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How became a candidate master PDF

261 Pages·1992·4.044 MB·English
by  DunneAlex
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Howto BecomeA Candidate Master USCFM asteAlre x Dunne 3rdp rinting ThinkerPsr'e ss DavenporIto,w a 1992 Copyrig©h t1 99b2y A lex Dunne Alrli ghrtess ervNeodp .a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproduced ort ransmititnae ndy f ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectroonri c mechanicianlc,l udipnhgot ocoypingr,e cordionrgb ,y anyi nformatsitoonr aagned r etriesvyaslt ewmi,t hopuetr ­ missiionnw ritifnrgo mt heP ublis.h er Firpsrti ntiSnegp:t embe1r9 85 Secondr,e visperdi ntiSnegp:t embe1r9 86 Thirpdr intiMnagy: 1 992 ISBN0:-9 38650-62-1 Requesftospr e rmissiaonndrs e publication rights should bea ddressienwd r ititnog: BobL ongS,e niEodri tor ThinkePrrse's s P.OB.o x8 DavenporIto,w a5 2805-0008 U.S.A. Booksellwehrosl,e salaenrdos t hedri stribumtaoywr rsi te tot hea bovaed dreosnst heisrt ationfeorray c opyo fo ur tradper icelainsdtt e rms. Howt oB ecomeA CandidaMtaes ter ToY olanda Howt oB ecomeA CandidaMtaes ter CONTENTS Introd.u ct.i o.n . . . . . ... i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ThSe iciDleifaenn( sYoeu -1907) ...1 . . . . . . . . 2 ThEen glOipsehn i(nBlgO I-Y.o u.) .. .5. . . . . 3 ThFeo uKrn ig(h9ltBs7 -uY).o . . .. .9. . . . . . . . 4 TheS iciDleifaen(n BslIeB -Y.o..u..). .. .,1 .3 5 TheS iciDleifaen(n Bsl3e6 -Y.o..u.) . .1.6. . . . 6 ThQe ueesPn a'w(nY oBu0-7l.) . . ...1 9. . . . . . 7 ThEen glOipsehn i(nlgB 47-.Y..o..u..). ..2 3 B TheS iciDleifaenn( sYeo u-1.9.27.). ,.2 .B . . . . 9 TheS iciDleifaen(n osYue- lB.4..5.)... ... 3,2 10 ThQeu eePna'ws(n Y ou-l.B 6.3 ). ..3. 7 . . . . . . 11 ThKei ngI'nsd iDaenf e(nBslBe5 -Y.o.u).4 .4 . . 12 QueesGn a'mbAictc ep(It Be44d- Yo.u.), .4 .9 . 13 ThEen glOipsehn i(nYgo u-l.B.44.). .54. . . . . 14 ThSec otGcahm (el B52-.Y..o..u..). . ,.5 .9 . 15 OwenD'esf e(nYsoeu -0l).B l. . .. 6..4 . . . . . . . 16 ThDe utcDehf e(nBsl0e7 -Y.o..u.) . . .6B. . . . . 17 ThFer enDcehf en(sYeo u-l. BB.3 ). . .7. 4 . . . . . IB ThQeu eePna'ws(n Y ou-l.B.33.). .7.B. . . . . . 19 ThSei ciDleifaen(n BslBe7 -Y.o.u). .,.B .2 . . . . 20 ThGer unfDeelfde (nYseo u-l.B 5.2 ).. B..5 . . . 21 ThReo batDsecfhe (ns1e9 94-.Y o.u ).. 9. 1. . . . 22 ThBeo go-IDnedfiea(nnBsl 4e9 -Y.ou.). 9.6 . . 23 ThEen glOipsehn ing B(0Y4.o)u .-..l ...1 0.2. 24 ThCea ro-KDaenfne (nlsBeI 0-.Y.ou.).1 0.7. . . 25 TrompowsOkpie'nsi( nlgB 16-.Y.ou.)I. I.I. . . 26 ThBee noDneif e(nBsl1e9 -Y.o..u.). . .11.7. . 27 ThBee noDneif e(nlsBe 49-.Yo.u..)... 1..2. 1 2B AlekhDienfee'(nsB s 10e 3 -)Y. ou. . ....1 2.6. . . 29 BirOdp'esn i(nlgB 75-.Y...o.u..). .. . .13.1. . 30 QueeGna'msb Dietc li(nYeodu -l.B.6.3.1 )3. 5. 31 ThCea ro-KDaenfne n(sYeo u-.lB..0...7..)1 41 32 ThSel aDve fe(nYsoe u-l.B.36.). ....1..4. 8. . 33 QueeGna'msb Dietc li(nYeodu -l.B..4.21).5 5. How toB ecomeA CandidaMtaes ter 34 AlekhDienfee'(ns8s l7e8 -Yo.u.) . . .16.1. . . . . 35 ThQe ueesPn a'w(n1 901-.Y.ou.). .1.68. . . . . . 