PraifsoeHr o rizontalism "Tor eatdh ibso oki st oj oitnh ec rucicaoln versattaikoinpn lga cwei thin itpsa getsh:e i nspirmiandgd,e ninjgo,y fcualc ophoonfyd ebataem ong movemenbtusi ldian gge nuinneelwyp olitTihcrso.u ghhe rd eeplrye spectdfouclu menteadriyt iMnagr,i nSai trhiansp roducae wdo rkt hat emboditehsev aluaensd p ractiictpe osr tra-yAsv.i"L ewiasn dN aomi Kleicno,- creaotfoT rhes T ake "Thibso oki sr ealelxyc ellIetng to.e sst raitgoht th ei mportainsts ues andg etpse oplteot alakb outth emi nt heiorw nw ordsT.h er esuilsat fascinaatnidni gm portaanctc ouonftw hati sf resahn dn ewa boutth e Argentinuiparni sing."-HJoolhlno w,aa yuthoorf C hangteh eW orld WithoTuatk inPgo wer '''Anothweorr lids p ossibwlaes't hec atch-phorfat sheeW orldS ocial Forumb,u ti tw asn'jtu spto ssible;t hwenh oirltewh a sd reamintgh,a t worlwda sa ndi sb einbgu ialntd l iveidnm anyp artosft heg lobsaolu th. Witht hea nalytiincsailg ohfta politipchaill oseo,rpt hhei nvestigative zeaolf a repor,ta enrdt heh earotfa sis,tM earrinSai trhiansi mmersed herseilnof n eo ft hem ostr adicaanldi mportaonftt h esoet hewro rlds andb rouguhstb acks toriveosi,c easn,dp ossibilTihtiibseo so.ko nt he manyf acetpsh,a seasn dp ossibiloiftt hieie nss urrecitniA orngse ntina sincteh ee conomiimcp losoifoD ne cemb2e0r0 1i sr ivetmionvgi,n agn,d profounidmlpyo rtafnotrt hosweh ow antt ok noww hatr evolutiino n ourt immei ghlto okl ike-.R"e beccSao lniatu,t hoorfS avagDer eams andH opei nt heD ark "Thiisst hes toroyfh owp eoplaett heb ottotmu rneAdr gentuipnsai de down-tolbdyt hosweh od idt hoev erturnWionrgk.e rcso,m munirteys i dentasn,d t heu nemployderdo voeu tf ounra tiongaolv ernmeinntt sw o weeksb;l ockheid ghwaaynsd f ordc epubliocf fictioan lesg otiwaitteh themo nt hes potf;o rmehdu ndreodfsn ewp articipnaetiogrhyb orhood assemblainedso ;c cupifeadc torhioetse,la sn,d otehnetre rprainsdre asn themu ndetrh ewiorr kerosw'n c ontrBoely.o ntdh atth,i isst hes toroyf howt hedye velopaened m ergipnrga ctoifc' eh orizontathlaiitdsn a odw' transforAmrignegn tisnoec iraell atidoanybs y d ayT.h iiss a bookf or anyonweh ow anttso u nderstwahnadti t'rse allliykt eo c hangseo ciety fromb elo.w"-JereBmrye ch,ae urthoorfS trei!ak ndG lobalizfartoimo n Below "Them ovemenitnsA rgentihnaav eb eena mongt hem ostc reatainvde inspiratiinro encaelyn eta rMsa.r inSai tricno'lsl ecatliloonuw sst ol earn fromt hea ctivtihsetmss elavnedsc ontintuheee xperimeinnat ust ono my andd emocracy htahveeby e gun-.M"i chaeHla rdtc,o -authoofr Empire "MarinSai trhiansp rovidaendi nvaluasbelrev itcose c holaanrdsa ctiv istasr ountdh ew orlbdy c ompiltihnegt estimoonfit ehsep articipian nts someo ft hem ostp romineanntdo rigiAnragle ntpionpeu lmaorv ements. Thesaec tivsipsetasok f p olitipcaasls ion, detersmoilniadtairaoinntd,y , newf ormosf h orizonotragla nizaTthieoyna .l ssop eaokf f rustration, obstacalnedsr ,e pressOivoenr.a ltlh,e ivro icsehso wi ns tartldientga il thes tubbohronp eo fa newg eneratoifos nu fferaenrdfs i ghteSrist.r in shoulbde c ommendefdo ra ltlh eh ardw orkt hawte nti ntpor oducing theb ooka, w orko fp olitliocvaaeln dc ompanerismo."