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How to Integrate with Azure Active Directory PDF

586 Pages·2017·5.77 MB·English
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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Overview Why Azure AD Auth basics Types of apps Get Started Mobile & Desktop apps Overview iOS Android .NET Windows Xamarin Cordova OAuth 2.0 Web apps Overview ASP.NET ASP.NET Core Java NodeJS OpenID Connect Single Page Apps Overview Angular JS Javascript Web APIs Overview ASP.NET NodeJS Service to Service Overview .NET OAuth 2.0 client credentials Guides Application registration Multi-tenant apps Conditional access OAuth & OpenID Connect OpenID Connect protocol OAuth 2.0 auth code grant OAuth 2.0 implicit grant SAML 2.0 Customize claims Debug SAML-based SSO Single sign-on SAML protocol Single sign-out SAML protocol Create a tenant Branding guidelines Mobile & Desktop SSO Enable SSO on Android Enable SSO on iOS Azure AD B2B User provisioning with SCIM Azure AD Graph API Get started with AAD Graph AppSource certification Azure AD app gallery Office 365 Seller Dashboard Working with Visual Studio Get started with Visual Studio connected services Error during authentication detection Get started with WebApi What happened to my web API project Windows Server ADFS ACS Migration Error handling best practices for ADAL Reference Code samples Auth libraries (ADAL) Code samples article Glossary Authentication protocols OpenID Connect Oauth Service to service calls On-behalf-of flow Supported token and claim types Signing key rollover Federation metadata Certificate credentials Application objects Apps and Azure AD Application manifest Token lifetimes Service limits v2.0 endpoint Overview Types of apps Limitations v1-v2 comparison Get Started Mobile & Desktop apps Web apps Guides Register an app Reference Authentication libraries v2.0 authentication protocols Scopes Resources Getting help Azure roadmap Pricing calculator Azure Active Directory for developers 1/9/2018 • 1 min to read • Edit Online Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud identity service that allows developers to securely sign in users with a Microsoft work or school account. This documentation shows you how to add Azure AD support to your application by using the industry standard protocols: OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect. Authentication basics An introduction to authentication with Azure AD. Types of applications An overview of the authentication scenarios that are supported by Azure AD. Get started The following guided setups walk you through using the Microsoft authentication libraries to sign in Azure AD users. Overview .NET (WPF) Cordova iOS .NET (UWP) Android Xamarin Mobile and desktop apps Overview Node.js ASP.NET Java Web apps Overview AngularJS JavaScript Single page apps Overview ASP.NET Node.js Web APIs Overview .NET Service-to-service How-to guides The following guides inform you how to perform common tasks with Azure AD. Application registration How to register an application in Azure AD. Multi-tenant applications How to sign in any Microsoft work account. OAuth and OpenID Connect protocols How to sign in users and call web APIs by using the Microsoft authentication protocols. Additional guides A list of guides that are available for Azure AD. Reference topics The following articles provide detailed information on APIs, protocol messages, and terms that are used in Azure AD. Authentication Libraries (ADAL) An overview of the libraries and SDKs that are provided by Azure AD. Code samples A list of all of the Azure AD code samples. Glossary Terminology and definitions of words that are used throughout this documentation. Additional reference topics A list of reference topics that are available for Azure AD. NNOOTTEE If you need to sign in Microsoft personal accounts, you may want to consider using the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint. The Azure AD v2.0 endpoint is the unification of Microsoft personal accounts and Microsoft work accounts (from Azure AD) into a single authentication system. Help and support If you need help, want to report an issue, or want to learn more about your support options, see the following article: Help and support for developers Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD 12/11/2017 • 31 min to read • Edit Online Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) simplifies authentication for developers by providing identity as a service, with support for industry-standard protocols such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, as well as open source libraries for different platforms to help you start coding quickly. This document will help you understand the various scenarios Azure AD supports and will show you how to get started. It’s divided into the following sections: Basics of Authentication in Azure AD Claims in Azure AD Security Tokens Basics of Registering an Application in Azure AD Application Types and Scenarios Web Browser to Web Application Single Page Application (SPA) Native Application to Web API Web Application to Web API Daemon or Server Application to Web API Basics of Authentication in Azure AD If you are unfamiliar with basic concepts of authentication in Azure AD, read this section. Otherwise, you may want to skip down to Application Types and Scenarios. Let’s consider the most basic scenario where identity is required: a user in a web browser needs to authenticate to a web application. This scenario is described in greater detail