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Human Afflictions and Chromosomal Aberrations PDF

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HUMAN AFFLICTIONS AND CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS RAYMOND TURPIN Professor of Clinical Paediatrics, Paris Faculty of Medicine, and Member of the French Academy of Sciences and JEROME LEJEUNE Professor of Fundamental Genetics, Paris Faculty of Medicine, and Director of Research for the French National Centre for Scientific Research & PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD • LONDON • EDINBURGH • NEW YORK TORONTO • SYDNEY- PARIS • BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W. 1 Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19 a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5® Vieweg&Sohn G.m.b.H., Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1969 Pergamon Press Ltd. First English edition 1969 This translation is based on Les Chromosomes Humains (caryotype normal et variations pathologiques) published by Gauthier-Villars, 1965 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 68-18534 PRINTED IN GERMANY 08 013263 4 Preface to the English Edition AMONG the great scientific movements initiating the study of human heredity, history will no doubt pick out after Mendelism and genochemistry, chromo some analysis. These fundamental principles have found in human physiopatho- logy a new demonstration of their possibilities since the phenotypic wealth of man, whether healthy or sick, is unrivalled. This book, Human Afflictions and Chromosomal Aberrations, is the English version of the French original of 1965. Only the chapter "Monozygotic Twin ning and Chromosome Aberrations (Heterokaryotic Monozygotism)" has been enriched by new advances which increase the interest of the problems raised by this new type of pathological twinning. As an introductory work it outlines the methods of analysis which lead to the definition of the chromosome apparatus, the karyotype of the normal human somatic cell. The description of these chromosomes, a source through DNA of hereditary information and evolution, introduces the study of their aber rations due to excess or deficiency. Those who have not participated in this work or have not closely followed it will see that the main models, archetypes and numerical or structural aberrations were isolated in 1959 and were soon confirmed. Their discovery was not the result of mere chance. In fact, the ingenious technique which permits the exact count of the chromosomes of the somatic cell of man, In = 46, did not immedi ately lead to the discovery of their aberrations. Before these were found it was necessary to find patients likely to bear them. The authors of the discovery of trisomy in mongolism with refined technique at the outset studied this disease to verify a hypothesis advanced 22 years earlier by one of them. The same se quence of events very soon followed in England, where the choice for study of the forms of gonadal dysgenesis was governed by anomalies of the chromatin body. The discovery of chromosomal aberrations is thus a striking example of the possibilities of confrontation of logic and experience. These anomalies in our hereditary make-up do not merely have a scientific appeal. They concern all who do not view without anxiety the increase in congenital diseases. A doubtless approximate but reasonable estimate suggests that patent and latent chromosomal aberrations affect some 4 in every 100 zy- gotes and, after the play of intra-uterine selection, 1 per 100 viable neonates. However, medical and socio-economic progress is more and more reducing the effects of natural selection. Such progress is increasing the life expectancy of these abnormal zygotes and, hence, the importance of the problems they pose. Some of these problems concern the normal karyotype. A better discrimina tion of the chromosomes founded on their morphological, biophysical and bio- Vll Viii PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION chemical attributes is highly desirable. It is essential for the definition of morbid types, the identification of rudimentary structural anomalies, the gene topology of the chromosomes and analysis of a possible relation between chromosome selection and cell specificity. Other problems concern aetiological factors. It is important to establish the real incidence and make clearer the pathogenetic possibilities: segregation, "replication" and structural anomalies. Certain factors are exogenous: physico- chemical; viral with chromosome tropism. Others are endogenous: inter- chromosomal effects; predisposition of the genes to aberrations; and predispo sition to aberrations and cancer. The first congenital chromosomal aberrations compatible with life heralded a new chapter in physiopathology. They encouraged the hope that progress in the study of human cytogenetics would match that of drosophilian cytogenetics. Now, barely 10 years after the start of these studies, the material for a new chap ter in human pathology has been marshalled and continues to increase. Although the progress of this young discipline has not yet fulfilled all the hopes pinned on it, it nevertheless continues to gain in importance and interest. Paris, July 1968 RAYMOND TURPIN Preface THE facts brought to light over the last 5 years in the study of human chromo somes and their pathological variations form the basis of this book. These find ings have opened up a hitherto closed chapter in human pathology and have encouraged the development of a new branch of medicine. Though much has been uncovered the knowledge gained will no doubt soon be outmoded. Modern methods afford still unexplored possibilities and refined analytical techniques may perhaps provide a fresh impetus to a study on the point of slowing down. Despite these discouraging aspects and the realization that this book would be far from perfect and contain observations of very uneven