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Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE acquires Presealed Systems' Hydro Flame line PDF

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Preview Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE acquires Presealed Systems' Hydro Flame line

OCTOBER 2009 D I VOL 64, NO. 10 R H A e ! d s u n s A a n s i S o u r A e n ti O v n o C News of Plumbing • Heating • Cooling • Industrial Piping Distribution Survey: Mfrs. predict better economy in 2010 WEstPort, Conn.— according to a recent survey of more than 1,000 manufacturers, 70% of the respon- dents said that they expect the econ- omy to be stronger in the first quarter of 2010. this bodes well for the 2010 aHrExpo®in orlando this January as nearly 72% of respondents pre- (Turn to Manufacturer... page 109.) Zoeller launches new website, brand initiative louisVillE, Ky.— Zoeller Company has launched a new website for the corporation and the four brands in the Zoeller family of Water solutions. the new site is organized, easy to Coburn Supply Co. celebrated its 75th anniversary at the Marriott New Orleans with more than 1,700 employees, navigate and utilizes a cohesive tem- vendors, vendor representatives and special guests. Here, executive vice president A.J. Maloney checks out a surprise plate reinforcing the relationship be- gift to the company from State Water Heater Company — a fully restored 1934 Ford V-8 Stake Bed Truck similar tween the different brands. the site to Coburn’s first delivery vehicle. Read more about Coburn Supply and its anniversary celebration on page 4. (Turn to New website... page 63.) A new solution for customers Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE acquires Presealed Systems’ Hydro Flame line Vista, Calif.— Hubbard Enter prises con- and plumbing industry. and yet, many to develop new revenue streams for whole- tinues a long tradition of valuing, driving wholesalers have found it difficult to reap sale plumbing distributors. and recognizing innovation through its re- large-scale revenues in meeting a basic in- Hubbard Enterprises is ideally poised to cent acquisition of the entire Presealed dustry need. all too often, according to leverage a network of stellar relationships systems Hydro flame product line. the Hubbard Enterprises, makeshift fire-water- with contractors, engineers, architects and patented Hydro flame is a premier cast-in- smoke stopping methods have resulted in developers in order to deliver a truly revo- place water, smoke and fire stop system. stocking concerns for wholesalers and in- lutionary product line to the wholesale cus- Costly damage from smoke, fire and stallation issues for contractors. the Hydro tomer. Educating sales channels to the water penetration has made stopping solu- flame stopping system is a truly integrated existence of this new product category tions an obvious necessity for the building fire-water-smoke stop system that is cur- plays to Hubbard Enter prises’ core rently available for distri- strengths. HoldritE Hydro flame will bution. the introduction of give rise to an entirely new class of whole- the entire HoldritEHydro sale revenue streams based on the pioneer- flame product line repre- ing nature of the stopping systems — and sents a unique opportunity (Turn to Hydro Flame... page 63.) Gate Add Comps2-1:Layout 1 6/26/2009 8:50 AM Page 1 What can your supplier do... to maintain your service levels... lower your inventory... increase your turns... ...generate more profits? Gate Add Comps2-1:Layout 1 6/26/2009 8:50 AM Page 2 Free up cash. Maximize your ROI. Gain a competitive edge. It'sallaboutperformanceTM I N NDUSTRY EWS 4• •THE WHOLESALER® — OCTOBER 2009 Coburn Supply celebrates 75th anniversary plumbing products as well as heating and air conditioning equipment, refrig- eration, electrical, pipe, builder prod- BEaUmONT, TExas— Coburn supply years; Jack Reidy with 52 years; and valued vendors, and the support and ucts and waterworks supplies. Coburn Company spent a weekend recently Clodile Romero, general manager loyalty of our customers,” they said. supply is headquartered in Beaumont, “Cooking Up some Fun” and cele- and vice president of Coburn’s Lake On sunday morning, a country Texas, and has branch offices, ware- brating its 75th anniversary at the breakfast was served by the Coburn’s houses and showrooms in 40 cities in marriott New Orleans august 28-30. management team to all guests prior Texas, Louisiana, mississippi and Ten- Every employee of Coburn’s 49 loca- to their departure. nessee. Central distribution Centers in tions in four states was invited. more The weekend event not only Texas, Louisiana and mississippi en- than 1,700 employees, vendors, ven- marked the