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Hotels & Inns of Falmouth, by Arnold Dyer 1993 PDF

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Preview Hotels & Inns of Falmouth, by Arnold Dyer 1993

\ -" d ss - t\ \)S: -a F s * o- R. Q ;6 o q; = - ,<QP i; b _ ' 1 i n l i I{orclsC yI nns of Talrnoutlt cF'tlr-rnorth f{^+olc /* f--, n{ It-ltyVI/J \-/ l-f pf P.t t- 44/I/rf llltuPvrJ "J A surueoy f 17th,I Bth and 19th CenturAy ccommodations bJ, ArnoldW Dyer Publishedb yThe FalmouthH istoricalS ociety1, 993 Or66 € ql I{r eCEliuontlr Hrstorirp goclerl CelJuontlr.'WEss?J{rnsa]]s yr1 ri8qr sraser^ep qesr8uap gl lldesat ql aqe 1rpe3e drruter No CJl"{]IJuonlq'{t/rt3ss?,f{lnsalls Achnowledgements My sincerea ppreciatiogno esto Haniet Quimbyf or proofeading,r euriting andp rofessional aduicein publishinga book. Gratefult hankst o Donald E. Fish,D orothyS uenninga nd GeorgeW oodfort heir greath elpa nd encouragernenTt.b A nn Searst,u hod eciphereda ll my handuriting to type,I arnf oreuerg rateful. UnlimitedA ccestos thef iles of theF alrnouthE nterpriseT. heF almouthH istoricalS ocieryt,h e WoodsH ole Collectiona nd theF almouthP ublicL ibrary hasb eent lte sourceo f my facts. \ \ Afuunthhoor'rs' sNI 'o{toetse s p T\R- ROOSSPPEENRTIYTiYn in ththe eAA rroooostsotooko CkCo ouuntnyr, yMM a"i'n:"e' pfoot:a"ttoo mmaarkrekte pptr orommptpetde tdhthe eB Banagnogr oaarn dn d I AArroooostro.ooko RkR a"ilirl'ooaadd tto o b buuilidld a station in Westfield, MMa;;i;nieq oini '1 905. MMyv p paraernetsn wtswe reer etht he e wf#iw-ras-isri tD^ .bt L uer ovn..rnranrrnr ',o nt^-"sn ^ ,, i-.An i',-A* " utrh' gnneu rsStrti lt '4 a+"t, i''1o,J 9tni0 ooA6ne."g .Ieg nnI ntta's"l al "d "dtl.ehl " tset;hisi'gJeeinfi s8;an;et68#e "6dy"t te ttfttaeeiie'rn:lstjde' n mm yeen imtn, taesree istn tw a:antsd: tJehnettnh: u#csai;lalies1dm." sI t"f ow1ra r-sa lit;lhrieolraied; tishl haialt :sI : ' persisted. In 191"2 , lo, uorr *f afmamiliyly m moovveedd t oto F FalamlmoouuthL twT' 'h"I"-e-:r'l"e " ;mh-ry.k, ,f af"th,her. rb beecacmaem aaegg enetn irnin t hthe en^enwe w r[aii,lr'ioia:d:1 st.a]t#ioTn,; o'"peende d inin JJ anaunaruy',va 1' r 9'1e3-, ib3ui-l'tb bbuy vitthr hte eNNe w York, NNeeww HHaavveenn aanndd HHaarrttffoorrdc RRaailirloroaadd. ' p^paCanianeOlidoiefn oodneo ru nourei ofram tm.h ot fetoh h gtehgreree oarr otn ee nsat a taer tevarnetansvenctssoe scn-ootfonit nnmr etftyylnn s tla(1ifl er5 acrialf mtfreiip ii nlfr ;1o:9mf1 8 B *owsrhtoefnni ,*m M:y:a bsisr:oafcthfhe:ursi,e fatigts e tto:e nnL-,o :an^nlg^d:A B Irq eaaacclccc:hoo,rm rr-- California. TThihsi sto ,ooko kse rv..ern.r ,d ady"rs, and serv;te;'n;i ;nfti'g' hts, ats' daidiJ tthtte" tr eturn tot oBBoosstoton ns esveevraelr awwle eekesk s lfmhxalhroaotyoetmte rtlele.,i s ftrLl ehswi.Lliwe overi eniUvrnegriTng en tii th ntigheneit ^ede biPr UpSaeu:ss"t,laitrlrms m-t[i e-*no"asa ff nt H rnm maso vslyiyete leed leldl.pe *eeiMisnnisp rgyBiTeir n ea"octJ"ongos;;;; td lf; rol'f eendi:sc;,ie. tnmai?"iorn,ecn g:nh ou