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How quickly can anyons be braided? Or: How I learned to stop worrying about diabatic errors and love the anyon PDF

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Preview How quickly can anyons be braided? Or: How I learned to stop worrying about diabatic errors and love the anyon

Howquicklycananyonsbebraided? Or: HowIlearnedtostopworryingaboutdiabaticerrorsandlovetheanyon ChristinaKnapp,1 MichaelZaletel,2 DongE.Liu,2 MengCheng,2 ParsaBonderson,2 andChetanNayak2,1 1Physics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA 2Station Q, Microsoft Research, Santa Barbara, California 93106-6105, USA Topologicalphasesofmatterareapotentialplatformforthestorageandprocessingofquantuminformation withintrinsicerrorratesthatdecreaseexponentiallywithinversetemperatureandwiththelengthscalesofthe system,suchasthedistancebetweenquasiparticles.However,itislesswell-understoodhowerrorratesdepend 6 onthespeedwithwhichnon-Abelianquasiparticlesarebraided.Ingeneral,diabaticcorrectionstotheholonomy 1 orBerry’smatrixvanishatleastinverselywiththelengthoftimeforthebraid,withfasterdecayoccurringasthe 0 time-dependenceismadesmoother.Weshowthatsuchcorrectionswillnotaffectquantuminformationencoded 2 in topological degrees of freedom, unless they involve the creation of topologically nontrivial quasiparticles. Moreover,weshowhowmeasurementsthatdetectunintentionallycreatedquasiparticlescanbeusedtocontrol g thissourceoferror. u A CONTENTS C. MasterEquationFormalismforTime-Dependent 4 HamiltoniansCoupledtoaBath 24 2 I. Introduction 1 ] D. NumericalSolutionoftheMasterEquationfora l al II. Quasi-AdiabaticEvolutionofTwo-LevelSystems 3 T-junctionCoupledtoaDissipativeBath 25 h A. Landau-ZenerEffectandtheDependenceon E. ChernSimonsCalculation 26 - Turn-On/Off 3 s e B. EffectsofDissipationduetoCouplingtoa F. Top-TransmonDetails 27 m Bath 4 1. DerivingtheEffectiveHamiltonian 27 t. 2. EnergySubspacesoftheEffectiveHamiltonian 28 a III. DiabaticCorrectionstoBraidingTransformationsof 3. ModifiedArchitecture 29 m Anyons 6 - G. Measurement 30 d IV. ACorrectionSchemeforDiabaticErrorstothe n BraidingofMZMsinT-junctions 8 H. ErrorCorrection 32 o A. RelationBetweenTwo-LevelSystemsand c [ BraidingMZMsatT-junctions 8 I. RealityCheck 33 B. ErrorCorrectionthroughMeasurement 9 3 References 33 v 0 V. ACorrectionSchemeforDiabaticErrorstothe 9 BraidingofAnyons 12 7 I. INTRODUCTION 5 VI. ImplementationofMeasurement-BasedCorrection 0 inaFlux-ControlledArchitectureforManipulating Topologicalphasesofmattercanprotectquantuminforma- . 1 MZMs 14 tionindefinitelyatzerotemperature,solongasallquasiparti- 0 A. ReviewoftheTop-Transmon 14 clesinthesystemarekeptinfinitelyfarapartandallprocesses 6 B. DiabaticErrorsinaTop-Transmon 15 are performed infinitely-slowly [1, 2]. If the temperature is 1 : C. Extensiontotheπ-junction 16 notzeroandquasiparticlesareafinitedistanceLapart, then v D. ErrorDetectionthroughProjective errors will occur with a rate Γ ∼ max(e β∆,e L/ξ), where − − i X Measurement 17 β istheinversetemperature,∆istheenergygaptotopolog- ically nontrivial quasiparticles, and ξ ∼ 1/∆ is the correla- r a VII. FeasibilityEstimates 18 tion length [1, 3]. The exponential suppression of thermal and finite-size errors makes topological phases a promising VIII. Discussion 18 avenueforquantumcomputing,providedthatitispossibleto controlerrorscausedbymovingquasiparticlesinafinitedu- Acknowledgments 22 rationoftime. These“diabaticerrors”arethesubjectofthis paper. A. ReviewoftheLandau-ZenerEffect 22 Forasysteminatopologicalphase,theenergygaptotopo- logically nontrivial quasiparticles determines a natural time B. MappingoftheBraidingofMZMstothe scale, 1/∆. In order to avoid unintentionally exciting quasi- Landau-ZenerProblem 23 particles,alloperationsshouldbeperformedinatimet that op 2 is much larger than this time scale. On the other hand, the to depend on details to a worrisome extent, though one may topological degeneracy of non-Abelian anyons is not exact, question whether this dependence is stable against noise in exceptwhenalllengthscalesareinfinite,astherewillgener- theseparameters,asmayarisefromcouplingtoabath. icallybeasmallenergysplittingδE ∼ E0e−L/ξ betweenall Ontheotherhand,quantuminformationencodedinatopo- nearly-degenerate states [4]. (Here E0 is an energy scale re- logicalstatespaceisexpectedtobecorruptedonlybytheun- lated to the kinetic energy of quasiparticles, i.e. an “attempt controlledmotionofquasiparticles. Thisisthereasonforthe frequency”forquantumtunnelingevents.) Rotationsbetween temperatureandlengthdependenceoferrorrates: thedensity statesinthisnearly-degeneratestatespacewillonlyoccurso ofthermally-excitedquasiparticles,whichdecoherethetopo- longasbraidingisfastcomparedto1/δE.Attemptingtodrag logicalstatesbydiffusingthroughthesystem,scalesase β∆; − charged anyons through a disordered environment presents a the amplitude for virtual quasiparticles to be transferred be- similar upper limit on the braiding time [5]. Therefore, we tween two quasiparticles separated by a distance L scales as narrowourfocustotheregime1/∆ (cid:28) top (cid:28) 1/δE andask e−L/ξ,whichgenericallysplitsdegeneraciesoftheirtopolog- the question: within this range of time scales, how does the icalstates. Hence,onewouldexpectthatdiabaticcorrections errorratedecreaseastopisincreased? totheholonomywouldonlyaffecttheoverallphaseofastate, The unitary transformations effected by braiding non- rather than the quantum information encoded in it, unless Abelian quasiparticles in a gapped topological phase can be quasiparticles are created or braided in an unintended man- understoodasamanifestationofthenon-Abeliangeneraliza- ner. Inotherwords,itseemspossiblefordiabaticcorrections tion[6]ofBerry’sgeometricphase[7]. Morespecifically,in tobelarge, butonlyenteringasoverallphaseswhenthereis theadiabaticlimit,theunitarytimeevolutioncanbesplitinto