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Preview House Oversight launches security clearance probe

Congress at the niten States Douse of Representatives ComRATTEE OOM HT AND REF oa ss mares, Tanaury 23, 2019 Me Pat Cipollone Counsel tothe President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW ‘Washington, D.C 2 Dear Mr, Cipullome: ‘The Commisize on Oversigar and Reform is taunel security clewrmee process athe White House and ‘reusision Team ia gesponse wo ff satiia securiy al the highest levels of the Tromp Administration, ieeluding by tomer Netional Security AGv'ser Michael Pye und others sn inedepll investigation 9 rave hrosches The pols of this vestigation ae to determine why the White louse and Transition Teaw apyes: to have disregarkel eaablishicd procedures for sateguarding clessifed “nfermation evaluste the extent to which the rulion’s most highly ganrded secrets were provided to olivia ‘eho saguid not have had azcess tn tiem, and develap refarme lo remedy the flaws in current White House systems snd oractives. ‘The savessigativn els wil seek to delermine why Ths Wk TTouse is eurranty defying federal law by cing to aeovide wo Congres iietation abou ls security slearance process 1 Lest year. Gouotal Jahn Kelly, President Trump's Chiel of Stat (he time, eoceded Th Troe sno major “shortcomings” with the White llnuse's security eleunmze prowess, He ‘White Hose “showkt—an inthe fatute, ust —de bee” arid he sll Fat hurd look a the way the White Hause processes clecratce requests ssurnes h th ray is he Lies tke Lagree. Kor tae past ti years, Thuve sought indormasien sith oiher Commites Members about a series of extremely troubling incidents reyerdng dhe sevurily vlesrumees af sume a President Trump's lop sis, our the White Louse has refused to provide the inormation. ‘we requested, wllen ignoring ew requests completely. Lp aoknowedgicg my I ated ou meeting last week, ancl Twn im receipt of your Jeavagy 11, 2019, eter oa December 19, 2018, renessing reyes From the Comtaitce’s * demorandum om Gone! Jstn F Ky, Chiat 0” Stal, Toe Vid, Cone! (lite Howe eb. 19, “CIN linen Hippy. shing apes. ees documents pois -hangesto-i sour seomly elena tpn 777, ar sero 99a Me. Pat Cipellone Page 2 Repuibtican Chairmen in 2017 end 2018, However, the Waits Hone sessonse #9 one seqaess ‘over te past Lon yeurs has heen wl inadequate, Ter exnrape: » The White House did not provide infoumsation cbour its failure wo suspen the security clarmmee of Geveral Flynn after Acting Atamey Genera. Sally Yates personally warsed While Fuss Counsel Don Mean thal Goreral Hymn had Tied ty View Presiden: Michoel Penoe sn wlaers uboul scurel sewerssioms be aad ft Ambassador tothe United States? +The White House did not provide inZormation sbovt its faiase to suspend the seeurily elemmimes of Senior Advisar to che President Jared! Kushner after Me Rusliner “sed tn disclose his aven meetings and cxmversitions wth Russian olficials—and alkived other White Hause officials, aml the American aeorale,to fe misled about is communications. + Vive President Pewee, kis role as head ofthe Transition Team, eid not provi information about whether the Transition Team subnmilted a soouriy clearance nalication toe Michael lynn, Jn, the som af General Plyra, despite elairs Put ne was mensly agssting with seaeduling nase” ©The White Mouse did not pravie ung nonpublic dees hy Forme Stall Seeretary Robert Parler was allowed in exmtinue working with a sceurity clearance efter tae Foderal Bureau of Lovestigation (FB) p:ovid White House with four ropo-ts of dotogetory inzommariox ftom Mr. Poe's buckyrimd investiguion relating in serious allegations of demeste violsree + The White House did no: provide information ahout the repel ejection nf ar to Sonstive Compartarited lnloemation (C1 far Nala ‘Comms Senior Dicetor Rabin Townley. who served sans othe tn c= te Genel Flynn. 