Ecotourism A I N A Â N M I J O A R R K U A R O G A N O R C K i S A J I N B R E S V O L S A K S T A V R H H C I E R A R J E I T N S É Ö S L O V 3 Visitor Table Guide of Contents Hungary is characterised by a very rich natural heritage: Visitor Guide, Table of Contents there are still nearly untouched patches of pristine steppes, marshes, bogs, river flats, pastures, forests and meadows 3 populated by the flora and the fauna of the region. This doc- ument provides information on the areas that are open for Aggtelek National Park the general public. For easy reference these areas are indi- cated under the names of the offices of national parks, listed 4–5 in alphabetical order. This layout is intended to provide visi- tors reliable and updated information about nature preserves Balaton-uplands National Park without address or phone number. With regard to these areas the offices of national parks should be contacted for 6–7 information or advice. Bükk National Park The reader should keep in mind that these data and informa- tion are not applicable for good. New areas are taken under 8–11 protection or the extension of the existing ones may be mod- ified, but visitors should primarily obtain information about Duna–Dráva National Park the opening hours before the trip or the excursion that may vary according to the weather and the popularity of the 12–13 place. Before we visit a cave, an arboretum, or any other exhibited natural sights we should enquire about the possi- Duna–Ipoly National Park ble changes. These offices also provide permissions and professional guidance for restricted areas. Publications, 14–15 maps and souvenir items are on sale at the locations of the exhibition sights and in the training centres. Fertő–Hanság National Park At the end, here are a few pieces of advice for our visitors. 16–17 Visitors should follow the written and unwritten laws of hiking in nature, they should not collect plants or insects, not even seeds, in the protected natural areas. They should not leave Hortobágy National Park the designated hiking routes and paths. There are certain rules that apply for all kinds of natural areas - not only those 18–19 under protection - such as, fire should only be made at des- ignated areas, playing a radio or tape recorder loud scares Kiskunság National Park away the timid animals of the area, littering results in serious damage done to the protected natural sights. 20–23 Körös–Maros National Park Hungarian National Tourist Office 24–25 Őrség National Park 26–27 Írottkő National Park 28–29 Useful Information 30–31 4 Aggtelek National Park Here a dragon stares benumbed, there a witch practices magic, over there a giant gazes fixedly… Who wouldn’t be attracted to the miraculous dripstone fairyland of Baradla cave, the greatest and most beautiful drip- stone cave of the temperate climate zone, in the Aggtelek National Park, part of the World Heritage. Not that this would be the only scenic spot in the area. In addition to visiting the cave, we can participate in mounted- or bicycle tours, demonstrating the inventory of the natural and cultural values. We can walk the streets of villages, try our hand in artisanship, or in the traditional baking trade or thou- sands of other programmes. Cave Tours Exhibition Sites Baradla-cave Folklore Museum (Jósvafő) (Aggtelek, Jósvafő) As time passes by, the original meaning of such words as Short, long, medium …the choice is yours. Are you for the barn, stacker and chaff cutter is only preserved in the few 1-1.5 km easy walk? Or would you prefer to join the 2-hour Folklore Museums including the Jósvafő Folklore Museum, tour along the Styx stream, which touches on the tallest where an exhibition of early 20th century interiors, handicraft stalagmite of Hungary, the 19-meter high Observatory, then utensils and the exploration of the neighbouring caves can the Hall of the Giants, where you will listen to music? Or will be seen. In the granary a chamber stage awaits actors, per- you rather choose the 7-kilometer one, walking through the formers, in the stable we can handle tools of the local handi- entire main tunnel? Either way, the Baradla cave will not dis- craft, while agricultural machinery is on display in the yard. appoint you. OOppeenn:: April 1 - September 30;10 a.m. - 4 p.m., between Octo- OOppeenn:: Daily tours, April 1 to September 30; between 8 a.m. ber 1 and March 30 by prior arrangement 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.