no uncontrolled quasiparticle motion, allowing the encoded contributions from the dynamical phase, the Berry’s matrix, quantuminformationtoremaintopologically-protected. andtheinstantaneousenergyeigenbasistransformation. The Thisis,indeed,thecase. Diabaticerrorsareduetotheun- dynamical phase is top-dependent. The combination of the controlledcreationormotionofquasiparticles;otherdiabatic Berry’smatrixandtheinstantaneousenergyeigenbasistrans- corrections to the holonomy do not affect the topologically- formation is known as the holonomy and is top-independent. encoded quantum information. Since these quasiparticles Consequently,correctionstothebraidingtransformationsdue are created by the diabatic variation of specific terms in the to the finite completion time for a braiding operation can be Hamiltonian, they can only occur in specific places, i.e. in viewedasaspecialcaseofdiabaticcorrectionstotheholon- thevicinityofthequasiparticles’motionpaths. Theseerrors omy. Inconsideringsuchcorrections, itisimportanttokeep can,therefore,bediagnosedbycorrespondingmeasurements inmindthat,awayfromtheadiabaticlimit[8],thetimeevolu- and corrected. Such protocols apply to diabatic errors, but tionofstatesdoesnotcleanlyseparateintoatop-independent they cannot correct all errors, such as those due to tunneling holonomy and a top-dependent dynamical phase. In other orthermally-excitedquasiparticles,whichmustbeminimized words,fordiabaticevolution,whatoneconsiderstobethedy- byincreasingquasiparticleseparationsandloweringthetem- namicalphaseissomewhatarbitrary. Forthepurposeofcom- perature, or by engineering a shorter correlation length and paringwiththeadiabaticlimit,itwillbemostconvenientfor larger energy gap. If all of these different sources of errors us to call the quantity −(cid:82)topdtE(t) the “dynamical phase,” weresignificant,itwouldrequireafull-blownerror-correcting 0 where E(t) is the instantaneous ground-state energy of the codetocontendwiththem. Inthispaper,wefocusoncorrec- time-dependent Hamiltonian, even when we are not working tions which are not exponentially suppressible and we leave in the adiabatic limit. Factoring this dynamical phase out of implicit errors due to non-zero correlation length and finite the(diabatic)timeevolutionoperator,theremainderwillgen- gaps. erally depend strongly on the details of the Hamiltonian and Previousstudieshaveconsideredtheeffectsofdiabaticevo- willnolongersimplybeequivalenttotheholonomy(whichit lutiononparticulartopologicalsystems. Refs.17–19havein- equalsintheadiabaticlimit). Thedeviationoftheremainder vestigatedthestabilityofMajoranazeromodes(MZMs)[20– from its adiabatic limit is precisely what we wish to analyze 22]outsidetheadiabaticlimitandotherpapershavesuggested forbraidingtransformationsoftopologicalquasiparticles. methods of reducing the diabatic error for MZMs [23, 24] Generically,diabaticcorrectionstothetransitionamplitude and for Kitaev surface codes and color codes [25]. In this from a ground state to an excited state vanish as O(1/t ) paper, we consider diabatic error for braiding more broadly. op as t is taken to infinity [8]. However, the scaling of dia- Wepresentresultsonthemagnitude,origin,andcorrectionof op batic corrections is sensitive to the precise time-dependence diabatic errors for general anyonic braiding. We further ap- of the parameters in the Hamiltonian. In particular, the cor- ply our results to the braiding of MZMs. [26] (See Ref. 27 rections are O(1/tk+1) when the time-dependence is Ck for an excellent review on MZMs and proposed physical re- op smooth [9–11], and are exponentially suppressed when the alizations.) In particular, we concentrate on MZMs in topo- time-dependenceisanalytic[12–16]. (InfinitelysmoothC logicalsuperconductingnanowires[22,27–29],bothforcon- ∞ time-dependencemayresultinstretchedexponentialdecayof cretenessandalsobecauseexperimentallysuchsystemshave corrections.) As transitions out of the ground state subspace beensuccessfullyrealizedandsignaturesofMZMshavebeen may affect the topological degrees of freedom, diabatic cor- observed[30–38]. ThebraidingtransformationsofMZMsin rectionstobraidingdonotappeartoexhibitthenicetopologi- suchsystemsareimplementedinaquasi-one-dimensionalge- calprotection,i.e.exponentialsuppressionoferrors,thatther- ometry by slow variations of the couplings in a nanowire T- mal and finite-size corrections exhibit. Moreover, they seem junction [39–42]. We will critically analyze the practical as- 3 pects of our theory applied to the braiding and measurement Then, as we review in Appendix A, the matrix elements are schemesintroducedinRefs.41–43. foundtobe(droppingsubleadingcontributions) Thispaperisstructuredasfollows. Afterbrieflyreviewing S1 =e−π2Λ (4) pstiyrvesevtecimoouusspilnliintSegreatcottuiaorenthoIenIrAmq,aulwasbeia-tiahndviieansbtSaigteicacttieeovnthoIeluIetBifo.fneIcnotSfoeftcwdtioios-nsleipIvIaeI-l, S2 =−2(cid:114)Λπ Γe(−−π4iΛΛ)eiπ4−iΦ(t), (5) 2 weconsiderthemotionofoneanyonaroundasecondanyon wherewehavedefinedΛ = λ2 andΦ(t) = ct2+Λln|2ct|. fixedattheoriginwithinaChern-Simonseffectivefieldtheory c In the above we take the t → ∞ limit, but keep the time with fixed anyon number. We show that diabatic corrections dependenceintheoscillatoryphaseΦ(t)asitdoesnothavea to the holonomy do not affect the braiding phase unless dia- well-definedlimit(thisdoesnotaffectthediabatictransition baticvariationoftheHamiltonianparameterscausesthemov- probability). inganyontohaveanon-vanishingamplitudeoffollowingtra- When the system is initially in the ground state, i.e. jectoriesthatwindadifferentnumberoftimesthanintended a(−∞) = 1 and b(−∞) = 0, the final state’s probability aroundthestationaryanyon. InSectionIVA,wecomputethe foratransitionintotheexcitedstateisgivenby diabaticcorrectionstothebraidingtransformationofMZMs. Weshowthatthesecorrectionsareoftheformofgenericdi- PG E =|a(t→∞)|2 =|S1|2 =e−πλc2. (6) abaticcorrections: thetransitionamplitudevanishesas1/t2 . → op Ifthegoalistoremaininthegroundstate,thenthisisanerror, In Section IVB, we show that these errors can be diagnosed bymeasurementsandcorrectedbyarepeat-untilsuccesspro- butitisanerrorthatisexponentiallysmallinΛ,theinverseof thespeedwithwhichthesystemismovedthroughtheavoided tocol. Wegeneralizethiserror-correctionprotocoltogeneric crossing. non-Abelian anyon braiding in Section V. In Section VI, we Afewcommentsareinorder. InthemodelinEq.