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Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 P R E F A C E Human Anatomyis designed primarily for a one-semester course, Accuracy usually taken in the first or second year ofcollege in preparation for admission to programs in nursing,therapy,health education,or pre- Textbook inaccuracies are an important source of frustration for professional health programs.This book has evolved through exten- instructors,students,and writers alike.We have taken several mea- sive research on the needs and likes of anatomy students and sures to avoid them in this book.The book itselfwas diligently re- instructors. In developing this first edition we commissioned de- viewed by colleagues during its development—in the first and tailed reviews from scores of instructors and held focus groups in second draft manuscripts and the first and revised page proofs—to which instructors discussed their course,challenges,text illustration ensure that the content is accurate,concise,and clear.Page proofs programs,and the general content ofanatomy textbooks.We created weredouble-checked not only by me but also the editor against the consultant panels ofanatomy instructors to thoroughly analyze the manuscript to ensure the correction ofany errors introduced dur- entire book and its art program.These efforts have generated thou- ing page composition (typesetting). sands ofpages ofreviews,all ofwhich I read carefully in developing To produce an accurate and dependable textbook,I con- this book. sider myself obligated,of course,to continue learning.It is not just an obligation but a pleasure to increase the depth ofmy own A understanding,keep my knowledge updated,and arrive at better UDIENCE and clearer ways of explaining human form and function. As Human Anatomyis based on an assumption that most users are just Isaac Asimov once said,“the greatest satisfaction for any consci- beginning or returning to college.At this stage,many are still de- entious and enthusiastic author comes from what one learns by veloping the study habits and skills necessary for success in a health writing.”What stronger motivation than teaching and writing science curriculum.The complexity of human anatomy can be a can there be for pursuing a life of perpetual scholarship? What daunting subject, and I have tried to make it more manageable better reward for knowledge can there be than these opportuni- through a variety of learning aids described in this preface.Also ties to share it? mindful that English is not the primary language ofmany students Myapproaches to this life of scholarly inquiry and sharing who take human anatomy,I have tried to keep the prose free ofun- include keeping up with the biological and medical journals that necessary jargon and idioms,and as clear as any writing on this arrive in my mailbox almost daily; keeping my reference library complex subject can be. updated with the newest editions ofthe most highly regarded bio- I also realize that many human anatomy students have taken medical text and reference books; enlightening discussions with no prior college biology or chemistry,since many institutions have colleagues on the HAPP-L listserv of the Human Anatomy and no prerequisites for human anatomy.Other students,too,return Physiology Society;attending annual conferences;and enrolling in to college to train for a health career after extended absences to continuing education courses in human anatomy and physiology, raise families or try other careers.So even ifthe student has had including courses I have taken during recent summers in neu- college biology or chemistry,we cannot assume that he or she re- roanatomy and neurophysiology,musculoskeletal anatomy and ki- members it. Some chemistry is needed even for the study of nesiology,and cadaver dissection. anatomy, but chemistry is introduced infrequently and in rela- tively simple terminology in this book.All anatomy is based ulti- Writing Style mately on cell biology, which is covered in chapter 2. This introduction provides all the background on cytology necessary Mywriting style has also been shaped greatly by more than a decade for understanding the later chapters. offeedback from skillful editors and perceptive colleagues and stu- dents.The style that has drawn so many gratifying compliments to HOWWE METYOUR NEEDS myprevious book has,ofcourse,been employed in this one as well. Students benefit most from a book they enjoy reading;a book that Reviewers and focus group members consistently tell us that the goes beyond presenting information to also telling an interesting most important qualities of an acceptable textbook are accuracy, story;and a book that steers a middle course between dry formality writing style,and quality ofillustrations. on one hand and a chatty condescending tone on the other.This has viii Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 PREFACE ix been my guiding principle in developing the right voice for my books.It is not the place ofany writer to judge how successful he or she has been in achieving such stylistic ideals;that is for the reader to Cervical curvature