BriYnogu rT arRoeta ditnogL sie f "As aT arroeta dIef ro,u nmdo sotf t hsep reafdassc i nati.n.Ig.w asp articuilnatrrliygw uiettdhh ree in carnatisopnr eaadn ds omeo ft heo theirnst he Spiritualc hSaepetkeerr.s" -EdaiMnc Coy AuthoofrH ow toD oA utomaWrittiicn g A commopnr oblfeomTr a rot riesah doewtr osp ut thcea rtdosg etshote hre mya kese nse.B einagg ood stotrye lilseor n ltyh beeg inniynogu;a lsnoe etdo brintgh eca rdtsol iifnea d ramawtaiyct hastt ays wityho usru bjelcotnsag f ttehre hya vgeo nheo me. The3 7e xclussipvreea idnts h ibso owikl lh elypo u gaitnh ceo nfidetnocd eo j ustth aLte!tt h sep reads helypo uansw ers omeo ft hmeo scto mmonly asked questiaobnosu t: • Lovaen dr omance • Travaenldr elocating • Homea ndfa mily • Innefre aarnsd • Busineasnsdfi nance persondaelv elopment • Majolri efvee nts • Spiritguraolw atnhd sucahs m arriage, pastl ives pregna,an ncddy ivorce PlusH,ow toU seT aroStp reaidnsc ludtehse uprigahntdr evermseeadn inogfes a ccha radsw ell ast hset etposc onductapoi snigt iTvaer roeta ding. Aboutt heA uthor SylvAibar ahaimso wneorf T heC osmiLca ntern BookstionLr oen Bge acCha,l ifowrnhiear,se h eh as beeni nb usinseeslsl mientga physbiocoakalsn d supplfioemrso ret ha1n 5y asd evoted ove2r0 y eatrso r eaditnhgTea raont dt eachoitnhg erhso wt oi ntertphrTeea tr .o t To Writteo t heA uthor Ifyo uw isthoc onttachateu thoorrw oulldi kmeo re informaatbioountt h ibso okp,l eawsrei tteot he authionrc aroefL lewelWloyrnl dwiadnedw, e w ill forwarydo urre h aeu thaonrdp ublisher appreciate frhoeymao ruia nngdl earnionfgy our enjoymoefnt th ibso oakn dh owi th ash elpyeodu . LlewelWloyrnl dwicdaen ngouta ranttheaeet v ery letwtreirt ttoet nh aeu thcoarnb ea nswerbeudta, l l wilblef rei ttoe: SylvAibar aham doLl ewellWyonr ldwide P.O.B ox6 438D3e,p tK.0 02-7 StP.a uMlN, 55146-03U8.3S,. A. llewelHloywnT 'osS eries How toU se TaroStp reads SylviAab raham 1998 llewelPluybnl ications StP.a uMli,n nes5o51ta6 4-0383 Howt oU sTea rSoptr eCaodpsy.r i©g 1h9t9 7b yS ylvia AbrahaAml.rl ighrtess ervePdr.i ntientd h eU nited StatoefAs m eriNcoap. a rotft hibso omka yb eu seodr reproduicnae ndym annewri thowurti ttpeenr mission froLml ewelPluybnl icaetxicoenipsntt hcea soefb rief quotateimobnosd iiencd r itairctailca lnedr se views. FIRSTE DITION Seconpdr int1i9n9g8, Covebry L isNao vak Booke ditidnegs,i gann,dl ayobuytAs triSda ndell LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-DPautbal ication AbrahaSmy,l v1i9a2,4 - Howt ou set arsoptr ea:ad nssw ertsoe very questiIoS nysl vAibar aha-m.1 setd . p. em. ISBN1 -56718-002-7 l.T aro2t..F ortune-tbeycl alridnIsg.T. i tle. BF1879.T2A38 1997 l33.3'2424--dc21 97-24733 CIP Llewellyn Wodroelsdn