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Homogeneity and Size Effects on the Liquid-Gas Coexistence Curve PDF

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Homogeneity and Size Effects on the Liquid-Gas Coexistence Curve Al. H. Raduta1,2, Ad. R. Raduta1,2 1GSI, D-64220 Darmstadt, Germany 2NIPNE, RO-76900 Bucharest, Romania The effects of (in)homogeneity and size on the phase diagram of Lennard-Jones fluids are inves- tigated. It is shown that standard multifragmentation scenarios (finite equilibrated systems with conserved center of mass position and momentum) are implying a strong radial inhomogeneity of thesystemstronglyaffectingthephasediagram. Thehomogeneityconstraintisthereforenecessary for finite systems in order to align to the “meaning” of infinite systems phase diagrams. In this respect, a method which deducestheequation of state of homogeneous finitesystems from theone correspondingto bulkmatterisdesigned. Theresultant phasediagrams show astrongdependence on the system’s size. 3 PACSnumbers: 24.10.Pa;25.70.Pq;21.65.+f 0 0 2 Phase transitions have been studied from a long time order to account for the effect of the neglected tail [12]. n in the limit of infinite matter. However, there are many Inthepresentworkweuser =2.5σ. Phasediagramsof c a physical situations away from the thermodynamic limit suchfluids aresubsequently constructedfor varioussitu- J at both microscopic and macroscopic scales. Such sys- ations. Phasetransitionsinfinite systemsbeingheread- 3 tems are presently of special interest as so far there is dressed, an adequate representaion is necessary in order 1 little knowledge about their thermodynamical behavior. to identify them. For example, the P(V)| curves corre- T 1 There are thus fundamental questions related to these sponding to an isochore canonical ensemble will prompt v systems such as whether they do present phase transi- the (first order) phase transition through backbendings 4 tionsand,ifyes,howcanthesebeidentified. (Recentat- even in the case of small systems [4, 9]. Pressure can 4 tempts to extend the standardthermodynamics towards be easilyevaluatedstartingfromitscanonicaldefinition: 0 the “small” systems can be found in Refs. [1, 2, 3, 4].) P = T∂lnZ(β,V)/∂V, where Z(β,V) is the system’s 1 0 Highly excited nuclear systems are good “laborato- canonical partition function: 3 ries” for thermodynamics studies. Due to the van der 0 Waals type of the nucleon-nucleon interaction these sys- 1 A A / Z(β,V)= dr exp −β v(r ) , (2) h tems are supposed [5] to exhibit a liquid-gas phase tran- A! λ3A i  ij  t sition as the classical fluids. The connection is however T iY=1Z Xi<j -   l not straight forwarddue to their (relatively) small num- c where β ≡ 1/T and λT is the thermal wavelength. The u ber of constituents and the presence of the (long-range) result is the following virial expression: n Coulomb force. The effect of the Coulomb interaction v: on the nuclear liquid-gas phase transitions was studied AT 1 A ∂v(rij) i previously (see e.g. Refs. [4, 6]). The effects of other P = V − 3V rij ∂r , (3) X * ij + features specific to multifragmentationsuchasfinite size i<j X r (forattemptstoaddressthefinitnessofthesystemwithin a where h i has the meaning of canonical average. When Hartree-Fock theories see e.g. Refs. [7, 8]) and degree of conservation of the system’s center of mass (c.m.) and homogeneityarestillmostlyunknown. Theseaspectsare c.m. momentumisalsoconsideredinZ(β,V),onesimply addressed in the present paper. has to change A into A−1 in eqs. (2) [the power of λ ] T The classicalLennard-Jones6-12(LJ)fluid is used for and(3) [the firstterm]. While ratherredundantfor very illustrating the paper’s ideas. While neglecting for the largesystems(A→∞),theseconstraintsgiveimportant quantum effects acting in nuclear matter, it has the ad- effectswhendealingwithsmallsystems. Expressionslike vantages of generality and tractability. The LJ potential (3) can be easily evaluated by means of Metropolis sim- writes: ulations. Knowing the formalexpressionof Z(β,V), (2), σ 12 σ 6 the statistical simulation of the corresponding canonical v0(r)=4ǫ − (1) ensemble at constant volume is straight-forward: Pick a r r (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) randomly chosen particle and make a random variation Twoversionsoftheabovepotentialareconsideredherein. ofitsinitialposition(inafixedinterval∆V). Then,con- The first is the truncated and shifted (TS) LJ potential: siderthismoveaccordingtotheacceptanceexp(−β∆v ), t v(r)=v0(r)−v0(rc) when r<rc; v(r)=0 when r≥rc. where ∆vt is the change in the system’s total potential The second is the truncated and long range corrected energy. The simulationcanbe easilyadaptedtothe case (TLRC)LJpotential: v(r)=v0(r)whenr<rc;v(r)=0 of the conserved system’s c.m. and c.m. momentum: when r ≥ r , corrections being subsequently included in Tworandomlychosenparticlesaremovedsimultaneously c 2 with ∆r and −∆r such that the system’s c.m. remains fixed (∆r being a variation randomly chosen in the vol- ume interval∆V). Then, the moveis consideredaccord- ing to the same acceptance. Thepresentstudyis startedbyconsideringthe caseof asystematfixedtemperatureT,composedofAparticles interacting via TS LJ potential, contained into a spher- ical recipient of volume V, having the c.m. constrained to coincide with the center of the recipient. The cor- responding canonical ensemble is simulated as described earlier. Then, isothermal P(V) curves can be evaluated by means of eq. (3), adapted to the considered conser- vation laws. Subsequently, the borders of the liquid-gas coexistence region are evaluated by performing Maxwell constructions on all P(V)| curves bending backwards. T Theresultingphasediagrams(intemperaturevs. density representation)correspondingtotwosystemsofdifferent sizes A = 20 and A = 50 are represented in the upper part of Fig. 1. The increase of the critical temperature with the system’s size can be observed. A striking fea- ture of these phase diagrams is the small densities cor- responding to the borders of the liquid-gas coexistence regions. In this respect, note that the liquid border is FIG. 1: Upper panel: Phase diagrams for two systems (A= situated at densities smaller than 0.2 σ−3 which differs 20 and A = 50) with conserved c.m. position and c.m. mo- mentum. ThreesamplepointsfromtheA=50phasediagram a lot from the LJ phase diagrams corresponding to infi- arerepresentedbysquares. Lowerpanel: Radialdensitypro- nite homogeneous systems [10] where the liquid border files corresponding to the sample points from the upper part goes up 0.8 σ−3. The reason for this discrepancy can be ofthefigure. Thecorrespondencebetweencurvesandsample easily understood from the lower part of Fig. 1. There, points is given by numbers. the radial density profiles corresponding to three sam- ple points chosen from the coexistence line of the A=50 system are represented. In all three cases the system orTS LJ potentials areplacedin a cubic box with PBC. appears to be inhomogeneous, its density varying from The very good agreement between our calculated phase highervalues(towardsthecenteroftherecipient)tovery diagramcorrespondingtotheTLRCcase(seeFig. 3,the small ones (towards the recipient’s walls). The low den- “∞” curve) and the one from Ref. [10] is confirming the sity tails of these radial profiles are therefore inducing accuracy of the method here employed. The PBC sim- the above mentioned effect on the global density of the ulations are used for evaluating the bulk “virial energy” system (calculated as A/V). In particular, note that at per particle, defined as: small values of the distance from the recipient’s center A 1 ∂v(r ) the densities of the considered sample points tend to be V = r ij (4) ij 3A ∂r consistent with the ones from Ref. [10]. Obviously, this * ij + i<j X inhomogeneity effect is dictated by the c.m. conserva- Eq. (3) can be now translated into: tion constraint which forces the larger clusters to stay towards the center of the recipient and the smaller ones P =ρ(T −V), (5) towards the borders. This example is particularly im- portant in the context of multifragmentation where the where ρ is the system’s density. Therefore, in an infinite system’s c.m. is naturally conservedfrom event to event and homogeneous system, the virial energy per unity of and similar density profiles are expected to occur. volume can be written as: V˜ = ρV. Given the above Therefore,inordertomeaningfullycomparethephase definitions one may perform surface corrections for eval- diagram calculated for finite systems with the ones cor- uatingthe V termcorrespondingto finite systems. Since responding to infinite systems an extra constraint has thesystemissupposedtobehomogeneous,itstotalvirial to be imposed: the homogeneity. The infinite and ho- energycanbe expressedasthe difference betweenabulk mogeneous system can be simply approached within the term and a surface one: (above-described) Metropolis simulation by implement- V =V (A−A f)=V˜ (V −V f), (6) t b s b s ing a cubic recipient with periodic boundary conditions (PBC). (No c.m. conservation constraint has to be im- where the index b specifies that the respective term is a posed.) A number of 200 particles interacting via TLRC bulk one, A and V are respectively the number of par- s s 3 FIG. 2: Pressure versus density curves corresponding to sys- FIG.3: PhasediagramscorrespondingtotheTLRCLJfluid, tems of various sizes (A) at fixed temperature, T = 1.05ǫ, corresponding to different sizes of the system. The system’s evaluated with eq. (5). Thecorresponding size of thesystem size is specified on top of each diagram. Points calculated is