ATOLLRESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 538 HUMPHEADWRASSE (CHEILINUS UNDULATUS)ABUNDANCEAND SIZE STRUCTUREAMONG CORALREEFHABITATS IN MALDIVES BY ROBERT SLUKA D. ISSUEDBY NATIONALMUSEUMOFNATURALHISTORY SMITHSONIANINSTITUTION WASHINGTON,D.C.,U.S.A. NOVEMBER2005 Figure 1. Mapofstudysiteswithin LaamuAtoll. Linesurroundingshaded(lagoonandshallowcoral reef) and black (island)areas indicatesthereefcrest. Codesreferencesites listed inTable I. HUMPHEAD WRASSE (CHEILINUS UNDULATUS)ABUNDANCEAND SIZE STRUCTUREAMONG CORALREEFHABITATS IN MALDIVES BY ROBERTD. SLUKA1 ABSTRACT The abundance and size ofhumpheadwrasse (Cheilinus undulatiis) among 36 sites comprisingfive habitattypes at one atoll inthe Republic ofMaldiveswere assessed throughunderwatervisual observation. Humpheadwrassewere observedmore often in channelhabitats than all others. The average size ofsited individuals was not significantly different amongthe threehabitats where size datawas available. INTRODUCTION Fishingto supplythe live-fish foodtrade hasbeen implicatedinthe demise of coral-reeffisheries forgrouperandhumpheadwrasse (Cheilinus undulatiis) in many areas ofthe Indo-Pacific (Erdmann and Pet-Soede, 1996; Johannes andRiepen, 1995; Donaldson and Sadovy, 2001; SadovyandVincent, 2002). Humpheadwrasse, also knownas the Napoleon orMaori wrasse, are one ofthe mosthighly soughtafterspecies. Little is known aboutthe biology ofhumpheadwrasse. This is one ofthe largest ofall reef-dwellingteleosts, only smallerthana few grouperspecies (Randall etal., 1978). The largestreliablyrecorded specimenwas 229 cm long (Randall et al., 1990). This species m ranges from0.5 - 60 indepth andoccurs fromthe east coastofAfrica and Red Sea acrossthe Indian Oceanto the central Pacific Ocean (Debelius, 1993; Gomon, 1984). Juvenile humpheadwrasse havebeen observed in shallow sandy areas adjacent to coral- reeflagoons and in lagoonal staghorn coral thickets (Acropora spp) (Debelius, 1993; Randall, 1955; Randall et al., 1978). Adults tendtobe more common offshore anddeeper, especially in outer-reefslopes and channels, but can alsobe found in lagoons (Randall, 1955; Randall et al., 1978; Sluka, 2001). This species eats mollusks, fishes, seaurchins, crustaceans, and otherinvertebrates (Randall et al., 1978; Randall et al., 1990). Humpheadwrasse exhibitpaired spawning in small groups or largeraggregations (Donaldson, 1995). This studywas conductedto examine the large-scale distributionpatterns ofthe humpheadwrasse in LaamuAtoll, Republic ofMaldives. 'CenterforAppliedScience,MilleniumRelief&DevelopmentServicesPHRANo. 12,PothujanamRd., Kumarapuram,Trivandrum695011 Kerala,India.Tel: +91 471 2449711 [email protected]. Manuscriptreceived25April2003;revised9January2004. 192 METHODS Habitat Description The Republic ofMaldives is a chain ofcoral-reefatolls stretching from about 7°N to 2°S at 73°E. The southern atolls ofthe Maldives, such as Laamu, are distinctly different from the northern ones including fewerchannels and, consequently, larger unbroken coral-reefstructures (Anderson, 1992). There is a typical zonation to most reefs progressing from inshore-to-offshore with a shallow sandy lagoon, reefflat, reefcrest, and reefslope. The outside atoll-rim reefslope drops precipitously to about 30-45 m, slopes gently forabout a halfkilometer, then drops again to abyssal depths (Anderson et al., 1992). The innerreefslope drops steeply to about 20-30 m and then grades into a sandy bottom which occupies the inner portion ofthe atoll. LaamuAtoll has the deepest inner lagoon ofall Maldivian atolls reaching to 73 m. Aunique feature ofthese atolls is the circularreefrings which rise from the atoll's innerfloorcalled faros. Many are similar in zonation with a reefflat, crest, and slope. Data Collection andAnalysis Surveys were completed by noting humphead wrasse observed during the course ofdiving forother studies from November 1996 to June 1997. These dives were mostly focused on completing visual censuses ofotherfish species and lent themselves well to noting the presence ofhumphead wrasse. The total dive time was noted as well as the number and size ofany humphead wrasse observed. Two sites were surveyed by snorkeling (J and K); all otherwere surveyed on scuba. Five habitat types were identified (Fig. 1): 1) reefslopes on the outside