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Human Anatomy & Physiology (Masteringa&p) PDF

1251 Pages·2018·198.362 MB·English
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Preview Human Anatomy & Physiology (Masteringa&p)

SECOND EDITION Quick Reference Amerman guides you CORE PRINCIPLES in A&P introduced in chapter one and referenced throughout this book: every step of the way with ... Feedback loops are homeostatic control mechanisms in which a change in a regulated variable ii·l,Ii;J ·il=I•I•i.il 10 I , causes effects that feed back and "But It All Looks Pink l" Part 2 in turn affect that same variable. In ptitl 1 d 1twi, C,o,-,--""" B~. we di~ hoewK tii'>°e"r il,, Y'Qll'Mf tQ the dHf9r.r,t wm~nentt QI e Nfl.lll Nc;;w -..e'II &Me c• tlet, furtltef .a!KII idenl r,, the bseue from Whk:tl a sect:Dn WM tat.en. Let's try Ill ·.-ti IM!W a.111IH: - Coaching that clarifies CORE PRINCIPLE Structure-Function tough concepts -- • - The form of a structure best suits its function. .. ....... £'(..-c CORE PRINCIPLE n-1111•1 M dt'•ft•tlA~ a~, iIll >llp pM,._ pwfltai1Arl1 tt )'OLI Gradients 11. . • ""'91Plod,ct•J, app,o•eh A gradient is present any time •• • • more of something exists in one Big Picture area than in another and the two Animations that bring areas are connected. Big Picture Figures to life and help reinforce key ideas CORE PRINCIPLE j Cell-Cell Communication \ Cells in the body generally communicate via electrical signals or chemical messengers to coordinate functions in the body. - - One-concept-at-a --- time art with Big Picture figures help you focus on key concepts e-::::c:::.-=.,,-::- .. . and easy-to-assign media that maximizes student learning Get Ready for A&P Diagnostic Test Get Ready for A&P Learning Styles Assessment Book-specific: NEW! Building Vocabulary activities NEW! Flashback questions NEW! Core Principle questions NEW! Apply What You Learned questions EXPANDED! Big Picture Animations ./ UPDATED! Practice Tests and Quizzes ./ EXPANDED! Dynamic Study Modules ./ (now customizable) Concept Boost Video Tutors ./ Chapter Running Case Studies ./ General: EXPANDED! Interactive Physiology 2.0 Tutorials ./ NEW! Interactive Physiology Animations ./ A&P Flix 30 Animations ./ Clinical Case Studies ./ UPDATED! PAL 3.1 + NEW! PAL PAL Test Bank 3.1 Customizable Flashcards PhysioEx Activities ./ Bone and Dissection Videos ./ Instructor Resources: Active-learning Workbook ./ (in Microsoft Word and PDF) and more Author podcasts and more When Erin Amerman decided to write her own textbook, her mission was clear: to write a textbook that her students could read and learn from; a book that would speak to the way today's diverse students learn and study. With the overwhelmingly positive response to the f irst edition, it was clear that Amerman's approach resonated with both instructors and students. They singled out three aspects of Amerman's approach that were particularly effective: One-concept-at-a-time art Informed by the latest research on cognitive science, Amerman reduces cognit ive load by chunking information and visually unpacking art one-concept-at-a-time. She then pulls all the information together in Big Picture figures that help students see how the distinct parts work as a whole. Coaching throughout the book Amerman begins with a unique Module 1.1 How to Succeed in Your Anatomy and Physiology Course. This f irst module sets the stage for the tone and hand-holding approach found in the rest of the book. Concept Boosts provide just-in-time coaching on tough-to understand concepts. Core Principles and Flashbacks reinforce recurring principles and anticipate students' knowledge gaps. Amerman's figures and coaching come to life via author-narrated Big Picture Animations and Concept Boost Video Tutors. The companion Active-Learning Workbook helps students actively read and engage with the chapter as they read it. Application and Critical Thinking Amerman provides ample opportunities for students to practice and develop critical thinking skills with Apply What You Learned real-world scenario questions that end each module. Chapter running case studies and other higher-level application questions are available in Mastering A&P. Module 1.1 How to Succeed in A&P Flashback Amerman includes a special section, "How to Flashback questions encourage students to Succeed in A&P," in Chapter 1, with a discussion think about previously learned concepts they about how to manage time, how to take notes, will need to apply in order to understand how to study for an A&P exam, and how to use upcoming discussions. the textbook, the companion Active-Learning Action Potent,;, 5 Workbook, and online tools. CD ,._.._. . ~M. ...... ... 