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HOSPITAL MEDICINE Index 2004 Volume 65 A B Ankle sprains: Ottawa rules. Editorial. LM Bachmann and Abscess or paronychia: early diagnosis. Corres. G Griffiths G ter Riet 32 Bachmann LM and G ter Riet. Ottawa rules for ankle etal . ; ‘ . 696 Ansari A and Smith MA. Chest wall tuberculosis involving sprains. Editorial ... sane Achilles tendon rupture the second rib in a young Ethiopian woman Badran K, Rapado F, Simo Rand C arpentier J de. bilateral concurrent in the absence of risk factors. Case Case report 434 Squamous cell carcinoma of nasal vestibule presenting as report. M Kelly etal .... 310 Ansari H see Alsafadi H et al chronic vestibulitis. Case report 624 bilateral simultaneous spontaneous. Case report. A Mehra Antenatal diagnosis of fetal heart disease. Symposium on Bailey S see Keeling C et al et al 5 308 new developments. D Roberts and D Kitchiner . 396 Baines PB and Sarginson RE. Upper airway obstruction still not fully understood. Editorial. NP Cullen and Antibiotic resistance and nosocomial infections on intensive Paediatric emergencies 108 FS Haddad ‘ 262 care. Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma. M Terblanche Balasubramaniam P and Berth-Jones J. Erythroderma: Acne vulgaris: systemic therapy for. Symposium on clinical and SJ Brett .. ‘ 216 90% skin failure. Review rr 100 pharmac olog) AM Layton 80 Antiemetics, prophylactic: should all day-case anaesthesia Baldacchino A see Littlejohn C et al Acute abdomen, paediatric. Paediatric emergencies patients be given them? Anaesthetic & critical care Banerjee S. Atrial myxomas: diagnosis and management P Hammond and J Curry 686 dilemma. A Dering and P Dill-Russell Editorial Acute medicine: making it work for paatt ients. Education and Antiplatelet agents in atherothrombotic diseases. Symposium Bannister J see Littlejohn Cet al training update. C Black 493 on ¢ linical phar macology. U Rao and C Weston .. . .. .72 Barnard SA and Cook CKL. Causes of a widened Adhesions see Intra-abdominal adhesions Antipsychotic medication: evidence-based management of mediastinum: pictorial review. Review Adrenoleukodystrophy: a trap for the physician. Case report schizophrenia. Svmposium on chronic disease Barnes N see Vickers D et al SN Azam et al ee management. M C ‘amprubi and L Dractu 201 Barnes RA see Shetty A et al Aggression and violence in the NHS. Corres. S George and Aortic dissection, acute thoracic. Sym posium on care diology. Barry G see Vickers D et al K Tansey ; 312 S Aziz and DR Ramsdale 136 Baruah S, Latthe P, Bhatti NR and Ghataura SS. Agius S see Keeling C et al Appadu B see Booth SA et al Aggressive angiomyxoma of the vulva. Case report . .248 Airway, upper: obstruction Paediatric emergencies Arm Baudouin S. Anaesthetist or intensivist: continued debate. PB Baines and RE Sarginson 108 giant lipoma of forearm. Case report. JS Huntley and Corres 630 Aitken M see Malawana J et al J McEachan . : Beadsworth MBJ see Azam SN et al Akber M see Buch HN et al swollen and cyanotic: a new cause? Corres. AD Tredget Beeching NJ see Azam SN et al; BusteedS et al Alchaghouri S. Atrial fibrillation and A Mistlin wa 631 Behan MWH, Pike B, Shakespeare CF and Patel T 1: classification and clinical implications. Review Armour R. Parasites and the eye. Corres 241 Patient-held ECG: a flexible friend. Corres .. 696 2: management. Review Armstrong P, Husband JE and Holemans JA. Population Berth-Jones J see Balasubramaniam P and — Alexander S see Wallace AL et al screening for lung cancer. Review ... 404 Bhatia GS see Sutton Be t al Ali I and Dawber R. Hirsutism: diagnosis and management Aromatase inhibitors: time for a change in breast cancer Bhatti NR see Baruah Se t al Review .293 therapy? Review. D Cameron 724 Bhidayasiri R, Hathout GM, Heyming TW and Allergy, latex and ‘otorhinolz aryngological surgery. Review Artificial oxygen carriers for trauma: myth or reality? Ovbiagele B. Cerebellar arteriovenous malformation I Khodaei and AC Swift . . 4 422 Developments in cardiovascular medicine. CF Mackenzie presenting with bilateral proptosis mimicking Allison MED. Fatty liver. Review 609 andC Bucci 582 caroticocavernous fistuia. Case report 3 .690 Alsafadi H, Ansari H, Biggs P and Randeva HS. Unusual Arya N see Shergill NK et al Biggs P see Alsafadi H et al site and presentation of a neuroendocrine tumour Ascariasis, biliary. /mages in medicine. R Ghadimi et al .307 Biliary ascariasis. /mages in medicine. R Ghadimi et al .307 Case report .. 564 Ascites Bilous R see Sibal L et al Alternative medicine: the prince, the professor and the cirrhotic: review of management. Review. T oe Birkhead J and Walker L. National Audit of Myocardial actress. In the publics view.... NW Goodman 496 and JF Dillon : .22 Infarction (MINAP): a project in evolution. Editorial .452 Amin M see Witherow He t al resistant: a high price to pay Corres. PL Youd et al . .440 Bisphosphonates: managing cancer-related skeletal events. Amlot N see O’Shaughnessy D et al Ashley EMC see McGlennan AP and —; O’Malley S and - Drug focus. S Rule .. . : ; 35 Anaesthesia Ashwood N see Wardle N et al Black C association with anaesthesia must be maintained Athanasiou T see James DRC et al; Purkayastha S et al Acute medicine: making it work for patients. Education Commentaries. C Heneghan and P Nightingale 51 \therothrombosis and training update ..... 493 from awake and screaming to awake and cooing. In the antiplatelet agents in atherothrombotic diseases Health-care practitioners. Corres ee public's view.... NW Goodman 435 Symposium on clinical pharmacology. U Rao and Black DA. New NHS framework for handling performance to do or defer: a case with adult congenital heart disease C Weston ; , concerns. Education and training update ...... 112 Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma. D Walker and long-term management Symposium on chronic disease Blackburn JP. Should ketamine be used as a regular F Walker .. 700 management. KAA Fox analgesic for patients with chronic pain? Anaesthetic is preoperative pacing for bifascicular r and trifa scicular Atrial fibrillation & critical care dilemma ’ Add heart block necessary? Anaesthetic & critical care 1: classification and clinical implications. Review Blame for blame’s sake? /n the public 5 view dilemma. S O’ Malley and EMC Ashley 636 S Alchaghouri NW Goodman .... 179 laryngeal mask airway use in the prone position 2: management. Review. S Alchaghouri Blood transfusion, artificial oxygen carriers for trauma: Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma. S Usher 252 Atrial myxoma myth or reality? Developments in cardiovascular peripheral vascular surgery: epidurals and clopidogrel cardiocutaneous syndrome. Case report medicine. CF Mackenzie and C Bucci Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma. R Self and S Conroy et al Blott M. Training the future consultant in obstetrics and B Brandner ... , 7 61 diagnosis and management. Editorial iS Banerjee gynaecology. Training for obstetrics and gynaecolog) postobstructive pulmonary oedema. Anaesthetic & critical vascular left causing obstructive symptoms. Case report Bodies misses the plot. In the publics view care dilemma. J Windsor et al ‘ 508 R Butler et al 5 NW Goodman should a fibreoptic bronchoscope be used to conform Aust TR and Lewis-Jones DI. Retrograde ejacul:a tion and Bodmer Ds ee Brors D and - double lumen tube placement? Anaesthetic & critical male infertility. Review 361 Body piercing: a growing problem for clinicians. Review care dilemma. AP McGlennan and EMC Ashley . .57 Autistic disorders spectrum. Review. L Wing 542 Ube... 86 what's in a name? Commentaries. P Wallace Au-Yeung KM see Chan KH et al Boonen S and Vanderschueren D. Fracture protection in Anaesthetist or intensivist Axillary vein compression, swollen and cyanotic arm: a new osteoporosis with risedronate. Drug focus . . 53 continued debate. Corres. AHD Parry-Jones cause? Corres. AD Tredget and A Mistlin etal Booth SA, Appadu B and Nielsen PB. Tuberculous S Baudouin; S Ridley: M Singer Ayers H see Vickers D et al meningitis in the developed world: a lurking menace. Editorial. AJD Parry-Jones ‘ Azam SN, Beadsworth MBJ, Jenkins NE, Beeching NJ, Case report .. niaiotiies aaeare 436 Analgesia: should ketamine be used as a regular analgesic Evans J and Nye FJ. Adrenoleukodystrophy: a trap for Bourne T see Kirk E et al for patients with chronic pain? Anaesthetic & criticalc are the physician. Case report .502 Bowling TE. Enteral nutrition. Symposium on nutrition .712 dilemma. JP Blackburn ...... 444 Aziz O, Panesar SS, James R and Darzi A. Atti tudes to Boyle R. Cost of national service frameworks. Editorial. .68 Anatomy: future teaching of undergraduz ates. Education and changing technology in health care. Editorial .708 Brain computed tomography: pictorial review. Symposium on training update. DRC James etal ........ 