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How to be a complete tournament player PDF

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0 · ------------------------- How To Be a Complete TournamenPtl ayer �.1 :o MAXWELL MACMILLAN CHESS MAXWELLM ACMILLACNH ESSS ERIES How toB e a Complete TournamenPtl ayer MAXWELLM ACMILLANC HESSB OOKS E11ecutiEvdei toPra:u lL amford TechnicEadli toJr: immyA dams RussianS erieEsd itoKre:n netNhe at Someo thebro oksi nt hisesr ies: ADAMS,B .& M. LIVSHITAZ., MichaeAld ams:D evelopment Test Your Chess IQ1, 2&B ooks ofa Grandmaster MEDNIS,E . ALBURT,L. Fromt heM iddlegamien ttoh eE ndgame Testa ndI mprovYeo urC hess Fromt heO peninign ttoh eE ndgame ALEKHIN E,A . A. POLUGAYEVSKY,L . On theR oadt ot heW orld GrandmastPerre paration Championsh1i9p2 3-1927 GrandmastPeerr formance ALEXANDER,C .H.O'D&. B EACH,T .J. TheS iciliLaabny rinVtohl ume1s 2& LearnC hessA: New Way forA ll POLUGAYEVSKY,L .& DAMSKY,I . Volume1 :F irsPtrn iciples TheA rto fD efencien C hess Volume2 :W inninMge thods PRZEWOZNIK,J .& PEIN,M . AVNI,A. TheB lumenfeGladm bit CreatiCvhee ss SHEKHTMAN,E. BASMAN,M . TheG ameso fT igraPne trosian TheK illGerro b Volume1s & 2 CLOAD,R .& KEENE,R . SHERESHEVSKY,M & SLUTSKY,L . BattloefsH astings Masteritnhge E ndgameV olume1s 2& SUBA, M. GELLER,Y . DynamicC hessS trategy TheA pplicatioofCn h essT heory SUETINA,. S. KARPOV,A . ThreeS tepsto C hessM astery Chessa tt heT op1 979-1984 VUKOVIC,V . TheA rto fA ttacikn C hess KASPAROV,G . London-lennigradC hampionshGiapm es WATSON,J .L. New WorldC hessC hampion Playt heF rench TheT esto fT ime WEBS,S . Chess fToirg ers KASPAROV,G .,G ELLER,E .,L EINA,. & CHEPIZHNYV,. WINTER,E .G. Kasparovv.K arpo1v9 90 World Chess Champions A fulcla talogIusea vailea fbrlom: MuwellM acmlllaChne ssL,o ndonR oad,W heatleOyx,l ordO,X 9 1YR. How toB ea Complete TournamePnlta yer by EdmarM ednis International Grandmaster MAXWELL MACMILLANC HESS MAXWELMLA CMILLIANNT ERNATIOPNUABLL ISHIGNRGO UP EUROPE/ MaxwelMla cmillIannt ernational, MIDDLEE ASTI A FRICA NuffieBludi lding, HWoalyl,oC wo wley, OxforOdX 4 2YH,E ngland Tel(:0 8657)48 754 Fax:( 08657)4 8808 USA MacmillPaunb lishiCnomgp any, 866T hirAdv enueN,e w YorkN,Y 10022 Tel(:2 12) 702-2F0a00x :( 212) 605-9341 CANADA 1200E glintAovne nueE ast, Suit2e00 , DonM illOsn,t ariMo3 C 3N1,C anada Tel(:4 164)4 9-6030F ax:( 4164)4 9-0068 AUSTRALIN LakesB usinesPsa rk, BuiAl d1i,n g NEW ZEALAND 2 LordS treeBto,t anyN,S W 2019A,u stralia Tel(:0 23)1 6-9444F ax:( 023)1 6-9485 ASINPACIFIC 72H illviAevwe nue*,0 3-0T0a camH ouseS,i ngapo2r3e6 6 (ExcepJta pan) Tel: (76659)- 6000F ax:( 657)6 9-3731 LATINA MERICA 28100 US Highway1 9 North, Suit2e00 , ClearwatFeLr 3,4 621U,S A Tel(:8 137)2 5-403F3a x:( 8137)2 5-2185 JAPAN MisuzSu Buildi2nFg,2 -42-1M4a tsubaSreat agaya-ku, Tokyo1 56J,a pan Tel(:8 13)- 5300-161F8a x:( 813)- 5300-1615 Copyrig®h