woitpd aer ticiinpe,an tdeo roser,h ave anya uthoroirtr ye sponsicboinlcietrnyi pnrgi vabtues iness transactbeitownese onu ra uthoarnsdt hep ublic. Almla iald drestseotd h eau thiosrf orwardbeudtt hep ublisher cannoutn,l esspse cificianlsltyru cbtyet dh eau thogri,vo eu ta n addreosrps h onneu mber. LlewelPulbynl ications A DivisoifoL nl ewelWloynrl dwidLet,d . P.OB.o x6 4383S,tP .a uMlN, 55164-0383 Also byS ylviAab raham How toR eatdh Tea rotTh:e Key WorSdy stem CONTENTS Chapt1e r INTRODUCTTIOOT NA ROT 1 Majoarn dM inoArr cana 4 CourCta rds 20 AdditiIonnfaolr mation 27 Chapt2e r LOVE AND ROMANCE 31 A NewL over 32 A RomantAitct raction 38 LoveSrpsr ead 46 MagicLaolv e 53 Guidfeo Lro vers 62 Chatpe3r HOMEA NDF AMIYLI SSUES 63 FamiPlroyb lems 64 HealStphr ead 71 A Thieifnt hHeo me 79 LosAtr ticSlperse ad 83 viiTia bloefC ontents Chapt4e r HIGHF INANCES 85 BusinSepsrse ad 86 CareSeprr ead 94 LawsuSiptr ead 104 MoneSyp read 109 WorkS pread 119 LegMaalt teSrpsr ead 129 Chapt5e r LIFEB'ISGD ECISIONS 131 RelatioPnrsohbilpe ms 132 MarriSapgree ad 139 PregnanScpyr ead 146 DivorPcoet ential 155 Chatpe6r ONT HEM OVE 157 DesitroMe o ve 158 TakianT gr ip 166 RelocatSiporne ad 173 PlannaiV nagc ation 176 TabloefC ontentisx Chapt7e r SEEKISNEGL F-KNOWLEDGE 177 AlAlb ouMte 178 WhatI sM yD estiny? 191 FaciMnyg F ears 198 OldH abiPta tterns- 204 Informationf oSrp read thPea st-Present-Future 208 Chapt8e r SPIIRTUASLE EKERS 211 SpiriAtsupailr ation 212 Reincarnation Spread 218 ContactSipnigrG iuti des 230 SouMla te Spread 238 Chaeptr9 ]USFTORFUN 247 WishS pread 248 Yeso rN o 258 MagicLaolt teSrpyr ead 265 ThroutghhWe e ek 270 TaroStp reWaodr ksheets 271 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Aftewrr itimnyg fi rst bHooowkt ,oR ead Ttahreo t: The Key WordS ysteam f,r iesnudg gesItw erdi tae booko nT arostp reaBduss.wy i toht heprr ojeactt s thet imeI,p utt haitd eoan t heb acbku rnerS.u d den,ld yurintgh ee arlmyo nthosf 1 995I, f ound myselifn volvweidt whr ititnhgib so oko nT arot spreaWdhse!n tthiem iesr ighetv,e rytfhailnilgns t o placoers, o i ts eemtsom e. Iw antto t hanLky nneftothree rp ersistaenndc e hehre lapn,d C athwyh og avmee a d iffesrleanontnt severoaftl h es preaMdys .t hanktsoG ilbearntd Philfloitrph eiinrp uatn da lmly o thesrt udewnhtos particiinp tahtieesdn deavIoa rl.sw oi stho thank my daughtLeeref ohre ra rtihsetliwpci tthh es preads. Severoaftl h es preacdosn cernefda mimleym bers whomI c oaxiendt soi ttfionargr eading Fora lTla rotr eadewrhso m ayn eedn ewi deas aboustp reaIdh so,p teh ibso okw ilbel h elpful. For then ewT arorte adwehro w oulldi kteou nderstand howt or eatdh eT aroIth ,o pet hibso okfi lltsh eir needassw ell. SylviAab raham