68] Aziz S and Ramsdale DR. Acute dissection of the thoracic imaging. CKL Cook . , Angiomyxoma, aggressive of vulva. Case report aorta. Symposium on cardiology Brandner B see Self R and —; Smart J and — D aver a o Review 599 Chen N-H see Liou M-J et al Cooper J see Conroy Se t al Breaking bad news: practical advice for busy doctors Chest wall tuberculosis involving the second rib in a young Cooper N see Garside M et al Review. NU Mir 613 Ethiopian woman. Case report. A Ansari and Copying letters to patients Breast cancer: time for a change in therapy? Review MA Smith . ons 2 .. 434 are we ready yet? Editorial. G Vaidya ........... 454 D Cameron 724 Cheung RTF see Chan KH et al Corres. RJ Wolstenholme .......... 631 Breast reconstruction: training in. Corres. CTK Khoo; ( hildren Coronary artery bypi iss graft: radial artery as a conduit for. F MacNeill 124 acute abdomen. Paediatric emergencies. P Hammond and Developments in cardiovascular medicine. RS Jutley Brett SJ see Terblanche M and J Curry Scns Wie io si, Sk and PK Sarkar ........ sieleehc ee Bristol hospitals: only in my back yard. /n the publics view acute management Corticobasal degeneration: rapid onset of‘ pergolide- induced NW Goodman 375 of paediatric respiratory failure. Paediatric pulmonary fibrosis. Case report. D Simcock and British Medical Association: view of the consultant contract emergencies. D Inwald eat eu sabe ne D Paviour Sureare Editorial. J Fielden 389 of seizures. Paediatric emergencies. RC Scott 748 Corticocavernous fistula: cerebellar arteriovenous Brittenden J see Collins P and- diabetic emergencies. Paediatric emergencies malformation presenting with bilateral proptosis Bronchoscopy: should a fibreoptic bronchoscope be used to P-M Fortune . 255 ee mimicking. Case report. R Bhidayasiri et al ...... . .690 confirm double lumen tube placement? Anaesthetic & early care of severe sepsis and ‘multiple organ failure Cosgrove J see Randles D et al critical care dilemma. AP McGlennan and Paediatric emergencies. MJ Peters and P Lister Cost of national service frameworks EMC Ashley 572 emergency management of collapsed infants. Paediatric CONNER TOU ck ae oda Brors D and Bodmer D. New aspects of inner ear research emergencies. P Lister ee 202 Editorial. R Boyle Symposium on new developments 392 non-accidental injury. Paediatric emergencies Costello CH and Cook CKL. Intravenous urography and Brown J, Ryland 1, Chapman T and Graham D. V Larcher ...... rece is sah eo imaging of the urinary tract. Review ....... 6 "a 0 ee Comparison of aspects of preregistration house officer non-traumatic coma. Paediatric emergencies Cox CL. Health-care practitioners. Corres ........ 52 training from traditional and new medical curricula SU MN soy cain wee trada W n sateenx 48 Creamer P see Kassimos D and — Education and training update 745 poisoning. Paediatric emergencies. P Nadarajah and Creutzfeldt—Jakob disease, new variant: morbid jealousy and Brull DJ see Hamdulay SS et al MJ Hayden 174 the butcher. Corres. T Han ; 497 Bucci C see Mackenzie CF and severe traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury Critical care: investigation and treatment of myocardial Buch HN, Varughese G, Akber M and Clayton RN. Lump Paediatric emergencies. A Hoskote eae 489 ischaemia. Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma in the neck and in the petrous part of the temporal bone upper airway obstruction. Paediatric emergencies D Randles et al . ee 380 ase Repor 120 PB Baines and RE Sarginson . . ‘5 .. 108 Critical illness cover: - looking after your family’ s; future Bullen TF and Hershman MJ. Ther: apy for intra-abdominal walking problems. Review. S Tennant and F Monsell . .34 Finance update Medical Sickness ...... . 632 adhesions. Symposium on adhesions 340 see also Neonates Critical situation? Nosocomial infections and antibiotic Burn D see Stewart D et al Cho YS see Lee YD et al resistance on intensive care. Anaesthetic & critical care Busteed S, Beeching NJ, Nye FJ and Thompson RN. Cholestatic jaundice, deep and pulmonary hypertension in a dilemma. M Terblanche and SJ Brett .............216 Tuberculous osteomyelitis: chasing the elusive tubercle woman with Graves’ hyperthryoidism. Case report Crocker A and Farrell T. Pregnancy and pre-existing Case report 438 M-J Liou et al 244 diabetes: key concerns. Review wn Butler R, Webster M and Greaves S. Vascular left atrial Chou S-C, Chen K-W, Hwang T-L and Lin J-D. Unusual Crooks R see Windsor J et al myxoma causing obstructive symptoms. Case report . .5: severe hy percholesterolaemia and xanthomas in a patient Croucher C see Mehra A et al . with hepatolithiasis. Case report 180 Cruciate ligament reconstruction. Review. FS Haddad and Cilostazol: treatment of intermittent claudication. SIS Oussedik .... meeAN Cameron D. Time for a change in breast cancer therapy ) Symposium on clinic ore ology. P Collins and Cullen NP and Haddad FS. Achilles tendon rupture: still Review 724 J Brittenden .... fe .. 466 not fully understood. Editorial .... Seep a see Campion S. Consultant contract the view of the Hospital Cirrhotic ascites: review of mani igement Re view Cummins D see O’Shaughnessy De t al Consultants and Specialists Association. Editorial 388 T Sivayokan and JF Dillon ; 22 Curry J see Hammond P and — Camprubi M and Dractu L. Evidence-based management Clarke S see Yoong KKY et al Cystic duct stump stone. /mages in medicine of schizophrenia. Symposium on chronic disease Clayton RN see Buch HN et al S-A Mirbagheri‘etal ...........-... OTT management . 201 Clopidogrel and epidurals in peripheral vascular surgery Campylobacter jejuni: diarrhoeal illness complicated by {naesthetic & critical care dilemma. R Self and heart failure. Case report. SS Hamdulay et al 756 B Brandner . ad 61 Dalgleish A see Elliott B and — Cancer Clyburn P see Hemmadi Se t al Damani N see Shergill NK et al skeletal events: managing with Pee Drug Coates M see Vickers D et al Darzi A see Aziz O et al; James DRC et al; Purkayastha S focus. S Rule . 355 Cobb A see Youd PL et al et al treatment and pulmonary toxicity. Review. DA Fennell and Cobiella CE. Shoulder pain in sports. Symposium on Davies P. Unusual presentations of tuberculosis: let the RM Rudd .. nes ... 462 shoulder disease .652 clinician beware. Editorial ........ Saas 390 Cardiac tumours, atrial myxoma Cochlea: new aspects of inner ear research. Symposium on Dawber Rs ee Ali I and— cardiocutaneous syndrome. Case report. S ¢ onroy et al 56 new deve lopments D Brors and D Bodmer ; 392 Day-case anaesthesia patients: should they all be given diagnosis and management. Editorial. S Banerjee 6 Cohen D, Kinneresley P, Rollnick S and Edwards K. Good prophy lactic antiemetics? Anaesthetic & critical care vasculs ar left causing obstructive symptoms Case report at medicine, pity about the rest. Education and training dilemma. A Dering and P Dill-Russell .. . 125 R Butler et al : ; 53 update : = cee Dean J and Sharp P. Intensive insulin therapy in type | and Cardiocutaneous syndrome: atrial myxoma. Case report ( ollapsed infants: emergency management Paediatric type 2 diabetes. Review ; re 1 5/e ee S Conroy et al 56 emergencies. P Lister 0)? Depression Cardiovascular disease management and pharmacogenetics Collett BJ. Current state of pain manas gement Editorial .70 dic —— and treating ins elinte hospitals. Review Developments in cardiovascular medicine Collins P and Brittenden J. Treatment of intermittent Hawley ; 103 CFM Weston 594 claudication: cilostazol. Symposium on clinical screening for in secondai iry care. C orres Carotid diaphragm: an unusual and easily missed cause of pharmacology : < 466 HS Nandhra . sae internal carotid artery stenosis. Case report. S Raman Coma, non-traumatic. Paediatric emergencies DeringA and Dill-Russell P Should all day-- case etal 500 RC Tasker io atarys 48 anaesthesia patients be given prophylactic antiemetics? Carpentier, John de see Badran Ke t al Communication {naesthetic & critical care dilemma . Case R see Mehra A et al breaking bad news: practical advice for ey doctors. Dewdney A see Windsor J et al Casula R see Purkayastha Se t al Review. NU Mir 613 Dhakam Z see Chatterjee AK et al Catto G. Health-care practitioners. Corres itn r good at medicine, pity about the rest. Education and Diabetes Cerebellar arteriovenous malformation presenting with training update. D Cohen et al .. ; seme ee diabetic emergencies in children. Paediatric emergencies bilateral proptosis mimicking caroticocavernous fistula Computed tomography of the brain: pictorial review P-M Fortune Beene ors 234 Case report. R Bhidayasiri et al .. 690 Symposium on imaging. CKL Cook 8 and the heart. Editorial. JN Harvey ... 