My intent in this work is not to promote any one particular view or to offer a specific solution to NT use of the OT. I do have my own thoughts on this topic and opinions on the various positions offered below, and perhaps my bias may show up at times. But this booklet is mostly informational. It is an introduction to the various views of NT use of the OT so that the reader can be aware of them as a tool for his or her own study of this issue. Offering a solution to the NT use of the OT issue is complex and would take serious treatment of many passages. Such an endeavor is far beyond the scope of this work, although some day I hope to address this more.
The Various Evangelical Approaches to NT Use of the OT
What follows below is a listing and explanation of the various Christian approaches to NT use of the OT. My emphasis is mostly on the views themselves and not on the main representatives of these positions, although I do mention key persons associated with each perspective. The positions presented below are brief summaries, and brief summaries run the risk of oversimplification. The various views also can have variations within them, and it is not my intent to discuss the various differences that exist within each camp. In summary these seven views are: