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The Project Gutenberg EBook of How France Built Her Cathedrals, by Elizabeth Boyle O'Reilly This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org/license Title: How France Built Her Cathedrals A Study in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries Author: Elizabeth Boyle O'Reilly Illustrator: A. Paul de Leslie Release Date: December 22, 2012 [EBook #41687] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HOW FRANCE BUILT HER CATHEDRALS *** Produced by Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images available at The Internet Archive) bookcover How France Built Her Cathedrals Soissons Cathedral. The Transept’s Southern Arm (c. 1180) Soissons Cathedral. The Transept’s Southern Arm (c. 1180) How France Built Her Cathedrals A Study in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries By ELIZABETH BOYLE O’REILLY Honorary Member of the Société Française d’Archéologie Author of “Heroic Spain” Etc. Illustrated With Drawings By A. PAUL DE LESLIE colophon HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON HOW FRANCE BUILT HER CATHEDRALS —— Copyright, 1921, by Harper & Brothers Printed in the United States of America A-W Contents CHAP. PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 I. WHAT IS GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE? 16 Gothic architecture the logical fulfillment of Romanesque—Origin of Romanesque architecture—Romanesque basilicas modified by the liturgy—Horrors of the IX and X centuries in France—Rebirth of the builders’ energy after the year 1000—Cluny, the civilizing force of the X and XI centuries—Various regional Romanesque schools of France—Normandy, Burgundy, Auvergne, Poitou, Languedoc, Provence, and the Franco-Picard school—Birth of Gothic art—An undecided question where the first diagonal-crossing ribs were used—Germany’s and Italy’s claims—Claim of England—The Ile-de-France Picard region, the classic land of Gothic—Gothic architecture not a layman’s revolt against monkish Romanesque—The architects of the Gothic cathedrals—No heretical tendencies in Gothic sculpture—Origin of the term Gothic—XVII- and XVIII-century scorn for Gothic architecture—Modern French school of mediæval archæology. II. ABBOT SUGER AND ST. DENIS-EN-FRANCE 43 Evolution from Romanesque to Gothic—St. Denis’ abbatial, the first important Gothic monument—Some early-Gothic churches in the Ile-de-France—Morienval, the first Gothic-vaulted ambulatory extant (c. 1122)—Church of St. Étienne, at Beauvais (c. 1120)—St. Germer-en-Flay built from 1150 to 1175, yet less advanced than St. Denis—Poissy’s church of St. Louis (c. 1135)—How Abbot Suger built his abbey church at St. Denis—St. Denis’ school of glassmaking, the leader for fifty years— Dedication of St. Denis on June 11, 1144, consecrated the national art—Who Suger was and how St. Bernard converted him —What is left of the abbey church which Suger built—Reconstruction of St. Denis by St. Louis, 1231 to 1280—Pierre de Montereau, its architect—Tombs in St. Denis’ abbatial—Deviation of the axis not symbolic—Some happenings in St. Denis during the XII and XIII centuries—Charles Péguy’s verses, linking St. Denis, St. Geneviève, and Jeanne d’Arc. III. PRIMARY GOTHIC CATHEDRALS 74 Cathedral of Noyon, first built of Gothic cathedrals (c. 1150)—Noyon’s communal charter, the first of known date, 1109— Cathedral’s nave, a vessel of most perfect proportion—Exceptional among French cathedrals, its transept’s rounded ends— Noyon has retained its annexes—Its chapter house, built about 1240—Noyon city destroyed, 1918—Cathedral still stands. Cathedral of Senlis, second of the Gothic cathedrals, begun about 1153—Sculpture at Senlis’ west portal (c. 1180) marks a date in imagery—Cathedral tower, the “pride of the Valois land”—Transept’s façades of the best Flamboyant Gothic art— What the World War did to Senlis. Cathedral of Sens, begun about 1160—Sens’ ancient see, governed by notable men in the XII and XIII centuries—How they found out who was the architect of the cathedral—St. Thomas Becket in Sens, 1164, and again from 1166 to 1170—St. Louis married in Sens Cathedral, 1234—Glory of Sens’ stained glass. Cathedral of Laon, begun about 1160—Fallacy of the “town-hall” theory—Cathedral of springtime foliage—Oxen on Laon’s towers—Origin of the square east end of Laon Cathedral—Laon’s communal struggle—Famous XII-century school of Anselm de Laon—Laon city shelled by the French, but its cathedral unhurt. Cathedral of Soissons almost a ruin—Desolation of Soissons in World War—Soissons’ southern arm of transept ends in a hemicycle (c. 1180)—Is the most exquisite thing in France—The crusading bishop-builder, Nivelon de Chérisy. Some important Primary Gothic churches: Abbatial of St. Remi at Rheims (c. 1170)—Its superb XII-century glass wrecked in the World War—Abbatial of Notre Dame at Châlons-sur-Marne (c. 1160)—Pioneer in fenestration—First to use pillars between chapels and ambulatory—Church of St. Quiriace at Provins (c. 1160)—Provins, residence of the counts of Champagne—Its international fairs frequented by mediæval Europe—Collegiate of St. Yved, at Braine (c. 1200), between Primary Gothic and the Era of Great Cathedrals—Individual plan of its choir-chapels—St. Leu d’Esserent, on the Oise, the best type of the small churches in the classic Ile-de-France—Its forechurch shows transition work (c. 1150)—Primary Gothic work to be found at Étampes, Vendôme, Fécamp, Rouen, Lisieux, Angers, Mantes, Paris. IV. NOTRE DAME OF PARIS AND OTHER CHURCHES OF THE CAPITAL 126 Notre Dame, begun in 1163—Its exterior unsurpassed, the west façade a classic—Scholastic training of its bishop-builders —Summa of the supreme scholastic, Aquinas, like a Gothic cathedral—Thirty thousand students then in Paris University— Bishop Maurice de Sully (1160-96) built Notre Dame—Bishop Eudes de Sully made the portals of the west façade—Bishop Pierre de Nemours died a crusader, before Damietta, 1219—Bishop Guillaume d’Auvergne finished the north tower (1228- 49)—All the prelates building Paris Cathedral good and able men—Their sincerity lives in its stones—First architect