say.But I feel confident in inviting the reader to choose topics that C7 T1 students typically find most difficult,reading the presentation in this book alongside those ofother books written for the same audience, Thoracic curvature and deciding which presentation will best serve his or her classes. T12 L1 Chimp Human Quality ofIllustrations cLuurvmabtuarre FIGURE7.20 Comparison of Chimpanzee and Human Vertebral Columns.The S-shaped human vertebral column is an adaptation for bipedal locomotion. For the visual appeal and instructional value of this book,I am L5 S1 Pelvic highly indebted to the professional medical illustrators and graphic curvature Scoliosis Kyphosis (“hunchback”) Lordosis (“swayback”) artists who rendered the art in suchbeautiful and captivating style. The art program has benefited greatly from reviewers ofmy older FIGURE7.19 textbook who,over the course ofthree editions,gave us valuable di- Curvatures of the Adult Vertebral Column. not lean forward as it does in primates such as a chimpanzee;the rection with respect to the desirable size,color palette and satura- head is balanced over the body’s center ofgravity;and the eyes are directed straight forward (fig.7.20). tion,and amount oflabeling appropriate to their esthetic tastes and teaching needs. INSIGHT 7.3 CLINICAL APPLICATION ABNORMALSPINALCURVATURES not lean forward as it does in primates such as a chimpanzee;the Abnormal spinal curvatures (fig. 7.21) can resulth freoma ddi seisas eb, waelaaknnecsse,d over the body’s center ofgravity;and the eyes are or paralysis of the trunk muscles, poor posture, or congenital defects in W S T B A vcuerrtveabturarel acnaallteodm syc.o lTiohseis .mIto osct ccuorms mmoosnt doeftfeonr mindi ttyhi eirs tehanco rtaaebcnidco rr emsgtaiolr nlaa, tpiegarrah-lt fo(ar)ward (fig.7.2(0b)). (c) HAT ETS HIS OOK PART ttfpaialciell u attleboa,rn dlsoyce roavmmleioaloolsinpitsyg o c iannadn owo bnlheeeisc cscheiod ntrehtr. ee gI cfibr ttloeshdd.e Iy twp aseinotrhdms o aaen rbt’cisamh cs ekkos efb lraere atvsIaceule rlgt.tNsre obfrwroatm h(Sd iase dsnIceorvtibe Gyeloedtp lmcaotHeemnr--) TdaA nebv 7neiaxotarigmoF.gnIaGe3. lrU( aSbRtp)eEiKdny 7alpul.Ch m2Cou1bsLirasvr,I a acNtunur revIeaxsCat.ugr(gAeae.)rLSacte oAdli otPshiosP,r aacLni caI cbCunrovAramtTuarle Il.a O(tce)rNaLolrdosis, The following features are designed to serve the student’s needs and An exaggerated thoracic curvature is called kyphosis(hunchback, in lay adapt the book to the abilities ofmost beginning college students. lwhaenitaghvu ilaoyg seitne) .os Iumtc ihasl asucpsioua artollsyr aass p rwienrsaeul slttt uloinbfg eo rascntuedloo wpsioes irgaohnstdilsi ,f tibnin uAgat. d iAtoB nlae lNessocxe aOongctgsceR urwarMsthe oidnA lepuneLmgoabpSgaleerPINGALenCerUalR SVtAruTcUtuRrEeS ofa Vertebra csiusr, voart uitr me iasy c arellesudl tlo frrdoomsis a(dsdweady baabcdko)m. Itin mala wy heaigvhet Ao tihnre bp srnapemgoanerra cnamaculyys aoeslsr i aosssb p keoyispnifth ya.otl-h ceu trrvcAuuaer nnrete tuk7pr.rur 2emem2se.s—un T(tshaafc eitmgi lvme.ea sso7vs,se . tor2 ptfoe1obsbpv)roo iaoc rnaua gnspynd fo b eirnaostetntueesurr vueare nleortdtf, e frabore rvdoare l mbr dctoeion sbdcern aaimgs rieeesa sranthrhsooieteww ab, ncl o o widdvnye ee,friefaogedr-kcntes sisn, vertebralanatomyThemostcommondeformityisanabnormallateral Anatomy Atlases Basic anatomical terminology such as directional terms,body re- gions,and body cavities,as well as a broad overview ofthe 11 or- clinical careers,and clinical insights show how the basic biology of gan systems,are provided in atlas A following chapter 1.In many the body is relevant to those interests.The importance ofbone col- other books,this is included in chapter 1,but reviewers and users lagen,for example,may not be convincingly obvious to all readers, ofmy previous book have found it more useful to have these fun- but it becomes more so when reading about osteogenesis imper- damental concepts covered in a module oftheir own. fecta (brittle bone disease),a tragic result ofdefective collagen dep- Surface anatomy incorporates elements of integumentary, osition (insight 3.3). Similarly, the warming and humidifying skeletal,and muscular anatomy and is therefore presented through function ofthe nasal cavity becomes especially apparent when it is a series of photographs in atlas B, following chapter 12. Photo- bypassed by tracheostomy (insight 23.1).Each organ system chap- graphic cadaver anatomy is presented in atlas A and in many indi- ter also has a section on developmental and clinical perspectives at vidual chapters. For those especially interested in photographic the end,including a table that briefly describes some ofthe most anatomy of the cadaver,all such photos are listed in the index at common or interesting dysfunctions ofthat system. “cadaveric anatomy.” Evolutionary Medicine “Insight”Sidebars No understanding of the human body can be complete without Each chapter has from two to five special topics set apart as sidebars taking its evolutionary history into account;the human body today called Insights, listed by title and page number on the chapter must be seen as reflecting adaptations