t1 991E dmarM ednis All RightRse servedN.o parotf t hipsu blicatmiaoyn be reproducesdt,o reidn a retriflsvyaslt emo rt ransmittiend anyf ormo rb y anym eans:e lectroneilce,c trostatic, magnetitca pem,e chanicalp,h otocopyirnegc,o rdionrg othflrwiswei,t houpte rmissiionnw ritifnrgo mt hep ubliesrh. FirsEdti tion 1991 Libraryo fC ongresCsa taloging-in-PubDlaitcaa tion Appliefdo r A catalogrueec orfdo rt hibso ok isa vailafbrloem t heB ritiLsihb rary ISBN8 517 440 188 Coverb yP intaDiesli gn PrinteidnG reatB ritabiyn B PCC WheatonLst dE.x eter Contents TrainPirnogg rafmomSrei ginciafnt ImprovemienCn hte sAsb ility l 2 StarttioTn hgi nLki kae G randmaster 11 3 Howt oS eleYcotuO rp eniRnegp ertoire 23 4 MoveO rdeirnts h Oep eni-ntghMeo derMna steTro'osl 30 5 Howt oP repaforre T ao urnamGeanmte 42 6 Howt oP latyh Gea me 60 7 Whatto D oA ftetrh Tei mCeo ntrHoalsB eeRne ached 71 8 Howt oA nalyAsdjeuo rneGda mes 90 To My godadughDtaeirn a Preface Thiissa bokof otrh teo_u rnapmleanytwe hrow anttsos comroeer poinIttis sw. r itbtyea nt ournapmleanyfteo trrh teo urnapmleanyte r. The biobsoa ks oendm ym orteh afno ryteya orfts o urnaemxepnetr ience asw elalso vetrey ne aorfts r aienxipnegr iIeh navcbeee .e n dtorianign ing worwki tmho rteh aonn eh udnred thomefo sptr omisAimnegr ican youngsbtoetrihsn m y capactieht Gyr aanmsda st-eTrrianeorft he AmeriSccahno oofCl h eassn da sa p rivtartaei Andedri.t itornaailn ing activhiatviiene csl uwdoerwdki tthh Peu ertRoi cOalny mpTieaadam n d wittho Dpu tcahn dN orweagniy oungsters. Thiissa practbiocoakIl.t disbcoutswhsh easwt o rkusn detrh e pressouftr oeu rnapmleaanynt dw hatb oiusnt dof ailA.st hree adweirl l note, omfta hnfeyai u lredsi scuwsisbleeltd h otsheac ta moeu otf omwyn hidYee.it it st ru-et houugnhp lenat-staahte acohfu sc alne amrnu ch froomu frai lurAe tsr.a imnuessrtt rfiovcreo meptloebj ectiavsf iaatrsy his eoxwpne riaernec ecso ncTehrihnsae asdl .w abyeseo nn oef m ym ain tenetthso,hu gocfo urisiteos n lmyyo wns tudewnhtoks n ohwo w wIe ll hav-eohra vneo -tsucdcee.deA nywatyot, h bee sotfm ya biliintt hyi,s booIkr eveeavle rytihmipntogar ntth aIkt n oawb otuhtse u bjmeacttt er. Someo ft hmea teriinta hlbe o ohka sa ppeeadbr efoirnve arious publtiicoabnusmt,o sotfi atp peianr sp froitrnh ftei rtsitmO efc. o usre, thper eviopuusbllyi msahteedr hiaabsle eenn lgaeradn da daptteofd i t thbe ookp'rsi maorbjye cttiovh ee:lt ph er eadbeerc oma eco mplete tournapmleanyte r. Comparteomd y p reviboouoskt sh,oi nshe a asn ewv aluafbetlauer e: att heen odf e acchh apttheerir aseq uestaonnadsn swseercst ointo hne sujbecmta ttFeorrt.h ree ader/stthuidse nthtore olupnosdu t th set udy materfiorat lht;er aitnhepirrs o viaddedsi tviaolnuaalb le material for his workI.a mi ndebttoMe rdP auLla mofr,dE xecutiveM aExwdeiltlo r, MacmilClhaensf sor,t hiesx celsluegngte stion. Ing enertahlfeo,l lowsitnagn dsaorudr