(1), the apply our results to the proposal of Ref. 42 and introduce a spectralgapgoestoinfinityatlargetimes. Onemightworry variation of the qubit therein to facilitate measurements. We thattheexponentialprotectionintheLandau-Zenermodelis critically assess the feasibility of such a correction scheme anartifactofaninfiniteasymptoticgap. Sincewewillgener- with current technology in Section VII. Finally, we address ally be interested in Hamiltonians which have a spectral gap thequestionposedinthetitleofthispaperinSectionVIII. thatisapproximatelyconstant,itisimportanttoseethatsuch protectionappliestosuchHamiltoniansaswell. Tothisend, considerthefamilyofHamiltonians II. QUASI-ADIABATICEVOLUTIONOFTWO-LEVEL H (t)=E cos(θ(t))σ +E sin(θ(t))σ (7) SYSTEMS θ 0 z 0 x √ The Hamiltonian H (t)/ c2t2+λ2 is of this form, with √ LZ √ A. Landau-ZenerEffectandtheDependenceonTurn-On/Off cos(θ(t)) = ct/ c2t2+λ2, sin(θ(t)) = −λ/ c2t2+λ2, and E = 1. A change of variables to t˜(t) with dt˜/dt = √ 0 c2t2+λ2 applied to Schro¨dinger’s equation brings the Diabatic corrections to the adiabatic limit asymptotically Hamiltonian H (t) to the form H (t˜). If the function t˜(t) decrease with the operation time t with a functional form LZ θ op is bounded by a polynomial, then the protection will remain whichdependsonthesmoothnessofthetimedependencein exponential in the new time variable, in terms of which the theHamiltonian. Inparticular, ifthetimedependenceofthe Hamiltonianhasaconstantgap. Sincet˜∼ λtforsmalltand Hamiltonian is analytic (within a strip around the real axis), t˜∼±1ct2forlarget,thisissatisfied. diabaticcorrectionsdecayexponentiallyintheinverseofthe 2 AlthoughthespeedwithwhichtheHamiltonianevolves,as rateatwhichtheHamiltonianevolves. Aclassicexamplewas measuredby|H˙|/|H|,isroughlyc/λneartheavoidedcross- provided by Landau [44] and Zener [45], who considered a ing, the total time of the adiabatic evolution is infinite. This two-levelsystemwiththefollowingtime-dependentHamilto- was the price that we paid in order to evolve the system in a nian: completelyanalyticmanner. Ifthetimedependencechanges moresharply,sothatthetotaloperationtimeisfinite,thenthe H (t)=ctσ −λσ . (1) LZ z x exponential protection will disappear. To see an example of this,wemodifytheHamiltonianofEq.(1)tooneinwhichthe Wewillassumec>0inthefollowing.Thestateofthesystem timedependenceoccursoverafiniteinterval. Therearesev- takestheform eralwaystodothis;wefocusononethatwillhaverelevance to later sections of the paper. We consider a time dependent |ψ(t)(cid:105)=a(t) |↑(cid:105)+b(t) |↓(cid:105). (2) Hamiltonianoftheform H(t)=h(t)σ −λσ (8) z x Weconsideratimeevolutionstartingfromt=−∞andend- ingattlarge,givenby with  −ct for t≤−t  op op (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:18) (cid:19) a(t) S S a(−∞) h(t)= ct for −t ≤t≤t (9) = 1 2 . (3) op op b(t) −S S b(−∞)  ct for t ≤t 2∗ 1∗ op op 4 Intheadiabaticlimit,thisHamiltonianrotatesthestateofthe � z systembetweennon-orthogonalinitialandfinalstates. Inthe √ long-time regime, where ct (cid:29) 1 and ct (cid:29) λ, we find op op that the time evolution operator acquires a correction to its diagonalcomponents(seeAppendixAforaderivation): S1 =e−π2Λ−(cid:114)πc Γ(−e−iπΛ4Λ)t e−iπ4+iΦ(t). (10) C 2 op Thetransitionprobabilityisgivenby � PG→E = 4cλ22t2op +O(cid:16)e√−cπt2λoc2p,e−πλc2(cid:17). (11) �x y Here we only worry about the corrections that do not decay exponentiallywithΛ. TheO(t−op2)diabatictransitionprobabilityischaracteristic ⌧ = 1 ofanycontinuous,butotherwisegeneric,timedependence. A z set of more general results show that errors become smaller as the evolution becomes smoother [9–11]. If the first k Figure1. Intheτ =1sectortheinstantaneouseigenstatesofH(t) z derivativesoftheHamiltonianexistandarecontinuous, then traceoutanoctantoftheBlochsphere,shownaboveasthecontour thediabaticcorrectionstothetransitionprobabilityvanishas C. At times t = 0,t ,t ,t only one of the ∆ is non-zero. At 1 2 op i O(t−op2k−2). Ourprimaryinterestwillbediabaticcorrections thesetimes,σicommuteswiththeHamiltonianandthecorrespond- totheholonomy,thescalingofwhichwewillreturntoatthe ing point on the contour is one of the corners or “turning points.” endofSectionIII.Previousstudiesweredoneinthecontext Theholonomicphaseattheendoftheevolutionishalfthesolidan- ofadiabaticquantumcomputingandthusdidnotaddressdia- gletracedoutbythecontourC, Ω(C) =−π. 2 4 baticcorrectionstotheholonomy. ofoscillatorsthroughtheterms B. EffectsofDissipationduetoCouplingtoaBath Bj =(cid:88)λ˜jα(a†jα+ajα) (13) α Although this dependence on the differentiability of the (cid:88) Hamiltonianismathematicallycorrect,onemayworryabout HBj = ωjαa†jαajα. (14) α its relevance to experimental solid state systems, for which noiseanddissipationareunavoidable.Attheturn-onandturn- Thebathcouplingsλ˜arechosentomodelazero-temperature off of the time dependence, when the time derivatives of the Ohmic bath. Each spin component σ couples to a differ- j Hamiltonianaresmall,butperhapsnotquitezero(hence,re- ent subset of the oscillators a . The crucial features of this jα quiring a discontinuity in the next higher derivative), noise Hamiltonian, which are not generic to all two-level systems, could wash out some of the sensitivity to the precise values are that σ is only coupled to the bath when ∆ (t) (cid:54)= 0 and j j of these derivatives. Hence, it is interesting to study the