- October 1 to March 31. between 8 a.m. and Phone: 48/350-084, 30/32-52-822 3 p.m. Baradla Gallery (Jósvafő) Vass Imre-cave (Jósvafő) The dripstone pillars, the characteristic vegetation and ani- Exquisite stalagmites and straw sta- mals of the karstland, all are worthy to be depicted on a lactites, colourful drip stone crust painter’s canvas. And once the artist painted them there, the and dripstone flows, curved painting is worth being exhibited. Baradla Gallery displays drip stone formations prove works of fine art, inspired by the environment. that Baradla cave is not Open to visitors by prior arrangement 10 a.m to 4 p.m. the only sight worth visit- Phone: 48/350-064 ing in the Aggtelek National Park. ”Jósva” Forest School Basis (Jósvafő) Its most notable for- The inventor of the Forest School must have loved children mation, the Orange very much. Without the school's benches, out in the open air, Cascade reflects the but learning must go on. We must develop knowledge about cave’s unique spec- the world around us, but perhaps in a playful, freer way. The trum. ”Jósva” Forest School Base provides an ideal venue, where OOppeenn:: April 1 - Sep- all sorts of events can be organised from 1-2-day field trips, tember 30 daily at 5-6-day Forest School programmes to the prolonged summer 3 p.m.; October 1 - camps. March 30 by prior ar- Open to visitors throughout the year. rangement. Phone/Fax: 48/350-053 5 be viewed if we follow the educational track out of Jósvafő, along Tohonya-Kuriszlán educational track. This stud farm is the only one in Hungary, and is kept up for gene preser- vation. Open to visitors all year long, every day, between 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., daily Phone: 48/350-052 Educational Tracks Tohonya-Kuriszlán educational track (Jósvafő) The hucul herd is not the only one you can hunt up on this educational track, marked by yellow strips, and starting from central Jósvafő, but manifold geological formations, numer- ous botanical, zoological and hydrological phenomena can be studied in course of the tour. Baradla educational track (Aggtelek – Jósvafő) The Baradla cave offers a special experience under as well as above the ground. Along the educational track that runs on the border of the covered and open karst, between gullies and springs, we learn about, the area’s geological, hydrolog- ical, zoological, botanical and cultural historical characteris- tics in a wonderful environment. Manor House (Jósvafő) Guided Tours Bells are ringing, snow crunches under the sledge, vapour freezes in the air….you can sleigh-ride or, if the weather is pleasant, you can ride cross country or pleasure drive at the Participants of the tours will learn about the harmony Jósvafő Manor House, where a few specimens of the hucul between the land’s built, cultural and natural environment, of (an ethnic Slavic group) horses, reminiscent of the Eurasian the karst area’s geological, zoological and botanical charac- mustangs can be seen. The major part of the hucul herd can teristics with the aid of the guides of Aggtelek National Park. 6 Balaton-uplands National Park Geyser cones and bird reserve. Marshlands and sea of stones. Hillside full of vineyards and swamps. And many other things prove that if we roam the ”Hungarian sea” region, it is worth the trouble to get away from the lake, from bathing, and discover the world of the Balaton uplands. Not even then do we take leave from the shore, no mat- ter where we walk, the waters of the lake flash in sight again and again, and we wonder: what colour will its smile take this time? The same thing over again, when we set eyes on it for the first time sitting aboard the train. The National Park stretching from Tihany peninsula to the Kis-Balaton (Little Balaton) was founded in 1997. Some of its areas are known and recognised beyond the borders of Hungary. Such are for instance the geyser cones developed after volcanic activity ended on the Tihany peninsula, or the avifauna of the Kis-Balaton. hibition, presentations, programmes, utilisation of a farm- Exhibition Sites stead in the 21st century. The National Park Administration developed the Nature Con- Lóczy-cave (Balatonfüred) servation Farmstead, where a snack bar, souvenir shop, bicy- What is it under the grass, underground, under the stone? In cle-hire are also at the visitors’ disposal. In the Rack-room of the western side of the Tamás hill in Balatonfüred, the lime- the exhibition site a ”Novelist park” narrates the past hundred stone strata hide a cave. The lukewarm waters, breaking up years of the Balaton uplands. from the deep, created it. The cave was explored in 1894 and For getting better acquainted with the natural values, expert opened to the public in 1934. It is worthwhile to inspect the tour managers should be requested. kettle-like solution shapes and the pea-stones still Open to visitors