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How Do Temperature and Salinity Affect Relative Rates of Growth, Morphological Differentiation, and Time to Metamorphic Competence in Larvae of the Marine Gastropod Crepidula plana? PDF

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Reference: Biol. Hull 180: 372-386. (June. 1991) How Do Temperature and Salinity Affect Relative Rates of Growth, Morphological Differentiation, and Time to Metamorphic Competence in Larvae of the Marine Gastropod Crepidula planal KERRY M. ZIMMERMAN AND JAN A. PECHENIK1 Biology Department. Tufts University. Mcdford. Massachusetts 02155 Abstract. The influence ofenvironmental conditions on tence. The data suggest that growth rate, rate ofmorpho- rates oflarval growth has been documented many times logical differentiation, and time required for larvae ofC. forvariousmarine mollusks. Butthe factorsthat influence plana to become competent can be uncoupled markedly rates ofmorphological and physiological differentiation, by shifts in rearing conditions. particularly the rate at which larvae within a population becomecompetent to metamorphose, remain obscure. In Introduction fourexperiments, we reared larvae ofthe gastropod Cre- pidulap/ana at 29C. 25C, and 20C at 30 ppt salinity, Competence is a differentiated state in which larvae of and in two otherexperiments, in salinities between 4-30 benthic marine invertebrates first become capable ofme- ppt at 25 C. Rates of shell growth and morphological tamorphosing in response to environmental cues (Crisp, differentiation, and rates ofbecoming competent within 1974;Scheltema, 1974;Chia, 1978; Hadfield, 1978; Miller populationswere recorded. Larvae were considered tobe and Hadfield, 1986; Coon et al.. 1990; Fitt el al. 1990). competent to metamorphose ifthey could be stimulated Metamorphosisofgastropod larvae ismosteasilydefined to metamorphose by exposure to a high concentration of by the loss ofthe larval velum, an organ responsible for KG mM (20 above ambient). Larvae consistentlybecame larval feeding, swimming, and gas exchange. This trans- competent faster at higher temperatures, but in only one formation marks the transition from a swimming plank- offourexperiments did temperature also consistently in- tonic stage to a largely sedentary benthic stage. The time crease the rates ofgrowth and morphological differentia- required fora larvato become competent thusdetermines tion. Larvae took longer to become competent when the obligate planktonic dispersal period (Scheltema, 1978; reared at lower salinities, but the effects were poorly pre- Jackson and Strathmann, 1981). dicted by the influence ofsalinity on rates ofgrowth and Larvaeareoftendesignatedascompetent basedontheir morphological differentiation. Competent larvae could size, age, or the presence of particular morphological also not be recognized by shell length; many individuals characteristics (Bayne, 1964; Bayne, 1965; Bayne, 1971; were competent at shell lengths of 600-800 ^m, while Hickman and Gruffydd, 1971; Switzer-Dunlap and Had- many other individuals were still not competent at sizes field. 1977; Hadfield. 1978; Pechenik, 1984; Lima and exceeding 1000 urn. At 29C, many individuals became Pechenik, 1985; Butman el al.. 1988). In at least some competentatsmallersizesthanthoserearedat lowertem- molluscan species, however, such criteria may be poor peratures. Presence of gill filaments or shell brims also indicators of an individual's competence to metamor- did not correlate with individual metamorphic compe- phose. In the bivalves Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas. forexample, neithershell size, age, northe presence ofeye spots guarantee that larvae will metamorphose in Received 26 February 1990;accepted 9January 1991. response to apparently appropriate cues (Eyster and ' PleaseaddressreprintrequeststoJ. A. Pechenik. Pechenik, 1987; Coon et al.. 1990). Similarly, size is an 372 COMPETENCE TO METAMORPHOSE 373 inadequate indicatorofmetamorphiccompetence forthe metamorphosis can be delayed under laboratory condi- gastropod Crepidulafornicata; larvae from a single larval tions. culture became competent to metamorphose at shell lengths rangingbetween 700and 1000 ^m (Peehenik and Materials and Methods Heyman. 