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Hot Wire Calibration Equipment for the Measurement of Correlation in Turbulent Airflow PDF

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Preview Hot Wire Calibration Equipment for the Measurement of Correlation in Turbulent Airflow

*0* *%a* :#%***#% *G# %** %&&#QKmwK** OP OQ***&A*IO* I# PBKPBUNBPjLOBMMMf f ft 1 0 I i pr##wWi im f«rtial ©f ## f©r ## B»gy## ©f m% %b* P@&yt#eft»lo ©f ftfêWüy# V# ftawM© Jft## 10, ig%m ot BepmrWm* ProQuest Number: 27591477 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 27591477 Published by ProQuest LLO (2019). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLO. ProQuest LLO. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.Q. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 fos^ iaillatiag «©â $h# Wt wir# #$ ## F©X|r|«<^[d© #$* i© &. P, Nwrl©#$©»# fh# gather 1# âae^ly app%#*&*tlve «et mXf tm hi# may iamlaahi# #a###%lea# #M wltl#!##, Wt #1## far $h# wn^ a###lfi#h hoar# #p#m% %y Mm Im th# Imhermtoyy. fh# gather Ms# *!#&## to ##moal#6# with #la##r# ##pr##i- atloa th# «oatrihatloa# of tfe# follealmg: Mr. Malm P. MlII#r$ #o*vor%#r, for M# lm#tra®tlom Im th# faaetloa# of th# oom##a#mt ipmrt# of th# #l*#trl@oI olromlt mmi Mo iaflait# pmtiomo# la tk# ooaotraotloa of th# hot air##* ]^r. #. B, ioadloy» for M# #a##e#tlom# Im tho rokall&lm# of •om of tho olooirlml @o#omomt# of th# olroMt# Mr. ftotm femlm, for M# &#el»tamo« la th# moklao #b#p* Mr. Pmml Mhhy, for m^ortWElm# tk# major portlom of t&# ooaotraotioa aotfe oa tk# hot wlro proho. SSB E Æ JE ÎS S £süJo. îwmmefvm............................................................ i ?h# Import »f Tartol#»*#................. S ef i^aratM ...................... k tm Hs» wiæi 7 HISS3SI0AÏ, Mcmmam m ms jm wïks mmmtm............... lo fh* Olsmlesl Verfc «f t. ?. Klmg.................... 10 Th# %e*k «t OqpA#* «mI K#*th#...................... 15 iw m w s................................................................................... 20 @#m#r*l ef Prétest Appsrsts..................... 90 %# mnage ............................................ a &« Amplifier#..................................... H Sh# Mime# Isverter............. 22 $h# M ultiplier........................ 23 «et *ir* Obit................. 23 rot SIS* OA&iBR&tio* wmmm ................. 25 the Titrmter ................................ 27 the Diffuser..................................................... 2f srotœss» OAî,»uflos gmomome. ..................................... 31 corotimiro mwacs. .................... 32 Himsirass............... 33 nsmts ........................ 3*1 Im the #Wly of for### pp@#8#»& mpm# oOJ«et« ljHi«r##d im a #$r#*# of Mr, them# or# two fmimmulml typ#« of flow vhloh mr« of th# ^romtoet importmm##, mmmely Imimr or #tr##mlim# flow mmd tmrWlmt flow, hmimt flow 1# @har&ot*ri##& hy otrommlimo# which <Milaeld# with th# path of th# fluid partiel##, th$r* I# mo vmri- mtiom im rolocity at may oho##m poeitim la th# field of flow with time, mt 1# thor# may wafiatiom im woloeity ## th# fluid #l#m#mt pro- cood# Mom# it# path. Tarhalomt flow, om th# o##r hmmd# i# m mmotoMy tfpê of motiom. ft##### of Mr, hmwim# ill-d#fim#d hoamd#ri##, po###«# # flmctmmtia# motiom which are #m#*ri##o##d mpea th# sMm flow. %# velocity at my choeern polmt im the field of flow therefore varie# with time a# well a# with poeitiom# All flmetuatiom# of epeed with time, however, are m t termed tarhaleace. Im wimd tammel# there are very «low fliictmtiom# im epeed dm# to email #am#e Im the horeepower