in the Web Browser to Web Application section, but it’s a useful starting point to illustrate the capabilities of Azure AD and conceptualize how the scenario works. Consider the following diagram for this scenario: With the diagram above in mind, here’s what you need to know about its various components: Azure AD is the identity provider, responsible for verifying the identity of users and applications that exist in an organization’s directory, and ultimately issuing security tokens upon successful authentication of those users and applications. An application that wants to outsource authentication to Azure AD must be registered in Azure AD, which registers and uniquely identifies the app in the directory. Developers can use the open source Azure AD authentication libraries to make authentication easy by handling the protocol details for you. See Azure Active Directory Authentication Libraries for more information. • Once a user has been authenticated, the application must validate the user’s security token to ensure that authentication was successful for the intended parties. Developers can use the provided authentication libraries to handle validation of any token from Azure AD, including JSON Web Tokens (JWT) or SAML 2.0. If you want to perform validation manually, see the JWT Token Handler documentation. IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT Azure AD uses public key cryptography to sign tokens and verify that they are valid. See Important Information About Signing Key Rollover in Azure AD for more information on the necessary logic you must have in your application to ensure it’s always updated with the latest keys. • The flow of requests and responses for the authentication process is determined by the authentication protocol that was used, such as OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, WS-Federation, or SAML 2.0. These protocols are discussed in more detail in the Azure Active Directory Authentication Protocols topic and in the sections below. NNOOTTEE Azure AD supports the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect standards that make extensive use of bearer tokens, including bearer tokens represented as JWTs. A bearer token is a lightweight security token that grants the “bearer” access to a protected resource. In this sense, the “bearer” is any party that can present the token. Though a party must first authenticate with Azure AD to receive the bearer token, if the required steps are not taken to secure the token in transmission and storage, it can be intercepted and used by an unintended party. While some security tokens have a built-in mechanism for preventing unauthorized parties from using them, bearer tokens do not have this mechanism and must be transported in a secure channel such as transport layer security (HTTPS). If a bearer token is transmitted in the clear, a man-in the middle attack can be used by a malicious party to acquire the token and use it for an unauthorized access to a protected resource. The same security principles apply when storing or caching bearer tokens for later use. Always ensure that your application transmits and stores bearer tokens in a secure manner. For more security considerations on bearer tokens, see RFC 6750 Section 5. Now that you have an overview of the basics, read the sections below to understand how provisioning works in Azure AD and the common scenarios Azure AD supports. Claims in Azure AD Security Tokens Security tokens issued by Azure AD contain claims, or assertions of information about the subject that has been authenticated. These claims can be used by the application for various tasks. For example, they can be used to validate the token, identify the subject's directory tenant, display user information, determine the subject's authorization, and so on. The claims present in any given security token are dependent upon the type of token, the type of credential used to authenticate the user, and the application configuration. A brief description of each type of claim emitted by Azure AD is provided in the table below. For more information, refer to Supported Token and Claim Types. CLAIM DESCRIPTION Application ID Identifies the application that is using the token. Audience Identifies the recipient resource the token is intended for. Application Authentication Context Class Reference Indicates how the client was authenticated (public client vs. confidential client). Authentication Instant Records the date and time when the authentication occurred. CLAIM DESCRIPTION Authentication Method Indicates how the subject of the token was authenticated (password, certificate, etc.). First Name Provides the given name of the user as set in Azure AD. Groups Contains object Ids of Azure AD groups the user is a member of. Identity Provider Records the identity provider that authenticated the subject of the token. Issued At Records the time at which the token was issued, often used for token freshness. Issuer Identifies the STS that emitted the token as well as the Azure AD tenant. Last Name Provides the surname of the user as set in Azure AD. Name Provides a human readable value that identifies the subject of the token. Object Id Contains an immutable, unique identifier of the subject in Azure AD. Roles Contains friendly names of Azure AD Application Roles that the user has been granted. Scope Indicates the permissions granted to the client application. Subject Indicates the principal about which the token asserts information. Tenant Id Contains an immutable, unique identifier