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Honora ries The Robe Seated: John Cash, Shannon Wyant, Junior Jones, Ken Gainer, Sam Johnson, Fred Charles. Standing: Don Smith, John Mason, Art Fornari, Bob Duckworth, Ted Booth, John Bennett, Clark Todd. Promote School Spirit!!! This is the main goal of the Robe, a men's leader ing from the living room of President Smith's ship honorary, which plans activities such as pep house to the back room of the Meadowbrook. The ralites, bonftres, and snake dances for athletic purpose of building school spirit is always kept contests, as a means of supporting programs here in mind, whether the teatns are winning or losing. at Marshall. Membership in the Robe is based on extracur Meetings of these willing and able Marshall ricular activities, leadership, scholarship, and in prestige builders take place in surroundings rang- terest shown in promoting our University. 112 Fagus Seated: Dean Buskirk. Standing: Brenda Keys, Barbara Robertson, Susan Lawrence, Judy Turner, Sharon Haselip, Georgann Hanna, Karen Meves, Lois Brown, Barbara Shinn. woman can achieve. They are selected on scholar The silver beech leaf worn by members of Fagus symbolizes the highest honor that a Marshall ship, service, and leadership. Phi Eta Si Seated: Connie Dressler, W es Gar bee, Mike Learner, Dave Curtis. Second row: J. L. Leef, Jim Baker, Charles Ross, George White. Third row: Park McClung, Bob Bauer, Tom Dorworth, Fred Eyer, Dale Tetull, Gary McMillian. Phi Eta Sigma national men's freshman honorary college. The fraternity sponsors a tutoring system fraternity, recognizes outstanding scholastic as one of their main activities. achievement by men in their freshman year of 113 Omicron Delta Kappa Omicron Delta Kappa, national leadership honor highest distinction and honor. This is the high ary for college men, was founded December 3, est honor a male student can receive at Marshall. 1914, at Washington and Lee University. To be ODK sponsors many projects designed to bene eligible for membership, a student must be a fit the University. Members of ODK have built junior or senior and have sufficient points in the ODK Circle, the Victory Bell Tower, a side scholarship; athletics; student government; social walk in front of the Library, and the trip board and religious affairs; publications; and speech, in the Student Union. They co-sponsor a high music, and other arts. ODK recognizes and en school leadership conference in conjunction with courages the achievement of exemplary character Fagus, senior women's honorary. ODK was orig anq superior quality in scholarship and leader inally founded to provide an honor society for ship. Membership is as much an obligation and men who were active in school life, as well as responsibility in citizenship as it is a mark of being scholars. Front row: George White, Bill Calderwood, Gary McMillan, Ivan Ash, Tom Stafford, Stuart Thomas. Back 1·ow: Bill Harman, Bob Herrema, Tom Dunfee, Aubrey King. Row 1: Juanita Clarkson, 2nd V. Pres.; Mary Beth Dorsey, Sec.; Margaret Smith, Pres. Row 2: Patty Hogg, 1st V. Pres.; Becky Smith, Historian; Dr. Nuzum, Counselor. Kappa Delta Pi Kappa Delta Pi, an Honor Society in Education, of Phi Chapter at different times. was founded to advance the interests of educa The objectives of the society are to honor schol tion as a profession. Phi Chapter at Marshall arship and to recognize evidence of dedication University was organized in June 1923, just two to and success in the field of education. It holds years following the graduation of the first degree four ideals before its members: The Ideal of class. Paralleling the growth of the University, Science, the Ideal of Fidelity to Humanity, the Phi Chapter has continued to exert its influence Ideal of Service, and the Ideal of Toil. Member in educational circles. Many of its members are ship is open to eligible juniors, seniors and gradu holding influential positions in the educational ate students who are education majors or who are field. Four presidents, seven deans, and a num actively engaged in educational endeavors. ber of Marshall instructors have been membe·rs Dean D. Banks Wilburn is pictured with some of the initiates at the Novem ber Initiation. D-Rho D-Theta Row 1: Joe Sortet, Donald Spencer, Roger Thomas, Randall Spurlock. Row 2: Butch Blanchard, John Cash, Ivan Ash, Richard McCoy, Sam Johnson. Row 3: S. T. Stinson, Mr. Skidmore, Stanley B. Eaton, Thomas Olson. D-Rho-D-Theta, an honorary Engineering Fra membership is a 3.000 average and Engineering ternity gives recognition to outstanding engineer 350 as well as a majority vote of the group's ing students and fosters scholarships among the membership. engineering students. The main requirement for Kappa Omicron Phi Kappa Omicron Phi is estab lished to honor the girls major ing in home economics who have excelled in scholarship, leader ship, character, and service. It stands for the high ideals of the sanctity of the American home and is ever furthering the pro fessions in home economics. Row 1: Miss Louise Burnette, Shirley Campbell, Carol Hailman, Nancy Bonar, Lilia Moore, Carol Coiser, Donna Brouse, Linda Alleman, Nell Hamrick, Phyllis Sowards, Sara Lipscomb, Mary Connell, Lilly Wray Naylor, Karen Beattie, Patsy Spoon, Lucille Smith, Martha