36 ThSei ciPlaiwa(nn8l 61-Y.o.u). . .1.7.4 . . . . . . 37 ThKe ingI'nsd iDaenf en(sYeo u-1.8.021.)7. 8 . 38 ThEen glOipsehn i(noYgu -18.48.). .1.85. . . . 39 ThCeo lSlyes t(e8lm1 0-Y.ou.).. ... ..1..8.9 . 40 ThSei ciDleifaen(n osYue- 3198). . . .1.9.4 . . . . 41 ThReu yL op(e8zl1 6-Y.o.u). . . .2.01. . . . . . . . 42 ThFer enDcehf e(nsle9 39-.Yo.u.). 2.0.7 . . . . 43 ThKei ngI'nsd iDaenf en(sYoeu -1.99.72.)12. . 44 ThDe utcDhef e(n9s18e4 -Y.ou.). . .21.6. . . . . 45 TheS iciDleifaenn( sle9 97-.Yo.u.). 2.2.2 . . . . 46 AlekhiDnefee'(nss1 e88 7-oYu). . . . .22.5. . . . . 47 ThGer uenlfDde fe(n1se7 40-.Y.ou.). 22.9. . . . 48 ThFer enDcehf e(nsYeo u-1.62.3.). 2.3.4 . . . . 49 ThNei mzovDiecfhe (nosYue- 237.0). .2.39. . . 50 ThCe ataOlpaenn i(nYgo u-2.38.3.). 2.44. . . . OpeniInngd e.x. . . . ..... ...... ... ..2..49.. .. . Colophon 250 . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThinkPerre'.sss. . . . . . . . . . 2.51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howt oB ecomeA CandidaMtaes ter INTRODUCTION ForC ategoIrP yl ayers Iitas c ommodnr eaomcf hepslsa yteviors su atlhiezmes elves asm astpelra ydeerefsat,i ntgh eoiprp onewnitnsn,i ng ­tourna mentSsu.c h are otfdh ree absmutsbtu e,ffof rwee c an wreu n, musfitr st letaowr anl Ask ha.oC wa tegI(o lCrsayAs ) p layyeoru havael relaidftyye odu rasbeolvfte hm ea joroiftt oyu rnament playAse rams a.t toefsr t atiwsittairh ca st,oi fn1 g80 08+3,%o f altlo urmneanptl ayaerrresa nkbeedl yoow.u Abovyeo uh,o we,v erare some pprleatyteyr s-stthroen g World ChatmhpGeir onand,m aesrtst,hM ea stearnsd,o, u r targtehCtea, n diMdaasteter( sxe per.Rt osu)ghslpye aking, the World Chaimsdp eifionnae sdt hpel aywehroc onsiys( t3e ntl ouotf5 o rb ettdeerfe)aa ltlsG rtahned mahseft caeerAssG . r and­ mas,tr eorugydh elfined daegfaeiManat,ss t ienr so3 uo tf 5 gameosrb etTtheMera .s tweicrlo ln sistentthCleay n ddeifdeaatte Mastbeyrt he sraamtoeir bo e t,ta enrd Ctahned iMdaasttee r habse edne feaytoiubn ytg h saatm eed g.We hy? Thes imipsltaincs wiesr tthhCaeat n diMdaastetp elra ys betctheert shsa tnh Cea tegIop rlya yIeitrts .h dee siogftn h is bootkor evetahdleif efrenicnpe lsat yot hceae tgoIrp yl ayteor enabhliemt ob ecoamC ea ndiMdaastt.ee r Thet ypicchaels sbuosoeaks d iefrfeanptp arcohM.o st booskesl Meacsettr g ameasn yazlebdyM astienar nsa ttempt tor aiasp el ayiemrm edeiltayott hMea stleeervlT .h outghhe se books are extraenmsdeo lmye tvviaemlreuysa wbwrleielt lt en, thfeca tt hiastt h,ei rssei mpnloey a sryo atdom asterhAosao d. CategIop rlya yyeorua, r e quitoeft hasewt agrrguelw eo,r k, stduya,n dp aiintt o otkog eyto ut hfirasO. f c ourtshee,ar ree rewaarndjdso yisnp layaiswn egal lsy oduo t oIot.n oietsa styo becoamC ea ndiMdaasttebe urwti tthha ei odft hbioso sko,m e persevewroaranknc sdet, du ys,o mjeo iyny oucrh etshsga,ot a l can obbtea ined. Thibso okt,h ednif,rfe sf ormo theirnts h atth geam es contawiintehdai rgnea m esb etewenCa tegIop rlya yaenrds i Howt oB ecomA eC andiMdaasttee r CandidMaatset