to past environments.Since opener page.These are ofthree types:Clinical Applications,Evolu- the mid-1990s, an increasing number of books on evolutionary tionary Medicine essays, and Medical History essays.Additional (darwinian) medicine have appeared,along with many articles in clinical,evolutionary,and historical remarks are interwoven with medical journals exploring evolutionary interpretations ofhuman the main text ofeach chapter. structure,function,and disease.This trend shows no signs ofabat- ing.And indeed,the 38th edition ofGray’s Anatomy(1995) is thor- Clinical Applications oughly evolutionary,with 11 pages ofevolution in its first chapter, and pervasive evolutionary interpretations of human anatomy The Clinical Application insights are by no means meant to make throughout that esteemed tome.Yet no other human anatomy text- this a clinical textbook.Rather,their importance and purpose is book for this introductory undergraduate market has incorporated that most students who study from this book will be interested in evolutionary medicine into its perspective.There is little room to Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 x PREFACE delve very far into this subject,but the importance ofevolution to Aging human anatomy is introduced in a section ofchapter 1,“The Evo- lution ofHuman Structure,”and is reinforced by six ofthe insight Atthe other end ofthe life span are the degenerative changes ofold essays and by evolutionary comments elsewhere in the main body age. In view of the steadily increasing average age of the North oftext.Insight 4.2,for example,provides an evolutionary interpre- American population,these are becoming increasingly important tation ofmorning sickness as an adaptation for protecting the em- tohealth care providers.The effects ofaging are presented for each bryo from teratogens,and insight 25.2 clarifies the function ofthe organ system in a section following prenatal development (“The nephron loop through an evolutionary comparison ofhumans to Aging Vascular System,”for example). aquatic and desert mammals. P EDAGOGY Medical History The following features are designed to serve the student’s needs and Other books also say little ifanything about the history and per- adapt the book to the abilities ofmost beginning college students. sonalities behind the science ofhuman anatomy.They seem to ex- pect students to accept the information ex cathedrawithout asking, “Who says? How do they know that?”Again,introductory anatomy Brushing Up textbooks allow little room or luxury to discuss history at any great Each chapter opener page (beginning with chapter 2) has a “Brush- length, but I do provide a brief history of anatomy (“Early ing Up” box which lists concepts from earlier chapters that the Anatomists”) in chapter 1,and add historical remarks in Medical reader should understand before embarking on the new one. It History insight essays,such as an insight into the function ofthe helps to tie the organ systems together and show their relevance to prefrontal cortex from the accident ofPhineas Gage (insight 15.2). each other.It also serves as an aid in courses that teach the systems Historical comments are also found in the general text, such as in a different order from the one presented here,and for students Hippocrates’interpretation of brain function (chapter 15),Har- returning after an absence from college who may need to refresh vey’s discoveries in blood circulation (chapter 21), and William their memories ofsome concepts. Beaumont’s experiments in gastric physiology (chapter 24).Such stories add considerable human interest to human anatomy,taking it beyond the realm ofmerely memorizing the facts. Objectives and “Before You Go On”Questions Each chapter is broken down into typically three to six major sec- Developmental Biology tions,framed between a set oflearning objectives at the beginning and a set ofreview questions (“Before You Go On”) at the end of My manuscript reviewers had widely disparate opinions of how each section.Blocking the chapters out in this manner makes it muchembryology this book should contain.Some said they have easier for a student to plan a study session around concrete goals no time to teach embryology and wanted none at all,while others with a defined beginning and end.“Before You Go On”is an op- regarded chapter 4 (Human Development) to be the most impor- portunity to test one’s comprehension ofthe preceding material, tant chapter in the book and wanted much more depth.The modal or for instructors to test that comprehension,before moving on to response was that there should be a moderate amount ofembryol- a new section. ogy on each organ system,but not very much detail.I have aimed at this middle ground. Chapter 4 presents basic embryology and lays a foundation Vocabulary Aids for understanding the more specialized embryology ofindividual organ systems.For each organ system,there is a developmental sec- Among the greatest hurdles to studying human anatomy are its tion near the end ofthe chapter that goes briefly into its further de- massive vocabulary and many students’unfamiliarity with bio- velopment from the