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How To Build... Tamiyas Armour Kits in 1 35 PDF

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Preview How To Build... Tamiyas Armour Kits in 1 35

HOW TO BBUUIILLDD...... TAMIYA’S ARMOUR KITS IN 1:35 SPENCER POLLARD INCLUDES FIVE COMPLETE BUILDS PLUS: ■ How to apply zimmerit ■ In-service references ■ Step by step tutorials: construction, painting and weathering ■ How to detail your model: aftermarket and from scratch ■ Learn to sculpt your own tarpaulins and sandbag armour FFEEAATTUURRIINNGG TTHHEE WWOORRKK OOFF FFrroomm tthhee ppuubblliisshheerrss ooff TTaammiiyyaa MMooddeell MMaaggaazziinnee IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall,, MMMooodddeeelll MMMiiillliiitttaaarrryyy IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll,,, MMMooodddeeelll AAAiiirrrppplllaaannneee IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll SSSpppeeennnccceeerrr PPPooollllllaaarrrddd,,, MMMaaarrrcccuuusss NNNiiiccchhhooollllllsss and Military Illustrated Modeller and Brett Green Covers Armour.indd 1 27/10/2014 10:59 FOREWORD CONTENTS How to build... TTAAMMIIYYAA’’SS AARRMMOOUURR KKIITTSS IINN 11::3355 Thheerree ccaann bbee vveerryy ffeeww ppeeooppllee wwhhoo hhaavvee ttaakkeenn aann iinntteerreesstt iinn mmooddeelllliinngg mmiilliittaarryy vveehhiicclleess wwhhoo hhaavveenn’’tt aatt ssoommee ttiimmee oorr aannootthheerr,, bbuuiilltt oonnee ooff TTaammiiyyaa’’ss eexxtteennssiivvee rraannggee ooff mmiilliittaarryy vveehhiiccllee kkiittss.. SSuucchh iiss tthheeiirr uubbiiqquuiittyy,, oorriiggiinnaalliittyy aanndd aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy,, tthheeyy hhaavvee bbeeccoommee aallmmoosstt aass mmuucchh aa wwaattcchhwwoorrdd ffoorr 11::3355 aarrmmoouurr mmooddeelllliinngg,, aass AAiirrffiixx hhaavvee bbeeeenn ffoorr kkiittss ooff aircraft in 1:72. BBuutt ppeerrhhaappss tthheeiirr ggrreeaatteesstt bbooaasstt,, tthhee oonnee tthhaatt tthheeyy hhoolldd mmoosstt ddeeaarr,, iiss tthhaatt tthheeyy aarree tthhee mmoosstt uusseerr--ffrriieennddllyy kkiittss oonn tthhee mmaarrkkeett.. FFrroomm tthhee mmoosstt bbaassiicc kkiittss tthhaatt tthheeyy ooffffeerr,, tthhrroouugghh ttoo tthhee ggiiaanntt ttaannkk--ttrraannssppoorrtteerrss tthhaatt ggrraaccee tthheeiirr rraannggee,, yyoouu ooppeenn tthhee bbooxx aanndd yyoouu kknnooww tthhaatt yyoouurr nneexxtt pprroojjeecctt wwiillll bbee ffuunn,, wwiitthh ppaarrttss tthhaatt ffiitt,, iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss tthhaatt mmaakkee sseennssee aanndd ddeettaaiillss aanndd ffeeaattuurreess tthhaatt wwiillll mmaakkee yyoouu ssmmiillee wwiitthh eevveerryy ppaassssiinngg sstteepp aalloonngg tthhee wwaayy.. TThheeyy aarree,, qquuiittee ssiimmppllyy tthhee mmooddeelllleerr’’ss,, model kit. II’’vvee lloosstt ccoouunntt ooff hhooww mmaannyy TTaammiiyyaa aarrmmoouurr kkiittss II’’vvee bbuuiilltt –– ppeerrhhaappss mmoosstt ooff tthheemm.. WWiitthhoouutt eexxcceeppttiioonn II’’vvee aallwwaayyss eennjjooyyeedd tthhee ddeelliigghhttffuull wwaayy tthhaatt tthhee ddeessiiggnneerrss aapppprrooaacchh eevveenn tthhee mmoosstt ssuubbttllee ooff ddeettaaiillss aanndd nnoott jjuusstt tthhoossee ooffffeerreedd iinn ppllaassttiicc.. TThhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr iinnssttaannccee often make me smile, pointers that others miss, ssuucchh aass ccoolloouurr ccaallll--oouuttss,, eexxaacctt ppoossiittiioonniinngg aarrrroowwss aanndd cclleeaarr ddrraawwiinnggss,, mmaakkiinngg tthhee rrooaadd ttoo ccoommpplleettiioonn pplleeaassaanntt aanndd rreellaaxxiinngg.. IInn ccoonncceerrtt wwiitthh tthheeiirr ssiimmppllee aapppprrooaacchh ttoo kkiitt bbrreeaakkddoowwnn ((wwhhyy uussee 110000 