eTrhse.sg ea mewse rsee lecfortmer de cent (9182)U S.t. ourmneantIsnt. h egsaem ewse wsieltelh t ey pical strtehnasgn dw eakneosfts heCesa toergIyp layaenrdw e'll dischuoswts h eex peurstul,al tya,k aedsv anotfat ghee m. When youo vpetlrha eygs aem eyso wui tlalk tehs ei doef thCea ndiMdaatsteeIr yf.o ua rgeo itnogl eatropn l alyi ak e CandiMdaatseetry oum ay waesls lii tnh is chwaoirrod.f A warniynoguw- ilnlo wti ne vergya mfeor mt hCea ndidate Maste(rMC')ss e aNto.C andidMaatset cearns od ominate CategIpo lrayy jeurasssnt, o C ategIpo lrayyc eaernx pe1c00t% resualgtasi Cnastte gIoIpr lya yetrhsea;rr ele e sstoonb se learfnoremdl osasnedds r awassw elalsw ins. Ih aveo nefi nawlo radb osuttu dytihneggs aem se-there arfief tcyh atpeirnst hbioso fikf,tt yo urnagmaemnetTs h.e se games werwei tpachl l aoyrceukdn n,it nigckaiwnaIgyit .os n e thitnosg t ugdaym eisnt hqeu ioeyft o udre nii,tas n otthheir,n g agna,it op laayt ourmneangta meS.i nycoeu irn tenptrieo­n, sumayb,il sto b ecoamC ean didMaatseetr i nt hteo urnament arennaoa,tna rmcheaxipret rhbtee, ws atty ost utdhybi oso iks on(ero p ossyti wbolg)a meads a ,yw itach h ecslso rcukn ning byy ousri dTea.ka e3 x5i ndceaxr tdoc ovueprt hmeo veAs . smarlelc tlaen gcbaecn u t ooftu htle e hfta nd tsori edvee al Whitmeo'vsae n sdt ciolvlue prB lack's resypooaunr see when "playtihnbegl "ap cike cIeyfso .uw anttor ecoyroduc rh ioces, yomua yT.h iwso ulgdi vyeo aug udiet oc ompayroeuc rh oice ofm oveasg nasit Ctahned iMdaasttece hrio'c.se AleDxu nne SayrPeA , ii I THES ICILIDAENF ESNE Oneq uesttihoaantsa C atoergpyl ayyeoruh avael ready solvi"eswd h oapte nsihnogu Ipl lda Yyo?uh"a vmeo rteh alni kely discovwehraoetpd e nisnugist sytoyaulnredp ersoyn.Ia htla ist beesna itdh amto stto urnapmleanytpe lratsyh oep ensil nigke Grandmatshtmeei rdsdg,lam ee l iekxep earnttdsh ,ee n disln igke childTrheihnso. l tdrsu teoa, l aregxet eantat n,yl evbeell ow MasetrM.e mory,s tduya,f mailiwiatrhoi ptye npirnign cmiepalness that gmamoesastr d ee ciidnte hdme i ddglameeo rl atweirto hn ly as maplelr cenotgfaa mgeeas c tubaelilnyg dientc hioedp eendng i. Iyfo ud esicrleo ssate urod fty h e opseo,nn ioen ftg hbee st waytsog aina d eepuenrd erstiastn odp iunrgc hoanseoe ft he better moapneunaialnnsgtd, h esnt uydoyu r tougramneasm ent witrhe gatrotd h oep enngiso,rp lacyo rrespocnhdeewsnisct eh thien toefgn aitn idnegp tyho uiornp ensitndugyo ,r both. Ie.4 c 5 N2O. d 63 .d 4c xd4 .N xdN4f6 5.N c3a 6 Top la6y.B g 5i nt ournapmle,atn yhtWe h iptlea ymeursb te verwye lblo okoendt hPeo isoPnaewdln i n6. eQ. b.6 .Th iwse ll­ analylsiiencsder itiintc hsaeel l ecotfliaio tnncoe h ooisnpe l aying agaitnhNseat j rdSfoicainAsl. i aC ategIpo lrayyy oemura yc hoose al ess-alnianlIeynt.s he gidams e t,h Seo zwiinbl elp lay.Ie tsdh ai s goocdh oiIcnte h?se t rgueltg ow inii,tas s g ooda navysa riation. 6.B c4Q c7 A smsaulclc heashssa ppehneerdte h yaotu a,sa C andidate Mast(eyroh ua bde tgteeutrs etdot htei tlwei-blwelce a llyionug 1

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