646 Cerebral sinus thrombosis in a young adult with activated Condous G see Kirk E et al paronychia or an abscess: early eit Corres protein C resistance and homocystein: aemia. Case report Congenital heart disease G Griffiths et al eats 696 MBM Ghalib and ISA Hassan 118 adult case: to do or defer. Anaesthetic & critical care pre-existing and pregnancy: key concerns. Review Cerebral venous thrombosis presenting as unilateral dilemma. D Walker and F Walker 700 A Crocker and T Farreil ; 351 headache and visual blurring in a man with nephrotic antenatal detection. Symposium on cardiology and schizophrenia: understanding. Review. T Dinan syndrome. Case report. KH Chan et al ; 54 J Simpson ; 143 etal. Eee ae ot vee 485 Cervical cancer: vaccination against. Review. A Tristram and antenatal diagnosis. Symposium on new developments type | and type 2: intensive insulin there Ipy “Review A Flander Sa 160 D Roberts and D Kitchiner ‘ 396 J Dean and P Sharp 288 Champ CS see RamanS e t al Connor H see Jeffcoate WJ et al unexplained inflammation and deformity ‘of the foot Chan KH, Cheung RTF, Mak W, Au-Yeung KM and Conroy S, Jenkins D, Stratakis C, Wassif WS and Teaching case report. WJ Jeffcoate et al. 498 Ho SL. Cerebral venous thrombosis presenting as Cooper J. Atrial myxoma: cardiocutaneous syndrome. Diarrhoeal illness complicated by heart failure. Case report unilateral headache aid visual blurring in a man with Case report . ; 56 SS Hamdulay et al . ‘ft ; 756 nephrotic syndrome. Case report 54 Consultant contract Dillon JF see Sivayokan T and— Chan W see Shergill NK et al view of the British Medical Association. Editorial Dill-Russell P see Dering A and - Chapman T see Brown J et al J Fielden 389 Dinan T, Peveler R and Holt R. Understanding Charcot neuropathy, unexplained inflammation and view of the Hospital Consultants and Specialists schizophrenia and diabetes. Review aaniretd 485 deformity of the foot. Teaching case report. WJ Jeffcoate Association. Editorial. S Campion 388 Discitis. Review. KS Lam and JK Webb ..... . .280 et al ; stn deed aD why you need to insure your en le. Finance update. Dodds M see Kelly M et al Chariton R. Workforce development confederations: have Medical Sickness 566 Dopamine agonist switching in Parkinson’s disease they made a difference? Corres este 497 Consultants: it’s not about thenm o ney ‘In the public Ss view Symposiem on chronic disease management. D Stewart Chatterjee AK, Dhakam Z, Morrish NJ and NW Goodman .. 627 215 Manford MR. Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis in a Conway D and Parker C. Should we allow ventilated Caucasian male. Case report pia 182 patients with a tracheostomy to eat and drink? Anaesthetic ane to confirm ‘alee ? Anae. she tic & critici calc are Chaudhuri KR see Stewart D et al & critical care dilemma Kes 764 dilemma. AP McGlennan and EMC Ashley ........572 Chemical sympathectomy: can we treat lower limb critical Cook CKL Dractu L see Camprubi M and — ischaemia with it? Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma Computed tomography of the brain: pictorial review. Drake-Lee AB. Nasal polyps. Symposium on J Smart and B Brandner 188 Symposium on imaging .... phoma otorhinolaryngolog\ ahalS ataehe tatalatte tate Paras 264 Chen K-W see Chou S-C et al; Liou M-J et al see also Barnard SA and —; C ostello Cc H and - Drakeley AJ see Whitten M and — why you need to insure your lifestyle. Finance update Headache, bleeding thunderclap. Case report. G Peters Driving: older drivers and motor vehicle crashes. Review Medical Sickness ; 3 ; 566 et al ER Braver Fisher M see Kumar R and Health care Drugs see Pharmace utic: als Fluck D see Ellery S et al associated infections: morbidity, mortality and costs Dy sphagia assessment and management. Symposium on Foot: unexplained inflammation and deformity. Teaching Review. MH Wilcox ; 88 otolaryngology. DJC Ramsey and DG Smithard 274 case report. WJ Jeffcoate et al ; ; 498 attitudes to changing technology. Editorial. O Aziz Erratum 376 Forearm: giant lipoma. Case report. JS Hut itley and et al 708 J McEachan 758 Health-care practitioners. Corres. C Black: G Catto; CL Cox: Forrer M see Roberts CM et al KKY Yoong et al 52 Ear: new aspects of inner ear research. Symposium on new Fortune P-M. Diabetic emergencies in children. Paediatric Heard S see Malawana J et al developments. D Brors and D Bodmer 392 emergencies “3 23 Hearing loss: new aspects of inner ear research. Symposium Ectopic pregnancy deaths: what should we be doing? Fowler G. Giving up smoking. Corres ; <+ sd on new developments. D Brors and D Bodmer . . 392 Review. E Kirk etal . Saks : 657 Fox KAA. Long-term management of atherothrombosis Heart Education Symposium on chronic disease management 206 antenatal diagnosis of fetal heart disease. Symposium on acute medicine: making it work for patients. Education Fracture protection in osteoporosis with risedronate. Drug new developments. D Roberts and D Kitchiner 396 and training update. C Black er ‘ 493 focus. S Boonen and D Vanderschueren 535 bifascicular and trifascicular block: is preoperative pacing anatomy: future teaching of undergraduates. Education Frankel A and English S. Transfer of information from necessary? Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma and training update. DRC James etal ..... 681 medical schools. Education and training update 170 S O'Malley and EMC Ashley comparison of aspects of preregistration house officer Freedland F. Medical litigation: past, present and future. and diabetes. Editorial. JN Harvey training from traditional and new medical curricula Corres see also Congenital heart disease Education and training update. J Brown et al 745 Fungal infections: new antifungal aa gents. Symposium on Heart failure evaluation by doctors in training of a pilot programme of clinic al pharmacology. A Shetty and RA Barnes 76 biventricular pacing. Svmposium on cardiology. S Ellery physician assistants. Education and training update. G et al ; 149 CM Roberts et al . eaten 298 diarrhoeal illness complicated by. Case report flexible (part-time) preregistration house officer tr aining: Game FL see Jeffcoate WJ et al SS Hamdulay et al ; review of Thames and London deanery experiences. Garside M, James R and Cooper N. Diagnosis not to miss Hemmadi S, Reid S, Shylasree TS, Lindsay P and Education and training —. TJ Peters and Teaching case report 628 Clyburn P. Subcutaneous emphysema with A Houghton . . 5 .. 620 George S and Tansey K. Aggression and violence in the pneumomediastinum in labour. Corres good at medicine, pity about the rest. Education and NHS. Corres Heneghan C and Nightingale P. Association with training update. D Cohen et al Ghadimi R, Mohamadnejad M and ‘Mirbagheri SA anaesthesia must be maintained. Commentaries medical students’ views about Modernising Medical Biliary ascariasis. /mages in medicine ; 30 Hepatitis: diarrhoeal illness complicated by heart failure Careers: a questionnaire survey of London ergy Ghalib MBM and Hassan ISA. Cerebral sinus thrombosis Case report. SS Hamdulay et al Education and training update. J Malawana et al. .431 in a young adult with activated protein C resistance and Heps stolithiasis: unusual severe hypercholesterolaemia and new NHS framework for handling performance concerns. homocysteinaemia. Case report ; «shld xanthomas. Case report. S-C Chou et al : .. 180 Education and training update. DA Black .......112 ataura SS see Baruah Se t al Hershman MJ performance review procedures for the preregistration Glynn G see Murphy SJ et al Intra-abdominal adhesions: an underestimated problem year: map through the minefield. Education and Goddard P see Owens EJ et al Editorial 326 training update. C Keeling et al : ad Goh CJ see Nandhra HS and — see also Bullen TF and - physicians assistants as teachers? Corres. D Thomas .497 Goldin R see Rashid M et al Heymann T see Yoong KKY et al preregistration house officer learning and teaching Goodman NW Heymann TDs ee Youd PL et al Corres. OO Idowu . . 241 From awake and screaming to awake and cooing. /n the Heyming TW see Bhidayasiri R et al stroke medicine: a new subspeci¢ ility Education and publics view ; 435 Heywood P see Stewart D et al training update. | Starke 7 369 Blame for blame’s sake? /n the public's view 179 Hickey J. Medical ee past, present and future transfer of information from medical schools. Education Bodies misses the plot. /n the publics view... . 759 Corres ... ; 184 and training update. A Frankel and S English 170 Don’t waste your money. /n the publics view 563 Hirsutism: diagnosis and man. agement. Review. | Ali and Edwards K see Cohen D et al Green Wing. /n the publics view R Dawber... Cees 293 Elderly people: falls and their prevention in old age. Review It’s not about the money. /n the public's view Ho SL see Chan KH et al M Radhamanohar . .. : 730 MMR: the turning point? /n the public's view Holdright DR see Hamdulay SS et al Electrocardiography (ECG), rna tient-held: a flexible friend Only in my back yard In the public's view Holemans JA see Armstrong P et al Corres. MWH Behaetna l . .. 696 Plastic fantastic. /n the publics view Holt R see Dinan T et al Ellery S, Fluck D and Paul V. Biventricular pacing in heart The prince, the ee and the actress. In the public’ Homocysteinaemia and activated protein C resistance failure. S}v mposium on cardiology ...... .. 149 view cerebral sinus thrombosis in a young adult. Case report Elliott B and Dalgleish A. Melanoma vaccines Revie w .668 Thanks for the memory. /n the ‘publ ic 's view MBM Ghalib and ISA Hassan . 118 Ellis H Two years on and what have we got? /n the publics Hoskote A. Severe traumatic brain injury and spinal cord Adhesions: the early history. Symposium on adhesions 328 view injury in children. Paediatric emergencies 489 First successful minimal access operation. Surgical Goodwin N. Effecting change in the NHS. Corres Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association: view of the anniversaries ° . wer-Thomas K see Griffiths G et al consultant contract. Editorial. S Campion ... 