unknown —Jean and Pierre de Chelles made the transept and apse chapels—Sculpture of Notre Dame masterly—Sainte-Chapelle built by St. Louis, 1246 to 1248—St. Julien-le-Pauvre a contemporary of Notre Dame’s choir (c. 1180)—Same noble sculptured capitals—Three Benedictine abbey churches of Paris show early trials of Gothic vaulting—St. Germain-des-Prés, St. Martin- des-Champs, St. Pierre-de-Montmartre—St. Louis and his friend, Joinville—Louis IX illuminated his kingdom with fair churches—On his first crusade spent five years in the East, 1248 to 1259—From 1254 to 1270 worked for his people— Death of St. Louis on the crusade of 1270—His characteristics: justice, pity, other-worldliness—Inimitable charm of Joinville’s Histoire de St. Louis—Describes his friendship with the king in Palestine—Joinville’s old age and death in 1319. Mantes’ collegiate of Notre Dame is Primary Gothic—A contemporary of Paris Cathedral—Perhaps by the same architect—Its chapel of Navarre one of the best works of Rayonnant Gothic. Meaux Cathedral, a difficult architectural page to decipher, owing to reconstruction—Begun in 1170, but rebuilt radically after 1270—Bossuet, its greatest bishop (1681 to 1704)—Meaux, the cathedral for the Te Deum of victory—Battle of the Marne, 1914, waged at the city gates. V. ERA OF THE GREAT CATHEDRALS: CHARTRES, RHEIMS, AMIENS 169 Cathedral of Chartres—Bishop Fulbert’s Romanesque Notre Dame burned in 1194—His vast crypt, of 1020, still exists— Bishop Geoffrey de Lèves built the tower of Chartres, called the most beautiful in the world (1145)—Making of the three western portals (c. 1155)—Gothic cathedral begun after the fire of 1194—Primary Gothic west façade escaped the fire— Jehan de Beauce crowned the northwest tower, 1506 to 1513—Sculpture of the transept portals and porches, 1220 to 1260 —Chartres excels all cathedrals in the wealth of its stained glass, chiefly of the XII and XIII centuries. Cathedral of Rheims, begun by the crusader, Bishop Albéric de Humbert, 1211—Its architects recorded in the pavement labyrinth—Its west façade the culmination of Gothic art—Coronation of Charles VII in 1429, Jeanne d’Arc present— Astounding sculptural wealth of this “Cathedral of the Angels”—Martyrdom of Rheims in the World War. Cathedral of Amiens, the Parthenon of Gothic art—Bishop Evrard de Fouilloy began it, 1220—Designed by Robert de Lusarches—Its sculpture the peer of Rheims and Chartres—Its portal of the Vierge Dorée (c. 1280). VI. SIX OF THE LESSER GREAT CATHEDRALS: BOURGES, BEAUVAIS, TROYES, TOURS, LYONS, LE MANS 211 Cathedral of Bourges—Only XIII-century cathedral without a transept—Inner aisle has its own triforium and clearstory—Chevet built by St. Guillaume, 1200 to 1209—Over main portal is best Last Judgment (c. 1275)—Bourges famous for its stained glass—Jean, duc de Berry, and Jacques Cœur, the late-Gothic art patrons of Bourges—Their gifts to the cathedral—Orléans Cathedral destroyed by Calvinists (note). Cathedral of Beauvais—A mighty fragment: only a choir and transept—Begun in 1247, derived directly from Amiens—Transept façades masterpieces of late-Gothic—Is Flamboyant Gothic of English origin?—Le Prince family of glassmakers. Cathedral of Troyes—Its choir built by Bishop Hervé, 1206 to 1226—Martin Chambiges designed the Flamboyant west façade —Magnificent XIII- and XIV-century windows of Troyes Cathedral—St. Urbain’s church begun by Pope Urban IV in 1262 —Carried the Gothic principle of equilibrium to its limit—Churches of Troyes treasure-houses of stained glass and sculpture— Cultivated court of Champagne’s rulers—To the Gothic school of Champagne belongs the Cathedral of Châlons-sur-Marne— Châlons another center for stained glass. Cathedral of Tours—Choir begun about 1210—Has the classic note of the Touraine landscape—Cathedral windows set up between 1260 and 1270—Venerable ecclesiastical souvenirs of Tours—Tours, the center for the Region-of-the-Loire school of sculpture—Michel Colombe, last of the great Gothic artists, worked here—Environs of the city rich in Flamboyant Gothic. Cathedral of Lyons—Lyons boasts an apostolic succession for its bishops—Early Christian martyrs of Rome’s chief city in Gaul —St. Martin d’Ainay’s abbatial dedicated in 1107—Cathedral choir late XII century—With Vienne Cathedral (note) it alone in France used incrustations—Nave of Lyons Cathedral building through the XIII century—Stained glass of Lyons of exceptional quality—All Christendom was represented at the Ecumenical Council held in Lyons Cathedral in 1274—Church of Brou built by Marguerite of Austria (note)—Moulins Cathedral and Souvigny’s abbatial and tombs (notes). Cathedral of Le Mans—XII-century nave built by notable prelates—Bishop Hildebert de Lavardin (1097 to 1125) a poet and scholar—Guillaume de Passavent made the Angevin vaults (c. 1150)—Geoffrey the Handsome, nicknamed Plantagenet, and his son, Henry II of England, born in Le Mans—Trinité church at Vendôme (note)—Le Mans’ Gothic choir built from 1218 to 1254 by Bishop Geoffrey de Loudon—Le Mans ranks next to Chartres and Bourges for its wealth of stained glass— Rayonnant-Flamboyant transept of the XIV and XV centuries—The groups at Solesmes a final expression of Gothic sculpture (1495 to 1550)—Collegiate church at St. Quentin, in size a cathedral, XIII-century choir—Villard de Honnecourt, probably the architect of St. Quentin. VII. PLANTAGENET GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE 285 Plantagenet Gothic fused the cupola of Aquitaine and the diagonals of north—Lasted a hundred years, from 1150 to 1250—For clearness divided into three periods: I. Heavy diagonals, II. Eight slight branches, III. Multiple ribs—English fan tracery a derivation of Angevin Gothic. Cupola churches of Aquitaine: St. Front at Périgieux, begun after a fire, 1120, and finished by 1180—Cahors Cathedral has Romanesque portal of beauty (note)—Cathedral of Angoulême, begun 1109—Its façade a notable page of French decoration —Rich façades distinguish Poitou’s Romanesque school—Fontevrault abbey church, built in the first half of the XII century— Plantagenet tombs at Fontevrault—Aliénor of Aquitaine buried there in 1204 