merit, we agreed to write it as requested. We felt it useful to bring to the attention of doctors known examples of congenital pathology which may affect any function or system and be of inter est to the widest range of specialists. It also seemed to us of value to compile for the benefit of researchers a bibliography as exhaustive as possible including material published over a 5-year period from the first communication in 1959 to 31 December 1963. Obviously, the bibliography for 1964 cannot be complete. From earlier publications we have taken only fundamental work or facts which have become topical again because of chromosomal discoveries. Following the Introduction we have divided the book into three parts. The first deals with the necessary preliminaries, background and definitions followed by the laboratory techniques; then the techniques of study and descrip tion of the normal karyotype. The second is devoted to anomalies in number or structure of the autosomes, in particular, trisomies, translocations and aneuploidies. The third combines numerical and structural anomalies in the gonosomes— hermaphroditism,twin anomalies and the mechanisms and effects of gonosomal aberrations. In drafting the last two sections we had to rely on original sources, and present the substance of numerous observations. This is bound to make the text more cumbersome, but the available information does not lend itself to outline form. It is certain that the order we have chosen will be upset in the near future. Without wishing to prophesy, always a dangerous course in biology, we can expect to see developments in acquired chromosomal pathology. This subject may become, as important, if not more so, than that of constitutional pathology. Care in assembling the most outstanding contributions does not exclude the risk of omissions. Some readers may perhaps regret that work they consider of value has not been included. We would make it clear that we welcome any remarks, not viewing them as ix X PREFACE criticism but as a contribution to a work which could not in the first instance be entirely successful. If this work paves the way to new research in the field under study, its purpose will have been amply served. In no way does it claim to be a summa but rather a gradus ad observationem. Institut de Progenese, RAYMOND TURPIN and JEROME LEJEUNE Paris, September, 1964 Acknowledgements WE WISH to thank our colleagues and collaborators of the Faculty of Medicine and the Institut de Progenese who helped to compile the original material used in this book. We also wish to thank the following organizations: the French Ministry of National Education, the French Atomic Energy Commission, the National Hygiene Institute, the National Centre for Scientific Research and the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation whose financial assistance made possible the setting up of the laboratories and develop ment of the research of the Institut de Progenese. Introduction THE remarkable development of cytogenetics of lower species encouraged com parable study of human cytogenetics, which was until recently, unfruitful due to inadequate techniques. Only a few years ago man was still ignorant of the exact number of his chromosomes but then a new technique of analysis trans formed the situation namely "hypotonic shock". Dispersion of the chromosomes made possible examination of in vitro mitosis and definitely established at 46 the number of chromosomes in our species. This new technique was put to immediate use by several laboratories, the first investigations being guided by theoretical notions. "Mongolism", the initial subject of research, was one of the best studied congenital diseases. Regarded as a genetic disorder, not conforming with clas sical Mendelian laws, its aetiology was the subject of much discussion. In 1959, the hypothesis of its chromosomal origin was verified by the discovery of tri- somy 21, thus establishing the validity of theoretical notions going back a quarter of a century. Moreover, the indications drawn from study of partial colour blindness and the nuclear chromatin body in intersex states suggested anomaly of segregation of the X chromosome. The discovery, after that of trisomy 21, of the Klinefelter XXY syndrome and the Turner XO syndrome, confirmed the soundness of these hypotheses. Finally, the first translocation (G ~ D) was found because the child who carried it displayed a syndrome of widely disseminated physical and mental disorders. This simultaneous involvement of many systems suggested a con stitutional anomaly due to a possible chromosomal aberration. These initial successes, this sudden awareness of a morbid group with far- reaching implications encouraged the setting up of numerous cytogenetic study centres throughout the world, soon followed by accumulation of observations based on more or less firm grounds. And this was only to be expected. But the possibilities of such chromosomal prospects are, in fact, limited by its tech niques and its subject. A. Cytogenetic techniques use only very small samples of material taken from few regions, usually, bone marrow, fascia or skin and blood. Even if more sam ples, cultures and karyotypes can be obtained, such exploration is marred by two weak points. First, it only extends to certain somatic cells and leaves aside information which might be provided by the germinal cells. Secondly, it always leaves open the possibility of mosaicism. Cytogenetic techniques permit detection of numerical chromosome anomalies and major structural anomalies. But to ask more would be unrealistic, or even impossible. Within a group, in particular, group 6-12, identification of indi- 1 HA 1 2 HUMAN AFFLICTIONS AND CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS vidual pairs is at the verge of feasibility. For the X chromosome the incorpora tion of 3H-thymidine provides a means of identification whether it be normal or modified. For certain acrocentrics the value of the satellites as a means of identification is reduced by their variability and even by the possibility of secondary satelliza- tion compensating for the loss of one of them, by centric fusion, for example. There seems to be no point in hoping that present techniques will ever permit identification of fine structural aberrations such as slight deletions or duplica tions and, even less, inversions. Giant human chromosomes, whether unrecognized or induced, are still to be discovered. In these conditions it is not surprising that chromosome topology based on the study of erythrocyte phenotypes and enzymatic reactions is still very rudimen tary. B. The subject of cytogenetics is distinguished by a special diversity in fre quency and semeiology. 