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Holonomy for Quantum Channels David Kult1 , Johan ˚Aberg2 , and Erik Sjo¨qvist1 ∗ † ‡ 1Department of Quantum Chemistry, Uppsala University, Box 518, Se-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden 2Centre for Quantum Computation, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom (Dated: February 2, 2008) Aquantumholonomyreflectsthecurvatureofsomeunderlyingstructureofquantummechanical systems, such as that associated with quantum states. Here, we extend the notion of holonomy to families of quantum channels, i.e., trace-preserving completely positive maps. By the use of the Jamiol kowskiisomorphism,weshowthattheproposedchannelholonomyisrelatedtotheUhlmann holonomy. The general theory is illustrated for specific examples. We put forward a physical 8 realization ofthechannelholonomyintermsofinterferometry. Thisenablesustoidentifyagauge- 0 invariantphysicalobjectthatdirectlyrelatestothechannelholonomy. Paralleltransportcondition 0 and concomitant gauge structure are delineated in the case of smoothly parametrized families of 2 channels. Finally, we point out that interferometer tests that have been carried out in the past to confirm the 4π rotation symmetry of the neutron spin, can be viewed as early experimental n realizations of thechannel holonomy. a J PACSnumbers: 03.65.Vf,03.65.Yz,03.75.Dg 0 3 I. INTRODUCTION these two classes are given by the fiber bundles associ- ] h ated with the mappings, “basis of subspace” “sub- 7→ p space” and “purification” “state”, respectively. Quantum geometric phases and quantum holonomies - 7→ t have, since their initial discovery, proven to be a versa- In this paper, we focus on the geometry related to a n tile structure that appears in many different contexts in thirdmajorconceptinquantumtheory,namelyquantum a u quantum mechanics. Berry showed in his seminal paper maps. More precisely, we are interested in the holonomy q [1]that a state vectorinitially in aneigenspaceofa non- for sequences of quantum channels, i.e., trace-preserving [ degenerate Hamiltonian acquires a geometric phase fac- completely positive maps. This concept, which we shall torinadditionto thefamiliardynamicalphasefactoraf- call“channelholonomy”,isassociatedwiththegeometry 2 v terbeingadiabaticallytransportedaroundaclosedcurve givenby a fiber bundle structure relatedto the mapping 0 in the parameterspace of the Hamiltonian. Wilczek and “Kraus representation” “completely positive map”. 4 Zee [2] soon thereafter extended Berry’s work by show- The aim with this analys7→is is to delineate this structure 1 ing that the geometric phase factor generalizes to a uni- and to examine its physical relevance. 2 tarystatechange,calledanon-Abelianholonomy(orjust . The outline of this paper is as follows. In the next 1 holonomy for short), in the case of degenerate Hamilto- section, we introduce the channel holonomy and exam- 1 nians. Another extension of Berry’s work was provided 7 by Aharonovand Anandan[3]who removedthe require- ine its behavior under gauge transformations. The rela- 0 ment of adiabaticity by showing that a geometric phase tion between the Uhlmann holonomy [5] for a sequence : of density operators, constructed from the Jamio lkowski v factor is defined for any cyclic evolution of a pure quan- isomorphism[12], and the channel holonomy is analyzed i tumstate. ThisresultwasfurthergeneralizedbySamuel X inSec. III. Thecaseofsmoothlyparametrizedfamiliesof and Bhandari [4] to include noncyclic evolution as well. r quantumchannelsis discussedinSec. IV. We derivethe A holonomy for curves of density operators was first in- a paralleltransportconditionandintroduceagaugepoten- troduced by Uhlmann [5]. tialassociatedwithsuchfamilies. InSec. V,the channel The aforementioned geometric phases and holonomies holonomy is calculated for specific types of channel se- may be classified in the following way. Firstly, we have quences. A physical realization of the channel holonomy holonomies for subspaces, such as eigenspaces of Hamil- based on ancillary constructions in two-beam interfer- tonians [1, 2], subspaces selected by projective measure- ometry is demonstrated in Sec. VI. In particular, we ments [6],cyclic subspaces[7],anddecoherencefree sub- demonstrate that the channel holonomyis relatedto the spaces[8,9]. Holonomicquantumcomputation[10,11]is “gluing matrix” [13, 14] that arises when two channels relatedtothisclassofholonomies. Secondly,wehavege- are combined in an interferometer. The interferometer ometricphases andholonomiesfor quantumstates,both setup also provides means to identify a physically mean- pure [3, 4] and mixed [5]. The geometric structures of ingfulgauge-invariantobjectassociatedwiththechannel holonomy. In Sec. VII, we examine the case of smoothly parametrizedfamilies ofquantumchannelsusing the an- cillaryconstruction. Itshouldbe notedthatthe analysis ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] inSecs. VIandVIIparalleltoalargeextentthatofSecs. ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] IIandIV,themaindifferencebeingthatwhilethe latter 2 utilizes directly the Kraus operators, the former utilizes by choosinga Krausrepresentation En K foreach { k}k=1 En ancillary systems. In Sec. VIII, we examine the inter- in the sequence and encoding the Kraus freedom in a ferometer tests in Refs. [15, 16] of the 4π symmetry of family of unitary matrices U , n = 1,...,N. In this n the neutron spin in terms of the channel holonomy. The way, we may express the parallelity conditions as paper ends with the conclusions. U†n+1Tn+1,nUn >0, n=1,...,N −1, (5) II. CHANNEL HOLONOMY where the K K matrices Tn+1,n with elements × Consider a trace-preserving completely positive map [Tn+1,n]kl =Tr(Ekn+1†Eln) (6) (channel for short) acting on a D-dimensional state F are all assumed to be of rank K. The conditions in Eq. space of a quantum system. The action of the channel (5) are satisfied by on a state ρ can be expressed as U =Φ(T )U . (7) K n+1 n+1,n n F(ρ) = FkρFk†. (1) We obtain after iteration Xk=1 U =Φ(T ) Φ(T )U . (8) The operators Fk constitute a Kraus representation of N N,N−1 ··· 2,1 1 [17]. We assume that K is the number of linearly Define F independentKrausoperatorsneededtorepresent ,i.e., F KtraicsetphreesKerrvaautsionnumitbfeorlloKw(sFt)haotf thekcFhk†aFnkne=l [ˆ11,3w].hFerroemˆ1 U=chΦ(E(T1,1.,.N.),ΦEN(T)N=,NΦ(1T)1,N)ΦU(TN2U,1†1) (9) is the identity operator. The KraPus representation of a − ··· channel is not unique. If F is a valid representation to be the channel holonomy for the sequence ,..., . k k 1 N { } E E of then so is F , where If we consider the set of linearly independent Kraus k k F { } representations as a fiber bundle with the set of chan- e K nels with a fixed Kraus number as base manifold, the Fk = FlUlk, (2) change of Kraus representations, as in Eq. (2), can be Xl=1 interpreted as a gauge transformation. As seen from the e U being a unitary matrix [18]. definitioninEq. (9)the factorUNU†1 ismultiplied from the left by Φ[T ]. This construction guarantees that Let E be a linearly independent Kraus represen- 1,N tation{ofka}kchannel . Given another channel with thematrixUch[E1,...,EN]transformsgaugecovariantly. E F To see this we make the gauge transformation K( ) = K( ) = K, we wish to find a linearly indepen- F E dentKrausrepresentation F of thatinsomesense ifisnpdatrhaelleKlrwaiutshr{eEprke}ske.ntAatci{oonnkv}eFknienFttchhaoticmeiwniomuilzdesbe[1t9o] Ekn →Xl Eln[Vn]lk (10) k k { } of the Kraus representation of each channel in the se- Ek Fk 2 =2D 2ReTrT, (3) quence. We obtain k − k − Xk where denotes the Hilbert-Schmidt norm and T is a Φ(Tn+1,n)→V†n+1Φ(Tn+1,n)Vn, (11) k·k matrix with elements Tkl = Tr(Fk†El). Under a change which implies of Krausrepresentation F F , as givenby Eq. k k k k (2), the matrix T transfo{rm}s a→s T{→e }T =U†T. Hence, Uch(E1,...,EN)→V†1Uch(E1,...,EN)V1. (12) Hence, the channel holonomy transforms gauge covari- Ek Fk 2 =2D 2ReTre(U†T). (4) antly as required. k − k − Xk Concerningthe gaugecovariance,letuspointoutthat e the channel holonomy is described as a unitary matrix. Assuming that T is of rank K (see the appendix for The gauge covariance of this matrix is necessary since an elaboration on the rank of T) the minimum is ob- it, in some sense, is a matrix representation of a gauge- tained when T > 0 which corresponds to the choice invariant object, and the gauge covariance reflects the 1 U = Φ(T) e TT†− T. Thus, we say that two Kraus freedom of the choice of “basis” in this matrix represen- ≡ representationps E and F areparalleliftheircor- tation. It is to be noted [20] that this is the case also for k k k k { } { } responding T matrix is positive definite. other type of holonomies, such as those of Refs. [2, 21]. We arenowin apositionwhere we candefine aholon- In Sec. VI we elucidate what gauge-invariant object the omy corresponding to a sequence ,..., of quantum channelholonomyrepresents,andinwhatsensethechan- 1 N E E channels with K( ) = ... = K( ) = K. This is done nel holonomy is a matrix representation of this object. 1 N E E 3 An alternative way to obtain the channel holonomy We also note that definedaboveistomakeagaugetransformationyielding Tn+1,n → Tn+1,n > 0, for all n = 1,...,N − 1, i.e., UN+1 =Φ(W1†WN)Φ(WN†WN−1)···Φ(W2†W1)U1. (17) Φ(T )=I,I beingtheK K identitymatrix. This choicne+a1,mnouents to parallel tran×sport along the sequence Let us now return to the cyclic sequence of density 1,e..., N. From Eq. (9) it follows that operators ρ1,...,ρN,ρN+1 = ρ1 as defined by Eq. (14). E E We fix an orthonormal basis f of , and k k q q {| i} H ⊗ H U ( ,..., )=Φ(T ), (13) define the amplitudes ch 1 N 1,N E E which is the expression for the chaennel holonomy in the W = (En ˆ1)ψ f , (18) n k ⊗ | ih k| parallel transport gauge. Xk where En isalinearlyindependentKrausrepresenta- { k}k III. RELATION TO THE UHLMANN tion of n. We furthermore find that E HOLONOMY 1 Wn†+1Wn = D |fkihfl|Tr(Ekn+1†Eln) For any given channel acting on elements of ( q), Xkl E L H i.e., the set of linear operators on the D-dimensional 1 = f f [T ] . (19) Hilbert space , one can find a corresponding den- k l n+1,n kl q D | ih | sity operator ρH ( ). This can be done Xkl q q ∈ L H ⊗ H via the Jamio lkowski isomorphism [12], i.e., ρ = (ψ ψ ), where is the identity channelEand7→ψ = ItfollowsthatthetwoamplitudesWn andWn+1 defined E1⊗I |Dihk| k wiIth k an orthonormal ba|sisiof inEq. (18)areparallelifandonlyifTn+1,n >0. Hence, √D k=1| i⊗| i {| i}k theparallelityconditionforchannelsis,viathisconstruc- q.PWe show that the holonomy associated with a se- tion, closely related to the Uhlmann parallel transport H quence of channels 1,..., N is related to the Uhlmann of amplitudes. If we combine Eq. (17) with the fact E E holonomy [5] for the extended sequence of density oper- ators ρ ,...,ρ ,ρ =ρ [22], where that Φ(Wn†+1Wn) = kl|fkihfl|[Φ(Tn+1,n)]kl we can 1 N N+1 1 