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Index to Human Factors — Volume 48, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Special Section Commentary: Opportunities and Challenges Spatial Ability Subfactors and Their Influences on a for Human Factors and Ergonomics in Enhancing Patient Computer-Based Information Search Task, Safety, Eduardo Salas, David Baker, Heidi King Richard Pak, Wendy A. Rogers, and Arthur D. Fisk 154 James Battles Pilots Strategically Compensate for Display Enlargements Describing Nurses’ Work: Combining Quantitative and in Surveillance and Flight Control Tasks, Qualitative Analysis, Laurie D. Wolf, Patricia Pottei Emily Muthard Stelzer and Christopher D. Wickens 166 Jennifer A. Sledge, Stuart B. Boxerman, Ergonomic Guidelines for Traffic Sign Design Increase Deborah Grayson, and Bradley Evanoff Sign Comprehension, Jamar Ben-Bassat and Compliance With Intended Use of Bar Code Medication David Shinar. Administration in Acute and Long-Term Care: An Examining the Impact of Cell Phone Conversations Observational Study, Emily S. Patterson on Driving Using Meta-Analytic Techniques Michelle L. Rogers, Roger J. Chapman, and William J. Horre and Christopher D. Wickens Marta L. Render. Stepping Onto Raised, Laterally Compliant Structures Toward the Improvement of Image-Guided Interventions for \ Biomechanical Study of Age and Gender Effects Minimally Invasive Surgery: Three Factors That Affect in Healthy Adults, Bing-Shiang Yang an Pertormance, Patricia R. DeLucia, Robert D. Mather James A. Ashton-Mille) John A. Griswold, and Sunanda Mitra \ Tactile Cockpit Instrument Supports the Control Labeling of Medicines and Patient Safety: Evaluating of Self-Motion During Spatial Disorientation Methods of Reducing Drug Name Confusion, rp, Eric L. Groe Jelte E. Bos Ruth Filik, Kevin Purdy, Alastair Gale, and Jan A. H. ¢ g in the Dark: Effects of A Multiple User Considerations and 17 heira Imeplitcat ions Reading Speed and Comprehen in Medical Error Reporting System Design L. Mit and Wendy A Kamisha Hamilton Escoto, Ben-Tzion Kars] tion Failures on Tasks Easily Performed by ind John W. Beasle Automated Aids The Right Picture Is Worth a Thousand Numbers Data Displays in Anesthesia, Fran! Di Dwayne R. Westensk« ical Documet Phe Efficacy of a Medical Virtual Reality Simulator for Sion Training Phlebotomy, Mark W. Scerbo, James P. B l Yves Be e Elizabeth A. Schmidt. and mer N. Thompsor vigation Performance With a Virtuz Drug Delivery as Control Tas} nproving Perforn Display: Effectso f Beacon S« in a Common Anesthetic Task, Frank A. Dre and Practice, Bruce N. W Noah Syroid, James Aeutter. DavidL . Str Building and Testing Optimized Keyboards for Sy Dwayne R. Westens Text Entry, Gregory Francis and Claire Oxtol The Potential of Training to Increase \cceptance and ining and Retention of Associations Between Use of Computerized Decision Support Systems for Auditory Icons and Denotative Referents Medical Diagnosis, Fuji Lai, Jean Macmi Implications for the Design of Auditory Warning Denise H. Daudelin, and David M. Kent Karen L. Stephan, SeanE . Smith, Russell | +Gz Acceleration Loss of Consciousness: Time Course Simon P. A. Parker, and Ken of Pertormance Deficits With Repeated Experience Car Backlight Position and Fog Density Bias Obsery Lloyd D Tripp Joel S. Warm, Gerald Matthe Car Distance Estimates and Time-to-Collision Peter Chiu, Paul Werchan, and JohnE . Deatoi 109 Buchner, Martin Brandt, Raoul Be Keyswitch Orientation Can Reduce Finger Joint Torques IN¢ During Tapping on a Computer Keyswitch, Large Displays Enhance Optical Flow Cues and Narrow Aruna D. Balakrishnan, Devin