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Hospicidal Behavior of the Cleptoparasitic Bee Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) coturnix, Including Descriptions of Its Larval Instars (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) PDF

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Preview Hospicidal Behavior of the Cleptoparasitic Bee Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) coturnix, Including Descriptions of Its Larval Instars (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3636, 15 pp., 29 figures December 31, 2008 Hospicidal Behavior of the Cleptoparasitic Bee Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) coturnix, Including Descriptions of Its Larval Instars (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) JEROME G. ROZEN, JR.1 AND SOLIMAN M. KAMEL2 ABSTRACT In an attempt to determine whether Coelioxys and Radoszkowskiana, both cleptoparasitic members of the Megachilini, had a common cleptoparasitic ancestor, an investigation of the nestingbiologyandimmaturestagesofC.(Allocoelioxys)coturnixPe´rezwasundertakeninEgypt. Thepurpose wasto compare these aspects of this species withthe results of a recentstudyof R. rufiventris(Spinola)andcertainotherspeciesofCoelioxys(RozenandKamel,2007).TheeggofC. coturnix is deposited on the egg of Megachile minutissima Radoszkowski after the host female departs to collect cell-closure material. On hatching, the first instar, still surrounded by egg chorion,bitesthedevelopinghosteggandconsumestheentireeggcontentbeforefeedinguponthe host provisions. This behavior contrasts with certain other species of Coelioxys, whose eggs are hiddeninthehostcellwhileitisbeingprovisionedandthirdinstarsnormallykilltheyounghost larvae. Because the behavior of C. coturnix closely mirrors that of R. rufiventris, the authors concludethattwomodesofcleptoparasitismhavedevelopedinCoelioxysandthatCoelioxysand Radoszkowskiana possibly had a common cleptoparasitic ancestor. The five larval instars of C. coturnix are described and compared with those of other Coelioxys species, and its first instar is comparedwiththatof R.rufiventris. 1AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory([email protected]). 2DepartmentofPlantProtection,FacultyofAgriculture,SuezCanalUniversity,Ismailia,Egypt(soliman_90@hotmail. com). CopyrightEAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory2008 ISSN0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3636 INTRODUCTION generahadacommoncleptoparasiticancestor or whether each evolved their cleptoparasitic Well over a century ago, Ferton (1896) lifestyle independently. Sharply different reportedtwoinstanceswhereheobservedthat modes of parasitism would suggest the latter; females of Coelioxys (Allocoelioxys) afra similar modes would argue for a common Lepeletier oviposited so that the anterior ends cleptoparastic ancestor. of their eggs rested on the host eggs while the To summarize our finding, we concluded posterior ends were in the provisions. This that the occurred while the host females were presum- ablygatheringleafsnippetstoclosethecellsin female Radoszkowskiana rufiventris en- the same nests. In one instance, he noted that ters the host nest when the host is away twodayslaterthecleptoparasiticeggandhost presumably gathering closure material, egg were in the same position. In the evening deposits her egg on top of the host egg, of the second day the parasite’s head had which is resting on the surface of the becomedefined,andheconcludedthattheegg provisions,andthendeparts.Itsembryo had hatched. The resulting young larva then developsrapidlysothatithatchesbefore sucked the contents of the host egg, which the host does. Still surrounded by most subsided into the food, and within two days ofitschorion,itkillstheembryonichost the egg was entirely empty. Afterward, the by biting it with strongly curved but parasitelarvafedontheprovisions.Hisreport short, fanglike mandibles that bear a thus indicates that the Coelioxys egg is tiny spined second tooth basally. deposited after the host female has deposited Without moving its head, it then pro- her egg and implies that the first instar (and ceeds to ingest the entire contents of the perhaps subsequent ones) of the Coelioxys chorionoveraperiodofmorethanaday killsthehosteggandfeedsontheeggcontents whileremainingmotionlessontopofthe before feeding on the provisions. host egg. Its body slowly swells as the As noted by Rozen and Kamel (2007) these host