HOW COULD THE PROTON TRANSVERSITY BE MEASURED A.V. Efremov∗) Joint Institutefor Nuclear Research, Dubna,141980 Russia Received XXX The perspectives of two new nonstandard methods of transversal quark polarization 0 0 measurement are considered: thejet handednessand theso-called ”Collins effect” dueto 0 spin dependentT-odd fragmentation function responsible for theleft-right asymmetry in 2 fragmentingoftransversallypolarizedquarks.Recentexperimentalindicationsinfavorof these effects are observed: n 1.ThecorrelationoftheT-oddone-particlefragmentationfunctionsfoundbyDELPHI a J inZ →2-jetdecay.Integratedoverthefraction oflongitudinalandtransversalmomenta, this correlation is of 1.6% order, which means order of 13% for theanalyzing power. 0 2 2.A rather large (≈10%) handedness transversal to the production plane observed in thediffractiveproduction of (π−π+π−) triples from nucleibythe40GeV/c π−–beam. It 1 shows a clear dynamicorigin and resembles the single spin asymmetry behavior. v All this makes us hope to use these effects in polarized DIS experiments for transver- 4 sity measurement. The first estimation of transversity was done by using the azimuthal 1 asymmetry in semi-inclusive DISrecently measured byHERMES and SMC. 2 1 0 1 Introduction 0 0 My talk concerns recent progressin the possibility of transversequark polariza- / h tion measurement.This is interesting inmany aspects,andone of the mostimpor- p tant of them is quarks transversity distribution in proton h1(x) measurement. Let - p me recall that there are three most important (twist-2) parton distribution func- e tions (PDF) in a nucleon: a non-polarizeddistribution function f1(x), longitudinal h spin distribution g1(x) and transversal spin distribution h1(x). The first two have : v been more or less successfully measured experimentally in classical deep inelastic i scattering (DIS) experiments, but the measurement of the last one is especially X difficult since it belongs to the class of the so-called helicity odd structure func- r a tions and can not be seen there. To do this, one needs to know the transversal polarization of a quark scattered from a transversally polarized target. There are severalways to do this: 1. To measure the polarization of a self-analyzing hadron into which the quark fragmentizesinasemi-inclusive DIS,e.g.Λ-hyperon[1].The drawbackofthis method, however,is a rather low rate of quark fragmentationinto Λ-particle ( 2%) and especially that it is mostly sensitive to s-quark polarization. ≈ 2. Tomeasureaspin-dependentT-oddpartonfragmentationfunction(PFF)[2, 3, 4] responsible for the left-right asymmetry in fragmentation of a transver- sally polarized quark with respect to quark momentum–spin plane. (The so- called ”Collins asymmetry” [5].) ∗)E-mail:[email protected] CzechoslovakJournal ofPhysics,Vol.50(2000), No.0 A 1 A.V.Efremov 3. Tomeasurethetransversalhandednessinmultiparticlepartonfragmentation [6], i.e. the correlation of quark spin 4-vector s and particle momenta k , µ ν ǫµνσρsµk1νk2σkρ (k =k1+k2+k3+ ). ··· The last two methods are comparatively new, and only the last years some experimental indications the the T-odd PFF and the transversal handedness have appeared[7,8,9].LastPRAHA-SPINConference I have presenteddetails of these experiments[10].NowIshortlyrepeattheresultofT-oddPFFmeasurements(Sect. 2) and concentrates on its application for estimation of the proton transversity distribution (Sect. 3), using the recently measured azimuthal asymmetry in semi- inclusive DIS. Sect. 4 is reserved for conclusions. 