specified on each curve. viaMaxwellconstructionsarerepresentedwithsymbols. Full lines are fits of eq. (10) on thecalculated points. ticles from the surface and the “volume” of the surface, and finally, 1−f is the ratio between the virial energy An illustrationof the results of the method is given in of a particle from the surface and the virial energy of a Fig. 2 where P(ρ)| curves, corresponding to the tem- T bulk particle. While for very large values of the recipi- perature T = 1.05 ǫ are represented for various sizes of ent’s radius (R) 1−f is rigorouslyequal to 1/2 (i.e. the the system. One canobservethat the depth of the back- particles on the surface have half the number of nearest bending of the curve is diminishing as the size of the neighbors they have in bulk), for small values of R (the sourceis decreasingsuchthatatsystemsizes assmallas case of small systems) curvature corrections have to be A=20 the backbending completely disappears. applied to this factor. In the spirit of the previous defi- Maxwellconstructionshavebeenfurtherperformedon nition, f can be fairly approached by the ratio between the P(V)| curves corresponding to various values of T T thesurfaceofsphericalcapsituatedoutsidetherecipient, and A allowing thus the construction of phase diagrams corresponding to a sphere of radius σ having the center forvarioussizesofthesystem. Theresultscorresponding on the surface of the recipient and 4πσ2. After some to the TLRC and TS LJ forms of potential are given in algebraic manipulation one gets: Figs. 3 and 4 respectively. The points from the coexis- tence regionborders obtained via Maxwellconstructions 1 σ f = 1+ . (7) canbe further interpolatedin order to get anestimation 2 2R of the critical point and a clearer view on the systems’ (cid:16) (cid:17) Note that when R →∞ then f →1/2. Considering the phase diagrams by means of the Guggenheim scaling re- surface “width” equal to σ (i.e. no two particles from lations for the coexistence curve: that region, situated on the same radius, attract each other) one can re-express eq. (6) as: ρ± =ρc 1+a ǫ±b ǫβ , (10) V whereρ+ correspondsto(cid:0)the liquidbra(cid:1)nch,ρ− tothe va- s Vt =VbA 1− V f , (8) porbranchofthecoexistencecurve,ρc isthecriticalden- (cid:18) (cid:19) sity, ǫ≡(T −T)/T (T being the critical temperature) c c c so that: and β is the critical exponent of the coexistence curve. V 1 σ σ 3 Eq. (10)is fittedonthe points obtainedviathe Maxwell t V = A =Vb 1− 2 1+ 2R 1− 1− R . (9) construction method by adjusting the parameters: Tc, (cid:26) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21)(cid:27) ρc, β, a and b. As observed in Figs. 3 and 4 the quality Eq. (9) can be further expressed in terms of ρ using the ofthe obtainedfits is verygood. (Itis worthmentioning identity σ/R=[4π ρ σ3/(3A)]1/3. Subsequently, eq. (5) that for the TS potential, infinite system case, β = 0.34 [with V given by eq. (9)] can be applied for calculating which sharply corresponds to the liquid-gas universality the pressureofa finite systemofsize A at variousvalues class.) For both considered potentials the critical tem- of ρ. peratureis drasticallydecreasingandthe criticaldensity 4 ThismethodmakespossiblethedeductionoftheP(V)| T curvescorrespondingtoanysizeofthe system,A, byus- ingtheinformationembeddedinthebulkP(V)| curves. T The resulting phase diagrams corresponding to homoge- neous systems of various sizes show a strong dependence onthesizeofthesystem. Inthisrespect,thecriticaltem- perature is drastically decreasing when the size of the system is reduced. For example, important deviations from the bulk phase diagram can be noticed even for systemsaslargeasA=104. Thismeansthatthelargest equilibrated systems formed in nuclear multifragmenta- tion experiments are not even close to the bulk limit. To this effect one should, of course, couple the inhomo- geneity (discussed earlier) and the Coulomb ones. And as shown in Ref. [4] Coulomb is independently bring- ing a very important contribution towards lowering the system’s critical point. This work was supported by the Alexander von Hum- FIG. 4: Sameas Fig. 3 but for a TS LJ fluid. boldt Foundation. is increasing with decreasing the size of the source. In particular,notethatimportantdeviationsfromthe “∞” phase diagram can be observed even for the phase dia- gram of a system as large as A= 104 (see Fig. 4). This [1] D.H.E.GrossandE.Votyakov,Eur.Phys.J.B15,115 (2000). result is particularly important since it provesthat ther- [2] P.Borrmann,O.MulkenandJ.Harting,Phys.Rev.Lett. modynamicallythebulklimitisnot(evenbyfar)attain- 84, 3511 (2000). able in nuclear multifragmentation experiments (where [3] Ph. Chomaz, F. Gulminelli and V. Duflot,Phys. Rev.E the equilibratedsystems formedareusually smallerthen 64, 046114 (2001). A=300). 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