conclude that P ρ = (ψ ψ ). (14) n En⊗I | ih | UN+1 = fk fl [Uch]klU1, (20) | ih | Xkl To avoid technical complications, we assume that all channelshavemaximalKrausnumberK( )=D2. This n which implies E guarantees that the corresponding density operators ρ n are faithful [5], i.e., they are full rank. ThereareseveralwaystocalculatetheUhlmannholon- [Uch]kl =hfk|Φ(W1†)UUhlΦ(W1)|fli. (21) omy associated with a sequence ρ ,...,ρ of faithful 1 N+1 The right-hand side of the above equation transforms as density operators. For each density operator ρ there n in Eq. (12) under the gauge transformation in Eq. (10), corresponds Uhlmann amp1litudes Wn = √ρnVn, where as it should. We note that it is Φ(W1) and Φ(W1†) that Vn = Φ(Wn) = WnWn†− Wn is afunitary operator. A are “responsible” for the gauge covariance, as UUhl re- q mains invariant. Note also that the construction in Eq. sequencefof such afmpflitudesfis parallel if Wn†+1Wn > 0, (18) leading to Eq. (21) contains an arbitrary choice of whichallowsusto definethe UhlmannholonomyU = Uhl basis f , as well as an arbitrary maximally entan- f f k k VN+1V1†. If we insteadconsider another sequence of am- gled s{ta|tei}ψ . The channel holonomy Uch should not plitudes Wn that is not parallel transported (but corre- depend on|aniy of these arbitrary choices. (This invari- sponds to the same sequence of density operators), we anceofU withrespecttothe choiceof f and ψ ch k k can make it into a parallel transported sequence WnUn shouldnotbe confusedwiththe covarianc{e|ofi}U und|eri ch by a choice of unitary operators Un such that the gauge transformations in Eq. (10).) The Uhlmann holonomy U is invariant under change of f , and Uhl k k Un†+1Wn†+1WnUn >0, (15) although Φ(W1) depends on fk k, the c{o|mbi}ination {| i} Φ(W )f does not, which leaves U invariant under 1 k ch | i which implies that Un+1 = Φ(Wn†+1Wn)Un and we find thechoiceof{|fki}k. Givenamaximallyentangledstate UUhl = Φ(WN+1)UN+1U1†Φ(W1†). If we furthermore |ψi,allothermaximallyentangledstatescanbeobtained assume that the sequence of amplitudes is cyclic, i.e., as [ˆ1 U]ψ , where U is unitary. Both UUhl and Φ(W1) ⊗ | i W =W (whichimpliesthattheunderlyingsequence depend on the choice of ψ . However, the combination N+1 1 | i of density operatorsis cyclic, i.e., ρN+1 =ρ1), we obtain Φ(W1†)UUhlΦ(W1) is independent of the choice of max- imally entangled state ψ . We can thus conclude that | i UUhl =Φ(W1)UN+1U1†Φ(W1†). (16) Uch behaves as required. 4 IV. SMOOTHLY PARAMETRIZED FAMILIES such that E (s) K is parallel transported. By insert- { k }k=1 OF CHANNELS ing Eq. (26) into Eq. (25) we obtain e A. The parallel transport condition R R† =U˙ U†Q+QU˙ U†, (27) − where Q and R are as in Eq. (23). Let A(s) be an anti- So far we have considered the holonomies associated Hermitian matrix generating U(s) via U˙ = AU, and with sequences of channels. Here we consider the tran- substitute into Eq. (27) yielding (cf. Ref. [23]) sition to families of channels smoothly parameter- s E ized by a real variable s [0,1]. As before we as- R R† =AQ+QA. (28) ∈ − sume that the Kraus number is constant within each If we assume Q(s)>0 for all s, then, according to The- family, i.e., K( ) = K for all s. Consider a smoothly s E orem VII.2.3 in Ref. [24], we find that Eq. (28) has a parametrizedfamilyoflinearlyindependentKrausrepre- sentations E (s) K of . ForsequencesofKrausrep- unique solution A(s) for each s, namely { k }k=1 Es resentations,theparalleltransportconditionisT > n+1,n 0. A generalization of this condition to smooth curves A(s)= ∞e−rQ(s)[R(s) R†(s)]e−rQ(s)dr. (29) Z − is obtained by requiring that the matrix with elements 0 Tr[Ek†(s+δs)El(s)] is positive definite to first order in Onecanseefromtheright-handsideofthisequationthat the limit of small δs. We find A(s)isindeedananti-Hermitianmatrixforalls [0,1]. ∈ To see that A transforms as a proper gauge poten- Tr[Ek†(s+δs)El(s)]=Qkl+δsRkl, (22) tial [25] we consider an arbitrary gauge transformation where Ek(s) 7→ lEl(s)Vlk(s), where V(s) is a smooth fam- Qkl =Tr[Ek†(s)El(s)], Rkl =Tr[E˙k†(s)El(s)]. (23) iRly ofVu˙n†iQtPaVry+oVpe†rRatVor.s.FrWome fitnhdesethtartanQsfo→rmVat†iQonVpraonpd- Since E (s) is a linearly independent set it follows → k k erties we obtain { } that Q is positive definite. Therefore, a necessary con- dition for Q+δsR to be positive definite is that R is A V†AV +V˙ †V, (30) → Hermitian. We shall now see that this is also a suffi- cient condition for small δs. Since Q is positive definite i.e., A indeed transforms as a gauge potential. it follows that 1 1 Q+δsR= Q(I +δs Q− R Q− ) Q. (24) C. An example p p p p The assumption R† = R implies that √Q−1R√Q−1 is The gauge potential A(s) along C can be found by a finite Hermitian matrix and consequently its eigenval- solvingEq. (28). Althoughthis is difficult inthe general ues are real and Q+δsR is positive definite for suffi- case, it can be done for Kraus number K = 2. Let σ = ciently small δs. We can conclude that a smooth fam- (σ ,σ ,σ ) be the standard 2 2 Pauli matrices. Since ilyofKrausrepresentations{Ek(s)}Kk=1 ofchannelswith Qx>0yandzTrQ=TrI, we may×write constant Kraus number K is parallel transported if and only if Q=I+x σ, (31) · Tr[E˙k†(s)El(s)]=Tr[Ek†(s)E˙l(s)], k,l=1,...,K. where x = 1 (the eigenvalues of Q > 0 are 1 x). (25) Further|m|o6re, from the definition of the matrices±Q|an|d This can be compared with the Uhlmann parallel trans- R,itfollowsthatTrR+TrR† =TrQ˙ =0,whichimplies