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How to learn a graph from smooth signals Vassilis Kalofolias Signal Processing Laboratory 2 (LTS2) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland 6 Abstract W isbig),theyareexpectedtohaveasmalldistance. 1 ij 0 Using the graph Laplacian matrix L=D−W, where (cid:80) 2 D is the diagonal degree matrix with D = Wij, We propose a framework that learns the ii j n this function can be written in matrix form as graph structure underlying a set of smooth a J signals. Given X ∈ Rm×n whose rows re- tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1). sideontheverticesofanunknowngraph, we 1 1 learn the edge weights w ∈Rm(m−1)/2 under The importance of the graph Laplacian has long been + the smoothness assumption that tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1) known as a tool for embedding, manifold learning, L] is small. We show that the problem is a clusteringandsemisupervisedlearning,seee.g. Belkin M weighted (cid:96)-1 minimization that leads to nat- and Niyogi (2001); Belkin, Niyogi, and Sindhwani urally sparse solutions. We point out how (2006);Zhu,Ghahramani,Lafferty,etal.(2003).More t. known graph learning or construction tech- recently we find an abundance of methods that ex- a niques fall within our framework and pro- ploit this notion of smoothness to regularize various t s pose a new model that performs better than machine learning tasks, solving problems of the form [ the state of the art in many settings. We 1 present efficient, scalable primal-dual based minimize g(X)+tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1). (1) v algorithmsforbothourmodelandtheprevi- X 3 ous state of the art, and evaluate their per- Zhang, Popescul, and Dom (2006) use it to en- 1 5 formance on artificial and real data. hancewebpagecategorizationwithgraphinformation, 2 Zheng et al. (2011) for graph regularized sparse cod- 0 ing. Cai et al. (2011) use the same term to regularize . 1 INTRODUCTION 1 NMF, Jiang et al. (2013) for PCA and Kalofolias et 0 al. (2014) for matrix completion. Having good quality 6 We consider a matrix X ∈ Rm×n = [x ,...,x ](cid:62), graphs is key to the success of the above methods. 1 1 m where each row x ∈ Rn resides on one of m nodes : i The goal of this paper is to solve the complementary v of a graph G. Then each of the n columns of X can i problem of learning a good graph: X be seen as a signal on the same graph. A simple as- r sumption about data residing on graphs, but also the minimize tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1)+f(L), (2) a most widely used one is that it changes smoothly be- L∈L tween connected nodes. An easy way to quantify how where L denotes the set of valid graph Laplacians. smooth is a set of vectors x ,...,x ∈Rn on a given 1 m weighted undirected graph is through the function Why is this problem important? Firstly because it en- ables us to directly learn the hidden graph structure 1(cid:88) W (cid:107)x −x (cid:107)2, behind our data. Secondly because in most problems 2 ij i j that can be written in the form of eq. (1), we are of- i,j tengivenanoisygraph, ornographatall. Therefore, where Wij denotes the weight of the edge between startingfromtheinitialgraphandalternatingbetween nodes i and j. In words, if two vectors xi and xj from solving problems (1) and (2) we can at the same time a smooth set reside on two well connected nodes (so get a better quality graph and solve the task of the initial problem. Preliminary work. Under review by AISTATS 2016. Do Related Work.Dempster (1972) was one of the first not distribute. to propose the problem of finding connectivity from Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 measurements,underthename“covarianceselection”. algorithm to solve our proposed model, but also the Years later, Banerjee, El Ghaoui, and d’Aspremont onebyDongetal.Tothebestofourknowledge,these (2008)proposedsolvingan(cid:96)-1penalizedlog-likelihood arethefirstscalablesolutionsintheliteraturetolearn problem to estimate a sparse inverse covariance with agraphundersmoothnessassumption(2)(Section5). unknown pattern of zeros. However, while a lot of Toevaluateourmodel, wefirstreviewdifferentdefini- work has been done on inverse covariance estimation, tionsofsmoothsignalsintheliterature. Weshowhow thelatterdifferssubstantiallyfromagraphLaplacian. they can be unified under the notion of graph filtering For instance, the off-diagonal elements of a Laplacian (Section 3). We compare the models under artificial mustbenon-positive, whileitisnotinvertiblelikethe and real data settings. We conclude that our model is inverse covariance. superior in many cases and achieves better connectiv- Wang and Zhang (2008) learn a graph with normal- ity when sparse graphs are sought (Section 6). (cid:80) ized degrees by minimizing the objective (cid:107)x − i i (cid:80)jwijxj(cid:107)2, but they assume a fixed k-NN edge pat- 2 PROPERTIES OF THE tern. Daitch, Kelner, and Spielman (2009) considered LAPLACIAN the similar objective (cid:107)LX(cid:107)2 and they approximately F minimizeditwithagreedyalgorithmandarelaxation. Throughoutthispaperweusethecombinatorialgraph LaplaciandefinedasL=D−W,whereD =diag(W1) Zhangetal.