388 First successful renal graft in man. Surgical Graham D see Brown J et al Hospital-acquired infection: morbidity, mortality and costs. anniversaries Graves’ hyperthyroidism: deep cholestatic jaundice and Review. MH Wilcox ; 88 Medicolegal consequences of adhesions. Symposium on pulmonary hypertension in a woman. Case report Houghton A see Peters TJ and — adhesions 348 M-J Liou et al ; Huang M-J see Liou M-J et al Emergency management of collapsed infants. Paediatric Greaves S see Butler R et al Hughes EA see Sutton B et al emergencies. P Lister 0)? Green Wing. /n the publics view NW Goodman Hulton S-A and Greener M. Increasing the use of orphan Emphysema: subcutaneous with pneumomedi: istinum in Greener M see Hulton S-A and — drugs in clinical practice. Symposium on new labour. Corres. S Hemmadi et al 760 Griffiths B see Vickers D et al developments eats 400 Endocarditis: ocular symptoms and signs as presenting Griffiths G, Rocker M, Lewis MH and Gower-Thomas K. Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination against cervical features of caused by Streptococcus bovis Il. Case report Paronychia or an abscess: early diagnosis. Corres 696 cancer. Review. A Tristram and A Flander cease V Menezo et al ; 694 Grocott M see Windsor J et al Huntley JS and McEachan J. Giant lipoma of the forearm. English S see Frankel A and — Grosset D see Stewart D et al Case report 758 Enteral nutrition. Symposium on nutrition. TE Bowling . .712 Gupta RC see Singh | et al Huntley JS see also Kelly M et al Epidurals and clopidogrel in peripheral vascular surgery Gupte CM see Wallace AL et al Husband JE see Armstrong P et al {naesthetic & critical care dilemma. R Self and Gynaecology see Obstetrics and gynaecology Hwang 7-L see Chou S-C et al B Brandner alan 61 H Hypercholesterolaemia and xanthomas, unusual severe in a E ery levetiracetam in mang agement Drug foc us patient with hepatolithiasis. Case report. S-C Chou JP Leach .740 Haddad FS and Oussedik SIS. Cruciate ligament CM ice. satan’ : . .180 Erectile dysfunction: r idiother: 1p) for prostate cancer reconstruction. Review Santas 412 Hyperkalaemia and hypertension: case of. Case report Review. L Incrocci ; . 605 Haddad FS see also Cullen NP and— AB Michael and P Wallis Erythroderma: 90% skin failure. Review. P Balasubramian Hakvoort RA. Training in obstetrics and gynaecology in the Hyperlipidaemia, managing: a real headache. Corres and J Berth-Jones a 100 Netherlands. 7raining in obstetrics and eynaecolog) 524 B Sutton et al Esen UI. Body piercing: a growing problem for clinicians. Hall N and Pierro A. Necrotizing enterocolitis. Review .220 Hypertension and hyperkalaemia: case of. Case report Review .... Da 86 Hamdulay SS, Brull DJ, Spyrou N and Holdright DR. AB Michael and P W allis . E Evans J see Azam SN et al Diarrhoeal illness complicated by heart failure. Case Hyperthyroidism, Graves’: deep cholestatic jaundice and Evans P see Osborn GD et al report es pulmonary hypertension in a woman. Case report Eyes, parasites and. Corres. R Armour . BE Hamilton SW and Jabbar AA. Ogilvie’ s syndrome: rare M-J Liou et al F complication of inguinal hernia repair. Case report . .5 I Hammond P and Curry J. Paediatric acute abdomen. Falls and their prevention in old age. Review Paediatric emergencies Ibuprofen-induced eosinophilic pneumonia. Corres. YD Lee M Radhamanohar 30 Han MS see Lee YD et al etal ... ; earecaray . < 241 Farrell T see Crocker A and- Han T. Morbid jealousy and the butcher. Corres Idowu OO. PRHO learning and teaching. Corres 241 Fennell DA and Rudd RM. Pulmonary toxicity and cancer Hand X-ray in rheumatology. Symposium on imaging Imaging of testicular tumours. Svmposium on imaging treatment. Review ate a ... 462 D Kassimos and P Creamer EJ Owens et al Fiander A see Tristram A and — Haray PN see Raman Se t al Immunosuppression: broadening use of leflunomide in Fielden J. Consultant contract: view of the British Medical Hargreaves M see Vickers D et al clinical practice. Review PDW Kiely Association. Editorial .. aaa le carina mha in Oe Harvey JN. Diabetes and the heart. Editorial Income protection. Finance update. Medical Sickness Finance Hassan ISA see Ghalib MBM Incrocci L. Radiotherapy for prostate cancer and sexual looking after your family’s future. Finance update. Hathout GM see Bhidayasiri R et al functioning. Review Medical Sickness 5 ; ; Hawley C. Diagnosing and treating depression in general Infections protecting your income. Finance update Medical hospite ils. Review : aa ATS 103 health-care-associated: morbidity, mortality and costs Sickness Hayden MJ see Nadarajah P and — Review. MH Wilcox . nosocomial and antibiotic resistance on intensive care. Knee: cruciate ligament reconstruction. Review. FS Haddad Maheshwari R see Mehra A et al {naesthetic & critical care dilemma. M Terblanche and and SIS Oussedik ergi seate er ee er eek ie 412 Mak W see Chan KH et al PUR 3c ia. Sennn u palviek eae Rs es Kumar R and Fisher M. Neurogenic T waves after subdural Malawana J, Aitken M and Heard S. Medical students’ Infertility, male and retrograde ejiz aculda tion Revie w: TR Aust haematoma. Case report......... : views about Modernising Medical Careers: a and DI Lewis-Jones ; : <aaaee Kumar S, Taylor W and Swift AC. Leiomyoma of the nasal questionnaire survey of London students. Education and Inguinal hernia, Ogilvie’s sy ndrome: raree complication of cavity: case report and literature review. Case report .626 PRUNE RMI alse Sr Sod sas sins SS 8S aceon repair. Case report. SW Hamilton and AA Jabbar. . .562 L Malekzadeh R see Mirbagheri S-A et al Insulin intensive therapy in type | and type 2 diabetes. Manford MR see Chatterjee AK et al Review. J Dean and P Sharp .... .. 288 Labour: subcutaneous emphysema with pneumomediastinum. Martin D and Smith M. Medical management of severe Integrated cardiac care for improved pre-- hospital Comes: S POM GOR, |. 5x kv vow gees cons 760 traumatic brain injury. Review ............. + ae OTe thrombolysis. Integrated cardiac care. D Vickers et al 226 Lam KS and Webb JK. Discitis. Revie Rs wistows os we eee Martin IC. Who Operates When? II: the National Intensive care: antibiotic resistance and nosocomial Larcher V. Non-accidental injury. Paediatric Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Deaths 2003. infections. Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma emergenc ies PRON, 3c ors Rein iste Ieee ek vk SK dm we 5a 5a M Terblanche and SJ Brett ............ iaceeeeo Laryngeal mask airway use in the prone position. Anaesthetic Masoud AG see Raman Se t al Intensivist(s) & critical care dilemma. S Usher ...............-252 Maternal mortality: ectopic pregnancy deaths: what should association with anaesthesia must be maintained. Laser surgery in the management of sinonasal disease. we be doing? Review. E Kirk et al Commentaries. C Heneghan and P Nightingale . . .517 A RDM 62 raso ra ins edn avecinw sald4 76 Maternity services: developing in Scotland. Review. or anaesthetist? Editorial. AJD Parry-Jones +435 Latex allergy and otorhinolary ngological surgery. Review TNCs SAMO 6 t5c5.i ae siciaa a.deeisis sis.4 as hlerpelies .. 662 or anaesthetist: continued debate. Corres I Khodaei and AC Swift ................--- ges Maxillofacial and oral infection: sone aRe view AHD Parry-Jones ........ : eee Latissimus dorsi hypertrophy, swollen and cyanotic arm: H Witherow et al ; S Baudouin; S Ridley; M Singer . 630 new cause? Corres. AD Tredget and A Mistlin ... . . 631 Mediastinum, causes of widened: pictorial review. Review what's in a name? Commentaries. P Wallace .......518 Latthe P see Baruah Se t al SA Barnard and CKL Cook ........ i ctaaie-n 57s ieee Intermediate care and diversity: principles and practice. Lawrentschuk N, Webb DR and Mitchell CA. Metastatic Medical litigation: past, present and future cade def e ee De Oey ana 198 prostate cancer to lung with normal prostate specific Corres. F Freedland; J Hickey ............. .. 184 Intermittent claudication treatment: cilostazol. Symposium on antigen levels. Case report ......... ae 116 Bdttorial G Neale oi ais ica 6 sn ‘Bini itiaaw xe ase woe clinical pharmacology. P Collins and J Brittenden . . .466 Layton AM. Systemic therapy for acne vulgaris. Symposium Medical Sickness Internal carotid artery stenosis: carotid diaphragm: an on clinical pharmacology ..... 0... 2.00.ve 0e e 80 Looking after your family’s future. Finance update . .632 unusual and easily missed cause. Case report. S Raman Leach JP. Levetiracetam in management of epilepsy. Drug Protecting your income. Finance update ...........761 et al Sasa as SEI Sie . 500 MS a Stara enrsi ter es aint isond a aa, tse ee ads ena 740 Why you need to insure your lifestyle. Finance update566 Intra-abdominal adhesions Lee YD, Cho YS, Han MS, Rhee YK. Ibuprofen- induced Medical students’ views about Modernising Medical Careers: cellular science. Symposium on adhesions. D Menzies 33 eosinophilic pneumonia. Corres ........... 