basic primordia described in chapter 4.These logical word roots based heavily in Greek and Latin. Even as a sections are not meant to be encyclopedic treatments of human graduate teaching assistant, I developed the habit of breaking embryology,but broad overviews and key examples.The eye and words down into familiar roots in my lectures,and I have taught ear suffice for sense organ embryology,and the pituitary,thyroid, a course on biomedical etymology for many years.I am convinced and adrenal glands for the endocrine system,for example.Neither that students find such terms as pterygoidandextensor carpi radi- space limitations nor,apparently,the interests ofprospective users alis brevisless forbidding,and easier to pronounce,spell,and re- warrant greater detail or a comprehensive treatment ofthe devel- member,if they cultivate the habit of looking for familiar roots opment ofevery organ. and affixes. Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 PREFACE xi I have brought my etymological habit to Human Anatomy. interpretive thought or application ofthe chapter’s information to Chapter 1 has a section,unique among human anatomy textbooks new clinical scenarios. at this level,titled “The Language ofAnatomy.”It aims to instill the Within the body of each chapter there are an average of 17 habit of breaking words down into familiar roots, intuiting the “Before You Go On”questions and 3 “Think About It”questions. meaning of new terms from a familiarity with frequently used The latter are questions dispersed through the chapter calling for the roots,and perceiving the relationship between singular and plural student to apply what he or she has just read to a new situation,draw forms such as corpus,corpora.Itexplains the historic rationale for comparisons between concepts in different chapters,and so forth. a medical language based in Greek and Latin,and the importance The questions in each chapter thus draw upon three levels of of precision and spelling in not confusing similar words such as cognitive skill:(1)simple recall and recognition,as in Testing Your malleusandmalleolus,orileumandilium. Recall;(2)ability to express concepts in one’s own words,as in Be- Following up on this,every chapter has footnotes identifying fore You Go On;and (3)analytical insight,as in Think About It, the roots and origins ofnew vocabulary terms,and easily under- Testing Your Comprehension,and the explanation task in the True stood “pro-NUN-see-AY-shun”guides for terms whose pronuncia- or False questions. tion is not intuitively obvious. The most frequently used roots, prefixes,and suffixes are listed with their meanings and biomedical S W ! examples inside the back cover ofthe book. UGGESTIONS ELCOME Even though this book is now post-partum and dressed in hard Terminology covers, it is still very much a work in progress. It has benefited greatly from the many reviewers who provided critiques of the The vocabulary in this book follows the Terminologia Anatomica, manuscript and art during its development.Undoubtedly it will which has been the global standard for anatomical terms since 1998. improve still more as I hear from students and colleagues who use My adherence to the TA is not absolute,however;I retain some tra- it,and who wish to point out its strong features or make sugges- ditional terms where TA would seem more confusing than helpful tions for improvement.I welcome any user to send feedback to me to the beginning student.Following the recommendations of the at the following address,and will be grateful for your contribution AMA Manual ofStyleandStedman’s Medical Dictionary,I also min- to the quality and accuracy offuture editions. imize the use ofeponyms and substitute descriptive names,such as Ken Saladin tactile disc for Merkel disc and intestinal crypts for crypts of Department ofBiology Lieberkühn.I give the traditional eponyms in parentheses when first Georgia College and State University introducing the term.Some eponyms remain unavoidable (Golgi Milledgeville,GA 31061 complexand the Broca area,for example).Also following the AMA’s USA and Stedman’s recommendations,when I do use eponyms,I use 478-445-0816 nonpossessive forms—thus,Cushing syndromeandAlzheimer dis- [email protected] easerather than Cushing’s syndromeandAlzheimer’s disease. T L S EACHINGAND EARNING UPPLEMENTS Concept Reviews McGraw-Hill offers various tools and technology products to sup- Each chapter has a Review ofKey Concepts at the end,a concise re- port Human Anatomy.Students can order supplemental study ma- statement ofthe chapter’s main points for the purpose ofstudy and terials by contacting their local bookstore or by calling 800- review.Key vocabulary terms are italicized to make them stand out 262-4729.Instructors can obtain teaching aids by calling the Cus- in this review activity. tomer Service Department at 800-338-3987,visiting our A&P web- site at www.mhhe.com/ap,or contacting your local McGraw-Hill sales representative. Self-Testing Exercises There are multiple types ofself-testing questions in each chapter. For the Instructor: Atthe end ofthe chapter are 10 multiple choice and 10 sentence completion