1 .,,.., ........) .ol ....0 1l )AJ ..... 1-.t...J Lo..,µ,? :4' !) i.c: ) IJ! ..\ 10~ I W 11 ,j,, '\i .., ••1o..•· 1 •h1 11•1" ? •'>,I! Core Principles In Chapter 1, Amerman introduces four core principles and then highlights them throughout the textbook to remind students of the overall theme of human anatomy and physiology- homeostasis- and show how the core principles revolve around maintaining it. r~ J ~A CORE PRINCIPLE Ions nlo,·ing against their elcc1tOChemico.l gradienis 010,'C via Feedback Loops ATP-consuming pun1ps. One oft he most important pumps inclcc· trophysiology is the sodium-potassium ion pun1p, or ~ a +/ K + AT Pase, which brings two potassium ions into the cytosol as CORE PRINCIPLE it n1ovcs three sodium ions into the extracellular nuid. This Structure-Function pun1p maintains, and to so1ne extent crentes. the vital concen tration gradient, of sodiun1 and potassium ion., that exist across the plasma membrane. an example of the Gradient~ Core Prin- ciple (p. 28). ln a neuron, in a • CORE PRINCIPLE :is Gradients muscle fiber. the concentr:a.tion of CORE PRINCIPLE sodiun1 ions 1s higher in the extra· Gr11<11 111$ cellular fluid than in the eytosol, I and the opposite is true for pola.'5ium io11s--their concentration ·,• CORE PRINCIPLE is bigb(r in tile C}t~ol Lh:in in the extrncelluLu fluid • Cell-Cell Communicatio~ Concept Boosts In her classroom, Amerman gives her students extra How Do Positive Ions Create a Negative coaching in advance of those tough-to-understand Resting Membrane Potential? concepts, right when they need it, and she has built Much of the nef1•tlve reeling membrane pot.....,1 la caused by the mowment al pos/Wo loo&. But how can poeltlve bns that same strategy into her textbook. She anticipates create a negatl,a potantlll? To understand haN lhls w«lcs. where students will need extra help and then provides l@t'a start wllh • muecle tblr that has oo .,.,....,.,,.,. po!Bnllal. just-in-time coaching via Concept Boosts. Each which means that the chargeo ..,.. dlotrlbutad equally acroes ""'ml>fane· the plMma « aarcolemma. In our diagram here. Concept Boost focuses on tough-to-understand or t1 .. poekl. . charges and five negative ch•tOH aft found tricky concepts. on each 1lde of ttMt membN1ne: . . - • . .- .. - .. . • - ... - C)1ooo __ _ ___________ Active-Learning Workbook --------·---· »a ... ·- - ... .. ........ ___ ... This workbook written by Amerman , ., helps engage the kinesthetic learner with labeling, drawing, and build-your-own summary-table exercises that students can complete as they read the textbook. HUMAN Available in the Study Area of Mastering ANATOMY A&P and as editable Word files in the & PHYSIOLOGY . Instructor Resources in Mastering A&P. - ··--· ---- ___ . _. The print workbook can also be packaged __ ... uoi,,_ _ .. .. - ............ - ...... ........,_ .... __. __, ... ... with the Amerman textbook at no __ additional cost. ___ ._..- .,,·.·_ -..._.-....c_ . . ...... ., _. ... .. _... .._.-,.~ _.·• .• . ........ _. .. __ .......... .. ......._ kfllU ......... ,•c:k-.pd .,u, """"""",,..." - c-e.-.ctbook -- . .... ..-. Apply Wllat You L•am•d Apply What You Learned I. The disease myasdienia gravis (my'- uss-Tl nJE-ncc-ah Apply What You Learned questions at GRAH-vi:,s) result\ in the de;truCLion of ucetykholine the end of each module ask students to recepto11, on !lie motor end plrue. Predict tile ,ymptoms and think critically and apply what they've effect~ of this di,;ea,;e. just learned to a real-world scenario. 2. Predict the effect of improperly functioning troponin that isn't able lo bind to ttopomyosin. [ 3. Researchers discover a genetic mutation thot ICllds 10 o lack of T-tubules in a person ·s sl:eleta.l muscle fibers. Predict the Chapter Running Case Studies Chapter running case studies with assessments challenge students to apply their knowledge of key A&P concepts to a real-world clinical scenario, while allowing instructors to "flip" the classroom and incorporate critical thinking and/or group activities. These cases can be found in the Instructor's Guide and are also assignable in MasteringA&P. One-concept-at-a-time art Drawing from her experience in the classroom and the latest research in cognitive science, Amerman reduces cognitive overload by visually unpacking key information using one concept-at-a-time art and Big Picture figure visual summaries. This figure shows the first concept: how excitation occurs at the neuromuscular junction. .