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Get Thee Behind Me, Satan Exposing & Confronting Satanism, The Occult, and the NewAge There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about demons. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. — C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters Presented by the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling 1111 S. Sheridan Ave., Ottumwa, IA 52501-5350 WebSite: www.saint-mike.org/spcdc/ Quotations from the Bible, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible–Catholic Edition, copyrighted © 1946, 1952, 1957, 1965, 1966 This manual was written, compiled, and edited by Bro. Ignatius Mary, a hermit of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael. _________________________ NOTICE: In the course of several revisions, and computer crashes that destroyed the original electronic text, the footnotes to this manual have not survived. Thus, other than attributions to other works quoted in the text itself, we no longer know what portions of this manual may have been quoted or paraphrased from other sources. We apologize to any writer for any material we have used that belongs to him and have not given proper attribution. Although we believe that all material used herein falls under the fair use clause of copyright law, we certainly do wish to properly attribute the work of others. If a writer should find his work in this manual without attribution to him as the original author, please contact us immediately. Copyright © 2001, 2007 Order of the Legion of St. Michael Fourth Edition, Revised A workshop manual of the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling (an apostolate of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael) Third Edition, 1999 Second Edition, 1992 First Edition, 1990 This workshop was originally created under the auspices of The Network for Occult Awareness and Education (N.O.A.E.), a ministry name for the outreach to educate people about the dangers of the occult and the new age since the Workshop presenter was a Protestant. Three organizations have used this ministry name. The First Edition was under the auspices of Dianoia Fellowship Ministries. When the Second Edition was published Dianoia Fellowship Ministries had changed its name to Upper Room Christian Mission. After the presenter converted to the Catholic Church and the Order of the Legion of St. Michael developed, the N.O.A.E. ministry was resurrected under the auspices of that developing religious community. The Third Edition carried this moniker. The N.O.A.E. was retired and in 2001 the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling was created. Published by St. Michael House Press (an apostolate of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael) 1111 S. Sheridan Ave. Ottumwa, Iowa 52501-5350 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Due to the delicate nature of this material, unless otherwise indicated, no part of this manual may be reproduced for any reason, even for short excerpts for critical reviews, quotations or reference, in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. International Standard Book Number: 0-916843-27-5 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Concerning Imprimaturs: Under current Canon Law (nos 822-832) only certain kinds of writings require an Episcopal imprimatur as a condition of publication. This volume does not require an Episcopal imprimatur and thus we have not sought to secure one. ____________________________________________________ Imprimi Potest: General Council Order of the Legion of St. Michael Imprimi Potest: is Latin for “it may be printed” and indicates solely and only that this book has the permission of the General Council of the Legion of St. Michael to be published by the Legion of St. Michael under its imprint of St. Michael House Press. The Imprimi Potest does not imply in any way an Episcopal imprimatur. Concerning Publication: The Order of the Legion of St. Michael fully submits itself to the authentic teaching authority of the Pope and Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Thus any work published under its imprint must fully adhere to the “official” teachings of the Church on subjects for which an “official” teaching exists – submitting all personal opinions to that “official” teaching. In other areas, where latitude of opinion is allowed, any work published under the Order of the Legion of St. Michael’s imprint must make every attempt to offer opinions that are in full accord with the general spiritual principles and teachings of the Church, Sacred Scriptures, and Sacred Tradition. General Information Mission Statement_______________________________________________________ iii Distinctives of our Apostolate ___________________________________________ iii • A Consistent and Obedient Theological Approach _________________________ iv • A Sacred Tradition (oral & written) Centered Approach____________________ iv • A Dynamic Spiritual Emphasis ____________________________________________ iv • A Strong Commitment to Evangelism & Discipleship_______________________ v Presumptions When Dealing with the Occult_____________________________vi Observations on Satanism, the Occult, and the New Age________________ ix • Observations from Protestant Leaders_____________________________________ ix • Observations from Catholic Leaders_______________________________________ ix Why This Workshop? _____________________________________________________ x Who Should Attend?_____________________________________________________ xi What this Workshop is Not ______________________________________________ xi What Others Say About the Workshop __________________________________xii About the Presenter______________________________________________________xii About the Legion of St. Michael: Our Marching Orders_________________xiii Disclaimer on the Status of the Legion of St. Michael _________________ xvi ! Workshop Manual! Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 1 The Balance Philosophy________________________________________________________2 The Need for Public Awareness_________________________________________________2 The Problem of Worldview/Mapping Our World ________________________________5 Worldview of the Typical Western Christian:___________________________________9 Worldview of the Catholicism: ________________________________________________10 Definition and History of the Occult_____________________________________11 Bible Study on the Occult and Satanism ________________________________27 The Christian’s Responsibility for Spiritual Warfare ___________________31 Occult Influences in our Society_________________________________________36 The New Age Movement __________________________________________________48 Summary of Worldviews and Systems___________________________________52 Causes of Demonization _________________________________________________55 Recruitment Techniques_________________________________________________56 Counter-Recruitment Techniques________________________________________59 Signs & Symptoms of Involvement ______________________________________60 Six Stages of Involvement in Satanism/Occultism ______________________71 Seven Stages of Spiritual Disintegration________________________________74 Responding to those Involved____________________________________________79 Three Secret Strategies of Satan to Destroy our Children, our Families, our Culture, and our Church ____________________________________________83 The Role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Spiritual Warfare ______________95 The Role of St. Michael and the Angels in Spiritual Warfare ___________98 Victory in Christ / Nothing but a Winner ______________________________ 102 A Collection of Spiritual Warfare Prayers_____________________________ 104 Hfofsbm!Jogpsnbujpo! Mission Statement The mission of the St. Padre Center for Deliverance Counseling (an outreach of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael), in its apostolate of educating the Faithful on issues of spiritual warfare, is to glorify our Lord and our Blessed Mother. This is accomplished by assisting the Faithful, according to the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Catholic Church, to participate in the Spiritual Warfare against Satan as Apostles of the Latter Times. Saint Louis de Montfort, one of the saints of the charism of our Association, wrote: Mary will raise up apostles of the latter times to make war against the evil one. . . . But the power of Mary over all the devils will especially shine forth in the latter times, when Satan will lay his snares against her heel: that is to say, her humble slaves and poor children, whom she will raise up to make war against him. They shall be little and poor in the world's esteem, and abased before all like the heel, trodden underfoot and persecuted as the heel is by other members of the body. But in return for this they shall be rich in the grace of God, which Mary shall distribute to them abundantly. They shall be great and exalted before God in sanctity. Superior to all creatures by their lively zeal, and so well sustained with God's assistance that, with the humility of their heel, in union with Mary, they shall crush the head of the devil and cause Jesus Christ to triumph. This Mission is accomplished by assisting the Faithful: 1) to become informed and educated about the dangers and realities of the occult and demonic philosophies as a real and present social, mental health, medical, criminal, and spiritual problem of our society; 2) to help spiritually mature leaders and workers in their respective apostolates to understand the issues of spiritual warfare; and 3) to proclaim the message of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, under obedience to the Pope and Magisterium of His Church, as the only genuine deliverance and healing possible from occultism and doctrines of demons and as the only true means for victory in Spiritual Warfare against Satan. Distinctives of our Apostolate The commitment to excellence and to obedience to the Church in the teaching of spiritual warriorship and in the informing of the Faithful of the dangers of the occult and demonic philosophies has set aside the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling and the Spiritual Warfare Apostolate of the Order of the Legion of St. Michael in a place of distinction. The following four points outline the distinctions that set the St. Padre Center for Deliverance Counseling and the Order of the Legion of St. Michael apart from many other apostolates working on the occult and spiritual warfare issue: • A Consistent and Obedient Theological Approach The St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling (SPCDC) fully submits itself to the authentic teaching authority of the Pope and Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Additionally, each of our members must affirm Loyalty to that authentic teaching authority as a condition of membership. (Our Statement of Fidelity and Loyalty is available upon request or can be read on our Website). Therefore, when we publish any form of writing, or make any speech, conduct any workshop or seminar, offer any advice or counseling, or moderate any chatroom or mail list on the Internet, the SPCDC and its representatives seek to express only “official” teachings on subjects for which an “official” teaching exists - submitting all personal opinions to that “official” teaching. In other areas, where latitude of opinion is allowed, every attempt is made to offer opinions that are in full accord with the general spiritual principles and teachings of the Church, Sacred Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, and the insights from the Saints. The SPCDC's commitment to the Church leads it to an obedience that not only affirms and expounds the great fundamentals of the Catholic Faith, but provides a sound, rational, biblical approach and belief about the theology of Spiritual Warfare, demonology, and the various issues of the occult within the larger context of the Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Faith. • A Sacred Tradition (oral & written) Centered Approach The Study of the entire Bible, not just portions of it, and of the great writings of the Church and her saints, is a central characteristic of our approach to understanding the nature of Satan, the character of Spiritual Warfare, and the ways that we as Christians are to participate in the Warfare to the glory of God. • A Dynamic Spiritual Emphasis The SPCDC accepts only staff and volunteers who are baptized and confirmed Catholics in good standing. A staff member must also be living and walking the Christ-life in the fullness and fellowship of the Spirit and be willing to be taught iv and lead by the Holy Spirit. This is especially important in a Spiritual Warfare apostolate. As a Spiritual Warrior, the cultivation of the spiritual life is inseparably fused with the scholarly study of occult issues and behaviors, demonic philosophies, biblical theology, and Church teaching on the issues of demonology and spiritual counseling. But a person must be more than a scholar or counselor or teacher. He must also be filled with the Spirit and be walking with the Armor of God. Only with the Spirit's filling and leading can one be effective in Spiritual Warfare and to conduct that warfare within the will of God. The staff of the Spiritual Warfare Apostolate are trained and prepared to communicate the Word of God in the power of the Spirit of God. Satan will not listen to anything other than the Power of the Word (written and oral) presented by those under obedience to the Church. Without the Spirit of God – the Holy Spirit – within and working through us, and without our personal obedience to the Church in all matters, we can have no success in Spiritual Warfare. • A Strong Commitment to Evangelism & Discipleship The SPCDC firmly believes that the only genuine deliverance from occultism, demonic philosophies, and Satan is the saving, living, and healing grace of Jesus Christ through the Sacraments of His Church. Because of this fundamental belief, the SPCDC is primarily an evangelistic, healing, and apologetic apostolate. Evangelism and apologetics, and even healing, are not enough however. Matthew 28 not only instructs us to go to every nation and to all people to proclaim the Good News of salvation and healing of Jesus Christ, but also to disciple them, to teach them the ways of Christian living and faith. Evangelization and apologetics cannot be genuinely performed, and healing is to no avail, we believe, without the corresponding encouragement for all the Faithful to be Disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ. Without this emphasis Satan will only deflect into carnality those of whom we inform and teach. Evangelism, healing, and apologetics without discipleship allow Satan to rob the Faithful their victory in Christ, which ultimately can lead into a defeated life. Discipling is especially important when counseling with occult victims. Those who are demonized or who are otherwise entrapped by occultic activity or philosophies will not find deliverance and healing except in Christ. Thus, if a person is not a Christian, he must accept Christ in a profession of Faith and baptism in order to find healing. In the case of a baptized person, only a rededication to Christ (such as a prodigal come home) and participation in the Sacraments will result in healing. v Once delivered from the bonds of darkness the person must follow through on their decision for Christ by living the Christ-life, frequent participation in the Sacraments, and daily wearing the Armor of God. To fail to follow through in the Christ-life allows Satan to have his opportunity again. As one old Baptist preacher said one time, “The best way to keep Satan out, is to keep God in.” There is no substitute for Christ. No magical formulas or prayer forms, nor devotions or sacramentals, will in themselves, bring deliverance and healing. It is only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Church and the Sacraments that can truly deliver and heal. It is because of these truths that we say that our Apostolate is one of evangelism, healing, apologetics, and Discipling rather than one of deliverance. In the process of proclaiming the Good New of Christ, in the process of teaching the historic Catholic Faith and the principles of Scripture and Sacred Tradition, if one comes forward with a spiritual affliction, we shall try to help, as we are able. Thus, the SPCDC is not an isolated activity in our Association, but an integrated outreach within the larger mission of ministering to the community about the glories and the Good News of Jesus Christ our Lord. Presumptions When Dealing with the Occult 1) The Church is our ultimate authority. 2) The Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition, as officially interpreted by the Pope and Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the writings of the Saints, forms the basis of our understanding of Spiritual Warfare issues. 3) Spiritual Warfare is real and not an event found only in Biblical times or other past ages. 4) There are only two opponents in Spiritual Warfare … God and those who serve Him; Satan and those who serve him. 5) Occultic and demonic influence may be found anywhere. Such ideas are not something only found on the mission field in some jungle somewhere. Demonic or New Age influences are found in all strata of society … even in our parishes. 6) Everyone, including Christians, is susceptible to occultic and/or demonic influence when such things are allowed into one's life through deliberate action, careless inattention, influences from family involvement (such as parents teaching or involving their children in rituals and activities), or generational effects from ancestral involvements. vi

C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters. Presented by the. St. Padre Pio . Bible Study on the Occult and Satanism . The Study of the entire Bible, not just portions of it, and of the great writings of the .. Gary Fischer, University of Iowa Professor. There is a .. Thomas Sowell, in his book, Vision of
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