Your future lies within the stars... pa h oroscop p Visit oure. a c k new and om k• improved •m a website! o p c TThhee llaasstt wwoorrdd pahorosco p e. iinn aassttrroollooggyy TM Subscribe to Horoscope Guide® Today! HHOORROOSSCCOOPPEE GGUUIIDDEE hhaass ddeettaaiilleedd wweeeekkllyy aanndd mmoonntthhllyy gguuiiddeess ttoo ““TThhee YYeeaarr AAhheeaadd”” ffoorr tthhee ssiiggnn ooff tthhee mmoonntthh aass wweellll aass ggrreeaatt aaddvviiccee aabboouutt LLOOVVEE,, MMOONNEEYY,, HHEEAALLTTHH aanndd mmuucchh mmoorree.. GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY REMIT WITH PAYMENT TO: KAPPA PUBLISHING GROUP, LLC • PO Box 37028 • Boone, IA 50037-4028 HOROSCOPE GUIDE (HOR) 12 issues: $38.30 | 24 issues: $63.00 YOUR NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________________APT # __________ CITY _______________________________________________STATE ________ZIP __________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________ ■■ THIS IS A GIFT FOR: (complete below if this is a gift subscription) NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________________APT # __________ CITY _______________________________________________STATE ________ZIP __________________ E-MAIL ____________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________ A1122T ■■ PAYMENT ENCLOSED _________________________________________________________________ ■■ Check or Money order ■■ VISA ■■ MASTERCARD (Payable to KAPPA PUBLISHING GROUP, LLC) ACCT.# ___________________________________________________________________ Please allow 8 weeks for subscription to begin. *Canadian funds accepted; however, outside the U.S. add postage: $22.20-12 Issues; $44.40- 24 Issues. EXPIRATION DATE: / Outside U.S. and Canada, pay with check drawn on MO YR U.S. bank or a money order issued in U.S. Funds. Offer expires 12/31/22. SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________ 8893.rbw11 Horoscope Guide ZODIAGRAM A week-by-week overview for your sign DECEMBER 2022 H ARIES: Celebrate doubts...professional recognition... deadlines and respect. FEATURES The Winter Solstice and You H TAURUS: Fun, fun, fun... Lynn Paulus ... 32 financial expectations...embrace the love. Together Forever...or Not? Jule Winham ... 38 H GEMINI: Enthusiasm and dreams...relaxing, Special Puzzle Section ... 44 back. DEPARTMENTS H CANCER: Altruism wins... quality time...twists, turns, snafus... Zodiagram ......................................................................... 3 reunion relaxation. Editor’s Note ................................................Kenneth Irving 4 Astro-Crosswords ......................................Lisa R. Bremus 6 H LEO: Friends and family... Book Reviews ..............................................Kenneth Irving 8 it’s showtime...leap and learn... By the Numbers ................................................................. 10 investment review. Lucky Numbers ................................................................. 12 H VIRGO: Healthy choices...stress Your Personal Day Key ....................................................... 13 burner...missing wishes...positive energy. Your Birthday Horoscope ...............................Jackie Slevin 14 H LIBRA: Expanding Your Action Guide .............................................................. 17 horizons...change of heart... Love, Money, Health Forecast ........................Jackie Slevin 20 alternate plan...good deeds. Tomorrow’s News.......................................Anthony Grady 26 The New Astrology.......................................Kenneth Irving 30 H SCORPIO: Happy place... Planting by the Moon ......................................................... 49 social media connections... looking your best...retreat and Starscope for Today’s Living ................Ronnie Gale Dreyer 51 reboot. Your Year Ahead: Sagittarius .....................T.H. McMichael 56 Astrology for the New Age .................................Tim Lyons 62 H SAGITTARIUS: Romantic Horoscope Guide Ephemeris .............................................. 66 meeting...shared interests... Hourly Guide Aspects ...................................Kenneth Irving 68 generous rewards. Hourly Guide Comments .......................Lawrence Johnson 68 Planning Calendar: December ............................................ 