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HPLC Analysis of Retinoids Extracted from the Planarian, Dugesia japonica(Physology) PDF

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Preview HPLC Analysis of Retinoids Extracted from the Planarian, Dugesia japonica(Physology)

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 9: 941-946 (1992) © 1992 Zoological SocietyofJapan HPLC Analysis of Retinoids Extracted from the Planarian, Dugesiajaponica Katsu Azuma1 Naohiko Iwasaki1 Masami Azuma2 , , , Takao Shinozawa3 and Tatsuo Suzuki4 1Department ofBiology, Osaka Medical College, Takatsuki, Osaka 569, 2Department ofHealth Science, Osaka Kyoiku University, Osaka 547, 3'Department ofBiologyical and Chemical Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, University ofGunma, Kiryu, Gunma 376, and 4Department ofPharmacology., Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663, Japan — ABSTRACT Retinoids extracted from the planarian, Dugesia japonica were analyzed by high- pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Al\-trans retinal, all-/ram- retinol, and a\\-trans retinyl ester weredetectedintheextractsfromtheheadandtailpiecesoftheworm,while ll-cisretinalwasdetected in theextractsfrom the headpieces. The amountsofa\\-transretinal, ll-c«retinalandall-fransretinol includingthe retinylesterwere0.1-1.1, 0.11-0.19, and 20-50pmol/head, respectively. The planarian containedmanyoil-dropletswhichemitted thegreen-yellowfluorescenceprobablyderivedfrom retinol andretinylester. These resultssuggest thattheplanariancontainsal\-transretinolandtheretinylester in oil-droplets and ll-cis retinal as the chromophore ofthe visual pigment in the eye. INTRODUCTION chemical experiments, it has been reported that the photopigment ofthe planaria {Dugesiajaponi- The planarian is one of the lowest metazoans. ca) is a chromoprotein which possesses retinal- The eye of the planarian consists of pigmented dehyde as the chromophore [4]. Recently an cells and photoreceptors of a microvillar type [1]. immunochemical study suggested the presence of Extracellular microelectrode recordings from the rhodopsin-like protein in the headofthe planarian eye of the planarian Dugesia tigrina suggested the Dugesia japonica by use of anti-frog-rhodopsin presence of a rhodopsin-like photopigment whose rabbit IgG [5]. absorption maximum was at about 508nm [2]. Although ll-cis-retinal isthe most ubiquitous as Spectral phototaxis experiments showed the sensi- the chromophore in the vertebrate and inverte- tivity maximum of the planarian eye (Planaria brate rhodopsin [6], a variation in the chromo- lugubris) at about 475 nm [3] and 530nm for phore of visual pigment is found in other spe- Dendrocoelum lacteum [3]. The differences in cies: ll-cis3-dehydroretinal isfound in manyfresh those maxima may have been caused by a con- water vertebrates [7, 8] and invertebrates [9, 10]; tribution from the dermal photoreceptors [2], an ll-cis 3-hydroxyretinal is found in the insects [11]; effectofscreeningpigments [2] or,perhaps,simply and ll-cis 4-hydroxyretinal is in a bioluminescent a species difference. At present, the visual pig- squid [9]. In addition aM-trans retinal and 13-a's mentoftheplanarian has hardly been investigated retinalareseeninHalobacteriumhalobium [12]. It by spectrophotometric methods, because the isunknownwhetherornotthechromophoreofthe worm contains so little visual pigment. In histo- visual pigment of the planarian is ll-cis retinal. The purpose of this study is to estimate the con- Accepted June 8, 1992 figuration of the chromophore of the planarian Received April 6, 1992 visual pigment by high-pressure liquid chroma- 942 K. Azuma, N. Iwasaki et al. tography (HPLC) analysis of retinoids extracted rate hexane solvent and served for the extraction from the worms. Our results indicate that 11-cis of retinoids by the oxime method as described retinal is one of the most plausible candidates for above. The obtained solution (dichloromethane/ the chromophore. hexane extract) contained retinaloxime and retinyl ester. After evaporating solvents of the extracts MATERIALS AND METHODS