company’s 75 years of op- able the company to make daily deliv- dor representatives and special guests eration but also celebrated the hard eries to their branch locations to attended the event. work and goals met during a nine- provide fast and efficient service. To kick off the celebration, month promotion that was supported Coburn’s customers include pro- Coburn’s hosted a welcome reception by many of Coburn supply Com- fessionals in the fields of plumbing, on Friday at the hotel with refresh- Albert J. Coburn established Coburn pany’s vendors. diamond sponsors heating and air conditioning, me- ments and New Orleans Lucky dogs. Supply Company in 1934; this truck included ads, american standard, chanical, waterworks and general musical entertainment was provided touted its ‘quality plumbing’ and ‘gas Jado, porcher, Nordyne, Hancor, contractors as well as home builders, by Ruffin Rodrigue, a Coburn’s em- and electric appliances.’ Ruud Heating & Cooling, and state city and state offices, and institutions. ployee, and Ruff n’ Ready. Water Heaters. The platinum sponsor Coburn’s showroom locations fea- On saturday morning, an awards Charles region, celebrating 55 years of the event was Elkay. ture displays of a variety of quality ceremony was held. Over 200 awards with the company. as a surprise anniversary gift, plumbing products and accessories for were given in various categories of The New Orleans preservation state Water Heater Company pre- the kitchen and bath. The key to achievement. The top award winners Band led guests to the banquet on sented Coburn’s a fully restored 1934 Coburn’s 75 years of success is based for 15% growth in all business cate- saturday evening. after dinner, Ford V-8 stake Bed Truck similar to on a line of quality products and the gories went to five stores: Bossier music and dancing were provided by the company’s first delivery vehicle. ability to meet the customers’ needs in City, La.; Beaumont, Texas; New Orleans’ own deacon John and Established in 1934 by the late al- a friendly and timely manner. Friendswood, Texas; Galveston, the ivories. bert J. Coburn, Coburn supply Com- For more information, visit Texas; and Galveston, Texas-aC. Coburn’s president don maloney pany is a major wholesale supplier of www.coburns.com. also on saturday, members of and executive vice president a.J. Coburn’s silver Club — employees maloney spoke at the dinner, pointing Chicago Tube & Iron opens Metals and retirees with 25 years or more of with pride to accomplishments dur- service to the company — were hon- ing the company’s many decades in Distribution & Fabrication Center ored at a luncheon. special notice business. “Coburn supply Company went to George soileau, vice presi- inc. is able to celebrate 75 years be- dent and general manager of cause of our dedicated and commit- Coburn’s Lafayette region with 45 ted employees, the assistance of our DDI System’s inform software can uncover profit opportunities saNdyHOOk, CONN.— Every busi- low-up task. With inform’s superior ness has overlooked opportunity for credit hold management system, the FONd dU LaC, Wis. — Chicago ing the new construction in Fond profits. ddisystem’s inform software right people are immediately alerted Tube & iron Company officially re- du Lac together with equipment, uncovers these opportunities in work- of issues. located its Wisconsin division from inventories and other balance flow efficiencies, customer pricing • dead stock and slow-moving in- milwaukee to a newly constructed sheet commitments. improvements, elimination of clerical ventory — inform’s dynamic report- 117,000-square-foot metals distri- The new facility was designed and tasks and more. ing capabilities allow a business to bution service center in Fond du constructed by msiGeneral Corpor - inform’s remarkably integrated soft- identify and take action on sluggish Lac, Wis. The new facility employs ation of Oconomowoc, Wis., with ware is designed to improve nearly inventory based on highly defined approximately 30 warehouse and project management provided by ipm every aspect of a distribution business. sales history analysis. office workers who support the Company inc. of Burr Ridge, ill. Hundreds of pHCp, HVaC, electrical and • streamline workflow and reduce company’s customers throughout The service center is located on industrial distributors are benefitting cler ical tasks — Eliminate pre- the state of Wisconsin. 13 acres in the new Fox Ridge in- from inform’s industry-specific fea- printed and multi-part forms with “Especially during these difficult dustrial park adjacent to Highway tures and realizing a stronger bottom ddi’s paperless workflow. Electronic times for the metals industry and the U.s. 41, at the south end of Fond du line within the first year. signature capture eliminates proof of manufacturing sector, this new in- Lac. Chicago Tube & iron Com- among the ways that distributors delivery hassles and filing, saving vestment underscores our long-term pany is the first business to con- can uncover lost profits include: thousands of dollars annually. and growing commitment to the struct and commence business • Free up cash with more accurate The system delivers a highly tuned Wisconsin industrial market,” said operations at Fox Ridge. purchasing — automated calculations market-specific solution that distrib- donald R. mcNeeley, president and Founded in 1914, Chicago Tube & based on current demand provide bet- utors can deploy successfully within chief operating officer. “Our new iron Company is headquartered in ter techniques for inventory forecast- weeks. inform will be hosting a web central location and state-of-the-art Romeoville, ill., and operates over ing. accurately minimize stocked demo called “Tricks to Uncovering facilities will significantly enhance one million square feet of warehouse inventory while maximizing turns. profit Opportunities” on October 14 our ability to provide consistent, re- and processing space across the mid- • preset collection features keep at 11:00 a.m. EsT.anyone interested liable service to our customers west and in North Carolina. The the payments coming — inform’s au- may sign up at www.seeinform.com throughout Wisconsin.” company is a leading distributor of tomated collection letter system alerts or by calling 877/599-4334. The company said its total in- steel tubing, bar, pipe, valves and fit- customers of missing payments. Then ddisystem was founded in 1994. vestment in the Wisconsin market tings; and also fabricates pressure it adds the correspondence to the cus- For more information, visit www now exceeds $15 million, includ- parts for the electric utility industry. tomers’ contact files and sets a fol- .ddisys.com. • Be sure to visit www.thewholesaler.comfor web exclusive news, columns and features! • See contact information on page 114 6• •THE WHOLESALER® — OCTOBER 2009 I I N THIS SSUE The Front Page A.J. Maloney, executive vice president of Beaumont, Texas-based coburn Supply, proudly shows off a restored 1934 Ford stake truck — a gift from State Water heater co. — similar to coburn’s first delivery truck. coburn’s hosted its employees, vendors, reps and friends at the company’s 75th anniversary celebration recently in New orleans. In the News See contact information on page 114 chicago Tube & Iron opens new facility.....................4 cosco Supply celebrates 48 years...............................8 Anvil obtains ISo for grooved products....................14 Wilmington Winnelson opens in Nc..........................18 New Rheem website unites water heating/hvAc......26 Baker Distributing acquires Ac&h..........................46 Wholesaler, Taco help homeowner build radiant......64 (cid:55)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:78)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:86)(cid:76)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:82)(cid:91) Think “lean” for huge savings..................................66 Injured vets get homes from distributors, vendors....72 (cid:36)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:76)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:76)(cid:81) Drive, discipline keep cregger on course.................76 (cid:58)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:48)(cid:72)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:183)(cid:86) Q&A with management columnist Rich Schmitt.......86 excelsior: A uniquely structured mfr/wholesaler......88 (cid:39)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:51)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:74)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:80) Industry execs weigh in on “cap and Trade”...........88 Phylrich: 50 years of luxury products.....................102 Solar Supply honored by Make-A-Wish..................106 Product/literature review................................94 – 100 (cid:50)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:92)(cid:86)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:80)(cid:3)(cid:90)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:29) Behind the Scenes Neuco Inc. (cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:86) Mary Jo Martin interviews Neuco Inc. president Paul Neustadt, who shares a look (cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:73)(cid:76)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:86) into this master distributor. The hands-on management style and technical expertise Neuco (cid:50)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:76)(cid:93)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:92) offers have helped build customer loyalty......50 (cid:44)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:68)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:92)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:81)(cid:86) Columns RIchSchMITT: It’s a different world.......................12 MoRRISBeSchloSS: American manufacturers seeing positive activity.......................................35 (cid:38)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:16)(cid:27)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:16)(cid:27)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:16)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:21) IRvINgBlAckMAN: PPlI to the rescue....................40 DANholohAN: Bring your audience to you...........42 PeTeRSchoR: It’s all about attitude — yours!.......44 JohNMARTIN: Reliability and performance...........48 DAvekAhle: Are salespeople good managers?.....92 TeRRyBRock: The wise words of Ben Franklin.....82 JASoNBADeR: Don’t sweat technology.................108 Next Month (cid:90)(cid:90)(cid:90)(cid:17)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:72)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:86)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:80) (cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:73)(cid:82)(cid:35)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:72)(cid:87)(cid:68)(cid:79)(cid:86)(cid:17)(cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:80) Watch for an exclusive feature spotlighting the Delta group, the PvF sector’s See contact information on page 114 only totally PvF-oriented buying group. See contact information on page 114 I N NDUSTRY EWS 8• •THE WHOLESALER® — OCTOBER 2009 Cosco Supply marks 48 years in business HONOLuLu — Cosco Supply cele- brates its 48th anniversary of doing business in Hawaii as a highly re- spected, reliable and well-established locally owned family business. Its owners — CeOBobbie Cosco, presi- Nardo Nacknack and Curtis Mat- sumura handle sales at Cosco’s Lihue store on the island of Kauai. of quality products from companies like Daikin AC, Lennox, unico, gen- etron Refrigerants, Diversitech, Fasco, Hart & Cooley, Nu-Calgon, Nomaco, Clarcor, A-1 Compressors, The team at the Kahului store on Maui Mueller Streamline and many more. includesChris Saito, Diane Sandate, Customers are also given special one- Nancy Buckwalter and Robert Nagamine. on-one attention directly from Cosco’s owners and the very service- dent Cynthia Tavares and vice presi- oriented staff. dent Matthew Cosco anticipate new The key to Cosco’s 48 years of innovations for this wholesale distrib- success comes from a combination of utor of air conditioning and refriger- offering products of good quality, ation equipment. coupled with great people and striv- established in 1961 by Robert ing to provide the best service for its Cosco, the store operated under the customers. name of Refrigerator Service and For additional information, visit Supply, becoming Cosco Supply in www.coscosupply.com 1968. Throughout its 48 years in The owners of Cosco Supply — (from left) CEO Bobbie Cosco, VP Matt Cosco and president Cynthia Tavares — celebrate the company’s longevity. business, the family has diversified manned by 27 very capable employ- the company to adapt to the changes ees. The company’s productivity, in the economy. Today, the well-es- profitability and stability come from tablished company also goes by the providing customers with a friendly, name Cosco Air Conditioning and welcoming atmosphere and its pro- Refrigeration. fessional well-trained staff. Cosco has expanded from a one- Cosco’s uniqueness is the self- stop supply store to having a chain serve concept of distribution, which The sales team of Phil Urquhart, of four locations throughout the is how the company got the trade Responsible for sales at Cosco’s Donal Bradley, Jamie Kamaka and major islands (Honolulu on Oahu, name “industrial supermarket.” Cus- Honolulu store on Oahu are (from Paul Cabuag are based at the Kona Kahului in Maui, Kona on Hawaii tomers are given fast service and they left) Tommy Tam, Liz Scott and Jeff store on the island of Hawaii. and Lihue in Kauai), which are are able to select from a wide range Villarreal. Danze launches national homeowner rebate program WOODRIDge, ILL. — Danze Inc. has rect homeowner rebate program, de- bath vanities, sink basins, pedestals, they create their perfect bathroom.” launched a unique internet-, social signed to create traffic and increase mirrors and bath faucets (with the pur- For more information about the media- and PR-driven nationwide di- sales for wholesalers of beautiful chase