Description:This is the second of four training manuals used in "In Christ's Image Training" (ICIT) online courses. The vision of ICIT is to train and release hundreds of thousands of Christlike pastors, leaders and intercessors to stand before God on behalf of the world around them. It is strongly recommended that these four manuals be read in sequence, as each study is built upon the truths in the preceding manuals. "Christlikeness" is the first of the four manuals. "Humility" will hellp the reader to see what areas of the heart needs to change en route to Christlikeness.When Jesus said, "Learn of Me," the specific attitude He emphasized was His humility. Indeed, among all those in heaven, the Son of God declared that the humble were "greatest" (Matt 18:1-4). God measures spiritual greatness not by the height of our accomplishments, but by the depth of our humility.True revival only comes from God and only comes to the humble. There is nothing God desires from us more than a humble, believing heart. In this second manual, you will study the characteristics of meekness and why it attracks the attention of God. you will discover that meekness is the substructure and sustainer of transformation, and better understand why the Almighty said, "To this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word" (Isaiah 66:2).