questions on simple recall of information (Testing DIGITAL CONTENT MANAGER CD-ROM Your Recall);10 True or False questions that call for more than just identifying (or guessing) which statements are true or false,but also This multimedia collection ofvisual resources allows instructors for briefly explaining whythe false statements are untrue;and 5 es- toutilize artwork from the text in multiple formats to create cus- say questions (Testing Your Comprehension) that call for deeper tomized classroom presentations,visually based tests and quizzes, Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 xii PREFACE University ofAlabama-Birmingham,these lectures can be used as they are,or can be customized to reflect your preferred lecture topics and sequences. INSTRUCTOR’S TESTING AND RESOURCE CD-ROM The cross-platform CD-ROM contains the Instructor’s Manual and Test Item File,written by Robin McFarland,Cabrillo College, are both available in Word and PDF formats.The manual follows the order ofsections and subsections in the textbook and summa- rizes the main points in the text,figures,and tables.The Instructor’s Manual also includes links to relevant websites,the answers to the problem sets at the end ofeach chapter,and a Test Bank ofaddi- tional questions that can be used for homework assignments and/or the preparation of exams.These additional questions are found in a computerized test bank utilizing Brownstone Diploma testing software to quickly create customized exams. This user- friendly program allows instructors to search questions by topic, dynamic course website content, or attractive printed support format,or difficulty level;edit existing questions or add new ones; material. The digital assets on this cross-platform CD-ROM and scramble questions and answer keys for multiple versions of include: the same test. Art Library—Full-color digital files ofall illustrations in the book, plus the same art saved in unlabeled and gray scale versions,can be LABORATORY MANUAL readily incorporated into lecture presentations,exams,or custom- The Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual by Eric Wise, Santa made classroom materials.These images are also pre-inserted into Barbara City College, is expressly written to coincide with the blank PowerPoint slides for ease oflecture preparation. chapters of Human Anatomy. This lab manual uses the same four-color art program as this book.It is accompanied by a sep- TextEdit Art Library—Every line art piece is placed in a Power- arate Instructor’s Manual,which contains solutions and keys for Point presentation that allows the user to revise and/or move or grading laboratory reports. delete labels as desired for creation ofcustomized presentations and/or for testing purposes. TRANSPARENCIES A set of600 transparency overheads includes nearly every piece of Active Art Library—Active Art consists ofart files that have line art in the text.The images are printed with better visibility and been converted to a format that allows the artwork to be edited contrast than ever before,and labels are large and bold for clear inside ofPowerPoint.Each piece can be broken down to its core projection. elements,grouped or ungrouped,and edited to create customized illustrations. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS MANUAL This manual written by Michael Hendrix,Southwest Missouri State Animations Library—Full-color presentations involving key University,expands on Human Anatomy’sclinical themes and in- figures in the book have been brought to life via animation.These troduces new clinical topics and case studies to develop the stu- animations offer total flexibility for instructors and were designed dent’s ability to apply his or her knowledge to realistic situations. to be used in lecture.Instructors can pause,rewind,fast forward, and turn audio offand on to create dynamic lecture presentations. eINSTRUCTION This Classroom Performance System (CPS) brings interactivity Photo Library—Like the Art Library,digital files ofall photo- into the classroom/lecture hall.It is a wireless response system that graphs from the book are available. gives the instructor and students immediate feedback from the en- tire class.The wireless response pads are essentially remotes that are Table Library—Every table that appears in the book is provided easy to use and engage students.CPS allows you to motivate stu- in electronic form. dent preparation,interactivity and active learning so you can re- ceive immediate feedback and know what students understand. PowerPoint Lecture Outlines—Based on the information in the Instructor’s Manual described below,it is possible to create COURSE DELIVERY SYSTEMS ready-made presentations that combine art and lecture notes for With help from our partners,WebCT,Blackboard,TopClass,eCollege, each ofthe 26 chapters ofthe book.Written by Roger Gilchrist, and other course management systems,instructors can take complete Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 PREFACE xiii control over their course content.These course cartridges also provide STUDENT STUDY ART NOTEBOOK online testing and powerful student tracking features.The Saladin This visual guide contains every illustration from the text to Online Learning Center is available within all ofthese platforms. make it easier for students to learn anatomy.This collection of images provides a comprehensive resource for studying anatom- ical structures and a convenient place to write notes during lec- For the Student: ture or lab. ONLINE LEARNING CENTER (OLC) The website offers an extensive array oflearning and teaching tools. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The site includes quizzes for each chapter,links to websites,clinical applications,interactive activities,art labeling exercises,and study Asevery textbook author knows,a book on this scale is never his outlines.Instructor resources at this site include lecture outlines or hers alone,but the product of many people’s hard work and and teaching tips. support.I am very indebted to Vice President and Editor-in-Chief Michael Lange and Publisher Marty Lange for their unfailing en- couragement and material support; Sponsoring Editor Michelle Watnick and Marketing Manager Jim Connely for their infectious enthusiasm and promotion of the book;my editor Kristine Tib- betts,Director of Development,who has worked with me from year one ofmy textbook writing endeavors and spared no effort to make this book ofhighest quality;Mary E.Powers,Senior Project Manager, for keeping all parts of this project meshed like fine clockwork;Designer K.Wayne Harms for the esthetic appearance of the book; Photo Coordinator John Leland and Photo Re- searcher Mary Reeg for locating the great number ofphotographs between these covers;Copyeditor Cathy Conroy,for a sharp eye that spared me from innumerable embarrassments; Jack Haley and his team ofmedical illustrators and graphic artists at Imagi- SALADIN INTERACTIVE CD-ROM neering STA Media Services in Toronto; and photographer Tim Set up in easy to use tabular format,this dual-platform CD-ROM Vacula and illustrator Linda Chandler, who worked with me at is a fully interactive learning tool.The CD is organized chapter-by- Milledgeville on illustrative concepts for the book.And as always, chapter and provides a link directly to the text’s Online Learning I owe a thousand thanks to Colin Wheatley for talking me into Center. Standard features include chapter-based quizzes, anima- textbook writing in the first place. tions of complex processes, and PowerPoints of all the images For factual accuracy and effective presentation,I also greatly found in the textbook.Saladin Interactive CD-ROM offers an in- appreciate the reviewers listed on the following pages,who pro- dispensable resource for enhancing topics covered within the text. vided a great deal of very helpful and detailed corrections,feed- back,and encouragement during the writing process. INTERACTIVE CLINICAL RESOURCE CD-ROM Tomyfamily—Diane,Emory,and Nicole—I thank you once again for your forbearance with the obsessions ofan author and for The Interactive Clinical Resource CD-ROM offers 150 3-D anima- helping me dispose ofthe royalties in ways that have been fun and tions and 3-D models ofhuman disease and disorders.It also con- enlightening. tains 13 sections ofclinical content (and nearly every body system) including Urinary,Skeletal,Reproductive,Nervous,Muscular,Im- mune,Digestive,Circulatory,and Endocrine. R EVIEWERS VIRTUAL ANATOMY DISSECTION REVIEW CD-ROM No words could adequately convey my indebtedness and gratitude This multimedia program created by John Waters ofPennsylvania to the anatomy instructors and experts who have reviewed this State University,and Melissa Janssen and Donna White of Collin book,and who have provided such a wealth ofscientific informa- County Community College,contains vivid,high-quality,labeled tion, corrections, suggestions for effective presentation, and en- cat dissection photographs. The program helps students easily couragement.For making the book beautiful,I am indebted to the identify and compare the corresponding structures and functions team described earlier.For making it right,I am thankful to the col- between the cat and the human body. leagues listed on the following pages. Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 xiv REVIEWERS Reviewers Jon Jackson Phyllis C.Hirsch John P.Harley University ofNorth Dakota East Los Angeles College Eastern Kentucky University Jane Horlings Aloi Alice Khin Glen Johnson Cynthia Herbrandson Saddleback College University ofAlberta University ofNebraska-Lincoln Kellogg Community College Amy Lynn Aulthouse Lyle W.Konigsberg Malinda B.McMurry Phyllis C.Hirsch Ohio Northern University University ofTennessee Morehead State University East Los Angeles College Sharon R.Barnewall Karen M.Krabbenhoft William Saltarelli Jon Jackson Columbus State Community College University ofWisconsin-Madison Central Michigan University University ofNorth Dakota Fredric Bassett Gavin R.Lawson Carl F.Sievert W.R.Jones Rose State College Bridgewater College University ofWisconsin-Madison Loyola University-Chicago David Bastedo William I.Lutterschmidt Suzanne G.Strait Jeanne Kowalczyk San Bernardino Valley College Sam Houston State University