2 Leter fom Reisng Maser jah, Curningaet a, Carnmises oa Oversight al Goetnes, Reforin to Reive Piva, Weve aee Chie 1 Stl Uae 21,2017) versa apedemoera pyetalethouse gexfesedmoctes overs ghtheuse apilcioumerta? C8 21 20Dena Members 20a 20Wake20 louse: 20208 2Ure 20 yareacceskns% Lever toon Ruskin Merser Utah & Cemmnirgs, Commies aa Oversigt and Govssmmort Ret te ‘i> Posse Wines Pees ae 8,207) (nim at upscale oversigh- house govisieidemocru erst fotse yvles/2017-12- #20 ves pat tase fawn Wars 1 hut, Pasi While ase fe Cora Trey Cos ‘Coramits on Oveteght and Geveran Reform Mat 8, 2918 (eine ae aptideraerat- tneaksiomecaowittatrnaaas ove fiesi20 Miaeatad2o7 SS SSMOGRS AOL cher, Loner torn Ranking Vee: Flay F, Cuming, Cg Ove el osrmant Ren Geren Kelly, hte ewe ha! nf Sal (6, 2618 (orline ierrsca= vgsigh ease gcvistsiéa aera. usrig tose sie BAT6.# HAT RS Mer, Pal ipollene ©The White Hocse did not provile infomation about way President Trump's personal assistan, Joti: Melniee, wis fired amd immediely rushed out of the ‘White House an March 13, 2018, ceporielly because wa nom-spec' fied seeaity + The Waite House did cot provide insormation sbout whether custou Nasional sand work wit ical who has neve pleted guilly to eangpiting te act an governmess.* Sceurity Advisor Jota Rolton tlselosed i's previous coxa Maris Sutina, a Aussie as an agent of the Ri While House 3 Admin'siation were sil working ith inezim security clearances as of November 2017 and J 12 130 patitica, appointees in the I'xecutive Otte of the President were working with intecim scout clearances as wl thal date +The White Huse is earenily in violtion oF H.R. 3210, the SECRED Act—a law passed hy oul leu f Congress wih kipnisan syppor aud signed by President camp on May 22, 2018 requiring ihe While House o subait areaact to Congress by Angus: 20:8 on its procedures for aljudicaling seeinily clearances. Ir aldition tothe exainples abe, news repr ouher iecidens sige signiieant questions about Tet ors onklng Merb iia, Comings, Cora efor bo General Jot: Kelly, White House Clio" f Sta M3 ‘eras pacnaue pusesderieele useteiga 2038 20 TREECHMenBOOWHPADS sow OUMe a lh en Overght xe Gove 18 (ene a apsdemocre 20.808 Lote fon Mansing Rletsber bjt L, Cumings, Conafte an Ovesght at Gave We fare Ranking Member Stepfan F. 13h, Subceti tae on Now! Ser lo teal a kel, Waite Hoses (Chie ur SecA 26, 0018 (elie apa dere oversight house gosistedemecie's vaigh tine guint MG1SO8.7U MACHA OL yesh 20K Wilco ablon 4208186 untae s<20R qa pei fe Baca AC £99 hts Hs Anam OD Fa 5,058 (ane to ec farancet hae Offs tac Pe fcereavhiehe hotserndex ht Soren 4 AIA (oa te wee mboreo eanespolieaebtne learnecer 819 9 NBC News Fe Feil se penmisen sect ors Rankstg Mense Liles =. Curing et a Chair Trey Genel, “hase Cesamisee ea ort eft sa IC18) fel re 4 psstdemocres ses emoorts.atssgh hn ge a 20 IR Ha HMSO SOSPERETM tba fy Mix Pat Cipallace Pege 4 © On Muy 1, 2077, the A wactated Press reported thas former Deputy Assistant to tle President Sehastan Cioska way “unulle o gel ciearacwe far the National Scouriry Counei” despite being hired into tie West Wing asa courte advisor, ' Mr, Govka roported’y remalned oa she White House payroll far 207 days + On Febreacy 3, 2018, the New Yark Timev roporied thet former Deputy National Scourity Agvisor X.1 MeFarlsnd svthdrew her norinaim Wy serve as samtonssador to Singapore after it was zevei Senate ber involve:nant in phone cslls bet Arthassador Surgey Kislyns os Decem eat she miseepreserted ln the -a Genital Flynn and Russian 216." For all of those roasons, the Con documents by 6, 2019, 60 tte requests Ural yu proses Che allowing, fing tae period Irom: Navetsber 8, 2016, tu the presen 1. Pasuand current White House or White House Persoratel Socuity Otice policies, prowenls, and practi, as well ws all dhsuarenisveflacling eran ve those plivies, yruticols, and gruetives, relate to the folowing lapis ing, adjudicating, cenying, ranting, suspendine, o rovo'ing background investigations, clearance to work atthe White House, interim escuriy slearacees, and pormaacut seeswity eieaeaaccs at the Secret, Tap Secret, and SCT love's and b.