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Human Anatomy for Artists The Elements of Form PDF

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HUMAN ANATOMY RO) ONS RISERS THE ELEMENTS OF FORM ELIOT GOLDFINere ELIOT GOLDFINGER HUMAN ANATOMY FOR ARTISTS The Elements of Porm The Skeleton » SKULL FRONTAL EMINENCE ramzoral PITAL EIMENCE fivey FBSA Swastaia Roce: a SE Pawetzar aw -ZesoneT ARG'Y Ramus % sie MANDIBSE Sue Ns \ Sew MENTAL PROTUBER ANCE OF MRSpaLE FRONT VIEW masz 1D pROCE SS : Cia Seek ine palate poate Agere Poseaan Sennen Paace8s [msrp pgocess Back view Top view Posiersn The Skeleton » VERTEBRAL COLUMN AJ avuaa3W9A WIKWR9 BVESSLUBA DIDVHOHL SVHORLTA BEM wawovs xx3909 FRONT VIEW RIGHT SIDE ViEW. Ack View The Skeleton + RIB. CAGE The Skeleton + RIGHT HAND eapeaoip _gasivare Sosare gatas seaPHo.D A Lusare 4 Terevetsa (cuneeue isons sion oh paare zim é or ymate SAMA HRS ramus 7 BASE ite ‘ial Eo sHart. FROM 2 EB teso. ose 4 9 STAD + reoxat| Panta susp Pitan paso Ack (ooRsA view PHALANC £ y Doane RAB AL FRONT [PAL View, RAMIALE ULNAR pera SeAPHOIe Luwate thd seaphoiD J TS LUNATE carreate J ~ =~ ‘ e Fs : 7 APA riavse09 = * eats) (erica) HAL ANS ES ———ste-METACARPALS —ISCHRIALS 9 THUMB SIDE (RADIAL VIEW) LOTTLE FINGER Si9E (ULNAR ViEW) SORSALE— > PALMAR PALMAR <> DORSAL, The Skeleton » HAND The SKELETON OF PE HAND is designed vo dhe radi and minimally with he fous Uae Perform the rms henvy Kral chores 8 well atached to dhe distal end of heal as ectemely prs, seastive, and dees The MCTACRAPUS coms othe five meta movements. In life the hand i predominantly carpal bons. The bok hate ofeach bane Tons, with its aurface Firm bax forthe moet located athe proximal extemiy of the shay ‘are on its skeleton, expeially sts back or dorsal while the rounded ead locas at che dal frac. Icons of the wiry the metacar~ entry. Metacarplsewo trough five index pus and the phalanges. The phalanges gece to le Roger ab group rcte distal. The srelonger than the metsarpals, whic in urn dorsal suracs ofthe metacarpal are wide and ‘ae longer tha the carpal: These proportions Hatened expecially cally a ll have 2 ‘re apposite those found inthe foot Benscen light convey urestre, Metacacpls two ‘heal metas, and phalanges. ‘hough five create a plane othe back ofthe The CARPUS cumits of cht small ixegar ind that cures side ese cis copes lasy shape carpal bones ranged in 70 otceble a the Ince. This curv, ota swia peuanmal and» dial-of four bones verse arc, bls ciate the sity the each, The proximal row contains the seaphcidy palm. The enrearre ofthe tansyese arch Ma Iunate, igure nd piston. The dtl sow tes sthen the open hand i pressed agaist cfmtins the trapesiom, aperoi, capitate, ad At surlae Inmate As «ut the carpal bones form half "Disally the ads of aatscgpa te ‘lsc which s curved side rosie, so that is through five are connected to each oer by lig Sonal marae is conven the concave palmar arent; thc head ol the ham i unatacke, Sula is ranslormed into the carpal teael for allowing ico have pest ange of ention a passage of he flexor tendons tothe Singer. the carpometacarpal ona the aie a op ‘On the back ofthe earpus, betwen the two pose the ote Fingers n seping The enumb's carpal sows 3 erent need toward the tetaczpal stated aud fang ax 50 ‘dl side). especially moieable when the that is dota surtace tae atalls when the ‘west jin is exe. Algo nodceale in his post- palm indicted forward ts dorsal ste i= ton is another deprenion beraeen the distal alnetperpedivsar wo the dora suraves of ad of fhe eadus and the proximal carpal rose theather metacarpal ‘the acalting proximal surtae ofthe carpus ‘The heads of metacarpal to through five Icumes a raed prominence berscen tbe two ate somewhat spherical, Thee