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2000. The Journal ofArachnology 28:361-363 SHORT COMMUNICATION HOMALONYCHUS THEOLOGUS (ARANEAE, HOMALONYCHIDAE): DESCRIPTION OF EGGSACS AND A POSSIBLE DEFENSIVE POSTURE Richard S. Vetter: Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521 USA James C. Cokendolpher: 2007 29th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79411 USA ABSTRACT. Presented here is a description of the cryptic, sand-covered eggsacs of Homalonychus theologus. Additionally, when this species is gently harassed, it adopts a rigid, paired-leg position which may be a defensive posture functioning in immobility and possibly mimicking cactus spines. Keywords: Spider, eggsac, defensive behavior, immobility The spider family Homalonychidae is represent- #2 had sand from its natural habitat.) Crumpledpa- ed by a single North American genus consisting of per toweling served as refugia, and females were two species. Homalonychus spiders arefoundinthe maintained until death. Upon cleaning out their deserts of extreme southeastern California, the containers within two days of each female’s death, southern tip of Nevada, southwestern Arizona, it was discovered that in the hidden recesses ofthe northwestern Sonora, and Baja California. These paper towels, each spider had produced two round- spiders are not commonly encountered, and the ed, sand-covered eggsacs (Fig. 1). The eggsacs mm sparse information that is known regarding its nat- were about 18 in diameter and smooth inside, ural history was presented by Roth (1984). We had being lined with silk (Fig. 2). the opportunity to examine a few individuals ofH. Eggsacs from 9 #1 were transferred to a 4 liter theologus Chamberlin 1924 and present our obser- plasticjar and maintained in the first author’s home vations on t—wo aspects. at temperatures of 24-30 °C. Spiderlings were first Eggsacs. Roth (1984) mentioned only one noticed on the toweling 53 days later although the eggsac forthe genus that was collected in Aprilbut development time probably was longer because the “nothing is recordedregarding eithertheplacement date of oviposition was unknown. Seventeen spi- of the egg sac or its description.” In the original derlings were collected, and examination of the description of H. positivus (= H. selenopoides eggsacs revealed 22 shed skins in one eggsac and Marx 1891), Chamberlin (1924) reported a collec- no evidence of shed skins, spiderlings nor infertile tionfromGuaymas, Sonora, Mexico, inwhichthree eggs in the other. Eggsacs of 9 #2 were removed females were “taken under stones with egg sacks” from the female’s container and examined. One on 12 April 1921. Because the specimens reported contained 17 shed skins and 8 desiccated, presum- by Chamberlin were type specimens which Roth ably infertile eggs; it is unknown where the spider- might have studied for his revision, it is possible lings dispersed. The other eggsac contained 20 spi- that the eggsac mentioned by Roth was from the derlings and one desiccated egg. Sixteen of the 20 same collection. Apparently, Roth overlooked the spiderlings appeared to have died molting from the information presented by Chamberlin. 1st to 2nd instar; of the remaining four, two were Two female H. theologus were captured (Cali- dead and two were moribund. No spiderlings were fornia: San Bernardino County, 9 #1, off Amboy found outside ofthe eggsacs. Rd by Sheep Hole Pass, 640 m, 16 February 1997, Although the maintenance of these spiders was M. Holman, O. Trout; 9 #2, 5 km S Amboy, 150 artificial, the eggsacs were similar in construction m, on salt flat under a board, 25 April 1998, R. to one observed under a rock in Punta Diggs (17 Vetter) and maintainedin 2.5 literplasticcontainers km S San Felipe, Baja California Norte, Mexico, with sand substrate. (9 #1 had beach sand and 9 under rocks on sandy desert soil, S. Johnson, pers. 361 362 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Figures 1, 2. Eggsacs of Homalonychus theologus. 