beside her husband, Henry II, and her son, Richard Cœur-de-Lion—Aliénor’s descendants notable builders of churches. Cathedral of Angers—Its nave vaulted with First-Period diagonals, about 1150—Anjou rulers a remarkable race—Fulk Nerra, the great builder, died 1040—Choir of Angers Cathedral extended after 1274—In the nave is XII-century glass of St. Denis derivation—Cathedral’s Apocalypse tapestries—Fortress of Angers, built by St. Louis, 1228 to 1238—Church of Toussaint had a ramified vault of the Third Period—St. Jean’s hospital hall, endowed by Henry II, a gem of Plantagenet art—Choir of St. Serge, 1220 to 1225, a masterpiece of lightness. Saumur—Another center for the study of Plantagenet Gothic—Historical fête called the Non-Pareille took place in its castle in 1241—St. Pierre’s church shows different kinds of Angevin vaults—Church of St. Martin at Candes, a Plantagenet masterpiece—St. Florent-les-Saumur shows one of the first eight-branch vaults—Puy-Notre-Dame and Asnières beautiful examples of Plantagenet art (note)—Plantagenet vaults at Le Mans, Vendôme, Chinon, and Tours. Cathedral of Poitiers, begun by Henry Plantagenet and Aliénor of Aquitaine, 1160—In adopting the gracious Plantagenet vaulting it remained true to Poitou’s Romanesque traditions—XII-century Crucifixion window the most glorious in the world—Spirit of Poitiers’ bishops, St. Hilary and Fortunatus, inspired it—Church of Ste. Radégonde is Plantagenet vaulted—St. Hilaire’s abbatial has curious octagonal cupolas—St. Jean’s baptistry, the oldest building in France, dating from the IV century— Clement V at Poitiers in 1307 carried on the Templars’ process—Hall of the count’s palace rebuilt by Duke Jean de Berry— Jeanne d’Arc examined there in 1429, found to be sent of God. VIII. GOTHIC IN THE MIDI 329 Cathedral of Clermont-Ferrand, begun in 1248—Gothic of the north, translated with a Midi accent—True character of Auvergne shown in its Romanesque churches—Notre Dame-du-Port, the classic type of Auvergne’s Romanesque school—Abbey church of La Chaise Dieu, begun by Clement VI, 1344—Contains incomparable tapestries (note)—First Crusade proclaimed at Clermont by Urban II, 1095—Riom’s Sainte-Chapelle, of the XIV century—Madonna of the Bird a masterpiece of late- Gothic imagery—Romanesque Cathedral of Le Puy (XII century) one of the most venerable shrines in France. Cathedral of Bordeaux, like the city itself, is of the north and the south—Nave is composite and difficult to read—Clement V (d. 1314) built the Rayonnant Gothic choir—In the Romanesque church of Ste. Croix appeared the first diagonals of the region— Charlemagne laid Roland’s olifant on the altar of St. Seurin—St. Bertrand-de-Comminges Cathedral built by Clement V— Cathedral of Bayonne (note). Cathedral of Toulouse consists of two inharmonious parts—Unaisled nave with Angevin vaults building while Simon de Montfort besieged city—Gothic choir begun in 1275—Chief monument of Toulouse is the abbey church of St. Sernin (begun 1075)— Languedoc then excelled in sculpture: Moissac’s portal and cloister (note)—Toulouse a center for brick architecture—Its Jacobins’ church begun in 1229—St. Dominic’s mission in Languedoc—Albigensian Crusade. Albi Cathedral, the incarnation of the Midi wars: meridional Gothic—Aggressive Bernard de Castanets began it in 1282— Flamboyant and Renaissance riches were added to St. Cecilia’s cathedral—Frescoes of its vault have never been surpassed (1509 to 1512)—Its choir screen equally noted—Auch Cathedral has famous XVI-century windows (note)—Cathedral of Rodez possesses a notable Flamboyant tower (1510 to 1526) (note)—Carcassonne Cité has been too much restored—Its ci- devant cathedral of St. Nazaire the best of XIV-century Gothic—Like a reliquary of colored glass—Carcassonne town has typical Midi Gothic churches. Narbonne Cathedral, consisting of a vast Gothic choir, begun in 1272—Its mechanical skill cold, but still Gothic of the grand style—Lovely XIV-century glass—Sack of Béziers, 1209—Perpignan Cathedral and Elne’s cloister (note)—Abbey church of Fontfroide allied with Poblet in Catalonia (note). Montpellier Cathedral, formerly an abbey church, built by Urban V, XIV century—Jaime el Conquistador, mighty builder of churches, born in Montpellier, 1208—Mende Cathedral and St. Victor’s abbatial at Marseilles built by Urban V (note)— Maguelonne, former cathedral of diocese, now the most aloof spot in Europe—Aigues-Mortes, begun by St. Louis, completed by his son—Fortress unspoiled by restorations—Both crusades of Louis IX sailed thence—St. Gilles’ abbey church, partly a ruin, interesting to archæologists; building from 1116—Noted portal of St. Gilles inspired Trinity Church, Boston—Loyalty of Provence to its Saintes-Maries traditions—Les Saintes-Maries church a pilgrim shrine (note)—St. Martha’s church at Tarascon (note). St. Trophime Cathedral at Arles—Portal influenced by Gallo-Roman sculpture—Its cloister the fairest Christian monument in the city—Ruins of Montmajour near Arles—Frédéric Mistral should be one’s companion in Provence—Expresses the regional soul—St. Maximin church the best Gothic monument in Provence—Begun by Charles II d’Anjou in 1295—Cathedral of St. Sauveur at Aix-en-Provence is composite—Its south aisle originally a separate Romanesque church, XII century—Good King René gave the triptych by a French primitif—Avignon’s great day was the XIV century under seven meridional popes, 1309 to 1377—Palace of the Popes built from 1335 to 1358—Grandest fortress-palace in the world. IX. THE GOTHIC ART OF BURGUNDY 410 Burgundy excelled in monastic architecture—The cradle of three great cloistral centers—Luxeuil, Cluny, Cîteaux—Luxeuil, founded by St. Columbanus (610), reorganized the VII century—Cluny, Christendom’s supremest monastic congregation, founded 910—St. Hugues of Cluny (1049 to 1109) trained the leaders who remade Europe’s civilization—Peter the Venerable, abbot from 1120 to 1156, continued building Cluny’s vast church—Abélard died in a Cluny house, 1142— Revolution destroyed the glorious abbatial church—Paray-le-Monial, the favorite priory of Abbot Odilo (d. 1049) of Cluny, initiator of the Truce of