egg is depleted. Except for the observations do not match the detailed ac- fanglike mandibles and short incubation count by Baker (1971), who found that the period, there are no other obvious third instars of Coelioxys (Boreocoelioxys) adaptations of the first instar for its octodentata Say and C. (B.) sayi Robertson, parasitic role. The second instar starts with highly modified head capsules bearing feeding on the provisions by moving the elongate mandibles, are primarily responsible anterior part of its body to one side or for eliminating the host immatures (by that the other of the deflated host egg. Its time larvae); furthermore, their eggs are introduced into the host cells before the hosts mandibles are apically bifid as are those have deposited their eggs. Baker’s finding of all subsequent instars, presumably corresponded exactly with those of Carre´ adapted for feeding on the provisions. and Py (1981) on a species they called C. rufocaudataSmith,questionablyasynonymof These results seemed highly suggestive of C. (Allocoelioxys) echinata Fo¨rster. Baker’s those of Ferton. Our next step was to verify discovery was also fully supported by our what Ferton had reported. In the absence of investigation of Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) deci- Coelioxys afra, we had available a close piensSpinola(RozenandKamel,2006,2007). relative, C. (Allocoelioxys) coturnix Pe´rez. The apparent discrepancies between Thisspeciesisabundantinthevicinityoftrap Ferton’sreportandthesubsequentonescame nestsonthecampusofSuezCanalUniversity, into focus while we were studying the biology where it attacks the nests of Megachile and immature stages of Radoszkowskiana (Eutricharaea) minutissima Radoszkowski. rufiventris (Spinola) (Rozen and Kamel, This paper intends primarily (1) to report on 2007). The latter genus, like Coelioxys, is our investigation into the behavior and cleptoparasitic and also a member of anatomical adaptations involved with clepto- Megachilini. One of the questions we hoped parasitism in this species and, on the basis of toresolveinthatstudywaswhetherthesetwo these findings, (2) to consider further the 2008 ROZENAND KAMEL: BEHAVIOR OFCOELIOXYS COTURNIX 3 Figs.1–3. Trap-nestpanels,SuezCanalUniversity,Ismailia,Egypt.1.Fivepanelsdeployedoncampus. 2.Close-upofpartofonepanelshowingnestingstrawsprojectingfromholesinpaintedfoamplasticanda femaleofCoelioxyscoturnixatoneentrance.3.Neststrawremovedfrompanelandopenedtoexposeleaf- linedcellsof Megachile minutissima. origin(s) of cleptoparasitism in the Megachi- of more permanent construction materials. lini. The current study was greatly assisted by the availability of abundant immatures obtained from the array of large trap-nest panels MATERIAL AND METHODS (sometimes referred to as ‘‘polystyrene nest Fieldwork for this paper took place from blocks’’) used in this program (figs. 1, 2). April 24 to May 10, 2007, on the campus of Thesepanelsconsistoflargeblocksofpainted Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt foam plastic (described elsewhere in greater (N30u379100 E32u159580). There one of us detail: http://www.pollinatorparadise.com/ (S.M.K.) has been pursuing a solitary-bee Egypt.htm) in which are inserted rows of rearingprogramtodeveloppollinationservic- hollow paper tubes (‘‘straws’’) about 12 cm es for alfalfa and other crops because of the long and 5 mm in diameter. The blocks are dwindling nesting opportunities for solitary placed in the field close to the crop plantings, bees in old, adobe structures (see Rozen and and bees such as Megachile minutissima that Kamel,2007)duetotheincreasingavailability nest in preformed cavities find and use these 4 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3636 straws for their nests. When removed and parasite and only a few of the hosts were taken to the lab, straws containing nests are observed there, but they were swept from slit longitudinal so that nest contents can be blooming alfalfa plants adjacent to the nest examined and appropriate immatures of host panels. It seems likely that mating of C. and cleptoparasite collected for study (fig. 3). coturnix does not occur at nest entrances but We also availed ourselves of specimens that takes place in the vicinity of the host plants. S.M.K.isrearingattheIsmailiaExperimental Although we occasionally observed female C. Station, Agricultural Research Center, coturnix enter nest straws, their visits were Ismailia. Because this locality is only a