mentioned above, the residues were dissolved in 50fA of hexane/diethylether/ethanol (90/10/0.1, vol/vol) and analyzed by HPLC. All procedures Materials were carried out under dim red light. The planarian worms, Dugesia japonica were collectedfromstreamsinthesuburbsofKyotocity Detection ofretinoids in the samples (Kyoto prefecture, Japan) and Kiryu city (Gunma Extracts ofretinoids from the planarian samples prefecture,Japan). Kyotowormsweremaintained were analyzed by the HPLC method as reported by feeding on fresh beef livers, and used for previously [15]. An HPLCsystemequippedwith a extractions ofretinoids from theirwhole bodies or 4.6x250mm column of YMC-Pack A-003-3 SIL both the head pieces (anterior part containing the (Yamamura Chemical Labo. Co. Ltd., Japan) and eyes) and the tail pieces (the tissues without the a pump (TRI ROTER, JASCO, Japan) was used. head). Head pieces ofkiryu wormswere stored as Theeluentwasamixtureofn-hexane, diethylether frozen materials and used for extraction of re- and ethanol (90:10:0.1, vol/vol) and was used at tinoids. the flow rate of 1.3 ml/min for 50min. The absorbances ofthe fractions at 350nm and at 280- Extractions ofretinoids 500nm were measured with a detector UVDEC- Usually, retinoidswere extracted from the fresh 100-III (JASCO, Japan), and with a multi- or frozen head pieces by the oxime method which wavelength detector MULTI-340 (JASCO, was developed to extract the retinal from biologic- Japan), respectively. The measurement with al materials as retinaloximes (syn- and anti-forms) MULTI-340was carried out in order to obtain the in the original isomericconfiguration without ther- absorption spectra of the fractions over the wide mal isomerization [13, 14]. The planarian samples range of wavelengths, although the sensitivity of were homogenized in a solution of 100mM the detector was less than that of the UVIDEC- NH2OH (pH7.2) and methanol (final concentra- 100-III detector. tion ofmethanolwas60-70%) usinga homogeniz- Quantities of several retinoids were estimated er (Physcotron NS-50, Nichion Irikakikai Seisa- from their abosrption coefficients and the peak kusho Co. Ltd., Japan). The homogenate was areasofknown amount ofstandard retinoids. The mixed with dichloromethane and n-hexane (1:2, fractions of 2-8min (retention time) under our vol/vol), shaken vigorously and centrifuged at HPLC conditions were used as the sample of 2,500r.p.m. for 15 min. The upper layer retinylester. The solvent was evaporated from the (dichloromethane/hexane layer) was collected. fractions and the residue was incubated in 6% This extraction was repeated three times. The KOH-methanol solution at 25°C for 1 hr for sapo- collected solution was stored as extracts of re- nification. The amount of retinyl ester was calcu- tinoids. lated from that of retinol produced by the sapo- In a few cases, the planarian samples were nification. freeze-dried for hexane extraction of retinoids. The freeze-dried samples were shaken vigorously Observation offluorescentimages ofoil-droplets in planarian tissues in hexane solvent and centrifuged at 2,500r.p.m for 15 min. The supernatant was collected and The planarian worm of 5 mm in length was put hexane extraction was repeated 3 times. The on non-fluorescent slide glass, covered with a thin collected solution contained retinol and retinyl coverslip and spread by the squash method. The ester. Precipitates were gently aspirated to evapo- fluorescent images ofthe oil-droplets in the spread HPLC Analysis of Planarian Retinoids 943 340 380 10 min Wavelength (nm) Fig. 1. (a) HPLCprofile ofretinoidsextracted from 18bodiesofplanarianworms, (b) Absorption spectraofpeak fractions indicated by numbers 1 and 2. The worms were dark-adapted overnight in aged tap water at 20°C. Extractions were carried out by the oxime methods. specimen were observed using a flouorescence microscope (Olympus inverted-microscope, IMT- 2, equipped with Olympus incident-illumination type fluorescence apparatus, IMT2-RFL). The W specimenwasexcitedbylight(50 halogenlamp) passing through an excitation-filter (UG-1) and observed through a filter (L420) and a