ppaarrttss wwhheenn 2200 wwiillll ddoo??)) bbuuiillddiinngg aa TTaammiiyyaa aarrmmoouurr kkiitt iiss qquuiicckk aanndd tthhaatt mmeeaannss yyoouu ccaann ssppeeeedd aalloonngg tthhee ppaatthh ttoo tthhoossee areas we all enjoy, painting, weathering, adding ddeettaaiill,, ccrreeww,, aacccceessssoorriieess aanndd eevveenn bbuuiillddiinngg ddiioorraammaass aarroouunndd eeaacchh aanndd eevveerryy oonnee.. TThheeyy aarree aa ggaatteewwaayy ttoo aann aallll--eennccoommppaassssiinngg hhoobbbbyy aanndd tthhaatt’’ss wwhhyy II lloovvee them so much. This new book brings together five in-depth ffeeaattuurreess ccrreeaatteedd aarroouunndd aa ddiivveerrssee ggrroouupp ooff TTaammiiyyaa’’ss more original releases, two of which are new to tthheeiirr rraannggee tthhiiss yyeeaarr –– tthhee NNaasshhoorrnn aanndd tthhee MM44AA33EE88 ‘‘EEaassyy EEiigghhtt’’ SShheerrmmaann,, tthhee llaatttteerr bbeeiinngg aass yyoouu mmaayy be aware, a tie-in with TASCA. Hold on a minute! I hear you cry – that Sherman’s not a Tamiya kit! No, it’s not, but its design, layout, ease of assembly and appearance once complete is such that it could so easily have been designed by Tamiya rather than elsewhere and that makes its inclusion here, more than acceptable. I’d like to thank my other two co-conspirators in this project Marcus Nicholls and Brett Green for the ■ Spencer Pollard offer of their models, as well as the Hobby Company Spencer was born in Haverfordwest, South Wales in 1967. Having who so kindly provided the kits that we used to been born into a military family (both his mother and father served create the five extended chapters that I hope you are in the Royal Navy) it was not surprising to see him develop an about to enjoy. Thank you all, without your help this abiding interest in the military and thanks to that Fleet Air Arm book would not have been possible. connection, aircraft, both full-size and in miniature. Having spent This then is ‘How To Build… Tamiya Armour Kits in many years building models as a hobby, Spencer was able to turn 1:35’. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we a part-time passion into a full-time career, as he swapped a role in enjoyed putting it together. the Civil Service for one in the Editor’s chair, taking over the reigns of Military In Scale magazine in 1997. Sixteen years on, Spencer changed direction once more as he joined the ADH team to become Spencer Pollard, October 2014 their in-house model-maker, working on a wide range of models both military and civilian. He spends downtime playing drums in a rock-covers band, living in Shropshire with his wife Liz. 2 How to Build... Tamiya’s Armour Kits in 1:35 p 02-03 ForewardContents Armour.indd 2 27/10/2014 11:02 FOREWORD CONTENTS How to build... TAMIYA’S ARMOUR KITS IN 1:35 22 PPPPaaaaggggeeee FFoorrwwaarrdd 4 PPaaggee Introduction 6 Page Chapter 1 Tool Box 8 Page Chapter 2 An Easy Eight by Spencer Pollard 28 Page Chapter 3 Getting Your Goat by Spencer Pollard CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©© 22001144 AADDHH PPuubblliisshhiinngg LLttdd.. AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd.. RReepprroodduuccttiioonn iinn ppaarrtt oorr 36 Page Chapter 4 wwhhoollee ooff aannyy tteexxtt oorr pphhoottooggrraapphhss wwiitthhoouutt wwrriitttteenn ppeerrmmiissssiioonn ffrroomm tthhee ppuubblliisshheerr iiss ssttrriiccttllyy Rhinoceros: Armed And Dangerous pprroohhiibbiitteedd.. WWhhiillee dduuee ccaarree hhaass bbeeeenn ttaakkeenn ttoo by Marcus Nicholls eennssuurree tthhee ccoonntteennttss ooff tthhiiss bbooookk aarree aaccccuurraattee,, tthhee ppuubblliisshheerr ccaannnnoott aacccceepptt lliiaabbiilliittyy ffoorr eerrrroorrss.. 