omtpmt of the drivim# mmit. %e#e mey have a period of ? to 10 eecomd#. There are alee flmctmatiom# due to the vlhratioa of the hody who## aeredyaamle characterietic# are hein$ ascertMmed. Thee# are ale# m t cmeidered a# tmrhmlemce. Im gemeral all flaetmatiom# of fregmemoy greater them 10 to 20 cyele# per eecomd are comaidered a# tmrhmlmce. lowever, there i# me eharp lime of demareatiem. It I# epparemt therefore that the deflmitiom of tmrhm- lemoe ie purely arhitrary# At the iatiomal Bureau of Standard#, the egmipmemt ie deeigmed to reepoad to flmctmatiom# of 1 to 2 cycle# per e e c o m d / t h e w # r limit of frecmemelee whi# comld he imveetlgated 2* |« fixed the liarltetiexe ef exletiag imetnwmmte. Whee the flmetaetiea# ef the eir m&eeee ere reMem la mature, the reet mm e#are vaWee ef the eeapememts are e#ai. fhle ie defimed ae "ieetrepie* tmrhulemee amd ie the type ef ttirhuXeaee ea- eemmtered Im wind tmmmele. Im the wake ef ehjeete amd im the flew aear a eurfaee, however, tMre ie a defimite eerrelatiem hetweem the eeapemeat veXeeitiee parallel amd perpendieMar to the direotiem of flow, reeaXtiag im a tramefer ef mmmtm aeroee the direotiem of mem flow, Ihydem^ prefer# to call the latter type of ^ow ae *eddyimg flow" amd the limitim# eaee, im which there l« eero eorrelatiom or leotrepie tmrhmlemoe ae "turhmlemoe". to «hall adept a metatiom, how­ ever, im which turhttlemoe will refer to mem-ieotrepie tmrhmlemoe# m- lee# otherwiee epeoified. !%# Import of fmrhalgaoe AlthomM^ Oehorme Eeyaolde wa« the firet to dieeover W&e effect# of turWLemee, it warn mot until oomflie ting valmee of drag eoeffiaient# for a «phare were pmhliehed that farther reeearoh mpoa the effect# of tmrhalemoe to explain the dieerepaney wae under taken. It wa« finally eetahllehed that the value of the drag ooeffioient im a eritioal rmg* of teymold# Bhaher# wae affected %y the initial ieo- tropic turWleme# of the wimd tunnel, funnel# wiWi a relatively h i# peromtage turhulemoe had the effect of ohamging the houmdary layer over the eurfeee of the «phere fro# laaimar to turhulemt at a lower fteymolde ftmmher, oaueimg a MMward mvewmt of the eeparatiom point * #&a«#gu#mt reduction im »i#e of the wake and drag. Im tumeie ef ee#ermtlv#iy lew tmrWLemee, hewever# thie phemeaemem eeeurred amah later, expXaimimg whf two different tmmmeie exhibited m&rked differemeee im drag eeeffieiemt# at idemtiml leyaelde ftmebere. Imitial ieetrepie turbmleme# wat alee femd te affect meaemre- m«mt# made upem mirehip emdele, and Mee te a eaaller emtmt ©pern air­ foil ebareeterietie#. While thee# dieerepameiee did met meeeeearily meem that the wimd tmmmel wm meeleee to the de#i##r, it did eerre to imdieate that the tmrWleme# eharaoterietiee of a tmmel meeded to he aeoertaimed amd iaielligeatly applied to meaeurememt# if a eorreot im- terpretatiea of the reemlte wae lo he ohtmimed. A relatiomehip wae flmally eetahliehed hetweem the pereemtage tmrhmlemee ef the tammel amd value of the fteymelde Bamher at which the drag eoeffieieml of a «phare wae O.J, a vMa# al%my# located am the eteep part of the ^ ve. ft.B. earve. % a plot of pereemtage tmrWlmoe agaimet the 1*1. for which the ooeffielemt of drag of a ephere wae O.J, it heoame peeeihle to determime the tmrbalemee of aay wimd etrea* hy the eiepl# erpediemt of mmim a ephere drag teet.