dia surfaces epestions become exposcl in ie» rounded knuckles (On the pla side ofthe cepa ony inhen the Fingers ae Hex he meta prominences ate formed bythe pst at the plunged joints. Thee four metcarpals end nar sie (a he base of hypothenaeemiaence) tally ang a cured ne, with the mile and bythe tubercles of the trpenuim and sae finger projec he latest. The wh merase eid togcther an the rad ie lat the base of these four metncaralheade grater than the fhe thenat eminence. Thess bony praeedons wid aro the humeral epicondyles atthe o- ae epeillynoieable when the wrt jones how. Because se thumb's metacarpal heal ntl ot as rounded asthe others and because of ‘eth writ jot, the asc penimal carpal Eited motion 2 he metacarpophalengal fit row areaats primarily wih che distal ebd of ofthe thumb, the distal surface this mee BACK GaneaUEW vomeelanaam emeST a The Skeleton » PELVIS ones um BACK VIEW PosTeRion TONS ox nreaIOR SsacRUM Po 3 ANTERIOR INFERIOR teow cETARULUM INFERIOR RAMUE OF schluMyf —RAMLE OY prLcutan auarace A Lugie Sime SoheaL ours view iystee view (ROH HP Boney ener ee aneram —vostznmes.ncnon AYER SUPENOR sume geome YT NEAL EPS Lia sre AE SAE pais PLste TUSEAELE ) 2a aren ore roe view — ANTERIOR éuesion FOECporroM VIEW iLIRE SNE 30 RIGHT PATELLA The Skeleton - PATELLA The FAVELA, or kaseap is the Lage set noid hone ofthe body Ii tthe othe Seep sutace ofthe tendon ofnereon othe ‘quciceps muse ofthe thigh The futon of the paella t0 mows this tendon sway frm the joa, giv the qdadrices greater mechan cl advantage, The dep surface ofthe patel arcahtes with the distal extremity ofthe fe tues prcectng the arcu catlges of the ‘ncles, especialy wl kneling. The patella is eangular wie rounded oor ers a laened from tnt tn back. is apex is dived infeorly, The 0 upper rounded corners ae prominent on the wirface in be The arenoreurace othe patel is ones, wll the penteror santas has a wide ‘eral ridge which glides m the groove be tween the cndyles ofthe fut The inferie jes, sacking eo he patella gato, os Seon on the sua in the nraighe extended nee; howeser, a horizontal sh fara mas ‘appear at this arichmeat, When de knees Rese the arrive sarace of the patella fess ‘angle withthe gael ligament, reeling {he apex (msde view) The upper te of the FRONT VIEW atl sen in the exe nce, at he ‘extended ks, because the quadriceps tendon meets the pata a an angle ring Meson Th the naming posiion wi she high = axed, the bosom ofthe patel sits at eval jist shu higher han hele of the kas jn res slighay when the thigh moses eeu fh no mon rkig pace at the ke join berwonn the fem ad is. The paelas wider than the dance aot the anterior porto ofthe ides ofthe medial and Intl condyle ofthe fn, and therefore oo fsa portion of thes ales when the kei pie ‘When the kei arsght, the palit in the anteir shallow part of the femora condyle sruire. As the knees exe he patella ses flown ste deeper pare ofthe ove. This ac ‘ion displaces the pelle posteriori in relation to the ameior profile ofthe lowe leg Whea ‘he knelt he thigh appears gen be ‘us he tla has ben dragged around co he dsl sucace af che condyles ofthe fun, adding i this othe gh of the sigh ' sit aos fond op view aye RP Sibe ehe 35 The Skeleton » RIGHT FOOT a oes ceuvesrents 1) L Jirenveaiare coneiron bo acs —_PRRGA icone SRP cates hin pr ARO eng FRONT View pals ane awoucne i iwrenmesiave cote Now Vege watui esherrane \S ‘ Seta Ho Faragens ar BED, MRIS i ier, auc inst view BACK VIEW Isreemeoiare cuneroRe rEDiA. cuNEIFoRM is SA Ea ‘AL CUNEIFORM NAVICDLAR TUBERC ae 0° view ge NOR denonirs or PF RETATAREAL postefoant eakcaneus | GRTERAL Cuneiro™ feo inn RS atu BorroM view oor aw m3. NAH ELAR TUBERCLE

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