of the directory tenant that issued the token. Token Lifetime Defines the time interval within which a token is valid. User Principal Name Contains the user principal name of the subject. Version Contains the version number of the token. Basics of Registering an Application in Azure AD Any application that outsources authentication to Azure AD must be registered in a directory. This step involves telling Azure AD about your application, including the URL where it’s located, the URL to send replies after authentication, the URI to identify your application, and more. This information is required for a few key reasons: Azure AD needs coordinates to communicate with the application when handling sign-on or exchanging tokens. These include the following: Application ID URI: The identifier for an application. This value is sent to Azure AD during authentication to indicate which application the caller wants a token for. Additionally, this value is included in the token so that the application knows it was the intended target. Reply URL and Redirect URI: In the case of a web API or web application, the Reply URL is the location to which Azure AD will send the authentication response, including a token if authentication was successful. In the case of a native application, the Redirect URI is a unique identifier to which Azure AD will redirect the user-agent in an OAuth 2.0 request. Application ID: The ID for an application, which is generated by Azure AD when the application is registered. When requesting an authorization code or token, the Application ID and key are sent to Azure AD during authentication. Key: The key that is sent along with a Application ID when authenticating to Azure AD to call a web API. Azure AD needs to ensure the application has the required permissions to access your directory data, other applications in your organization, and so on Provisioning becomes clearer when you understand that there are two categories of applications that can be developed and integrated with Azure AD: Single tenant application: A single tenant application is intended for use in one organization. These are typically line-of-business (LoB) applications written by an enterprise developer. A single tenant application only needs to be accessed by users in one directory, and as a result, it only needs to be provisioned in one directory. These applications are typically registered by a developer in the organization. Multi-tenant application: A multi-tenant application is intended for use in many organizations, not just one organization. These are typically software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications written by an independent software vendor (ISV). Multi-tenant applications need to be provisioned in each directory where they will be used, which requires user or administrator consent to register them. This consent process starts when an application has been registered in the directory and is given access to the Graph API or perhaps another web API. When a user or administrator from a different organization signs up to use the application, they are presented with a dialog that displays the permissions the application requires. The user or administrator can then consent to the application, which gives the application access to the stated data, and finally registers the application in their directory. For more information, see Overview of the Consent Framework. Some additional considerations arise when developing a multi-tenant application instead of a single tenant application. For example, if you are making your application available to users in multiple directories, you need a mechanism to determine which tenant they’re in. A single tenant application only needs to look in its own directory for a user, while a multi-tenant application needs to identify a specific user from all the directories in Azure AD. To accomplish this task, Azure AD provides a common authentication endpoint where any multi-tenant application can direct sign-in requests, instead of a tenant-specific endpoint. This endpoint is https://login.microsoftonline.com/common for all directories in Azure AD, whereas a tenant-specific endpoint might be https://login.microsoftonline.com/contoso.onmicrosoft.com. The common endpoint is especially important to consider when developing your application because you’ll need the necessary logic to handle multiple tenants during sign-in, sign-out, and token validation. If you are currently developing a single tenant application but want to make it available to many organizations, you can easily make changes to the application and its configuration in Azure AD to make it multi-tenant capable. In addition, Azure AD uses the same signing key for all tokens in all directories, whether you are providing authentication in a single tenant or multi-tenant application. Each scenario listed in this document includes a sub-section that describes its provisioning requirements. For more in-depth information about provisioning an application in Azure AD and the differences between single and multi- tenant applications, see Integrating Applications with Azure Active Directory for more information. Continue reading to understand the common application scenarios in Azure AD. Application Types and Scenarios Each of the scenarios described in this document can be developed using various languages and platforms. They are all backed by complete code samples which are available in our Code Samples guide, or directly from the

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