HOW 'THEY SUCCEEDED HOW 'THEr SUC-CEEDED LIFE STORIES of SUCCESSFUL MEN TOLD by THEMSELVES By ORISON SWETT MARDEN • EDITOR of "SUCCESS." AUTHOR if "WINNING OUT," ETC., ETC. .", ILLUSTRATED LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY BO$T-QN ., COPYRIG::IT, 1901, By LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RES E R V E D CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE MARSHALL FIELD.....................•"."..• 19 "Determined not to remain poor"...".•".."." 20 "Saved my Earnings, and Attended strictly to Business" "...•.". 20 " I always thought I would be a Merchant" " 21 An Opportunity " " " 21 A Cash basis................................. 23 "Every Purchaser must be enabled to feel se- cure" :................... 24 The Turning Point........................... 25 Qualities that make for Success.............•.. 27 A College Education and Business.•...~...".. 27 CHAPTER II " BELL TELEPHONE TALK 30 HINTSON SUCCESS BYALEXANDERG. BELL. A Night Worker............................. 30 The Subject of Success....................... 31 Perseverance appliedto a Practical End........ 32 Concentration of Purpose..................... 34 Young American Geese....................... 36 5 Contepts BELL TELEPHONE TALK-(Continued): PAGE Unhelpful Reading............................ 36 Inventions in America........................ 37 T'he Orient.................................... 38 Environment and Heredity.................... 38 Professor Bell's Life Story................... 40 U I will make the WorId Hear it"............• 41 CHAPTER III WHY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE LIKE HELEN GOULD 44 A Face Full of Character.................... 45 Her Ambitions and Aims.................... 45 A Most Charming Charity.................... 46 Her Practical Sympathy for the Less Favored.. 49 Personal Attention to an Unselfish Service..... 52 Her Views upon Education.................. 55 The Evil of Idleness........................ 56 Her Patriotism............................... 56 Our Helen" ,.. 59 II America" ................. 60 II Unheralded Benefactions...................... 60 Her Personality.............................. 63 CHAPTER IV PHILIP D. ARMOUR'S BUSINESS CAREER.. 65 Footing it to California...................... 68 The Ditch..................................... 70 He enters the Grain Market.................. 71 Mr. Armour's Acute Perception of the Commer- cial Conditions for Building up a Great Business ...............................• 72 6 Contents PHILIP D. ARMOUR'S BUSINESS CAREER- (Continued): PAGE System and Good Measure..................... 73 Methods..................................... 74 The Turning Point........................... 75 Truth 75 A Great Orator and a Great Charity.......... 75 Ease in His Work............................ 77 A Business King............................ 78 Training Youth for Business.................. 79 Prompt to Act............................... 82 Foresight 83 Forearmed against Panic..................... 84 Some Secrets of Success..................... 85 CHAPTER V WHAT MISS MARY E. PROCTOR DID TO POPULARIZE ASTRONOMy 87 Audiences are Appreciative.................... 88 Lectures to Children.......................... 89 A Lesson in Lecturing........................ 90 The Stereopticon............................. 91 "Stories from Starland"..................... 93 Concentration of Attention.................... 94 CHAPTER VI THE BOYHOOD EXPERIENCE OF PRESI DENT SCHURMAN OF CORNELL UNI- VERSITY 96 A Long Tramp to School.......... 98 He Always Supported Himself................ 100 The Turning Point of his Life ~ 101 A Splendid College Record 103 IIIIII.. 7