Description:Men, if you want your wife to dominate you. If you want a wife to spank you. If you want a wife to take control of you. If you want them to take you to a professional dominatrix. Then this is the book to read. I lived this in real life. I have had my wife not only take me to a professional dominatrix. I have had her take ongoing dominate training courses. As well, i am now leashed and collared. I am now Her slave to do Her bidding at home and in our marriage.
These books of mine are not to be taken lightly they are a story of a path my wife and i took. That path took us 3 years with no guidance. If you would like some guidance and a route to have your wife dominate and take control. Then read a few of them. In no time if you are open and have the guts. Your wife will dominate you. You will never ask again "How do i get my wife to dominate me?" or "How do i get my wife to spank me?" or any other type of question. You and Her will have crossed a bridge you must so desire!