ofthe atoll rim (sites: a, g, r, t, x, and z, Fig. 1 and Table 1); 2) reefslopes on the inside ofthe atoll rim (sites: b, c, d, e, f, h, i,j, q, s, v, y, and w); 3) channels that lead from the inside to the outside ofthe atoll rim (sites: u,A, J, and K); 4) faros (sites: B-H); and 5) shallow (< 2m) reefcrest and lagoonal patch reefs (mostly branching acropid patches). Due to only zero values in faro and shallow sites, these two habitats were not used in the analysis. The numberofwrasse observed perhour was plotted by habitat type and tested for significant differences using a Kruskal-WallisANOVA. Anon-parametricANOVA was selected due to the highly skewed distribution resulting from numerous zero values. Size was estimated visually after training. Parametric analysis ofvariance was used to test for significant differences in mean size among the three habitats. RESULTS Thirty-six sites were studied (Table yielding a total of51 fish observed during 1) 103 hours and 43 minutes ofsampling. Humphead wrasse were observed more often in channels than in any other habitat (Fig. 2). The mean numberofhumphead wrasse per hourofobservation was significantly higher in channels than inside atoll-rim reefslopes (p<0.05). Fish occurrence at outside atoll-rim reefslope sites was not significantly different than either those at the inside atoll-rim sites or the channel sites. More 193 replicationwouldbe necessaryto ascertaindifferencesbetweenthis habitat andthe other two as there was highvariability inthe data.Average sizewas not significantlydifferent amongthe threehabitattypes wherethis species was observed(Fig. 3, p>0.05). Sizes ranged from 30-140 cmwith amean (± 1SE) of80.2 (4.8) (Fig. 4). Table 1. Survey sites, including site codeswhichreference Fig.1. The time surveyed, numberofhumpheadwrasse observed, andaverage size ofindividuals are given foreach site. Thetwo sites markedwith an+were surveyedusing snorkel; all othersby scuba. Site Site code Time surveyed No. Size (h:min) observed (cm± 1SE) Gaadhoo outside a 1:26 10 95 (10) Gaadhoo inside b 0:50 2 65 (35) Fonadhoo c 0:30 Kadhdhoo d 0:39 Matimatidhoo e 6:15 Gamu inside f 6:14 Gamu outside g 1:55 Bodufinalhu slope h 25:24 Bodufinalhu deep I 1:41 Bodufinalhu shallow 11:30 J Bodufinalhu lagoon k 2:00 Bodufinalhuchannel 2:00 1 m Gaskandufinalhu lagoon 1:00 Baresdhoo channel n 4:00 Bodufinalhureefcrest 3:00 Baresdhoo reefcrest P 2:30 Baresdhoo inside q 4:36 1 100 (-) Baresdhoo outside r 2:40 Mundo inside s 1:28 Mundu outside t 0:50 Mundu channel u 0:56 9 78(10) Maabaidhoo V 1:46 4 70(6) + Fushi channel J 1:00 3 93(7) w Vadinalhoo inside 0:59 Vadinalhoo outside X 1:44 3 65(9) Vadinalhoo channel K 1:00+ 4 65(13) Maava inside y 1:54 Maava outside z 1:40 Maava channel A 1:23 15 5 > 100 Gaadhoo faro B 0:38 Fonadhoo faro C 2:16 Mondu faro D 1:21 Baresdhoo faro 1 E 4:36 Baresdhoo faro 2 F 0:20 Vadinalhoo faro G 2:03 Maava faro H 1:39 o 194 u % 8 - <oD 6 - c CD 4 - c — —— -<Q 2 - rf=> n -1 , 1 Inside Outside Channel Habitat Figure2. Mean humphead wrasseabundance(number/hour± 1 SE)amongthreehabitattypes: reefslopes insidetheatoll rim; reefslopesoutsidetheatoll rim; andchannelsconnectingthe insideandoutsideofthe atoll rim. 120 100 - E 80 - 60 - aN? co 40 - 20 Inside Outside Channel Habitat Figure3. Mean size (cm± 1 SE)ofhumpheadwrasseobservedamongthreehabitattypes: reefslopes insidetheatoll rim,reefslopesoutsidetheatoll rim,andchannelsconnectingthe insideandoutsideofthe atoll rim. 195 Figure4. Size-frequencydistributionofallhumpheadwrassewheresizedatawereavailable(n=31). DISCUSSION Humpheadwrassepreferentially occupied channel habitats inLaamuAtoll, Maldives. This species was also observed inthree reef-slope sites inside the atoll rim andtwo reef-slope sites outside the atoll rim. However, two ofthree inside sites andboth outside sites were adjacent to channel habitats. Only one humpheadwrasse was observed at a site locateda significantdistance from a channel. It is unknownwhythis species prefers this type ofhabitat. Comparative dataare onlyavailable from one othercentral Indian Ocean site (Sluka and Lazarus, inpress). The relative abundance ofthis species atthe study sites in Maldives (0.49 fish/hr)was approximatelythree times higherthanat sites on the west coast ofIndia(0.18 fish/hr). However, the Indian sites weremainlynon- carbonate