(2010)alternatebetweenproblems(1)and and 1=[1,...,1](cid:62). The space of all valid combinato- a variation of (2). However, while they start from an rial graph Laplacians, is by definition initial graph Laplacian L, they finally learn a s.p.s.d. matrix that is not necessarily a valid Laplacian. (cid:110) L= L∈Rm×m : The works most relevant to ours are the ones by Lake (cid:88) (cid:111) and Tenenbaum (2010) and by Dong et al. (2015a,b). (∀i(cid:54)=j) L =L ≤0, L =− L . ij ji ii ij In the first one, the authors consider a problem sim- j(cid:54)=i ilar to the one of the inverse covariance estimation, InordertolearnavalidgraphLaplacian,wemightbe but impose additional constraints in order to obtain a tempted to search in the above space, as is done e.g. valid Laplacian. However, their final objective func- by Dong et al. (2015b); Lake and Tenenbaum (2010). tion contains many constraints and a computationally We argue that it is more intuitive to search for a valid demanding log-determinant term that makes it diffi- weighted adjacency matrix W from the space cult to solve. To the best of our knowledge, there is no scalable algorithm in the literature to solve their W =(cid:8)W ∈Rm×m : W =W(cid:62), diag(W)=0(cid:9), model. Dong et al. (2015b) propose a model that out- m + performstheonebyLakeandTenenbaum,butstilldo leading to simplified problems. Even more, when it not provide a scalable algorithm. This work is com- comestoactuallysolvingtheproblembyoptimization plementary to theirs, as we not only compare against techniques, we should consider the space of all valid theirmodel,butalsoprovideananalysisandascalable edge weights for a graph algorithm to solve it. (cid:110) (cid:111) W = w ∈Rm(m−1)/2 , v + Contributions. In this paper we make the link between smoothness and sparsity. We show that so that we do not have to deal with the symmetricity the smoothness term can be equivalently seen as a of W explicitly. The spaces L, Wm and Wv are equiv- weighted (cid:96)-1 norm of the adjacency matrix, and mini- alent, and connected by bijective linear mappings. In mizing it leads to naturally sparse graphs (Section 2). this paper we use Wm to analyze the problem in hand Basedonthis,weformulateourobjectiveasaweighted and Wv when we solve the problem. Table 1 exhibits (cid:96)-1 problem that we propose as a general framework some of the equivalent forms in the three spaces. forsolvingproblem(2). Usingthisframeworkwepro- poseanewmodelforlearningagraph. Weprovethat 2.1 Smooth manifold means graph sparsity our model has effectively one parameter that controls Letusdefinethepairwisedistancesmatrix Z ∈Rm×m: how sparse is the learnt graph (Section 4). + We show how our framework includes the standard Z =(cid:107)x −x (cid:107)2. i,j i j Gaussian kernel weight construction, but also the modelbyDongetal.(2015b).Wesimplifytheirmodel Using this, we can rewrite the trace term as and prove fundamental properties (Section 4). tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1)= 1tr(WZ)= 1(cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107) , (3) Weprovideafast,scalableandconvergentprimal-dual 2 2 1,1 Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 Table1: Equivalenttermsforrepresentationsfromsets containing its graph frequencies xˆ ∈R. Low frequen- i L,Wm,Wv. Weusez =vectorform(Z),andlinearop- cies correspond to small eigenvalues, and low-pass or erator S that performs summation in the vector form. smooth filters correspond to decaying functions h. Inthesequelweshowhowdifferentmodelsforsmooth L∈L W ∈W w∈W m v signals in the literature can be written as smoothing 2tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1) (cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107)1,1 2w(cid:62)z problems of an initial non-smooth signal. We give an tr(L) (cid:107)W(cid:107) 2w(cid:62)1=2(cid:107)w(cid:107) 1,1 1 example of three different filters applied on the same – (cid:107)W(cid:107)2 2(cid:107)w(cid:107)2 F 2 signal in Figure 4 (Appendix). diag(L) W1 Sw 1(cid:62)log(diag(L)) 1(cid:62)log(W1) 1(cid:62)log(Sw) Smooth signals by Tikhonov regularization. (cid:107)L(cid:107)2 (cid:107)W(cid:107)2 +(cid:107)W1(cid:107)2 2(cid:107)w(cid:107)2+(cid:107)Sw(cid:107)2 F F 2 2 2 Solving problem (1) leads to smooth signals. By set- tingg(x)= 1(cid:107)x−x (cid:107)2 wehaveaTikhonovregulariza- where (cid:107)A(cid:107) is the elementwise norm-1 of A and ◦ is α 0 1,1 tionproblem,thatgivenanarbitraryx asinputgives 0 the Hadamard product (see Appendix). In words, the its graph-smooth version x = (αL+I)−1x . Equiva- 0 smoothness term is a weighted (cid:96)-1 norm of W, encod- lently, we can see this as filtering x by 0 ing weighted sparsity, that penalizes edges connecting 1 distantrowsofX. Theinterpretationisthatwhenthe h(λ)= , (6) givendistancescomefromasmoothmanifold,thecor- 1+αλ responding graph has a sparse set of edges, preferring where big α values result in smoother signals. only the ones associated to small distances in Z. Smooth signals from a probabilistic generative Explicitly adding a sparsity term γ(cid:107)W(cid:107) to the ob- model. 1,1 jective function is a common tactic for inverse covari- Dong et al. (2015a) proposed that smooth signals can ance estimation. However, it brings little to our prob- be generated from a colored Gaussian distribution as (cid:16) (cid:17) lem, as here it can be translated as merely adding a x=x¯+(cid:80) u xˆ , where xˆ ∼N 0,λ† and † denotes i i i i i constant to the squared distances in Z: thepseudoinverse. Thereforexfollowsthedistribution tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1)+γ(cid:107)W(cid:107) = 1(cid:107)W ◦(2γ+Z)(cid:107) . (4) x∼N (cid:0)x¯,L†(cid:1). 1,1 2 1,1 Tosamplefromtheabove,itsufficestodrawaninitial Note that all information of X conveyed by the trace non-smooth signal x ∼N (0,I) and then compute 0 term is contained in the pairwise distances matrix Z, x=x¯+h(L)x , (7) sothattheoriginalcouldbeomitted. Moreover,using 0 √ the last term of eq. (3) instead of the trace enables us with h(L)= L†, or equivalently filter it by todefineotherkindsofdistancesinsteadofEuclidean. (cid:40)√ λ−1 ,λ>0 Note finally that the separate rows of X do not have h(λ)= (8) 0 ,λ=0 to be smooth signals in some sense. Two non-smooth signalsx ,x canhaveasmalldistancebetweenthem, i j andaddthemeanx¯. Wepointoutherethatusingeq. and therefore a small entry Z . i,j (7) on any x ∼N (0,I) and for any filter h(λ) would 0 yield samples from 3 WHAT IS A SMOOTH SIGNAL? x∼N (cid:0)x¯,h(L)2(cid:1), Givenagraph,differentdefinitionsofwhatisasmooth therefore the probabilistic generative model can be signal have been used in different contexts. In this used for any filter h. However, it does not cover cases section we unify these different definitions using the where the initial x is not white Gaussian. 0 notion of filtering on graphs. For more information aboutsignalprocessingongraphswerefertothework Smooth signals by heat diffusion on graphs of Shuman et al. (2013). Filtering of a graph signal Anothertypeofsmoothsignalsintheliteratureresults x∈Rm by a filter h(λ) is defined as the operation1 from the process of heat diffusion on graphs. See for example the work by Zhang and Hancock (2008) for (cid:88) (cid:88) y =h(L)x= uih(λi)u(cid:62)i x= uih(λi)xˆi, (5) an application on image denoising by heat diffusion i i smoothing on the pixels graph. Given an initial signal where {ui,λi} are eigenvector-eigenvalue pairs of L, x0, the result of the heat diffusion on a graph after and xˆ ∈ Rm is the graph Fourier representation of x time t is x=exp(−Lt)x0, therefore the corresponding filter is 1We denote by h both the function h : R → R and h(λ)=exp(−tλ), (9) its matrix counterpart h : Rm×m → Rm×m acting on the matrix’s eigenvalues. where bigger values of t result in smoother signals. Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 4 LEARNING A GRAPH FROM graphs, we want to make sure that each node has at SMOOTH SIGNALS least one edge with another node. It is also desirable to have control of how sparse is the resulting graph. Inordertolearnagraphfromsmoothsignals,wepro- To meet these expectations, we propose the following pose, asexplainedinSection2, torewriteproblem(2) model with parameters α > 0 and β ≥ 0 controlling using the weighted adjacency matrix W and the pair- the shape of the edges: wise distance matrix Z instead of X: minimize (cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107) − α1(cid:62)log(W1) + β(cid:107)W(cid:107)2. minimize (cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107)1,1 + f(W). (10) W∈Wm 1,1 F W∈Wm (12) Since W is positive we could replace the first term The logarithmic barrier acts on the node degree vec- by tr(WZ), but we prefer this notation to keep in tor W1, unlike the model of Proposition 1 that has a mind that our problem already has a sparsity term on similar barrier on the edges. This means that it forces W. This means that f(W) has to play two important the degrees to be positive, but does not prevent edges roles: (1) prevent W from going to the trivial solution from becoming zero. This improves the overall con- W = 0 and (2) impose further structure using prior nectivityofthegraph,withoutcompromisingsparsity. information on W. This said, depending on f the Note however, that adding solely