2 T-odd quark fragmentation function The transfer of nucleon polarization to quarks is investigated in deep-inelastic polarized lepton – polarized nucleon scattering experiments [11]. The correspond- ing nucleon spin structure functions for the longitudinal spin distribution g1 and transversal spin distribution h1 for a proton are well known. The inverse process, the spin transfer from partons to a final hadron, is also of fundamental interest. Analogies of f1, g1 and h1 are functions D1, G1 and H1, which describe the frag- mentation of a non-polarized quark into a non-polarized hadron and a longitudi- nallyortransverselypolarizedquarkintoalongitudinallyortransverselypolarized hadron, respectively 1). ThesefragmentationfunctionsareintegratedoverthetransversemomentumkT of a quark with respect to a hadron. With kT taken into account, new possibili- ties arise. Using the Lorentz- and P-invariance one can write, in the leading twist approximation, 8 independent spin structures [2, 3]. Most spectacularly it is seen in the helicity basis where one canbuild 8 twist-2 combinations,linear in spin ma- trices of the quark and hadron σ, S with momenta k, P. Especially interesting is a new T-odd and helicity even structure that describes a left–right asymmetry in the fragmentation of a transversely polarized quark: H1⊥σ(P kT)/P kT , where the coefficient H⊥ is a function of the longitudinal momentu×m fractiohn zi, quark 1 transversalmomentum k2 and k is an average transverse momentum. T h Ti In the case of fragmentation to a non-polarized or a zero spin hadron, not only D1 but also the H1⊥ term will survive. Together with its analogies in distribution ⊥ functions f1 and h1, this opens a unique chance of doing spin physics with non- polarized or zero spin hadrons! In particular, since the H⊥ term is helicity-odd, it 1 makespossibleto measurethe protontransversitydistributionh1 in semi-inclusive DIS from a transversely polarizedtarget by measuring the left-right asymmetry of forward produced pions (see [4, 12] and references therein). Theproblemisthat,first,thisfunctioniscompletelyunknownboththeoretically and experimentally and should be measured independently. Second, the function H⊥ is the so-called T-odd fragmentation function: under the naive time reversal 1 P, kT, S and σ change sign, which demands a purely imaginary (or zero) H1⊥ 1)Weusethenotation ofthework[2,3,4]. 2 A Czech.J.Phys.50(2000) Howcouldtheprotontransversitybemeasured in the contradiction with hermiticity. This, however, does not mean the break of T-invariance but rather the presence of an interference term of different channels in forming the final state with different phase shifts, like in the case of single spin asymmetryphenomena[13].Asimplemodelforthisfunctioncouldbefoundin[5]. It was also conjectured [14] that the final state phase shift can be averagedto zero for a single hadron fragmentation upon summing over unobserved states X. Thus, the situation here is far from being clear. Meanwhile, the data collected by DELPHI (and other LEP experiments) give a unique possibility to measure the function H⊥. The point is that despite the fact 1 thatthetransversepolarizationofaquark(anantiquark)inZ0 decayisverysmall ( ( ∐/ Z)),thereisanontrivialcorrelationbetweentransversepolarizationsofa qOuamrk anMd an antiquark in the Standard Model: Cqq¯ =(v2 a2)/(v2+a2), which TT q − q q q reaches rather high values at Z0 peak: Cu,c 0.74and Cd,s,b 0.35.With the TT ≈− TT ≈− production cross section ratio σ /σ = 0.78 this gives the value C 0.5 for u d TT h i≈ − the average over flavors. The spin correlation results in a peculiar azimuthal angle dependence of pro- duced hadrons (the so-called”one-particleCollins asymmetry”),if the T-odd frag- mentationfunctionH⊥ doesexist[5,15].Thefirstprobeofitwasdonethreeyears 1 ago [16] by using a limited DELPHI statistics with the result H1⊥/D1 0.3, as h i ≤ averagedover quark flavors. AsimplermethodhasbeenproposedrecentlybyanAmsterdamgroup[3].They predict a specific azimuthal asymmetry of a hadron in a jet around the axis in direction of the second hadron in the opposite jet 2): dcosdθσ2dφ1 ∝(1+cos2θ2)·1+ π6 "HD1q1q⊥#2CTqq¯T1+sinc2osθ22θ2 cos(2φ1) (1) where θ2 is the polar angle of the electron and the second hadron momenta P2, and φ1 is the azimuthal angle counted off the (P2, e−)-plane. This looks simpler since there is no need to determine the qq¯direction. This analysis [7] covered the DELPHI data collected from 1991 through 1995. Only the leading particles in each jet of two-jet events was selected both positive andnegative.Thecorrectedforacceptancehistogramsinφ1 foreachbinofθ2 were fitted by the expression 3) P0(1+P2cos2φ1+P3cosφ1). The θ2-dependence of P2 in the whole interval of θ2 was fitted according to Expr. (1) with the result sin2θ2 P2(θ2)=−(15.8±3.4)1+cos2θ2ppm The corresponding analyzing power, summed over z and averaged over quark flavors with C 0.5 (assuming H⊥ = H⊥,q/H is flavor-independent) h TTi ≈ − 1 H 1 2) WeassumethefactorizedGaussianformofkT depPendenceforH1q⊥ andD1q integratedover |kT|. 3) Thetermwithcosφ1 isduetothetwist-3contributionofusualone-particlefragmentation, proportionaltothekT/E. Czech.J.Phys.50(2000) A 3 A.V.Efremov according to Exp. (1) is H⊥ h 1 i =12.9 1.4% . (2) (cid:12)hD1i(cid:12) ± The systematic errors, howev(cid:12)er, are(cid:12)by all means larger than the statistical ones (cid:12) (cid:12) and need further investigation(cid:12). (cid:12) 3 Proton transversity estimation Recently azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive hadron production on longi- tudinally (HERMES[17])andtransversally(SMC [18])polarizedtargetswhere re- portedwhichtogetherwithDELPHIresult(2)allowstoanestimationfortransver- sity distribution. The T-odd azimuthal asymmetry in semi inclusive DIS ep e′π+X which → HERMEStry to measureconsistoftwo sortsofterms (see [4] Eq.(115)):a twist-2 asymmetry sin2φ and a twist-3 asymmetry sinφ . The angle φ here is the az- h h h imuthal angle around z-axis in the direction of virtual γ momentum in the parton Breit frame counted from the electron scattering plane. The first asymmetry is proportional to the k -dependent transversal quark spin distribution in a longi- T tudinally polarized proton, h⊥ , while the second contains two parts: one term is 1L ⊥ againproportionalto h ; and the second, to the twist-3 distribution function h . 1L L The experimentally observed φ dependence in HERMES data shows no notice- able trace of sin2φ term. Thus, as a crude approximationone can assume a small- ness of h⊥1L ≫hL. For the same reasonhL =h1 (see [4]Eq.(C15,C19)).This open a possibility to measure the proton transversity using the longitudinally polarized target. The asymmetry measured by HERMES dφsinφ(dσ+/dφ) dφsinφ(dσ−/dφ) A = , (3) OL P+ dφ(dσ+/dφ) − P− dφ(dσ−/dφ) R H R H ± where P is the nucleon lRongitudinal polarizatioRn ( sign means different spin H ± directions) averagedover transversalmomenta (assuming a Gaussiandistribution) should reads as ([4] Eq. (115)) A = 2(2−y)√1−y(MQ) ae2ax2ha1(x)H1⊥a/π+(z)/z 1 (4) OL (1−y+y2/2)Pae2axf1a(x)D1a/π+(z) · 1+hp2Ti/hkT2i where hp2Ti and hkT2i are meanPsquare of a transversal mompenta of quark in the distribution and fragmentation functions. Averaging separatelynumerator and denominator