L. Jindrich, and the Gender Gap in 3-D Virtual Navigation Jack T. Dennerlein Desney S. Tan, Mary P. Czerwins Forearm Electromyographic Changes With the Use George G. Robertson of a Haptic Force-Feedback Computer Mouse, Time-to-Collision Judgments Under Jack T. Dennerlein and Maria-Helena J. DiMarino Conditions, Raymond J. Kiefe Stability Ball Versus Office Chair: Comparison of and Christian J. Jerome Muscle Activation and Lumbar Spine Posture Presence and Quality of Navigational Landmarks During Prolonged Sitting, Diane E. Gregor) Effect on Driver Performance and Implications for Nadine M. Dunk, and Jack P. Callaghan Design. Andrew J. May and Tracy Ross Winter 2006 - Human Factors Modeling Driver Behavior in a Cognitive Architecture, Validation of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test Dario D. Salvucci. Battery at 0.08% Blood Alcohol Concentration, \ Comparison of the Cell Phone Driver and the Jack Stuste) Drunk Driver, DavidL . Strayer, Frank A. Drews Test Road Experiment on Imminent Warning Rear and Dennis J. Crouch Lighting and Signaling, Walter W. Wierwille, Does Crew Resource Management Training Work? Suzanne E. Lee, Maryanne C. DeHart, and An Update, an Extension, and Some Critical Needs, Michael Perel es Eduardo Salas, Katherine A. Wilson, Task Structure and Postcompletion Error in the Execution C. Shawn Burke, and Dennis C. Wightman . of a Routine Procedure, Michael D. Byrne and The Risk of Involuntary Firearms Discharge, Elizabeth M. Davis : fiers The Relationship Between Safety Climate and Recent Christopher Heim, Dietmar Schmidtbleicher, Accidents: Behavioral Learning and Cognitive and Eckhard Niebergall Attributions, Vinit M. Desai, Karlene H. Roberts Evidence for an Elders’ Advantage in the Naive Product and Anthony P. Ciavarelli ore Usability Judgments of Older and Younger Adults, Change in Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA) by Pupil Eric C. Stephens, C. Melody Carswell, and Dilation, Tetsuo Ueda, Yoshiaki Nawa, Eiichi Yukawa, Mitzi M. Schumacher Futoshi Taketani, and Yoshiaki Hara Web-Based Information Search and Retrieval: Supporting Trust Calibration and the Effective Use Effects of Strategy Use and Age on Search Success, of Decision Aids by Presenting Dynamic System Aideen J. Stronge, Wendy A. Rogers, and Confidence Information, John M. McGuirl and Arthur D. Fisk : Pai Nadine B. Sarter. aha Using Eye Movements to Evaluate a PC-Based Risk Motion Extrapolation of Car-Following Scenes in Awareness and Perception Training Program on Younger and Older Drivers, Patricia R. DeLucia a Driving Simulator, Alexander Pollatsek, and Robert D. Mather aot Vinod Narayanaan, Anuj Pradhan, and Age-Related Identification of Emotions at Different DonaldL . Fisher . Image Sizes, Roy W. Roring, Franklin G. Hines Three-Dimensional Auditory Display for Enhancing and Neil Charness Detection of Passive Sonar Signals, Training for Vigilance: Using Predictive Power to G. Robert Arrabito Evaluate Feedback Effectiveness, James L. Szalma Automation Reliability in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Peter A. Hancock, Joel §. Warm, William N. Dember, Control: A Reliance-Compliance Model of Automation and Kelley S. Parsons y Dependence in High Workload, Stephen R. Dixon and Comparison of a Brain-Based Adaptive System and a Christopher D. Wickens Manual Adaptable System for Invoking Automation Analysis of an Observational Rating Scale for Repetition, Nathan R. Bailey, Mark W. Scerbo, Frederick G Posture, and Force in Selected Manufacturing Settings, Freeman, Peter J. Mikulka, and Lorissa A. Scott Marissa L. Ebersole and Thomas J. Armstrong Muscular