few brief, suggesting that they did not result in kilometers from the university, observations ovipositing. from there are not differentiated from those A number of other hymenopterans in recorded at the university. addition to Coelioxys coturnix were seen In our investigations dealing with develop- around the nest panels, including Osmia ment, we relied heavily on retrieving the cast submicans Morawitz (Megachilidae) and exoskeletons (hereafter termed skins) to dis- Sapyga luteomaculata Pic (Sapygidae). The tinguish instars on an anatomical basis. The latter species is a cleptoparasite of Megachile skins are stacked one on top of the preceding minutissima and O. submicans (Rozen and one under the feeding larva and can be gently Kamel,2007).Asamplingofspecimensbynet removed, separated from one another, and sweeping over the surface of the panels on examined.Preservedinstarswereclearedinan May 28 for a period of about 5 min yielded aqueoussolutionofpotassiumhydroxideafter the following proportions: M. minutissima: 3 the head was partly severed from the body. males, 38 females; C. coturnix: 0 males, 18 Heads were washed, transferred to ethanol, females; O. submicans: 2 males, 0 females; S. lightly stained with Chlorasol Black E, and luteomaculata: 0 males, 2 females. studied in glycerin on well slides. Cast skins EGGS AND EGG DEPOSITION: The mature were simply retrieved, washed, and placed in oocytes of Coelioxys coturnix were previously glycerin on the same well slides with the described (Rozen and Kamel, 2007). We preserved instar. foundthatfourdepositedeggshadanaverage Because first instars remained cloaked by lengthof1.1 mmcomparedwith1.47 mm,the the egg chorions, details of their anatomy are average length of four oocytes in the previous hidden from view. We removed parts of the study (Rozen and Kamel, 2007). The average chorion from specimens after they had been length of four eggs of Megachile minutissima critical-point dried and placed on a scanning was 2.56 mm. Thus the length of the clepto- electron microscope (SEM) stub by gently parasite egg isconsiderably less than half that pattingthechorionwiththestickysurfaceofa of the host. sharply pointed sliver of cellophane tape. Wefoundnumerous(50+)eggsofCoelioxys Patches of the chorion were thus removed. coturnix. Most were either parallel to and on Preserved specimens were examined with a the top surface of the host eggs (fig. 4), which Hitachi S-5700 SEM after being critical-point floatedonthesurfaceofthestickyprovisions, dried and coated with gold/palladium. Others draped somewhat diagonally across the host were studied with a Zeiss EVO 60 SEM. eggs on the provisions (fig. 6), or lying on their side, firmly attached to the chorions of HOSPICIDAL BEHAVIOR the hosts while both were floating on the provisions (fig. 7). Most were affixed to the ADULT ACTIVITYAND ABUNDANCE: During rear half of the host egg, but a few were our observations in April/May, females of farther forward. Many of them were so far Coelioxys coturnix flew in considerable num- back on the host egg that their posterior ends bers over the vertical trapnest panels (fig. 1), wereintheprovisions(fig. 6),althoughothers on which they occasionally alighted. They didnotcontacttheprovisionsatall.Inalmost were accompanied by host females, which allcasestheanteriorendofthecleptoparasitic were arriving, departing, and searching for eggpointedinthesamedirectionasthatofthe suitable nest straws. No males of the clepto- host. 2008 ROZENAND KAMEL: BEHAVIOR OFCOELIOXYS COTURNIX 5 Figs. 4–8. Macrophotographs of live eggs and early instars of Coelioxys coturnix and eggs of its host, Megachileminutissima.4.EggofC.coturnixonhostegg.5.ShroudedfirstinstarofC.coturnixfeedingon partlydepletedeggofhost.6.LiveeggofC.coturnixwithitsposteriorendslightlysubmergedinprovisions andpositionedslightlydiagonallyonhostegg;notesecondeggofC.coturnixremovedfromhosteggand restinginprovisions.7.EggofC.coturnixattachedtohostegg,bothrestingontheirsides.8.Livefirstinstar ofC.coturnixfeedingonhosteggwithlargeeggofSapygaluteomaculata,readytoeclose,nearbyonsurface ofprovisions. Obviously, these cleptoparasite eggs were bydifferentfemalesratherthancasesofdouble deposited after the host female had laid her or triple oviposition by a single cleptoparasite egg, probably at the time that the host female becauseoftheinfrequencyoftheiroccurrence. was gathering leaf snippets to close the cell. We suspect that if double oviposition by