52 Page Chapter 5 FFiirrsstt PPuubblliisshheedd iinn tthhee UUnniitteedd KKiinnggddoomm bbyy:: (Re)Made In Israel by Brett Green ADH Publishing Ltd., Doolittle Mill, Doolittle Lane, Totternhoe, Bedfordshire, LU6 1QX 66 Page Chapter 6 Telephone: 44 (0) 1525 222573 Fax: 44 (0) 1525 222574 Elefant In The Room by Brett Green Email: [email protected] Website: www.adhpublishing.com 82 Page Chapter 7 Designed by Alex Hall Final Thoughts How to Build... Tamiya’s Armour Kits in 1:35 3 p 02-03 ForewardContents Armour.indd 3 27/10/2014 11:03 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Welcome to the latest in more sophisticated. Kits that once our ‘How to Build…’ featured 200 parts, now contain series of books and 500-1000. Individual track links the second that I have have become the norm, etched Where it all began, personally put together, based brass, resin updates, multi-layered Tamiya’s very first 1:35 military release around Tamiya’s superlative range finishing techniques, everything was this group of kits. Last year we took a look at that has pushed the boundaries of of spiffy looking German tank crew, their aircraft and now we are tackling the hobby to hitherto unimaginable offered for sale some of the kits from their extensive heights. It is truly a golden age. during 1968. range of 1:35 armoured vehicles, Whilst this is great for those with perhaps their most loved range. the skill sets to keep up, those less Over the next 80-odd pages able can at times feel left behind, yyoouu’’llll ffiinndd ffiivvee ddiiffffeerreenntt pprroojjeeccttss tthhaatt uunnaabbllee ttoo bbootthh ccoommmmiitt ttoo tthhee ttiimmee eennccaappssuullaattee wwhhaatt TTaammiiyyaa’’ss rraannggee nneeeeddeedd ttoo ccoommpplleettee tthheessee ccoommpplleexx ooff kkiittss iiss aallll aabboouutt:: ssiimmpplliicciittyy,, eeaassee nneeww kkiittss aanndd lleeaarrnn tthhee sskkiillllss nneeeeddeedd ooff aasssseemmbbllyy aanndd ffuunn.. EEaacchh ooff tthhee ttoo ffiinniisshh eeaacchh oonnee.. SSuurree,, mmaaggaazziinneess aarrttiicclleess iiss ddeessiiggnneedd wwiitthh bbeeggiinnnneerrss aarree aa uusseeffuull wwaayy ttoo ooffffeerr iiddeeaass ttoo iinn mmiinndd aanndd aass ssuucchh,, wwee hhaavvee ttrriieedd tthheessee mmooddeelllleerrss ((iinnddeeeedd mmaannyy ooff Tamiya have never ttoo ooffffeerr iiddeeaass tthhaatt mmoosstt sshhoouulldd bbee tthhoossee ppuubblliisshheedd hheerree aatt AADDHH ddoo rested on their laurels, often taking aabbllee ttoo aatt lleeaasstt aatttteemmpptt,, iiff nnoott iinn jjuusstt tthhaatt)) bbuutt oofftteenn tthhee ffeeaattuurreess time to replace tthheeiirr eennttiirreettyy,, tthheenn aatt lleeaasstt iinn ppaarrtt,, ccaann bbee ccoommpplleexx aanndd tthhee kkiittss older kits with new ppuulllliinngg oouutt aassppeeccttss ooff eeaacchh oonnee ttoo uusseedd,, eemmbbeelllliisshheedd wwiitthh aallll mmaannyy ooff tools, as they did in 2009 when they hheellpp iimmpprroovvee tthheeiirr oowwnn pprroojjeeccttss.. aafftteerrmmaarrkkeett ggooooddiieess aanndd ffiinniisshhiinngg replaced their 1973 BBuutt wwhhyy hhaavvee wwee ddoonnee tthhiiss?? pprroodduuccttss.. IItt’’ss nnoott tthhaatt wwee aarree era Matilda with a brand new kit. TThheerree ccaann bbee lliittttllee ddoouubbtt tthhaatt aaggaaiinnsstt tthhaatt ssoorrtt ooff tthhiinngg aass wwee lloovvee oovveerr tthhee llaasstt ffeeww yyeeaarrss tthhaatt tthheessee mmooddeellss aass mmuucchh aass yyoouu ddoo,, mmooddeelllliinngg hhaass bbeeccoommee mmoorree aanndd iitt’’ss jjuusstt tthhaatt wwee ffeeeell aann ooppppoorrttuunniittyy Before their tie-in with TASCA, this was what Tamiya’s ‘Easy Eight’ looked like! Spencer Pollard’s favourite Tamiya 1:35 armour kit is the Leopard 2A6, as featured in our sister title “How To The addition of Build… The Leopard Family In 1:35”. personal touches can improve the most ordinary of kits. This is Spencer Pollard’s Opel Blitz, built just after its release. An all-time classic - and still available today - is this neat little Pak 35/36. How many remember those end-opening boxes? 