a logarithmic term solutionisexpectedtobesparse,thatisimportantfor (β = 0) leads to very sparse graphs, and changing α large scale applications. onlychangesthescaleofthesolutionandnotthespar- sitypattern(Proposition2forβ =0). Forthisreason, Inordertomotivatethisgeneralgraphlearningframe- we add the third term. work, we show that the most standard weight con- struction,aswellasthestateoftheartgraphlearning We showed in eq. (4) that adding an (cid:96)-1 norm to model are special cases thereof. controlsparsityisnotveryuseful. Ontheotherhand, addingaFrobeniusnormwepenalizetheformationof 4.1 Classic Laplacian computations big edges but do not penalize smaller ones. This leads tomoredenseedgepatternsforbiggervaluesofβ. An In the literature one of the most common practices is interesting property of our model is that even if it has to construct edge weights given X from the Gaussian two terms shaping the weights, if we fix the scale we function (cid:18) (cid:107)x −x (cid:107)2(cid:19) then need to search for only one parameter: w =exp − i j 2 . (11) ij 2σ2 Proposition 2. Let F(Z,α,β) denote the solution of our model (12) for input distances Z and parameters It turns out that this choice of weights can be seen as α, β. Then the following property holds for any γ >0: the result of solving problem (10) with a specific prior on the weights W: (cid:18) (cid:19) α F (Z,α,β)=γF Z, ,βγ =αF (Z,1,αβ). (13) Proposition 1. The solution of the problem γ (cid:88) minimize (cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107) + 2σ2 W (log(W )−1) 1,1 ij ij W∈Wm ij Proof. See appendix. is given by eq. (11). Proof. The problem is edge separable and the objec- tivecanbewrittenas(cid:80) W Z +2σ2W (log(W − This means that for example if we want to obtain a i,j ij ij ij ij W with a fixed scale (cid:107)W(cid:107) = s (for any norm), we 1)). Deriving w.r.t. W we obtain the optimal- ij ity condition Z + 2σ2log(W ) = 0, or W = can solve the problem with α = 1, search only for ij ij ij exp(−Z /(2σ2)), that proves the proposition. a parameter β that gives the desired edge density and ij thennormalizethegraphbythenormwehavechosen. Notethathere,thelogarithminf preventstheweights The main advantage of our model over the method by from going to 0, leading to full matrices, and sparsifi- Dong et al. (2015a), is that it promotes connectivity cation has to be imposed explicitly afterwards. by putting a log barrier directly on the node degrees. Even for β = 0, we obtain the sparsest solution pos- 4.2 Our proposed model sible, that assigns at least one edge to each node. In Basedonourframework(10)ourgoalistogiveagen- this case, the distant nodes will have smaller degrees eral purpose model for learning graphs, when no prior (because of the first term), but still be connected to informationisavailable. Inordertoobtainmeaningful their closest neighbour similarly to a 1-NN graph. Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 4.3 Fitting the state of the art in our choices of f(W). We use primal dual techniques that framework scale, like the ones reviewed by Komodakis and Pes- quet (2014) to solve the two state of the art models: Dong et al. (2015a) proposed the following model for theoneweproposeandtheonebyDongetal.(2015b). learning a graph: Using these as examples, it is easy to solve many in- minimize tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1)+α(cid:107)L(cid:107)2, teresting models from the general framework (10). F L∈L Inordertomakeoptimizationeasier,weusethevector s.t., tr(L)=s. form representation from space W (see Table 1), so v that the symmetricity does not have to be imposed as Parameter s > 0 controls the scale (Dong et al. set it a constraint. We write the problem as a sum of three tom),andparameterα≥0controlsthedensityofthe functions in order to fit it to primal dual algorithms solution. This formulation has two weaknesses. First, reviewed by Komodakis and Pesquet (2014). The gen- usingaFrobeniusnormontheLaplacianhasareduced eral form of our objective is interpretability: the elements of L are not only of dif- ferent scales, but also linearly dependent. Secondly, minimize f (w)+f (Kw)+f (w), (17) optimizing it is difficult as it has 4 constraints on L: 1 2 3 w∈Wv 3 in order to constrain L in space L, and one to keep the trace constant. We propose to solve their model where f1 and f2 are functions for which we can ef- using our framework: Using transformations of Table ficiently compute proximal operators, and f3 is dif- 1, we obtain the equivalent simplified model ferentiable with gradient that has Lipschitz constant ζ ∈ (0,∞). K is a linear operator, so f is defined 2 minimize (cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107)1,1+α(cid:107)W1(cid:107)2+α(cid:107)W(cid:107)2F, on the dual variable Kw. In the sequel we explain W∈Wm how this general optimization