72 H CAPRICORN: Communicating ideas...generous and practical... reminiscing and FORECASTS (cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:191)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:17) Weekly Guides by Ronnie Gale Dreyer Daily Guides by Jackie Slevin H AQUARIUS: Keep moving... surprise funds...spirit of the season...your ARIES ...................................74 LIBRA ...................................86 space. TAURUS ................................76 SCORPIO ...............................88 GEMINI .................................78 SAGITTARIUS ........................90 H PISCES: Selfless friends CANCER ................................80 CAPRICORN ..........................92 forever...special gesture...harmony LEO ......................................82 AQUARIUS .............................94 achieved. VIRGO ...................................84 PISCES .................................96 Editor’s Note Horoscope Guide This month there is nowhere left to go but up— DECEMBER 2022 speaking of the Sun of course, as late in the month it hits its lowest point in the sky, Editor marking the official start of winter. KENNETH IRVING Yes, it will be colder, but we can anticipate warmer days to come. Cover Design LISA BRAUN Another thing we have to look Graphic Artist forward to is the fact that a parade of LISA BRAUN sometimes difficult aspects and eclipses over the last year are over and done with, leaving us Production Manager BETHANY LAWLER with better times to come over the next year. You’ll find the details on that in “The Winter Solstice and You” on page 32. Following that is a very interesting President DESPINA McNULTY look at something that everyone will be interested in: how the astrological connections between two people’s Assistant V.P. birth charts can work to bring them together, whether JAN WEINER as lovers, spouses, or just good friends. Circulation Director DAVE TYLER If you’re a regular reader, we are ever and always grateful to you! Here for the first time? Take a look Retail Services Director around in one of the most reader-friendly astrology BRIANA COPPOLA magazines you will find anywhere: Horoscope Guide. No matter whether it’s your first visit or your SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES hundredth, enjoy the read, and in the meantime stay Please reach us at: safe and be well! ADVERTISING DAVID GELLER ASSOC. INC. [email protected] Ken Irving [email protected] Horoscope Guide (ISSN: 8750-3042), December 2022, is published monthly by Kappa Publishing Group LLC, 6198 Butler Pike, Suite 200, Blue Bell, PA 19422. Subscriptions are $47.88 for 12 issues; add an additional $22.20 per 12 issues outside the U.S. Periodicals postage paid at Blue Bell, PA 19422 and additional mailing offices. Please send all subscription correspondence to Horoscope Guide, P.O. Box 433120, Palm Coast, FL 32143. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Horoscope Guide, P.O. Box 433120, Palm Coast, FL 32143. © 2022 by Kappa Publishing Group LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Not responsible for the loss or non-return of unsolicited articles or photographs, which will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed envelope bearing the proper amount of postage. Publisher is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any advertisements appearing in this magazine, nor the delivery or quality of merchandise or services offered. No endorsement of any such advertisement is intended or implied. Advertisers and agencies assume liability for claims arising from the content of their advertisements. Printed in U.S.A. 4 Horoscope Guide 1 0 0 % Pers o nalize d GREAT FOR Complete the easy to use online form, using your own BIRTHDAYS! words and title. Your customized word search, with your choice of decorative border will be emailed to you at the email address you provide in the order. Please allow approximately 1 week for processing your custom word search before it is sent via email. KAPPAPUZZLES.COM 9083 R F o r m Sagittarius p or uz e see zles p a g e 4 4 Astro-Crosswords by Lisa R. Bremus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 6 Horoscope Guide ACROSS Moore 1. SAGITTARIUS Mayim Bialik’s TV 56. Franchise created by SAGITTARIUS series: “Call Me __” Dick Wolf: “__ & Order” 4. “__! Humbug!” 7. SAGITTARIUS baseball great “Joltin’ DOWN __” DiMaggio 1. “Kenan & __” 10. Selves 2. Before 12. Actress Longoria 3. Haul 13. SAGITTARIUS Britney Spears sings: 4. SAGITTARIUS Tina Turner is “...__ One More Time” “Simply the __” 14. “Westworld” character for 5. Actress Gardner SAGITTARIUS Jeffrey Wright 6. SAGITTARIUS Billie Eilish is “__ 15. Maple syrup ingredient Than Ever” 16. Singer India __ 7. Glass container 17. Bed 8. Kimono sash 19. Title role for SAGITTARIUS Frank 9. Survivor’s “__ of the Tiger” Sinatra: “__ Joey” 11. Series starring SAGITTARIUS Samuel 21. SAGITTARIUS Jim Morrison’s rock L. Jackson: “__ Invasion” band: “The __” 13. Song by SAGITTARIUS Miley Cyrus: 24. 