ef- thatthebathisuncorrelatedfordifferentσ . Thefirstfeature j fectofcouplingtoadissipativebath,whichiseffectivelylike waschosenforreasonsthatwillbecomeclearinSectionIVA, randomlyaddingdiscontinuitiestothetimedependenceofthe whenwediscussthebraidingofMZMs,thechoiceofuncor- systemHamiltonian. relatednoisewillbeexplainedinSectionVIB. In anticipation of our eventual application to MZMs, we We choose the time dependence of the ∆j(t) to consist considertheproductoftwotwo-levelsystems,whichwecan of three steps through which the instantaneous eigenstates thinkofasspinswiththecorrespondingPaulioperators(cid:126)σand of H circumscribe an octant of the Bloch sphere, as shown (cid:126)τ. The two-level systems are coupled to a bath through bath in Fig. 1. Specifically, we interpolate linearly in time be- operatorsBj asdescribedbytheHamiltonian tween (∆1,∆2,∆3) = (0,∆,0) at time t = 0 and (∆,0,0) at t = t ; between (∆,0,0) at t = t and (0,0,∆) at 1 1 (cid:88)3 t = t2; andfinallybetween (0,0,∆) at t = t2 and (0,∆,0) H = [−∆j(t)(1+Bj)σj ⊗τz+HBj]. (12) at t = top. This evolution is similar to “adiabatic gate tele- portation,” asdiscussedinRef.46. Intheτ = 1sector, the j=1 z groundstateacquirestheholonomic(geometric)phase−π/4. The system has an exact two-fold degeneracy labeled by In the τ = −1 sector, the handedness is reversed, and the z τ =±1,whichwethinkofasdistinct“sectors.”Thebosonic groundstateacquirestheholonomicphaseπ/4. Thedynam- z bath,whichisaproxyforalloftheenvironmentaldegreesof icalphase,ontheotherhand,isidenticalforthetwosectors, freedomotherthanthetwospins, ismodeledbyacollection sincetheyarerelatedbyananti-unitarysymmetrywhichtakes 5 1 k =0 k 10-2 A E G→10-4 no dissipation t P G with dissipation 10-6 Fittoc Δt 1.9 c t 0 op c t Fittoc' Δt 2.0 0 op 10-8 1 5 10 50 100 Δt t op 1 k =1 k 10-3 A E PG→10-6 no dissipation tG with dissipation c t Fittoc Δt 3.9 1 op 10-9 c t Fittoc' Δt 1.8 1 op 1 5 10 50 100 t Δt op Figure3. Thedeviationofthedensitymatrixafterprojectiononto Figure 2. With dissipation (red solid line), transition probability thegroundstate,||ρ (t )−ρ ||,vsthegapmulipliedbythetotal P vsthegapmultipliedbythetotalevolutiontime∆t ,dueto G op A G→E op evolutiontime,∆t .TheparametersarethesameasinFig.2. diabaticeffectsfork=0(top),andk=1(bottom). Thelongtimetail op isfittedtoc /(∆t )xwithx≈2(browndashedline). Wechoose 0 op thecutoffω = 10∆,OhmicbathatlowtemperatureT = 1/β = c 0.001∆,system-bathcouplingλ =λ =λ =0.01∆. Theblack 1 2 3 In the absence of dissipation, the envelope of the decay fol- solid line shows the results without dissipation, and the envelope functionforlongtimeisisfittedtoc(cid:48)0/(∆top)x withx ≈ 2k+2 lows the expected scaling as t−op2 and t−op4 for k = 0 and 1, respectively. Asmaybeseenintheplots,thedissipationsup- (bluedashedline). presses oscillations in the transition probability. For k = 0, thedissipativecasehasthesamet 2falloffatlongtimes. For −op k = 1, however, dissipation has an important qualitative ef- σ → −σ . Thus, the dynamical phase can be canceled by j j fectatlongtimes:theexcitationprobabilityagaingoesast 2, comparingtheτ =1andτ =−1sectors,andtheτ =−1 −op z z z sector picks a π/2 holonomic phase relative to the τz = 1 rather the t−op4 behavior that occurs without dissipation. This can be understood as follows: the suppressed excitation rate sectorduringthetimeevolutionintheadiabaticlimit. for the non-dissipative k = 1 protocol relies on the smooth- In order to quantitatively study the effects of the bath, ness of the time evolution of the system’s Hamiltonian, i.e. we initialize the system in a certain superposition of the smoothness of the ∆ (t). With dissipation, this smooth- |σ =+1;τ =+1(cid:105) and |σ =−1;τ =−1(cid:105) and numeri- j y z y z nessiswashedoutbytherandomdiscontinuitiesaddedbythe cally solve the master equation derived in Appendix C. (The bath. For shorter t , however, there remains a quantitative resultsforthisinitialstateshouldbequalitativelyrepresenta- op differencebetweenthek =0and1protocols,whichsuggests tiveofageneralinput.) Wefirstcomputetheprobabilityofa somelevelofengineeringthetimedependenceofthesystem transitionoutofthegroundstatemanifoldintoanexcitedstate Hamiltonianremainsbeneficial. fortheτ = 1sector, P ; theτ = −1sectorhassimilar z G E z behavior. In Fig. 2, we →plot P as a function of the to- If we measure the system and find that it remains in the G E talevolutiontimet ,bothwitha→ndwithoutdissipation. The two-folddegenerategroundstatemanifold,thenaphasegate op upper panel shows it for a stepwise linear time dependence hasbeenappliedtothissubspace,duetothesector-dependent (k = 0). The lower panel shows it for a smoothed-out time holonomicphaseof±π.However,theremayhavebeeninter- 4 dependence (k = 1) in which the first derivatives exist and mediate diabatic excitations which relaxed, causing the final are continuous everywhere, i.e. they vanish at the beginning state to deviate from the adiabatic result. This deviation is andend ofeach timestep. Details aregivenin AppendixD. quantified by ||ρ (t )−ρ ||, where ρ is the final density G op A A 6 matrixobtainedintheadiabaticlimit, III. DIABATICCORRECTIONSTOBRAIDING TRANSFORMATIONSOFANYONS Π ρ(t )Π ρ (t )= G op G (15) G op Tr(Π ρ(t )) Intheprevioussection,wesawthatdiabaticcorrectionsto G op theholonomyareonlypolynomiallysuppressedinthetimet op is the density matrix for finite t projected into the ground oftheevolutionand,forthesystemofEq.(12),canbeasbad op state manifold, where ΠG is the projection operator into as O(t−op2). This is especially worrisome if the holonomy in the ground state and ρ(t ) is the density matrix before questiondeterminesthebraidingtransformationsinatopolog- op the projection measurement, and ||...