Fatigue and Endurance During Intermittent \ Laboratory Study of the Effects of Wrist Splint Orthoses Static Efforts: Effects of Contraction Level, on Forearm Muscle Activity and Upper Extremity Duty Cycle, and Cycle Time, Hardianto Iridiastadi Posture, Yu Shu and Gary A. Mirka and Maury A. Nussbaum . Does Situation Awareness Add to the Validity of Identifying the Task Variables That Predict Object Assembly Difficulty, Miles Richardson, Gary Jones, Cognitive Tests? Francis T. Durso, Mark Torrance, and Thom Baguley .. M. Kathryn Bleckley, and Andrew R. Dattel! Heuristic-Based Information Acquisition and Tracking Workload in the Emergency Department, Scott Levin, Daniel J. France, Robin Hemphill, Decision Making Among Pilots, Mark W. Wiggins and Sandra Bollwerk . . lan Jones, Kong Y. Chen, Dorsey Rickard, Lowering Communication Barriers in Operating Renee Makowski, and Dominik Aronsky Room Technology, Jessica L. Webster and \ Model of Extended, Semisystematic Visual Search, Caroline G. L. Cao. ee Brian J. Melloy, Sourav Das, Anand K,. Gramopadhye, Detecting Transient Changes in Dynamic Displays: and Andrew T. Duchowski The More You Look, the Less You See, Perceptual Issues in the Use of Head-Mounted Visual Walter R. Boot, Arthur © Kramer, Ensar Beci¢ Displays, Robert Patterson, Marc D. Winterbottom, Douglas A. Wiegmann, and Tate Kubose and Byron J. Pierce An Accurate Method for Determining the Conspicuity Effects of Vision and Friction on Haptic Perception, Area Associated With Visual Targets, Jesse O. Perreault and Caroline G. L. Cao Linda L. Pretorius and Johan J. Hanekom Effects of Displacement Magnitude and Direction of The Impact of Distraction Mitigation Strategies Auditory Cues on Auditory Spatial Facilitation of on Driving Performance, Birsen Donmez, Visual Search, Kim-Phuong L. Vu, Thomas Z. Strybel, Linda Ng Boyle, and John D. Lee and Robert W. Proctor . . t Identification of Real-Time Diagnostic Measures of Effects of Uncoupled Motion on Performance, Visual Distraction With an Automatic Eye-Tracking Eric R. Muth, AlexandeDr . Walker, and System, Harry Zhang, Matthew R. H. Smith, and Matthew Fiorello GeraldJ . Witt AUTHOR INDEX Agutter, J., 85 Escoto, K. H., 48 Mirka, G. A., 499 Armstrong, T. J., 487 Evanoff,B ., 5 Mitra, S., 23 Aronsky, D., 526 Filik, R., 39 Mitzner, T. L., 229 Arrabito, G. R., 465 Fiorello, M., 600 Muth, E. R., 600 Ashton-Miller, J. A., 207 Fisher, D. L., 447 Narayanaan, V., 44 Fisk, A. D., 154, 434 Nawa, Y., 651 Baguley, T., 511 Flannagan, C. A., 334 Niebergall, E Bailey, N. R., 693 France, D. J., 526 Nussbaum, M Baker, D., | Francis, G., 279 Balakrishnan, A. D., 12 Freeman, F. G., 693 Oxtoby, ¢ Battles,J ., | Beasley, J. W., 48 Gale, A.. 39 Pak, R., 154 Becic, E., 759 Gerrett, D., 39 Parker, S. P. A., 288 Bell, R., 300 Gramopadhye, A. K., 540 Parsons, K. S., 682 Ben-Bassat, T., 182 Grayson, D., 5 Patterson, E. S., 15 Bestgen, Y., 257 Gregory, D. E. Patterson, R., 555 Bleckley, M. K., 721 Griswold, J Perel, M., 615 Bliss, J. P.. 72 Groen, E. I Perreault, J. O., 574 Bollwerk, S., 734 Pierce, B. J., 555 Boot, W. R., 759 Hancock, P. Pollatsek, A., 447 Bos,J . E., 219 Hanekom, J. J.. 774 Potter, P., 5 Boxerman, S. B., 5 Hara, Y., 651 Pradhan, A., 447 Boyle, L. N., 785 Heim, C., 413 Pretorius,L . | Brandt, M., 300 Hemphill, R., 526 Proctor, R Buchner, A., 300 Hines, F. G., 675 Purdy, K. 39 Burke, C. S., 392 Horrey. W. J.. 196 Byrne, M. D., 627 Render, M. L., 15 lridiastadi, H., 710 Richardson, M., 511 ‘allaghan, J. P.. 142 Rickard, D., 526 a0. C. GL... SH, 74) Jerome, C. J Roberts, K. H., 639 ‘arswell, C. M., 422 Jindrich, D Robertson, G. G., 318 ‘hapman, R. J., 15 Jones, G S11 Rogers, M. L., 15 harness, N., 675 Jones | 52 ) 6 Rogers, W. A., 154, 229, 434 hen, K. Y., 526 Roring, R. W., 675 “hiu, P., 109 Karsh, B.