1. The diversity in frequency, as can be judged from the neonatal period, is certainly quite different from the original diversity. If a meiotic anomaly is involved, the abnormal gametes are selected for viability and fertility; if a mitotic anomaly is responsible, the pathological ovum has a greater or lesser chance of surviving, depending on the aberration it bears. If this selection did not operate, we should observe varieties such as haplo 21 and OY which have not been reported. We should also find a greater number of known varieties, such as the XO for example. The first results of chromosome analysis of aborted eggs do not contradict these suggestions. Some reveal known varieties, others, aberrations incompatible with life, such as triploidies. According to some exceptional observations, the latter appear to be viable only in the mosaic state. This antenatal selection continues after birth. Thus, the original diversity may be accepted as very probable, since the chances of aneuploidy vary, in prin ciple, with the chromosomes considered and are modified by ante- and postnatal selection. This selection perhaps accentuates the difference in frequency of tri- somy 21 and trisomies 13 or 18. Despite the rigours of selection the varieties of chromosome aberrations are many. It would not be a difficult task to describe them if many of these essential aberrations did not involve different phenotypes. This leads to increasing complexity for which mosaicism is chiefly responsible. A classic XO or XXY anomaly may be modified by the joint presence of an XX or another cell line. Depending on the size of the territory occupied by each of these lines and the functional attributes of these territories and the predominant form at the level of the primary gonads, more or less appreciable phenotypic differences can be expected. Structural aberrations add to this diversity, particularly in relation to gonosomal aberrations. Many involve the XO anomaly but with nuances which INTRODUCTION 3 still require individualization although this is often based on a very small num ber of observations. It is impossible to pre-judge; only the future will decide. At the moment, we must work within a framework not lending itself to brilliant syntheses. Other aberrations are concerned with the autosomes. For example, the pheno- type of a variety of 22 ~ 13 translocation should theoretically vary with the gene composition of the resulting deletion. According to the known facts this indeed appears to be the case. With time, it is possible that this diversity will be reduced to a few types each related to a particular region of chromosome fragility. Finally, karyotypic coincidence of aberrations in the number of autosomes and gonosomes, or aberrations in number and structure is possible. Often, one of the aberrations clinically gains the upper hand over the other; aneuploidy, for example, is expressed in its usual form, and translocation often sufficiently balanced to have been inherited is reflected in no sign, at least outwardly. This reservation must be made. However it is quite possible, as well as desirable, that semeiological progress will reveal certain phenotypic characters of trans location hitherto latent. 2. The semeiology of diseases with chromosome aberrations is very char acteristic. This feature brings closer together the different forms. Most of the congenital disorders which make up this new morbid group are characterized by delay in mental awakening and physical development with hypotrophy and disharmony of growth. Against this background appear, de pending on the chromosome varieties, visceral malformations, in particular, neurosensory, cardio-aortal, renal and gonadal. These common features have given rise to the idea of a partially non-specific semeiology of chromosome aberrations. This concept is, if nothing else, premature. How can one predict the future of an infant—the type of oligophrenic which he will become? If trisomy 21 is involved, long experience of this disease provides an answer, but for trisomy 13 or 18 or a partial deletion of the short arm of 5, this experience is still lacking. We do not know the psychic future of these abnormal subjects whose life expectancy is very short. It is even possible that their fraility will never allow us to examine them up to the end of their growth period. As the number of observations increases, anatomical inspection of mal formations suggests certain relations between the chromosome varieties and the lesions. It is not surprising that these early and diffuse aberrations which affect embryogenesis right from its initial stages, have in common the property of disturbing overall physical and mental development of the individual and partial development of some of his mechanisms. But the specificity of the aberrations is reflected in the modes of dysembryogenesis. Among such modes we would emphasize the importance of symptoms sug gestive of a chromosome aberration and hence calling for inspection of the karyotype. The most typical example is that of the Barr interphase chromatin body, an expression of the inactivation of an X chromosome. Any discrepancy between

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