framework can be ap- s.t., (cid:107)W(cid:107) =s. (14) 1,1 plied to the two models of interest, leaving the details intheAppendix. Forabetterunderstandingofprimal Using this parametrization, solving the problem be- dualoptimizationorproximalsplittingmethodswere- comes much simpler, as we show in Section 5. Note fer the reader to the works of Combettes and Pesquet that for α = 0 we have a linear program that assigns (2011); Komodakis and Pesquet (2014). weightstotheedgecorrespondingtothesmallestpair- wise distance in Z, and zero everywhere else. On the In our model, the second term acts on the degrees other hand, setting α to big values, we penalize big of the nodes, that are a linear function of the edge degrees (through the second term), and in the limit weights. Therefore we use K = S, where S is the α → ∞ we obtain a dense graph with constant de- linear operator that satisfies W1 = Sw if w is the greesacrossnodes. Wecanalsoprovesomeinteresting vectorform of W. In the first term we group the posi- properties of (14): tivity constraint of W and the weighted (cid:96)-1, and the v Proposition 3. Let H(Z,α,s) denote the solution of second and third terms are the priors for the degrees model (14) for input distances Z and parameters α andtheedgesrespectively. Inordertosolveourmodel and s. Then for γ >0 the following properties hold: we define f (w)=1{w ≥0}+2w(cid:62)z, 1 H(Z+γ,α,s)=H(Z,α,s) (15) f (d)=−α1(cid:62)log(d), (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 s H(Z,α,s)=γH Z,αγ, =sH(Z,αs,1) (16) f (w)=β(cid:107)w(cid:107)2, with ζ =2β, γ 3 where 1{} is the indicator function that becomes zero Proof. See appendix. when the condition in the brackets is satisfied, infinite In other words, model (14) is invariant to adding any otherwise. Note that the second function f is defined 2 constant to the squared distances. The second prop- on the dual variable d = Sw ∈ Rm, that here is very ertymeansthatsimilarlytoourmodel,thescaleofthe conveniently the vector of the node degrees. solutiondoesnotchangetheshapeoftheconnectivity. For model (14) we can define in a similar way If we fix the scale to s, we obtain the whole range of edge shapes given by H only by changing parameter f (w)=1{w ≥0}+2w(cid:62)z, α. 1 f (c)=1{c=s}, 2 5 OPTIMIZATION f (w)=α(cid:0)2(cid:107)w(cid:107)2+(cid:107)Sw(cid:107)2(cid:1), with ζ =2α(m+1), 3 Anadvantageofusingtheformulationofproblem(10) and use K = 21(cid:62) so that the dual variable is c = is that it can be solved efficiently for a wide range of Kw =(cid:107)W(cid:107) , constrained by f to be equal to s. 1,1 2 Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 Algorithm 1 Primal dual algorithm for model (12). 1. Random Geometric Graph (RGG): We sample x uniformlyfrom[0,1]2 andconnectnodesusingeq. 1: Input: z,α,β, w0 ∈W , d0 ∈Rm, γ, tolerance (cid:15) v + (11) with σ =0.2, then threshold weights <0.6. 2: for i=1,...,i do max 3: yi =wi−γ(2βwi+S(cid:62)di) 2. Non-uniform: We sample x in [0,1]×[0,5] from 4: y¯i =di+γ(Swi) a non-uniform distribution p ∝ 1/(1+αx ) x1,x2 2 5: pi =max(0,yi−2γz) and connect nodes using eq. (11) with σ = 0.2. 6: p¯i =(y¯i−(cid:112)(y¯i)2+4αγ)/2 (cid:46) elementwise We threshold weights smaller than the best con- 7: qi =pi−γ(2βpi+S(cid:62)pi) nection of the most distant node (≈0.01). 8: q¯i =p¯i+γ(Spi) 3. Erd˝os R´enyi: Random graph as proposed by 9: wi =wi−yi+pi; Gilbert (1959) (p=3/m). 10: di =di−y¯i+q¯i; 4. Barab´asi-Albert: Random scale-free graph with 11: if (cid:107)wi−wi−1(cid:107)/(cid:107)wi−1(cid:107)<(cid:15) and 12: (cid:107)di−di−1(cid:107)/(cid:107)di−1(cid:107)<(cid:15) then preferential attachment as proposed by Barab´asi 13: break and Albert (1999) (m0=1, m=2). 14: end if Signal Types.To create a smooth signal we filter a 15: end for Gaussian i.i.d. x by eq. (5), using one of the three 0 filter types of Section 3. We normalize the Laplacian Using these functions, the final algorithm for our ((cid:107)L(cid:107) =1) so that the filters g(λ) are defined for λ∈ 2 model is given as Algorithm 1, and for the model by [0,1]. See Table 3 (Appendix) for a summary. Dong et al. as Algorithm 2 in the Appendix. Vector z ∈Rm×(m−1)/2 is the vector form of Z, and parame- 1. Tikhonov: g(λ)= 1 as in eq. (6). + 1+10λ √ ter γ ∈(0, 1+ζ+(cid:107)K(cid:107)) is the stepsize. 2. Generative Model: g(λ) = 1/ λ if λ > 0, g(0) = 0 from model of eq. (8) (x¯=0). 