Marshall University University ofSouth Carolina- Mark G.Birchette Malinda B.McMurry Harry A.Tracy,Jr. Spartanburg Long Island University Morehead State University University ofTexas-San Antonio Gary Lange Leann Blem Craig L.Mekow Sandy Whisler Saginaw Valley State University Virginia Commonwealth University Palmer College ofChiropractic Central Texas College Gavin R.Lawson Ty W.Bryan Michele Monlux Bridgewater College Bossier Parish Community College Modesto Junior College Malinda B.McMurry Art Consultant Panel Carolyn Williamson Burroughs John G.Osborne Morehead State University Bossier Parish Community College East Tennessee State University Jane Aloi Horlings Craig L.Mekow Luis Cardenas Wayne H.Preston Saddleback College Palmer College ofChiropractic California State University-Northridge College ofSequoias Lucy G.Andrews Michele Monlux Pamela J.Carlton William Saltarelli University ofAlabama-Birmingham Modesto Junior College CUNY-College ofStaten Island Central Michigan University Frank Baker Tim R.Mullican Katherine P.Clark Beth Scaglione Sewell Golden West College Dakota Wesleyan University Solano Community College Valparaiso University Sharon R.Barnewall Wayne H.Preston Harold Cleveland Tom Sourisseau Columbus State Community College College ofSequoias University ofCentral Oklahoma Cabrillo College Mark G.Birchette Jacob A.Sapiro James E.Cordes Leeann S.Sticker Long Island University Fullerton College Louisiana State University-Eunice Northwestern State University ofLouisiana Jennifer K.Brueckner Carl F.Sievert Paul V.Cupp,Jr. William J.Swartz University ofKentucky Community University ofWisconsin-Madison Eastern Kentucky University Louisiana State University College System Lewis M.Stein Mary Beth Dawson R.Brent Thomas Ty W.Bryan Chatham College Kingsborough Community College University ofSouth Carolina- Bossier Parish Community College Leeann S.Sticker Robert Droual Spartanburg Carolyn Williamson Burroughs Northwestern State University Modesto Junior College Harry A.Tracy,Jr. Bossier Parish Community College ofLouisiana David K.Ferris University ofTexas-San Antonio Paul V.Cupp,Jr. Suzanne G.Strait University ofSouth Carolina- Laurie Walter Eastern Kentucky University Marshall University Spartanburg Chicago State University Luis Cardenas Judy Sullivan Michael L.Foster Barbara Ann Walton California State University-Northridge Antelope Valley College Eastern Kentucky University University ofTennessee-Chattanooga Alan Dietsche Stuart Sumida Pamela B.Fouché Everett D.Wilson University ofRochester California State University-San Walters State Community College Sam Houston State University Christine Eckel Bernardino Carl D.Frailey Mary Leslie Wilson Salt Lake Community College R.Brent Thomas Johnson County Community College Gordon College David K.Ferris University ofSouth Carolina- Timothy J.Gaudin MaryJo A.Witz University ofSouth Carolina- Spartanburg University ofTennessee-Chattanooga Monroe Community College Spartanburg Mary Tracy Todd Gordon Michael L.Foster University ofDetroit-Mercy Kansas City Kansas Community College Eastern Kentucky University Laurie Walter Douglas J.Gould Text Consultant Panel Pamela B.Fouché Chicago State University University ofKentucky Frank Baker Walters State Community College Barbara Ann Walton David L.Hammerman Golden West College Carl D.Frailey University ofTennessee-Chattanooga Long Island University Leann Blem Johnson County Community College Patricia Brady Wilhelm Steve Hardin Virginia Commonwealth University Patrick B.Fulks Community College ofRhode Island Ozarks Technical Community College Carolyn Williamson Burroughs Bakersfield College MaryJo A.Witz John P.Harley Bossier Parish Community College Ron Gaines Monroe Community College Eastern Kentucky University Michael L.Foster Cameron University Glenn Yoshida Ruth Heisler Eastern Kentucky University Timothy J.Gaudin Los Angeles Southwest College University ofColorado-Boulder Carl D.Frailey University ofTennessee-Chattanooga Michael Hendrix Johnson County Community College Douglas J.Gould Focus Group Participants Southwest Missouri State University Douglas J.Gould University ofKentucky Phyllis C.Hirsch University ofKentucky Eric S.Hall Kathleen Andersen East Los Angeles College Rhode Island College University ofIowa Saladin: Human Anatomy Front Matter Preface © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 REVIEWERS xv Frank Baker Jane Aloi Horlings Esther Fleischmann JeffParmelee Golden West College Saddleback College University ofMaryland Baltimore Simpson College Mike Bodri Kathleen Andersen Campus James Paruk Northwestern State University University ofIowa Pamela B.Fouché Feather River College Christine Byrd Deborah Anderson Walters State Community College Mary Perry Western Michigan University St.Norbert College Claire Fuller Allan Hancock College Marian Diamond Lucy G.Andrews Murray State University Wendy Perryman University ofCalifornia-Berkeley University ofAlabama, Ron Gaines Oral Roberts University Martha Dixon Birmingham Cameron University Andrew Petto Diablo Valley College Paul Arnold Anne Geller University ofthe Arts Christine Eckel Young Harris College San Diego