God—Its Romanesque church has fluted pilasters (XII century)—Autun Cathedral’s Romanesque portal the ancestor of the sculptured doors of Gothic cathedrals—Abbey church at Saulieu (note)—Beaune’s collegiate of Notre Dame has lovely tapestries—Hôtel Dieu at Beaune (1444 to 1457), founded by Nicolas Rolin, contains Roger van der Weyden’s best work—Hospital hall at Tonnerre (founded 1293) the prototype for Beaune’s hospice—Fontenay, the oldest Romanesque Cistercian church extant—Dedicated by Eugene III in 1147—Avallon’s church of St. Lazare blessed by Paschal II in 1107—Has a well-known Romanesque entranceway. Some Primary Gothic churches in Burgundy—Montréal’s collegiate can be visited from Avallon—Built by a returned crusader late in the XII century—Pontigny’s abbatial the oldest Gothic in Burgundy—Its nave (1160 to 1180), with bombé vaults, was begun as Romanesque—Its choir used structural features as decorations—Three archbishops of Canterbury, St. Thomas Becket, Stephen Langton, and St. Edmund Rich, found refuge at Pontigny—Vézelay’s abbatial of the Madeleine the stateliest church in Burgundy—Its Romanesque nave and Gothic choir belong both to the XII century—Its imaged portico (c. 1132) a supreme work of French sculpture—Second Crusade preached by St. Bernard at Vézelay, 1146—Philippe-Auguste and Richard Cœur-de-Lion rallied here for the Third Crusade, 1191. Burgundy’s best Gothic monuments—Collegiate of Notre Dame at Semur a gem of the Burgundian school, begun about 1225— Its sculpture exceptional—Auxerre Cathedral begun in 1215, the model of Gothic churches in the province—Auxerre’s sculpture and its opaline glass rank with the first—Bishop Jacques Amyot (d. 1593) restored the cathedral after the Calvinists sacked it—Cathedral of Nevers has an apse at both west and east ends (note)—Dijon, the capital of Burgundy, led in art, under its four great dukes, 1364 to 1477—Flemish-Burgundian school began modern imagery—Dijon’s cathedral of St. Bénigne, formerly an abbatial, is mediocre late-XIII century—Crypt of St. Bénigne begun 1001—Oldest monument of the Romanesque renaissance—William of Volpiano, abbot of St. Bénigne, initiated the revival of architecture after the year 1000 —Rebuilt Tournus abbey church (note)—Church of Notre Dame, Dijon, is a gem of Burgundian Gothic (1220-1240)—Its subtleties of construction have never been excelled. St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux (d. 1153), born near Dijon, the greatest son of Burgundy—His reform laid the spiritual foundations of Gothic cathedrals—His puritanic taste in architecture made Cistercian churches bare and simple—Cistercian Order, founded 1099, instrumental in spreading Gothic over Europe—St. Stephen Harding, its practical founder, welcomed St. Bernard at Citeaux in 1113—Five hundred Cistercian monasteries founded in Europe before the middle of XIII century— Spirit of St. Bernard, greatest of Cistercians, lives in the Imitation of Christ. X. GOTHIC ART IN NORMANDY 472 Monastic architecture best expression of Norman character—Normandy, like Burgundy, was a land of monasteries—Bernay’s abbey church an ancestress of Norman Romanesque (note)—Bec Abbey, the Cluny of Normandy—Lanfranc made the school of Bec world-noted—At Bec, St. Anselm began the philosophical movement of the Middle Ages—William of Volpiano pioneer in the rebirth of architecture in the duchy—Jumièges, the first Norman church of architectural pretension, begun 1040—Only vestiges remain of St. Wandrille abbey—Caen, the Mecca of Norman Romanesque and the queen city for towers—Three good towers at St. Pierre-sur-Dives—St. Georges de Boscherville the best type of Norman Romanesque— Fécamp’s Primary Gothic abbatial rose after the fire of 1169—Gothic abbatial at Eu built after the death of St. Laurence O’Toole, 1180—Mont-Saint-Michel the greatest of Norman abbeys—Its Merveille (Gothic halls), building from 1203 to 1228—Choir of Mont-Saint-Michel, the best work of Flamboyant Gothic, begun 1450. Rouen Cathedral, not local in character—Its tower of St. Romain begun in 1145—Its transept façades and Lady chapel XIV- century Rayonnant work—Abbatial of St. Ouen a gem of Rayonnant Gothic—No city richer than Rouen in Flamboyant Gothic monuments—Trial of Jeanne d’Arc at Rouen in 1431 and her Rehabilitation in 1456. Lisieux Cathedral the earliest Gothic cathedral in Normandy—Begun after 1160 as Ile-de-France Gothic—Its Lady chapel built by Bishop Pierre Cauchon, Jeanne d’Arc’s venal judge. Évreux Cathedral not homogeneous, but has much charm—Its choir (1298-1310) a gem of Rayonnant Gothic—XIV century’s best array of glass in its choir. Séez Cathedral modest in size—Norman in style—Its choir a forerunner of Rayonnant Gothic—Has XIV-century windows. Bayeux Cathedral the Gothic of the duchy at its best—Romanesque part of its nave remarkable—Bishop Odo, brother of the Conqueror, built the crypt, and of his time is the Bayeux Tapestry—Choir of Bayeux a masterpiece of Normandy’s elaborate Gothic. Coutances Cathedral loveliest in Normandy, begun after the fire of 1218—Its three towers notable—Aisles of choir are of different height. Gothic art of Brittany—Brittany more a land of shrines than cathedrals—Her religious soul best expressed by her Calvarys— XIII-century cathedral at Dol has fine eastern window—Cathedral at Nantes possesses the last great work of Gothic sculpture —Cathedral of Quimper very Breton in spirit—St. Pol-de-Léon Cathedral entirely complete—The Kreisker is Brittany’s grandest tower—St. Yves of Brittany helped build Tréguier Cathedral. Summing up—Gothic art gave way before the pagan Renaissance and the contempt for legends roused by the Reformation. In the World War France again displayed the spirit that had built cathedrals. Unquenchable idealism of the French race. INDEX: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z 583 BIBLIOGRAPHY: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W. 605 Illustrations [Click on the image to view an enlarged version. Images located within paragraphs have been moved slightly to ease reading. (note of etext transcriber.)] SOISSONS CATHEDRAL. THE TRANSEPT’S SOUTHERN ARM (C. 1180) Frontispiece