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Hon. Arnold L. Natali Jr. PDF

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Hon. Arnold L. Natali Jr.'s Motion List for March 31, 2017 CAPTION DK DKtt YR MTN# MOTION TYPE OUTCOME NOTES ALFARO HEIDI VS PSE&G L 2356 15 151 BAR NET OPINION ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 1110 DECLARATORY JUDGMENT ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 AUERBACH LEONARD VS STATE FARM L 6255 16 697 SEVER CLAIMS WITHDRAWN B&R RECOVERY VS ALP!IZAR JANET DJ 162655 12 771 TURN OVER GRANTED BAYER JENNIFER VS SIEGEL BERNARD L 4305 16 776 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 BESHAI MARIANA VS CORZO STEPHANIE L 7262 15 744 MOTION TO COMPEL GRANTED CARRASQUILLO IDA VS EXTRA SPACE STORA L 4260 16 154 ENTER DEFAULT WITHDRAWN CASSIDY CONNIE VS SHELL CORPORATION L 5261 16 600 DISMISS W/ PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN CATALINO BESSIE VS PATNOSH ANDREW L 355 16 833 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN CHEVRES MARISOL VS HENDR BUS COMP. L 5858 16 1159 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE GRANTED CITIZENS UNITED VS BENJAMIN SEANTEL L 1858 16 108 SUMMARY JUDGMENT DENIED 109 SUMMARY JUDGMENT DENIED COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX VS DATA RX L 5015 14 SUMMARY JUDGMENT DENIED COTTRELL MARYANN VS HOLTZBERG NATHA L 5557 16 808 MOTION TO DISMISS PARTIAL 474 MOTION TO DISMISS PARTIAL CRUZ LUIS VS RUTGERS UNIVERSITY L 7355 16 164 MOTION TO DISMISS ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 DELORENZO TARA VS HOTCHKISS CHRISTOPH L 457 16 248 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN DESAI MUKESH VS ANNAMANENI RAVINDER L 6942 16 1169 MOTION TO DISMISS ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 EDGEWOOD PROPERTIES VS HALPER FAMILY L 6658 16 1170 MOTION TO DISMISS ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 FONTAINA ANGELINA VS SOVEREIGN BANK L 32 17 MOTION TO DISMISS GRANTED W/0 PREJUDICE MOTION TO DISMISS GRANTED W/0 PREJUDICE FRIEDMAN RUSSELL VS THE GARDENS AT MO L 3058 16 153 SUMMARY JUDGMENT ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 GALIEGO MARCOS VS BLAIT RAYMOND L 5158 15 746 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED GIOVANNA BELGICA VS MESEHA MANAL L 7053 15 325 EXTEND DISCOVERY TRANSFERRED TRANS. TO JUDGE HAPPAS GONNELLA THOMAS VS WILLIAMS ROBERT L 955 16 467 EXTEND DISCOVERY DENIED HENRY F MITCHELL VS ORIE VAN WINGERDE L 3461 16 348 REINSTATE COMPLAINT GRANTED HERNANDEZ DAWN VS MAHONEY DENNIS L 1055 16 583 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED HICKSON BRYAN VS MALLO JESSICA L 4753 16 954 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN HOWARD CATHERINE VS REYES NORMA L 6254 15 787 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED HRUSHKOUSKI DZMITRY VS CAVALRY SPV L 5866 16 1108 MOTION TO DISMISS ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 JENNINGS BARBARA VS HERBERT JOHN L 5260 16 662 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN JIMENEZ-RAMOS ANA VS STARTS TRANSPORl L 1739 16 917 DISMISS W/ PREJUDICE TRANSFERRED TRANS. TO JUDGE HAPPAS JURKIEWICZ NATALIE VS SAYREBROOK VET L 5361 15 737 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE DENIED 1059 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE DENIED K HOVNANIAN SHORE VS TWNSP OF N. BRU L 1194 17 903 CONSOLIDATE ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 KIM LIM VS YOUNG JAMES L 5159 14 484 PERMIT SALE OF PROP. ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 KINSALE INSURANCE CO VS WORLDWIDE ME L 1563 16 740 MOTION TO COMPEL DENIED KLEIN JANET VS BROOKSIDE ASSISTED LIVING L 858 16 962 EXTEND DISCOVERY DENIED KRAUSE BRUCE VS PELLE ANTHONY L 1661 16 798 MOTION TO COMPEL GRANTED LAKE ESTATES VS FALCON ENGINEERING L 6171 15 948 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE GRANTED LEAL GAMBINO VS GIORDANO STEPHANIE L 3955 16 320 AMEND COMPLAINT ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 LOVE LEMONT VS TOTO ANTONIO L 7755 13 ENFORCE LITS. RIGHTS DENIED MAEROFF JOYCE VS SIMON EDDY L 2758 16 248 MOTION TO DISMISS GRANTED MARTIN BRUCE VS LEDUC MICHEL L 263 16 1174 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE DENIED 964 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED MARTINEZ SASHA VS PRINCETON SURGICAL L 6063 16 508 MOTION TO DISMISS WITHDRAWN MATULA CAROL VS WORRELL SHANELL L 3363 15 314 SUMMARY JUDGMENT ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 MAYORGA MICHELLE VS JAUREGUI OlONICIA L 1655 16 799 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED 545 EXTEND DISCOVERY DENIED SEE ORDER FOR MTN. #799 MEADOWS AT RENAISSANCE VS DARDEN CA DJ 16258 14 145 AID OF EXECUTION GRANTED MEDINA IRINA VS CORDEIRO ANA L 6553 15 578 REINSTATE COMPLAINT GRANTED METROPOLITAN GOURMET VS GLOBAL UNDF L 456 16 840 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED MRC RECEIVABLES VS PAVLIK MICHELLE L 8955 6 681 TURN OVER GRANTED MUNIZ JOAN VS EAST COAST VILLAGE L 3559 14 628 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN NOVOA MARIA VS RIOS-PINO KATHLYN L 6360 15 842 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED PATEL NATWARBHAI VS DESAI PARTH L 7354 15 901 MOTION TO COMPEL WITHDRAWN PETERSON DAWN VS NJ TRANSIT L 6258 16 69 MOTION TO DISMISS GRANTED RABBIT KEVIN VS GOMEZ IRIS L 1257 16 885 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED 980 EXTEND DISCOVERY DENIED SEE ORDER FOR MTN. #885 RAMIREZ TERESA VS DIAZ ISRAEL L 1454 15 539 LATE AMENDMENT DENIED RANDLE MARVIN VS BILLINGSLEA LYNELL L 2260 16 778 MOTION TO COMPEL WITHDRAWN RIVERA NILDA VS ESPOSITO JOSEPH L 7554 15 748 ENFORCE LITS. RIGHTS GRANTED ROSEN SONDRA VS RWJUH L 3361 16 836 AMEND COMPLAINT GRANTED ROY ARTHUR VS VELEZ GEORGIE L 11257 14 981 DISMISS W/ PREJUDICE ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/28/2017 -SEE ORDER RUBURY FRANK VS RWJUH L 11363 16 1175 REINSTATE COMPLAINT RESERVED SAAVEDRA AUGUSTO VS CUNNINGHAM SRI L 554 16 588 RESTORE COMPLAINT GRANTED SARRO LISA VS HOLMDEL OB/GYN L 1458 16 839 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED SHELDON DEBRA VS STONER RICHARD L 1955 16 881 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE PARTIAL SMITH CHRISTOPHER VS BUDROW KELLI L 5862 15 1053 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 ~ SEE ORDER SOMAR SWARSATTIE VS SILVA RODRIGO L 1756 16 324 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED SUTTON SAVITRI VS MERlDAN HEALTH L 3157 15 727 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED THE CROWS NEST CONDO VS SERRANO MAB L 3459 15 739 SUMMARY JUDGMENT GRANTED TORTORELLA SAND! VS ONG TUYEN L 61 16 941 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED TOYOTA MOTOR VS SHOTWELL ANGIE L 6561 15 300 VACATE DISMISSAL GRANTED UNITY BANK VS VESUVIO ABIGAIL DJ 171057 16 ORDER FOR ARREST GRANTED URENA GRISSEL VS SOLOMON RYAN L 2659 15 1176 BAR EVIDENCE GRANTED VALDEZ VS TAVAREZ L 6162 14 889 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED 884 EXTEND DISCOVERY DENIED