~'-------0 ... - - .. ,..& O"It e'ffltlllll Ind ...... ,~-°'*' IIIQ7ll'I 0,---·-... ,,---{'al)c. -111.,..._ .......... .,.... .0.,. ..... -<D-- [CJ .0 IN tyQpflCCl*'L -· -- -0. ........... _ .... .,..... Nf!IG1a' /IO'-tx,,,CI 10 .... .b..l.~. ~"S.I,~. ••• tr.~eoj OQl'l~IIIO ionCIWll'll(II p..,. AA f'I\IIIMltl @)U.st tnna A,wuomy a Physlolog-/ This figure shows the second concept: how excitation-contraction coupling is triggered. - t::) -- .: .., 1· \; .; \ ll -~- -- -~.._ - -·---- ..... ......... , .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;; The next figure shows the third }-::..- concept: the sequence of events of the crossbridge cycle. . ·- __ _ _____ .··-_-~ -·- - - ._ ... --.... .. ·---· ., .......... The Big Picture figure summarizes the main steps of skeletal muscle contraction. lv'T \.c..·1.1- t11 ...,.. ._.~. ... ............... ...... - - _ - .. - ........ -~ ©= • ........... .... _.._. _7 .............................. ........_ _ ................. ......... 1£111 ____ . @..-.....,..- .................. '.°.'. ...... ....-.. :.0.:..,...... -. .... ........... .,,.w.,,-__ __ ......................... .. ~ Succeed with Mastering._.A.......&._....P.. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ r Mastering A&P improves results by engaging students before, during, and after class. Before Class <: EXPANDED! Dynamic Study Modules now include .................... -.-,,--..·~-" over 1300 questions. The DSMs provide students with - -- ~- .-.~- multiple sets of questions with extensive feedback so -- _. .. _ --- ....... ........ that they can test, learn. and retest until they achieve ..__._._.._..._... ._ .. ....._....... ............_ .. ., mastery of the textbook material. ,.,.... ............... .. ........ ... - ........ ,. , ., _.. ~ NEW! Instructors can now select specific Questions to ....... 1.11.11.. ................. ........ .... ..... ..... . -.....-..........~..... ...... .. ....... create more customized assignments for their students . -~. ...-... ....f 'II')...,.... ............ .... Pre-Class Reading Quizzes help students pinpoint concepts that they understand and concepts that they need to review. During Class NEW! Ready-to..C.o Teaching Modules provide teaching strategies on tough topics in A&P. -• -- (> ,. After Class - · ·- -"·- ~- • Hundreds of self-paced tutorials and coaching 0 --~·· .. activities provide students with individualized ._. coaching with specific hints and feedback on the n - 0 toughest topics in the course. ·-- .......... -- _..._ .. 0 -0 --- -· • , w ""'•~1eer • ......, • --- • ... .·.· ----·----- - - .... .. ·-- • .i:...- · - • • Learning Catalytics- allows students to use their smartphone, tablet, or laptop to respond individually or in groups to questions in class. Visit learningcatalytics. com to learn more. Get Ready for A&P Diagnostic Test Part A allows you and your students to quickly assess at the Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are----· beginning of the course which foundational concepts students already know coming into the course and compounds which areas will require additional remediation. bases aeids elements __ _ Submit My Anawen, GIB VR -~·.._ ...... ........... ..__ .....__ .. :s; ... ·--· , , ,_, ·-- . ~ ·--·- • ,_, 1 - J ,_.., ·--··-· I • I ·-- , , Each chapter begins with an assignable activity that gives students practice learning and using word roots in context as they learn new A&P terms. __ _ .. _. ;;;;;.------ ·--- ··--=·- · ·~------··-- __ _ ____ -·11 -::·:1. --...·.----..-.. --- --·--- .. ---- --------- Concept Boost Video Tutor Coaching Activities in Mastering A&P feature videos of author, __ ___ __ ..1f :.:..:.:.1.. ..-... _.· _-_-_ -... Erin Amerman, teaching directly to students and ___ ........... --- walking them through select Concept Boost topics that are tricky or tough to understand. MyReadinessTest for A&P MyReadinessTest for A&P assesses students' proficiency in study skills and foundational concepts in science and math, and tutors students in core areas where they need additional practice and review before they even set foot in an A&P classroom. Students can get free online access the moment they register for your course. Please contact your Pearson representative for details.

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