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HOLONOMICITY OF RELATIVE CHARACTERS AND APPLICATIONS TO MULTIPLICITY BOUNDS FOR SPHERICAL PAIRS AVRAHAMAIZENBUD,DMITRYGOUREVITCH,ANDANDREYMINCHENKO toJosephBernstein-theteacher,themathematician,andtheperson. ABSTRACT. In this paper, we prove that any relative character (a.k.a. sphericalcharacter) of any admissible representation of a real reductive group with respect to any pair of spherical subgroups is a holonomic distribution on the group. This implies that the restriction of the 6 1 relativecharactertoanopendensesubsetisgivenbyananalyticfunction. Theproofisbased 0 onanargumentfromalgebraicgeometryandthusimpliesalso analogousresultsinthep-adic 2 case. r As an application, we give a shortproofof some results from [KO13; KS16] on bounded- p nessandfinitenessofmultiplicitiesofirreduciblerepresentationsinthespaceoffunctionsona A sphericalspace. 1 InordertodeducethisapplicationweproverelativeandquantitativeanalogsoftheBernstein- 2 Kashiwaratheorem,whichstatesthatthespaceofsolutionsofaholonomicsystemofdifferen- tialequationsinthespaceofdistributionsisfinite-dimensional. Wealsodeducethat,forevery T] algebraicgroupGdefinedoverR,thespaceofG(R)-equivariantdistributionsonthemanifold R ofrealpointsofanyalgebraicG-manifoldX isfinite-dimensionalifGhasfinitelymanyorbits onX. . h t a m [ CONTENTS 2 v 1. Introduction 2 9 1.1. Therelativecharacter 2 7 4 1.2. Boundson thedimensionofthespaceofsolutions 3 1 1.3. Applicationstorepresentationtheory 4 0 1.4. Thenon-Archimedeancase 4 . 1 1.5. Related results 5 0 5 1.6. Futureapplications 5 1 1.7. Structureofthepaper 5 : v 1.8. Acknowledgements 5 i X 2. ProofofTheorem B 6 r 2.1. ProofofLemma2.0.1 7 a 3. Dimensionofthespaceofsolutionsofa holonomicsystem 7 3.1. Preliminaries 7 3.2. Dimensionofthespace ofsolutionsofaholonomicsystem 10 3.3. FamiliesofD-modules 11 4. ProofofTheoremsA and E 12 4.1. Preliminaries 12 Date:April22,2016. Keywordsandphrases. Realreductivegroup,HolonomicD-module,equivariantdistribution,Besselfunction, sphericalpair,momentmap.2010MSClassification:17B08,22E45,22E46,22E50,14M27,46F05,32C38,53D20. ThethreeauthorswerepartiallysupportedbytheMinervafoundationwithfundingfromtheFederalGerman MinistryforEducationandResearch;A.A.wasalsopartiallysupportedbyISFgrant687/13,andD.G.andA.M. byERCStGgrant637912andISFgrant756/12.AtthebeginningofthisprojectD.G.wasateammemberinthe ERCgrant291612. 1 2 AVRAHAMAIZENBUD,DMITRYGOUREVITCH,ANDANDREYMINCHENKO 4.2. ProofofTheoremA and Proposition1.1.4 13 4.3. ProofofTheoremE 13 AppendixA. ProofofLemma3.1.1 14 References 15 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The relative character. Let G be a reductive group1 defined over R. In this paper, we prove that a relative character (a.k.a. spherical character) of a smooth admissible Fre´chet representation of moderate growth of G(R) is holonomic. The relative character is a basic notion of relative representation theory that generalizes the notion of a character of a repre- sentation. Let us now recall the notions of spherical pair, relative character and holonomic distribution. For the notion of smooth admissible Fre´chet representation of moderate growth and its relation to Harish-Chandra modules we refer the reader to [Cas89] or [Wal88, Chapter 11]. Definition 1.1.1. Let H ⊂ G be a (closed) algebraic subgroup defined over R. Let P denote a minimalparabolicsubgroupofGdefinedoverRandB denoteaBorelsubgroupofG(possibly notdefined overR). ThesubgroupH iscalled sphericalifithasfinitelymanyorbitsonG/B. Wewillcall H stronglyreal sphericalifithas finitelymanyorbitsonG/P. Itis knownthat apair(G,H)isspherical ifand onlyifH has an open orbitonG/B. Definition 1.1.2. Let H ,H ⊂ G be spherical subgroups and let h be the Lie algebras of H . 