VALOROSO ROBERT VS DELKA TRUCKING L 7254 16 1060 MOTION TO DISMISS DENIED VARGAS MAXIMO VS ABREU JOSE L 1656 16 144 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED VESUV!O DOLORES VS SOUTH PLAINFIELD DA L 4059 16 777 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN VITIELLO MICHELE VS MAPLE GROVE L 5561 16 803 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN 557 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN WANG QIN VS WANG HENG L 3060 16 1048 ATTORNEYS' FEES ADJOURNED ADJ TO 4/13/2017 WATSON JOAN VS REGULA ADAM L 5961 16 203 DISMISS W/0 PREJUDICE WITHDRAWN WITTMAN GEORGE VS AWUKU NAANA L 1463 16 251 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED YADAV BALA VS BOTTOM DOLLAR FOOD L 1260 16 809 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED ZUCKER CINDY VS PATEL UNA L 6063 15 750 EXTEND DISCOVERY GRANTED FILED Andrew Sklar, Esquire (ASO 16751992) MAR 31 2017 Sklar Law, LLC 1200 Laurel Oak Rd Suite 102 Voorhees NJ 08043 ARNOLD L. NATALI, JR., J.S.C. 856/258-4050 Attorneys for Plaintiff File No.: 50034 B And R Recovery, Lie SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY Plaintiff(s) Middlesex County LAW DIVISION v. DOCKETNO.: DC-4369-12 Janet Alpizar CIVIL ACTION Defendant(s) ORDER FOR TURNOVER OF FUNDS This matter, being opened to the Court by Andrew Sklar, Attorney for the Plaintiff, B And R Recovery, Lie, by way of Notice of Motion for Turnover of Funds, and the Court having reviewed the moving papers, and for good cause shown; IT IS ON THIS)I DAY _ _,_/]1~,x~./_. _ /._. _OF 2017 ORDERED AND 4 DECREED that Wells Fargo Bank is directed to turnover to Middlesex County Sheriff Dept, funds pr~viou.slv levierl ,mnn in the amount of $750.88 in PARTIAL satisfaction of the plaintiffs judgment. l('_ Opposed__ Unopposed l \ . eviewed the above motion. the Court finds ~av1:rmeritonous on ,ts face ,ind is unopposed. it to ·6-2 it thererore w,H be granted Pursuant to B., l · ' - h oving essentially for the reasons set forth m I e m papers. 7"1'1 :Jt; 07>/ 2,,I/ /'7- f Il ED CHRISTINA E. JONES ROWE, ESQ./ID NO. 008611998 LAW OFFICES OF TERKOWITZ & HERMESMANN 400 ATRIUM DRIVE, FIFTH FLOOR MAR 3 1 2017 S0'\1ERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873 ARNOLD LNATAU,JR.,J.s.c. (732) 805-2800 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS EDA CORZO AND STEPHANIE CORZO CJR/CC:320300 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY MARIANA K. BESHAI-ASCANDER, AN INDIVIDUAL AND RAMY I. ASCANDER, HER ) LAW DIVISION: MIDDLESEX ) COUNTY HUSBAND, PER QUOD, ) DOCKET NO. MID-L-7262-15 Plaintiffs, ) ) CIVIL ACTION vs. ) ) ORDER STEPHANIE J, CORZO, AN INDIVIDUAL; ) COMPELLING PLAINTIFF TO EDA G. CORZO, AN INDIVIDUAL, ET AL., ) ATTEND AN INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAM Defendants. This matter having come before the Court on Motion of the Law Offices of Terkowitz, & Hennesmann, attorneys for defendants Eda Corzo and Stephanie Corzo and the Court having considered the matter and for good cause shown; :5 IT IS on this day of 2017, ORDERED that the plaintiff, Mariana Beshai-Ascander shall attend an independent medical examination rescheduled with Dr. Andrew Hutter for April 6, 2017 at 1 :30pm, and; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the no show fee in the amount of$250.00 incurred due to plaintiff's failure to appear at the February 21, 2017 independent medical examination scheduled with Dr. Hutter shall be paid by the plaintiff; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that should plaintiff fail to comply with the within Order, )71,t'} plaintiff-Shall'be precluded from producing any expert medical testimony at the time of trial in this matter;-an.1- IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a copy of this Order shall be served upon all parties within > 7 days a~., -t,c,, .. 