(continued from front fl ap) Praise for the SECOND EDITION of H $49.95 USA/$59.95 CAN H H M A U OW TO EASURE NYTHING H M • B OW TO E ASURE How not to measure risk B OW TO FINDING THE VALUE OF “INTANGIBLES” IN BUSINESS A • R Methods for measuring “soft” things like D A N Y TH I NG happiness, satisfaction, quality, and more “How to Measure Anything was already my favorite book (just ahead of Hubbard’s second book, The Failure of Risk • How to fi ne-tune human judges to be Management) and one I actively promote to my students and colleagues. But the Second Edition, improving on M powerful, calibrated measurement the already exquisite fi rst edition, is an achievement of its own. As a physicist and economist, I applied these SECOND EDITION instruments techniques in several fi elds for several years. For the fi rst time, somebody wrote together all these concerns on E A S U R E • one canvas that is at the same time accessible to a broad audience and applicable by specialists. This book is a How you can use the Internet as an must for students and experts in the fi eld of analysis (in general) and decision-making.” A nything can be measured. This bold instrument of measurement —Dr. Johan Braet, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Applied Economics, H assertion is the key to solving many Risk Management and Innovation problems in business and life in general. A complete resource with case studies and a robust A accompanying Web site providing downloadable “Doug Hubbard’s book is a marvelous tutorial on how to defi ne sound metrics to justify and manage complex O The myth that certain things can’t be measured spreadsheet-based examples, How to Measure programs. It is a must-read for anyone concerned about mitigating the risks involved with capital planning, W N Y T H I NG is a signifi cant drain on our nation’s economy, investment decisions, and program management.” public welfare, the environment, and even national Anything, Second Edition illustrates how author —Jim Flyzik, former Government CIO, White House Technology Advisor and security. In fact, the chances are good that some part Douglas Hubbard—creator of Applied Information CIO magazine Hall of Fame Inductee T of your life or your professional responsibilities is Economics—has used his approach across various O greatly harmed by a lack of measurement—by you, industries. You’ll learn how any problem, no Praise for the first edition—The bestselling Business Math book two years in a row! your fi rm, or even your government. matter how diffi cult, ill-defi ned, or uncertain, M can lend itself to measurement using proven Building up from simple concepts to illustrate methods. Straightforward and easy-to-follow, “I love this book. Douglas Hubbard helps us create a path to know the answer to almost any question, in this is the resource you’ll turn to again and business, in science, or in life . . . How to Measure Anything provides just the tools most of us need to measure E FINDING THE VALUE OF the hands-on yet intuitively easy application of advanced statistical techniques, How to Measure again—beyond measure. anything better, to gain that insight, to make progress, and to succeed.” —Peter Tippett, PhD, MD, Chief Technology Offi cer, A “INTANGIBLES” IN BUSINESS Anything, Second Edition reveals the power of measurement in our understanding of business CyberTrust, and inventor, fi rst antivirus software S DOUGLAS W. HUBBARD is and the world at large. This insightful and engaging U “Interestingly written and full of case studies and rich examples, Hubbard’s book is a valuable resource for those the inventor of Applied Information 2nd book shows you how to measure those things in who routinely make decisions involving uncertainty. This book is readable and quite entertaining, and even R Economics (AIE), a measurement your business that, until now, you may have those who consider themselves averse to statistics may fi nd it highly approachable.” methodology that has been used in E Edition considered “immeasurable,” including technology —Strategic Finance IT portfolios, entertainment media, ROI, organizational fl exibility, customer satis- military logistics, R&D portfolios, and many more “This book is remarkable in its range of measurement applications and its clarity of style. A must-read for every A REVISED, faction, and technology risk. Offering