over Q2, y and z,and taking intoaccountonlytheu-quarkdistributionintheproton(fu(x) u(x))whichgives 1 adominantcontributionfortheπ+ productionandassuming p≡2 = k2 ,onecan h Ti h Ti obtain for asymmetry (3) 2.1 hu(x) H⊥u/π+(z) A (x)= 1 h 1 i x (5) OL hzi√2 ·(cid:20) u(x) (cid:21)·" hD1u/π+(z)i #· 4 A Czech.J.Phys.50(2000) Howcouldtheprotontransversitybemeasured Experimentally [17], A (x) for π+ up to x=0.3 looks like a linear function OL A (x)=(0.23 0.06)x (6) OL ± With z =0.41 and DELPHI result (2) this gives an estimation for the ratio h i hu(x) 1 =const=0.49 0.18 (7) u(x) ± Assumingthevalidityof(7)forvalencepartsinthewholeintervalofxonecould obtain an estimation for the u-quark contribution to the proton tensor charge gu dx hu(x) hu¯(x) =0.96 0.36 (8) T ≡ 1 − 1 ± Z (cid:16) (cid:17) that is close to the result of the chiral quark-soliton model [19] gu 1.12 and to the limit followed from the density matrix positivity constraint atTQ≈2 = 2.5GeV2 [20] gu 1.09 . T ≤ Concerning the asymmetry observedby SMC [18] on transverselypolarizedtar- get one can state that it agrees with the result of HERMES. Really, SMC has observed the azimuthal asymmetry dσ(φ ) const (1 + c ∝ · asinφ ), where φ = φ +φ π (φ is the azimuthal angle of the polarization c c h S S − vector) is the so-called Collins angle. The raw asymmetry a = P f D A , T NN N whereP , f,andD =2(1 y)/ 1+(1 y)2 arethetargetpol·ariz·ationv·alue, T NN − − the dilution factor and the spin transfer coefficient. (cid:2) (cid:3) ThephysicalasymmetryA averagedovertransversemomenta(assumingagain N a Gaussian form) is given by the expression (see [4] Eq. (116)) e2xha(x)H⊥a/π+(z)/z 1 A = a a 1 1 (9) N e2xfa(x)Da/π+(z) · 1+ p2 / k2 P a a 1 1 h Ti h Ti Integration over x anPd z, and using again thepapproximation of the u-quark dominance and p2 = k2 gives from the experimental value A = 0.11 0.06, h Ti h Ti N ± z =0.45 and DELPHI result (2) h i xhu(x) h 1 i =0.54 0.35 (10) xu(x) ± h i what in agreement with the HERMES ratio (7). 4 Conclusions In conclusion, I would like to stress that there are several ways allowing one to measure the transverse quark polarizationamong which the use of the T-odd PFF looks like the most perspective for future experiments in measuring of transver- sity, like COMPASS at CERN. I present the first experimental estimation for the Czech.J.Phys.50(2000) A 5 A.V.Efremov absolute value of analyzing power of the method. Of course, a more accurate mea- surementsofitisnecessary.However,evennowitallowsthefirstcrudeestimationof the protontransversityfromobservedazimuthalasymmetryinsemi-inclusive DIS. The most interesting discovery here is a good agreement of transversities obtained fromtransversallyandlongitudinallypolarizedtargetsduetosmallcontributionof h⊥ (x). This allows measuring the transversityin the same experiments as for ∆g. 1L IwouldliketothankK.Goeke,M.PolyakovandtheInstituteforTheoreticalPhysicsIIofRuhr UniversityBochum,wherepartofthisworkwasdone, fordiscussionsandwarmhospitality. References [1] J.E.Augusten and F.M.Renard: Nucl. Phys. B162 341 (1980) [2] D.Boer and P.J.Mulders: Phys.Rev. D57(1998) 5780. [3] D.Boer, R.Jakob and P.J.Mulders: Phys.Lett. B424 (1998) 143. [4] P.J.Mulders and R.Tangerman: Nucl. Phys. B461 (1995) 234; D.Boer and R.Tanger- man: Phys. Lett. B381 (1996) 305. [5] J.Collins:Nucl.Phys.B396(1993)161;X.ArtruandJ.C.Collins:Z.Phys.C69(1996) 277. [6] A.Efremov, L.Mankiewicz and N.T¨ornqvist: Phys.Lett. B284 (1992) 394. [7] A.V.Efremov,O.G.SmirnovaandL.G.Tkatchev:inProc. ofQCD98conf.Montpellier, 1998; Nucl. Phys.Proc. 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