4 Introduction p 04-05 Introduction Armour.indd 4 27/10/2014 11:04 INTRODUCTION is being missed. And that’s where little features, most of which are We certainly do use off-the-shelf we come in… either homemade, or found in the weathering products and materials, The great thing about Tamiya’s spares’ box. This has resulted in but we don’t let them sit front and range of kits is that they are on a collection of unique models that centre: the kit and resulting model the whole very easy to build and almost anyone can be inspired by is always the most important so can be used as a learning tool without worrying about breaking the element of each feature, not the without feeling that you need to bank, or being beyond their level materials used to finish it. spend hours on construction. As of skill. We hope that this book will be you’ll see here, they compromise Along with the constructional used to drive forward your projects little on detail and so can be made aspects of each feature, we and that you try and build some of to look very good, even when you have been careful to ensure that the models seen within its pages. build them from the box and apply the finishing steps are simple to But don’t let that be the end of the a simple layer of paint. follow and use products that most story; use the ideas to help you But that’s only just the beginning modellers will find in the toolbox. choose other kits to build, other of the story! Though there are some advanced models to collect, other techniques What we really like about our ideas amongst those revealed to master. There are plenty of favourite manufacturer is that the (such as the ‘hairspray technique’ fantastic kits that we could have shorter time needed to complete used on the Sherman), many of built - such as the Leopard 2A6M basic assembly, leaves plenty of them will be familiar to modellers seen here – but we will leave those time to add those little personal who have followed our work over to be part of your future. We just touches that we all love so much. the years with washes, drybrushing, hope that you enjoy building your With the exception of Marcus pigments and chipping all present Tamiya kits as much as we have, Nicholls’ ‘out of the box’ build and correct. That’s not to say after all, that really is what this is all of the new Nashorn, all of the that you won’t learn anything, just about: having fun! models have been embellished that you might find yourself more So, with the introduction out of with scratchbuilt details, crew inspired than intimidated, just as the way, shall we begin..? figures, accessories and other we would hope you might be. HHooww ttoo BBuuiilldd...... TTaammiiyyaa’’ss AArrmmoouurr KKiittss iinn 11::3355 55 p 04-05 Introduction Armour.indd 5 27/10/2014 11:04 CHAPTER 1 TOOL BOX Before we begin to enjoy TOOL BOX the models, we thought it might be worth talking briefly about the tools that you might need to complete the pprroojjeeccttss tthhaatt yyoouu’’llll ffiinndd wwiitthhiinn tthhiiss bbooookk.. DDiissccuussssiioonnss wwiitthh mmooddeelllleerrss often reveal some gaps in their knowledge and thanks to the pprroolliiffeerraattiioonn ooff ttoooollss aanndd mmaatteerriiaallss available to the modeller, a little ccoonnffuussiioonn aabboouutt wwhhaatt tthheeyy wwiillll nneeeedd aanndd wwhhaatt tthheeyy mmoosstt ddeeffiinniitteellyy wwoonn’’tt!! TThhiiss