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Homogenization of re(cid:29)e ted semilinear PDE with nonlinear Neumann boundary ondition. 9 0 0 2 ∗ † Auguste Aman and Modeste N'Zi n a UFR de Mathématiques et Informatique, J 22 BP 582 Abidjan 22, Cte d'Ivoire 5 1 ] R P . Abstra t h t a We study the homogenization problem of semi linear re(cid:29)e ted partial di(cid:27)erential equa- m tions (re(cid:29)e ted PDEs for short) with nonlinear Neumann onditions. The non-linear term [ is a fun tion of the solution but not of its gradient. The proof are fully probabilisti and 3 uses weak onvergen e of asso iated re(cid:29)e ted generalized ba kward di(cid:27)erential sto hasti v 6 equations (re(cid:29)e ted GBSDEs in short). 8 9 2 MSC Subje t Classi(cid:28) ation: 60H30; 60H20; 60H05 . 2 Key Words: Re(cid:29)e ted ba kward sto hasti di(cid:27)erential equations; homogenization of PDEs; 1 7 vis osity solution of PDEs; obsta le problem. 0 : v i X 1 Introdu tion r a Lε Let x beanuniformlyellipti se ond-orderpartialdi(cid:27)erentialoperatorindexed byaparameter ε > 0 ε 0 . The homogenization problem onsists in analyzing the behavior as ↓ , of the u Lεu = f Θ d solution ε for the partial di(cid:27)erential equations (PDEs): x ε in a domain of IR . Lε The oe(cid:30) ients of the operator x are subje t to an appropriate onditions. For example, periodi ity by Freidlin [5℄, almost periodi ity by Krylov [9℄. In this paper we shall onsider the ase of lo ally periodi oe(cid:30) ients introdu ed by Ouknine et al. [13℄. In the probabilisti approa h the problem be omes the following. What is the limit of the laws of the di(cid:27)usion Xε Lε ε 0 pro esses withgenerator x, as ↓ ? Thisproblemhasbeen studied fordi(cid:27)usionpro esses d in the whole of IR by Krylov[9℄, Freidlin[5℄ and Bensoussan[1℄. In the ase of the presen e of ∗ E-mail address: augusteaman5yahoo.fr(Corresponding author) † E-mail address: modestenziyahoo.fr 1 boundary onditions, we an see the work of Tanaka [18℄ and re ently this one of Ouknine et al.[13℄. In [15℄, Pardoux has ombined the probabilisti approa h of hapter 3 of [1℄ to derive homogenization results for semi linear paraboli partial di(cid:27)erential equation involving a se ond order di(cid:27)erential operator of paraboli type in the whole spa e with highly os illating drift and nonlinear term. Furthermore Pardoux and Ouknine [12℄ pursue the same program for a semi-linear ellipti PDE with nonlinear Neumann boundary onditions. This paper is devoted to prove a similar result for obsta le problem of semi-linear ellipti g partialdi(cid:27)erential equations (PDEs in short) with a nonlinearNeumann boundary onditions satisfyingmoreoverlineargrowth onditions. Weuseforthispurposethelinkbetweenba kward sto hasti di(cid:27)erential equations (BSDEs in short) and PDEs. The on rete formulation of BSDEs in the nonlinear ase was (cid:28)rst introdu ed by Pardoux [ ] and Peng 14 who proved existen e and