2020 song by SAGITTARIUS Taylor “Wrecking __” Swift 18. CIA forerunner 27. Album by SAGITTARIUS Jamie 20. “__ in the Family” Foxx: “Hollywood: A Story of a Dozen 21. “Darn!” __” 22. “__ and aahed” 28. Conger 23. Tennis pro Naomi 29. At large: on the __ 24. Film starring SAGITTARIUS Kim 31. “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for Basinger: “9 1/2__” __” (2 wds.) 25. Fatty acid 32. Hamilton loc. 26. SAGITTARIUS Jay-Z’s album with 33. Gala Kanye West: “__ the Throne” 34. “Mulan” actor Soon-__ Oh 30. “__ the Parents” stars SAGITTARIUS 35. Wapiti Ben Stiller 36. “Resident Evil” character for 32. SAGITTARIUS shoe designer Manolo SAGITTARIUS Milla Jovovich 33. SAGITTARIUS Kaley Cuoco is “The 37. Prime time soap starring __ Attendant” SAGITTARIUS Charlene Tilton 35. South African pro golfer Ernie 39. GM of Tampa Bay Buccaneers 36. “The Greatest” 40. Yara Shahidi’s TV series: “Grown-__” 38. Fibbed 41. “__ Sky” stars SAGITTARIUS 41. Song by SAGITTARIUS Nicki Minaj: Katheryn Winnick “Super __” 42. Song by SAGITTARIUS Jimi Hendrix: 42. SAGITTARIUS Steinbrenner, owner “Purple __” of the NY Yankees 45. SAGITTARIUS actress Peeples 43. “You __ My Sunshine” 47. “Be quiet!” 44. SAGITTARIUS actress Kravitz 51. J.Lo’s ex 46. Song by SAGITTARIUS Christina 52. Credentials Aguilera: “Like __” (2 wds.) 53. The Kingston __ 48. Web address 54. SAGITTARIUS Bruce of “Enter the 49. “Titanium” SAGITTARIUS singer Dragon” 50. Song by SAGITTARIUS Rita Ora: “__ 55. Wins by SAGITTARIUS boxer Archie We Do (Party)” puzzle solution on p. 50 DECEMBER 2022 7 BBooookk RReevviieewwss by Kenneth Irving Star-Crossed: Astrology, Personality to astrological interpretation is funda- Theory, and the Meeting of Opposites, mentally Jungian.” by Clare Martin, The Wessex Astrolo- In the introduction, Martin points ger ( 152 pages, out that psychology has developed in paperback, $20.00. Digital edition avail- two different ways in regard to how to able. respond to someone who has a psycho- logical problem. One looks at it as a Natal astrology and psychology natural event that is an expression of seem to go together, as part of a natural that person’s personality, and explores partnership for the obvious reason that it with the patient to understand it as both deal with the same subject, people. a process working itself out, while the Perhaps the most famous crossing of other treats it medically by identifying these paths involves the work of C. G. it as an illness and scribbling the solu- Jung, whose symbolism tion on a prescription and imagination fit well pad. That is of course with what we might call the reviewer’s quick the astrological mind, and somewhat shallow though there is more to way of pointing out the the connection between difference, but the au- these two subjects than thor does it better and that. Author Clare Mar- with more detail. tin has an MA in Inte- Martin’s book is an grative Psychotherapy, attempt to bring to- and a key part of her gether two seemingly career as an astrologer different systems, an since 1990 included astrological one based nine years as President on six familiar polari- of the Faculty for Astro- ties (Aries/Libra, Tau- logical Studies, and her rus/Scorpio, and so on) biography mentions that and a type of “systems “her personal approach theory” based on six 8 Horoscope Guide character styles defined by clinical some explanation of the developmental psychologist Stephen M. Johnson). aspects thought to underlie it, and then Though Johnson seems to have written the author uses biographical and myth- extensively on this subject, his book ological examples as a way of illumi- Character Styles is apparently the best- nating the points made at the begin- known of his popularized writings, and ning of the chapter. This is where the on it is described as deal- polarities and the character styles are ing with “How basic existential and brought together through what Martin developmental issues underlie the se- calls “the healing power of stories,” vere pathology of personality disorders and this turns out to be a helpful way and symptoms of neurosis in character of getting the basic message across. styles.” The content of the key chapters, The names of Johnson’s six styles then, is centered on biographies of used in this book (Schizoid, Oral, Sym- historical figures or stories of myth- biotic, Narcissistic, Masochistic, and ical figures whose lives illustrate the Oedipal) have the look of a list like the meaning of the character styles in an personality disorders found in