sshhoorrtt sseeccttiioonn sshhoouulldd ppooiinntt yyoouu iinn tthhee rriigghhtt ddiirreeccttiioonn aanndd ooffffeerr ssoommee guidance as what you’ll need to complete your first model. GETTING STARTED In order to build a model kit, you’ll need a very basic tool kit comprising only a few specialist ttoooollss.. FFrroomm tthhee ooffff tthhoouugghh,, lleett uuss ssttrreessss tthhaatt iitt iiss aallwwaayyss aa ggoooodd iiddeeaa ttoo bbuuyy tthhee bbeesstt ttoooollss yyoouu ccaann:: yyoouu get what you pay for. It’s a false economy to buy cheap tools, bbrruusshheess aanndd mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd hhooppee tthhaatt tthheeyy wwiillll llaasstt aanndd pprroodduuccee ggoooodd rreessuullttss –– tthheeyy wwoonn’’tt.. EExxppeerriieennccee hhaass ttaauugghhtt uuss tthhaatt iitt iiss bbeetttteerr ttoo bbuuyy wweellll aanndd yyoouu’’llll nnoott nneeeedd ttoo ddoo ssoo aaggaaiinn!! So, in order to build your first mmooddeell,, wwhhaatt ddoo yyoouu nneeeedd?? HHeerree’’ss aa The basic tool kit – everything you’ll list of tools to get you started: need to build your A sharp knife. Modelling latest masterpiece! companies produce their own knives, but we tend to favour Swann Morton Scalpels fitted with No.10 & 10A blades. Whatever you Sanding sticks and sponges. piece of detail. To do this neatly choose, always ensure that they are These are perfect for cleaning up you will need a set of drill bits and sharp – blunt blades are far more seams (see our ‘Easy Eight’ feature a small pin vice to hold it tight. A dangerous because you will force for more details on their use). Again search of the web will reveal a huge the blade and that can make them widely available, but we would choice of both items to buy, most unpredictable in use. Keep them recommend Flory Models as the of which will be quality enough for sharp and once dull, replace. best we’ve used (www.florymodels. modelling use – Amazon being A pair of side-cutters. This co.uk/skinny-sticks/). particularly useful in this regard is a very useful tool that allows Files. You’ll always come up (www.amazon.co.uk/Micro-HSS- you to snip the parts away from against delicate parts that need to twist-drill-20pce/dp/B004H2AF9S). the runners with little chance of be cleaned up and this where fine Liquid cement. Though modellers damage. I use Xuron cutters, but files come in handy. Though you have traditionally cut their teeth on they are also widely available can use standard steel files, we tubes of cement, these days we from many of the model kit would recommend using smaller have plenty of easy to use liquid manufacturers as well. ‘diamond’ files that are available in glues that are far easier to apply Tweezers. Grab yourself two packs of five. These are far harder, and produce consistently clean pairs, a standard set with large don’t clog so easily and if they do, results. The builds in this book were prongs and fine set with sharp are very easy to clean. The set we completed using four types: Plastic prongs that can be used for use is made by Keil Kraft and is Weld; Tamiya Extra Thin Cement; delicate details. We use Tamiya’s available online from fruugo (www. Gunze Sangyo Mr Cement S and own tweezers, but we would also fruugo.co.uk). Humbrol Liquid Poly. Each of these recommend checking out Adam High quality drill bits and a pin glues has different properties, Wilder’s new sets (www.wilder.su) vice. Most kits require at least one drying times and viscosity, allowing as they are very good indeed. hole to be drilled to accept a small the modeller to create instant joints, 6 Chapter 1 - Tool Box p 06-07 CH1 Armour.indd 6 27/10/2014 11:05 CHAPTER 1 TOOL BOX joints that