throughout the year. appearing here-and-there. OOppeenn:: May 1 - September 30, daily Hegyestű (”pointed needle”) geological exhibition site 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays closed. (Monoszló) As if these were toy blocks and sticks of giants the basalt for- Farmstead displaying mations of the Balaton uplands, the Hegyestű between them. traditional breeds An awesome sight. At the exhibition site in the abandoned (Salföld) basalt quarry there is more to learn about the development of A little of the indigenous the basalt mountains, the natural and geological valuables Hungarian animal spe- of the surroundings, about the tradition of the small-stone cies – ”rackajuh” (a block hand mining. In the one-time strip pit we can take Hungarian variety of pleasure in surveying the stone-park, displaying the charac- sheep, water buffalo, teristic minerals of western Hungary. ”szürkemarha” (grey Open to visitors from April 15 to October 31. cattle), ”mangalica” (a breed of pigs with István Fekete Memorial Place and Matula-hut curly bristles), Hun- (Kis-Balaton, Diás-island) garian sheepdogs; a How we lived the adventure of learning rowing, how we were morsel of traditional scared by the grass-snake, discovered the reeds, the highly pro- agricultural instruments, tected vivid avifauna of the Kis-Balaton when reading the novel carriages and photo ex- Tüskevár (Thorn Castle) by István Fekete! Now at last we can go 7 Open to visitors from March 15 to April 30 and from October 1 to November 30 daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and from May 1 to August 31 between 9 a.m and 6 p.m., from September 1 to September 30 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays closed. Forest House and Woodcraft Learning Base and House of Crafts (Bakonybél) Bakonybél attracts the visitor by more than its picturesque vil- lage, interesting pieces of cultural history and a variety of excursion possibilities. In the Forest House one can find a forestry and nature conservation collection, in the Learning Base the Bakony trades and natural virtues can be studied by those interested, in the framework of the open-air school. OOppeenn:: from April 1 to September 30: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturdays from 12 to 4 p.m., Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; between October 1 and March 30 Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturdays from 12 to 4 p.m. Educational Tracks We can take delight in the Aranyház (Golden House) geyser- cone in Tihany as well as in the other special geological for- mations along the ””LLóócczzyy GGeejjzzíírr”” ((ggeeyysseerr)) wwaallkkwwaayy. On the ggeeoollooggiiccaall aanndd bboottaanniiccaall eedduuccaattiioonnaall ttrraacckk ooff BBaaddaaccssoonnyywe follow the development history of the volcanic mountains of the Balaton Uplands. We are not going to freeze when visit- to Uncle Matula’s hut, not in our imagination, but in the flesh, to ing the ice cave on the SSzzeenntt GGyyöörrggyy ((SStt.. GGeeoorrggee)) hhiillll eedduuccaa-- learn about nature’s gems in the area, as the region of the Kis- ttiioonnaall ttrraacckk at Raposka, on the other hand, if we take a nap Balaton can be visited, although only by the special permit of while on the Kányavár-island’s ””BBúúbbooss vvööccssöökk”” ((ggrreeaatt ccrreesstteedd the National Park Administration, and with an expert leader. ggrreebbee)) eedduuccaattiioonnaall ttrraacckk, we probably will be woken up by TThhee IIssttvváánn FFeekkeettee MMeemmoorriiaall PPllaaccee aanndd tthhee MMaattuullaa--hhuutt oonn tthhee DDiiááss-- the birds’ singing. The Somló mountain is a solitary giant ris- iissllaanndd iiss ooppeenn ttoo vviissiittoorrssbetween April 1 and October 31, on Tues- ing from the plane of the Marcal basin. On its slopes runs the days and Thursdays from 10 a.m. Tours start from the research KKiittaaiibbeell eedduuccaattiioonnaall ttrraacckk, which introduces the more station of Balaton Uplands National Park Administration remarkable show-places of the Nature Conservation Region. The KKőőrriiss hhiillll belongs to the Higher Bakony Nature Conser- Folklore Museum (Vörs) vation Area. The trail on its slopes offers an insight into vast Modern bait signaller, lure. …nowadays the fishing rod forests of the Bakony. The trails of the Balaton Uplands catches the fish almost unaided. What was the method National Park offer memorable experiences to the tourists. applied in old times? How did they fish then? What tools, appliances did they use, how did they build their houses, how did they live? The answer to these questions can be found in the Vörs socle-type house. Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30. Buffalo Reservation Area (Kápolnapuszta) Before visiting the Buffalo Reservation at Kápolnapuszta you may not believe how tame, meek an animal is the buffalo. In our days the only reason for keeping this native Hungarian species is to show them and to preserve the gene pool. Open to visitors throughout the year. The site can be also travelled using a wheelchair. Arboretum (Zirc) A 170-year- old white pine, Jurányi linden tree, the Amurside glowing tree – just a few specialities from among those, grown and ”nursed” by the arboretum in Zirc. The garden is outstanding from the domestic herbariums, presents the trees and different kinds of bushes of the Bakony area. The visitors can – in addition to the leafy surroundings – enjoy the song of the birds, the sight of other animals, drawn here by the vegetation. 8 Bükk National Park It is a National Park, unique – among other things – for its average height renders it the highest mountain range in the country. Its flora and fauna, butterflies and insects is singularly rich. We know 90 species of birds hatching here, among these some endangered species near extinction, which in our country only nest in the forests of the Bükk range and on its cliffs. There is an extended system of karst caves; some of them (Szeleta, Istállós-kő, Suba-hole and the Balla cave) are valuable for sci- ence because of their archaeological finds. Wherever the eye can see there is wood, as the central part of the mountain range is covered by forests in 97 %. And why is it worth visiting? Because the Bükk National Park offers excellent oppor- tunities for excursions on foot, on bicycle, for recreation, for learning about natural values. The narrow-gauge trains running in the woods of the Bükk offer an unforget- table experience for grownups and children equally, to seek out the small villages, hiding in the heart of the mountains provides interesting adventures too. and 4 p.m. The Anna cave is closed from October 16 till Exhibition Sites April 14, but the Szent István cave can be visited daily between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Prior arrangement is necessary Szent István (Saint Steven)- and Anna-caves (Lillafüred) for larger student groups. Phone: Szt. István-barlang 46/334- If the journey on the narrow-gauge train and the boat trip was 130, Anna-barlang 46/370-239. still not enough, a little cave exploration will not do any harm to the visitors of Lillafüred. The 710-meter long Szent István cave Folklore Museum (Hollókő) was discovered by a dog that suffered an accident by falling Perhaps even if we walked the streets of this village, part of through the natural shaft-like mouth into the deep cave. Nowa- the World Heritage blindfolded, we could identify the place days the 170-meter long accessible section can be by the idiomatic ”a” tone of the palóc (ethnical group) dialect. reached by a more secure man-made en- But it is best to walk with eyes open to the sights and muse- trance. Anna cave is unique in Europe. ums of Hollókő. The various museums display the palóc cul- Its overall length is 400 meters, and ture, architecture and national costumes. The House of the its peculiarity is that it was formed Hollókő Landscape Protection Area devotes its exposition in freshwater limestone. Hence ”Man and Landscape” to the same zeal. There are guided the peculiar tuffaceous for- rounds in the village, and tickets for visiting the Folklore mations that dazzle the vis- Museum can be bought during the walk. These Hollókő vil- itor. These peculiar tuf- lage rounds are started at 10:30 a.m. and 14:30 p.m. Informa- faceous formations, the tion is available at Tourinform Office, phone 32/579-011. moss curtains, pine Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30 daily between needles, roots, all cov- 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. except Mondays and Wednesdays, and ered with travertine from October 1 to April 30 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. present a wonderful sight. Folklore Museum (Boldogkőváralja) OOppeenn:: from April 15 Fire could be crackling in the smithy of Boldogkőváralja, as to October 15; Anna the smith’s tools in the Folklore Museum await somebody to cave daily between use them, as do the cart and the loom in the barn. The Folk- 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. - lore Museum exhibits the Zemplén Landscape Protection the Szent István cave Area, the historic and cultural heritage of the region, its tradi- daily between 9 a.m. tional crafts, flora and fauna. 9 posterity. Using the collected objects, they furnished the porch, the Calvinist room, the Catholic room and the tool-shed. Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30, Wednesdays and Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Also from Octo- ber 1 to April 30 by prior registration with the Office of the Mayor. Phone: 49/423-132. Nature Conservation and Cultural History Exhibition (Ároktő) This exhibition in Ároktő shows the natural values, the flora and fauna, the protected species and the cultural treasures of the region. Open to visitors by prior registration with Gábor Fejes, Phone: 49/354-333. Ipolytarnóc: Fossils Conservation Educational Track System Prehistoric animals do not roam the forests of Hungary any longer, but – especially for this reason – it is worth Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30 Friday to Sun- day between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Arboretum (Erdőtelek) The Erdőtelek Arboretum, replete with botanical rarities is interesting also from scientific and silvicultural point of view, therefore it is a protected place. The arboretum, with its walk- ways, resting benches, shaded arbours, and the new garden with the little pond promises a pleasant relaxation and can be visited every day, but also professional guiding is on offer. The arboretum has been dealing in growing a garden-tree nursery for 19 years now. These ornamental trees, acclima- tised to the country’s extreme climate changes are here not only to be seen but also to be bought. Open to visitors on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., on weekends between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Professional guiding can be requested by prior arrangement. Phone/Fax: 36/496-022. Orbán House (Szilvásvárad) A colourful display – “Natural picture of the Bükk” – of the geology, flora and fauna of the Bükk mountain range can be seen in Orbán House, a folk historic building. Open to visitors from April 15 to October 31 daily between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Prior registration with the Office of the Mayor, Phone: 36/564-012. Oszla Folklore Museum (Cserépfalu) Cserépfalu and the neighbouring settlements joined forces to preserve the tools of a traditional lifestyle for the 10 visiting Ipolytarnóc near the Slovakian-Hungarian border, Educational Tracks where we can get an insight into the long-vanished world of the dinosaurs extinct for millions of years. Here we can find the remains of neritic living creatures, Geological educational track (Eger-Szarvaskő) corals, shellfish, snails deposited 21-20 million years Above all the beautiful basalt formations of Szarvaskő there before, terrestrial subsidence deposited on glau- is to be admired on this 6-kilometer circular educational conite sandstone containing fossil shark’s teeth. The track. Scaling the summit of the Szarvaskő fortress, which, lithoidal trees, leaf-prints bear witness to the one-time by the way, can be seen looking upwards from the village, tropical rain-forest region. The main attractions are the one can enjoy a truly superb prospect. Following instruc- primordial footprint places of discovery, fossil prints tions of the guide booklet we learn, over and above the geo- that preserve the traces of prehistoric animals (rhinos, logical spectacles, botanical, zoological and mining things Artiodactyla ungulates, predatory animals, of interest. and birds). These provide faithful repre- sentations in the indoor exhibition Educational track at Rejtek halls. This merely 800-meter path shows us the Bükk forests’ flora OOppeenniinngg hhoouurrss and fauna. The path starts out at the Rejtek Research House ooff tthhee ggeeoollooggiiccaall of the Bükk National Park Administration. There is another, eedduuccaattiioonnaall ttrraacckk:: longer educational track, beginning at the same spot. This Every day except Mon- demonstrates the riches of the karstic forests, rocks, but we days, November 1, can observe the working of the gully-holes too, furthermore the two days of the former palaeontology and palaeoanthropology explo- Christmas, New Years rations. Eve (December 31) and the first of the Educational track at Szilvásvárad year. Tours begin The walk along the Szalajka valley shows hydrological, bota- at every half-hour, nical and scenic values. We can supplement this excursion between 9 a.m. with a visit to the Open-air Forest Museum at the entrance to and 4 p.m. from the Horotna valley, also with a journey with the narrow-gauge April to October, train. Above the Szilvásvárad bus-park by the Information between 9 a.m. house opens another educational track. This promises a and 3 p.m. from No- magnificent view for those who are brave enough to climb up vember. to the Millennium lookout.