port condition for smoothly parameterized families of ReTrR=0. Thus, we may put amplitudes W(s), which is W˙ (s)W(s) = W (s)W˙ (s) † † [5]. R=iz0I+(y+iz) σ, (32) · where 2y = x˙. Finally, A is anti-Hermitian, which sug- gests that we can write B. The gauge potential A=iu I+iu σ. (33) 0 We now demonstrate how to introduce a gauge po- · tential along the path C : [0,1] s s of smoothly We assume that x,z0,y,z,u0,u are all smooth real- parametrized channels. Suppose∋we c7→hooEse a family of valued functions of s. By inserting Eqs. (31), (32), and Krausrepresentations E (s) K overC thatisnotpar- (33) into Eq. (28), we obtain { k }k=1 allel transported. We can make a gauge transformation z x z of the form A = i 0− · I (cid:18) 1 x2 (cid:19) K −| | Ek(s) Ek(s)= El(s)Ulk(s) (26) +i z−z0x+x×(x×z) σ (34) → Xl=1 (cid:18) 1 x2 (cid:19)· e −| | 5 along C, which is well-defined since x = 1. Note, in A. Unitary channels | | 6 particular,that A vanishes when z and z vanish, which 0 from Eq. (32) can be seen to correspond to the parallel Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the holonomy transportconditionR† =R. Thus, the formofthe K = for sequences of unitary channels, each of which acts on 2gaugepotentialisconsistentwiththenotionofparallel a D-dimensional state space. Unitary channels are in transportdevelopedinSec. IVA. Notealsothataresult a sense the simplest type of channels, since their Kraus analogous to Eq. (34) for the Uhlmann holonomy in the representationsconsistofasingleunitaryoperator(K = caseofsmoothfamiliesoffaithfulqubitdensityoperators 1). Consequently, the Kraus freedom is encoded in a has been obtained in Ref. [26]. phase factor, and it follows that the holonomy in Eq. (9) is also a phase factor, which we denote γ . For a ch sequence u, u,..., u of unitary channels represented E1 E2 EN by the unitary operators U ,U ,...,U , the holonomy D. Writing the holonomy in terms of the gauge 1 2 N potential γch can be written It remains to demonstrate that the holonomy of the γch(E1u,...,ENu) = Φ(Tr(U1†UN))Φ(Tr(UN†UN−1))... smooth path C : [0,1] ∋ s 7→ Es can be expressed in ×Φ(Tr(U2†U1)), (38) termsofA. Considerthe polardecompositionT = s+δs,s T Φ(T ). Tothefirstorderinδswemaywrite where Φ(z) = z/z for any nonzero complex number |Tss++δδss,,ss| = Qs++δsδ,ssH and Φ(Ts+δs,s) = I +δsJ, where z. Note that γch(|E1u|,...,ENu) is gauge invariant in the | | sense that it is unchanged under the gauge transfor- H† = H and J† = −J. Thus, Ts+δs,s = Q+δs(QJ + mation U eiαnU for arbitrary real numbers α , H)+O(δs2) and we obtain n → n n n = 1,...,N. In particular, a gauge transformation U U such that Ts+δs,s−T†s+δs,s = δs(QJ +JQ)+O(δs2). (35) n → n e Φ(Tr(Un†+1Un))>0 (39) Furthermore,fromEq. (28)andtheexpressionT = s+δs,s Q+δsR+O(δs2), we find yields e e Ts+δs,s−T†s+δs,s =δs(QA+AQ)+O(δs2). (36) γch(E1u,...,ENu) = Φ(Tr(U1†UN)), (40) which is the channel holonomy in theepaerallel gauge (cf. Since Q > 0 it follows that J = A and the channel Eq. (13)) holonomy can be written as Consider now a smoothly parametrized family of uni- tary channels u(ρ) = U(s)ρU (s), s [0,1], and con- Uch(C)=Φ(T0,1)PeR01Ads, (37) sider the equaEtison of motion iU†˙(s) =∈H(s)U(s), H(s) being the “Hamiltonian” of the system (~ = 1). This wherePdenotespathorderingandAisasolutionofEq. family defines the path C : [0,1] s u. To the first (28). ∋ 7→ Es orderinδswehaveTr[U (s+δs)U(s)]=D+iδsTrH(s), † and Φ(Tr[U†(s+δs)U(s)])=eDiδsTrH(s). In the δs 0 → limit, Eq. (38) thus becomes V. EXAMPLES γch(C) = Φ(Tr[U†(0)U(1)]) In this section, we consider two examples where the i 1 exp dsTrH(s) , (41) channel holonomy can be explicitly calculated. The first × (cid:20)D Z (cid:21) 0 example concerns unitary channels, i.e., operations on closed quantum systems. It turns out that the chan- whichresemblestheAharonov-Anandangeometricphase nel holonomy for such channels is intimately connected [3] with the “dynamical phase” 1 1dsTrH(s) re- −D 0 to certain cases of the mixed state phase proposed in moved from the “total phase” argΦ(RTr[U (0)U(1)]). † Ref. [27]. Our second example concerns channels for Note also that this dynamical phase coincides with the whichthereexistKrausrepresentationsthatarebuiltup one in Eq. (14) of Ref. [27] for the maximally mixed by subspace holonomies associated with smooth paths internal state 1ˆ1 in an interferometer. that, e.g., can be approximately generated by sequential D Thechannelholonomyrelatedto thefamilyofunitary projective measurements [21]. We call these “holonomic channels can alternatively be calculated using the paral- channels”. As we demonstrate below, the eigenvalues of leltransportgauge,asdevelopedinSec. IV. Theparallel the channel holonomy for smooth families of holonomic transport condition in Eq. (25) reduces to the require- channels aredirectly relatedto the trace ofthe subspace holonomies, which reduces to Wilson loops in the sense ment that Tr[U˙†(s)U(s)] should be a real number for all of Ref. [28] for closed paths. s. However, from the unitarity of U(s) it follows that e e e 6 this number can only be purely imaginary. We thus find matrix with elements Tr[Γ˙†k(s)Γl(s)] is Hermitian. By a the parallel transport condition direct use of Eq. (46) we find that Tr[Γ˙†k(s)Γl(s)] = 0 for all k,l and s. We can thus conclude that Γ (s) k k Tr[U˙†(s)U(s)]=0. (42) is parallel transported. Consequently, the holo{nomy}is given by This condition is satisefied bey the solution of the equa- U (C)=Φ(T ). (48) ˙ ch 0,1 tion of motion iU(s) = H(s) 1Tr[H(s)]ˆ1 U(s). The { − D } Here, T is a matrix with elements unitaries U(s) and U(s) are related by the gauge trans- 0,1 e e formation [T0,1]kl = Tr[Pk(0)Γl(1)] e U(s) U(s)=U(s)exp i sdsTrH(s). (43) = δkl [PeR01Ak(s)ds]ijha(jk)(0)|a(ik)(1)i → (cid:20)D Z ′ ′ (cid:21) Xij 0 e = δklTr[Ug( k)], (49) The holonomy in the parallel transport gauge takes the C where U ( ) is the holonomy of the path in form g Ck Ck the Grassmann manifold (D;D ), i.e., the space of k G γch(C)=Φ(Tr[U†(0)U(1)]), (44) Dk-dimensional subspaces of an D-dimensional Hilbert space. Thus, the holonomy takes the form which can be seen by insertineg Eqe. (43) into Eq. (41). U (C) = diag Φ(Tr[U ( )]),Φ(Tr[U ( )]), Let us finally consider unitary channels for a single ch { g C1 g C2 ...,Φ(Tr[U ( )]) . (50) qubit (i.e., D =2). We claim that one-qubit holonomies g K C } only can take the values 1. To see this, we first note Notethatif isaclosedpath,[T ] equalstheWilson that U(2)=SU(2)×U(1). T±he U(1) parts of the sequence loop TrPeHCCkkAk(s)ds [28]. 0,1 kk cannot contribute to the holonomy due to their cyclic A possible way to implement the holonomic channels appearanceontheright-handsideofEq. (38). Theclaim is to approximate them by sequences of projective mea- then follows from Φ(Tr[SU(2)SU(2)])= Φ(Tr[SU(2)]) = surements. We discretizethe interval[0,s]with step size 1, since Tr[SU(2)] is a real number [29]. ± δs. We first perform the measurement {Pk0(0)}k0 fol- lowedby P (δs) upto P (s) , wheres=Nδs. { k1 }k1 { kN }kN Discarding the outcomes of these measurements the re- B. Holonomic channels sulting operation on the input density operator ρ reads Consider a smoothly parametrized decomposition ρ P (Nδs)...P (0)ρP (0)...P (Nδs) Hq = Kk=1Hk(s′)ofaD-dimensionalHilbertspaceHq, → k0,X...,kN kN k0 k0 kN afollrks′oLn∈t[h0e,si]n.teArvsasulm[0e,sd]iamndHlke(tsP′) (=s)Dbkeitshceopnrsotajencttifoonr = Pk(Nδs)...Pk(0)ρPk(0)...Pk(Nδs) k ′ Xk operator onto (s). The quantities k ′ H + (ρ) (ρ), (51) R ≡M Γk(s)= lim Pk(s)Pk(s δs)...Pk(0) (45) which is a channel. Here, δs 0 − → (ρ) = P (Nδs)...P (0)ρ can be expressed as [21] R kN k0 k0,..X.,kN ∈K Γk(s)= [PeR0sAk(s′)ds′]ij|a(ik)(s)iha(jk)(0)|, (46) ×Pk0(0)...PkN(Nδs), (52) Xij where is the set of values of k ,...,k exclud- 0 N K ing those where k = ... = k . Note that both where P denotes path ordering, the anti-Hermitian ma- 0 N P (Nδs)...P (0)ρP (0)...P (Nδs)and (ρ)corre- trix Ak(s′) has elements [Ak(s′)]ij = ha˙(ik)(s′)|a(jk)(s′)i, Pspokndkto completkely poskitive mapks. In the δsR 0 limit and {|ai(k)(s′)i}iD=k1 is an orthonormal basis of Hk(s′). A we have → holonomic channel is defined as lim (ρ)= hol(ρ)+ lim (ρ). (53) δs 0M Es′ δs 0R Eshol(ρ)= Γk(s)ρΓ†k(s). (47) Now, and→ hol are trace preservi→ng from which it fol- Xk M Es′ lows that must vanish in the δs 0 limit. Thus, we R → The condition for trace preservation kΓ†k(s)Γk(s) = ˆ1 have can be shown to be satisfied by usingPthat PeR0sAk(s′)ds′ lim (ρ)= hol(ρ), (54) in Eq. (46) is a unitary matrix. δs 0M Es′ → Let us now examine the holonomy corresponding to a which concludes our demonstration that the holonomic curve C : [0,1] s hol of holonomic channels. The channelscanbeapproximatedbysequencesofprojective ∋ 7→ Es paralleltransportcondition in Eq. (25) is satisfiedif the measurements. 7 VI. PHYSICAL REALIZATION This requires that Trq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)Un†+1] is of rank K. It then follows that Given a physical system and a sequence of operations 1,..., N acting on this system, one might ask: what UN = U1Φ(Trq[U1(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)U2†])··· ihEsotwheshpoEhuylsdiciatlbseigmniefiacsaunrceed?ofStthreicctlhyanspneealkhionlgo,ntohmesye, atwndo ···Φ(Trq[UN−1(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)UN† ]) (58) questionshavenowelldefinedanswer,givenhowwehave and =(ˆ1 U ) . N N N constructedthechannelholonomy. Wehavedefineditas AsUmay be⊗seen,Uthe above construction strongly re- a change in Kraus representation, but the Kraus rep- sembeles the channel holonomy in Sec. II, as well as the resentation as such has no direct physical significance. Uhlmann holonomy in Sec. III. We shall see that this Hence, there is no immediate way to attach measurable is not a mere coincidence, but that the above construc- quantities to the channel holonomy. In other words, up tion enables us to obtain the channel holonomy within to this point the channel holonomy has been a mathe- thecontextofinterferometry. Withthispurposeinmind matical construction, rather than corresponding directly we review some of the concepts and tools that are useful toaphysicalobjectoroperation. However,weshallhere for the analysis of quantum operations in single-particle obtainsuchacorrespondencewithinthecontextofinter- interferometry. A more thorough account of these theo- ferometry. Anotherrelatedquestionis,whatistheobject reticaltoolscanbefoundinRefs. [13,14]. SeealsoRefs. that the channel holonomy Uch represents? As Uch is a [31, 32, 33] for related material. gauge-covariantunitary matrix, it seems intuitively rea- sonable that it should be a matrix representation of a gauge-invariantobject. Our interferometricconstruction B. Operations in interferometry will provide precisely such an object. Suppose that we have a single particle with some in- ternaldegreesoffreedom(e.g.,spinorpolarization)with A. Yet another parallel transport Hilbert space , and that the particle can propagate q H alongtwoseparatedpaths(e.g.,thetwopathsinaMach- Zehnder interferometer). These two paths correspondto Everychannel onaHilbertspace withdimension q E H two orthonormal vectors 0 and 1 spanning the “spa- D can be obtained via a joint unitary evolution on the | i | i tial” Hilbert space = Sp 0 , 1 . Thus, the total system and an ancillary system with Hilbert space , p a H {| i | i} H Hilbert space of the particle is . according to p q H ⊗H Now, suppose that we have two operations Λ and Λ 0 1 acting on the internal degrees of freedom of the particle. (ρ)=Tr [ (ρ a a) ], (55) a † E U ⊗| ih | U LetΛ operateonthe particleifitpassespath0,andlet 0 Λ operate on the particle if it passes path 1. The ques- where is a unitary operator on and a 1 is normUalized. If U is an arbitrarHyqu⊗nitHaary ope|raito∈rHona tionis,whatchannelsΛactingonelementsofL(Hp⊗Hq) , then both and (ˆ1 U) give rise to the same would be compatible with the channels Λ0 and Λ1 act- Ha U ⊗ U ing in each path? (To be more precise, we require Λ to channel [30]. If we regard the set of unitary operators E be a channel such that Λ(0 0 ρ) = 0 0 Λ (ρ) representing asafiber,the transformation (ˆ1 | ih |⊗ | ih |⊗ 0 UU) can be seeEn as a gauge transformation resUul→ting i⊗n and Λ(|1ih1|⊗ρ)=|1ih1|⊗Λ1(ρ), for all density opera- a mUotion along the fiber. tors ρ on Hq.) The answer is as follows. Let {Vn}n and W belinearlyindependentKrausrepresentationsof m m Consider now the sequence of channels ,..., , all { } E1 EN the channels Λ0 and Λ1, respectively. Then [13, 14] with Kraus number K. We assume an ancillary space of dimension K, and consider a sequence of unitary a Λ(σ) = 0 0 Λ ( 0σ 0 )+ 1 1 Λ ( 1σ 1 ) H 0 1 operators ,..., on , where represents | ih |⊗ h | | i | ih |⊗ h | | i 1 N q a n U U H ⊗H U +0 1 C V 0σ 1 W n via Eq. (55). We regard the sequence of unitaries as | ih |⊗ n,m nh | | i m† pEarallel traensporteed if e Xnm +|1ih0|⊗ C∗n,mWmh1|σ|0iVn† (59) Trq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)Un†+1]>0. (56) Xnm Given an arbitraryesequence of eunitaries ,..., we where the matrix C satisfies CC† I and σ ( p 1 N ≤ ∈L H ⊗ U U ). We refer to Λ as a “gluing” of the two channels Λ (cˆ1anUma)ke ibtyicnhtoooasinpgaruanliltealrtyraonpseproartoterdsUse,q.u.e.n,cUe Usnuc=h Hanqd Λ1, and to the matrix C as the “gluing matrix”. 0 ⊗ n Un 1 Ne All gluings can be obtained using a shared ancillary that systembetweenthetwopaths[13,14]. Let (0) and (1) V V be unitary operators representing the channels Λ and Trq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)Un†+1] Λ1 via Eq. (55), where we assume the same ancilla0. On =UneTrq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aeiha|)Un†+1]Un†+1 >0. (57) the combined system of the two paths, the system, and 8 the ancilla, we can construct the unitary operator maximal detection probability is obtained. The maxi- mum is achieved when V(1) = U . In the next step we 2 Utot =|0ih0|⊗V(0)+|1ih1|⊗V(1). (60) wreepeleattVth(e0)p=roUces,si.beu.,ttlheet uVn(0it)a=ryUo2pearnadtoVr(w1)e=obUt3aiannedd 2 It turns out that inthe firststep. We thenvaryV(1) untilweobtainmax- imal detection probability. We repeat this procedure up Λ(σ)=Tra(Utotσ⊗|aiha|Ut†ot) (61) to N. U One may note that the parallel transport procedure isagluingofthechannelsΛ andΛ ,andmoreover,that 0 1 just described is purely operational, in the sense that it every gluing can be obtained by the appropriate choices is achieved as a result of optimizing detection probabili- of (0) and (1) [13,14]. Hence,althoughvariouschoices V V ties. This is analogous to the approach to the Uhlmann of (0) and (1) represent the same channels Λ and Λ , V V 0 1 holonomy as developed in Ref. [33]. respectively, these choices may neverthelessresult in dif- ferent gluings of Λ and Λ . 0 1 2. Realizing the channel holonomy Uch as a gluing between the end point channels C. Physical realization of the channel holonomy AftertheNthstepoftheparalleltransportprocedure, 1. Interferometric parallel transport procedure we can construct the channel holonomy as a measurable object in the interferometer. We let (0) = , V(0) = N We now consider the Mach-Zehnder setup. Let the U , (1) = ,andV(1) =U . IfwedViscardtUheancillary N 1 1 particle start in path 0 and internal state ρ a a, af- V U system the resulting channel on ( ) is ⊗| ih | p q ter which we apply a 50-50 beam splitter on the spatial L H ⊗H degrees of freedom, acting as a Hadamardgate H on the Λ (σ)= 0 0 ( 0σ 0 )+ 1 1 ( 1σ 1 ) final N 1 spatial degrees of freedom regarded as a qubit. There- | ih |⊗E h | | i | ih |⊗E h | | i +0 1 (σ)+ 1 0 (σ), (65) after, we apply Utot in Eq. (60) on the total system fol- | ih |⊗G | ih |⊗G† lowedbyavariableunitaryoperatorV(0)ontheancillary where Hilbert space in path 0 and a variable unitary operator V(1) in path 1, i.e., the unitary operator G(σ)=Tra[(ˆ1⊗UN)UN(h0|σ|1i⊗|aiha|)U1†(ˆ1⊗U1†)]. (66) F = 0 0 ˆ1 V(0)+ 1 1 ˆ1 V(1). (62) | ih |⊗ ⊗ | ih |⊗ ⊗ WeshallnowseethatthechannelΛfinalisdirectlyrelated to the channel holonomy. Finally, we apply a second beam splitter and calculate the expectation value of the projector 0 0 ˆ1 ˆ1, i.e., Consider a unitary operator Un representing En via | ih |⊗ ⊗ Eq. (55). Choose an arbitrary but fixed orthonormal the probability p to find the particle in path 0, yielding basis a K of forthe evaluationofTr . Forsuch p = Tr[(0 0 ˆ1 ˆ1)HFUtot a choi{c|e,kit}hke=o1peraHtaors Ekn = hak|Un|ai formaa linearly | ih |⊗ ⊗ independentKrausrepresentationofthe channel . We ×H(|0ih0|⊗ρ⊗|aiha|)H†Ut†otF†H†] find En 1 1 = + ReTr V(0)Tr [ (0)(ρ a a) (1)†]V(1)† . 