1987. in response to elevated KC1 concentra- Maintenance ofadults and larvae <>/Crepidula plana tions). Neitherdid behavioral changes successfully signal Adult Crepidulaplanawerecollected nearWoodsHole, the time at which larvae ofthe opisthobranch Phestilla Massachusetts. We maintained adults at room tempera- spiebroigmaeentbseocfaMmiellemretaanmdorHapdhfiicealldly(19c8o6m)p.eTtheenrteiisngtrhoewienxg- thuarnet,(2Ma1s-s2ac5hCu)seitnts1),/urcnhafinlgtiernegdtsheeawsaetaewrat(ecroldlaeicltye.dWaetNfae-d reason to doubt, then, that the time required for a larva adults the green unicellular alga Dunaliella tertiolecta tobecome metamorphically competent isdirectly coupled (cloneDUN)daily, until larval release. Aftertheirrelease, to the rate at which the larva grows or develops most thelarvaewere isolatedon a 150^msieveandtransferred other conspicuous traits. to 0.45 ^m filtered seawater (29-30 ppt salinity). In each To date, few workers have rigorously documented ofthe six experiments conducted, the larvae were all re- the rate at which larvae in a population become compe- leased on the same day, but not necessarily from one fe- tent to metamorphose, or have considered the influ- male. ence ofenvironmental factors on that rate. In addition, Larvae were fed the naked flagellate Isochrysis sp. the correspondence between the rates of larval growth (Tahitian strain,clone T-ISO)daily; seawaterwaschanged and of attaining metamorphic competence have been every other day. At the start ofan experiment (2-9 days poorlyexplored. Underwhatconditionsdo larvaebecome after hatching), known numbersoflarvaewere randomly competent more quickly, and to what extent can this ac- assigned to either a 20C, 25C, or 29C temperature celerated attainment of competence be predicted from incubator (Percival Manufacturing) stable to 0.1 C. Lar- the influence of those conditions on rates of growth or vae ofC. plana grow very slowly at temperatures below morphological differentiation? Because larval metamor- 20C, and 29C seems to be near the upper lethal tem- phosis can, for a number ofspecies, be triggered by ele- perature limit forthisspecies(Limaand Peehenik, 1985). vating KC1 ambient concentration (Yool el ul.. 1986; All larvae were cultured on a 1 1L:13D light cycle. Larval Peehenik and Heyman, 1987), the rate and sizes at concentrationsweremaintainedbelowonelarva ml ' in which larvae of those species become competent can all experiments (I-VI); the aim was to maximize growth be determined experimentally. The larvae of Crepidula ratesand minimizecompetition forfood. Larvaewerefed fornicata can be induced to metamorphose by elevated 1.8 X 105 cells- ml ' of T-ISO every other day in Exper- K.C1 concentrations at about the same age and size iments I and II, and daily in all subsequent experiments. that larvae become responsive to adult-conditioned sea- A hemacytometer was used to determine algal cell con- water and surfaces bearing microbial films (Peehenik, centrations. To monitor survival, we removed dead or 1980; Peehenik and Heyman, 1987). The latterprobably moribund larvae from the cultures at each waterchange. serve as metamorphic cues in the field (McGee and Glassware was cleaned with Bon Ami and rinsed with Target, 1989), but the active constituents have not been deionized water at each water change. isolated. In this paper, we report the effects oftemperature and Determining the influence oftemperature on rates of salinity on the rate oflarval growth, the rate ofmorpho- growth and morphological differentiation logical differentiation, and the time required forlarvae of In four experiments, we examined how temperature the prosobranch gastropod Crepidula plana to become affectstherelationshipbetweenratesoflarvalgrowth,rates metamorphically competent (as indicated by their re- ofmorphological differentiation, and rates ofbecoming sponsetoelevated potassiumconcentration). In Crepidula competent to metamorphose. In Experiments I and II, plana, virtually all larvae eventually metamorphose 1 100-1600 larvae were reared at each tested temperature "spontaneously" no cue is deliberately provided in (20C, 25C, and 29C) in batch culture. Thirty actively glassware that iscleaned and acid-rinsed daily (Lima and swimming larvae were collected daily (25C and 29C), Peehenik, 1985). Thus, the maximum dispersal potential or every other day (20C) from the batch cultures. Sea- fortheselarvaedependson howlong metamorphosiscan water volumes were adjusted after larval collection to bedelayedaftertheyfirstbecomecompetent. Wetherefore