241 a questionnaire survey of London students. Education and cost and economics. Symposium on adhesions. Leflunomide: broadening use in clinical practice. Review. training update. J Malawana et al .. iS al ofn aeee 431 PN ara cn ats shea he gi mie cies kee 343 PDW Kiely ... Aer eater 735 Medullary thyroid carcinoma: lump in the neck and in the early history. Symposium on adhesions. H Ellis... .3 28 Leiomyoma of the nasal cav ity: case report and literature petrous part of the temporal bone. Case Report. HN Buch epidemiology: the burden. Symposium on adhesions review. Case report. S Rana Oh ahs sisted cdSei a re 626 er ree eee eee re ; 120 MC Parker ...... ; . 330 Letters, copying to patients Mehra A, Maheshwari R, Case R and Croucher C. medicolegal consequences. Ss mposium on adhesions are we ready yet? Editorial. G Vaidya ..... esas eee Bilateral simultaneous spontaneous rupture of the Achilles H Ellis ...... co kinagsaiso eene Corres. RJ Wolstenholme .............000---0- 631 TENTON: CASE FOO 6.c0ca. i0k es gare oe therapy for. Symposium ¢o n adhesions. TF Bullen and Levetiracetam in management of epilepsy Drug focus Melanoma vaccines. Review: B Elliott and A Dei lgleish . 668 wel EE ee er ree , Ug Re eare ren ae Sere 740 Memory loss: thanks for the memory. In the publics view. underestimated problem. Editorial. MJ Hershman. . .326 Lewis MH see Griffiths G et al; Osborn GD et al; Raman IN GOON go Aedes Beaches wie) .63 Intravenous urography and imaging of the urinary tract. S et al Menezo V, Yeo TK, L ivanage s. Lynn W and L ightman S. Review. CH Costello and CKL Cook Lewis S see Lidder PG and — Ocular symptoms and signs as presenting features of Inwald D. Acute management of paediatric respiratory Lewis-Jones DI see Aust TR and— endocarditis caused by Streptococcus bovis II. failure. Paediatric emergencies d seen sek Lidder PG and Lewis S. Perioperative and postoperative Case report 7 694 J nutrition. Symposium on nutrition ...............717 Meningitis, tuberculous in the developed world: a lurking Lightman S see Menezo V et al menace. Case report. SA Booth et al ..... .. 436 Jabbar AA see Hamilton SW and — Lin J-D see Chou S-C et al Menzies D. Adhesions: the cellular science. Svmposium on Jackson G. Giving up smoking. Editorial 134 Lindsay P see Hemmadi Se t al GENS 6s has oo'0s oh eed enue ee James DRC, Purkayastha S, Athanasiou T, Shafiq O, Liou M-J, Chen K-W, Huang M-J, Sun J-H and Chen Metastatic prostate cancer to lung with normal prosté ite Paraskevas P and Darzi A. Anatomy: future teaching of N-H. Deep cholestatic jaundice and pulmonary specific antigen levels. Case report. N Lawrentschuk undergraduates. Education and training update .... .681 hypertension in a woman with Graves’ hyp erthryoidism. HOPE echc cace styG us Cinta ula oa alle asta STEIN BSr svapdearreice James R see Aziz O et al; Garside M et al CUO TOIIIE os ss ies, neon opis bia Michael AB and Wallis P. Case of hypertension and Jeffcoate WJ, Game FL and Connor H. Unexplained Lipoma, giant of the forearm. Case report. ‘JS Huntley and hyperkalaemia. Case report remacncee 374 inflammation and ew of the foot. Teaching case J McEachan . REEL FaP aO’ sas Decals ie SMUG Siar ith ais eee Minimal access operation: first successful. Surgic al report .... nee rea ee .. 498 Lister P GUMIUOTAOIIES, TOES aso oe Sie be RE Sse lem ostoe Jenkins D see C onroy Set al Emergency management of collapsed infants. Paediatric Mir NU. Breaking bad news: practical advice for busy Jenkins NE see Azam SN et al emergencies .... ne wieela tue Ss a SEC INI so 6. ori gd ra SG are wee an SA 613 Jenkinson D. Thrombolytic therapy for acute ischaemic see also MJ Peters and— Mirbagheri S-A, Mohamadnejad M and Malekzadeh R. ee eee Litigation, medical: past, present and future Cystic duct stump stone. /mages in medicine ..... 249 Jenkinson F and Murphy MJ. Pleural effusions: role of Corres. F Freedland; J Hickey ; lara esi 184 Mirbagheri S-A see also Ghadimi R et al biochemical analysis. Review . . shel . 481 Editorial. G Neale .. . 4 Mistlin A see Tredget AD and — Jones AH see Raman Se t al Littlejohn C, Bannister J and Baldacchino A. Comorbid Mitchell CA see Lawrentschuk Ne t al Joseph A see Raman §e t al chronic non-cancer pain and opioid use disorders. MMR: the turning point? /n the publics view Jutley RS and Sarkar PK. Radial artery as a conduit for Svmposium on chronic disease management 210 NW Goodman Bie int Wsanad eit ite a Oar ware .. 243 coronary artery bypass graft. Developments in Liver Mohamadnejad M see G hadimi R et al; Mirbagheri S-A cardiovascular medicine ..... . 589 and drugs. Symposium on clinical pharmacology. et al Juvenile angiofibroma: new aspects of pathogenesis M Rashid et al : ate nmevere ge ere Monsell F see TennantS and — Symposium on otorhinolaryngology. B Schick and fatty. Review. MED RN, oo aktacsn ieee ae 609 Morgan Es ee Stewart D et al S Urbschat ; 254.6 eae nutritional problems in transplar tation. Editorial Morrish NJ see Chatterjee AK et al K G Kirby .... aes beers aera ene Motor vehicle crashes and older drivers. Review Liyanage S see Menezo Vetal SERIO ar irc Ss seyn shits aaw ha eee ais vie ais .» 399 Kabala J see Owens EJ et al Lloyd T see Swinson B et al Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MI N 2) Kalavrezos N see Witherow H et al Lower limb lump in the neck and in the petrous part of the temporal Kaluskar SK. Laser surgery in the management of sinonasal claudication: osteochondroma as an unusual cause. Case bone. Case Report. HN Buchetal ......... do Zo disease. Review ... stands, report. GD Osborn et al ; 371 Multiple organ failure and severe sepsis: early care in Kapur N. Suicide: causes and prevention. Editorial. .. . 644 critical ischaemia: can we treat it with chemical children. Paediatric emergencies. MJ Peters and Kassimos D and Creamer P. Hand X-ray inr heumatology sympathectomy? Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma Pimer .... an nmw Sv mposium on imaging .. ° 13 J Smart and B Brandner............. 188 Murphy MJ see Jenkiason F and— Keeling C, Agius S and Bailey S. Performance review Lung: metastatic prostate cancer to with normal prostate Murphy SJ, Glynn G and O’Connor FA. Young woman procedures for the preregistration year: map — the specific antigen levels. Case report. N Lawrentschuk with urinary symptoms, septicaemia and a pectoral minefield. Education and training update ... . . 44 eal .. eer ore . 116 muscle abscess. Case report .............4. 560 Kelly M, Dodds M, Huntley JS and Robinson CM. Lung cancer populza tion ssc reening. Review. P Armstrong Murray S see Vickers D et al Bilateral concurrent rupture of the Achilles tendon in the ee ere - aes pis oa cr Myocardial infarction absence of risk factors. Case report ...... ee i Lynn W see Menezo V eta l National Audit of Myocardial Infarction (MINAP): a Ketamine: should it be used as a regular analgesic for M project in evolution. Editorial. J Birkhead and patients with chronic pain? Anaesthetic & critical care L Walker . S alicko und oye ote 452 dilemma. JP Blackburn ..... aa He eee McEachan J see Huntley JS and — patient-held ECG: a flexible friend. Corres. MWH Behan Khan PY see Raman Se t al McGlennan AP and Ashley EMC. Should a fibreoptic RE eS creates, Ee Laeh ares o5 ne ee Khodaei I and Swift AC. Latex allergy and bronchoscope be used to conform double lumen tube Myocardial ischaemia: investigation and treatment in critical otorhinolaryngological surgery. Review ..... . 422 placement? Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma .. . .572 care. Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma. D Randles Khoo CTK. Training in breast reconstruction. Corres. .124 Mackenzie CF and Bucci C. Artificial oxygen carriers for NB ai slana gle os ac ates aeaLRe che Reet raaes sis yt a Kiely PDW. Broadening use of leflunomide in clinical trauma: myth or reality? — in cardiovascular DEROMCE FRONEW oni esos see s's 735 MONINEra econ hei eich lin See alevuinin </ee hie aaa Kinneresley P see Cohen D et al Mcleod AA see Sharma R and — Nadarajah P and Hayden MJ. Poisoning. Paediatric Kirby G. Nutritional problems in liver transplantation. MacMahon Ds ee Stewart De t al emergencies ...... RRM Re hh Bice wee or he nal . .710 MacNeill F. Training in breast reconstruction. Corres . . .124 Nahser HC see Peters G et al Kirk E, Condous G and Bourne T. E ctopic pregnancy Macphee G see Stewart De t al Nandhra HS and Goh CJ. Screening for depression in deaths: what should we be doing? Review ....... .65 Macular degeneration: vision preservation with verteporfin SOCONIAEY CREO OIIIOS oo es ec cs wesc y wore «24 Kitchiner D see Roberts D and — photodynamic therapy. Drug focus. YC Yang ........ 