uniqueness of adapted solutions for these equations, under suitable onditions on the oe(cid:30) ient and the terminal value. They provide probabilisti formulas for solutions of semi linear PDEs whi h generalized the well-known Feynman-Ka formula. The interest of this kind of sto hasti equations has in reased steadily, sin e it has been widely re ognized that they provide a useful framework for the formulation of many [ ]) [ ] problemsin mathemati al(cid:28)nan e (see 6 , insto hasti ontrol and di(cid:27)erential games (see 7 ). [ ] A lass of BSDEs alled generalized BSDEs has been introdu ed by Pardoux and Zhang in 16 . This kind of BSDEs has an additional integral with respe t to a ontinuous in reasing pro ess and is used to provide probabilisti formulas for solutions of semi linear PDEs with nonlinear Neumann boundary onditions. Further, in order to provide probabilisti formula for solutions of obsta le problem for PDEs with nonlinear Neumann boundary onditions, Ren and Xia [17℄ onsidered re(cid:29)e ted generalized BSDEs. Our goal in this paper is to give a homogenization result of obsta le problem for semi-linear PDEs with nonlinear Neumann boundary onditions via a weak onvergen e of re(cid:29)e ted generalized BSDEs. To des ribe our result more pre isely, we (cid:28)rst re all some lassi al notations that will be 1( d) used in the sequel of this paper. Let Cb IR be the spa e of real ontinuously di(cid:27)erentiable Θ fun tdions su h that thederivativesarρeboun1(dedd)and be a rρeg=ula0r onΘv¯exρan>db0oundedddΘ¯omain ρin(xI)R=. (Wd(xe,iΘ¯nt)r)o2du ed a fun tion ∈ CbΘ¯IR su h that in , inΘIR \ and in the neighborhood of . Let us note that, sin e the domain is smooth, ψ 2( d) d(x,∂Θ) it is possible to onsider an extension ∈ Cb IR of the fun tion de(cid:28)ned on the Θ ∂Θ Θ ∂Θ restri tion to of the neighborhood of su h that and are hara terized by Θ = x d : ψ(x) > 0 ∂Θ = x d : ψ(x) = 0 ∈ IR and ∈ IR (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:8) (cid:9) x ∂Θ ψ(x) Θ and for all ∈ , ∇ oin ide with the unit normal pointing toward the interior of [ ] 3.1 ρ ψ (see for example 10 , Remark ). In parti ular we may and do hoose and su h that ψ(x),δ(x) 0, x d δ(x) = ρ(x) h∇ i ≤ for all ∈ IR , where ∇ whi h we all the penalization term. Now let us onsider the following re(cid:29)e ted semi-linear partial di(cid:27)erential equations with Neu- ε > 0) mann boundary ondition for : 2 min(uε(t,x) h(t,x), −  ∂uε(t,x) Lεuε f(x,uε(t,x)) = 0, if (t,x) Θ,  − ∂t − x − ∈ IR+ ×    (cid:1)  Γεuε(t,x)+g(x,uε(t,x)) = 0, if (t,x) ∂Θ,  x ∈ IR+ ×  uε(0,x) = l(x), x Θ,   ∈   Γε ( ) where x is de(cid:28)ned in 2.2 . Under suitable linear growth, monotoni and Lips hitz ondi- f, g l uε(t,x) tions on the oe(cid:30) ients and , we will show that the vis osity solution of the ε 0 u(t,x) previous re(cid:29)e ted PDEs onverge, as goes to , to a fun tion , the vis osity solution to the following re(cid:29)e ted PDEs with nonlinear Neumann boundary onditions: min(u(t,x) h(t,x), −  ∂u(t,x) L0u f(x,u(t,x)) = 0, if (t,x) Θ,  −∂t − x − ∈ IR+ ×    (cid:1)  Γ0u(t,x)+g(x,u(t,x)) = 0, if (t,x) ∂Θ,  x ∈ IR+ ×   u(0,x) = l(x), x Θ,   ∈   L0 Γ0 ( ) where operators x and x are in the form 2.4 . 