-AJuayveireor, authoorfC ontentLiiovuess "Thibso oki sl ikae m usicianls trumaesn t,wl ee arfnr omt hep rologue, onw hicthh er eadcehro oswehsa tm usitco p layT.h icsh oruosfv oices, recordweidt shu cshe nsitbyie,lc ihoetsh ed iverstihtagyti velsi fteot he Argentisnoeci maolv ementTsak.e ne achi nt heiorw n rightth,e rye p reseinntd ividbuaatlt lferse efdr omt heh eaotf a collecotnievT.ea k ent oget,ht ehrerye presreensti stoannac eh umans calTeh.e s ounodf thiisn strumiesns ti mplbeu,t i tse chop rofoun-dC.l"a udiAac una, lavacag.,eo dritoofrS inP atron "Thibso okc ontains mmourceth h atnh ev oicaensd i deaosft heo n-the grounadr)c hitoefch tosr izontalIitod cso mprehenasniavley sis oft hei deologaincdma alt eridayln amiocfst hem ovement, prebsye nted thep articiptahnetmss elavset sh,e rye spontdot hei nsighatnfaully tic probionfgs cholar/aMcatriivniSasi tt rin." -MSicchhwaaerlat uzt,h or ofR adicParlo teasntdS ociSatlr ucture "Thesaer et hev oicoefsA rgentignraa'sss roaocttsi vicsatpst,u raemdi dst them osti mportbaunrts otfd emocraitninco vattihoewn o rlhda ss eeinn thel asdte cadLei.s teann,dl earhno wt om akeh istofrryo mt heb ottom up!-"M arieK ennedcyo,- ediotfRo ar dicPaoll itoifPc lsa cienA merica, andC hriTsi llcyo,- autohfoG rl asCse ilianngdsB ottomlPeistss HDBJZIlNIAllSM EDITED BY MARIN A SITRIN PRESS, HorizontaVloiiscmoe:fs P opulPaorw eirn A rgentina © 2006M arinSai trin ISBN1 -904859-58-5 ISBN-1937 8-1-904859-58-1 LibraorfyC ongreCsosn trNoulm ber2:0 06920972 AK Press AK Press 674-A2 3rdS treet PO Box1 2766 OaklanCdA, 9 4612-1163 EdinburEgHh8 9YE USA Scotland [email protected] [email protected] Thea ddresasbeosv weo uldb ed elighttoep dr oviydeou witht hel at estc ompleAtKe c atalfoega,t ursienvge rtahlo usabnodo ksp,a mphlets, zineasu,d iaon dv idepor oducatnsd,s tyliasphp arpeulb lishaenddd is tributbeyAd K PresAsl.t ernatpelleyav,si es oiutr w ebsitfeosrt hec om pletcea talloagt,e nsetw sa ndu pdateesv,e natnsd s ecuorred ering. PrintiendC anadoan a cid-f1r0e0e%,r ecyclpeadp e.r Froncto veprh otboy N icolPaosu sthomis/ Covedre sibgynJ ohnY ates/ Contents Translawteiw nagl k v ........................ ........................... . Acknowledgem.e.n.t.s. .........................i..x... ................ introducti.on 1 ..... ............... ................ .......................... conteaxntd r upture 21 ........................ .... ..................... horizontalidad 37 .............. .................... ........................ au togesti6.n . . 67 ....... .. ................. ........... .......... ............. autonomy 107 ................. ....................... ............. .......... creati.on . 131 . ................ .......................... ........... .......... powe.r . 159 .................. ........................... ...................... repression .. 17 7 ................ ....................... ..... ... .. ........... women . 199 .... .................. ..................... ....................... protagonism . 215 .......... ....................... ........................ dreams 239 ...................... ........................ ...................... index 252 ....................... .................... ..... ...................... PhotCor edi.t.s. .....................................2..5..6.. ........... Translatwien wga lk HorizontalViodcaedds:e P odePro pulatrh,eo riginSapla nivsehr sion oft hibso okw,a sp ublisihne2 d0 05a tC hilavae rrte,c uperaptreidn ting presisnA rgentiTnhae.p rintiprnogc ewsass c ollaboraftiilvlweei,dt h companeriasnmdlo o veA.sC andid(oo noef t hec ompaiierforso mC hi laveyrotuw ilmle eitn t heb ooko)f tesna ywsi:t sho lidaarnidtl yo vael ils possibIla em. f orevienrd ebtteomd y frienadtCs h ilavfeorrrt e minding me ofa ltlh aitsp ossible. Thiissn ota c onventiotnraalnlsyl oarte eddi tbeodo asi tosw n methodol,oo gnyef rom whIia cmh nevearb senIth .a vea ttemptteod worki nt hes piroiftt h en ewp olitoifac fsf ect.iM vyi atiyma sa transla tora nde ditwoars f,i rasntd f oremotsotf ,a cilitthaeft uel lmeesatn ings ands entimeonfpt eso plinet hes ocimaolv ementMse.t hodolog,iI c'avlel y donet hitsh rougpahr ticipiantt ihoonsm eo vementTsh.e n ewp olitics takisnhga pienA rgentrienqau inreewf ormosf t ranslanteiwow na,y so f communicatpionlgi teixcpaelr ienfcoeras t .r ansltahtiopsro seass erious challenge. WhatI 'vceh osetno d o witht hitsr anslaitsit oorn e tacienr tain wordtsh adto n'mta kei mmediasteen sienE nglilseha,v irnogo mf orn ew meaninagnsd s ignificaTthiiposrn osc.e rsesq uitrheeps a tienocfae n u n derstandrienagd. eA rs manyo ft hep eoplIei ntervrieemwi nuds ,o ld wordcsa nnodte finneew t hingsn-eaw l anguaigsne e cess.Ha orwyeve,r a dilemmaar iswehse nt hante wl anguaigsde e velopiinnS gp anish and we,w hos peaEkn gligsehn,e radloln yo ty ets harteh ee xperietnhcaets arec reatai nnge wv ocabul.Ta hriyiss w herteh ep atienccoem eisn W.e mustt rtyo l istteotn h ee xperiebnecfeo artet empttiotn gr ansliatit net o thel anguaogfoe u ro wne xperience. Int raditidoenbaalt aebso uttr anslatthieoraner, e t woo ptionosn:e cant ryt ob ef aithtfout lh el itewroarld inogft heo rigionrao ln ec an v vi Horizonta/ism creaat nee ww orke ntir.Te hleyc hoiicseb etweebne inlgo yatlot hel an guagoer t ot hee xperieTnhciens.e wt ranslasthioounlb den eietrhI.t i s firasntd f oremoas pta rtpiactiorpyo litpircoacle Nsesw. m ovemenptust newd emands eaxnpde ctatoinot nrsa nslaatnoder dsi toTrhse.yd emand seo neo ft hem ostd elicaatnedt, r icpkyo,l itical toolWso.r dsa nde xpressairoenf si llweidt hp reviouhsellyed m otions andm eanings. They havTeh ehiimrse taonriinceghssa. n goev ert ime. Thet rictkhyi nagb outth iosr ahli stoirsty h anto,t o nlhya vnee ww ords been creiantS epda nitsohd escrinbeewe xperienbcuetts h,em eanings ofo ld,ef raircloym monw ordsh avee volved. Paatnidoe pnecnen eisss requiroendb othc ountOsn.e m usts imultaneboeuo spleyn t oa new, unfamilvioacra bulaanrdya lsuon dersttahnadft a milwioarrd sm ight signiifnny e ww ays. AsE miliao s,e venteen-year-oilnAd r gaecnttiiavntita sh tet imoef ourc onversatpiuotnisst ,: So,t odawye 'rceo nstrucstoimnegt hidnigf ferAenndt,i. n t hep ro cessa, w holnee wl anguaagned n ewf ormosf e xpresscioomne intboe inHgo. rizontadliireddcaetdm ,o craschya,r ianngd e ffecting onea nothemro'vse mentcso,n taminatairotni,c ulaotrigoann,i zing inn etworks-tehxepsree ssairoenn so to ftehne arfdr omt het radi tionIla e .f.tT. h eraer em anyw ordfsr omt hep astth acto uldde fine todays'ist uatbiuotns ,i ncteh erye'o ldw ordsu sedt od efinnee w thingtsh,ec yr eate