reefs withhigh structural complexitybut low coral cover(Sluka, Mary, and Lazarus, unpublisheddata) andthus ofa significantly differenthabitattype. Little is known about humphead wrassebiologywhichcanbeusedto infer causative agents ofdistributionpatterns. This species eats awide range ofprey including mollusks, fish, and seaurchins, andthe crown-of-thorns starfish,Acanthasterplanci (Randall et al., 1978). The reef-slopehabitats ofLaamuAtoll have high coral cover andtendto have high spatial complexity, includingvertical relief(R. Sluka and M.W. Miller, unpublished data), while the channels tendto have lowervertical reliefand spatial complexity (Sluka, pers. obs.). Itmaybe that food items are easiertofinddue to the relative lack ofhidingplaces andmore exposednature ofthe channel coral reefs. However, the humpheadwrasse observed inthe channels tendedtobe foundnearthe outeredge ofthe channel adjacenttothepointatwhich the channel drops offandturns into the reefslope. It is unknown ifthis species switches ends ofthe channel withthe changing ofthe tide (i.e., in outgoingtides it is locatedprimarily atthe outerend ofthe channel and in ingoing tides, the innerend). Ifthis were the case, itwould seem likely thathumphead wrasse were makinguse ofthe currents forforaging activity. 196 Knowledge ofhabitat preferences ofhumphead wrasse is important forthe management ofthis species. While a total ban on export is the ideal situation as faras the resource is concerned, some level ofexploitation may be possible once the biology and ecology ofthis species are better known. Where other management strategies need to be used, protection ofspawning aggregations within a system ofmarine fishery reserves appears to be the best strategy for long-term sustained exploitation oflong-lived, slow growing coral-reefspecies (Roberts et al., 1995). Johannes (1980) suggested that protecting spawning aggregations by limiting fishing, either spatially ortemporally, could be one ofthe most effective management strategies. Humphead wrasse have been observed to aggregate in large numbers to spawn (Johannes and Riepen. 1995). By protecting these spawning events, the larger individuals which have higher fecundity than smallerfishes are allowed to reproduce and potentially supply recruits to surrounding areas. It is clearthat there is intense pressure on the humphead wrasse resources ofthe Indo-Pacific. The Maldivian Government banned the export ofhumphead wrasse in 1995 owing to concerns ofthe recreational diving industry. However, effective enforcement ofthese regulations is lacking as import statistics show that Maldives is still exporting significant quantities ofhumphead wrasse to Hong Kong (Lau and Parry-Jones, 1999). Until we learn more concerning habitat requirements and population biology ofthis species, it is unknown what impact this exploitation has on these fishes in this region. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was conducted while funded by grants from the Research Fellowship Program ofthe Wildlife Conservation Society, The National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration. John G. SheddAquarium'sAquatic Science Partnership (funded by the Dr. Scholl Foundation), and the LernerGray Fund for Marine Research oftheAmerican Museum ofNatural History. I wish to thank Mr. Yoosuf Nisharand Mr. Abudullah Hakeem who assisted in all aspects ofthe field work. Mr. Ahmed Shakeel and Ms. Aishath Shaan Shakir ofthe Oceanographic Society ofMaldives provided support throughout the project. REFERENCES Anderson, R.C. 1992. North-south variation in the distribution offishes in the Maldives. Rasain 12:210-226. Anderson. R.C, Z. Waheed, A. Arif, and M. Rasheed 1992. Reeffish resources survey in the Maldives, Phase II. BOBP/WP/80:51pp. Debelius, H. 1993. Indian ocean tropical fish guide. Aquaprint, Neu Isenberg, Germany. 321pp. 197 Donaldson, T.J. 1995. Courtship and spawning ofnine species ofwrasses (Labridae) from the western Pacific. Japan.J. Ichthyol. 42:311-319. Donaldson, T.J., andY. Sadovy 2001. Threatenedfishes ofthe world: Cheilinus undulatus Ruppell, 1835 (Labridae). Env. Biol. Fishes 62:428. Gomon, M. 1984. Labridae. In Fischer, W. andG. Bianchi (eds.). FAOspecies identification sheetsforfisherypurposes. 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