maintain larval densities. In Experiments III and IV, we also monitored the timing of "spontaneous" metamor- determinedthegrowth ratesoflarvaerearedin individual phosis in relationship to the onset ofmetamorphic com- glass bowls, at densities also below 1 larva-ml"'. petence. We have thus been able to directly determine Larval shell lengths were measured at SOX usingadis- the influence oftemperature on the length oftime that secting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer; 374 K. M. ZIMMERMAN AND J. A. PECHENIK. Table I Inlltieiuenltemperatureandsalinilvon rale\ otlarvalshelli>nmth. morphologicaldifferentiation andheeomingcompetent lorlarvaeo/Crepidula plana Experiment number COMPETENCE TO METAMORPHOSE 375 Table II Influence<>jsalinityon lan-alsun'ivalandruleolbecomingcompetent in Experiment I' 376 K. M. ZIMMERMAN AND J. A. PECHENIK. 10 12 14 IB 18 20 24 LARVAL AGE (DAYS FROMRELEASE) Figure2. Influenceofrearingtemperatureontherateatwhichlarvaebecamecompetenttometamorphose in Experiment I. Each point representsthe mean percentage metamorphosing in three bowls, with 34-40 larvaeperbowl. VerticalbarsrepresentoneSDaboutthemean. Differentlettersrepresentlarvalpopulations withdifferent mean growth rates(A < B). determinedforlarvaelongerthan 700^m;larvae lessthan ences in the mean shell lengths of competent and pre- 700 nm were pooled for weight determinations. competent larvae in each temperature treatment. The rate at which larvae in each population became competent Determining the effect oftemperature on the rate of was determined by linear regression analysis. Significant becomingcompetent to metamorphose regression coefficients(r)wereobtained inallexperiments. For regressions with correlation coefficients (r) greater Pechenik and Heyman (1987) found that elevatingthe than 0.80, the number ofdays for 50% ofthe larval pop- KC1 levels in natural seawater by 20 mA/ induced com- ulation to become competent was determined from the petent larvae of C. fornicata to metamorphose within 7 regression. For data with r2 values less than 0.80, the h. To determine whether the larvae of C. plana would number ofdays forthe populations to become 50% com- respond similarly, we exposed advanced larvae of this petent was estimated by eye. = species (22-day-old, 770 98 fim shell length, n 100) to a 20 mA/increase in KC1 concentration. We checked Determining the influence oftemperature on maximum hourly for larval metamorphosis for the first 8 h, then at length oflamil life 10 h and 24 h; newly metamorphosed larvae were re- moved at each observation. The experiment was con- Larvae ofC. plana eventually undergo "spontaneous" ductedat22C,with 5 replicates(21 larvae perreplicate). metamorphosis in the laboratory, even when maintained To determine the effect oftemperature on the rate at in frequently cleaned glassware (Lima and Pechenik, which larvae in a given population became competent to 1985). Three bowls (20-40 larvae per bowl, depending metamorphose, we monitored larvae from atemperature onexperiment)ateachtemperaturewerewashedandacid- treatment until some individuals reached shell lengths of rinsed daily, at each change ofalgal suspension. Larvae about 600 ^m. At 1-3 day intervals, we then transferred wereexamineddaily;wecounted, removed, and measured all larvae from three randomlychosen bowlsinto 3 bowls newly metamorphosed snails. These datawere compared ofseawater with elevated KC1 concentrations; 30 to 45 with observations on the mean age and size, at meta- glass bowls oflarvae (20-40 larvae per bowl, depending morphosis, ofindividuals cultured in bowlscleaned only on theexperiment) were used foreach temperature treat- every 48 h ("filmed bowls"). The aim was to determine ment duringthe course ofan experiment. Afterexposing whether biological films building upoverthe 48-h period larvae to the elevated KC1 for 6 h, we determined the would induce a greater number of larvae to metamor- number ofindividuals that had metamorphosed in each phose. Such biological surface filmshavebeen implicated bowl, and measured the shell lengths ofthose that had as metamorphic inducers in many marine invertebrates metamorphosed and ofthose that had not. We also de- (Meadowsand Campbell, 1972; Scheltema, 1974; Kirch- terminedwhether individuals hadgillsorshell brims. We man et al.. 1982; Lima, 1983; Coon el a/.. 