dichroic mirror (DM 400). The photograph of fluorescent images was taken using the colorfilm (Fujichrome DX400D). RESULTS Retinoids detected in theplanarian Figure la shows an HPLC profile of the extract ofretinoids from the whole bodies of 18 planarian worms of about 10mm in length. This figure was obtained by recording the absorbaces of the frac- Fig. 2. Fluorescent micrograph of oil-droplets in the tions at 350nm with the UVIDEC-100-III detec- planarian body. The specimenwasobtained by the tor. Numbers 1 and 2 indicate peaks close to the squash methods. Bar=50,um. retention time of standard syn all-trans retinalox- ime and all-rrans-retinol, respectively. Two big nm), respectively. The fractions between 2 and 8 peaks between 1 and 2 are not identified. The min, which contain retinyl esters, were collected relative absorption spectra (300-420nm) of the and saponified as described in Materials and fractions corresponding to peaks 1 and 2 were Methods. Then the material obtained after the obtainedbythe MULTI-340detector, indicated as saponificationwasanalyzedbyHPLC. Fromthese curves 1 and 2 in Fig. lb, respectively. The analyses, the amounts of all-trans retinal, all-trans absorption maximaofcurves 1 and2clearlymatch retinolandall-transretinylesterwerecalculatedas those of the standard syn all-trans retinaloxime 2.5, 14.7 and 99.4pmol/body, respectively. (Amax=358nm) and all-trans retinol (Amax=325 Figure2 shows fluorescent images of several 944 K. Azuma, N. Iwasaki et al. oil-dropletsintheplanarianspecimensobtainedby the suqash method. The light color offluoresence was green-yellow suggesting the presence of re- A350 3 tinol and/or retinyl ester. Probably, the planarian |o.002 worms store the dW-trans retinyl ester in oil- droplets, because the worms contain large K^j^J[ amounts of the retinyl esters, as mentioned above 'n'V-V.M^yJ^/ ^•V>-A, (more than 85 mol% of total retinoids). 10 20 30 40 50 Figure3 shows HPLC profiles of extracts from Time (min) the head (a) and the tail (b) pieces of 28 planar- ians. Peaks numbered 1 and 2 are corresponding to syn &\\-trans retinaloxime and al\-trans retinol, respectively, as estimated from their retention times and abosorption spectra (data not shown). Thus &\\-trans retinal and all-trans retinol were found in the head and tail pieces ofthe planarian. A350 340 380 Wavelength (nm) 0.004 Fig. 4. (a) HPLC chromatogram ofretinoids extracted from head pieces of the planarian worms, (b) Absorption spectra of peak fractions indicated by numbers 1,2and3. Theplanarianheadpieceswere separated from 600 bopdies ofthe planarian worms under room light, then dark-adapted overnight in aged tap water at 20°C and stored at —20°C until use. Extractions were carried out by the oxime methods. LlaJ UJ F1i0g.m3i.n HPLC profile of reti1n0oimdisnextracted from both plle-ackiss r1e,t2inaanldox3imaer,escylnoseallt-otrtahnossereotfinsatlaonxdiamredasnydn the head (a) and tail (b) pieces of 28 planarian a\\-trans retinol, respectively. The relative absorp- bodies. Thewormswere dark-adapted overnight in tion spectra offractions corresponding to peaks 1, aged tapwaterat20°C, separated into head and tail 2 and 3 are represented as curves 1, 2 and 3 in piecesunderdimredlightandwereextractedbythe Figure 4b respectively. Curves 2 and 3 are due to oxime methods. the absorption spectraofsyn a\\-transretinaloxime and a\\-trans retinol, respectively, as indicated in Retinals in theplanarian headpieces Figure 1. Curve 1 seems to be corresponding to Figure 4a shows an HPLC profile of the extract the absorptionspectrumofsyn ll-cisretinaloxime, of retinoids from head pieces. The head pieces because the shape ofcurve 1 is different from that were cut off from the 600 bodies of the planarian of surve 2 due to syn a\\-trans retinaloxime. The under room light, then dark-adapted overnight in amounts of all-trans retinal, ll-cis retinal and all- — aged tap water at about 20°C and stored at 20°C trans retinol including the retinyl ester in different until use. The chromatogram was obtained by preparations were 0.1-1.1, 0.11-0.19 and 20-50 recording the absorbances of the fractions at 350 pmol/head, respectively. nm with the MULTI-340. Retention times of In order to elucidate whether or not ll-n'.v and HPLC Analysis of Planarian Retinoids 945 fractions (2-8 min) in Figure 5a have peaks which are much largerthan those in Figure 5b, indicating "350 3 M350 that retinyl esters were mostly extracted by the 0.004 0.004 I I hexane extraction. Thus hexane extracted almost all of the all-trans retinol along with retinyl esters in the planarian tissues leaving ll-cis and all-trans retinals. 