psychi- astrological setting, so though this re- atric diagnostic manuals, though they viewer felt it was necessary to point are used here for quite another pur- out the unfamiliar (and somewhat stiff) pose. Each of these styles is dealt with terminology that seemed to distract at briefly in the six chapters where the the beginning, once the reader gets into polarities and the styles are discussed, studying each chapter, the meaning of but the author leans her discussion in it all will begin to settle in. Though it the direction of what Johnson refers is important to keep in mind that the to as “normal character styles.” There author is testing out an idea that she seems to have been a change of mind feels could enrich both psychology and about this terminology during the edit- astrology by bringing them together ing process, as though the chapter titles in this way, it’s up to readers to judge in the table of contents use “Schizoid,” whether she has succeeded in that, and and so on, in the actual chapter titles it will take some serious study and those terms are not used. By whatev- thought in order to make that judgment. er name, however, the character styles One very important note here is are “a set of attitudes, behaviours, and that this book includes a complete strategies developed in response to our list of the data used (though lacking earliest experiences of the world and of sources and Rodden Ratings), a good other people.” bibliography, and a thorough index. The chapters from 4 to 9 spell out Star-Crossed is a challenging but ed- the relationship judged as appropriate ifying effort to find common ground between the astrological polarities and between astrology and developmental the “psychological dynamic” defined psychology. Clare Martin does a fine by the character styles. Each chapter job of making her case, and now it is begins with a discussion of the sign open for discussion by those ready to polarity, the relevant character style, take up the challenge. (cid:51) DECEMBER 2022 9 BY THE NUMBERS Your kabalistic message for December A ccording to the principles of numerology, the year 2022 reduces FOR THOSE BORN ON THE 2nd, to 6 (2+0+2+2=6), a number 11th, 20th, and 29th of any month associated with going inward and reflecting, Moon-2 vibrations bring many family rather than being a social butterfly. If you members together, and you will be elated that have wanted to make changes in your life, so many relatives who could not make it last this is the year to take stock of all you have year will attend this year’s celebration. There accomplished and come up with a plan for will still be people who cannot visit, but the moving to the next level. Be sure to devise a good news is that through video chats you backup plan since you never know what life can connect with everyone for a real reunion. has in store for you. Take charge of the things Technology comes in handy when you all that you can control and if you are patient and begin to reminisce and fill in gaps that have follow through on your vision, things will fall slipped from your memory. This will begin into place. the process of gathering information for your We add the number for the year to the family tree. month number (January is 1, December is 1+2=3) to your own birthday number (1st=1, FOR THOSE BORN ON THE 3rd, 31st=3+1=4) to calculate your vibration for 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month the month. Jupiter-3 vibrations encourage generosity and kind gestures, which reflect the holiday FOR THOSE BORN ON THE 1st, season. This is the time of year when your 10th, 19th, and 28th of any month compassionate acts are most appreciated. Sun-1 vibrations give you the confidence These may include serving food in a soup of your convictions, so let your voice be kitchen, collecting toys for children in need, heard through a presentation where you or being there for a friend who needs a work or volunteer. You may have strong shoulder to cry on. Look into upcoming opinions but you are also truly interested continuing education classes that you can in what others have to say. When you get attend when the winter semester begins. Start together with family during the holidays, to research local and virtual offerings you can you may debate about issues that place you register for in the new year. on different sides. Learn about each other’s FOR THOSE BORN ON THE 4th, points of view, keep it friendly, and just agree 13th, 22nd, and 31st of any month to disagree. You are still family, and more often than not, will be on the same page. Saturn-4 vibrations will help you 10 Horoscope Guide