Cellscontainingtheseeggsgavenosuggestion females were normal as proposed for certain that they had been opened by the cleptopar- Nomada (Linsley and MacSwain, 1955), we asite after the host female had sealed them, wouldhaveencountereditmorefrequently.In and all cleptoparasitic eggs were deposited on many of these cases one of the parasitic eggs freshlydepositedhosteggsthathadnotimeto seemed to have been removed from the host develop. Hadtheybeen found witholder host egg,perhapssuggestingthatthesecondclepto- immatures, this would imply that the clepto- parasite female to arrive had dislocated the parasitic female had oviposited by somehow earlieregg.Inthefewcasesinwhichmorethan inserting her egg into the cell after the host one egg survived for a time, we observed no female had closed it. cases in which both eggs survived longer than Although most of the eggs were deposited beyond the second instar. Unfortunately, we onetoabroodcell,anumberofcellscontained were unable to gather data as to whether a two (fig. 6) or even three eggs of Coelioxys cleptoparasitic egg could survive without first coturnix. These are assumed to be depositions feedingonthehostegg. 6 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3636 As reported elsewhere (Rozen and Kamel, in press) eggs or young larvae of Sapyga luteomaculata were occasionally encountered in cells also occupied by immatures of Coelioxys coturnix (fig. 8), indicating that these two cleptoparasitic species are in com- petition for the same host (although S. luteomaculata also attacks Osmia submicans, whichisnotattackedbyC.coturnix).Because the first instar of S. luteomaculata is highly active and substantially larger than the first instarofCoelioxyscoturnix,onemightassume S. luteomaculata would destroy the competi- tor. We did encounter this situation, but we also found a cell containing a mangled egg of S. luteomaculata and an active third instar of C.coturnix.WesurmisethatinthiscasetheC. coturnixeggmighthavebeendepositedearlier than that of S. luteomaculata. Duration of the egg stage of Coelioxys coturnix is estimated to be brief and is certainly shorter than that of the host, since all cleptoparasitic eggs on host eggs hatched before the host embryo started to absorb the surrounding amniotic fluid prior to hatching. Although we were unable to identify newly deposited eggs as such, the absence of older immaturesofeithercleptoparasiteorhostand the presence of numerous fresh eggs indicated that the nesting season had just begun. In a sample of 17 cells containing eggs of C. coturnix monitored in the laboratory, all hatched within three days of being collected. We identified hatching by the appearance of gas-filledtracheae,accompaniedbythevisible Figs. 9, 10. SEM micrographs of second instar constriction between head and the rest of the (identified by its mandible, as in fig.20) of Coelioxys coturnix. 9. The somewhat flaccid egg body as well as by more or less visible body of Megachile minutissima to which is attached the segmentation (figs. 5, 8). chorion and presumably first instar skin of C. DEVELOPMENT: The first instar is shrouded coturnix. 10. Close-up of micropyle (identified by byitschorionasitstartstofeedonthehostegg. rectangle in fig.9) matched with micropyle of It remains motionless on the host for the next mature oocyte(Rozenand Kamel, 2007:fig. 33). day or two (exact timing not determined, but nomorethantwodays)duringwhichtimethe During this time the cleptoparasitic larva hosteggfirstbecomesflaccid(figs. 5,8).Some gradually swells due to the ingestion of the evidence suggeststhatshedding ofthechorion host yolk and subsequently the provisions. As and first instar exuviae occurs while the host the larva feeds, the opaque, yellowish content eggisonlypartlyingested(figs. 9,10).Thehost of its digestive tract indicates ingestion of egg gradually flattens with a finely wrinkled pollen, and the larva continues to increase in chorionandthenbecomesconcave,afterwhich size. While still a second and third instar, it it flattens and floats as a dull film on the reacts to teasing with a probe by rearing its provisions. After depleting the host egg, the head from under the surface of the provisions second instar starts feeding on the provisions. andopeningandclosingitsmandibles. 