|| denotes the trace icalquantumcomputer.However,weargueinthissectionthat norm. ||ρ (t ) − ρ || measures the deviation of the state diabaticcorrectionstothebraidingtransformationsofanyons G op A from the ideal/adiabatic limit result. As shown in Fig. 3, originatefromtheuncontrolledcreationormotionofanyons. ||ρ (t )−ρ ||exhibitsbehaviorsimilartothatofP . In Wejustifythisclaimbystudyingthediabatictimeevolution G op A G E particular,withoutdissipation, thelong-timeasymptot→icsex- for two theories with fixed anyon number, where one anyon hibit t 2k 2 scaling, while the inclusion of dissipation sup- braidsaroundtheother. Weperformthesecalculationsusing −op − pressesoscillationsin||ρ (t )−ρ ||andleadstoapower- Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory [47], which has a finite gap G op A lawdecayt 2atlongtimes. to gauge field excitations. In the first theory, the anyons are −op Webelievethet 2isuniversalfordiabatictransitionsinthe forced to move along a specific trajectory. In this case, we −op find that the corrections to the braiding transformations are presence of disssipation. A heuristic explanation is to con- independent of the braiding time and are exponentially sup- sider the rate equation for the occupation number of the ex- pressedbytheseparationofanyons. Inthesecondtheory,the citedlevelN intheinstantaneousbasis. Phenomelogically, E anyons are transported via a pinning potential. In this case, wepostulatethatthetimeevolutionofN isgovernedbythe E theanyonshavesomeamplitudetotunneloutofthepotential followingrateequation: trap and possibly wind around the other anyon a number of times that does not match that of the trap motion. The sum dN E =h(t)−Γ(t)NE. (16) oversuchtopologicallydistincttrajectories,i.e. withdifferent dt winding numbers, destroys the quantization of the braiding transformation. Here h(t) describes the generation of excitations due to the Consider an Abelian Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory for matrixelementbetweenthegroundstate|G(cid:105)andexcitedstate |E(cid:105), and Γ(t) characterizes the relaxation of the excitations. two anyons carrying charges a and b, respectively. Anyon b sits at the origin for all time and anyon a sits a distance R Importantly, in the model Eq. (12), the bath coupling is as- awayuntiltimet = 0,atwhichitcirclestheoriginandthen sumedtobesynchronizedwiththetime-dependentcouplings returnstoitsinitialposition. Weusex = (t,r)todenotethe of the Hamiltonian, whose time variation is responsible for space-timecoordinatescollectively. Theactionis diabatic transitions. Therefore, as a zeroth order approxima- tionwecanassumethath(t)andΓ(t)havethesametimede- (cid:90) (cid:16) k 1 (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) S = d3x (cid:15) aµ∂νaλ− f fµν−jµa . (18) pendence. Furthermore,wehaveh(t) ∼ O |(cid:104)E|∂tH|G(cid:105)|2 . 4π µνλ 4g2 µν µ Weexpectthatift becomeslonger, thespeedatwhichthe op Betweent = 0andt = t themovinganyonhascurrent(in Hamiltonian changes on average should decrease as t 1. To op −op thepolarcoordinate(r,θ)): capture this dependence on t we make a crude estimate of op a (cid:16) 2πt(cid:17) h(t) to be h(t) = t∆2opf(t), where f(t) is a dimensionless ja0(x)= rδ(r−R)δ θ− t (19) function whose range is [0,1], and write Γ(t) = Γf(t). The op 2πR (cid:16) 2πt(cid:17) rateequationcannowbeintegratedwiththeinitialcondition jθ(x)=a δ(r−R)δ θ− (20) NE(t=0)=0,andtheresultis a rtop top andthestationaryanyonhascurrent λ (cid:104) (cid:105) NE(t)= Γt2 1−e−F(t) , (17) jb0(x)=bδ(2)(r). (21) op All other currents vanish. For a pure Abelian Chern- where F(t) = (cid:82)tdsf(s). It is not hard to see that F(t ) Simons theory we would expect the braiding transformation 0 op to be the phase factor ei2πab/k. Adding the Maxwell term grows at least linearly with t , so asymptotically we find op gives the interaction a non-topological component, which is N (t )=O(t 2). E op −op exponentially-decaying. Hence, the braiding transformation To summarize, diabatic corrections (to both the transition isexpectedtohavecorrectionsthatareexponentially-smallin probability from the ground state to an excited state and to R. thephaseacquiredifthesystemremainsinthegroundstate) Integratingouta givestheeffectiveaction are non-universal and dependent on the detailed time depen- µ (cid:90) (cid:104) dence of the Hamiltonian in the absence of dissipation. In S = d3xd3x jµ(x)G(1)(x,x)jν(x) the presence of dissipation, however, the scaling of diabatic eff (cid:48) µν (cid:48) (cid:48) (22) corrections appears to become universal in the limit of large g2 (cid:105) operationtime. − jα(x)G(2)(x,x(cid:48))jα(x(cid:48)) . 2 7 Here,thetwopropagatorsaregivenby Noticethatweneedtosumoverdifferentwindingnumber G(µ1λ)(x,x(cid:48))= πk(cid:104)x(cid:12)(cid:12)∂2(1(cid:15)+µνgλ4∂k∂2ν/24π2)(cid:12)(cid:12)x(cid:48)(cid:105) (23) s2teπocptt,osrosfthoartθθ˜((t0).)L=et0uasnmdaθ˜k(etopth)e=ch2aπn(gne−of1v)a.rTiahbilseyθie=ldsθ˜+ G(2)(x,x(cid:48))=(cid:104)x(cid:12)(cid:12)∂2+g41k2/4π2(cid:12)(cid:12)x(cid:48)(cid:105). (24) S =(cid:16)2tπI + akb(cid:17)(cid:104)θ˜(top)−θ˜(0)(cid:105)+ 2tπ2I + 2πkab op op (29) Bmootmhetnetrumms isnpaEcqe.. (O22n)eccaannbsehoewva,lausatwedebdyo tirnanAspfopremndinixgEto, +(cid:90) topdt(cid:104)1Iθ˜˙2−Va(θ˜)(cid:105). 2 thatthefirsttermEq.(22)contributesabraidingtransforma- 0 tioneiΦ,withthephase Letusdenote 2πab(cid:32) (cid:114)πg2kR (cid:33) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:90) θ(top)=2πm (cid:26) (cid:90) top (cid:20)1 (cid:21)(cid:27) Φ= 1− e g2kR/2π +O e g2kR/2π , S = Dθ(t)exp i dt Iθ˙2−V (θ) . − − m a k 4π 2 θ(0)=0 0 (25) (30) which has finite-R corrections, but is independent of the Thetransitionamplitudeisthen braiding speed. Evaluation of the second term in the action showsthatitgrowslinearlyintopandisthesameforallbraid- (cid:104)θ ≡0|U(top,0)|θ ≡0(cid:105)=ei2πkab (cid:88)∞ ei4πto2pI(n+12)+i2πkabnSn. ingprocesses,i.e.itisindependentofthechargeofthesecond n= anyon at the origin, as is expected for a dynamical phase. If −∞ (31) therearediabaticcorrectionstobraiding,theymustarisefrom In order to find the braiding transformation, we need to effectsnotallowedinthissimpletheory. compare the above transition amplitude with the case there Wenowmodifyourtheorysuchthatanyonaisdynamical. isnoanyonbsittingattheorigin. IfweletH (t)denotethe 0 Its position is no longer a classical parameter but is, instead, Hamiltonianinthiscase,wefind controlled by a pinning potential. We move the pinning po- taegnatiinalsientobrtdoehratovetrfiaxnespdoprotsaintiyoonn.aThaeroeufnfedcstitvaeticacatnioynonreba.dWse (cid:104)θ ≡0|U0(top,0)|θ ≡0(cid:105)= (cid:88)∞ ei4πto2pI(n+12)Sn. (32) n= (cid:90) (cid:20)(cid:90) (cid:16) k (cid:17) −∞ S = dt d2r (cid:15) aµ∂νaλ−jµa The braiding transformation is, thus, given by the ratio of µνλ µ 4π (26) thesetwoamplitudes,resultinginthephasefactor: 1 (cid:16)dq(cid:17)2 (cid:21) + 2m dt −Va(q−R(t)) . ei2πkab (cid:80)∞ ei4πto2pInei2πkabnSn Hereqisthecoordinateoftheparticle,whichisnowadynam- eiΦ = n=−∞ . (33) icalvariable. R(t)parameterizesthetrajectoryofthepinning (cid:80)∞ ei4πto2pInSn potentialV . n= q −∞ To proceed, we first integrate out a . As before, this will µ The quantization of Φ is destroyed in general because the generate a Hopf term for the worldlines and, in the present movinganyonnowhassomeamplitudeS ofescapingthe configuration, this term is just the winding number of q(t) pinningpotentialandtunnelingaroundthens(cid:54)=ta0ticanyonanad- aroundtheorigin. ditional n times. In the adiabatic limit, the system remains Wecansimplifythisproblemfurtherbyignoringtheradial in the instantaneous ground state at all times, so the moving motionofparticlea,whichisaninessentialcomplication,so anyonremainstrappedinthepinningpotential. Inthislimit, weonlyneedtokeepthepolarangleθ. Theaboveactionnow S = 0foralln (cid:54)= 0,andthebraidingphaseisquantizedto can be reduced to the problem of a particle on a ring with a n Φ=2πab/k. flux tube in the center. However, we still have the external We note that Eq. (33) ignores coupling to an environ- “driving” force that moves the anyon, which is given by the ment. Realistically, the environment will detect the sectors timedependentpinningpotentialV (q(t)−R(t)): a associated with distinct winding numbers n, since these are (cid:90) top (cid:104)1 ab (cid:16) 2πt(cid:17)(cid:105) macroscopicallydifferenttrajectories. This“which-path”in- S = dt Iθ˙2+ θ˙−Va θ− . (27) formation will remove the interference between n-sectors in 2 k t 0 op Eq.(33),resultinginadecoheredstate. Presumablythebath HereI istheeffectiverotationalinertia. Inthefollowing,we can help to the extent it relaxes the escaped anyon back into assume that the pinning potential is moving with a constant themovingtrapbeforeitisleftbehind. angularvelocityandthatthepinningpotentialcompletesone Clearly a theory that does not fix anyon number will also circuit and returns to θ = 0 after time top. The path integral have diabatic corrections to the braiding transformation. A representationofthetransitionamplitudeis pairofanyonswithnontrivialtopologicalchargecouldbecre- ated.Ifoneoftheanyonscirclesaorbbeforeannhilatingwith (cid:88)∞ (cid:90) θ(top)=2πn (cid:104)θ ≡0|U(t ,0)|θ ≡0(cid:105)= Dθ(t)ei . itsantiparticle,thebraidingtransformationwillbeaffected.If op S n= θ(0)=0 we braid two anyons with a fixed fusion channel in a non- −∞ (28) AbelianChern-Simonstheory, wecanreducethecalculation 8 toacalculationinAbelianChern-Simonstheory,sincethere- sultmustbeaphase. Solongaswedonotallowanytypeof quasiparticlecreation(realorvirtual),thefusionchannelwill remain fixed, so the preceding calculation is, in fact, com- pletely general and pinpoints the source of diabatic errors in thegeneralcase. We have seen that both sources of diabatic corrections to the braiding tranformation arise from transitions out of the ground state subspace that result in the uncontrolled motion of anyons – either the anyon a winds around b too many or toofewtimes,orelseananyonpairiscreatedandoneofthe new anyons winds around a and/or b. We are now in a po- sitiontounderstandthepowerlawbehaviorofcorrectionsto the braiding transformation shown in Fig. 3. Corrections to the braiding transformation must be the result of two transi- tions: a transition out of the ground state, causing the error, andatransitionbackintothegroundstateallowingustode- fineanoperationwithinthegroundstatesubspace. Asshown in Refs. 9–11, for Ck smooth time evolution, the transition (cid:16) (cid:17) amplitudeisO t k 1 ,thereforecorrectionstothebraiding −op − (cid:16) (cid:17) transformationsareO t 2k 2 . −op − Figure4. SchematicofbraidingprocessataT-junction. Eachdot represents a MZM and the lines connecting dots indicates which IV. ACORRECTIONSCHEMEFORDIABATICERRORS MZMs are in a definite fusion channel at a given time. This se- TOTHEBRAIDINGOFMZMSINT-JUNCTIONS quence of states can be obtained as the ground states of a Hamil- tonianwithnonzerocouplingbetweenthepairconnectedbyalineat Intheprevioussection,wefoundthaterrorsinthebraiding eachstepandbyadiabaticallytuningtheHamiltonianfromonestep transformation caused by diabatic effects originate from the tothenext. ThissequenceeffectivelybraidstheMZMslabeledby redandbluedots. uncontrolled creation or motion of anyons. We now use this result to devise a correction scheme for such diabatic errors. In this section, we focus on the particular example of braid- cus on the simpler situation here.) The braiding operation is ingMZMsinaT-junctionandprovideconcreteproposalsin partitionedintothreesteps,thatendattimet ,t ,andt ,re- 1 2 3 thiscontext. InSectionV,wewillgeneralizeourdiabaticer- spectively. (For simplicity, we will typically let t = t /3, 1 op rorcorrectionschemetosystemssupportingarbitrarytypesof t = 2t /3, t = t .) Each step changes which MZMs 2 op 3 op non-Abeliananyonsordefects. are decoupled (and correspond to the topological qubit pair) and which MZMs are coupled (and correspond to the ancil- larypair). Wecalltheconfigurationsattheendofeachstepa