5.1 Complexity and Convergence 3. Heat Diffusion: g(λ)=exp(−10λ) as eq. (9). For all cases we use m=100 nodes, smooth signals of Both algorithms that we propose have a complex- lengthn=1000, andadd10%((cid:96)-2sense)noisebefore ity of O(m2) per iteration, for m nodes graphs, and computingpairwisedistances. Weperformgridsearch they can easily be parallelized. As the objective func- tofindthebestparametersforeachmodel. Werepeat tions of both models are proper, convex, and lower- the experiment 20 times for each case and report the semicontinuous,ouralgorithmsareguaranteedtocon- average result of the parameter value that performs vergetotheminimum(KomodakisandPesquet2014). best for each of the different metrics. Metrics.Since we have the ground truth graphs for 6 EXPERIMENTS each case, we can measure directly the relative edge error in the (cid:96)-1 and (cid:96)-2 sense. We also report the rel- We compare our model against the state of the art (cid:80) ative error of the weighted degrees d = W . This modelbyDongetal.(2015a)solvedbyourAlgorithm i j ij is important because both models are based on priors 2 for both artificial and real data. Comparing to the onthedegreesasweshowinsection4. Wealsoreport modelbyLakeandTenenbaum(2010)wasnotpossible the F-measure (harmonic mean of edge precision and evenforthesmallgraphsofourartificialexperiments, recall),thatonlytakesintoaccountthebinarypattern as there is no scalable algorithm in the literature and of existing edges and not the weights. the use of CVX with the log-determinant term is pro- hibitive. Other models based on the log-det term, for Baselines. The baseline for the relative errors is a which scalable algorithms exist, are irrelevant to our classic graph construction using equation (11) with a problem as a sparse inverse covariance is not a valid grid search for the best σ. Note that this exact equa- Laplacian and are known to not perform well for our tionwasusedtocreatethetwofirstartificialdatasets. setting (see Dong et al. (2015a) for a comparison). However, using a fully connected graph with the F- measure does not make sense. For this metric the 6.1 Artificial data baselineissettothebestedgepatternfoundbythresh- olding (11) with different thresholds. Thedifficultyofsolvingproblem(10)dependsbothon Table 2 summarizes all the results for different combi- the quality of the graph behind the data and on the nationsofgraphs/signals. Inmostofthem, ourmodel type of smoothness of the signals. We test 4 different performs better for all metrics. We can see that the types of graphs using 3 different types of signals. signals constructed following the generative model (7) Graph Types. We use two 2-D manifold based do not yield better results in terms of graph recon- graphs,oneuniformlyandonenon-uniformlysampled, struction. Using smoother “Tikhonov” signals from and two graphs that are not manifold structured: eq. (6) or “Heat Diffusion” signals from (9) by set- Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 Table 2: Performance of Different Models on Artificial Data. Tikhonov Generative Model Heat Diffusion base Dong etal Ours base Dong etal Ours base Dong etal Ours Rand. Geometric F-measure 0.685 0.885 0.913 0.686 0.877 0.909 0.758 0.837 0.849 edge (cid:96)-1 0.866 0.357 0.298 0.798 0.371 0.348 0.609 0.524 0.447 edge (cid:96)-2 0.676 0.376 0.336 0.658 0.397 0.390 0.576 0.531 0.468 degree (cid:96)-1 0.142 0.146 0.065 0.261 0.147 0.112 0.209 0.227 0.142 degree (cid:96)-2 0.708 0.172 0.079 0.689 0.174 0.128 0.474 0.264 0.176 Non Uniform F-measure 0.686 0.863 0.858 0.633 0.840 0.832 0.766 0.839 0.830 edge (cid:96)-1 0.821 0.423 0.349 0.864 0.487 0.472 0.594 0.565 0.473 edge (cid:96)-2 0.706 0.434 0.344 0.735 0.480 0.474 0.550 0.587 0.451 degree (cid:96)-1 0.160 0.184 0.055 0.235 0.185 0.100 0.233 0.255 0.128 degree (cid:96)-2 0.612 0.209 0.073 0.632 0.215 0.161 0.427 0.324 0.157 Erdo˝s R´enyi F-measure 0.288 0.766 0.893 0.199 0.755 0.896 0.377 0.629 0.655 edge (cid:96)-1 1.465 0.448 0.391 1.566 0.478 0.427 1.379 0.832 0.841 edge (cid:96)-2 1.060 0.442 0.402 1.105 0.457 0.440 1.033 0.735 0.726 degree (cid:96)-1 0.094 0.107 0.046 0.099 0.105 0.066 0.182 0.179 0.183 degree (cid:96)-2 0.986 0.161 0.066 1.312 0.181 0.151 0.892 0.236 0.273 Barab´asi-Albert F-measure 0.345 0.710 0.868 0.382 0.739 0.838 0.352 0.690 0.765 edge (cid:96)-1 1.531 0.614 0.533 1.496 0.652 0.624 1.468 0.740 0.675 edge (cid:96)-2 1.061 0.568 0.506 1.036 0.611 0.571 1.041 0.662 0.590 degree (cid:96)-1 0.175 0.264 0.111 0.199 0.264 0.207 0.254 0.317 0.148 degree (cid:96)-2 0.554 0.340 0.201 0.556 0.333 0.287 0.568 0.414 0.283 tingλ=20yieldedslightlyworseresultsinbothcases For each of the graphs, we run standard spectral clus- (not reported here). It also seems that the results are tering(asintheworkofNg,Jordan,Weiss,etal.2002 slightlybetterforthemanifoldrelatedgraphsthanfor but without normalizing the Laplacian) with k-means theErd˝osR´enyiandBarab´asi-Albertmodels,aneffect 100 times. We also run label propagation we choose that is more prevalent when we use signals of length 100 times a different subset of 10% known labels. n = 100 smooth signals instead of 1000 (c.f. Table 4 In Fig. 1 we plot the behavior of different models ofAppendix). Thiswouldbeinterestingtoinvestigate for different density