2 2 { q V ⊗| ih | V } G(σ)= hak|U1†UN|ak′iEkN′h0|σ|1iEk1†. (67) (63) Xk,k′ If we regard the unitary operator V(0) as fixed, then we One can furthermore show find that the maximum probability p is obtained when V(1) = V(0)Φ(Trq[ (0)(ρ a a) (1)†]). In the special hak|Trq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)Un†+1]|ak′i=[Tn+1,n]k′k. (68) V ⊗| ih | V case where ρ= 1ˆ1, i.e., the initial internal state is max- D (Note the reordering of k and k′ between the left- and imally mixed, we thus find that right-handside.) Ascanbeseenfromtheaboveequation, V(1) =V(0)Φ(Tr [ (0)(ˆ1 a a) (1)†]) (64) Trq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)Un†+1]isofrankK ifandonlyifTn+1,n q is of rank K. Equation (68) implies V ⊗| ih | V maximizes the detection probability p. Comparing with Eq. (57) we find that the parallel hak|Φ(Trq[Un(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)Un†+1])|ak′i transport procedure can be implemented using this in- =[Φ(Tn+1,n)]k′k, (69) terferometric approach. We have a sequence of unitaries ,..., . We let (0) = and (1) = , and choose which can be combined with Eq. (58) to give 1 N 1 2 tUhe initiUal unitary oVperatorUV(0) =VU arbUitrarily. Next, 1 we let the input internal state to the interferometer be hak|U1†UN|ak′i = [Φ(TN,N−1)...Φ(T2,1)]k′k the maximally mixed state ρ = D1ˆ1 and vary V(1) until ≡ Zk′k. (70) 9 It follows that Hence, the channel holonomy resulting from the paral- lel transport procedure in Sec. VIC1 is a measurable Λfinal(σ) = 0 0 N( 0σ 0 )+ 1 1 1( 1σ 1 ) object. | ih |⊗E h | | i | ih |⊗E h | | i K +|0ih1|⊗k,Xk′=1Zk′kEkN′h0|σ|1iEk1† VII. THE CASE OF SMOOTH PARAMETRIZATION K +|1ih0|⊗ Ek1′h1|σ|0iEkN†Z†kk′, (71) In Sec. IV we considered the smooth version of the k,Xk′=1 iterative parallel transport in Sec. II. Here we perform where the two Kraus representations E1 and EN the analogoustransitionforthe ancillaryconstructionin { k}k { k }k Sec. VIA, finding conditions for parallel transport. are free and independent of each other. We may there- N Consider a smooth family of unitary operators (s) fore choose a Kraus representation {El }l of the chan- actingonthecombinedsystemandancilla ,Uthus nel N, such that the overlap matrix with elements Hq⊗Ha e E generating a smooth family of channels Tr(EN†E1) is positive definite, i.e., whenthe Krausrep- l k resentationofEN is parallelwiththe initialKrausrepre- Es(ρ)=Tra[U(s)ρ⊗|aiha|U†(s)]. (73) sentation,whichweknowispossibleiftheoverlapmatrix e e [T1,N]lk = Tr(El1†EkN) is invertible. We thus substitute When can we say that the family U(s) is parallel trans- EkN′ = kENk [Φ(T1,N)]kk′ into Eq. (71), which yields preoqruteirde?thBayt recalling Eq. (56) it aeppears reasonable to P Λ (σ) = 0 0 ( 0σ 0 )+ 1 1 ( 1σ 1 ) final | ih |⊗EN h | | i | ih |⊗E1 h | | i Tr [ (s)(ˆ1 a a) (s+δs)]>0 (74) q † K U ⊗| ih | U +|0ih1|⊗ [Uch]k′kENk′h0|σ|1iEk1† to the first ordeer in δs in the liemit of small δs. We find k,Xk′=1 K Trq[ (s)(ˆ1 a a) †(s+δs)]= (s)+δs (s), (75) +|1ih0|⊗k,Xk′=1Ek1′h1|σ|0iENk †[U†ch]kk′. whereUe ⊗| ih | Ue Q R (72) (s)= Tr [ (s)(ˆ1 a a) (s)], (76) q † Q U ⊗| ih | U Thus, the channel holonomyUch is nothing but the glu- (s)= Tr [e(s)(ˆ1 a a)e˙†(s)]. (77) q ing matrix describing the gluing of the two end point R U ⊗| ih | U channels 1 and N, with respect to the choice of paral- Note that (s) 0. Ifewe further assueme that lel KrausErepreseEntations of these two channels. It is to Q ≥ be noted that a gauge transformation E1 E1V (s)>0, (78) k → l l lk Q imply the same transformation EN EPNV due k → l l lk then we find that the parallel transport condition is sat- to the assumption of parallelity betweenPthe end points. isfied when (s) is Hermitian, i.e., One may also note that the gauge covariance of Uch, as R described in Eq. (12) is necessary for Λ to be gauge invariant. Another way to put this is tfionaslay that Uch Trq[U(s)(ˆ1⊗|aiha|)U˙†(s)] in some sense is the matrix representation of the gluing ˙ =Tre[ (s)(ˆ1 a ae) (s)]. (79) Λfinal,andasamatrixrepresentationofagauge-invariant q U ⊗| ih | U† object we expect Uch to be gauge covariant. We also Suppose we have aesmooth familyeof unitaries (s) pointoutthatinthespecialcasewherethetwoendpoint U that is not parallel transported. The question is, under channels coincide, i.e., EN =E1, then ENk =Ek1. what conditions we can make it parallel transported by The above construction of the channel holonomy as a multiplying with a unitary on the ancillary space matrix representationwith respectto two parallelKraus representations is analogous to the construction of the (s)=[ˆ1 U(s)] (s), (80) U ⊗ U open-path holonomy in Ref. [21]. This is perhaps best seeninEq. (12)inRef. [21],wheretheopen-pathholon- i.e.,agaugetranseformationthatleavesthe pathofchan- omyUgcanbeexpressedasΓ= kl[Ug]kl|ak(1)ihal(0)|. nels Es in Eq. (73) unchanged? Here we elucidate when Here ak(1) k is a frame whichPis parallel to the frame itis possible to finda time-dependent HamiltonianH(s) {| i} {|ak(0)i}k in a sense that resembles the parallelity of onHa thatgeneratesU(s)viaaSchr¨odingerequation. If Kraus representations. (Compare, e.g., Eq. (3) of the we substitute Eq. (80) into Eq. (79) we can rewrite the present paper with Eq. (8) in Ref. [21].) result as We finally note that the gluing matrix is in princi- ple possible to measureusing