A. RelationBetweenTwo-LevelSystemsandBraidingMZMs “turningpoint.” ThissequenceisdepictedinFig.4. atT-junctions TheHamiltonianfortheseMZMstakestheform 3 Section II focused on the adiabatic evolution of two-level (cid:88) H =− ∆ (t)iγ γ (34) systems. Since our main interest in this paper is the braid- j j 0 j=1 ing of quasiparticles in a topological phase, in particular the braiding of MZMs, we pause now to map the braiding and where {γ ,γ } = 2δ for i,j = 0,1,2,3 and ∆ (t) ranges i j ij j two-levelproblemsontoeachother. Withsuchamappingin between0and∆ > 0. IneachpanelofFig.4, thedotsrep- hand,wecantranslatetheresultsdiscussedinSectionIItothe resent MZMs and the line connecting two dots represents a contextofquasiparticlebraidinginatopologicalphase. More HamiltonianoftheformofEq. (34)withthecorresponding specifically, we consider braiding of MZMs in a network of ∆ = ∆andallother∆ = 0. BychangingwhichMZMis i i topological superconducting wires. The essential building coupledtothecentralMZMinanadiabaticmanner,thetopo- blockofthenetworkisaso-calledT-junction. logical state information is teleported between MZMs, so as A T-junction is composed of four MZMs. At the initial toalwaysbeencodedintheuncoupledMZMs. Followingthe and final configurations, two of these MZMs are completely indicatedsequenceofsuchteleportationsresultsinabraiding decoupled (up to exponentially suppressed corrections) and transformationofthetopologicalqubitpairofMZMs. will, in part, comprise the topological qubit, while the other We assign the overall fermion parity of these four MZMs twoMZMsareanancillarypairthatarecoupledtoeachother. tobeevenwhenγ γ γ γ = −1andoddwhenγ γ γ γ = 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 (Eventually,itwillbeconvenienttohavethreeMZMsreplac- +1. IfwefixtheoverallfermionparityofthesefourMZMs, ing the one in the middle, following Ref. 42, but we will fo- they share a two-dimensional topological state space, which 9 wemaptoaspin-1/2systemaccordingtotherepresentation of topological quasiparticles. In the next section, we show ofthePaulioperatorsσ = iγ γ foroverallparityeven,and that this is, indeed, the case: if a sequence of measurements j 0 j σ =−iγ γ foroverallparityodd. shows that no quasiparticles have been created at intermedi- j 0 j This representation reveals the equivalence between the ate steps of the evolution, then the braiding phase is fixed to MZM Hamiltonian of Eq. (34) and the spin Hamiltonian of its topologically-protected value. Moreover, this fact allows Eq.(12)withoutthebathcoupling. Inparticular,theevenand us to specify a protocol for detecting and correcting diabatic oddoverallparitysectorsofthefour-MZMsHamiltonianare errorthatwouldaffectthebraidingtransformation. mappedtotheτ =+1and−1sectorsofthetwo-spinHamil- z tonian, respectively. The difference between the holonomies in the sectors of the two-spin model is mapped to the differ- ence between the holonomies in the even and odd fermion parity sectors of the MZMs, giving the relative phase of the B. ErrorCorrectionthroughMeasurement braidingtransformation. Letusfocusinmoredetailonthefirststepofthisprocess, Inthissection,weshowthatprojectingthesystemintothe which transfers the state information initially encoded in γ 1 groundstateattheturningpointsduringtheT-junctionbraid- to γ , and occurs between t = 0 and t = t , as shown in 2 1 ing process is sufficient to fix all diabatic errors within the Fig. 4. Consider varying the couplings linearly during this MZM system. This suggests an error correction scheme for timesegment: braidingMZMs,basedonarepeat-until-successprotocol,that t producestopologically-protectedgates. Fornow,wefocuson ∆ (t)=∆ (35) 1 errors occurring within the low energy subspace of the four t 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) MZMs,becauseweexpecttheseerrorstobethemostpreva- t ∆ (t)=∆ 1− (36) lent. We address diabatic transitions out of this subspace in 2 t 1 SectionVIB. ∆ (t)=0, (37) 3 We consider the time evolution depicted in Fig. 4. At any so that the τ = +1 sector of the spin Hamiltonian (corre- point in the system’s time evolution, the energy levels in the z sponding even fermion parity) takes the following form for evenparitysectorγ0γ1γ2γ3 =−1arethesameasthoseofthe 0≤t≤t1: oddparitysectorγ0γ1γ2γ3 = +1. Thisfollowsfromthefact that there is always a pair of MZMs that is decoupled from (cid:20) t (cid:16) t (cid:17) (cid:21) theHamiltonian(theonethatisunaffectedduringthatstepof H =∆ σ + 1− σ . (38) t x t y theprotocolandalinearcombinationoftheotherthree),and 1 1 switching the parity of this pair does not affect the energy. Ifwedefinethefollowingunitarytransformation This correspondence between the spectra in the two sectors impliesthedynamicalphaseisidenticalforbothsectorsand, 1 (cid:104) √ (cid:105) M = (cid:112) √ i(σz+σy)(1+ 2)−(iσx+11) , (39) thus,doesnotaffectthebraidingtransformation. 2 2+ 2 Ateachturningpointofthebraidingprocess,therearetwo decoupledMZMswhichsitattheendpointsoftheT-junction: then att=0,γ andγ aredecoupled;att ,γ andγ aredecou- 1 3 1 2 3 ∆ pled; at t , γ and γ are decoupled; and, at t , γ and γ MHM = √ [h(t)σ −σ ], (40) 2 1 2 3 1 3 † z x aredecoupled. Wecanconsidertheunitarytimeevolutionof 2 eachstepbetweenturningpoints,whichwedenoteasU ,to ij wthheesraemhe(tf)or=m a1s−the2t1tL.anTdhauus-,ZewneeroHbtaaminilMtonHiaMn i†ntEoqb.e(8i)n. idnedciocuapteletdh,eaHndamenildtsonwiaitnhsγtiarctosuwpiltehdγtoj γco0uapnldedγjtodγec0oaunpdleγdi. As we show in Appendix B, the other steps in the braiding In this notation, U12 is the evolution from time t = 0 to t1, protocol can also be mapped to Landau-Zener problems that U31 isfromt1 tot2,andU23 isfromt2 tot3. Weemphasize canbepiecedtogether. thatγk fork (cid:54)= 0,i,j remainsdecoupledthroughoutthestep The relation between a MZM T-junction and a two-level correspondingtoUij,asthisfactiscrucialforthetopological