1985; Weiner conducted Mests to determine whether there were differ- etai, 1989). COMPETENCE TO METAMORPHOSE 377 20C Figure3. Influenceofrearingtemperatureonthenumberofdaysfor50%ofthelarvaeineachtreatment population tobecomecompetent to metamorphose in Experiments I-IV. The time required for 50% of the population to me- growth rate determinations. All larvae were exposed to tamorphose in the bowls cleaned daily, minus the time an increase of 20 mAl KC1 on the seventh day of the required for 50% ofthe larvae to become competent in experiment (the 16th day oflarval life) to determine the parallel experiments, wasused asan index ofcapacity for percentage oflarvaecompetent to metamorphose in each delaying metamorphosis. This cannot be used to predict salinity. dispersal potential in the field, but should enable us to Based on the results ofthe first experiment, a second assess the influence of temperature and salinity on the experiment (Experiment VI) was conducted at 30, 25, 20 physiological capacity for prolonging larval life, and will ppt (again at 25C) to examine more fully the effect of permit future interspecific comparisons ofthe physiolog- salinity on rates ofgrowth and differentiation. We reared ical capacity for delaying metamorphosis. 25 larvae per bowl with 31 bowls pertreatment. To min- imizetheeffectsoffoodsupply on salinity algaearecul- Dmeortpehromliongiincgalthdeifeffefreectnstioatfisoanl,inaintydornatreasteosfboefcgroomwitnhg, cteunrterdifautgaatbioounta3t03p0p0t0 Xthge faolrga1e2wmeriencaonndcetnhternatreedsubsy- competent pended in seawater ofthe appropriate test salinity (Pech- enik and Fisher, 1979). Algal cells remained alive and In twoexperiments, weexamined howsalinity affected motile inall salinities. Everyday, larval shell lengthswere the relationship between rates ofgrowth, morphological measured non-destructively from randomlyselectedbowls differentiation, and becoming competent. In the first ex- at each salinity, presence orabsence ofgill filaments and periment, six salinities [29, 25, 19, 14.5. 8, and 4 parts shell brims were simultaneously noted. per thousand (ppt)] were used to determine the salinity Periodically, three bowls of larvae from each salinity tolerance oflarval C.plana;these salinitiesareequivalent treatmentwere randomly selected and all individuals(20- toosmoticconcentrationsof821, 708, 557,403, 223,and 30 larvae per bowl) were exposed to elevated KC1 con- 1 16 mOsm, respectively. The five lowest salinities were centrations in seawater to assess metamorphic compe- made by mixing0.45 jum filtered seawaterwith deionized tence. Larvae reared at 30 or 25 ppt were exposed to an water; the 29 ppt seawater was composed solely of un- increase of20 mAf K.C1 while those reared in 20 ppt sea- mM diluted0.45 urn filtered seawater. Osmotic concentrations water were exposed to either a 20 or a 23 KC1 in- were measured with a freezing point depression osmom- crease, tocompensate forthe lowerbaseline KC1 concen- eter (Advanced Instruments, Inc.). This experiment was tration at the reduced salinity. All individuals exposed to conductedat25C,withthreereplicatebowlsof20larvae KC1were measured, whetherornotthey metamorphosed, perbowl in each salinity treatment. Waterand food were and were examined forthe presence ofgill filaments and replaced daily. All larvae were reared in full-strength sea- shell brims. water for 9 days, and then acclimated to lower salinities in stages during 1 h. Shell-less, moribund, ordead larvae Statisticalanalyses werecounted and removeddaily. Shell lengthswere mea- Analyses ofcovariance (ANACOVA) were conducted sured non-destructively (Pechenik, 1984) each day for for each experiment. Either temperature or salinity were 378 K. M. ZIMMERMAN AND J. A. PECHENIK 20C PRE - COMPETENT am n n n a a COMPETENT nco(zinii 25C COMPEPTREENT- 4 A ***** AA COMPETENT ana nan nnrjonca 13 1)3 29UC PRE - COMPETENT D p on a cnihn an a n rzn 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 SHELL LENGTH ( UM ) Figure4. Acomparisonoftheshelllengthsofcompetent(D)andpre-competent(A)larvaeofCrcpidula plana from Experiment IV. The points within each treatment represent the response oflarvae from three bowls (~60 larvae per bowl). Data were taken when larvae at 29C were 11 days old (x = 50.0% larvae competent; SD = 4.3); larvae at 25C were 13 daysold(x = 54.6% competent; SD = 6.4); larvaeat 20C were 19daysold(x = 51.3% competent; SD = 14.1). used as