10 min 10 min DISCUSSION As shown in Figure 1, retinoids extracted from the homogenates of 18 bodies of the planarian were composed of all-trans retinal (2.1 mol%), all-trans retinol (12.6mol%) and all-trans retinyl ester (85.2mol%). Retinyl ester is probably a main storage form of retinoids in the planarian body and seems to exist in the oil-droplets, which emit the green-yellow fluorescence as seen in 300 340 380 420 Figure 2. It haslongbeen known thatvitamin A is stored mainly as retinyl ester in the livers of a Wavelength (nm) Fig. 5. (a) HPLC chromatogram of hexane extract numbers of vertebrate species and that these re- from freeze-dried sample of the planarian heads tinyl esters are present in oil-droplets of the liver prepared as mentioned in Fig. 4. (b) HPLC chro- fat-storing cells [16]. The planarian has oil- matogram of retinoids extracted by the oxime droplets in the fixed parenchymal cells [17]. Prob- method from the residues after the hexane extrac- ably the planarian is capable of storing retinol in tion, (c) Absorption spectra of peak fractions ester form in the parenchymal cells. indicated by numbers 2 and 3 (solid lines) and standard syn 11-cw and syn a\\-trans retinaloximes Thehexaneextractfromthefreeze-driedplanar- (dotted lines). ian heads contained almost all of the all-trans retinol and the retinyl ester in the tissues. How- ever, all-trans and ll-cis retinals could not be all-trans retinals were bound to any protein in the detected in the extract. Both of the retinals were planarian tissues, we carried out an experiment as extracted from the residues, after the hexane ex- follows. The hexane extract from the freeze-dried traction, as the oximes. It is well known that samples of planarian heads was analyzed by retinalscombinedwith aminogroupofaprotein in HPLC. As shown in Figure5a, the peak of all- tissues (e.g. vertebrate and invertebrate retinas) trans retinol (peak 1) was quite large, while the are not extracted by hexane. Therefore the retin- peaks due to ll-cis and all-trans retinals were not als in the planarian may be bound to an uniden- found. Figure 5b is an HPLC profile of retinoids tified proteins in the tissues. extracted from the residues by the oxime methods All-trans retinalwas detected in extractsofboth after the hexane extraction. The figure indicates head and tail of 28 planarians (see Fig. 3), while substantial peaks, numbered 2 and 3, correspond- ll-cis retinalwas detected in extractsderivedfrom ing to syn ll-cis retinaloxime and syn alll-trans 600 planarian head pieces (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). retinaloxime, respectively. Figure5c indicates the It is reasonable to infer that the ll-cis retinal was relative absorption spectra of fractions corres- derived from the chromophore of visual pigment pondingto peaks2 and 3 as curves 2 and 3. These of the planarian photoreceptor. The eye of the spectra are very similar to those of standard syn planarian used in this experiment is assumed to be ll-cis retinaloxime and syn all-trans retinaloxime asphere ofabout 90^m in diameter. The rhodop- (indicated bydottedlines), respectively. The early sinconcentration ofinvertebrate photoreceptors is 946 K. Azuma, N. Iwasaki et al. 0.3-0.4mM [18]. We can estimate the amount of fishes. J. gen. Physiol., 25: 235-245. the chromophore per planarian eye, if the eye is 8 Wald, G. (1957) The metamorphosis of visual assumed to be filled with microvilli which contain systems in the sea lamprey. J. gen. Physiol., 40: rhodopsin in the concentrations of 0.3-0.4mM. 901-914. 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