Mesa College Tricia Reichert Salt Lake Community College Josephine Arogyasami Joel Gober Colby Community College Michael L.Foster Southern Virginia University Long Beach City College Deborah Rhoden Eastern Kentucky University Michael Atkinson Miriam Golbert Snead State Community College Roger Gilchrist Oakland City University College ofThe Canyons Lewis Royal University ofAlabama-Birmingham Amy Lynn Aulthouse Douglas J.Gould Community College ofRhode Island Douglas J.Gould Ohio Northern University University ofKentucky College Katherine Schmeidler University ofKentucky Caryn Babaian OfMedicine Irvine Valley College Leslie Hendon Manor College Eric S.Hall Richard Search University ofAlabama-Birmingham Charlotte Bacon Rhode Island College Thomas University Michael Hendrix University ofHartford David L.Hammerman Donald Serva Southwest Missouri State University Frank Baker Long Island University Wheeling Jesuit University Phyllis C.Hirsch Golden West College Wesley Hanson Mark A.Shoop East Los Angeles College Susan Baldi Southern Nazarene University Tennessee Wesleyan College Jon Jackson Santa Rosa Junior College Rosemary Harkins Sharon Simpson University ofNorth Dakota Bobby Baldridge Langston University Broward Community College Lyle W.Konigsberg Asbury College John P.Harley Colleen Sinclair University ofTennessee Hirendra Banerjee Eastern Kentucky University Johns Hopkins University Karen M.Krabbenhoft Elizabeth City State University Ron Harris Tracy Soltesz University ofWisconsin-Madison Mick Bondello Marymount College Pikeville College Dennis Landin Allan Hancock College Lauraine Hawkins Tom Southworth Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge Laurie Bonneau Pennsylvania State University College ofAlameda Robin McFarland Trinity College Elizabeth Hayes Robert Stark Cabrillo College Joan Bowden University ofWisconsin-Fond du Lac Depauw University Michele Monlux Alfred University Ruth Heisler Lewis M.Stein Modesto Junior College Chad Brown University ofColorado-Boulder Indiana University ofPennsylvania- John G.Osborne Capital University Maureen Helgren Indiana East Tennessee State University Ty W.Bryan Quinnipiac University Suzanne G.Strait Roland Rodriguez Bossier Parish Community College Andrew Hufford Marshall University Irvine Valley College Stacey Buser Butte College Stuart Sumida Robert Seegmiller University ofAkron Jerry Johnson California State University San Brigham Young University Craig Canby Western Baptist College Bernardino Suzanne G.Strait Des Moines University Gary Lange William J.Swartz Marshall University Marnie Chapman Saginaw Valley State University Louisiana State University Stuart Sumida University ofAlaska Stephen Langjahr Anthony Tolvo California State University-San Bill Cockerham Antelope Valley College Molloy College Bernadino Fresno Pacific University Al Martyn Janice Toyoshima Mark Terrell Kimberly Coleman Little Priest Tribal College Evergreen Valley College Indiana University Purdue Landmark College Christopher McNair Mary Tracy University Indianapolis Warren Darling Hardin-Simmons University University ofDetroit-Mercy Gail Turner University ofIowa Craig L.Mekow Curt Walker Virginia Commonwealth University Rosemary Davenport Palmer College ofChiropractic Dixie State College John Wilkins GulfCoast Communty College Michele Monlux Mark Waters Ball State University Latonya Derrick Modesto Junior College Ohio University David A.Woodman Allen University Chris Nicolay Deloris Wenzel University ofNebraska-Lincoln Martha Dixon University ofNorth Carolina-Asheville University ofGeorgia Diablo Valley College Mark Nielsen Linda Winkler Leah Dvorak University ofUtah University ofPittsburgh Questionnaire Concordia University Wisconsin Susan Orsbon Mark Womble Respondents Ruth Ebeling Newman University Youngstown State University Biola University John G.Osborne Mitch Albers David K.Ferris East Tennessee State University Minneapolis College University ofSouth Carolina,Spartanburg Saladin: Human Anatomy I. Organization of the Body 1. The Study of Human © The McGraw−Hill Anatomy Companies, 2004 1 C H A P T E R O N E The Study of Human Anatomy A new life begins— a human embryo after the first two cell divisions C H A P T E R O U T L I N E The Language ofAnatomy 16 • The History of Anatomical Terminology 17 • Analyzing Medical Terms 18 The Scope ofHuman Anatomy 2 • Singular and Plural Noun Forms 18 • The Anatomical Sciences 2 • The Importance ofPrecision 18 • Methods ofStudy 2 • Variation in Human Structure 5 Chapter Review 20 • Levels ofHuman Structure 6 Early Anatomists 8 • The Greek and Roman Legacy 8 • Medieval Anatomy in Christendom and Islam 9 • The Birth ofModern Anatomy 9 I N S I G H T S • The Discovery ofMicroscopic Anatomy 10 The Nature ofHuman Life 11 1.1 Clinical Application:Situs Inversus and Other Unusual • What Is Life? 12 Anatomy 6 • What Is a Human? 12 1.2 Evolutionary Medicine:Vestiges ofHuman Evolution 15 1.3 Medical History:Obscure Word Origins 18 The Evolution ofHuman Structure 14 • Evolution,Selection,and Adaptation 14 • Life in the Trees 15 • Walking Upright 16 P A R T O N E

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