1 2 i i Let χ be characters of h . Let π be a smooth admissible Fre´chet representation of moderate i i growth of G(R), π∗ be the continuous dual of π, and πˆ ⊂ π∗ be the smooth contragredient representationtoπ (i.e. theonlysmoothadmissibleFre´chet representationofmoderategrowth with the same space underlying Harish-Chandra module as π∗). Let φ ∈ (π∗)h1,χ1 and 1 φ ∈ (πˆ∗)h2,χ2 beequivariantfunctionals. FixaHaarmeasureonG(R). Itgivesrisetoanaction 2 of the space of Schwartz functions S(G(R)) on π∗ and πˆ∗, and this action maps elements of π∗ and πˆ∗ to elements ofπˆ and πˆˆ = π respectively. Forthedefinition ofthespace ofSchwartz functionsS(G(R)) see, e.g., [Cas89; Wal88; AG08]. The relative character ξ of π, with respect to φ and φ , is the tempered distribution on φ1,φ2 1 2 G(R) (i.e. a continuousfunctionalonS(G(R)))defined byhξ ,fi = hφ ,π(f)·φ i. φ1,φ2 1 2 Definition1.1.3. Let X bean algebraicmanifolddefined overR. Let ξ ∈ S∗(X(R)) beatem- pereddistribution. Thesingularsupport2SS(ξ)ofξ isthe zerolocusinT∗X ofallthesymbols of (algebraic) differential operators that annihilate ξ. The distribution ξ is called holonomic if dimSS(ξ) = dimX. In thispaper weprovethefollowingtheorem. Theorem A (See §4.2). In the situation of Definition 1.1.2, the relative character ξ is φ1,φ2 holonomic. WeproveTheoremA usingthefollowingwell-knownstatement. Proposition1.1.4(See §4.2). Let g,h betheLiealgebrasofG andH ,i = 1,2. IdentifyT∗G i i with G×g∗ andlet S := {(g,α) ∈ G×g∗ | α is nilpotent,hα,h i = 0, hα,Ad∗(g)(h )i = 0}. 1 2 Then SS(ξ ) ⊂ S. φ1,φ2 1Byareductivegroupwemeanaconnectedalgebraicreductivegroup 2a.k.a.characteristicvariety HOLONOMICITYOFRELATIVECHARACTERS 3 Note that the Bernstein inequality states that the dimension of the singular support of any non-zero distribution is at least the dimension of the underlying manifold. Thus Theorem A followsfrom thefollowingmorepreciseversion,whichisthecoreofthispaper. Theorem B (See §2). WehavedimS = dimG. LetU := g ∈ G | S ∩T∗G = {(g,0)} .NotethatU isZariskiopensinceS isconicand (cid:8) g (cid:9) closed. It iseasy to seethatTheorem Bimpliesthefollowingcorollary. CorollaryC. ThesetU isa Zariskiopen densesubsetofG. Thiscorollaryisusefulinviewofthenextproposition,whichfollowsfromProposition1.1.4 and Corollary 3.1.3below. Proposition1.1.5. The restrictionξ | isan analyticfunction. φ1,φ2 U(R) Remark 1.1.6. In general, S has irreducible components that can not lie in SS(ξ ) for any φ1,φ2 φ ,φ . Indeed, SS(ξ ) is coisotropic by [Gab81; KKS73; Mal79], and thus, by Theorem 1 2 φ1,φ2 A, Lagrangian. On the other hand, one can show that when G = GL4,R, and H1 = H2 = GL2,R×GL2,R embeddedasblockmatricesinsideG,thevarietyS hasnon-isotropic(andthus non-Lagrangian)components. 1.2. Bounds onthedimensionofthespaceofsolutions. Nextweapplyourresultstorepre- sentationtheory. Forthis,weusethefollowingtheorem. Theorem 1.2.1 (Bernstein-Kashiwara). Let X bean algebraicmanifolddefined over R. Let {D ξ = 0} i i=1...n be a system of linear PDE on S∗(X(R)) with algebraic coefficients. Suppose that the joint zerosetofthesymbolsofD inT∗X isdimX-dimensional. Then thespaceofsolutionsofthis i system isfinite-dimensional. It seems that this theorem is not found in the literature in this formulation, however it has two proofs, onedue to Kashiwara(see [Kas74; KK76] for similarstatements)and anotherdue toBernstein (unpublished). Inordertomakeourapplicationsinrepresentationtheorymoreprecise,weneedaneffective