hcaevsbe e eunt iliinst heed preparoaftt ihboionso pke:r soknnaolw lepdegres,oc noanlt alcetasd,i ng chepsesr iodaincdca hlesbs oso kWsh.e na pproprdiiartececr,te diist given tienx tt.h e Toe nsutrheat thr ee adert haaenu dt haorroe n t hsea mwea velength reagrditnhgme e anionftg h qeu estainoednx clammaatrikaossnt heayr e useidnt hceh aarcteriosfam toivoetnsh ,e asrete h per eseanctcleyp ted meanings: as tromnogv e ! != av ersyt romnogv ea;f an tasmtoivce ? a bmadov ea;w eamko ve ?? = ah orrimbolvee a;b lunder !? ane nterprmiosviena;gm ovweo rtohfcy o nsideration ?! ad ubiomuosv ef,ort heoreotrpi rcaaclt piucraplo ses Asa lwamyysd ,e epgersatt itudteom ygw ooednse rfbullo nwdief e, Baiba,o nlnfoyortt y pitnhegen temi arnuscbruiatpl ts on efvoerr -ending physiacnadml o raslu pport. In uannd ertaokfsi uncsghc opseo,me er roarrasel moisnte vitable. Thea uthaocrc erpetssp oinlsifitorbya lolft hesYeo.ua rs sistiann ce bringtihnegtm om ya ttenwtiilbolena ppreciated. EdmaMre dnis NewY ork1,99 1 1 TrainiPnrgo gramme For Significant ImproveemntI nC hesAsb ility Theo verpaulrlp oosfte h ter ainpirnogg rapmrmees ehnetreiedst o increyaosucerh easbsi lsiott hya ytou canb ecoamm eo rseu cscseful competpiltaiyvMeear x.i mupmr ogrweisblsels howbnyt hose arweh o mostta lenatnedd havtei matenh dce a pacfiothrya rwdo r.k oItnh er wordssu,c ciencs hse -sjsuassti no thperro fes-srieoqnusireesf rftoti me, andd edicna.Bt uti oaImc onvitnhcaeadtn yownheoc onscienttriioeuss ly tof ollowp rtohgirsa wmimlel hfiicnshd e asbsi liintcyr easstienagd ily. Thet heree lemeonftt hspe r ograamrmteeo urnapmleanaytt ,h orough revwi oefg amepsly aeda nd oannog inpgr ogrammceh esostfsu dy. 1. Tournament Play Youm usptl aiynt ournam(e1tn)ort est ainc oymopuerts ihtairvpen ess, (2t)ok eep reytoeusmrte itntagln ed( 3t)ot rtyoa pptlhyce h ewsiss dom gainientd h e sptruodgyr amYmoeuw. i ll mloesfatorr mnc ompetaitt ion youorw n hoirg hleerv Oeflc .o urtshee,ir sne o thing wrong in playing somree la"twievaek ibeust" ,mt uocooh f t hwiisls luc cienes dt retching only eygooau nrd ynooutmr i nd! Howo ftne andh ow magnaym essh ouylodup laWye?l slo,m uch depenodnys o upra rtimcauklea-rMu ipk.h Taaiillos nlhya ppwyh ehne isp laying caolnmtoisn.tSu aamlmlRyye shevgsekttysi r"eidhf ep lays more tah fawen t ournamae ynetas.r F "orm et hied ecaylc ilse a tournafmolelnotw beyad b oustiw xe ekosf rreesvti,ae nwdc ontinuing studFyo.rm o spte opalbeo utg a5m0ea ys e airss u ifcfibeonttth or etain their shaanrdtp obn eea sbslt eoi mrpovteh esikri. Il yflo suha ve olfo ts timteh,ed no pmloary-e bu to nliytf h diose nso dte trfaorcmty ousrt udy progrmaem. Everygoentets i rieftd h ey tpolmoau yc hC.h esssi mply dseom ands muchn ervoeunse rIgtym. a yb eu seftuocl o mpacrhee swist thh e JapangeasmeGe o .J apahna asn e stablgirsohuoepfpd r oefssioGnoa l

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