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HUMPBACK WHALE SURVEY ALONGTHE WEST COAST OFAUSTRALtA: A COMPARISON OF VISUAL AND ACOUSTICOBSERVATIONS WKLUAM H. DAWBIN AND PETERCGILL Dawbin,W.H.andGill, P.C. 1991:07.01; Humpbackwhalesurveyalongthewestcoastof Australia' a comparison ofvisual and acoustic observations. Memoir* oftheQueensland Museum30(2): 255-257. Brisbane. ISSN 00798835. Theresultsofasurveyofhumpbackwhales,usingvisualandacousticdetectiontechniques, along the WesternAustralian coast duiing the winter and springof 1989 are reported- Wiltiam//. Dawbin,AustralianMuseum, 6-8CollegeStreet, Sydney,N.S.W. 2000; t*e:er C. Gill, Oceanic Research Foundation POBox247, Windsor,NewSouth Wales2756.. 10 January, 1991. The migratory cycle ol humpback whales 24, humpbacks were JitsI encountered visuallv (Dawbin,1966). and the population charac- andacousticallyat 15D 17'S. 123°52'E.Thiswas teristics of Atea IV humpbacks (Chittlc- considerably further north than the generally borough,I%5) and their increase in abundance accepted limits of Area TV breeding grounds in Area IV since exploitation ceased in 1962 (Harrison and Brydcn, 1988), though fisherfolk (Bannister,1990) are well known. Less well familiar with these waters later reported thai studied is distribution of Area IV animals off humpbacks are commonly seen in the area Western Australia, when they congregate in (P Canney, pers.comm.). We regarded our warm inshore waters to breed. This study was timing as favourable, because the majorih nl conducted from a 20m schooner, the R/V whales are still moving north at this time. ""Thi$llethwayte,\ while on a circumnavigation Sound was monitored over 33 days al more ofAustralia during the austral winterand spring than 100 stations, with 92 stations between the Of 1989 The voyage allowedfl survey ofilttlion first and last rceotdings; stations spanned 15c of waters along the Western Australian coast latitude and 1600 nautical miles. Generally the during the humpback breeding season. weather was calmer north of Broome, with fre- Acoustic and visual detection of whales has quent short spellsofbad weatherto the south. beenusedtodeterminemigration routes. Folkow Sightingsandsound recordingswere made as and Blix (1990) detected several species during faras30°24*S,withanimalsbeingdetectedthree a sound survey of the mid-Allantic, while timesasoften bysound as by sight. A total of40 Clapham and Mattila (1990)detected humpback humpbackswere sighted on 21 occasions, anda song atsea in the western Atlantic, distant from conservative total of 127 heard on 64occasions land. Studies of humpback song on breeding Conservative, because when more than one grounds elsewhere arc well known and too animal wassinging faintly, itwas often difficult numerous to list here, but humpback sounds are to distinguish how many were singing. In these known to be indicators of stock identity (Payne cases, the minimum definite number was and Guincc, 1983), and songs from Western recorded. Animals were heard singing at all Australia have been shown to differ from those times of the day and night. Humpback sounds on the east coast (Dawbin and Eyre, this mem- typically consisted of a "chorus" of several WHD oir). and Chris Burton have recorded animals singing the same song, apparently inde- humpback sounds in various latitudes off the pendently of each other. Occasionally "social" Western Australian coast, as far south as Cape (non-song) sounds were heard, often during ob- Leeuwin (34° 20'S). It was therefore decided to served vigorousdisplaysofsocial behaviour,as use acoustic and visual observations to monitor described by Silber (1986). Only at 23 (25%) humpbacksduringthe southward passage, stations were no whales detected at all In 13 of The vessel left Darwin in mid July 1989, and these, detection may have been hampered by *oundsamplesweretakenatintervalsofnomore surface waves (sound), or by darkness or than four hours, navigation and weather permit- whitecaps(sight). ting, while at sea. The vessel stayed as close to Dawbin (195o)discussedfactorsaffectingthe Ihc coastaswas navigationallv prudent. OnJuly coastalmigration routesofhumpbacks.Tothese 256 MEMOIRS OFTHE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG. 1. Map ofWestern Australia, showing numbers and locations ofhumpback whales located during the survey. Animals detected by sound alone are denoted by a plain number; those detected visually are denoted by a circled number. This does not mean that the sightings and soundings are mutually exclusive; sound was often detected during sightings. Not all monitoring stationsare shown. wemustaddconsiderationofthepossibleeffects andwhich may even have resulted in a localised oflarge-scale