2008 ROZENAND KAMEL: BEHAVIOR OFCOELIOXYS COTURNIX 7 Thisspecieshasfivelarvalinstars.Defecation While the egg-deposition and host-killing commences at the beginning of the last larval behavior of this species of Coelioxys and stadiumorshortlythereafterwhileconsiderable Radoszkowskiana rufiventris appear identical, foodremainstobeeaten.Asmentionedabove, there is an anatomical difference between the castlarvalskinsofpreviousinstarspresumably first instar of C. coturnix, as detailed in the normallyaccumulateundertheposteriorendof ‘‘Descriptions of Larval Instars,’’ below, and the feeding instar. In one case we collected a thatofR.rufiventris(RozenandKamel,2007). fourth instar shedding to a fifth instar and all Although the mandibles of both species are threepreviousskinsweresequentiallyflattened shortandstronglycurvedapically,theapicesof onto its venter. Such a finding facilitates those of C. coturnix bend caudally whereas determinationofinstarnumbers. thoseofR.rufiventrisquestionablycurveorally. More significantly, both species exhibit a DICUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS secondary mandibular projection that in both caseswetentativelyhomologizewiththedorsal BASED ON HOSPICIDAL BEHAVIOR mandibular tooth of the typical, bidentate, Clearly the eggs of Coelioxys coturnix are larvalmegachilidmandible.Thistooth,howev- deposited as has been described by Ferton er, is structurally very different in these two (1896) for the related C. afra, although the species: that of C. coturnix is long, tapering, variationofpositionsofthecleptoparasiteegg apicallysimple,andstronglydivergingfromthe relative to the host egg was greater than curved mandibular apex (figs. 13–15) and that encompassed by his account based on only of R. rufiventris is short, inconspicuous, and two sightings. Identical in the accounts of apically bears a cluster of long (relative to the both species is the fact that parasite eggs are tooth) fixed spines (Rozen and Kamel, 2007: deposited afterthose ofthe hosts, presumably figs.20,21).Itisdifficulttopostulateascenario when the host female is gathering material to whereby these very different structures could close the cell. In addition, his description of haveacommonfunctionalorigin.Unfortunately the hatched larva of C. afra feeding on the the mandibles are tiny structures on very small host egg, slowly reducing it to an empty larvae that are hidden beneath their egg chori- chorion, is essentially identical to our obser- ons,sothatinvivoobservationsareimpossible. vations. In both cases, after the host egg is Perhapsstudiesofrelatedspecieswillilluminate eliminated,thecleptoparasiticlarvacommenc- theanatomyandfunctionofthesestructures. es feeding on the provisions. If one accepts the hypothesis that Coelioxys Thus,thesetwospeciesarenearlyidenticalin and Radoszkowskiana had a common clepto- their hospicidal behavior, which is also shared parasitic origin, one then has to explain the with Radoszkowskiana rufiventris (Rozen and origin of the second mode of parasitism within Kamel, 2007). This behavior was possibly the cleptoparasitic clade, that is, what evolu- derived from a common cleptoparasitic ances- tionary steps could account for a shift from a tor of Coelioxys and Radoszkowskiana, and, situationinwhich(1)aparasiticeggisplacedon therefore, supports the hypothesis that there a deposited host egg and the first instar of the was a single origin of cleptoparasitism in the cleptoparasitekillsthehosteggtooneinwhich Megachilini.However,unexplainedisthestudy (2)theparasiticeggishiddeninthehostcellasit by Carre´ and Py (1981) on C. rufocaudata in is still being provisioned before the host egg is which they identified the third instar as the depositedandthethird-instarcleptoparasitehas principle hospicidal form and stated the clep- thecapabilityofkillingthehostlarva?3 toparasitic egg is inserted in the cell that was still being provisioned. This species is presum- 3ThisquestionisbasedontheassumptionthatCoelioxys is monophyletic. If it were discovered that ablyacloserelativeofC.coturnixandC.afra, Radoszkowskiana arose from within Coelioxys, then the andwewouldhaveexpectedacloseagreement polarity of behavioral character state might change, intheirbehavior.Wealsonotethattheirlarvae implyingthateggdepositionofthecleptoparasiteonthe are illustrated as having hypostomal tubercles host egg was the derived condition. This seems unlikely since it would involve a reversal of the specialized (5 ‘‘pleurostomal thickenings’’), which are anatomical features of third and presumably second lackinginC.coturnix. instarstotheplesiomorphiccondition. 