interferometricsetups [14]. (s) †(s)= (s)U†(s)U˙(s)+U†(s)U˙(s) (s). (81) R −R Q Q 10 Ifwe nowconsiderananti-Hermitianoperator (s) gen- explain the experiments. A erating U(s) via U˙(s) = U(s) (s), and substitute into Here, we put forward another interpretation of these A Eq. (81) we find = + . Similarly as in experiments,basedonthechannelholonomy. Wedemon- † R−R AQ QA Sec. IV we can use Theorem VII.2.3 in [24] to conclude stratethatthe4πperiodicoscillationsseenintheexperi- that there exists a unique anti-Hermitian operator (s) mentscanbe interpretedasa4π periodicityofthe chan- A solvingthisequation. Hence,wecanconcludethatunder nelholonomyinthiscase. Wealsoshowthatthechannel the assumption (s) > 0, there exists a unitary family holonomyitselfcanbemeasured,byaslightmodification Q U(s) creating a parallel transported family (s) via Eq. of the setup in Refs. [15, 16]. (80). U Letus firstcompute the holonomyofthe path C asso- twIot-sitseptoprboecendoutreed. Ftihrastt,wtheehsayvsteemdesacnrdibaendeciallakienvdolvoef cbiyattehdewuinthitatrhyefoapmerilaytoorfsuUni(tsa)ry=che−ani2snσezl,sEssu re[p0,reϕs]e.nWtede ∈ jointly according to (s), which is not parallel trans- obtain U ported. In the second step, we modify the state by uni- i tarily evolve the ancilla according to U(s). Hence, we Tr[U˙†(s)U(s)]= Tr[σz]=0, (82) −2 have so far not obtained a joint Hamiltonian on the sys- tem and ancilla that generates the parallel transported i.e., U(s) satisfies the parallel transport condition in Eq. family (s). However, the latter can in principle be ob- (42). Thus, we may use Eq. (44) to deduce that U ˙ tained seince the Hamiltonian H(s) = i generates UU U γ [C]=Φ(Tr[U(ϕ)]), (83) via the Schr¨odinger equation. Hence, the parallel trans- ch e ee e ported evolution can in principle be tailored through a since U(0) = ˆ1. Explicitly, Φ(Tr[U(ϕ)]) = Φ(cosϕ), combined evolution on the system and ancilla. Finally, 2 which is 4π periodic in ϕ. we note that the parallel transportis not obtained oper- Next, we analyze the experimental setup in Refs. ationally inthis smooth case,inthe sense of the discrete [15, 16] from the channel holonomy perspective. Let case in Sec. VIC. Whether such a “interferometric par- 0 , 1 represent the two beam directions. These vectors allel transport procedure” is possible in the smooth case | i | i constitute a basis for the spatial Hilbert space . The we leave as an open question. p H experiment uses the standard interferometric sequence with an initial beam splitter, followed by an operation in the two paths, and finally a second beam splitter and VIII. THE 4π EXPERIMENTS a measurement. For the moment we focus only on the operation occurring in between the two beam splitters, Bernstein[34]andAharonovandSusskind[35]pointed but return below to the interferometer as a whole. Let out the possibility to observe the 4π spinor symmetry of σ be some arbitrary total state on . Apply to p q a spin-1 particle. The essence of their argument was the0beamtheparalleltransportingHunit⊗arHyfamilyU(s), 2 that this symmetry may show up in the relative phase, s [0,ϕ], that represents the family of unitary channels saybetweentwopathsinaninterferometer,oneinwhich al∈ong C. This results in the map the spinor is rotated and one in which it is kept fixed. Subsequent neutron interferometer experiments [15, 16] Λu(σ) = 0 0 u( 0σ 0 )+ 1 1 u( 1σ 1 ) | ih |⊗Eϕ h | | i | ih |⊗E0 h | | i were carried out to confirm this prediction. +0 1 γ [C]U(ϕ) 0σ 1 These experiments used unpolarized neutrons that | ih |⊗ ch h | | i were sent through a two-beam interferometer, in which +1 0 1σ 0 U†(ϕ)γch[C]∗, (84) | ih |⊗h | | i one beam was exposed to a time-independent magnetic fieldB inthe z-direction,i.e., B=Bzˆ. Inthe weak-field where we have used Eq. (83), and where U(ϕ) = limit, one can show that this corresponds to the family Φ(Tr[U (ϕ)])U(ϕ) is parallel to the initial unitary † of unitary operations U(s) = e−i2sσz, s [0,ϕ], where U(0) = ˆ1, i.e., Tr[U(ϕ)] 0. We can identify this with ϕ B. A 4π periodic ϕ oscillation in t∈he intensity in Eq. (72). Hence, Λu is≥the gauge-invariant gluing be- ∝ one of the output beams was observed by varying B. tween the two unitary end point channels u = and Let us consider the standard interpretation of these u. Furthermore, the phase factor γ (C) Eis0theIcorre- Eϕ ch experiments. The spinor part of unpolarized neutrons spondinggluingmatrixwithrespecttotheparallelKraus is described by the density operator 1ˆ1, which can be representationsU(0)=ˆ1andU(ϕ)oftheendpointchan- 2 decomposed into an equal-weight mixture of any pair nels. of orthogonal pure spin-1 states. Let the orthogonal In the experiment in Refs. [15, 16] the input state to 2 vectors ψ and ψ represent such a choice of states. theinterferometerwas 0 0 1ˆ1(unpolarizedneutrons). | i | ⊥i | ih |⊗2 These vectors evolve into U(ϕ)ψ and U(ϕ)ψ , re- If we assume that the beam splitters can be represented ⊥ | i | i spectively, under the action of the magnetic field. It fol- by Hadamard gates, the passage through the first beam lows that for ϕ = n2π, we obtain ψ ( 1)n ψ and splitterresultsinthestateσ = 1(0 + 1 )( 0 + 1) 1ˆ1. ψ ( 1)n ψ . Thus,irrespecti|veih→oww−echo|osie ψ After the application of the cha2nn|eil Λu| ionhth|ishsta|t⊗e t2he ⊥ ⊥ | i→ − | i | i and ψ ,they havethe desired4π periodicityneededto particle passes through a second beam splitter, and the ⊥ | i

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