of a fixture product). Danze National Homeowner Rebate Danze fixtures and furniture. Home- “This is a win-win-win situation Program, wholesalers are encouraged owners can receive up to $500 in re- for our wholesalers, homeowners and to contact their local Danze representa- bates from Danze. Danze,” said Michael e. Werner, tive. Details about the actual manufac- Through the program, participat- president and CeO of Danze Inc. turer direct rebate for homeowners are ing Danze distributors are offered “Our industry has been suffering available at www .rebate .danze.com. special pricing and terms on quali- from the decline in housing for sev- Danze Inc. manufactures and dis- fied fixture orders effective through eral years, and consistent with our tributes fine furnishings for the November 15, 2009. mantra that a ‘A depression is a terri- kitchen and bath. Danze is supporting the initiative ble thing to waste’ we created this Its product lines include a wide with a national advertising and public program to drive business to our array of kitchen and bath faucets, spe- relations program that will increase de- wholesalers and to help homeowners cialty faucets, showerheads and sys- mand from homeowners, plumbers affordably make their bathrooms tems, and bath accessories. These and builders. utilizing an integrated more beautiful. We are supporting products are complemented by beau- combination of targeted internet and our wholesalers with strong special tifully styled fixtures and furniture, social media communications, the pricing and dating programs, and of- including toilets, furniture-grade bath campaign promotes generous manu- fering homeowners the opportunity vanities, vessel and pedestal sinks facturer-direct rebates on Danze toilets, to receive up to $500 in rebates as and matching mirrors. • Be sure to visit www.thewholesaler.comfor web exclusive news, columns and features! • See contact information on page 114 I N NDUSTRY EWS 10• •THE WHOLESALER® — OCTOBER 2009 Viega to begin using Mc4 software for CAD designs plumbing systems using ViegaPex™ tubing, and the MANABLOC®water dis- WICHITA, KAN. — every day, mem- radiant cooling designs, and also has ity over the course of 2010. tribution manifold, Viega truly is a bers of the Viega Technical Services AutoCADOeMcapability. Contact the Viega Technical Serv- complete systems solutions provider. department are quoting and designing “This is an exciting time for the ices department at 800/976-9819, Head quartered in Wichita, Kan., Viega jobs. Now, they have found a way to Viega Design Services team,” said visit www.viega.com or e-mail heat- employs nearly 500 sales and office decrease their turnaround times and Mark Parent, director of technical serv- [email protected] to learn more. staff in North America and over 2,500 provide Viega customers with more ices. “With Mc4 software we are going Family owned for 110 years, Viega employees worldwide. detailed drawings. By 4Q 2009, to increase our efficiencies, make bet- has been manufac- Viega will switch to a new design ter use of our time, provide enhanced turing and supply- software developed by Mc4. visuals and, above all, improve our de- ing the highest Mc4 is among the most advanced sign services to provide best-in-class quality plumbing, HVACdesign software on the market. support to our customers. heating and piping The fully integrated program makes “every company uses some sort of products in the radiant and snow melt drawings easy. internal design tool to quote and de- world. Known for It can easily calculate heat loss and sign jobs. Our previous design tool innovative offerings With the new Mc4 software, required us to replicate AutoCAD such as the Pro- drawings by hand.” Press®) copper and calculations and drawings are With the new Mc4 software, calcu- stainless systems, entered as one. The software lations and drawings are entered as ProRadiant™ heat- integrates all calculations, draws one. The software integrates all cal- ing and cooling sys- the circuits and figures spacing culations, draws the circuits and fig- tems, PureFlow® ures spacing on its own. Viega on its own. Viega designs will designs will not only be drawn faster This is a Mc4- not only be drawn faster but but they will be more accurate. Parent generated design of they will be more accurate. expects his Design Services team will a Viega Climate see a 33% increase in their productiv- Mat®installation. See contact information on page 114 • Be sure to visit www.thewholesaler.comfor web exclusive news, columns and features! •

for Manufacturers and their products with a circulation to reach industrial purchasing The Weldbend Corporation is an American Manufacturer of.
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