—pteoting seeess to sensitive or elass‘ic! information wo individuals we ‘were convicted of crimes, or are or were ender investigacion by la erlircemen author 2. All commutications with mowers of President Trump's Transition Tea forcing or relating 9 the seeking of backround investiations, White louse Hlesranees, imerim ssearily © caraness, or permanent security clearance including eommunigalan related inthe withdrawal of upalicaions, ths teporing derogatory inforezation, and the puteome and daly oF any aljutiation decisions, 3, Documtss sufficiset to shavr all Wise House emplayess and contactors ha have agplicé for nekyround investigations, intsrim scoutity slearstecs, 0: ier Sehnean Govt goat Bays, Aco {ray re tines compelristvas throm ma event seston ples up als sebuta Li926500 8a Ram, oe Dur} fale amp cascyinaln) 2017 an purseioden ay Sl Ys Gerd Why We re Se wavdoouvo.aiese9cia581S24rlnitwe vw orvend tug, 20. bata hy °F MeFavind 28h anita somes ra 2 ISH Buspoliess-etalend-norca cg New Yok Fin Cc, 2, ‘basso im. Vir Pat Civelleae IL potmnanent security clearances, including the fates an which their applications ‘were sumitfees the dates on whiel the [BI repost uny information to tke White House: the Gales om which background invest.gaions, Wile inuse clemanees, inter: sevacity elewwinees, or permanent security elcarances were assessed 07 adjud.eated, o1 she applications witksrswn; the exiceme and date of any sion or denis! of secmity clea aces adjudications; and tae -easoms fr any sus an to show all iacilvidue for vluen the White Hines revoked br suspended securly cearanees, the dstes of those cevovations or suspensioms, sad all documerts referring »e wating to those revocstions of suspensivns: Divcuinents sl Dacumenss suficiarx eves ia sensitive oF under investigation ennvieted al erim show all individuals for worn the White House grant Jay enforcement authurities si who previously were All documents related to uny aysersments dons by the White House, FBI, se aller acney folowing the 1evoestion, supersivm, or deal of no intstim or potmtacient securily clearance fo detemmize the national seearity risk ar pals al exposiue of nation security in oematiors Docunmeess sutficiers in ideoviy all cures ancl formes startin the White Howse Personnel Security Otiee, meludng rans, jo resaeasialitics, spurting stsuottzes, and roles in the naekraund investigation and security elearsice aaljadication prove: All dicunrents relate ww security clearance oc White House eleurance granted te any White House employee ar appssiriee for whom aay White House Sevurity Personnel Cffiee persone! ewexmnended an urayorabls adjudication decision Jncluling the name oF cach subject: the eales othe recommendation ad Lcisier; dhe reusins fr ihe recomumiendatioa against emplaying or gramling @ socar.ty cerecwe to the sukjeut; the reasons for che tlsimate Gevisis und Th adjudication and decision axacess; snemcs of al: indivicusls inlet im the All documents relate to Generel Kelly’s February (6, 2018, memorandum surding Pnpravements fe te Cleasance Process, ineludivg all draft, ‘communications, wes, snd zesulis informing the Clearance Review, All documents related to she hackgroune invesiigetioas, Waite Lhuuve clearances, and seourity clearances of tah MeFiniee or Robert Porter. ineinding a ‘soramurieations fo ot from tie White House Personne! Sceurity O#ee, the HB, bor any employce or tke White House Course!"s Ollice or the White Hovse Office Mi, Pal Cipallone Page 6 iesidenial Personne IL documstss velated othe buchprourn’ investigations snd sccutiy eleataces of John Rollon, Gerzral Micheel Fly, Michae! Flgnn, Ir, Sebestiam Gera, Jaged Kushrer, K-T. WiePeriand, and Robin Townley, including all communications to tr an the While Tous: Psonmel Seexxity Otic, the FL, orany employee a! the White Louse Counsel's Offs or the White Hoss Office af Presidential Personadl iuchuding: 4. al documsnis and intormation provide fs -esponss to evestions in Scetions 19, 20A, 20B, and 20C of any seeurily clearance sp harion renewal applications, or ameat monts submited ver Ue pasl en years lo Sections 19, 204, 208, and 20€ of any security cleecance applications, renewal applications, or umeredrents subuaitel vor the ps © alleucurentsreaing to Silence") and Guideline C ("Pore Pre“orence™j nd dT ehueurneats and information provied by Me Balton, Me. ys, Ir, Mfr. Gorks, Mr, Kushner, Ms, Mel arand, and Mr Towaley, o Lair associ‘ lo the Exceutive Oice deat relating to shele contacts with foreign matiancts over the pest