2 The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In se tion we re all without proof, some results due to Ouknine etal.[13℄ on the homogenizationof the re(cid:29)e ted di(cid:27)usioninthe bounded domain with lo ally periodi oe(cid:30) ients and some basi notations on generalized BSDEs. Se - 3 tion is devoted to the statement and proof of our main result. Finally, in Se tion 4, we give a homogenization result for some PDEs with nonlinear Neumann boundary onditions. 2 Lo ally periodi homogenization of re(cid:29)e ted di(cid:27)usion In this se tion, we state some results whi h were proved in Ouknine et al. [13℄, and whi h we Θ will use in the rest of the paper. Let us re all that is a regular onvex and bounded domain d;(d 1) in IR ≥ de(cid:28)ned as previous and let d d d x 1 x x Lε = a (x, )∂ ∂ + b (x, )∂ + c (x, )∂ x ij ε i j ε i ε i i ε i (2.1) i,j i=1 i=1 X X X and d x Γε = ∂ ψ(x, )∂ x i ε i (2.2) i=1 X 3 ε > 0 ∂ = ∂/∂x i i be given (with ), where . We also set d d L = a (x,y)∂ ∂ + b (x,y)∂ , x,y d x,y ij i j i i ∈ IR i,j i=1 X X and require the following: L a(x) = [a ] σ(x,y)σ∗(x,y)/2 x,y i,j (H.1) is uniformly ellipti and the matrix is fa tored as σ : d Θ d, b : d Θ d, c : d Θ d (H.2) The fun tions IR × → IR IR × → IR IR × → IR are lo ally 1 Θ periodi (i.e, periodi with respe t to se ond variable; of period in ea h dire tion in ). (i) C ζ = σ,b,c, Global Lips hitz ondition: there exists a onstant su h that for any ζ(x,y) ζ(x′,y′) C( x x′ + y y′ ), x,x′ d, y,y′ Θ,  k − k ≤ k − k k − k ∀ ∈ IR ∈    (ii) ∂ ζ(x,y) ∂2 ζ(x,y)  The partial derivatives x as well as the mixed derivatives xy  , x d,y Θ ζ = a,b,c   exist and are ontinuous ∀ ∈ IR ∈ for (iii) C   ζ = a,Tb,hce oe(cid:30)ζ (ixe,nyt)s areCb,ouxnded,dt,hyat isΘ,.there exists a onstant su h that for any   k k ≤ ∈ IR ∈     Lε Θ Γεu = 0 ∂Θ The di(cid:27)erential operator x insideXε togΘ¯ether with the bound(aLrεy,Γ oεn)dition x on d x x determine a unique di(cid:27)usion pro ess in whi h we all the -di(cid:27)usion. Given a - (W : t 0) (Ω, , ) t dimensional Brownian motion ≥ de(cid:28)ned on a omplete probability spa e F IP , (Xε,Gε) Θ + let be the unique solution with values in ×IR of the following re(cid:29)e ted SDE: dXε = 1b(Xε, Xtε)dt+c(Xε, Xtε)dt+σ(Xε, Xtε)dW + ψ(Xε)dGε, t 0 t ε t ε t ε t ε t ∇ t t ≥  Xε Θ, Gε ,  t ∈ is ontinuous and in reasing su h that    0t∇ψ(Xsε)1{Xsε∈Θ}dGεs = 0, t ≥ 0 (2.3)  R  Xε = x.  0     L d L y x,y x,y By requirement there exists a -di(cid:27)usion on IR with generator and by -periodi ity Ux d assumTptdion on the oe(cid:30) ients this pro ess indu es di(cid:27)usion pro esms (x,.)on the -dimensional torus , moreover this di(cid:27)usion pro ess is ergodi . We denote by its unique invariant Lε ε 0 measure. In order for the pro ess with generator x to have a limit in law as ↓ , we need the following ondition to be in for e. (H.3) x Centering ondition: for all , b(x,u)m(x,du) = 0. ZΘ 4 Let us denote b 1 b  2  b. b =  b.      .     b .      b  d     ∞ bk(x,u) = bk(x,Ux) dt b , Ux u with IEu{ t } , where under IPu starts from . Z0 b We put d d d L0 = Aij(x)∂ + Ci(x)∂ , Γ0 = γ0(x)∂ , x 0 xixj 0 xi x i xi (2.4) i,j=1 i=1 i=1 X X X where the oe(cid:30) ients are respe tively de(cid:28)ned by 1 C (x,y) = ∂ bb+(I +∂ b)c+ Tr∂2 bσσ∗ (x,y), 0 x y 2 xy (cid:20) (cid:21) b b b S (x,y) = (I +∂ b)σ , A (x,y) = S S∗(x,y), 0 y 0 0 0 h i C (x) = C (x,u)m(x,du), Ab(x) = A (x,u)m(x,du), 0 0 0 0 Td Td Z Z γ0(x) = (I +∂ b) ψ (x,y)dm(x,dy). y ∇ Td−1 Z h i b e Let us onsider the following SDE: dX = A1/2(X )dW +C (X )dt+γ0(X )dG , t 0, t 0 t t 0 t t t ≥   X Θ, G ,   ∈ is ontinuous and in reasing     0tγ0(Xs)1{Xs∈Θ}dGs = 0, t ≥ 0,  R  X0 = 0.     L0 Γ0 x The operators and are a ting on . We an now state the main result of Ouknine et al. [13℄ (see Theorem 3.1), whi h is a generalization of a result of Tanaka [18℄ (see Theorem 2.2). 5 (H1) (H3) (Lε,Γε) Xε x x Theorem 2.1 Under assumptions - , the -di(cid:27)usion pro ess onverges in (L0,Γ0) X ε 0 law to an x x -di(cid:27)usion as → . Moreover, (Xε,MXε,Gε) = (X,MX,G), ⇒ MX MXε X Xε G Gε where (resp., ) is the martingale part of (resp. ), (resp., ) is the lo al time ψ(X) ψ(Xε) 0 of (resp., ) at and = ([0,T], d) ([0,T], d) ([0,T], d) " ⇒" designates the weak onvergen e in the spa e C IR ×D IR ×C IR ([0,T], d) endowed with the produ t topology of the uniform norm for the spa e C IR and the S ([0,T], d) -topology for D IR . It follows moreover easily from the result of Tanaka [18℄ that (H1) (H3), Lemma 2.1 Under assumptions − sup sup Xε p +Gε < , IE | s| t ∞ ε (cid:18)0≤s≤t (cid:19) p 1 for any ≥ . 3 Re(cid:29)e ted generalized BSDEs and weak onvergen e 3.1 Preliminaries and statement of the problem Let us introdu e some spa es: H2,d(0,t) = ψ ; 0 s t : d s { ≤ ≤ } IR -valued predi table pro ess t (cid:8) ψ(s) 2ds < , su h thatIE | | ∞ Z0 (cid:27) S2(0,t) = ψ ; 0 s t : s {{ ≤ ≤ } real-valued, progressively measurable pro ess sup ψ(s) 2 < , su h thatIE | | ∞ (cid:20)0≤s≤t (cid:21) (cid:27) A2(0,t) = K ; 0 s t , s {{ ≤ ≤ }real-valued adapted, ontinuous, K(0) = 0, K(t) 2 < . and in reasing pro ess su h that IE| | ∞ (cid:9) In addition, we give the following assumptions: f,g : Θ Let ×IR →CIR> b0,epa o1n,tiµnuous fun tiβon<s0atisfying the followixng aΘ¯ss,uym,pyti′ons: , There exist onstants ≥ ∈ IR and , su h that for all ∈ ∈ IR 6 (f.i) (y y′)(f(x,y) f(x,y′)) µ y y′ 2, − − ≤ | − |  (f.ii) f(x,y) C( x p + y 2),   | | ≤ | | | | ( )  H.4  (g.i) (y y′)(g(x,y) g(x,y′)) β y y′ 2,  − − ≤ | − |  (g.ii) g(x,y) C( x p + y 2).   | | ≤ | | | | Moreover, let l : Θ → IR be a ontinuous fun tion and h ∈ C1,2(IR+ ×Θ) for whi h there exist C a onstant su h that (i) l(x) C(1+ x p), ≤ | |  H.5 (ii) h(t,x) C(1+ x p),   ≤ | |    (iii) h(0,x) l(x). p ≤ (H4)  where is obtained in . (t,x) Θ (Yε,Zε,Kε) For ea h (cid:28)xed ∈ IR+ × , we onsider s s s 0≤s≤t, the unique solution of re(cid:29)e ted generalized BSDE Yε = l(Xε)+ tf(Xε,Yε)dr+ tg(Xε,Yε)dGε +Kε Kε tZεdMXε, s t s r r s r r r t − s − s r r  R R R Yε h(s,Xε),  s ≥ s (3.1)   Kε Kε = 0 t(Yε h(s,Xε))dKε = 0.  is nonde reasing su h that 0 and 0 s − s s    R ( ) Let us note that existen e and uniqueness of a solution to 3.1 is proved in [17℄. (Y ,Z ,K ) s s s 0≤s≤t Furthermore, we also onsider the unique solution of the re(cid:29)e ted BSDE Y = l(X )+ tf(X ,Y )dr + tg(X ,Y )dG tZ dMX +K K s t s r r s r r r − s r r t − s  R R R Y h(s,X )  s s  ≥ (3.2)   t K K = 0 (Y h(s,X ))dK = 0.  is nonde reasing su h that 0 and 0 s − s s    R Throughout the rest of this paper, we put: s s Mε = ZεdMXε, M = Z dMX; 0 s t s r s r r ≤ ≤ Z0 Z0 (Y,M,K) (Yε,Mε,Kε) D([0,t]; ) and we onsider (resp., ) as a randomelement of the spa e IR × D([0,t]; ) C([0,t]; ) D([0,t]; ) + IR × IR . IR denotes the Skorohod spa e (the spa e of " adlag" S C([0,t]; ) + fun tions), endowed with the so- alled -topologyof Jakubowski [8℄ and IR the spa e [0,t] d of fun tions of with values in IR equipped with the topology of uniform onvergen e. 7 3.2 Weak onvergen e The goal of this se tion is to prove the following result (H1) (H4) (Yε,Mε,Kε) ε>0 Theorem 3.1 Under onditions - the family of pro esses onverge (Y,M,K) D([0,t], ) D([0,t], ) C([0,t]; ). ε 0 + in law to on the spa e IR × IR × IR as → . Moreover, limYε = Y . ε→0 0 0 in IR The proof ofthis theoremrelies on fourlemmas. The (cid:28)rst oneisa simpli(cid:28)edversion ofTheorem 25) 4.2 in (Billingsley [2℄, p. so we omit the proof. We note also that the onvergen e is taken in law. (Uε) Lemma 3.1 Let ε>0 be a family of random variables de(cid:28)ned on the same probability spa e. ε 0 (Uε,n) For ea h ≥ , we assume the existen e of a family random variables n≤1, su h that: (i) n 1, Uε,n = U0,n ε For ea h ≥ ⇒ as goes to zéro and (ii) U0,n = U0 n + ⇒ as −→ ∞. (iii) Uε,n = Uε n + ε We suppose further that ⇒ as −→ ∞, uniformly in Uε U0 Then, onverges in law to . For the last third lenmmNa∗s,, let us introdu e the penalization method to onstru t a sequen e of GBSDE. For ea h ∈ we set f (x,y) = f(x,y)+n(y h(s,x))− n − n ∗ Thanks to the result of Pardoux and Zhang [16℄, for ea h ∈ IN , there exists a unique pair of (Yε,n,Zε,n) d t F −progressively measurable pro esses with values in IR×IR satisfying t sup Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2ds < IE | | | s | ∞ (cid:20)0≤s≤t Z0 (cid:21) and t t Yε,n = l(Xε)+ f (Xε,Yε,n)dr+ g(Xε,Yε,n)dGε s t n r r r r r Zs Zs (Mε,n Mε,n), − t − s (3.3) where s Mε,n = Zε,ndMXε. s r r Z0 C From now on, is a generi onstant that may vary from line to another. 