examples professional who has ever exclaimed, ‘Sure, that concept is important, but can we measure it?’” EXPANDED & areas where big decisions are based on factors that will get you to attempt measurements—even —Dr. Jack Stenner, cofounder and N SIMPLIFIED that seem diffi cult or impossible to measure. He when it seems impossible—this book provides you CEO of MetaMetrics, Inc. is an internationally recognized expert in metrics, Y with the substantive steps for measuring anything, decision analysis, and risk management, and “Hubbard has made a career of fi nding ways to measure things that other folks thought were immeasurable. especially uncertainty and risk. Quality? The value of telecommuting? The benefi ts of greater IT security? Public image? He says it can be done— T is a popular speaker at numerous conferences. and without breaking the bank . . . If you’d like to fare better in the project-approval wars, take a look at this book.” H Don’t wait—take a look inside and fi nd out: He has written articles for InformationWeek, CIO —ComputerWorld Enterprise, Architecture Boston, Analytics, and OR/MS • I The three reasons why things may seem Today, and is also the author of The Failure of Risk N “I use this book as a primary reference for my measurement class at MIT. The students love it because it provides immeasurable but are not Management: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It. practical advice that can be applied to a variety of scenarios, from aerospace and defense, healthcare, politics, etc.” G • Inspirational examples of where seemingly —Ricardo Valerdi, PhD, Lecturer, MIT impossible measurements were resolved with suprisingly simple methods SECOND • EDITION How computing the value of information will show that you probably have been measuring all the wrong things DOUGLAS W. HUBBARD (continued on back fl ap) ISBN: 978-0-470-53939-2 4-COLOR GLOSSY P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba iv P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba How to Measure Anything Finding the Value of “Intangibles” in Business Second Edition DOUGLAS W. HUBBARD JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. i P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba Copyright(cid:1)C 2010byDouglasW.Hubbard.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,or transmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying, recording,scanning,orotherwise,exceptaspermittedunderSection107or108ofthe 1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withouteitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthe Publisher,orauthorizationthroughpaymentoftheappropriateper-copyfeetothe CopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA01923, (978)750-8400,fax(978)646-8600,oronthewebatwww.copyright.com.Requeststo thePublisherforpermissionshouldbeaddressedtothePermissionsDepartment,John Wiley&Sons,Inc.,111RiverStreet,Hoboken,NJ07030,(201)748-6011, fax(201)748-6008,oronlineathttp://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. 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Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthat appearsinprintmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks.Formoreinformationabout Wileyproducts,visitourwebsiteatwww.wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Hubbard,DouglasW.,1962- Howtomeasureanything:findingthevalueof“intangibles”inbusiness/ DouglasW.Hubbard.–2nded. p. cm. Includesindex. ISBN978-0-470-53939-2(cloth) 1.Intangibleproperty–Valuation. I.Title. HF5681.I55H832010 657(cid:2).7–dc22 2009051051 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ii P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba I dedicate this book to the people who are my inspirations for so many things: to my wife, Janet, and to our children, Evan, Madeleine, and Steven, who show every potential for being Renaissance people. I also would like to dedicate this book to the military men and women of the United States, so many of whom I know personally. I’ve been out of the Army National Guard for many years, but I hope my efforts at improving battlefield logistics for the U.S. Marines by using better measurements have improved their effectiveness and safety. iii P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba iv P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xv SECTION I MEASUREMENT: THE SOLUTION EXISTS 