8 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3636 Figs.11–15. SEMmicrographsoffirstlarvalinstarofCoelioxyscoturnix.11.Head,coveredbychorion, bitingeggofMegachileminutissima,frontolateralview.12.Close-upoffrontofhead,showingmicropylar sculpturing of chorion. 13. Head of larva, now removed from host egg, showing mouthparts, near lateral view.14.Same,approximateventralview.15.Mouthparts,witheggchorionandlateralpartofparietalnow removed, approximatefrontal view. Atthispointwelackconcreteevidenceasto tential host bees do not have to depart from how this might have happened, but we can the nest to gather closure material since they speculate on the selection pressure that might canclosethecellswithmaterialonhand(such account for this diversification in modes of as soil). Such potential hosts do not provide cleptoparasitism in Coelioxys. First, we note evenanarrowwindowofopportunitytohave that there is a very limited time period for a their completed cells visited by such clepto- cleptoparasite to enter an open host cell: parasites as Radoszkowskiana, C. coturnix, between when the female host has deposited and C. afra.4 It could be argued that one her egg and when she returns to seal the cell. reason that Coelioxys with its more than 300 There is presumably an advantage if a parasitic female can oviposit in an open cell 4ThesetwospeciesbelongtothesubgenusAllocoelioxys, since such a cell is accessible for a longer time as does C. echinata, the species presumably studied by period thantheshort period betweenhostegg Carre´andPy(1981)asC.rufocaudata.Ifoneassumesthat laying and cell closure (although there is Allocoelioxys is monophyletic, then either one can conclude that the shift from one type of egg deposition admittedly a disadvantage in terms of the to the other took place in that clade or one becomes threat of a returning host female detecting a skepticalthatC.rufocaudataofCarre´andPyisasynonym cleptoparasitic egg). Furthermore, many po- ofC.echinata. 2008 ROZENAND KAMEL: BEHAVIOR OFCOELIOXYS COTURNIX 9 Figs.16,17. SEMmicrographoflarvalinstarsofCoelioxyscoturnix.16.Secondinstarshowingskinof firstinstar attachedto venter. 17.Close-up of first-instar mandible (identified byrectangle in fig.16). species(Michener,2007)issosuccessfulisthat DESCRIPTIONS OF LARVAL INSTARS it was able to expand its roster of potential OF COELIOXYS COTURNIX host taxa because it evolved another mode of cleptoparasitism that permitted it to attack Inthefollowingaccountscomparisonswith hosts that sealed their cells immediately after CoelioxyssayiandC.octodentataarebasedon the descriptions and illustrations of Baker ovipositing. (1971) and with C. decipiens on the paper by There is a preexisting condition that might Rozen and Kamel (2006). be regarded as a step toward ability to attack host larvae rather than host eggs, i.e., an evolutionary step toward the presumed de- FIRST INSTAR rived mode of cleptoparasitism in Coelioxys: Figures 11–17 larvae of Coelioxys beyond the first stadium tend to be combative when teased with a Although many of the details of the probe,moresothanmanynon-cleptoparasitic anatomy of the first instar are unknown larvae.Suchacombativebehaviormaybethe becauseofitssmallsizeandchorion-shrouded result of having to compete with other body, it can be immediately distinguished cleptoparasitic individuals particularly during from subsequent instars by its mandible. the early instars.5 We can envision a hypo- This structure is strongly curved, fanglike, thetical situation whereby a parasitic first and subapically bears a long, slender, sharply instar should have killed the host egg but pointed, dorsal, pronglike process, which is failed to do so for whatever reason. When it moreorlessacontinuationofthelongaxisof encounters the host larva later, it is pre- thebaseofthemandible(figs. 14,15).Beyond adapted to kill it. Thus, there is a shift in the branching of the prong, the mandibular function of its combative ability from killing apex curves strongly, so that its extreme apex competitors to killing the host (which is, of is at a right angle to the long axis of the course, also a competitor) at a later time. mandibular base and, when both mandibles are closed, their extreme apices are almost 5In support of this idea, the first instar of Exaerete parallel(figs. 13,15).Theprongispresumably smaragdina(Gue´rin-Me´neville)(Apidae)hascurved,sharply the modified dorsal tooth of the typical pointed mandibles although the cleptoparasitic female normallykillsthehostoffspring(Garo´faloandRozen,2001). megachilid