1. Sand-covered eggsac of Homalonychus theo- logus suspended from the underside of a paper towel; 2. Close-up ofeggsac with view ofinside. An egg is visible in the interior ofthe sac. (Photos by P. Kirk Visscher) comm.). In our artificial setting, H. theologus pro- ing, 23 March 1997, R. Vetter) was heldbyherlegs duced 21, 22, and 25 eggs per eggsac. These fe- with a pair of forceps she could be rotated in all males wereprobably fedonly aboutoncepermonth positions without becoming limp or attempting to and, therefore, the egg total here may be low due run. This behavior can also be elicited by touching tothe sparse food supply. Because wecollectedone the spider with a pencil or forceps, when at rest or mm specimen at night while itroamed around in sparse- while moving, day or night. However, a 3 ly vegetated desert yet saw none during the day Homalonychus juvenile from the same locale did while conducting experiments over extensive peri- not adopt this posture when chased for severalmin- ods of time in the same locale, we speculate that utes in two separate trials. Therefore, propensity to H. theologus spiders spend daytime in rodent bur- display this behavior may be size dependent (i.e., rows and under rocks where they easily could affix the spider’s potential as a prey item). When a pen- mm their eggsacs. The sand and silk covering would ultimate H. theologus female (9 body length) probably aid in humidity/temperature control as was uncovered under arubber tire, (California: San well as camouflaging the eggsac to avoid detection Bernardino County, 5 km S Amboy, 150 m, 26 by potential predators or parasites. Although Hom- April 1998, R. Vetter), she moved several cm from alonychus spiders are foundpartially buriedin sand her initial spot, became immobile, adopted the (Roth 1984; pers. obs.), they do not appear to con- “paired leg” stance (which was maintained while structburrows norremainhiddeninthe sandduring being maneuvered into a 40 dram vial), slid down the daylight hours. — the length ofthe vial and did not abandon this po- Potential defensive posture. When at rest, sition until she was slid back out of the vial into Homalonychus spiders position themselves with all the collector’s hand. legs spread out from one another (Fig. 3; also see We did nothave sufficient numbers ofspecimens Roth 1984: fig. 14). When disturbed, H. theologus to attempt additional tests and, therefore, we can shifts its legstoarigid “paired-leg” formation(first only speculate on the mechanism of the behavior two legs forward, hind two legs rearward) (Fig. 4). if, indeed, it is defensive in function. The primary When a mature (12 mm body length) female (Cal- defenses ofH. theologus are nocturnal activity and W ifornia: Riverside County, Cactus City, 17 km crypsis including burial in sand, the cryptic aspect Chiriaco Summit offI-10, 400 m, at night wander- of which is enhanced by the spider’s dorsal hairs VETTER & COKENDOLPHER^-i/OMALOiVFOTraBEHAVIOR 363 — Figures 3, 4. -Postures ofHomalonychus theologus. 3. Characteristic resting posture ofHomalonychus with legs held fiat and spread equidistant from one another. This penultimate male molted and was not placedbackon sand. Hence, it shows its natural colorationwithout sandtrapped amongsthairs; 4, Posture of a female H. theologus with rigid body and paired legs, possibly a defense mechanism. (Photos by J. C. Cokendolpher) which trap small sand grains (except in mature Voucher specimens are housed at the California males) (Roth 1984). Immobility is a common gen- Academy of Sciences. eraldefenseamong animals (Cott 1940). Cloudsley- We thank M. Holman and O. Trout forproviding Thompson (1995) mentions death-feigning (thana- us the first ovipositing female and S. Johnson for tosis) in an exhaustive review of spider defensive sharing information on his observations of an egg- behaviors; however, no behavior such as we have sac in Mexico. seen in H. theologus is mentioned. Additionally, thanatosis in spiders usually involves holding the LITERATURE CITED legs tucked inclosetothebody. Therearrangement Chamberlin, R.V 1924. The spider fauna of the ofthe legs in.H. theologus is somewhatpuzzling as shores and islands of the Gulf of California. two legs held together would seem to increase the Proc. California Academy of Sciences, 4th Ser. spider's conspicuousness, and hence belie its cryp- 12:561-694. tic nature. Possibly, this leg orientation provides a Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1995. A review ofanti- novel imageto apredator accustomedto eating spi- ders. Predators are known to avoid novel stimuli predator devices of spiders. Bulletin ofthe Brit- (Cott 1940) although we doubt that predators will ish Arachnological Society 10:81-96. carewhetherits preyhave “4” or 8 legs. Wewould Cott, H.B. 1940. Adaptive Coloration in Animals. Methuen, London. like to offer one additional speculative hypothesis. Roth, V.D. 1984. The spider family Homalonychi- Because H.theologus is both nocturnal and a desert dae (Arachnida, Araneae). American Museum dweller, possibly the immobility in concert with paired-leg posture mimics the appearance of de- Novitates #2790, 11 pp. tached spines ofdead cactus which could be an ef- fectivedefense in thedesert atnightwhenvisibility Manuscript received 1 July 1999, revised 16April is poor. 2000.

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