oven Yeats; and 13. Alldocurren's relsled to LR, 3210, the SECRET Act, ineludiag drafts und compunieatians regarding the Calire of Dre White Hovse to comply vita che ring requicesent to submit w Congress report.on its procsuves for nui In addition i these docamerts, the Commitiee roquosts transotibed inserviews with all personne! in the Whize House Perssamel Security O'Tce, lobe sshedaled beginning Febmnary 1 20°, The Commie on Orvevigat and J eommilise of the reny ime” mdr the principal overs 5 Representatives une has drove aulbericy to investigate “any mater” Ho. Louse Rue X. Is additian, louse Rule X, clanse 24) specifica chacges the Civerniues wil comlusting oversight of the pperat'on of Gavese ment selivities ate levels, iseluding the sve Otfieo of the President Am allachmes! ts this Zelter provides adeitional instructions fi respond Connie's ay questions rogerding this requost, p.case contac! my sia a Me. Pac Cipokine Page ? ‘Thark you for your prompc atentos this matter. Enclosive ee: The Fonorable Jin fonda, Renking Member 6 Responding to Oversight Committee Document Reanests puinsive dk Teor with this reyuest, produce al pments that are in your possession, custody, or cana), wheter held by you oe your pest of present ages, ‘mployeos, and ceprcscusatives acting on yous bei. Produce all dixauments that ya have w Tegal righ Wo ublain, that you huve aright to anpy, orto which yon have acee35, as ‘wall es elocumnents that you have pinee in ths tsmporsry passession. custody, comin col suy dnd patty ‘Requested documents, and all oeumtents isasonably celsted wo the ejusted docuraents, slhould not be destroyed, altered, removed, cansferred, or otherwise mia the Committee In the event thot any entity, organiza, or individual denoted inthis request is or has been kre by any namo cher ban thal herein donc he rogues shall be rod also to inelode tha alterariveidensitcation, rons i wy reese dnoumeninslestronis form (i... C1, ster in lien of aaper azoductions, ‘The Comisten's ps mammary sik. thumb drive, or secure Docu is produce in electronic frat shoul be ongurved idk, an instened slesinmicaly Elgctronie docurtentprodactions shoul he prepared ueoing to the flowing sununds 4 The production sluuld consist of single page Tagged Image Tile (TIP), Hes ‘companied ay e Cenincanee- formal Id fle, en Opticon referer file defining che fields and chscastc leugths of tac loed tile file, anda Document nurrhers the loa Fils shoe match document Bates numbers an TIF Fle names, © [the production is completed Uhmugh a series of multiple partis! progustions, Id names snd fils order in all lord flss should aaroh. All elecwonie documenls prodused tothe Covraiteo sould inchide the fllowing Folds of meladata spesfic to each lacurnett, and np mocificsions saoald be made t fe original mete dst BEGDOG, ENDBOC, PEXT, BKGATTACH, ENDATTACH, PAGHCOUNT, CUSTODIAN, RECORDTYPS, DATE, TIME, SENTDATE, SENTTIME, BEGINDATE, BEGINTIME, ENDDATE, [NDTIME, ALL HOR, FROM, CO. 10, ICC, SUBIECT, TUL PLAENAME, BILLIXT PIL ISUA DATHCREATED, TIMECREATED, DATELASTMOD, TIMELASTMOD, 10. uL INTMSGID, INTMSGHEADER, NATIVELINK, INTEI PATH, EXCEPTION, BEGATTACH, Doeumonts produced te ths Commits shoaléinshde an indox deseribing the concurs e€ the produetion, ‘To the exon: move than oas CD, hard drive, memory stick, thus Arive, zip Bile, box, oF folder is prvluced, exch should eomlain am index sessrihing its contents Documents produced in nespanse ti This request shal be preduced together 9th eopies of file lobes. dividers, or identifying meeus wich whick they were associated whew the Feaquest yas secved, ‘When yon procuce documents, you should ideutify the pacageaplits) or equ ‘Conte's Feller lo which the dicuments reso ‘Te lset that any ollisr pessoa or cally also possesses now identical ur ideutieal copies of the-same dacuments shal sot hea basis to withhold any information, ‘The pendency of or potential for litigation shall not bea basis to withhold any information In aeenvetance with 5 U.8.C§ 552{¢, the Hresdem of Information Act (HOLA) and any staneuy exematians to FOIA snl] noc bea basis For witabolting any information Pursuant 5 SC 8 information 5 24(0}(W), Le Privney Act