8 (H1) (H4) n (Y0,n,M0,n) Lemma 3.2 Assume - . Then for any , there exists the unique pro ess (Yε,n,Mε,n) D([0,T], ) D([0,T], ) su h that the family of pro esses ε>0 onverges to it in IR × IR , ε 0 as goes to . ε n Proof. Step 1. A priori estimate uniformly in and Yε,n 2 Applying It's formula to the fun tion | t | , we get t t Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2dr = l(Xε) 2 +2 Yε,nf (Xε,Yε,n)dr | s | | r | | t | r r r Zs Zs t +2 Yε,ng(Xε,Yε,n)dGε r r r r Zs t t 2 Yε,nZε,ndMXε +2 Yε,ndKε,n, − r r r r r (3.4) Zs Zs where s Kε,n = n [Yε,n h(r,Xε,n)]−dr s r − r (3.5) Z0 (H3) (H4) tYε,ndKε,n th(r,Xε)dKε,n By using assumptions and , the inequality s r r ≤ s r r and γ > 0 Young's inequality, we get for every R R t t Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2dr 1+C Xε 2p + (2µ+1) Yε,n 2 +C2 Xε 2q dr IE| s | | r | ≤ IE| t| IE | r | | r| Zs Zs (cid:0) t (cid:1) (cid:8) 2C2 (cid:9) + (2β +γ) Yε,n 2 + Xε 2q dGε IE | r | γ | r| r Zs (cid:26) (cid:27) t + h(r,Xε)dKε,n. IE r r Zs (h.i) γ = β δ > 0 By virtue of assumption , Young's equality and hoosing | | we obtain for every t t t Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2dr + β Yε,n 2dGε C(1+ Yε,n 2dr) IE | s | | r | | | | r | r ≤ IE | r | (cid:18) Zs Zs (cid:19) Zs 1 + sup h(s,Xε) 2 δIE | s | (cid:18)0≤s≤t (cid:19) +δ (Kε,n Kε,n)2. IE t − s But t (Kε,n Kε,n)2 C Yε,n 2 + l(Xε) 2 + ( Xε 2q + Yε,n 2)dr IE t − s ≤ IE | s | | t | | r| | r | (cid:18) Zs (cid:19) t +C ( Xε 2q + Yε,n 2)dGε. IE | r| | r | r Zs 9 1 β δ = inf , | | , So, if 2C 2C (cid:26) (cid:27) t t t Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2dr + Yε,n 2dGε C 1+ Yε,n 2dr IE| s | IE | r | IE | r | r ≤ IE | r | Zs Zs (cid:18) Zs (cid:19) and it follows from the Gronwall's lemma that t t Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2dr+ Yε,n 2dGε + Kε,n 2 C, 0 s t, n ∗, ε > 0. IE | s | | r | | r | r | t | ≤ ≤ ≤ ∀ ∈ IN ∀ (cid:18) Zs Zs (cid:19) Finally, Burkhölder-Davis-Gundy inequality applying to (3.4) gives the following: t t sup sup sup Yε,n 2 + Zε,n 2dr+ Yε,n 2dGε + Kε,n 2 C. n∈ ∗ ε>0 IE(cid:18)0≤s≤t| s | Z0 | r | Z0 | r | r | t | (cid:19) ≤ IN Step 2: Tightness S We adopt the point of view of the -topology of Jakubovski [8℄. In fa t we de(cid:28)ne the Yε,n [0,t] onditional variation of the pro ess on the interval as the quantity CV (Yε,n) = sup (Yε,n Yε,n/ ε) t IE |IE ti+1 − ti Fti | π ! i X π : 0 = t < t < ... < t = t 0 1 m where the supremum is taken over all partitions of the interval [0,t] . Clearly t t CV (Yε,n) f(Xε,Yε,n) dr+ g(Xε,Yε,n) dGε + Kε,n , t ≤ IE | r r | | r r | r | t | (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) 1 (H3) and it follows from step and that sup CV (Yε,n)+ sup Yε,n + sup Mε,n + Kε,n 2 < + . t IE | s | | s | | t | ∞ ε (cid:18) (cid:18)0≤s≤t 0≤s≤t (cid:19) (cid:19) Let us denote s Hε,n = g(Xε,Yε,n)+n[Yε,n h(r,Xε)]− dGε. s r r r − r r Z0 (cid:0) (cid:1) (H3) By virtue of step 1 and , we have sup CV (Hε,n)+ sup Hε,n < + . t IE | s | ∞ ε (cid:18) (cid:18)0≤s≤t (cid:19)(cid:19) 10

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