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How to Stay Awake During: During Anybody's Second Movement PDF

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How to Stay Awake During Anybody's title: Second Movement : Being a Guide for the Average Music Lover to Concert Going author: Walden, David E. publisher: Sound And Vision isbn10 | asin: 0920151205 print isbn13: 9780920151204 ebook isbn13: 9780585141640 language: English Music appreciation, Concerts, Music-- subject Terminology--Humor. publication date: 1996 lcc: MT90.W25 1996eb ddc: 781.170207 Music appreciation, Concerts, Music-- subject: Terminology--Humor. Page iii How to Stay Awake During Anybody's Second Movement Being a Guide for the Average Music Lover to Concert Going David Walden Presents Page v Table of Contents Four-Wurd Charles Ewart Farquharson vii Question How Often ix Apologia Pro mia booka xi Preface Allow Me to xiii Introduction Music Is a Strange Bird xv Dedication Word of thanks xix Chapter 1 1 Poplars to Polkas Chapter 2 7 Wilhemeena's Lament Chapter 3 10 Booze and Bulbs Chapter 4 18 Histerical Periods Chapter 5 37 The Man with the Plates Chapter 6 47 Conductors Who Needs'em? Chapter 7 55 Phashion and the Phil Chapter 8 63 Eye Catchers Chapter 9 67 How to Sleep Intelligently Chapter 10 86 Critics and the Clap Chapter 11 95 Brahms and Gas Chapter 12 100 "Ya gotta love'em" Chapter 13 104 What's Hot and What's Not Appendix I 107 A Pronunciation Guide Appendix II 112 Conversational Tips Epilogue Heavenly Droppings 115 Other Works 119 Forthcoming Works 121 Copyright Page 123 Page vii Four-Wurd frum Charles Ewart Farquharson, D.O.P.E. (Doctor of Personal Experience) I mind this Darling perfesser frum hard by Chezlee. In fack, I used to mind him quite a bit when I thot he wuz sweet on Valeda Drain Farquharson, the wife and former sweetheart. The wife and I have relations in Chezlee whenever we're there, and we run into this Darling feller at Rumball family re-on-ions, becuz he wuz a Darling on his father's side, but a Rumball on his mother's. Tho' Valeda wuz a Drain on her father's side and a Boyle on her mother's, she wuz a bit of a Rumball herself, once remove, if you backtracked fur enuff. It wuz from this old Darling that Valeda got her intrust in classified music, the kind played by sympathy orchesters that keeps threttening to tern into a toon, but never duz. On accounta "deer An-ton," she becum a regler harpyist, tuck it up, and kep it up all during our cortship, cuz this so-call perfesser sed he admired her pluck. Thanks to him, she spent a lotta time with yer Parry Sound Filledharmonics and even yer McKellar Chamber Potted Orchester, both of which combine to have a aggravation of over 60, altho' the wife herself wuz only 59. Both them orgy-anizations wuz award the Nobel prize, with Honnerbull menshun frum Mactier. Mind you, after she got into the Holy Acrimony with me, she jist threw up everything, and that harp now hangs in our cream shed, where we use it once in a while fer to cut the cheese. But Valeda never stopped being a vulcher fer culcher. I'm not talkin about cheese when she's moldy, I mean the high Page viii mucky stuff like them Nashnulized Bellydancers prantsin round in their undywares on the tippy toes. She still lissens to the Grand Old Opry every Sardy afternoon put on by yer Metrapopolitan and other insurance cumpnees. Wen it cums to that Waggoner decomposer, Valeda is a reggler Ringwurm. She kin sit thair all afternoon without going off her rocker lissening to the hole Gotterdammerung thing. She still drags me off to consorts with all that catter-walling at yer Festeral of the Sound that's give in aid of yer Sick and Tired of yer United Church. So I gess this heer Darling book is fer the likes of me. I can't tell yiz if the wife and F.S. drops off between movemints, I'm too bizzy snoring away meself. Valeda herself sez this luvly culchered book is a wake-up call to all the Phyllis Steins that cant sit still wen it cums to immoral music. (Valeda sez the word is immortle, which means it goes on and on furever.) That's the way that hy-toned stuff always seam to me. So my four wurds to you other sleepyheds of culcher clods is "READ THIS HERE BOOK!" Page ix Question: How often have you been caught like this? Be honest, dear reader. It was you, last Thursday night, who got that nudge from Alma Squires, the cleaning lady, long after the Chezlee Phil had not only finished their rendition of the 5th (Ronnie Flood's 5th, that is) but had packed their instruments and gone to the Ox and Udder for pickled eggs and stout. This book is for you, dear dozy friend. It is an instructive guide presented with stern affection to help you avoid the embarrassing pain and humiliation of FALLING ASLEEP AT A CONCERT. Read it with care and I guarantee you will never snooze off again at a public concert, even if it is the second movement. Happy Listening! Page xi Apologia While I have titularly focused on the problem of Second Movement Somniference (2nd Mov'ts. being particularly problematic, as most composers have used up a lot of their ideas in the first movement, which is usually pretty fast and they know they've got a last movement coming up that's gonna go like the wind and use up zillions of notes per minute, so most and I say most, not all take a bit of a rest in the 2nd Mov't., taking it real slow with a lot of looooooooong notes to give themselves a bit of a breather, freshen up and get ready for that last whizzer), I do feel strongly that the whole problem of sympho- sleep (or worse, sympho-snore) is based on LACK OF INFORMATION. The more clothespegs of musical knowledge you have to hang a piece on will help tremendously in your: A) UNDERSTANDING 2) APPRECIATION and III) WAKEFULNESS So, there it is. My raison d'etre for writing this book to tell you about music so's you'll know what to listen for and therefore not be asked to leave by that rather nasty usherette called Doreen on aisle B because of some unfortunately Page xii excessive respiratorial utterances, represented graphically by a series of the letter Z.* * Now, I know Doreen didn't have the vaguest idea in !@#*& who I was, or my eminence in the musical community of Chezlee, Ont., but her sharp words did cut deep and were audible to the rafters. Anyway, she's much happier at the A & W (the Aardvark and Warthog Pet Shop), where she has to deal with far more offensive things than dozing deacons of art.** ** However, let me hasten to assure you, dear reader, that this book is no personal platform for the author to air his pet beefs. In no way. It is to instruct, inform and encourage. So, here's to it!

How to Stay Awake is for those who have ever been to a musical concert and have had justified cause to suppress a giggle. Walden pulls out all the plugs and says, "laugh till till it hurts."
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