POISSY. AN EARLY EXAMPLE OF GOTHIC VAULTING (C. 1135) Facing p. 54 ST. DENIS-EN-FRANCE AND ITS ROYAL MAUSOLEUMS ” 68 NOYON’S CHAPTER HOUSE (1240-1250) Page 83 SENLIS’ TOWER (C. 1230-1250) Facing p. 90 THE INTERIOR OF LAON CATHEDRAL (XII CENTURY). VIEW FROM THE TRIBUNE GALLERY ” 98 THE OXEN ON LAON’S TOWERS ” 106 NOTRE DAME OF PARIS. VIEW FROM THE SOUTH Page 127 NOTRE DAME OF MANTES (1160-1200). THE CONTEMPORARY OF PARIS CATHEDRAL Facing p. 162 THE CATHEDRAL OF MEAUX, VIEWED FROM THE NAVE’S AISLE ” 168 THE CATHEDRAL OF CHARTRES (1194-1240). THE SOUTHERN ASPECT Page 178 THE ANGEL APSE OF RHEIMS (C. 1220) ” 196 THE TRANSEPT OF AMIENS CATHEDRAL (1220-1280) Facing p. 204 THE APSE OF BOURGES (1200-1225) ” 214 ST. URBAIN AT TROYES (1264-1276) ” 236 LE MANS CHOIR (1217-1254). THE DOUBLE AISLES ” 270 ANGOULÊME CATHEDRAL. A XII-CENTURY CUPOLA CHURCH OF AQUITAINE WITH A TYPICAL FAÇADE OF POITOU’S ROMANESQUE SCHOOL ” 290 THE PLANTAGENET TOMBS AT FONTEVRAULT ” 298 THE PLANTAGENET GOTHIC CHOIR OF ST. SERGE AT ANGERS (1220-1225) ” 312 NOTRE DAME DU PORT AT CLERMONT-FERRAND. TYPICAL XII-CENTURY CHURCH OF AUVERGNE’S ROMANESQUE SCHOOL ” 338 LE PUY IN OLD AUVERGNE ” 344 THE JACOBINS’, OR DOMINICANS’, CHURCH AT TOULOUSE (XIII CENTURY) ” 358 ALBI CATHEDRAL (1282-1399). A MIDI FORTRESS CHURCH ” 370 THE MEDIÆVAL CLOISTER OF ARLES ” 398 W THE XI-CENTURY SANCTUARY OF CLUNY AS IT WAS UNTIL THE REVOLUTION Facing p. 414 VEZELAY’S XII-CENTURY ABBEY CHURCH OF THE MADELEINE ” 436 NOTRE DAME AT DIJON (1220-1245). BURGUNDIAN GOTHIC ” 452 THE CRYPT OF THE ABBAYE-AUX-DAMES AT CAEN (1059-1066) ” 484 BELFRY OF ST. PIERRE AT CAEN (1308-1317). PROTOTYPE FOR THE GOTHIC TOWERS OF NORMANDY AND BRITTANY ” 490 THE HALL OF THE KNIGHTS AT MONT-SAINT-MICHEL (1203-1228). SECOND STORY OF THE MERVEILLE ” 500 THE CHOIR OF BAYEAUX CATHEDRAL (1210-1260). TYPICAL OF NORMANDY’S ELABORATE GOTHIC ” 546 How France Built Her Cathedrals How France Built Her Cathedrals INTRODUCTION E may live without architecture, and worship without her, but we cannot remember without her. How cold is all history, how lifeless all imagery, compared to that which the living nation writes and the uncorrupted marble bears. There are but two strong conquerors of the forgetfulness of men, Poetry and Architecture, and the latter in some sort includes the former, and is mightier in its reality; it is well to have, not only what men have thought and felt, but what their hands have handled and their strength wrought and their eyes beheld, all the days of their life.”[1] So wrote John Ruskin in one of his flashes of genius, and never was word truer. Architecture is the living voice of the past. Architecture is history. By architecture the forefathers from whom we come relate to us their progress in knowledge, their prowess in handicrafts, their economic conditions, their sorrows, their rejoicings, their aspirations. They wrote it down, those men and women whose blood is our blood, on great stone pages of perennial beauty for us to read—if only we would. By architecture we are linked in a grand solidarity with all that has gone before, with the proud periods of history that thrill us as we read, and with the tragic outbreaks of the oppressed that sadden our spirit. Whenever men have set themselves to forget this solidarity, their first act has been to fling themselves in frenzy on cathedral and city hall. In 1914 they forgot it, and mighty Rheims fell. They forgot that Bamburg had learned its imagery from Rheims, that German Norbert, revered of St. Bernard, had helped France in the days when Gothic art was in formation, that he died bishop of Magdeburg, and Magdeburg is a Primary Gothic cathedral in the land which frankly called the new architecture opus francigenum. Would the civic halls of Noyon, Arras, St. Quentin, and Ypres lie in ruins if Frankfort and Lübeck had remembered? In 1793, man again thought to set up a barrier between himself and his past, and he shattered the art treasures of a thousand years and tore down the cathedrals of Cambrai, Arras, and Avranches; he tore down Cluny, the greatest Romanesque church in the world, Cluny the civilizer, that had removed from agriculture its stigma as serfs’ work. Man fancied that to shatter and demolish was to build. Again in 1562, a date most tragic in the annals of Gothic architecture, men tried again to rear a wall of hate between themselves and the generations gone before, and the cathedral of Orléans met the fate of Cluny and Cambrai, and from end to end of France images were decapitated, and ancestors’ tombs wrecked impiously—even the tombs of spiritual ancestors who with painful journeyings afoot had brought the gospel light. Whether you go to chapel or to temple to-day, to meetinghouse or to cathedral, whether you worship under the open sky, be you a reader of Marx or of Aquinas, you were robbed most piteously of your patrimony in 1562, in 1793, in 1914. How is it to be prevented again? By trying to make the monuments of the past loved, by relating the tale of their building, by telling the life story of the builders. If we know them we must surely revere them, and when we have learned to know and to love, we have learned to be liberal. Archæology is to teach us to remember. Those who have gone before have passed on to us cathedral and town hall; it is our obligation to transmit them intact to those who come after. They are not ours to destroy. Art is the high-water mark reached by civilization; art does not speak in English, or in German, or in the Latin tongue, but in a language understood of all peoples and all times. To destroy a great monument of the past is to betray civilization. It was proved in 1914 that erudition is not safeguard enough, nor is enthusiasm, sighs 1793, nor purpose to reform, admits 1562. We must comprehend intelligently our own personal solidarity with the past. We must never look at a noble building without proudly realizing that we had a hand in its making. Battles then can rage around cathedrals without danger of their destruction. As in golden amber, the past will preserve them, the past which is yours and mine and everyone’s heritage. It is a right instinct which