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How to Use Oscilloscopes and Other Test Equipment (BP) by R. A. Penfold (1989-10-03) PDF

116 Pages·1989·2.004 MB·English
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Preview How to Use Oscilloscopes and Other Test Equipment (BP) by R. A. Penfold (1989-10-03)

!Lei Babani Electronics Books Fie How to Use Oscilloscopes and Other Test 1 s Equipment -,111 rd \u dlj ":1:Undr;j 111!.] prr_Jj'r:j FoeUJJ"f.111 f_; iii U1 d 1\11 e CO • Tett, 111,1iprrilnt • 'MI rjY1 rddiu 'f.1.11d r.2U111111 _1111iJUU11 R.A. Penfold HOW TO USE OSCILLOSCOPES AND OTHER TEST EQUIPMENT OTHER TITLES OF INTEREST BP239 Getting The Most From Your Multimeter BP248 Test Equipment Construction BP249 More Advanced Test Equipment Construction BP265 More Advanced Uses of the Multimeter BP391 Fault-Finding Electronic Projects 2 -1 ÇR, •E - • 1 ?,,,à HOW TO USE OSCILLOSCOPES AND OTHER TEST EQUIPMENT by R. A. PENFOLD BERNARD BABANI (publishing) LTD THE GRAMPIANS SHEPHERDS BUSH ROAD LONDON W6 7NF ENGLAND PLEASE NOTE Although every care has been taken with the production of thi book to ensure that any projects, designs, modifications andk programs, etc., contained herewith, operate in a correct an safe manner and also that any components specified are noi mally available in Great Britain, the Publishers do not accer responsibility in any way for the failure, including fault i design, of any project, design, modification or program t work correctly or to cause damage to any other equipment thE it may be connected to or used in conjunction with, or i respect of any other damage or injury that may be so causec nor do the Publishers accept responsibility in any way for th failure to obtain specified components. Notice is also given that if equipment that is still unde warranty is modified in any way or used or connected wit home-built equipment then that warranty may be void. © 1989 BERNARD BABAM (publishing) LTD First Published — October 1989 Reprinted — August 1991 Reprinted — July 1993 Reprinted — February 1996 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Penfold, R. A. How to use oscilloscopes and other test equipment I. Electronic testing equipment I. Title 621.3815'48 ISBN 0 85934 212 3 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading Preface einyone who develops an interest in electronics as a hobby ;oon realises the importance of having a few items of test equipment. Things can and do go wrong from time to time, end electronics projects are very unforgiving if even the most minor of errors are made. Trying to track down something as ;imple as ac racked printed circuit track can be very difficult end time consuming without the aid of some test equipment. There is a wide range of test equipment available these days, ind much of this is at prices within the range of many elec- tronics hobbyists. The main questions that face someone ;etting up an electronics workshop are what equipment is relevant to their needs, what can the various items of test equipment be used for, and how can they be used to good effect in practice? This book aims to answer these questions, and is primarily concerned with oscilloscopes. Chapter 1d eals with the basics pf oscilloscopes, including their basic function, their controls end facilities, and advice on buying a suitable instrument. Chapter 2 is concerned with using an oscilloscope to test various types of circuit, including digital and linear types. The third chapter deals with other items of equipment, including logic probes, pulsers, signal generators, digital frequency meters and component testing. The capabilities and limita- tions of these units are discussed, together with some advice on what to buy and how to set about using them for fault finding. The obvious omission is the multimeter, but this all- important piece of test equipment is covered in two other books (BP239 and BP265), by the same author and publisher. R. A. Penfold Warning Never make tests on any mains powered equipment that is plugged into the mains unless you are quite sure you know exactly what you are doing. Remember that capacitors can hold their charge for some considerable time even when equipment has been switched off and unplugged. Contents Page :hapter 1 OSCILLOSCOPE BASICS 1 C.R.T. Basics 2 Scope Basics 5 Synchronisation 9 Up to Spec 14 Extras 19 Multi-tracial 22 What to Buy 26 In Control 28 Switches 31 :hapter 2 IN USE 43 Linear Testing 43 Clipping 44 Guessing Gains 51 Transistor Modes 54 Inverse Tracing 57 Squarewave Testing 59 Triangle Testing 63 Lissajous Figures 64 Logic Testing 67 Logic Signal Tracing 70 Relative Timing 73 R.F. Signals 75 :hapter 3 OTHER TEST GEAR 79 Component Testing 79 Logic Testing 80 In Use 83 Logic Pulsers 84 A.F. Signal Generator 85 Sweep Generators 88 Signal Injector 90 Page Chapter 3 (continued) A.F. Testing 91 R.F. Equipment 93 Crystal Calibrators 96 Dip Meters 97 Power Supplies 98 Index 103

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