shall no hea hasis Por wth lding eamplisnee with the request carol he mails in full hy he specie return dats, compliance shall he ade tothe sxtant passiic by thar ¢acs, An explanation of way tall complisnce is uot possible shill be provided aloug with avy pasta] production, In the ever tht « dacument is withheld on th basis nf vivilege, provide & privilege loa contsining the loleving ieformitioa ceucerning sy such docsuical. (a) every privileg asserted (h) the iyne of dacumenl; (e) he gemeral schjee mater (dl) re dale, author, seddcessca at any on rsipisntsy, (6) ths relationship of the author and aeldessce vo cesel oll; aus (1) ce basis for she puivilegeta asserted IFany doconent responsive *o this request was but na longer isn yor posssesion, custody. or cont, ident the docuuneat fy date, author, subject, aud recipient, and ‘esr the circumstances usder which the dicument ceased ta he fn your piso, sunody, or contol. Ia due or other deseritive detail set fo i this reyes referring to a docemant is fut the weil daz or ulher ceseripine deal is krwsin ws you or is ener pparenr ftom the context of the recuest, procce ell documents that would be responsive as iTze date or olber deseriptive det were corre ‘This request is carsinving in oerure end applies to ny nevely discovered information, Any sccoxl, €ocumsnt, copilaion o! Cal, wr information rat produced eeause thas pot heen Tocated or dissnvered hy the roturs dats shall be predcod immodistely upon. suhsoqvenr Ineation or diseavary, All docurmerts shall be Tateestumped! sequentially td prodveee sequentially ‘sso sos uf exch putuetion shll he delivere, one seo She Mnjoviny StnFFand one sot loth: Minority Sia Wher eocument ero produced to the Coauuttee, production shal be caliveced to the Me evity Stal in Roou 2157 uf the Rayhurn Meuse Oise Building and the Minority SlatT uta wm af their designation. pon eotuplotion ofthe production, subsni a wrillen cerieation, signed hy yowe or your counsel, sacing that: (1) a diligent search has been snmpletad of rl costmneats ia your possession, custody, or carol thst reasouably ould contain respunsive dycumens ara (2) al, documents located during the search that are responsive have heen prntaced to tho Commitee. Definitions The tern “Uocurnen.” means any writen, rssonded, or graphic mater at any nate whusipever, egsrllss af Aw rosarced, 2d wheter ofigiacl ox capy, including, bat ro limited to, the folowing: meworuda, rezorts, expense report, bok, manuals, isiructions, Gnawa neports, data, working papers. reco, nares eters, matics, sanlirmations, llegrams, recep, appraisals, pampbles, magazines, newepagers, rospocuses, cominunicetines, electoaic mal (ex), vonracts, cables, notions ay type of couvezsa.ou,icleplie call, zneeting or olker intsr-ollize or intra office ccarmmunicaton, bulletins, pried matter, core: prinaurs, teletype, invokes, transcripts, ciarios, mnalyses, rece. svaunerics, minutes, bls, eccounls, estimates, rocoto, eompsrisons. messes, correspunderce, press releases, circulars, financial opinions, aller, slues and investigations, qvestiomnalss sud surveys, and work shoot (aad all drafts preliminary versions, alleralions, moi eations, revisions, changes, anc azneadumenis uf aay of the loregning, as well as mny atlachmen's ‘or appendices thereto} anal ymrphie or eva? reson or ropresentetioas of eay sid {frelading witha limiation, pherograps, cst, axspis, mtictoliee, rica lim, videotape, rovordangs sea wun pictures) and elec, mechanical, ane alectric records or representations nf any kin’ finelucing, withont linctation, rapes, cassettes, disks, and recordings} aod other writen printed, ‘ype or olher wphic wr recone imater of any cid or natue, however pmoduced or rennluced, unl whether proscrvod in veting, ze, pe, dis, videotape, or obserwiae, document boating oxy tation wel & partof the originl txt is ty be considered a separste document. A drafz0r non-identical sony isa seaarnte document within the nennne of Us erm. The kam “simmunieason” means each manner or means of Giscloaure or exchiae of inirmation, regardless of meeus wilized, sybetber ora, electronic, by Uneument ot

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