co,ofsa uu BrfTr rr co. oFFo.sma*tamolrilm n"fmPor" ouho rultolui tmfthiteo*"h alIr'I nn pntr{n "hondttsas'usi "*ttnar c 'a8in na8nn,d r:0g'dd 0H0 stH c0-,joa 0o-axrt'mes t01el lias-9ll?.nT;se0 d '6iri' ;o ow dlu1tionn"$rd'nldd e1t rrtr* irempinp es*o" p#snwaup:Inr ake':i"edrdk r" 'eofdxi f -V' AArrnnooldld W . DDyYere r AApprirli l3 300, 1' 199939 3 #:,#'{;,;:,{1:i,,,,ff,!;::t,:,:{;;::;;,;,;',""*.,:,:y:j Charles R. Nichols, the lamp lighter for Falmouth Village, tending the lamp in front of Elm Arch Inn on Main Street, Falmouth. Mr. Nichols was paid $343.30 in 1910 for his services. "'K;"K:::::K' OOLLDD CCOOLLOONIVYY RREESOSORTRST S IN 11998899, ,w whheenn tthhee r raaililwwaayy eexxpprreessss oo ffffiiccee aatt tthhee FFaallmmoouutthh TN I RRaaiillrrooaadd SSttaattiioonn wwaass ddeesstrrrooyyeedd bbyy wwrreecckkeerrss i inn oorrddeerr ttoo rreesstroorree tt hhee ssttaattiioonn ttoo iittss oorriiggiinnaall 1l99r133 iimmaaggee,, aa ccoonnssiiddeerraabblele aammoouunntr ooff rraaiillrrooaadd e epphheemmeerar aww aass d diissccoovveerreedd. . AA MMaannuuaall ooff HHootteellss aanndd BBooaarrddiinngg HHoouusseess oo nn tthhee OOlldd CCoolloonnyy SSyysstetemms spp uubb-- Iliisshheedd bbyy tthhee ppaasssseennggeerdr d eeppaarrttmmeenntt inin 11 889922 ffoorr tthhee OOlldd CCoolloonnyy RRaaiillrrooaadd wwaass f ofouunndd a ammoonngg t htheemm.. HHootteellss lliisstteedd iinn FFaallmmoouutthh aatt tthhiiss tdimmee wweerree tthhee TToowweerr HHootteell,, HHootteell FFaallmmoouutthh aanndd PPiicckhwviicckk HHoouussee;; iinn \WWaaqquuooiitr, ,tt hhee TToobbeeyy HHoouussee;; iinn QQuuiisssseettt,t ,t thhee QQuuiisssseetttt HHaarrbboorr HHoouussee;; iinn EEaasstt FFaallmmoouutthh,, tthhee MMeennaauuhhaanntt HHootteell;; iinn \WWooooddss HH oollee,, tthhee DDeexxtteerr HHoouussee aanndd HHootteell NNoobbsskkaa.. UUnnddeerr tthhee lliissttiinngg ooff rraarteess,, m moossrt wweerree q quuootteedd a att $ $22 ppeerr d daayy a anndd $ $B8 t oto $$ 1155 ppeerr wweeeekk.. TThhee mmoosstt eexxppeennssiivveew w aass t hthee T Toowweer rH Hootetel la at tF Faalmlmoouuthth H Heeigighhtsts a att $ $33 p peerr d daayy a anndd $$1100 ttoo $$2200 ppeerr wweeeekk.. 'R. TThhrreeee bbooaarrddiinngg hhoouusseess ww eerree llooccaatteedd iinn \W7eesstt FFaallmmoouutthh,, oonnee ooff "R. PP. GGiiffffoorrdd-—suSmummemrer )) oonnllyy,,"" aanndd tthhee ootthheerrss ww eerree EE.. FF.. BBeemmiiss aanndd SS.. FF.. S Swwifitf,t ," "CCoonnritninuuaallllyy OOppeenn,, aallll aatt $$11 ppeerr dda.ay.y." IM{ootteellss ( r6 .I nInnnss ooff T'Faallmmoouutthh(cid:9) 1 Byg 1I1889622, 'ea n uunmubqearr of inns, {hrootl3ellss eaunPd tlaevloerrunss i nq FCaellmruoountthq hiraedp a plrre.aaedpyl dpilssaepdpderaerreadp oorr oJluus' EassssnurmuaePd unaeawi identities. T I{hIaeyd E aJr3e J rseJcooJrPdeepd riun ltqhriss Ea,cfcJoonuunlt aploounS ga Aw,riltqh riunJfooJrrmuEatlriooun oonu t]hlree rmuooJree lPaulI}res' recent establishments. Tlihrrej lelialrill:i;eSst; jr;e'cr:o]rodte oud rmaeunntiooun o oJfe a