1 · l,l 1_. /{£..CZ.£,. iJC 1 ~ if ~ ARNOLD L. NATALI, JFI., J.S.e. J.s.c. THIS MOTION WAS: () OPPOSED ('y;) UNOPPOSED Having reviewed the above motion, the Court finds ·1 to be meritorious on its face and ,s unopposed. ~ursuant to .8., 1: 6·2, it therefore wUI be gran~ed essentially for the reasons set forth m the movmg papen. I* 57-/ o3;1=t/rr SCHILLER & PITTENGER, P.C. FILED James R. Korn - 029311980 1771 Front Street, Suite D MAR 3 1 2017 Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076 (908) 490-0444 ARNOLD L. NATALl,JR.,J.s.c. Attorneys for Plaintiff Marisol Chevres Our file number 14439 MARISOL CHEVRES, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION : MIDDLESEX COUNTY Plaintiff, v. DOCKET NO. L-5858-16 HENDRY BUS COMPANY, MABEL Civil Action ACOSTA, JOHN DOES 1 through 5, and ABC COMPANIES I through 5, ORDER SUPPRESSING WITHOUT PREWDICE ANSWER OF Defendants. DEFENDANTS PURSUANT TO RULE 4:23-5(a)(l) THIS MATTER having been brought before the court by Schiller & Pittenger, P.C., attorneys for Plaintiff Marisol Chevres (The "Plaintiff"), for an Order suppressing the Answer of Defendants without prejudice, pursuant to Rule 4:23-5(a)(l); and the court having received and reviewed the //'% motion papers of counsel; and for good cause shown; it is on this day of March, 2017, ORDERED that Plaintiffs motion is granted; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that the Answer filed on behalf of Defendants Hendry Bus Company and Mabel Acosta is suppressed without prejudice, pursuant to Rule 4:23-5(a)(l ), for failure to provide discovery; and it is .I FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order shall be served on all counsel within 7 days of -~1'. VARNOLD L. NATALI, JR.,. ___ OPPOSED ;,c UNOPPOSED ORDERED that counsel for the deli~que~t party shall serve upon his or her chant in ?1 acr,ordance with R. 4:23·5(a)(1) a copy th,s (wmr ;:ind the notice set forth m AppfJrc-,; + of the Court Rules 1 : \ Having reviewed the, above motion. the Court finds it to be meritorious on its face and is unopposed. Pursuant to R. I :6-2, it therefore will be granted essentially for the reasons set forth in the moving papers. 2 FILED The Honorable Arnold L. Natali Jr., J.S.C. Superior Court of New Jersey APR O3 2017 56 Paterson Street Post Office Box 964 ARNOLD LN ATALI, JR., J.S.C. New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CITIZENS UNITED RECIPROCAL MIDDLESEX COUNTY EXCHANGE, LAW DIVISION Plaintiff, DOCKET NO. MID-L-1858-16 V. CIVIL ACTION SEANTEL BENJAMIN, JOHN DOES 1-10 and ABC COMPANIES 1-10, ORDER Addressing Motion Nos. 1211 & 1212 Defendants. THIS MATTER having come before the Court by way of a motion filed by William B. Foti, Esq., appearing as counsel for Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange ("Plaintiff'), for summary judgment, and a cross-motion filed by Joseph A. Massood, Esq., appearing as counsel for Seantel Benjamin ("Defendant"), for summary judgment, and the Court having considered, and for the reasons stated on the record on March 31, 2017, and for good cause shown: IT IS on this 31"1 day of March, 2017: ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Defendant's cross-motion for summary judgment is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. 