version of this theorem. We prove such a version (see Theorem 3.2.2 below) following Bern- stein’s approach, as it is more appropriate for effective bounds. We use this effective version to derive a relative version. Namely, we show that if the system depends on a parameter in an algebraicway,then thedimensionofthespaceofsolutionsisbounded(see §3.3below). Thisrelativeversionallowsustodeduce thefollowingtheorem. Theorem D(See§3.3). LetGbeanalgebraicgroupdefinedoverRandletX beanalgebraic G-manifold with finitely many orbits. Let g be the Lie algebra of G. Let E be an algebraic G-equivariant bundle on X. Then, for any natural number n ∈ N, there exists C ∈ N such n thatforeveryn-dimensionalrepresentationτ ofgwe have dimHom (τ,S∗(X(R),E)) ≤ C , g n where Hom denotes thespaceofall continuousg-equivariantmaps. g Remark 1.2.2. Note that the condition that G has finitely many orbits on X is equivalent to G(C) having finitely many orbits on X(C) but not equivalent to (and not implied by) G(R) havingfinitelymanyorbitson X(R). 4 AVRAHAMAIZENBUD,DMITRYGOUREVITCH,ANDANDREYMINCHENKO 1.3. Applications to representation theory. Using §3, we give a short proof of some results from [KO13; KS16]. Namely,weprove: Theorem E (See §4). Let G be a reductive group defined over R, H ⊂ G be a Zariski closed subgroup,andh betheLiealgebraofH. (i) If H is a strongly real spherical subgroup then, for every irreducible smooth admissible Fre´chet representation of moderate growth π ∈ Irr(G(R)), and natural number n ∈ N thereexists C ∈ N suchthatforeveryn-dimensionalrepresentationτ ofh we have n dimHom (π,τ) ≤ C . h n (ii) If H is a spherical subgroup and we consider only one-dimensional τ then the space is universally bounded, i.e. there exists C ∈ N such that dim(π∗)h,χ ≤ C for any π ∈ Irr(G(R))) andanycharacterχof h. CorollaryF. Let GbeareductivegroupdefinedoverR, H ⊂ GbeaZariskiclosedreductive subgroup,andh betheLiealgebraofH. (i) If the diagonal ∆H is a strongly real spherical subgroup in G × H then for every π ∈ Irr(G(R))) andτ ∈ Irr(H(R))) wehavefinitemultiplicities,i.e. dimHom (π,τ) < ∞. h (ii) Ifthediagonal∆H isasphericalsubgroupinG×H thenthemultiplicitiesareuniversally bounded, i.e.,thereexists C ∈ N suchthatfor everyπ ∈ Irr(G(R))), τ ∈ Irr(H(R))) we have dimHom (π,τ) ≤ C. h This corollary follows from Theorem E since Hom (π,τ) lies in the space of ∆h-invariant h functionalsonthecompletedtensorproductπ⊗τˆ ∈ Irr(G(R))×H(R)))(see[AG09a, Corol- lary A.0.7 and Lemma A.0.8]). All symmetricbpairs satisfying the conditions of the corollary wereclassified in [KM14]. TheinverseimplicationsforTheorem E(ii)and Corollary F(ii)areprovenin[KO13]. Theresultsonmultiplicitiesin[KO13;KS16]arestrongerthanTheoremEsincetheydonot require H to be algebraic, and consider maps from the Harish-Chandra space of π to τ. Also, in [KO13; KS16] Theorem E(i) and Corollary F(i) are proven in the wider generality of real spherical subgroups. In addition, [KO13, Theorem B] implies that if H ⊂ G is an algebraic spherical subgroup there exists C ∈ N such that dimHom (π,τ) ≤ Cdimτ, for every π ∈ Irr(G(R)) and every h finite-dimensional continuous representation τ of H(R). It is easy to modify our proof of TheoremE(ii)toshowtheboundednessofmultiplicitiesforanyπ ∈ Irr(G(R)) and anyτ ofa fixeddimension,buttheproofthatthebounddependslinearlyonthisdimensionwouldrequire morework. Our methods are different from the methods of [KO13], which in turn differ from the ones of[KS16], and theboundsgivenin thethreeworksare probablyverydifferent. 