39 Narro M see Singh | et al Nasal cavity leiomyoma: case report and literature review Osteochondroma: an unusual cause of lower limb Symposium on new developments. S-A Hulton and Case report. S Kumar et al claudication. Case report M Greener 400 Nasal polyps. Symposium on otorhinolary logy. AB Osborn GD see also Raman §e t al ind the liver. Symposium on tical pharmacology Drake-Lee O’Shaughnessy D, Rose P, Scriven N, Cummins D and M Rashid et al 456 Nasal vestibule, squamous cell carcinoma presentin Amlot N. Venous thromboembolism registry: route to treatment of intermittent claudication: cilostazol chronic vestibulitis. Case report. K Badran et ai improved patient outcomes. Editorial 260 Svmposium on clinical pharmacology. P Collins and Nash TP. Pain management: re-education is needed Osteochondroma: unusual cause of lower limb claudication J Brittenden 466 Corres 3 12 Case report. GD Osborn et al 371 Pharmacogenetics and cardiovascular disease management National Audit of Myocardial Infarction (MINAP): a project Osteomyelitis, tuberculous: chasing the elusive tubercle Developments in cardiovasculs dicir s in evolution. Editorial. J Birkhead and L Walker 452 Case report. S Busteed et al 438 CFM Weston 594 National Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Deaths Osteoporosis: fracture protection with risedronate. Drug Photodynamic therapy: vision preservation with verteporfin 2003: Who Operates When? II. Editorial. \C Martin . .196 focus. S Boonen and D Vanderschueren 535 Drug focus. YC Yang 39 National Lottery: don’t waste your money. /n the publics Otorhinolaryngological surgery and latex allergy. Review *hysician assistants view... NW Goodman | Khodaei and AC Swift 422 evaluation by doctors in training of a pilot programme National service frameworks: cost of Ottawa rules for ankle sprains. Editorial. LM Bachmann and Education and training update. CM Roberts et al .298 Corres. T Quinn G ter Riet 132 as teachers? Corres D Thomas 497 Editorial. R Boyle Oussedik SIS see Haddad FS and Physicians. consultant in acute medicine: making it work for Neale G. Medical litigation: past, present and future Ovbiagele B see Bhidayasiri R et al patients. Education and training update. C Black 493 Editorial Owens EJ, Kabala J and Goddard P. Imaging of testicular Pierce CM. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the Neck pain in pre-admission clinic. /mages in medicine tumours. Svmposium on imaging . 18 newborn. Paediatric emergencies 418 NK Shergill et al Oxygen carriers, artificial for trauma: myth or reality? Pierro A see Hall N and - Necrotizing enterocolitis. Review. N Hall and A Pierro Developments in cardiovascular medicine. CF Mackenzie Pike B see Behan MWH et al Needleman F see Stewart D et al andC Bucci 582 Pleural effusions: role of biochemical analysis. Review Neonates P F Jenkinson and MJ Murphy 48] necrotizing enterocolitis. Review. N Hall and A Pierro 220 Pneumomediastinum with subcutaneous emphysema in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn P>a cinngo labour. Corres S Hemmadi et al 760 Paediatric emergencies. CM Pierce 418 biventricular in heart failure. Symposium on cardiology Pneumonia, eosinophilic: ibuprofen-induced. Corres. YD Lee Nephrotic syndrome: cerebral venous thrombosis presenting S Ellery et al 149 et al as unilateral headache and visual blurring. Case report preoperative for bifascicular and trifascicular heart block Poisoning. Paediatric emergencies. P Nadarajah and KH Chan et al 54 is it necessary? Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma MJ Hayde Nesbitt I see Randles D et al S O'Malley and EMC Ashley 636 Population screening for lung cancer. Ré P Armstrong Neuroendocrine tumour: unusual site and presentation Paice E and Orton V. Early signs of the trainee in difficulty et al 404 Case report. H Alsafadi et al. ; 564 Education and training update 238 Pre-admission clinic: a pain in the neck. /mages in medicine Neurogenic T waves after subdural haematoma. Case report Pain NK Shergill et al 757 R Kumar and M Fisher 206 comorbid chronic non-cancer and opioid use disorders Pregnancy Newman L see Witherow He t al Symposium on chronic disease management ectopic pregnancy deaths: what should we be doing? NHS C Littlejohn et al Review. E Kirk et al aggression and violence in. Corres S George and neck in pre-admission clinic. /mages in medicine ind pre-existing diabetes: key concerns. Revie K Tansey NK Shergill et al A Crocker and T Farrell effecting change in. Corres. N Goodwin; RT Taylor should ketamine be used as a gular analgesic for Preregistration house officers PGM Wallace patients with chronic pain? Inaesthetic & comparison of aspects of training from traditional and two years on and what have w ot? In the public dilemma. JP Blackburn new medical curricula. Eds d training update NW Goodman shoulder in sports. Symposium on shoulder disease J Brown et al 745 NHS framework, new for handling performance concerns CE Cobiella flexible (part-time) training: review of Thames and Education and training update. DA Black | Pain management London deanery experiences. Education and training Nielsen PB see Booth SA et al current state. Editorial. BJ Collett update. TJ Peters and A Houghton 620 Nightingale P see Heneghan C and - re-education is needed. Corres. TP Nash learning and teaching. Corres. OO Idowu 241 Non-acciden<al injury. Paediatric emergencies. V Larcher365 Panesar SS see Aziz O et al performance review procedures for the preregistration Non-islet cell tumour hypoglycaemia: unusual site and Parasites and the eye. Corres. R Armour year: map through the minefield. Education and presentation of neuroendocrine tumour. Case report Paraskevas P see James DRC et al training update. C Keeling et al 44 H Alsafadi et al 564 Parker C see Conway D and training to recognize trainees in difficulty. Corres Norris P see Swinson B et al Parker MC. Epidemiology of adhesions: the burden S Suman 440 Nosocomial infections and antibiotic resistance on intensive Svmposium on adhesions transfer of information from medical schools. Education care. Anaesthetic & critical care dilemma. M Terblanche Parkinson’s disease: dopamine agonist switching in training update. A Frankel and S English 170 and SJ Brett 216 Symposium on chronic disease management. D Stewart stration year, performance review procedures: map Nutrition et al 215 through the minefield. Education and training update enteral. Symposium on nutrition. TE Bowling 712 Paronychia or an abscess: early diagnosis. Corres C Keeling et al 44 perioperative and postoperative. Symposium on nutrition G Griffiths et al 696 Proctor I see Roberts CM et al PG Lidder and S Lewis 717 Parry-Jones AJD. Anaesthetist or intensivist Prostate cancer problems in liver transplantation. Editorial. G Kirby .710 continued debate. Corres 631 metastatic to lung with normal prostate specific antigen should we allow ventilated patients with a tracheostomy to Editorial 516 levels. Case report. N Lawrentschuk et al 116 eat and drink? {naesth l ive dilemma Patel T see Behan MWH et al radiotherapy for and sexual functioning. Review D Conway and C Park 764 Patient-held ECG: a flexible friend. Corr MWH Behan L Incrocci 605 support and stroke. S\ I Singh et al 696 Protection insurance: why you need to insure your lifestyle et al Paul V see Ellery S et al Finance update. Medical Sickness 566 Nye FJ see Azam SN et al; Busteed S et al Paviour D see Simeock D and Protein C resistance, activated and homocysteinaemia O Pearse M see Wardle N et al cerebral sinus thrombosis in a young adult. Case report Pectoral muscle abscess, septicaemia and urinary symptoms MBM Ghalib and ISA Hassan 118 Obstetrics and gynaecology training in a young woman. Case report. SJ Murphy et al 560 Pulmonary fibrosis, rapid onset of pergolide-induced in a future consultant. Training for obsi Pensions: it’s not about the money. /n the publics view patient with corticobasal degeneration. Case report. M Blott NW Goodman 62 D Simcock and D Paviout in the Netherlands. Training in obstetrics and Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: vaccination metastasis Pulmonary hypertension gynaecology. RA Hakvoort following. Case report. S Raman et al 246 and deep cholestatic jaundice in a woman with Graves’ in the UK: present and future. 7raining in obstetrics and Performance concerns: new NHS framework for handling hyperthryoidism. Case report. M-J Liou et al 244 gynaecology. M Whitten and AJ Drakeley 520 Education and training update. DA Black 112 persistent of the newborn. Paediatric emergencies O’Connor FA see Murphy SJ et al Performance review procedures for the preregistration year CM Pierce 418 Ocular symptoms and signs as presenting features of map through the minefield. Education and training rare but serious complication of ventriculoatrial shunts endocarditis caused by Streptococcus bovis I. Case update. C Keeling et al 44 Case reports. R Sharma and AA Mcleod 242 report. V Menezo et al 694 Pergolide-induced pulmonary fibrosis in a patient with Pulmonary metastases in prostate cancer with normal Ogilvie’s syndrome: rare complication of inguinal hernia corticobasal degeneration. Case report. D Simcock and prostate specific antigen levels. Case report repair. Case report. SW Hamilton and AA Jabbar 562 D Paviour 372 N Lawrentschuk et al 116 Older drivers and motor vehicle crashes. Review Periodic paralysis, thyrotoxic in a Caucasian male. Case Pulmonary oedema, postobstructive. Anaesthetic & critical ER Braver ; P 599 report. AK Chatterjee et al 182 care dilemma. J Windsor et al 508 O’ Malley S and Ashley EMC, Is preoperative pacing for Peripheral vascular surgery: epidurals and clopidogrel Pulmonary toxicity and cancer