2. The new trial date is July 10, 2017. The parties shall depose Ms. Byrne. Any renewed application by Plaintiff shall include an executed copy of the Byrne Affidavit and the parties shall address the issue discussed during the March 3 I, 2017 oral argument regarding users of vehicles (i.e., regular or otherwise) and household members in the context of the renewal application at issue. 3. Plaintiff's counsel shall serve a copy of this Order upon all counsel of record within seven (7) days of its online posting. HON'. ARNOLD L. NATALI JR., J.S.C. The Honorable Arnold L. Natali Jr., J.S.C. FILED Superior Court of New Jersey 56 Paterson Street MAR 31 2017 Post Office Box 964 New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 ARNOLD L. NATALI, JR., J.S.C. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, A SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY Municipal Corporation of the State of MIDDLESEX COUNTY . New Jersey, LAW DIVISION Plaintiff, DOCKET NO. MID-L-5015-14 V. CIVIL ACTION DATA RX MANAGEMENT, INC., PRESCRIPTION CORPORATION OF AMERICA, HEALTHCARE CORPORATION OF AMERICA, and GARY SEKULSKI, ORDER Defendants. THIS MATTER having come before the Court by way of a motion filed by Benjamin D. Leibowitz, Esq., appearing as counsel for Plaintiff, County of Middlesex, for partial summary . judgment, and the Court having considered the papers submitted, and for the reasons stated on the record on March 31, 2017, and for good cause shown: IT IS on this 31st day of March, 2017: ORDERED that Plaintiffs motion for partial summary judgment is DENIED; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that counsel for Plaintiff serve a copy of this Order upon all counsel of record within seven (7) days of its online posting. HON. Ai&OLD L. NATALI':JRJJ.S.C. 1 Sam Rosenberg, Esq. (041601986) FILED Ronald J. Morgan (089832013) ROSENBERG JACOBS & HELLER, P.C. 201 Littleton Road - Box 513 APR - 3 2017 Monis Plains, New Jersey 07950-0513 ~tlJOlD L. NATALI, JR., J.S.C (973) 206-2500 Attorneys for Defendants, Roy Fe1iakos, M.D. and Imaging Consultants of Essex MARYA NN COTTRELL, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION: MIDDLESEX COUNTY Plaintiff, Docket No.: MID-L-5557-16 vs. CIVIL ACTION NATHAN HOLTZBERG, M.D.; ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE OF ORDER CENTRAL JERSEY, P.A.; KIMBALL MEDICAL CENTER, INC.; et al., Defendants. FOR THE REASONS SET FORTH ON THE RECORD ON 5' >· 1 r • THIS MATTER having been opened to the Court by Rosenberg Jacobs & Heller, attorneys for defendant, Roy Fe1iakos, M.D. and Imaging Consultants of Essex, on Motion, and the Court having reviewed all papers, and arguments of counsel, and for good cause shown; IT IS on this ORDERED that plaintiffs' Complaint aru:baaycrer-.e±ai-e hereby dismissed with prejudice as to defendants, Roy Fertakos, M.D. and Imaging Consultants of Essex and further Ordered that copies of the Order shall be served within seven days of ;, {J , , r, r ( { /( ,. C I< · I... ) :/( J~1:. ARNOLD L. NATALI, Ji"I., OPPOSED [i] :; ; UNOPPOSED [ ] < ·:J-/ "', ~·: :(; , 1cJe- ;z..,"*":(.,

THIS MATTER having been brought before the court by Schiller & Pittenger, P.C., attorneys for and access to all computer records, printouts, software and all other information needed by the .. PERIOD. This matter having been opened to the Court on Motion of Cormac Egenton, Esq., attorney.
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