independent variables; age (days from hatch) was bottoms ofthe rearing bowls, with their velar lobes ex- the covariate; and one ofthe following was taken as the tended and velar cilia moving; all treatment bowls at dependent variable: percentofthelarvalpopulation com- highersalinities(14.5, 19, 25, 29 ppt)contained swimming petent to metamorphose, percentofthe larval population larvae. On the second day, at 4 and 8 ppt, velar lobes gilled, percent ofthe larval population with a complete appeared smaller and velar cilia were less visible. By the shell brim, or shell length (Table I) (Kleinbaum et a/., third day, all larvae in the 4 ppt seawater had died and 1988; SPSS, Inc. 1988). In Experiments I and II, the gill, only two larvae out ofthe initial 65 survived at 8 ppt. shell brim, andshell lengthdatawereobtained from larvae Larval survivorship was good at salinities of 19 ppt and in batch culture, whereasthe rateat which larvae became above, particularly in thesecond salinity experiment (Ta- competent to metamorphose wasdetermined with larvae ble I, Experiment VI). rearedinglassbowls. In ExperimentsIII-VI, alldatawere obtained fromthelarvaerearedinglassbowls. Percentage Effects oftemperature on rates ofgrowth ana" data were arcsine transformed prior to subsequent anal- morphological differentiation pyslies,siuzseisng(DtrhaepfeorramnuldaSfmoirtphr,op1o9r8t1i)o.nswith unequal sam- orgTaenmipcewreaitguhrteahta2d0naondsig2ni5fiCcanatndeffaetct20onansidze2-s9peCcif(i/c- tests between slopes. P > 0.10, t = 0.69, d.f. = 30 and / Results = = 0.26, d.f. 42, respectively). Thus, a given change in Effects ojtemperature andsalinity on survival wsheeilglhtl)enfgotrhlarrevfaleecatted20caonmdpa2ra5bCl,eagnrdowatth20(ianndor2g9anCi.c Larval survivorship was high at all temperatures in However, a given change in shell length reflected greater 25C Experiments I-IV, with the best survival, greater than growth (in organic weight) forlarvae at ascompared 96%, occurring at the highest temperature tested (29C) to larvae reared at 29C (/-tests, P < 0.05, t = 2.05, = (Table I). d.f. 50). However, larvae were intolerant ofvery low salinities The effect oftemperature on larval growth rate varied (TableII). Within thefirsttwohoursat4and 8 ppt, larvae markedly amongexperiments (Experiments I-IV, Tables were found clumped togetherwith mucus, mainly on the I and III). There were differences both in the average COMPETENCE TO METAMORPHOSE 379 Table IV Influenceoftemperatureonageandsizeatspontaneous metamorphosis inglasswarecleaneddaily(clean bowls) andthedelay periodliuinilvro!daysbetween when >0c"f ofthepopulation was competent andthemeanageat metamorphosis in clean howls) Mean age(days) at spontaneous Delay X SD Experiment Temperature metamorphosis(clean) period number (C) (n) (days) 29 I 380 R. M. ZIMMERMAN AND J. A. PECHENIR 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 LARVAL AGE (DAYS FROM RELEASE) Figure 5. Maximum length oflarval life for Crepidula plana maintained in glass bowls, acid-washed daily(Experiment I). Eachpointrepresentsthemeanofthreereplicates(110larvaepertreatment). Different letterssignify larval populationsdifferingsignificantly in mean growth rates(A < B < C). so, individuals exhibiting faster growth within a temper- (85-100% at 4 and 8 ppt) and exhibited no detectable ature treatment tended to metamorphose sooner than growth. In Experiment VI, salinity significantly affected slower growing larvae reared at the same temperature, mean growth rates, but not as dramatically as in Exper- confirming previous results (Lima and Pechenik, 1985) iment V, and not in direct proportion to salinity. Larvae (Fig. 6; regression analysis of log growth rate). Within reared at 20 ppt grewsignificantly fasterthan larvaeat 25 each temperature, faster growing individuals also tended ppt in Experiment VI (Tables I. III). In both salinity ex- to metamorphose at larger shell lengths, although thedata periments, larvae reared in full strength seawater (either do show considerable scatter (Fig. 7; P < 0.05 at each 29 or 30 ppt) grew at rates comparable to those oflarvae temperature). Individual growth rates were estimated us- reared under comparable conditions (25C, full strength ing age and size at metamorphosis (Lima and Pechenik, seawater) in Experiments I-IV (Table I). 