treatment. Review bifascicular and trifascicular heart block necessary? {naesthetic & critical care dilemma. R Self and DA Fennell and RM Rudd 462 {naesthetic & critical care dilemma 636 B Brandner Purkayastha S, Athanasiou T, Casula R and Darzi A. Opioids: comorbid chronic non-cancer pain and opioid use Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn Robotic surgery: review. Review disorders. Symposium on chronic disease management Paediatric emergencies. CM Pierce . Purkayastha S see also James DRC et al C Littlejohn et al 210 Peters G, Nahser HC, Shaw MDM and Smith DF. Oral and maxillofacial infection: management. Review Bleeding thunderclap headache. Case report H Witherow et al 28 Peters MJ and Lister P. Early care of severe sepsis and Quinn T. Cost of national service frameworks. Corres Oral manifestations of systemic diseases. Review. B Swinson multiple organ failure in children. Paediatric R etal : er 7 92 emergencies ‘ Orphan drugs: increasing the use of in clinical practice Peters TJ and Houghton A, Flexible (part-time) Radhamanohar M. Falls and their prevention in old age. Symposium on new developments. S-A Hulton and preregistration house officer training: review of Thames Review a Te 30 M Greener ; a: 400 and London deanery experiences. Education and training Radial artery as a conduit for coronary artery bypass graft Orthopaedic manifestations of tuberculosis. Review update 620 Developments in cardiovascular medicine. RS Jutley and N Wardle etal ... tas 228 Peveler R see Dinan T et al PK Sarkar : 589 Orton V see Paice E and - Pharmaceuticals Radiotherapy for prostate cancer and sexual functioning Osborn GD, Raman S, Evans P and Lewis MH. increasing the use of orphan drugs in clinical practice Review. L Incrocei 605 Raman 8, Osborn GD, Khan PY, Winter RK, Champ CS Shaw MDM see Peters G et al Managing hyperlipidaemia: a real headache. Corres . .376 ind Lewis MH. Carotid diaphragm: an unusual and easily Shergill NK, Chan W, Arya N and Damani N. Swallowing: should we allow ventilated patients with a missed cause of interne al carotid artery stenosis. Case Pre-admission clinic: a pain in the neck. /mages in tracheostomy to eat and drink? Anaesthetic & critical care Or 500 medicine dilemma. D Conway and C Parker ..... s+ oe 0 0 OM Raman S, Siddiq TO, Joseph A, Jones AH, Haray PN and Shetty A and Barnes RA. New antifungal agents Swift AC see Kumar Se t al Masoud AG. Vaccination metastasis following Symposium on clinical pharmacolog\ Swinson B, Witherow H, Norris P and Lloyd T. Oral percutaneous endoscopic ;tastrostomy. Case report 246 Shoulder manifestations of systemic diseases. Review ........ .92 Raman 8S see also Osborn GD et at pain in sports. Symposium on shoulder disease Swinson BD see Witherow H et al Ramsdale DR see Aziz S and CE Cobiella : : . 652 Systemic diseases, oral manifestations. Review. B Swinson Ramsey DJC and Smithard DG. Assessment anc unstable. Symposium on shoulder disease. AL Wallace 92 management of dysphagia. Symposium on et al .. 648 T lar og Shylasree TS see Hemmadi S et al Erratum Sibal L, Scoones DJ and Bilous R. Temporal arteritis in the Tansey K see George S and - Randeva HS see Alsafadi H et al absence of headache. Case report 692 Tasker RC. Non-traumatic coma. Paediatric emergencies 48 Randles D, Cosgrove J and Nesbitt L. Investigation and Siddiq TO see Raman Se t al Taylor RT. Effecting change in the NHS. Corres ... 568 treatment of myocardial ischaemia in critical care Simcock D and Paviour D. Rapid onset of pergolide- Taylor W see Kumar Se t al fnaesthetic & criti al care dile mma induced pulmonary fibrosis in a patient with corticobasal Technology, changing: attitudes to in health care. Editorial. Rao U and Weston C. Antiplatelet agents in degeneration. Case report ............. eee OAzizetal .... Ey atherothrombotic diseases. Symposium on clinical Simo R see Badran Ke t al Television: plastic fantastic. In the publics view... pharmacolog\ Simpson J. Antenatal detection ——— heart disease. NW Goodman 119 Rapado F see Badran K et al Symposium on cardiology eee eee Temporal arteritis in the absence of headache. Case report Rashid M, Goldin R and Wright M. Drugs and the liver Singer M. Anaesthetist or intensivist: continued debate L Sibal et al aot Ome Symposium on clinical pharmacolog\ 56 Corres . ‘ .630 Tennant S and Monsell F. Walking problems in young Reid S see Hemmadi S et al Singh I, Vilches A and Gupta RC. Intermediate care and children. Review 34 Renal grafts: first successful in man. Surgical anniversaries diversity: principles and practice. Editorial ........198 Terblanche M and Brett SJ. Situation critical? Nosocomial H Ellis 623 Singh I, Vilches A and Narro M. Nutritional support and infections and antibiotic resistance on intensive care. Respiratory failure, acute management of paediatric stroke SN mpostum on nutrition . . 721 {naesthetic & critical care dilemma . Sox 22 ee Paediatric emergencies. D Inwald 616 Sinonasal disease, laser surgery in the mang agement Review. Testicular tumours: imaging. Symposium on imaging Retrograde ejaculation and male infertility. Review. TR Aust SK Kaluskar . . . 476 EJ Owens et al . ; Pile plan and DI Lewis-Jones 361 Sinus thrombosis, cerebral in a young adult with activated Thomas D. Physicians assist ints as teachers? Corres .. .497 Rhee YK see Lee YD et al protein C resistance and homocysteinaemia. Case report. Thompson RN see Busteed S et al Rheumatology, hand X-rays. Symposium on imaging MBM Ghalib and ISA Hassan . 118 Thoracic aorta, acute dissection. Symposium on cardiology D Kassimos and P Creamer Sivayokan T and Dillon JF. Cirrhotic ascites: review of S AZIZ SNe DR SIMAGME 6 os cee sch em ova caw tule Ridley S management. Review max ie Thrombolytic therapy Anaesthetist or intensivist: continued debate. Corres .630 Skeletal events, cancer-related: manz igi g with for acute ischaemic stroke. Drug Focus. D Jenkinson .164 Combating mortality from severe sepsis. Editorial 580 bisphosphonates. Drug focus. S Rule .... a9 improved pre-hospital: integrated cardiac care. /ntegrated Riet G ter see Bachmann LM and - Skin failure, erythroderma. Review. P Balasubramian and cardiac care. D Vickers et al ‘eee Risedronate, fracture protection in osteoporosis. Drug focus J Berth-Jones 100 patient-held ECG: a flexible friend. Corres. MW H Behan S Boonen and D Vanderschueren 53 s Smart J and Brandner B. Can we treat lower limb critical etal. oe .696 Roberts CM, Proctor I and Forrer M. Evaluation by ischaemia with chemical Licepmente ’ Anaesthetic & Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: diagnosis not to doctors in training of a pilot programme of physician critical care dilemma 188 miss. Teaching case report. M Garside et al . 628 assistants. Education and training update . 298 Smihard DG see Ramsey DJC and - Thyroid carcinoma, medullary: lump in the neck and in the Roberts D and Kitchiner D. Antenatal diagnosis of fetal Smith DF see Peters G et al petrous part of the temporal bone. Case _— HN Buch heart disease. Symposium on new developments 396 Smith M see Martin D and — etal ... pees 120 Robinson CM see Kelly M et al Smith MA see Ansari A and - Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis in a Caucasian male. Case Robotic surgery: review. Review. S Purkayastha et al Smith NC. Developing maternity services in Scotland. report. AK Chatterjee et al as 5 Coie Rocker M see Griffiths G et al Review Tomkin GH see Yeow TP and — Rodgers H. and Rudd A. Quality of stroke care in 2004 Smoking, giving up Tracheostomy: should we allow ventilated patients with a Editorial 519 Corres. G Fowler tracheostomy to eat and drink? Anaesthetic & critical care Rolinick S see Cohen D et al Editorial. G Jackson dilemma. D Conway and C Parker ...............764 Rose P see O’Shaughnessy De t al Sosin MD see Sutton B et al Training Rudd A see Rodgers H and — Spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury, severe in acute medicine: making it work for patients. Education Rudd RM see Fennell DA and - children. Paediatric emergencies. A Hoskote and training update. C Black . 493 Rule S. Managing cancer-related skeletal events with Sports: shoulder pain. Symposium on shoulder disease anatomy: future teaching of undergraduates. Education bisphosphonates. Drug focus CE Cobiella 2 and training update. DRC James et al ......... 