makes a man treasure the home he has had transmitted to him through several generations. How much more— when loyalty is roused by an XVIII-century or a XVII-century habitation—should emotion be felt for what was reared from 1140 to 1270 by the very generations who began for us of to-day most of the big things we value: our universities, our literature, our political freedom, our prosperous trade. Now in the making of these infinitely precious things, France played the leading role. Put partisan feeling aside and acknowledge it honestly. “I believe,” said Ruskin, in a lecture at Edinburgh, in 1853, even before the new science of mediæval archæology was formulated, “that the French nation in the XII and XIII centuries was the greatest nation in the world, and that the French not only invented Gothic architecture, but carried it to its noblest developments.” French Gothic churches are a fountainhead, and should rank first. Because of them we have Westminster, Ely, and Lincoln, we had Tintern, Melrose, Mellifont, Holycross. They built the Burgos, Toledo, León, Seville, and Belem, which have given wings to the soul of the Peninsula. Because of the French cathedrals we have Cologne, Magdeburg, and Halberstadt, Vienna, Prague, Upsala, Siena, Florence, and Milan. By her lyrics, her epics, and her architecture, France was the inspiration of Europe in the XII and XIII centuries. With his sword, the crusader carried compass and rule. Those indefatigable wanderers, Cluny, Cîteaux, and the men of Prémontré and Chartreuse carried with them the chisel and the Book. Then as now the commercial traveler was a valiant propagandist; in 1181 a cloth merchant of Assisi, returned from trading in France, where he had seen the cathedral of Lyons rising, or perhaps that of Paris, or that of Poitiers, and he had passed under wonderful new-imaged portals in the Midi and in Burgundy; so, in memory of beautiful things, he chose to call the son born to him, Francis, and the boy grew up to love and to chant the lyrics of France and named himself “God’s little troubadour.” Backward and forward has moved the ebb and flow of races and their arts. When Celts from conquered Britain passed over to Armorica they carried with them the Arthurian cycle; Teutonic tribes, strong in bone and tissue, poured into Gaul a very avalanche; masterful Norsemen populated the seacoasts; and before the recording of time the Oriental and the Latin had made their home in the land between the northern seas and the big inland water of commerce. Does such history seem too remote to be of emotional value? Are personalities lacking? Not so in the missionary days of Columbanus and Benedict, first hewers of the cathedrals’ foundation blocks, for never came a great movement of building activity that did not tread in the steps of spiritual regeneration. Your forefathers and my forefathers came into France to help her, to bring her art and letters in her dark hour. They came to teach and they came to learn, to succor and to find refuge. They came in the persons of Celtic Columbanus, Brieuc, Malo, Fiacre, Malachy, and holy Laurence buried at Eu, as English Alcuin, Stephen Harding, John of Salisbury, and Saint Edmund Rich buried at Pontigny. They came as German Radegund and the saintly Bruno and Norbert, as Italian Benedict, Fortunatus, Hildebrand, William of Volpiano, Lanfranc, Anselm, Aquinas, and Bonaventure, as Spanish Dominic, and Portuguese Anthony. They came from Egypt with Maurice and his Thebans, from the Levant with Irenæus and Giles, from Hungary with Martin the soldier. And the story of each one of them is recorded in the churches that stand in France to-day. Without architecture we would have forgotten them. With the ebbing and flowing of the tide in the affairs of men, a day arrived when the big people and the little people of Normandy, Poitou, Anjou, and Flanders passed in large numbers into Great Britain and Ireland in the wake of the Conqueror and of Henry Plantagenet, so that the very names we bear are those of the cathedral builders. Who has not watched the widening ripples of water spread from a center? Even so is each one of us a center whence in ever-widening circles stretch out our progenitors, embracing more and more men, more and more women, rippling over the pitiful barricades of 1793, sweeping over the factions of 1562, till by the time the widening ripple has reached the age of St. Louis, the age of Suger, it is scientifically impossible that we, in our very own forefathers, were not building some of the eighty cathedrals and three hundred great minsters with which France was then clothing herself as with a white mantle of churches. We were chatelaine, and burgher’s wife, we were villein’s daughter and knight’s son, and side by side we harnessed ourselves to carts and dragged in the blocks for the tower at Chartres and the belfry at Rouen, and the canticles we sang during our voluntary servitude passed into the stones and are still chanting there—if only we would listen. No visionary notion this, but science and history. By architecture we remember. Of our kin was the bishop who sacrificed his revenue to rear God’s house. Of our kin were the architects, masters of the living stone, who with inspiration conceived their shrines of Notre Dame and were trained soundly enough in mason craft to achieve their dreams; of our kin were the artisans who put up the serene images at cathedral doors for the edification of the people, and chiseled with warm, loving touches the running bramble of the roadside. Even botany is to be learned in mediæval cathedrals. Not a leaf that grows in Champagne to-day but was carved on the walls of Rheims seven hundred years ago. Against the big capitals of Paris Cathedral they laid the broad plantain leaf of the marshy Oise, then, seeing around them that indigenous acanthus, the uncurling fern, they carved it, too, and as they grew adept with chisel they wrought ivy and vine leaf, parsley and holly, and in time, intoxicated with their skill, they undercut the rich foliage and serrated the lobes and curled the leaf edges, till summer ran riot in stone and the architectural line was well-nigh lost sight of in sheer joy of nature’s glad livery. The cathedrals of France are an enduring appeal to man’s high faculty of imagination. In them we go crusading again. We scale the walls of Constantinople with doughty Bishop Nivelon, builder of Soissons Cathedral, we are ransomed from Saracen captivity with Bishop Albéric, builder of Rheims. We repent of our black feudal deeds with Fulk Nerra, and when we have finished our footsore penances in Holy Land, we punish ourselves in our purses, raising costly abbeys in Anjou and Touraine. On our Eastern pilgrimage we have seen visions of Oriental color, and, remembering them, we lighten our sober churches of the north with translucent mosaic tapestries. We dot our Western land with circular Holy Sepulcher temples. It is said that Suger, builder of the first great Gothic church in the world, maker of jeweled windows over which science sighs in despair of emulation, used eagerly to inquire of travelers returned from the East had they seen aught, even in St. Sophia itself, to surpass his St. Denis’. We are rightly sure that our new art surpasses all others. We may borrow, but our borrowings are creations. By architecture in happy promiscuity we crowd to the international fairs of Champagne. We elbow and we jostle to see what our diligent brothers, the art-loving Flemish burghers, have brought for exchange, or what things beautiful the merchants from south of the Alps have to barter. To-day, at Troyes, we are astounded by the gathering of art treasures in that lesser-known city, and we wonder at the mighty rampart walls at Provins. Then we remember. It is architecture that will not let us forget what efficient traders we were in the XIII century. By architecture we are Benedictines at Cluny, white monks at Fontenay, of Prémontré at Braine. Again we pace in meditative cloisters, we tuck up our robes to delve in mother earth to make the desert bloom, we illumine parchment pages, we teach the plain-chant to children, we cast bells, each with its own entity, each a living voice for the people, named with its own name. By architecture we are one of the thousands athirst for knowledge, who gather at the feet of abstruse debaters in the schools of Bec, Auxerre, Rheims, Orléans, Laon, Chartres and Paris, king’s son seated on the rush-strewn pavements next to peasant’s son, both equally convinced that the most thrilling of all sciences are philosophy and theology. Books are scarce; as yet no printing press; we must wander far to gather crumbs of learning; our strong young brains are intact, prepared for service by long ages of active bone and muscle; with avidity we seize on problems so knotty that the learned ones of 1920 fear to touch them. “The time of big theories is the time of big results.” It is we, in the person of the Scholastics who built Paris Cathedral, and Laon, the intellectual,—churches disciplined, sober and strong. It is we the multitudinous scholars of the Middle Ages who built Chartres, the wise mystic, and opalescent Auxerre, and Châlons on the Marne of Victory. And lest the hungry generations tread us down, we inscribed our loved subtleties on their walls, and at their portals placed images of the Liberal Arts. By architecture we join one side or the other in the eternal struggle of Might and Right. Sometimes in atonement we spend the revenues secured by heedless Might on minster or cathedral. By pain and struggle we have won our city charter, and we are proud to record in God’s sight and man’s what thrifty burgesses we are, what trained journeymen. To work is to pray, say the cathedral windows set up by furriers, butchers, vintagers, and farm laborers. To work is as fine a thing as to fight at Roncevaux and Mansurah, as did our next-door donor neighbor here. The little people of the Lord are as grateful in his sight as the noble prud’hommes. Le bon Dieu likes to be shown how a tailor cuts his cloth and a baker bakes his bread just as well as to be entertained with pilgrimage adventures or the story of a canonized saint. Are we not saints in the making if only we can get the better of that prowling felon, the devil, whom we have set up over our church door with pitchfork and caldron as a warning to the unwary? “O men and women of to-day”—appeal the windows at Chartres and Bourges and Tours—“you whose blood is our blood, who without our struggle would have no ordered government, no self-ruling cities, no trade to bind land with land in the sanity of peace, no arts and crafts, why not learn to read our story? There are those unable to decipher a line of our illumined pages who will assure you that we were sunk in gross superstition, that our sole religion was the worship of bits of cloth and bone. Yes, even from the halls founded by good Robert de Sorbon (in order that youth with its lean purse might get a free education) the erudites marshal against us every human frailty of our hardy, enterprising times. And yet, in unparalleled marvels of stone and glass we have recorded the deepest sentiments of mankind. But having eyes, they see not. Come then, you, and interpret us. Come, and through us, remember.” Each great cathedral is pleading to us by the alluring half-smile of its angels, by the dignified images of reverent personages at its entrances, by each gargoyle, each faithful guardian that has craned his neck for ages to keep rain water from the precious walls. Cease to be so superior to the legends and dreams we set forth, they seem to be saying. We know just as well as you that the apostle St. Thomas did not have all the adventures raising fairy palaces in India which we put to his credit in our windows and tympanums, even though good Bishop James of Voragine, in his cycle of church feasts, our iconographic chart—Legenda Aurea—relates it. The holy Jerome, close to the desert and the origin of things, real and apocryphal, warned us not to be too credulous. But symbols and legends are the breath of art, as art alone realizes through expression, the supersensual visions of mankind. Are there not millions of good Christian folk in India to-day? Her first evangelist builded better than ever we can relate