1985). Salinity over the range of20-30 ppt had negligible ef- Generally, larvae maintained in bowlscleaned onlyev- fects on rates ofgill formation (Tables I, V) and on the ery 48 h metamorphosed significantly sooner (P < 0.05; shell sizes at which larvae became either gilled or /-test), by about 5-10 days, than larvae maintained in brimmed. Larvaebecamegilledand brimmed atshellsizes bowls cleaned every 24 h, and at smaller shell lengths between 628-728 /urn and 699-790 ^m, respectively, re- [smallerbyabout 100-300^m (Zimmerman, 1989)].This gardless of rearing salinity. However, every increase in indicatesthat microbial filmsformedover48 hcouldtrig- rearing salinity increased rates of shell brim formation ger larvae ofC. plana to metamorphose, supporting pre- (Table III). The pattern of significant salinity effects on vious reports (Lima, 1983). rates ofgrowth and on rates ofgill and brim formation Theaveragedelay period, defined here bythedifference (Table III) indicates that rates ofgrowth and morpholog- (in days) between (a) mean age at "spontaneous" meta- ical differentiation were not affected similarly by changes morphosis in bowls cleaned daily and (b) when 50% ofa in salinity. larval populationwascompetenttometamorphose, varied between experiments, and was markedly altered by tem- The relative effect ofsalinity on rates ofbecoming perature only in Experiment II (Table IV). competent to metamorphose andrates ofgrowth Effect ofsalinity on rates ofgrowth and morphological Despite the erratic influence of salinity on rates of differentiation growth, gill, and shell brim formation, larvae reared at higher salinities typically became competent to meta- The effects of salinity on growth rate differed in the morphose sooner than those reared at lower salinities in two experiments. In Experiment V (Table I), larvae grew both Experiments V and VI (Tables I-III). These results more quickly at higher salinities (by about 12 ^m day"1 suggest that changes in salinity may uncouple rates of foreach salinityincreaseabove 19 ppt). Inthethree lowest growth, rates ofmorphological differentiation, and rates salinities(4, 8,and 14.5 ppt),larvaesufferedhigh mortality ofbecomingcompetent to metamorphose. In Experiment COMPETENCE TO METAMORPHOSE 381 41.1 29C * '- 25C O 20C ~ 25 20 15 : 40 60 70 80 90 i INDIVIDUAL GROWTH RATE CJJM-DAY ) Figure6. Maximum length oflarval lifeasa function ofestimated individual growth rate(^rn-day ') in ExperimentIV(r = 0.74, y = -16.4(ln x) + 88.7). Individualgrowth rateswereestimated fromthesize andage atwhich each individual underwent spontaneous metamorphosis inglassbowls that werecleaned daily. Larvaewereculturedat three temperatures, asindicated(n = 64, 62. and 63 larvaepertreatmentat 29C, 25Cand20C, respectively). VI, forexample, larvae grew more rapidly at 20 ppt than Discussion at 25 ppt, but took longer to become competent at the lower salinity (Table III and Fig. 8). Experiment VI was The primary goal of these experiments was to deter- terminated before all larvae were allowed to metamor- mine, for Crepidulaplanu. whether changes in tempera- phose, so calculation ofage and size at metamorphosis ture and salinity alter rates ofgrowth, morphological dif- was not possible. ferentiation, and the onset of competence equally. We There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the must first consider the effects oftemperature and salinity percentageoflarvaeinducedto metamorphosewhen KC1 on each of these three components ofdevelopment in- concentrations were elevated by 20 versus 23 mAl at 20 dividually. ppt. Thus, the dilution offull strength seawater to make Larvae grew significantly faster at progressively higher 20 ppt and 25 ppt seawaterdid not significantly affect the temperatures (Table I) in only one experiment (Experi- ability ofKC1 to induce larval metamorphosis. ment III). Lima and Pechenik (1985) also found an in- 1600 29"C * 1500 25C O 1400 o * 20AC 1300 1200 i 1100 1000 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 INDIVIDUAL GROWTH RATE (UMDAY ) Figure7. Sizeatmetamorphosisasafunctionofindividual larvalgrowth rate(^m-day ')(Experiment IV). Fastergrowinglarvaetendedtospontaneously metamorphoseat largershell sizes(P<0.05: r= 0.549 at 29C, n = 64; r = 0.512 at 25C. n = 62; r = 0.511 at 20C n = 63; combined r = 0.249, n = 189). Growthrateswereestimated from sizeandageatspontaneousmetamorphosis. Larvaewererearedatthree temperatures, asindicated.

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