1 CHAPTER1 Intangibles and the Challenge 3 Yes, I Mean Anything 5 The Proposal 6 CHAPTER2 An Intuitive Measurement Habit: Eratosthenes, Enrico, and Emily 9 How an Ancient Greek Measured the Size of Earth 10 Estimating: Be Like Fermi 11 Experiments: Not Just for Adults 13 Notes on What to Learn from Eratosthenes, Enrico, and Emily 18 CHAPTER3 The Illusion of Intangibles: Why Immeasurables Aren’t 21 The Concept of Measurement 22 The Object of Measurement 26 The Methods of Measurement 28 Economic Objections to Measurement 35 The Broader Objection to the Usefulness of “Statistics” 37 v P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba vi Contents Ethical Objections to Measurement 39 Toward a Universal Approach to Measurement 41 SECTION II BEFORE YOU MEASURE 45 CHAPTER4 Clarifying the Measurement Problem 47 Getting the Language Right: What “Uncertainty” and “Risk” Really Mean 49 Examples of Clarification: Lessons for Business from, of All Places, Government 51 CHAPTER5 Calibrated Estimates: How Much Do You Know Now? 57 Calibration Exercise 59 Further Improvements on Calibration 64 Conceptual Obstacles to Calibration 65 The Effects of Calibration 71 CHAPTER6 Measuring Risk through Modeling 79 How Not to Measure Risk 79 Real Risk Analysis: The Monte Carlo 81 An Example of the Monte Carlo Method and Risk 82 Tools and Other Resources for Monte Carlo Simulations 91 The Risk Paradox and the Need for Better Risk Analysis 93 CHAPTER7 Measuring the Value of Information 99 The Chance of Being Wrong and the Cost of Being Wrong: Expected Opportunity Loss 100 The Value of Information for Ranges 103 The Imperfect World: The Value of Partial Uncertainty Reduction 107 The Epiphany Equation: How the Value of Information Changes Everything 110 Summarizing Uncertainty, Risk, and Information Value: The First Measurements 114 P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba Contents vii SECTION III MEASUREMENT METHODS 117 CHAPTER8 The Transition: From What to Measure to How to Measure 119 Tools of Observation: Introduction to the Instrument of Measurement 120 Decomposition 124 Secondary Research: Assuming You Weren’t the First to Measure It 127 The Basic Methods of Observation: If One Doesn’t Work, Try the Next 128 Measure Just Enough 131 Consider the Error 132 Choose and Design the Instrument 136 CHAPTER9 Sampling Reality: How Observing Some Things Tells Us about All Things 139 Building an Intuition for Random Sampling: The Jelly Bean Example 141 A Little about Little Samples: A Beer Brewer’s Approach 142 Statistical Significance: A Matter of Degree 145 When Outliers Matter Most 148 The Easiest Sample Statistics Ever 150 A Biased Sample of Sampling Methods 153 Measure to the Threshold 162 Experiment 165 Seeing Relationships in the Data: An Introduction to Regression Modeling 169 One Thing We Haven’t Discussed—and Why 174 CHAPTER10 Bayes: Adding to What You Know Now 177 Simple Bayesian Statistics 178 Using Your Natural Bayesian Instinct 181 Heterogeneous Benchmarking: A “Brand Damage” Application 187 Bayesian Inversion for Ranges: An Overview 190 P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC FM JWBT262-Hubbard March11,2010 17:25 PrinterName:tba viii Contents Bayesian Inversion for Ranges: The Details 193 The Lessons of Bayes 196 SECTION IV BEYOND THE BASICS 201 CHAPTER11 Preference and Attitudes: The Softer Side of Measurement 203 Observing Opinions, Values, and the Pursuit of Happiness 203 A Willingness to Pay: Measuring Value via Trade-offs 207 Putting It All on the Line: Quantifying Risk Tolerance 211 Quantifying Subjective Trade-offs: Dealing with Multiple Conflicting Preferences 214 Keeping the Big Picture in Mind: Profit Maximization versus Purely Subjective Trade-offs 218 CHAPTER12 The Ultimate Measurement Instrument: Human Judges 221 Homoabsurdus: The Weird Reasons behind Our Decisions 222 Getting Organized: A Performance Evaluation Example 227 Surprisingly Simple Linear Models 228 How to Standardize Any Evaluation: Rasch Models 230 Removing Human Inconsistency: The Lens Model 234 Panacea or Placebo?: Questionable Methods of Measurement 238 Comparing the Methods 246 CHAPTER13 New Measurement Instruments for Management 251 The Twenty-First-Century Tracker: Keeping Tabs with Technology 251 Measuring the World: The Internet as an Instrument 254 Prediction Markets: A Dynamic Aggregation of Opinions 257