can be adjusted and THE FINISHING LINE those that fall somewhere in the Almost all of the kits that you middle. Experimentation will reveal build will include detailed painting which is best for a given job, so we information, both for the smaller rreeccoommmmeenndd uussiinngg aallll ffoouurr.. details and the camouflage MMooddeelllliinngg ffiilllleerr.. SSoommeettiimmeess yyoouu scheme in which the model will be hhaavvee ggaappss ttoo ffiillll ssoo wwee rreeccoommmmeenndd finished. This will usually take the aaddddiinngg tthhiiss ttoo tthhee ttoooollbbooxx.. WWee uussee form of numbered call-outs, cross- HHuummbbrrooll MMooddeell FFiilllleerr aass wweellll aass referenced to the manufacturer’s SSqquuaaddrroonn WWhhiittee aanndd GGrreeeenn SSttuuffff.. preferred range of paints – such AAllll aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm yyoouurr llooccaall as Humbrol with Airfix – but not mmooddeell sshhoopp.. always. Sometimes you’ll find a list HHiigghh qquuaalliittyy ppaaiinntt bbrruusshheess.. DDoonn’’tt of different manufacturer’s paints, sskkiimmpp oonn tthhiiss ppaarrtt ooff yyoouurr ttoooollbbooxx!! IIff so you can choose which best suits yyoouu wwaanntt hhiigghh qquuaalliittyy ffiinniisshheess,, yyoouu your personal preferences. hhaavvee ttoo uussee tthhee bbeesstt bbrruusshheess yyoouu In terms of specific choices you ccaann.. BBootthh ssyynntthheettiicc bbrruusshheess aanndd will use either acrylics or enamels Keep you bench tthhoossee mmaaddee ffrroomm mmaatteerriiaallss ssuucchh aass and we can certainly not offer any do though, ensure that you use tidy! Here’s a ssaabbllee ccaann bbee bboouugghhtt iinn bbootthh aarrtt aanndd advice here as to which is best. The shot of Spencer’s whatever thinner is created for mmooddeell sshhooppss,, aass wweellll aass oonnlliinnee.. FFoorr reason for this is that we use both workbench during a the paint you have chosen. Each project earlier this bbeeggiinnnneerrss,, wwee wwoouulldd rreeccoommmmeenndd and so it will be up to you to decide year. Everything is of these thinners is specifically llooookkiinngg aatt ssoommee ooff tthhee bbrruusshheess on which is more user friendly; you neatly laid out and formulated for the paints and so the surfaces are pprroodduucceedd iinn ppaacckkss ffrroomm tthhee lliikkeess ooff may decide to spray acrylics and whether you decide to paint your perfectly clean – HHuummbbrrooll,, AAKK IInntteerraaccttiivvee,, LLiiffeeccoolloorr brush-paint enamel details, or the not a speck of dust model with a paintbrush or more in sight! aanndd TTaammiiyyaa.. IIff yyoouu rreeaallllyy ccaann aaffffoorrdd other way around: enamels being sophisticated airbrush, please iitt,, tthhee WWiinnssoorr && NNeewwttoonn SSeerriieess 77 used for the main finish and then do so using matching materials: rraannggee aarree tthhee vveerryy bbeesstt yyoouu ccaann bbuuyy acrylics for the smaller features - it Humbrol Enamel Thinners with their –– eexxppeennssiivvee,, bbuutt wwoorrtthh eevveerryy ppeennnnyy!! really is up to you! Whatever you enamel paints; Vallejo Thinners Paint and thinners need to match with their acrylics; Mr Color Thinner for optimum with Gunze Sanyo’s range of performance. Here’s lacquers, etc., etc. Trust us, it a small selection of those available to makes a massive difference to the modeller. their performance – after all, you wouldn’t fill your car’s engine up with the wrong oil now, would you?! AND FINALLY… I often see images of workbenches where the surface is covered with all manner of kit parts, paint, glue and accessories with barely an inch to work in. Don’t do this! If you want to be truly productive and create well made, well finished