-T., 48 Ross, T., 346 ‘javarelli, A. P., 639 Kent, D. M., 95 ‘rouch, DD. J 38] Kiefer,R . J., 334 Salas,E ., 1, 392 zerwinski, M. P., 31 King, H., | Salvucci, D. D., 362 Kramer, Sarter, N. B., 656 Das. S.. 540 Kubose Scerbo, M. W., 72, 693 Dattel, A. R., 721 Schmidt, E. A., 72 Daudelin, D. H., 95 Schmidtbleicher, D., 413 Davis, E. M., 627 Schumacher, M. M., 422 Deaton,J . E., 109 Scott. L. A.. 693 DeHart, M. C.. 615 Shinar, D., 182 DeLucia, P. R., 23, 666 Levin, S Shu. Y.. 499 Dember, W. N., 682 Lindsay,J Sledge, J. A.. 5 Dennerlein, J. T., 121, 130 Smith, M. R. H., 805 Desai, V. M., 639 Macmillan,J ., 95 Smith,S . E., 288 DiMarino, M.-H. J., 130 Madhavan, P., 241 Stelzer, E. M., 166 Dixon, S. R., 474 Makowski, R., 526 Stephan, K. L., 288 Donmez, B., 785 Martin, R. L., 288 Stephens,E . C., 422 Drews, F. A., 59, 85, 381 Mather, R. D., 23, 666 Strayer, D. L., Duchowski, A. T., 540 Matthews, G., 109 Stronge, A. J., Dunk, N. M., 142 May. A. J., 346 Strybel, T. Z., 5 Dupont, V., 257 McAnally, K. L., 288 Stuster, J., 608 Durso, F. T., 721 McGuirl, J. M., 656 Svroid. N.. 85 Melloy, B. J., 540 Szalma,J . L., 68 Ebersole, M. L.. 487 Mikulka, P. J., 693 826 Winter 2006 — Human Factors Taketani, F., 651 Walker, A. D., 600 Wightman, D. C., 392 Tan, D. S., 318 Walker, B. N., 265 Wilson, K. A., 392 Thompson, S. N., 72 Warm, J. S., 109, 682 Winterbottom, M. D., 555 Torrance, M., 511 Webster, J. L., 747 Witt, G. J., 805 Tripp, L. D., 109 Weise, J., 300 Wolf, L. D., 5 Werchan, P., 109 Ueda, T., 651 Westenskow, D. R., 59, 85 Yang, B.-S., 207 Wickens, C. D., 166, 196, 474 Yukawa, E., 651 van Erp, J. B. F., 219 Wiegmann, D. A., 241, 759 van Veen, H.-J. A. H. C., 219 Wierwille, W. W., 615 Zhang, H., 805 Vu, K.-P.L ., 587 Wiggins, M. W., 734 SUBJECT INDEX -D Decision Highway auditory display, 465 aids, 241, 608 and vehicle design, 300 navigation, 318 making, 5, 734 safety, 182 support systems, 656 traffic signs, 182 Acceleration stress, 109 Design, 346 Human error, 627 Accommodation, 555 research, 422 Human-computer interaction, 279 Adaptable automation, 693 Detectability, 774 Human-machine interaction, 241 Adaptive automation, 693 Display size, 166 Aging, 229, 422, 434, 666, 675 Distraction, 196 Icon and index, 257 Air traffic control, 721 Divided attention, 381 Image size, 675 Alarms, 288 Driver Image-guided interventions, 23 Anesthesia, 59, 85 behavior, 300, 362 Impaired driving, 608 Assembly distraction, 362, 3 Imperfect automation, 241 difficulty, 511 performance, 196, 3 Individual differences, 318, tasks, 511 Driving, 666 Information acquisition, 734 Attention, 166 in fog, 300 Inspection, 540 Auditory simulator, 447 Instructions for use, 2 displays, 265, 288 Drug Instrumentation, 574 localization, 587 delivery, 85 Integrated driver model, 362 spatial facilitation, 58 labeling, 39 Interlimb coordination, 413 Automation, 474 DWI or DUI enforcement, 608 Intermittent work, 710 bias, 656 Dynamic visual acuity, 651 Intermodal referring expressions, 257 Aviation, 219 Interrater reliability, 487 lectromyography, 130, 499, 710 Interruptions, 526 Balance, 207 lectronic medical record, 15 In-vehicle information systems, 785 Bar code, 15 motion, 675 Behavioral theory of the firm, 639 ndurance time Keyboard, 279 Binocular rivalry, 555 rgonomic principles of design, 182 Keyswitch, 121 Biocybernetic systems, 693 rror reporting system, 48 Knowledgoef results, 682 Blind navigation, 265 thnographic observation xperience, 639 Ladder safety, 207 Car backlights, 300 xpertise, 734 Landmarks, 346 ‘ase-based training, 95 xposure, 48 Large display ellular (mobile) phones, 196, 381 Lead vehicl linical decision making, 95 Learning1 ockpit display, 219 Loading, 5 ‘ooognn ition,n 1| 09 Localized ognitl Look-alike architectures, 362 Lumbar spi engineering, | map formation, 318 Manual cont ollision Maskedt avoidance. 