offshore oil and gas development. modification of the humpback migration path. Gas rigs in the vicinity ofBarrow Island created BowheadwhalesintheBeaufortSeahaveshown mechanical underwater noise levels which avoidance behaviours in reponse to oil explora- wouldcertainlyhindercetaceancommunication, tion and drilling (Richardson et al.,1985,1986). ACOUSTICAND VISUALHUMPBACK SURVEY, W.A. 257 The extent of Area IV humpback breeding "Group IV" humpback whales, Western grounds is still undetermined. Townsend (1935) Australia.SC-IWC/42/PS1. showed that humpbacks were taken off the CHITTLEBOROUGH,R.G. 1965. Dynamics of two northwest coast, west of Broome. In this study, populationsofthehumpbackwhale,Megaptera almost all of the animals observed south of novaeangliae(Botowski).Aust.J. Mar. Freshw. Broomeweretravellinginanorthwarddirection, Res.16: 33-128. while animals to the north of Broome were CLAPHAM,PJ. AND MATTILA,D.K. 1990. generally static. Two cows with young calves Humpback whale songs as indicatorsofmigra- were seen north of Broome, a town previously tionroutes.Marine MammalScience6(2): 155- regarded as the extreme northern limit of the 160. breeding area: these were the only calves seen DAWBIN,W.H. 1956. The migrationsofhumpback during the survey. This indicates a wide whales which pass the New Zealand coast. latitudinalrangeinwhichhumpbacksmaycalve: Trans. R. Soc. N.Z. 84:147-196. parturition has been reported as far south as DAWBIN, W.H. 1966.Theseasonal migratory cycle Albany, at 35°S (Chittleborough,1965). Water ofHumpbackWhales. 145-170. In K.S. Norris, temperaturesanddepthprofilesnorthofBroome (ed.), 'Whales, dolphins and porpoises', (Univ. are comparable to those of humpback breeding ofCalifornia Press: Berkeley). areas in the West Indies (Whitehead and DAWBIN, W.H. AND EYRE, E.J. this memoir. Moore,1982). Animals apparently engaged in Humpback Whale songs along the coast of courtship were also observed north ofBroome. Western Australia and some comparison with Visual monitoringwould have indicated only eastcoast songs.Mem. Qd Mus.30(2):249-254. 1/3 the whales detected by hydrophone. This is FOLKOWX.P. AND BLIX,A.S. 1990. Norwegian despite the fact that Humpback songs are re- whale sighting and acoustic surveys in the At- garded asbeingalmost exclusively produced by lantic Ocean during the winter of 1989-90. males. Past catch records indicate that females IWCSC/42/06. occur in almost equal abundance offW.A. HARRISON,R. AND BRYDEN,M.M.(eds) 1988. Acoustic monitoring has the advantage of 'Whales, dolphins and porpoises'. (Golden being able to operate in darkness or reduced Press: Silverwater). visibility; even iareasonable conditions whales PAYNE,R. AND GUINEE,L.N. 1983. Humpback may evade visual detection where they are not Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) songs as an WHD expected. In 1986 recorded humpback indicatorof"stocks".333-359. In R.Payne,ed., soundsoffRottnestIslandnearPerth,whenthere 'Communication and Behaviour of Whales'. had been no visual reports for many years. The (Westview Press: Boulder). combined results ofthis survey, and earlier sur- R1CHARDSON/W.J.,FRAKER,M.A„WURSIG,B., veys by WHD and Chris Burton show that AND WELLS,R.S. 1985. Behaviour of humpbacks vocalise, and can therefore be bowhead whales, Balaena tnysticetus, summer- monitored acoustically, along the Western ing in the Beaufort Sea: reactions to industrial Australian coast between 15-34°S. activities.Biol.Conserv.32,195-230. RICHARDSON,W.J., WURSIG,B. AND GREENE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS C.R. 1986. Reactions of bowhead whales, Balaena tnysticetus, to seismic exploration in Special thanks to the crew of the "Thistleth- the Beaufort Sea. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79(4), wayte'Tor theirenthusiastic help during the sur- 1117-1128. vey. Thanks also to Pam Canney and Ian Lew SILBER, G.K. 1986. The relationship of social ofF/V"Rachel" in Broome, fortheir hospitality vocalisations to surface behaviour and aggres- andvaluableinformationabouthumpbacksight- sion in the Hawaiian humpback whale (Megap- ings. Financial assistance was providedby a tera novaeangliae). Can. J. Zool. 64, Marine Sciences and Technology Research 2075-2080. Grant, andby agrant from theAustralian Whale TOWNSEND, C.H. 1935.Thedistributionofcertain Conservation Society whales as shown by log book records of American whaleships. Zoologica 19: 1-50. LITERATURE CITED WHITEHEAD, H. AND MOORE, M.J. 1982. Dis- tribution and movements of West Indian BANNISTER,J.L., KIRKWOOD,G.P. AND humpback whales in winter. Can, J. Zool. 60, WAYTE,S.E. 1990. Population increase in 2203-2211.

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