system implies that the diabatic errors that we encountered protectionofthebraiding,andwewillutilizeittoanalyzethe inthelattercasewillalsoariseintheformer. Consequently, diabaticerror. (Bydecoupled,wemeanuptotheresidual,ex- if braiding is not done infinitely-slowly, the resulting unitary ponentially suppressed couplings due to nonzero correlation transformation will generically differ from the expected adi- length. Suchexponentiallysuppressedcorrectionscaneasily abatic result by O(1/t ) errors. This can be improved to be made arbitrarily small and so are left implicit throughout op O(1/tk+1) if the time-dependence of the control parameters thispaper.) op oftheHamiltonianisCk,whichrequiresfine-tuningthetime- LetusfirstchooseabasisfortheHilbertspaceofthefour dependencebysettingkderivativesoftheHamiltoniantozero MZMs. For calculational purposes, it will be useful to em- at the initial and final times. On the other hand, Section III ploy the basis |−γ γ γ γ =±1,iγ γ =±1(cid:105), specified by 0 1 2 3 2 0 leads us to anticipate that errors in the braiding transforma- theoverallfermionparityofthefourMZMsandtheparityof tion must be due to the creation or uncontrolled movement the initial/final ancillary pair of MZM. In this basis, the four 10 MZMshavethefollowingmatrixrepresentations whereW isgivenby (cid:48) γ =−σ ⊗σ (41) 1+s σ 1−s σ 1+s σ 1+s σ 0 y y W = 3 zUe 2 xUe 1 yUe 0 z. γ =σ ⊗1 (42) (cid:48) 2 23 2 31 2 12 2 1 x (55) γ2 =σy⊗σx (43) WenoticethatW takestheformw Π(20) forascalarw that γ3 =σy⊗σz. (44) depends on the pr(cid:48)ecise details of th(cid:48)e us0nitary evolution o(cid:48)per- ators and measurement outcomes. (This scalar encodes the Sincethetotalfermionparitymustbeconserved(asthesefour probability of the measurement outcomes, but is otherwise MZMsonlyinteractwitheachotherforthespecifiedHamil- unimportant,sincethequantumstateisnormalizedaftereach tonian), the unitary evolution operators U are block diago- ij nalizedinto2×2blocksUe andUo correspondingtoeven measurement.) ij ij In order to obtain the effect of this operation on the topo- andoddfermionparitysectors,respectively: logicalqubit,itisusefultoconverttothemorerelevantbasis (cid:20)Ue 0 (cid:21) given by |iγ γ =±1,iγ γ =±1(cid:105) (which is obtained by a U = ij . (45) 1 3 2 0 ij 0 Uo simplepermutationofbasisstates).Inthisbasis,thetotalevo- ij lutionoperatoris Theproperty[U ,γ ] = 0fork (cid:54)= 0,i,j yieldstherelations ij k betweenevenandoddoverallparitysectors W =[R ]s1s2 ⊗wΠ(20), (56) Total 13 s0 U1o2 =σzU1e2σz (46) where U3o1 =σxU3e1σx (47) (cid:20)1 0(cid:21) U2o3 =U2e3. (48) R13 = 0 i (57) We now consider what happens if we apply a projective isthe(projective)braidingtransformationforexchangingthe measurementofthefermionparityeigenstatesoftheancillary MZMsγ andγ inacounterclockwisefashion. Onceagain, pairofMZMsateachturningpoint(whicharealsotheiren- 1 3 w =−is s w isanunimportantoverallscalar. Theparityof ergy eigenstates at those points). Later, we will discuss how 1 2 (cid:48) theexponents s = ±1,i.e. themeasurementsoutcomesat todothisinaphysicalsetup;fornow,wewillsimplyanalyze 1 2 thet andt turningpoints,determineswhetherW actsas what happens when such projections are applied at the turn- 1 2 Total acounterclockwiseorclockwisebraidingtransformation. ing points of the braiding process. We define the projection The preceding argument shows that the braiding process operators withfermionparitymeasurementsoftheancillarypairsatthe 1+isγ γ turningpointsactsonthetopologicalqubitpairofMZMsin Π(sij) = 2 i j, (49) thesamewayasthetopologicallyprotectedbraidingtransfor- mationR ,solongasaneutralfermionisnotcreated(pay- 13 which projects to the state with definite fermion parity ing its concomitant energy penalty) throughout the process. iγiγj = s = ±1 for the pair of MZMs γi and γj. For the When precisely one of the intermediate measurements finds aboverepresentationofMZMoperators,theprojectorsofin- theancillarypairtohaveoddparity,thismeansthatafermion terestaregivenby is transferred from the qubit pair to the ancillary pair during 1+s 1⊗σ the preceding time step and then transferred back during the Π(s200) = 02 z (50) followingtimestep. 1+s σ ⊗σ Thiscanbeunderstooddiagramaticallyfromthearguments Π(s110) = 12z y (51) of Refs. 48–50, as summarized in Figs. 5 and 6. (These are shown with labels from the Ising anyon theory, but the same 1−s 1⊗σ Π(30) = 2 x. (52) essential arguments hold for MZMs.) It follows from the s2 2 propertiesoftheIsinganyonmodelthatabraidingexchange The total evolution operator for the braiding process with of two Ising σ non-Abelian anyons with a neutral fermion fermionparitymeasurementsoftheancillarypairsattheturn- transferred between them is equivalent to their inverse braid ingpointsgivenby withnofermiontransfer,uptoanoverallphase,asshownin Fig.5. (ThesamepropertyistrueforMZMs.) W =Π(20)U Π(30)U Π(10)U Π(20), (53) Total s3 23 s2 31 s1 12 s0 At a T-junction governed by the Hamiltonian of Eq. (34), theemittedfermioncanonlybetransferredtooneplace, the wheres isthemeasurementoutcomeatthejthturningpoint. j ancillarypairofMZMs,sincetheHamiltoniandoesnotcou- Clearlythisoperatorisnotunitary,ingeneral,sinceitinvolves pleanyotherdegreesoffreedom. Apairofsuchtransfersof projectivemeasurements.Inordertoforthisoperatortorepre- fermions,whichcorrespondstothemeasurementsfindingthe sentabraidingoperation,theinitialandfinalconfigurationsof theancillarypairmustmatch,thatis,wemusthaves =s . ancillasintheirexcitedstateatbotht1andt2,essentiallycan- 3 0 SubstitutingEqs.(46)-(48)andassumings =s ,wefind celeachother.Inthiscase,wehaves1s2 =1andthebraiding 3 0 transformationisstillR . 13 (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 0 In summary, we can understand the correction of dia- W = ⊗W , (54) Total 0 is s s (cid:48) batic errors via measurement from the general viewpoint of 0 1 2

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