785 Medical warning, 334 Force, 48 devices, 2 ‘ompliance, 474 feedback, 130 diagnosis omputer systems, 434 Friction, 574 error, 48 ‘omputer-based information search Medication ert 154 Gender, 318 Medicine Computerized decision support sys Graphical displays, 59, 85 Mental tems, 95 Gravity-indu1 ced loss of consciousness, representation, 59 ‘onspicuity, 774 109 workload, 5, 693 ‘onsumer products, 422 Meta-analysis, 196 ‘ontrast, 229 Haptic devices, 130 Minimally invasive surgery, 2 ‘ontrol, 85 Haptics, 574 Motion sickness, 600 ‘rash Head tracking, 555 Motor avoidance, 33- Head-mounted displays, 555 control, 130 prevention, 615 Health and medical systems, 5, 526 overflow, 413 ‘rew resource management, 392 Hierarchical regression, 721 Multilevel evaluation, 392 ‘urve negotiation, 785 High-reliability organizations, 639 Multimodal displays, 587 Winter 2006 — Human Factors Multiple resources, 5 Reliance, 474 Team Musculoskeletal disorders, 499 Repetition, 487 communication, 747 Response time, 774 training, 392 NASA Task Load Index, 526 Risk Teamwork, 392 New technology, 747 assessment, 95 Test road, 615 Novice drivers, 447 perception, 447 Text and illustration, 257 Roadside testing, 608 Time to collision,"334 Observational assessment, 487 Routine procedures, 627 Tracking, 166, 759 On-line situation awareness, 721 Training, 72, 682 Safety, 392 Operating room, 747 evaluation, 392 Search, 166, 759 Optical flow, 318 Transportation, 666 behavior, 540 Optimization, 279 Trunk muscle activation, 142 model, 540 Organizational adaptation, 639 Trust calibration, 656 performance, 540 Typing, 12] Participatory design, 422 Selection, 721 Sensory and perceptual processes, 300 Passive sonar, 465 Unmanned aerial vehicles, 474 Simulation, 72 Patient safety, 1, 15, 39, 48, 59, 85, 95 Usability testing, 422 Simulator sickness, 600 Perceptual constancy, 555 Simulators, 600 Performance, 109, 574, 600, 682 Vehicle, 615 Situation Awareness Global Peripheral awareness, 65] navigation, 346 Assessment Technique, 721 Phlebotomy, 72 Vergence, 55 Situation Present Assessment Method, Physical work, 5 Vibrotactile display, 219 pe) Pistol, 413 Vigilance, 682 Sonar processing, 465 Pointing device performance, 130 Virtual Sonification, 265 Police, 413 environments, 318 Spatial Postcompletion error, 627 reality, 72 abilities, 154, 318 Postural control, 207 Vision, 300 cuing, 587 Posture, 487 Visual disorientation, 219 Problem solving, 5 distraction, 805 Stability ball, 142 Professional culture, 48 perception, 574 Standardized Field Sobriety Test, 608 Prolonged sitting, 142 performance, 23, 651, 666 Stepladder, 207 Psychomotor skill, 109 search, 540, 587 Strategies, 434 Psychophysics, 774 target, 774 Pupil dilation, 651 Stress, 5, 413 Structured information, 747 Wayfinding, 265 Surface transportation systems, 300 Random search, 540 Weber's law, 574 Surveillance, 166 Reaction time, 615 Whiteboard, 526 Sustained attention, 682 Reading, 229 Workload, 474 Symbol design, 182 Real-time diagnostics, 805 density, 526 System Rear confidence, 656 World Wide Web, 434 lighting, 615 Wrist design, 48 signaling, 615 muscles, 130 Systematic search, 540 Rear-end crashes, 615 splint, 499 Reasoning Task Reflex, 413 analysis, 627 Release from masking, 465 variables, 511

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