models, work in as tidy an environment as you can - you’ll find it easier to concentrate on the job in hand, will reduce accidents and the risk to your finishes from dust and dirt. Trust me – I know what I’m talking about! Tidy up; remove dust and dirt from your bench and put everything away – it only takes five minutes at the end of the day, but repays you with a clean slate from which to begin the following day. Think about it: how can you hope for a dust free finish if you are painting on a work surface that is covered in the stuff? We are now ready to get cracking. Let’s begin with Tamiya’s excellent ‘Easy Eight’ Sherman… How to Build... Tamiya’s Armour Kits in 1:35 7 p 06-07 CH1 Armour.indd 7 27/10/2014 11:05 CHAPTER 2 TAMIYA 1:35 M4A3E8 SHERMAN “EASY EIGHT” KIT NO.25175 AN EASY EIGHT HOW SIMPLE IDEAS CAN IMPROVE A STOCK KIT… MODEL SPEC Spencer Pollard shows how, with some straightforward alterations, TOOLS AND MODELLING PRODUCTS USED: a little scratchbuilding and the Tamiya Extra Thin Liquid Cement addition of some stowage and Gunze Sangyo Mr Cement S Tamiya Masking Tape crew, even the easiest of kits can ZAP Super Glue Delux Materials Roket Blaster look radically different from one Tamiya Fine Surface Primer built ‘out of the box’. PAINTS AND FINISHING PRODUCTS: Magic Sculp Green Stuff Baby Talc Tamiya Fine Surface Primer XF-1 Flat Black XF-52 Flat Earth XF-49 Khaki XF-67 NATO Green XF-59 Desert Yellow XF-62 Olive Drab XF-71 Cockpit Green XF-68 NATO Brown XF-15 Flesh XF-85 Rubber Black XF-7 Flat Red XF-84 Dark Iron Gunze Sangyo Mr Color Thinner Humbrol Enamel Thinners 86 Light Olive 150 Forest Green 159 Khaki Drab 33 Matt Black 72 Khaki Drill 29 Dark Earth 119 Light Earth 61 Flesh 34 Matt White 73 Wine 26 Khaki 117 Light Green 33 Matt Black Mig Productions Thinner For Washes 502 Abteilung oil paint, buff, Light Earth, Light Rust, Dark Rust Dark Wash Tamiya Earth Texture Paint Vallejo Flat Varnish Vallejo 169 Black 150 German Camo Black Brown 306 Dark Rubber Vallejo Face Painting Set ACCESSORIES Verlinden Productions - US Tankers WWII Wet/Cold (2587), US AFV Crew WWII (1619). Value Gear – Wooden Crates #3, Tents &Tarp Rolls 8 Chapter 2 - An Easy Eight p 08-27 CH2 Armour.indd 8 27/10/2014 11:07 CHAPTER 2 TAMIYA 1:35 M4A3E8 SHERMAN “EASY EIGHT” KIT NO.25175 Tamiya have had a longstanding love affair with the Sherman, releasing kits of this famous vehicle regularly over the years. Indeed, the ‘Easy Eight’ was one of their very first kits and though far from accurate (parts of it were in 1:32, with others in 1:35) it was a staple of the kit world before they decided to replicate the M4A3 during 1981, followed by the 105 mm howitzer-armed variant during 2002. More recently we’ve seen an Israeli M1, an M51 and thanks to a tie-in with Asuka Model (formerly TASCA) we now have both the Sherman Firefly and the subject of this feature, the M4A3E8 - or more memorably, the ‘Easy Eight’ - thus taking us full circle! HHooww ttoo BBuuiilldd...... TTaammiiyyaa’’ss AArrmmoouurr KKiittss iinn 11::3355 99 p 08-27 CH2 Armour.indd 9 27/10/2014 11:07 CHAPTER 2 TAMIYA 1:35 M4A3E8 SHERMAN “EASY EIGHT” KIT NO.25175 IN THE BOX… With the suspension dealt with, Though this feature is not really a we come to the tracks. As part of review, it may well be worth offering this feature you’ll find a ‘step-by- some thoughts on the kit before step’ guide to their construction that we get cracking on the meat and will show you how easy they are bones of this section of the book. to build. In essence they are made When TASCA first emerged onto up from individual links broken up the modelling scene, they were into two pieces that combine to instantly lavished with