681 Ryland I see Brown J et >! Spyrou N see Hamdulay ‘SS et al in rye reconstruction. Corres. CTK Khoo; Squamous cell carcinoma of nasal vestibule presenting as F MacNeill chronic vestibulitis. Case report. K Badran et al... . .624 comparison of aspects of preregistration house officer Sargent J. Have workforce development confederations Starke I. Stroke medicine: a new seen Education training from traditional and new medical curricula. succeeded? Editorial 324 and training update ‘ ee Education and training update. J Brown et al Sarginson RE see Baines PB and — Status epilepticus: acute manz igement of seizures in early signs of the trainee in difficulty. Education and Sarkar PK see Jutley RS and - childhood. Paediatric emergencies. RC Scott ...... .748 training update. E Paice and V ONO so 5 osc ieee 8 Schick B and Urbschat S. New aspects of pathogenesis of Stewart D, Morgan E, Burn D, Grosset D, Chaudhuri evaluation by doctors in training of a pilot programme of juvenile angiofibroma. Symposium on KR, MacMahon D, Needleman F, Macphee G and physician assistants. Education and training update. otorhinolaryngolog 269 Heywood P. Dopamine agonist switching in Parkinson’s CM Roberts et al . eer Schizophrenia disease. Symposium on chronic disease management .215 flexible (part-time) preregistration house officer training: and diabetes: understanding. Review. T Dinan et al . . .485 Stiff person syndrome, delayed diagnosis. Case report review of Thames and London deanery experiences. evidence-based management. Symposium on chronic TP Yeow and GH Tomkin . S erate aan eke OR be Education and training update. TJ Peters and disease management. M Camprubi and L Dractu . .201 Stratakis C see Conroy S et al A Houghton Scoones DJ see Sibal L et al Streptococcus bovis II: ocular symptoms and signs as future consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology. Training Scott RC. Acute management of seizures in childhood. presenting features of endocarditis. Case report for obstetrics and gynaecology. ‘MBlott ........526 Paediatric emergencies ; 748 V Menezo et al ; See eer good at medicine, pity about the rest. Education and Screening, population for lung cancer. Review. P Armstrong Stroke training update. D Cohen et al Om... : 404 acute ischaemic: thrombolytic money Drug Focus medical students’ views about Modernising Medical Scriven N see O° Shaughnessy D et al D Jenkinson ‘ 164 Careers: a questionnaire survey of London students. Secondary care: screening for depression. Corres nutritional support. S\ mposium on nutrition. | Singh Education and training update. J Malawana et al . .431 HS Nandhra ..... ‘ . 124 etal .. 721 new NHS framework for handling performance concerns. Seizures quality of stroke care in 2004. E ditorial. H Rodgers and Education and training update. DA Black acute management of in childhood. Paediatric PRUNE 5b ans <a eae ae obstetrics and gynaecology emergencies. RC Scott ..... TS stroke medicine: new subspeciality. Education and future consultant. Training for obstetrics and adrenoleukodystrophy: a trap for the phys ician. ¢ ‘ase training update. | Starke gynaecology, WUBION a... ics ccs oee ceases se S20 report. SN Azam et al . . 502 Subarachnoid haemorrhage: bleeding thunderclap headache. in the Netherlands. Training in obstetrics and Self R and Brandner B. Epidurals and clopidogrel ii n Case report. G Peters etal . 754 gynaecology. RA Hakvoort . . . 524 peripheral vascular surgery. Anaesthetic & critical care Subdural haematoma: neurogenic T waves after. Case report in the UK: present and future. Training in obste trics dilemma ........ : See eats hats coeesel R Kumar and M Fisher ee and gynaec ology. M Whitten and AJ Drakeley. . . .520 Sepsis, severe Suicide: causes and prevention. Editorial. N Kapur performance review procedures for the preregistration combating mortality from. Editorial. S Ridley Suman S. Training to recognize trainees in difficulty. year: map through the minefield. Education and - multiple organ failure: early care in children. Corres training update.' C Keeling et al Paediatric emergencies. MJ Peters and P Lister . . .55: Sun J-H see Liou M-J et al physicians assistants as teachers? Corres. D Thomas .497 Septicaemia, urinary symptoms and a pectoral muscle Surgery preregistration house officer learning and teaching. abscess in a young woman. Case report. SJ Murphy from awake and screaming to awake and cooing. /n the Corres. OO Idowu . . et al public's view.... NW Goodman .. . to recognize trainees in difficulty. Corres. S Suman . .440 Sexual functioning, radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Review first successful minimal access operation. Surgical stroke medicine: a new subspeciality. Education and L Incrocci . anniversaries. H Ellis Srcaitninigy Gapdste: 1 GUAR 5 ano o.5 «sconecaee sod s Shafiq O see James DRC et al transfer of information from medical schools. Education Shakespeare CF see Behan MWH et al and training update. A Frankel and S English ... .170 Sharma R and Mcleod AA. Pulmonary hypertension: rare laser in the management of sinonasal disease. Review. Trauma but serious complication of ventriculoatrial shunts. SK Kaluskar artificial oxygen carriers: myth or reality? Developments Case reports robotic: review. Review. S Purkayastha et al in cardiovascular medicine. CF Mackenzie and Sharp P see Dean J and — Sutton B, Sosin MD, Bhatia GS and Hughes EA. INE x66 0-5 scas eces ara aca Se ee vasa wig ae ee Traumatic brain injury Venous thromboembolism registry: a route to improved Weston C see Rao U and severe, medical management. Revi D Martin and patient outcomes. Editorial. D O'Shaughnessy et at Weston CFM. Pharma M Smith Venous thrombosis, cerebral presenting as unilatera man ent. De and spinal cord injury, severe in children. Paediatri headache and visual blurring in a man emergencies. A Hoskote syndrome. Case report. KH Chan et a Whitten M and Drakeley AJ. Tr Tredget AD and Mistlin A. Swollen and cyanotic arm Ventilation: should we allow ventilated p gynaecology in the UK , cause? Corres tracheostomy to eat and drink? Tristram A and Fiander A. Vaccination against cervical lilemma. D Conway and C Parker Who Operates When? II: the Nati | Cont cancer. Review Ventriculoatrial shunts: pulmonary hypertension as rare but into Perioperative Deaths 2003. Editorial. 1\C Martin Tuberculosis serious complication. Case reports. ® Sharma and Wilcox MH. Health-care-associated infe morbidity chest wall involving the second rib in a young Ethiopiai AA Mcleod 242 mortality and costs. Rei woman. C< port. A Ansari and MA Smith Verteporfin photodynamic therapy: vision preservation Wilson M. Cost and economics « orthopaedic manifestations. Review. N Wardle et al Drug focus. YC Yang idhe sions unusual presentations: let the clinician beware. Edito Vestibulitis, chronic: squamous cell carcinoma of nasal Windsor J, Dewdney A, Crooks R ar P Davies vestibule presenting as. Case report. K Badran et al . .624 Postobstructive pulmor oedema. Anaest/ & Tuberculous meningitis in the developed world: a lurking Vickers D, Ayers H, Barnes N, Coates M, Griffiths B, are dilemma menace. Case report. SA Booth et al Hargreaves M, Murray S and Barry G. Integrated Wing L. Spectrum of autistic disorder Tuberculous osteomyelitis: chasing the elusive tubercle. Ca cardiac care for improved pre-hospital thrombolysis Winter RK see Raman Se t al report. S Busteed et al Integrated cardiac care 226 Witherow H, Swinson BD, Amin M, Kalavrezos N and U Vilches A see Singh | et al Newman L. Management of oral and maxillofacial Violence and aggression in the NHS. Corres. S George and infection. Revie Upper airway obstruction. Paediatric emergencies K Tansey 312 Witherow H see also Swinson B et al PB Baines and RE Sarginson Vision preservation with verteporfin photodynamic therapy Wolstenholme RJ. Copying letters to patients. C Urbschat S see Schick B and Drug focus. YC Yang 39 Workforce development confederations (WDCs) Urinary symptoms, septicaemia and a pectoral muscle Vulva: aggressive angiomyxoma. Case report. S Baruah have y made a difference? Cor? R Ch abscess in a young woman. Case report. SJ Murphy et al 248 have the succeeded? Edito J}S argent et al 560 Ww Wright M see Rashid M et al Urinary tract imaging and intravenous urography. Review CH Costello and CKL Cook 426 Walker D and Walker F. To do or defer Usher S. Use of laryngeal mask airway in the prone position congenital heart disease. Anaesthetic & Xanthomas and hypercholesterolaemia {naesthetic & critical care Vd ilemma 25 ) lilemma patient ith hepatolithiasis. Case report Walker F see Walker D and Walker L see Birkhead J and ind in rheumatology. Sym; Vaccination Walking problems in young children. Review. S Tennant and D Kassimos and P¢ against cervical cancer. / iR eview. A Tristram and F Monsell 34 A Flander Wallace AL, Alexander S and Gupte CM. Unstable metastasis following percutaneous endoscopic shoulder. Symposium on shoulder disease 648 Yang YC. Preservins gastrostomy. Case report. S Raman et al Wallace P. What’s in a name? Commentaries 518 therapy. Drug focus Vaccines, melanoma. Review. B Elliott and A Dal; Wallace PGM. Effecting change in the NHS. Corres 568 Yeo TK see Menezo V et al Vaidya G. Copying letters to patients: are we ready Wallis P see Michael AB and Yeow TP and Tomkin GH. Delayed Editorial Wardle N, Ashwood N and Pearse M. Orthopaedic syndrome. Case report Vanderschueren D see Boonen S and manifestations of tuberculosis. Review Yoong KKY, Clarke S and Heymann T. Health-care Varughese G see Buch HN et al Wassif WS see Conroy S et al practitioners. Corres Vascular surgery, peripheral: epidurals and clopidogrel Webb DR see Lawrentschuk N et al Youd PL, Cobb A and Heymann TD. Resist {naesthetic & critical care dilemma. R Self and Webb JK see Lam KS and price to pay. Corres B Brandner Webster M see Butler R et al Have you seen the Hospital Medicine website? www.hospitalmedicine.co.uk

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