Drilling Program Bellevue Site – Appendix T Page 3 4) USE OF PROCEEDS Total Capital Raise: $200 million Initial Tranche: Not less than $25 million Expense Estimated Completion of Bellevue Site $6,231,000 Completion of Thunderbolt Site $5,019,000 Mobilization/Demobilization $1,500,000 GEFCO SpeedStar 1100 Rig & Equipment $8,000,000 Sub Total $20,250,000 10% Contingency $2,025,000 Continued Seismic Program $1,125,000 Core Office & Analytics $1,125,000 Grand Total $25,000,000 Remaining Tranches: $175 million Expense _________ 2 Years of Operations Drilling Additional Targets Drilling Additional Production Wells Ongoing Seismic Program Acceleration of Production Refinery Construction Establishment of Physical Distribution Chain Strategic Acquisitions Page 4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 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Zeehan Zinc Limited Summary of Ore Reserves and Resources – Appendix F. 1b) Dr. Clive Ms Chesterman currently holds position as Company .. Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP .. (pre-expenses) principally to complete the development of an integrated mining and mill processing operation. In.
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