bidentate mandible. Its function 10 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3636 is unknown: It may stabilize or make taut the same except two cast skins, IV-29-2007; same chorion (either that covering the first instar, except one cast skin, IV-27-2007. that of the host, or both) while the curved point of the opposing mandible tries to INSTARS TWOTO FOUR penetrate the chorion. Alternatively, its sharp Figures 18–27 apexandthefactthatitsapexextendsbeyond the curved mandibular apex suggest that it mightbeatearingdevisetoperforatechorion. HEAD: The integument of the parietals of the second instar of Coelioxys coturnix is The conspicuous apical labral tubercles of distinctly sclerotized but only moderately subsequent instars (figs. 20, 22, 15) are not in pigmented, and the mandibles are perhaps evidence on the first instar (figs. 14–16). Cast slightly more pigmented than the parietals. skins do not reveal any pigmentation to the The maxillary and labial sclerites are unpig- cuticle,andtheirspiraclesweretoosmalltobe mented and presumably nonsclerotized. The detected.Parietalsoffirst-instarskinscollapse head capsule, labrum, and mandibles exhibit and internal head ridges cannot be detected sensilla, some of which are setiform and with a compound microscope, all suggesting sometimes arise from small tubercles. weak sclerotization, whereas parietals of Spicules are entirely absent from the head. subsequent instars are distinctly sclerotized Theheadofthesecondinstarismoreorless and do not collapse after shedding, and hypognathous (fig. 18) as is the case for all internal head ridges are quite evident. For subsequentinstarsandalmostcertainlyforthe that reason (and the fact that they are small) first instar as well. The parietals of all instars first instar skins can be easily overlooked are not enlarged, and their posterior bound- whereas head capsules of subsequent instars aries are only slightly constricted, so that the flag the presence of the body exuviae that widthofeachforamenmagnumisonlyalittle adhere to the preserved instar. In contrast to smallerthanthemaximumheadwidth.Paired the rest of the head, mandibular apices hypostomaltuberclesasfoundinotherknown including the dorsal prong are more heavily Coelioxys larvae (Baker, 1971; Rozen and sclerotized on cast skins of first instars and Kamel,2006)aretotallyabsent.Sclerotization consequently can often be identified with a of the parietals ends ventrally at the hyposto- compound microscope (figs. 16, 17). Maxillae mal ridges, and thus does not invade the of first instars are represented by low mounds labiomaxillary area; sclerotization posteriorly posterior and mesad of the mandibular bases ends at the postoccipital ridge. The tentorium and lack obvious palpi or sensilla, as revealed is complete and thin in the second instar and by SEM (figs. 14, 15). The labium (figs. 14, continues to be present in subsequent instars; 15) is a shallow, median, longitudinal trough by the fourth instar it has become moderately separatingthemaxillaeandalsolacksobvious robust. The anterior and posterior tentorial palpi and sensilla. pits are in the normal position and are The dorsal mandibular prong is possibly moderate in size in all instars. homologouswiththe‘‘dorsalspine’’identified The postoccipital ridge is pronounced but byBaker(1971)onthemandiblesofCoelioxys narrow, whereas the hypostomal ridge is sayiandC.octodentata,whicharedepictedas strongly developed and wide in all instars. very short. These structures are tentatively Similarlythepleurostomalridgeismoderately consideredhomologoustothedorsalmandib- developed, as is the epistomal ridge below ular tooth found on subsequent instars of (laterad of) the anterior tentorial pits but is these taxa as well as on Radoszkowskiana absent between the anterior pits. Parietal rufiventris.Carre´ and Py(1981) also refer toa bands seemed absent in the first instar, but ‘‘e´pine dorsale’’ on the mandible of C. they appeared on SEM micrographs of the echinata, but it is impossible to interpret from instars 2–4, as suggested by a depression on their diagram the length of this structure. each parietal (figs. 18, 23, 27). The antennal MATERIAL EXAMINED: One first instar projection (fig. 19) is weak (far less than one- feeding on host egg: Egypt: Ismailia, Suez halfitspresumedbasaldiameter)inthesecond Canal University, IV-30-2007 (J.G. Rozen); instar and lacks a distinct papilla and basal

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