BY ARIF ISMAIL 013-3640043 Joe Girard (cid:1) Guinness Book of World Records as "World's citation needed Greatest Salesman"[ ] (cid:1) Averaged six new retail automobile sales a day (no used automobiles) (cid:1)(cid:1) MMoosstt nneeww rreettaaiill ssaalleess iinn oonnee ddaayy ((1188 aauuttoommoobbiilleess)) (cid:1) Most new retail sales in one month (174 automobiles) (cid:1) Most new retail sales in one year (1425 automobiles) (cid:1) Most new retail sales in 15 year career (13,001 automobiles) (cid:1) All retail, no fleet or wholesale, never in management Joe Girard (cid:1) Girard worked from childhood on. (cid:1) A high school dropout, he started working as a shoeshine boy, (cid:1) a newsboy for the Detroit Free Press at the age ooff nniinnee,, (cid:1) a dishwasher, delivery boy, stove assembler, and (cid:1) a home building contractor. (cid:1) In 1963, the then thirty-five-year-old walked into a Detroit car dealership got terminated then (cid:1) at Merollis Chevrolet in Eastpointe, Michigan, which he held until his retirement in 1977 Video (cid:1) Download a video from youtube “Joe Girard” Contents (cid:1) Overcoming Sales Resistance (cid:1) Selling Yourself (cid:1) Assuming the Sale (cid:1) Reading Buying Signals (cid:1) Handling Objections Nothing happens until something is sold (cid:1) Nothing is sold until a sale is closed (cid:1) Create the NEED for your product (cid:1) Create the DESIRE to own it (cid:1) Good salespeople can sell any product (cid:1) Reason: you sell to people (cid:1) People buy people, NOT product OVERCOMING SALES RESISTANCE (cid:1) People don’t like over aggressive salespeople (cid:1) Variety of reasons for resisting sales (cid:2) Poor image (cid:2)(cid:2) UUss vvss tthheemm (cid:1) Win-win (cid:2) Bad experience (cid:1) Informative & pro (cid:2) Value your prospect time (cid:2) Most salespeople are negative (cid:1) Everyone is a terrific prospect