levels. The horizontal axis is the theoretically. average number of non-zero edges per node. In the left plot we see the clustering quality. Even though 6.2 Real data the best result of both algorithms is almost the same Wealsoevaluatetheperformanceofourmodelonreal (0.24vs0.25),ourmodelismorerobustintermsofthe data. Inthiscase,theactualgroundtruthgraphisnot graph density choice. A similar behavior is exhibited known. We therefore measure the performance of dif- forlabelpropagationplottedinthemiddle. Theclas- ferentmodelsonspectralclusteringandlabelpropaga- sificationqualityisbetterforourmodelinthesparser tion, two algorithms that depend solely on the graph. graph density levels. Note that an explicit Laplacian normalization is not The robustness of our model for small graph densi- needed for the learned models (it is even harmful as ties can be explained by the connectivity quality plot- foundexperimentally),sincethisroleisalreadyplayed ted in the right. The continuous lines are the num- by the regularization. ber of different connected components in the learned Learning the graph of USPS digits graphs,thatisameasureofconnectivity: thelesscom- We first learn the graph connecting 1001 different im- ponents there are, the better connected is the graph. ages of the USPS dataset, that are images of digits The dashed blue line is the number of disconnected from 0 to 9 (10 classes). We follow Zhu, Ghahra- nodes of model Dong et al. 2015a. The latter fails to mani, Lafferty, et al. (2003) and sample the class sizes assign connections to the most distant nodes, unless non-uniformly. For each class i ∈ {1...10} we take the density of the graph reaches a fairly high level. If round(2.6i2) images, resulting to classes with sizes we want a graph with 6 edges per node, our model re- from 3 to 260 images each. We learn graphs of dif- turnsagraphwith3componentsandnodisconnected ferentdensitiesusingbothmodels. Asbaselineweuse nodes. ThemodelbyDongetal.returnsagraphwith a k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) graph for different k. 35componentsoutofwhich22aredisconnectednodes. Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 Spectral Clustering Label Propagation Connectivity 0.45 0.35 70 [Dong etal] miss rate (Dong etal) # disconnected (Dong etal) Ours miss rate (Ours) 60 # components (Dong etal) 0.4 k-NN 0.3 miss rate (k-NN) # components (Ours) rorre gniretsulC0.03.53 rorre noitacifissa0.02.52 23450000 #n ucmombepro onfe cnlatss s(ke-sNN) lC 0.25 0.15 10 0.2 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 graph density graph density graph density Figure1: Graphlearnedfrom1001USPSimages. Left: Clusteringquality. Middle: Labelpropagationquality. Right: Number of completely disconnected components (continuous lines) and number of disconnected nodes for model by Dong etal. (blue dashed line). Our model and k-NN have no disconnected nodes. 0.4 0.4 0.4 miss rate (Dong etal) miss rate (Dong etal) miss rate (Dong etal) 0.35 miss rate (Ours) 0.35 miss rate (Ours) 0.35 miss rate (Ours) miss rate (k-NN) miss rate (k-NN) miss rate (k-NN) ro 0.3 unclassifiable (Dong etal) ro 0.3 unclassifiable (Dong etal) ro 0.3 unclassifiable (Dong etal) rre n0.25 uunnccllaassssiiffiiaabbllee ((Ok-uNrNs)) rre n0.25 uunnccllaassssiiffiiaabbllee ((Ok-uNrNs)) rre n0.25 uunnccllaassssiiffiiaabbllee ((Ok-uNrNs)) o o o ita 0.2 ita 0.2 ita 0.2 c c c ifis0.15 ifis0.15 ifis0.15 s s s a a a lC 0.1 lC 0.1 lC 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 graph density graph density graph density Figure 2: Label propagation for the problem “1” vs. “2” of MNIST with different class size proportions: 1 to 4 (left), 1 to 1 (middle) or 4 to 1 (right). Missclassification rate for different number of edges per node. Note that in real applications where the best density etal.2015afailstorecoveredgesbetweendifferentdig- level is not known a priori, it is important for a graph its“2”unlessthereturnedgraphisfairlydense,unlike learning model to perform well for sparse levels. This ourmodelthatevenforverysparsegraphlevelstreats isespeciallythecaseforlargescaleapplications,where the different classes more fairly. The effect is stronger more edges mean more computations. when the set of 2’s is also the smallest of the two. Time:Algorithm1implementedinMatlab2 learneda 7 CONCLUSION 10-edge/nodegraphof1001USPSimagesin5seconds (218 iterations) and Algorithm 2 in 1 minute (2043 We introduce a new way of addressing the prob- iterations) on a standard PC for tolerance (cid:15)=1e-4. lem of learning a graph under the assumption that Learning the graph of MNIST 1 vs 2 tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1) is small. We show how the problem can be simplified into a weighted sparsity problem, that To demonstrate the different behaviour of the two implies a general framework for learning a graph. We