cFPalumoonultqh liu n\unv lwEass o o u{n, aFgebtnrucarr'y( 77 ',1 1969614 \,'{ w.qheeun ooun aeIs IEsaEacr R5ooqbliunssoonu \ w^eas se adpdprroo^veePd bqyll {trhee CJoounrr tl1 t0o l >kaeaedp eanu oorrdpinluaeryrl ()aplss ool> kunooaw^nu E ass Eanu rinunu)( aetl Ssuncpkoaunaesssseatl JfooJr lt{hlae ""eafcocoolmuumlooPdsatlli ooounls orlf. esutr8aenJgse<rs("'. lIsseaeafc gRooqbluinssooun s alolounBga lw.riltqh f oJouneat{thleaun HHEattclqh Jfoonuunpdaedp Falmouth. T [rBadPiItnioonu d plelaccaess rtqhae l olocraetliloonu oofJ tlhililss oorrpdriunearry{, unaeearr rtghae dprraesseeuntr dpa ey1l 1Hael.rlr.irnug3 gBrroooolk> {putonl{I' TLEaunae a"unPd M{/IiIlIlI RdooeaPd Barreaa".' IIt ls saerr^veePd } rtEra^vaelalerrss ltoo E aunPd Ufrooumr M{^a,lretuhlar'€ss V nilnueaylBarrdp.' FlaallMmoonut|qh Ryarxill Raooapd? sSttpalttiooun,' qbnuli'lqt t1S9L1E3 Z2 (cid:9) Ifl-oILJXte2 llIsf & a( IlTununss OoJf ' .FJJA?al luImroonuJ t'haI SSNTUTU BB AEEL LHI {AATTCCHH''SS T MATVEERRANT T-l-HE HE ooffffiiccee ooff tthhee FFaallmmoouutthh CCooaall CCoo.. oonn I NNoorrtthh MMaaiinn SSttrreeeet taa tt DDeeppootr A Avveennuuee w waass \Watsont oorriiggiinnaallliyy llooccaatteedd oonn tthhee ssoo--ccaallleledd W atson's CCoorrnneerr aanndd mmaayy hhaavvee bbeeeenn aann oouuttbbuuiillddiinngg ooff SShhuubbaaeel l HHaattcchh'ts TThavveerrnn.. SShhuubbaaeel iHH aattcchh,, kknnoowwnn aass ""LLiittttllee SShhuubbss,."" iinn 11779955--11881122 rraann a ann iinnnn wwhheerree t thhee TToowwnn PPrroopprriieettoorrss mmeett.. IItt iiss r reeccoorrddeedd tt hhaatt iinn 11881122 t thhee i innnn wwaass g giivveenn aa ttaavveerrnn ddeessiiggnnaatitoionn. . SSttoorriieess a arree ttoolldd aabboouutt tthhee eexxtteennddeedd cc hhuurrcchh sseerrvviicceess aa tt tthhee FFiirrsstt CCoonnggrreeggaatriioonnaal lC Chhuurrcchh wwhheenn ssoommee mmeenn ssoouugghhtt ttoo bbrreeaakk tthhee mmoonnoottoonnyy wwiitthh aa vviissiitt ttoo tthhee hhoommee ooff DDeeaaccoonn BBrraaddddoocckk DDiimmmmoocckk oonn tthhee ssoouutthhwweesst tcc oorrnneerr o off oouurr VViillllaaggee GGrreeeenn ffoorr aa ddrriinnkk ((pprreesseennt tdd aayy VVilillalaggee G Grereeenn I nInnn).) . OOnn tthhee ootthheerr hhaanndd,, ppeerrhhaappss tt hhee TToowwnn PPrroopprriieettoorrss ww aallkkeedd aa ffeeww mmoorree sstreeppss t too rthhee HHaattcchh Ttvaevrenr n wwhheerree SSwwiifrtt'is HHaayy aanndd GGrraaiinn SSttoorree,, cciirrccaa I1990000,, wunass oonnccee D paarrtt ooff aapppprroovvaall hhaadd bbeeeenn ggiivveenn ffoorr sseerrvviinngg ddrriinnkkss.. SShhuubbaaeel HlH aartcchh''ss TTaauveerrnn b buuiilltt iinn 11779955 (cid:9) II{footteellss & 6 IInnnnss o off 'TFaallmmoouutthh 33

Aroor.ook R"il'oad to build ".";iJi;;#"tfi'lj Falmouth at this time were the Tower Hotel, Hotel The earliest recorded mention of a Falmouth inn was on February 7, 1664, when one Isaac . 0N the Main Street site now occupied by St. Barnabas Church, Capt. room, and added space to accommodate the.
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