Sellers. Seated: Susan Hamb. 116 Chi Beta Phi Row 1: Stewart Thomas, Ivan Ash, Brenda Jenkins, Wanda Fields. Row 2: Jack Hughes, Ernie Carpenter, Pat 0' Brien, George White, Bruce Nelson. Row 3: Roger Brennan, Bob Roberts, Randall Spurlock, Don Spencer, Roger Thomas. Chi Beta Phi is a national scientific honorary the Outstanding Chapter award for the 1960-62 fraternity. The local chapter was one of the period. first in the organization. Kappa Chapter has been The purpose of Chi Beta Phi, in addition to very active in the past. The present faculty ad honoring outstanding science students, is to pro visor, Dr. Donald C. Martin, has served as pres mote an interest in science. Today, young Ameri ident of the national organization. In the spring cans need science more and more for a better of 1962, Kappa Chapter was the host to the life. National Convention. At this time, it received Sigma Delta Pi/ La Sociedad Hispanica Row 1: Peg Hubbard, Karen Meves, Linda Thompson, Em ma Smith, Don Stewart, Joyce Hoke. Row 2: Mr. Miller, Da vid Curtis, Sharon Canterbury, Judy Settle, Bonnie Myers, Ne vasa Lou Oney, Paige Estler. Spanish activities on the campus are sponsored La Sociedad Hispanica is an outgrowth of by both Sigma Delta Pi and La Sociedad His the desire of many students to learn more about panica. Sigma Delta Pi is the Spanish Honorary Spanish customs and culture. Membership is society for those students who have distinguished open to all students interested. The programs themselves in Spanish studies and activities. consist of subjects relating to Spanish culture. 117 Alpha Lambda Delta First row: Elaine Keagy, Ellen Metz, Grace Chirico, Diane Bunch, Margaret Sayre, Ruth Montgomery, Toni Teets. Second row: Becky McDaniel, Susan Dawson, Jeanine Jordan, Connie Barbara, Paige Estler, Kitty Bo,en, Cheryl Skidmore. Alpha Lambda Delta is a national scholastic her own achievement, which, with earnest high honorary for freshman women. Its purpose is endeavor, she may build each year upon her to promote intelligent living with an increased freshman foundation. To be eligible for member appreciation of both the love and encouragement ship, a student must have a 3.5 average or above of study, campus life and scholastic attainment. at the end of her first semester or for the entire Alpha Lambda Delta seeks to awaken a realiza freshman year. tion that each individual is solely responsible for Alpha Beta Alpha First row: Wanda Lewis, Lois Schoolc1·ajt, Jean Meadows, Miss Fidler. Second row: Mary Lewis, Judy Burdette Nicki Gaga/is Patti Reardon Kathy Nickell, a guest speaker. ' ' ' Alpha Beta Alpha is an honorary for those stu English. dents who are interested in Library Science and 118 Alpha Psi Omega An honorary dramatics fraternity for those maintaining a h i g h standard of work in dra matics. Seated: Scarlett McKinney, Pamela Smith, Kathy Had dad, Mary Beth Dorsey, Yvette Stickman. Stand ing: Atwood Luter, Ted Wiley, Jeff Cowden, Da vid McWhorter, Mr. Page. Organized to advance the science of psychology, Psi Chi stimulates and encourages the scholarship Psi Chi of individual members in all fields, but partic ularly in phychology. Seated: Dan Evans, Jerri Childers, Marif:vn Dwight, Clinton Chapman. Standing: Bill Edwards, Ga1·y Gray, Bart Kramer, Charles Saunders, Stuart Thomas, Dr. Alex Darbes. Panhellenic is derived from two Greek words: "Pan" meaning all and "Hellen ic" meaning Greek. Thus, Panhellenic Council is the governing body which initiates and directs activities .for all Greek women. The council directs rush activities and aids in the organization of Greek Week and Mother's Day Sing. The council as a group works to raise money for a special project. Panhellenic stands for good scholar ship, for whole-hearted cooperation with our University's ideals for student life, for the maintenance of fine social standards, and for the serving, to the best of our ability, of our university Panhellenic officers: Lily Wray Naylor, Marda Wilson, Georganna community. Hanna, and Lois Bmwn. Members: First nJtv: Mary Abruzzino, Marda Wilson, Camlyn Christian, Marilyn V orholt, Sara Lipscomb. Second ,-ow: Barbara Shinn, Elaine Thompson, Judy Johnson, Judy Turner, Lenora Crabtree. Third row: Georganne Hanna, Lily Wray. Naylor, Barbara Robertson, Lois Brown, Peg Hubbard. 120 Interfraternity Council 1962-63 will be recorded as one of the most tablishment of an IFC retreat helped to promote significant years in the history of the Marshall better fraternity relations and solve the problem University Interfraternity Council. During the that exist. The most significant development past year the IFC made important advances in of the year was the modernization and extension Rushing Regulations, Scholastic Improvement, of the IFC organizational structure which wi,th and Interfraternity relations and regulation. Es- increase the scope of its activities. Left to 1·ight, Seated: Charles Ferrell, Don Smith, Bob Herrema, Advisor: Dean Shaw. Standing: Jim Kessinger, Fred Charles, Ken Cohen, Phil Adkins, Tom Robinson, Tom Young, Joe Robertson, Bill Ice, Joe Walker, and Gary Starcher. 121

Margaret Sayre, Ruth Montgomery, Toni Teets. Second ing: Atwood Luter, Ted Panhellenic officers: Lily Wray Naylor, Marda Wilson, Georganna.
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