confusion. Beloawr ea fewe xamploefss uchw ordasn de xpressiIotn'nsse. i themre antto b ea ne xhaustliivsneto ,ra thorouegxhp lanatoifto hne newm eaningbsu,tr athae brr igeufi de. Horizonialidad Thisw orda ndi tm'esa ninagr ed iscusisnet dh ei ntroducBtyif oanri. t iso neo ft hem ostw ideluys ewdo rds comfirnogmt hen ewm ovements inA rgentiInh aa.v eo ccasiontarlalnys laittae sdh orizontoarlh iotryi zonatlisbmu,tt hesaer et ranslatthiaomtni ss tsh ef ulsle nsoeft hew ord. Horizontadloiednsao dt j usitm play f laptl anfeo ro rganizoirnn go,n hierarclhr ieclaationisnhw ihpiscp he oplneo l ongemrak ed ecisifoonrs otherIsti. sa positwiovred t haitm plitehseu seo fd iredcetm ocraacnyd thes trivfioncrgo nsenspurso,c esisnew sh icehv eryoinshe e aradn dn ew relationasrheci rpesa tHeodr.i zontailsai ndeawdw ayo fr elatbiansge,d ina ffectpiovlei ticsa,g aiannasdlt ol f t hei mplicatoif"o inssm s." TranslWaetW ianlgkI VII Portgaoni sma ndS ujbetcivity Manyp eoplient hem ovemenstpse aokf t hmeselevsa sp rotoangsits, ofa news ujbectyi,av intdo fs ociparloa se lfesc ntoto nly peop'lsse neseo fs el-factyi,vb iutto fa socipahleo nmenoni nw hicphe o plaer ed ecdiinfgo rt hemselbvreesia,nk gf roma pasotf p olitipcaratly brokerages ialcneednI. t a lsroe fetrosa newc olclteisveen se beoifn g, wherteh,r oudgihr edcetm ocr,an ceywi ndidvulaisa ndc ollecatriebv ees ingb onr. Digntiy On thse urfcaed,i gniitsay wortdh aitse asiluyn desrtooidnE nglibsuht, ith ast akeonn i mportcaonnnto tatiiontn hsem o vemenitnsA rgenti. na UndePre rosnmi,d ignyir tefertroet dh ge oowdo rk,e rwhwoe ntto w ork, cameh omer,e turtnoew do rkt hnee xdta ,ya ndf elptr idient hirsel taion shiaps a w orkewri tah b osTsh.i wso rdn ow,e spceialfloytr h osei nt he occupiaenddr ecuperfaactteodr iaesws e,l alst heu nepmloyweodr kres' movementrse,p restehnets se- lofgranizatainodan u tnoomyo fw orking withobuots seosr h iercahryD.ig nitiysn owc reatbeyid ndiidvusa alnd coltlieevcs. Autogesti6n Autogestiisa6 w no rdt hahta sn oe xacEtn gilsthr asnlatiHoins.t oarli,lc y thea narchiisdteo afs e-lmfaangemecnotm ecsl sosett o citursre nuts ei n Argentinmao'vmsee ntAsu.t ogestiis6 neb dan soti nt hweh atb,u ti nt he how.I ti st her elationasmhoinppgs ep olteh actr eaatp ea ritcurlp aroejc,t nots imptlhyep roejcitt seIltif s. a wroerefdcli tnga na uotnomouasn d colltievcper aiccteWh.e np eopilne tmhoev eemntisn A rgetninsap eaokf autogesttih6eunys u alalrye ilmypidnigr ecdtelmyo cradteiccoi ns-imka inpgr oecssaensd t hec reatoifon ne ws ubejctiiveaistl ognt hwea yI.h ave somteimelset ft hiwso rdi nS panitsoeh m phasitzhee smea nym eannig.s PolftAifceac tiva One wapye opilnet hem ovemendtessr cbiet het erritthoerayyr ec reat ingi st hruoght hei deoafp olitaifceac tiovraa f,fc etipvoel itTihcesya. r e affectiivnet hes neseo fc raetinagff ectiocnre,a tian bga steh aitsl ovgi n ands upportitvheeo, n lbya sfer omw hicohn ec anc raetpe oltciisI.ti sa politoifcs so ciraell atsihoisnp anldo v.e Ttor asnaltteh itse rm "aolsv e based polwiotuilmcdis s"ms a nyo ft hseo ciraell atsihoinpisti mpiles. TheP otliicosfW alkign Simitloat rh eZ apaitstaansdo themro vemenmtasn,y i nA rgentisnpae ak int ermosfp rocesasnd w alkiTnhge.Z apaittsaosft erne fteort hei mpo-r