models for non-uniform sampling cases, we use the show how the standard Gaussian weight construction problem of classification between digits 1 and 2 of the from distances is a special case of this framework. We MNIST dataset. This problem is particular because proposeanewmodelforlearningagraph,andprovide digits “1” are close to each other (average square dis- ananalysisofthestateoftheartmodelofDongetal. tance of 45), while digits “2” differ more from each (2015a) that also fits our framework. The new formu- other (average square distance of 102). In Figure 2 lationenablesustoproposeafastandscalableprimal we report the average miss-classification rate for dif- dual algorithm for our model, but also for the one of ferent class size proportions, with 40 1’s and 160 2’s Dongetal.2015athatwasmissingfromtheliterature. (left), 100 1’s and 100 2’s (middle) or 160 1’s and Our experiments suggest that when sparse graphs are 40 2’s (right). Results are averaged over 40 random tobelearned, butconnectivityiscrucial, ourmodelis draws. The dashed lines denote the number of nodes expected to outperform the current state of the art. contained in components without labeled nodes, that can not be classified. In this case, the model of Dong We hope not only that our solution will be used for many applications that require good quality graphs, 2Code for both models is available as part of the open- source toolbox GSPBox by Perraudin et al. (2014b) using but also that our framework will trigger defining new code from UNLocBoX, Perraudin et al. (2014a). graph learning models targeting specific applications. Manuscript under review by AISTATS 2016 Acknowledgements Kalofolias, Vassilis et al. (2014). “Matrix completion on graphs”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.1717. The author would like to especially thank Pierre Van- Komodakis, Nikos and Jean-Christophe Pesquet dergheynstandNikolaosArvanitopoulosfortheircon- (2014). “Playing with duality: An overview of structive comments on the organization of the paper recent primal-dual approaches for solving large- and the experimental evaluation. He is also grateful scale optimization problems”. In: arXiv preprint to the authors of Dong et al. (2015a) for sharing their arXiv:1406.5429. code,toNathanaelPerraudinandNaumanShahidfor Lake, Brenden and Joshua Tenenbaum (2010). “Dis- discussions when developing the initial idea, and to covering structure by learning sparse graph”. In: Pro- AndreasLoukasforhiscommentsonthefinalversion. ceedings of the 33rd Annual Cognitive Science Confer- ence. 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(3) 0.3 HeatDi,usion: h(6) eqxp(!106) / 0.25 6)(h 0.2 m m 0.15 (cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107) =(cid:88)(cid:88)W (cid:107)x −x (cid:107)2 1 ij i j 2 0.1 i=1j=1 0.05 m m (cid:88)(cid:88) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 = (xi−xj)(cid:62)Wij(xi−xj) 6 i=1j=1 Figure 3: The filters of Table 3 for α=10. m m m m (cid:88)(cid:88) (cid:88)(cid:88) =2 x(cid:62)W x −2 x(cid:62)W x i ij i i ij j i=1j=1 i=1j=1 m m =2(cid:88)x(cid:62)x (cid:88)W −2tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)WX(cid:1) i i ij i=1 j=1 =2tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)DX(cid:1)−2tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)WX(cid:1) =2tr(cid:0)X(cid:62)LX(cid:1), where D is the diagonal matrix with elements D = ii (cid:80) W . i ij Tikhonov: h(6) 1 / 1+106 A.2 Proof of proposition 2 1 0 Proof. We change variable W˜ =W/γ to obtain -1 F(Z,α,β)= =γargmin(cid:107)γW˜ ◦Z(cid:107) −α1(cid:62)log(γW˜1)+β(cid:107)γW˜(cid:107)2 Generative Model: h(6) / 61 W˜ 1,1 F q 1 =γargminγ(cid:107)W˜ ◦Z(cid:107)1,1−α1(cid:62)log(W˜1)+βγ2(cid:107)W˜(cid:107)2F W˜ 0 α =γargmin(cid:107)W˜ ◦Z(cid:107) − 1(cid:62)log(W˜1)+βγ(cid:107)W˜(cid:107)2 1,1 γ F -1 W˜ (cid:18) (cid:19) α =γF Z, ,βγ , Heat Di,usion: h(6) exp(!106) γ / 1 where we used the fact that log(γW˜1) = log(W˜1)+ 0 const.(W). The second equality is obtained from the first one for γ =α. -1 Figure 4: Different smooth signals on the Non Uni- A.3 Proof of proposition 3 form graph used for our artificial data experiments. Proof. For equation (15) All signals are obtained by smoothing the same initial x ∼N(0,I)withthreedifferentfilters. Thisinstance 0 H(Z+γ,α,s)= of the graph is disconnected with 2 components. =argmin(cid:107)W ◦Z+γW(cid:107) +α(cid:107)W(cid:107)2 +α(cid:107)W1(cid:107)2 1,1 F W∈Wm s.t., (cid:107)W(cid:107) =s 1,1 =argmin(cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107) +γ(cid:107)W(cid:107) +α(cid:107)W(cid:107)2 +α(cid:107)W1(cid:107)2 1,1 1,1 F W∈Wm s.t., (cid:107)W(cid:107) =s 1,1 =argmin(cid:107)W ◦Z(cid:107) +γs+α(cid:107)W(cid:107)2 +α(cid:107)W1(cid:107)2 1,1 F W∈Wm s.t., (cid:107)W(cid:107) =s 1,1 =H(Z,α,s),

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