by our imagery. We are not at all dull, plead the waiting cathedrals. Encyclopædias they call us. Yes, we had our little weakness for symmetry, for the mystic beauty of numbers, for gathering into “Mirrors” all the knowledge of the world. But how admirable is our Mirror of Morals, with virtues and vices contrasted; how interesting our Mirrors of Nature and of History that tell the story from Genesis to Revelations, and that set the marvels of the skies and man’s dumb fellow creatures, the beasts, side by side on the walls of the house of worship, with David and Isaias, St. Peter and St. Paul, Charlemagne and Louis. And our Mirror of Knowledge—how profound it is: not as enemies but as allies would it show forth science and religion. We are no more dull than the Bible is dull, than the Divina Commedia is dull. We satisfy the subtlest intellects; alike the lettered and the unlettered enjoy us. Each French cathedral and each minster makes its own special plea. Lyons reminds us, in windows of apocalyptic radiance, that her first bishops came from John the Apostle, that Christian blood flowed in her forum as generously as in Rome’s Coliseum. Of the very stones of the Amphitheater, hallowed by her martyrs, is her cathedral built, and the architectural methods of the north and the south are welded here in the ancient central city of Gaul whence rayed out the linking highroads of Rome. At Tours, the charity of Martin to a beggar is recorded many a time, for it civilized middle Europe. Slow, steady, and deep were the accumulations of culture by the Loire of measured horizons and classic restraint. A tower named of Charlemagne recalls that Saxon Alcuin filled the schoolrooms of St. Martin’s Abbey. A chiseled tomb reminds us that here worked the last sculptor of the Middle Ages (loyal to its humble and profound Christian traditions), as well as the first artists of the imported pagan Renaissance. At Le Mans and Angers, at Fontevrault, with its tomb of Henry Plantagenet, who gave us our jury system, speak those fighting progressives, the Angevin rulers; and all their love of the arts and of adventure endures in the exotically beautiful development which we call Plantagenet Gothic. An unlettered king is an uncrowned ass, said a X-century count of Anjou. At Poitiers, city of St. Hilaire who fought the Arians, is the most glorious window in the world—Christ triumphant on the Cross, and again we walk in procession to the strain of Bishop Fortunatus’ hymn, and we read the Church Fathers in Greek and Hebrew in Queen Radegund’s cloister. Aquitaine’s line of troubadour dukes, passionate sinners, and prodigious repenters lives in every church in the old hill city, from the cathedral wherein Aliénor blended the indigenous art of her own Poitou with the Plantagenet suppleness of her Angevin husband, to the cupola- covered abbatial of St. Hilaire, where her son, Richard the Lion-hearted, was installed as duke. At Caen we live with the Conqueror and Matilda in their penitential abbey-churches, full of thought and purpose, the architecture of hieratic pre-eminence which Normandy passed on to England. At Coutances, the cathedral walls record the Tancreds, so the people say; close by was the eyrie of that eagle brood who set up kingdoms in Italy and the Orient. At Rouen we mutter with the crowd in the market place that a grievous shame it is to burn a saint as a witch, and in reaction, soon we are to rear monuments whose every line is jubilant freedom. At Rheims we are crowned kings in a cathedral so sumptuous that on coronation days it needed no tapestries to adorn its walls. At Clermont and at Vézelay we don the crusaders’ insignia with cries of enthusiasm. The lavish art of Bourges tells of Jacques Cœur’s largess, the princely merchant who financed the army that rid France of her invaders, just as clearly as the ducal tombs and imagery at Dijon relate the pageantry of the XV- century Burgundian life. The stones of Pontigny tell of Becket the martyr, whose cause impassioned all Christendom, as many a sculptured group and storied window in France relate, and of another great Englishman, Stephen Langton, who passed from this cloistral peace—dividing the Bible into chapters for us—to the Magna Charta struggle in England. By architecture we remember. Until we have seen Albi’s aggressive fortress-church what do we really know of the Albigensian heresy, of the disease un-European, antichristian, antisocial, that bred in the precocious civilization of Languedoc? What do we know of that terrible struggle called a crusade, when the greedy barons of the north descended on the Midi (ever brutal and refined), thinking to cure its soul by the sword and with the same blows to carve out for themselves rich principalities? Forever is the story told in the Jacobins’ church at Toulouse, in the red cathedral fortress above the Tarn. All the isolating pride of feudalism is resumed in the ramparts of Carcassonne and Aigues-Mortes, all the frustrated destiny of Narbonne in its vast fragment of a cathedral, all the unbroken links with the Latin are in the sculpture at Arles and St. Gilles, all the immemorial story of la grande bleu in Maguelonne’s solitary church. By architecture we remember. The Celtic remnant, that in the volcanic-torn uplands of middle France inflicted on Cæsar his sole defeat, lives always in the churches of Auvergne, so stubbornly indigenous, planted so sturdily, contriving decorative beauty from the regional varicolored lava stones. In the granite churches of Brittany endures all the aloof individuality, the sensitive independence, the tenacious traditionalism of the dwellers by the sea in the far-north outpost of France. We have our souls to keep, say the lowly Breton shrines, we have always been too busy doing that to find time to erect great churches. But once our neighbors, the Normans, taught us tower-building, our Celtic imagination leaped au delà by their spires, so we raised our royal Kreisker which far out to sea welcomes home our Breton sailors. Architecture is history. Architecture is what the old Greeks said of history, “p...

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