^^^^ Baheegmemt imveetigatiom# V the earn# mthere ehewad that the eritieal leymelde tueher of a #here wae alee affected by the eoale of tarhmlemee, ee that the eunree deeerihed above were at beet a fair eppremiaatioa. It mi#t he well at # ie point to defime turhmlemo# a# the ##&r# root of the aeam value of #e «tmre of the velooity Umotuatiome divided %r the meam velooity. Am air#tr«#m turhulemoe of 1$ oorreepmde, there­ fore, to a aim# wave fluotuatiom of velocity of maxim» amplitude Ofual I© l.hl# »f jBtan velocity. feature# ef #ne dietimgaiehimg feature ©f the epperetm# mt #e Imetitmt# which Juetifie* thle reeeareh ie mm electric multiplier, Becmuee the multiplier ie cepmhle cf multiplyim# fluctumtimg velceity ccepcmemte of eimiler frequm#^ whi# ere reepectlvely pmrmllel mà perpeadiculmr te the âireetiem of flew, m mmmrê cf the ehemrimg etree* ie directly mtteimmhle, % mi table ewitchimg arrengememte, the eguare root# ef the aeea of the e#mr#e of the## velocity fluctuatiome are eaeily attained, redueim# the determiaatiom ef the eorrelatiom coefficient. // * ir^ - B « to three readiage, namely «/ - - ■ amd a eimpl# operatic* om th# elide rule* where u* «* coapommt of velocity flmctuatiom parallel to the airetrwm. V» « co##omemt of velcci% fluetuatiem perpendicular to the airetream. Another feature ie the two-wire imetrumemt. two platinum wire# (.006" dim.) are placed parallel to one another one dimmeter apart. Velocity fluctuation# normal to the plane of the wire# are the u* com- penemte, thoee in the plane, v* ecepenente. the object of thie reeearch warn to aid in making refimememte cm the hot wire epparatue at thie Inetitute, and to evolve and ecnetruet the hot wire calibrating cgMpment. It time permitted, the procedure of hot wire calibration wae to have been etandardiced, and correlation mwmarememt# mad# Im Ik# komWy layef ©f a flat plat# mtlmg tk# multiplier. To tk# mtWr*# W#wl#d#, exiatls^ method# of determlmlmg th# #err#lmti@m oeefflelemt Imirolve at lemet fear etepei %m t# meaear# the Imetamtawea# predmet ef a* amd v* and two to meaeare the valmee amd • The preeedmre prevlemely deeorlhed ie evidently am laprevem#mt, elm## ^ # eelealatlem ie redmoed to three etepe. One of th# *##ode meed Im mmmximg oorrelatiom la other lahoratoriee ha# keen th# me# of two wire# eo plam#d that both are Idemtleally ©rleatated im a vertical plaae parallel to the airflow hmt wl# a defimite dowmetreaa #aolmg* % taklmg th# reepemee of both wire# and epplyimf the oerreotlom for the time lag# eorrelatiom I# deteralmed. At the iatiomal Bmrem of Btamdarde, one wire hae Wm meed plaoed Im a vertical plaae parallel to th# airflow %mt Imcllaed U5® to the emrfamt. Is this potitles, the wire reepomde to both the m» amd V* eomposemte of the flow amd it# reepemee mey be expreeeed ae# 1| » am* e bv* ##»rimg* « a4t*^ * 2 aba*v* # b^v*^ the hot wire ie them revereed ISO", makCsg the reepemee %g * am* - bv* b | • a^m’^ - i abm*v* v b^v*^ Bow the difference betweem the two readiagei » k abm*v* ^ ehearimg etree ». the major dieadvmtag# with thie hot wire ie th# fact that 6. it# $xtr#w Imgik to Ik# «urfact under lmv##t&g*tl@m ### set MIew ese te sake a eMfleiest mmber ef rWUlsg# is # bwsdery layer Irsveree ssd avemgee ©vwp » eespsrmtiveiy great lemg#. Tk# methed seed is tki* laberateiy will k# deeeriked is ## eeeties dee- erikisg ## eyparatsft* fkle mpm% ks# diemeeed tk# varies# lypee ef flew lepertnat is aeredysasle» end tk# tvmMmdes# isfisesee ef turksiese#. tk# fell#*- isg eeeties# deeevik# tk# ket Mr# #s#sea#t#r$ give a «kert ki#teri##& kiuskgroesd ef %tm isstrssast» and fisaUy eemelude# with a d###ripti#m #f tk# «udikratisg #cMp»#mt wkiek kae keen ees# true ted.

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