praise, many trap pins moulded on the edge of believing that their new range of each one. Though repetitive, the Sherman kits were not only the last only care you need to take is with word on the subject, but also bore the glue brush, sparing application an uncanny resemblance to the of adhesive being needed to join work of Tamiya’s designers. Though the links to create a run of flexible The lower hull is built up more detailed than Tamiya’s track. It was planned to build these from separate flat panels, Sherman kits, they matched in tracks over a few days, but once in internal bulkheads ensuring that everything joins square terms of sensible breakdown of the groove they can together in only and true. The fit is perfect. parts, ease of assembly, packaging, a few hours. instructions and fun! They seemed The finer details in this kit are to be twins split at birth and so really very well handled. I was seeing their kits now sold in Tamiya particularly taken with the amazing boxes, is no surprise whatsoever. .50 cal MG and the almost Their ‘Easy Eight’ is a fine unbelievably fine retaining springs example of what they are capable found on the loader’s hatch: I’m not of. Though initially daunting in terms sure I ever seen finer parts in a kit! of parts-count (the tracks alone, Tools and other fittings are equally could give you sleepless nights!), splendid and though they don’t the ease with which everything feature any form of retaining straps goes together, makes the building – thus aping the Tamiya parts found of this kit a far from arduous task. in their own kits – they look great The hull for instance is broken once in place and painted. Where down into individual panels that fit you will find improvement over cleverly together, internal bulkheads Tamiya’s Shermans, is in the way stiffening it up until the one-piece that TASCA handle the handles The lower hull is complete. Fix the inner wheels in upper hull is glued in place. The (sorry!), all of these being tiny place allowed the bogies to be lined up and then flattened out, all working features being fused turret is similarly straightforward, individual parts rather than solid permanently in place with liquid glue. two parts taking care of the shell features, moulded in-situ. This of before the modeller spends a few course adds to the care needed to happy hours adding the details. assemble this kit, but the results are The bulk of the work is needed to worth it: even from the box, this is a construct the wheels, suspension fantastic looking model. and tracks. Initially, this looked overwhelming, 26 parts for each THIS FEATURE… suspension unit seeming like a lot Over the next few pages or so, of work, but fear not; clean-up is we will take you through the minimal and so once the parts are construction and painting of this free from their runners, everything model. Unashamedly aimed at the falls together easily. The kit would beginner/intermediate modeller, have you build the bogies so that you’ll find a whole raft of step-by- they can articulate, but as I loath step guides that you can use for such gimmicks, I glued everything not only this model, but many more together firmly, a flat surface being besides. used to ensure everything was This then is Tamiya’s ‘Easy Eight’ straight and level. – we hope you like it! When TASCA first emerged onto the modelling scene, they bore an The large air vent and exhausts uncanny resemblance to the work of are superbly realised in the kit, multi-part assemblies ensuring Tamiya’s designers... a pleasing level of finesse. 10 Chapter 2 - An Easy Eight p 08-27 CH2 Armour.indd 10 27/10/2014 11:08

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