1.4. The non-Archimedean case. Theorem B and Corollary C hold over arbitrary fields of characteristiczero. Theyareuseful alsoforp-adiclocalfields F,sincetheanalogsofProposi- tions 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 hold in this case, see [AGS15, Theorem A and Corollary F]. Namely, we havethefollowingtheorem. Theorem 1.4.1 ([AGS15]). Let G be a reductive group defined over a non-Archimedean field F of characteristic 0 and let ξ be a relative character of a smooth admissible representation with respect to two spherical subgroups H ,H ⊂ G. Let S and U be the sets defined in 1 2 Proposition1.1.4andCorollaryC. Then (i) The wavefrontsetof ξ liesin S(F). HOLONOMICITYOFRELATIVECHARACTERS 5 (ii) The restrictionof ξ toU(F) is given bya locallyconstantfunction. 1.5. Relatedresults. Inthegroupcase,i.e. thecasewhenG = H×H andH = H = ∆H ⊂ 1 2 H × H, Theorem A essentially becomes the well-known fact that characters of admissible representationsare holonomicdistributions. As we mentioned above, Theorem E was proven earlier in [KO13; KS16] using different methods. An analog of Theorem E(i) over non-Archimedean fields is proven in [Del10] and [SV, Theorem 5.1.5]formanyspherical pairs,includingarbitrary symmetricpairs. ThegroupcaseofCorollaryC, Proposition1.1.5, andTheorem1.4.1(ii)is(theeasy partof) the Harish-Chandra regularity theorem (see [HC63; HC65]). Another known special case of theseresultsistheregularityofBessel functions,see[LM;AGK15;AG15]. 1.6. Futureapplications. OurproofofTheoremE(ii)doesnotusetheCasselmanembedding theorem (Theorem 4.1.3). This gives us hope that it can be extended to the non-Archimedean case. Themain difficultyisthefact that ourproofheavilyrelies on thetheory ofmodulesover the ring of differential operators, which does not act on distributions in the non-Archimedean case. However, in view of Theorem 1.4.1 we believe that this difficulty can be overcome. Namely,onecandeduceananalogofTheoremE(ii)formanysphericalpairsfromthefollowing conjecture. Conjecture1.6.1. LetGbeareductivegroupdefinedoveranon-Archimedeanfield F ofchar- acteristic 0 and let H ,H ⊂ G be its (algebraic) spherical subgroups. Let χ be characters of 1 2 i H (F). Fix acharacter λ oftheBernsteincenter z(G(F)). i Thenthespaceofdistributionswhich are: (1) left (H (F),χ )-equivariant, 1 1 (2) right(H (F),χ )-equivariant, 2 2 (3) (z(G(F)),λ)-eigen, isfinite-dimensional. Moreover,thisdimensionisuniformlyboundedwhenλ varies. Note that Theorem B and Theorem 1.4.1(i) imply that the dimension of (the Zariski closure of)thewavefrontsetofadistributionthatsatisfies(1-3)doesnotexceeddimG. Inmanyways thewavefrontsetreplacesthesingularsupport,inabsenceofthetheoryofdifferentialoperators (see, e.g., [Aiz13; AD15;AGS15; AGK15]). Thus,inordertoproveConjecture1.6.1, itisleft toproveanalogsofTheorems 1.2.1and 3.2.2fortheintegralsystemofequations(1-3). 1.7. Structureofthepaper. In§2,weproveTheoremBusingatheoremofSteinberg[Ste76] concerning theSpringerresolution. In§3,weproveaneffectiveversionofTheorem1.2.1,andthenadaptittoalgebraicfamilies. Wealso deriveTheoremD. In §4, we derive Theorem E from Theorem B and §3. We do that by embedding the multi- plicityspaceintoacertain spaceofrelativecharacters. In Appendix A, we prove Lemma 3.1.1 which computes the pullback of the D-module of distributionswithrespect to aclosedembedding. Weusethislemmain§3. 1.8. Acknowledgements. WethankEitanSayagandBernhardKroetzforfruitfuldiscussions. We thank Joseph Bernstein for telling us the sketch of his proof of Theorem 1.2.1. We thank ToshiyukiKobayashi,AlexanderShamov,and theanonymousreferee forusefulremarks. A.A.andD.G.willalwaysbegratefultoJosephBernsteinforintroducingthemtotheamaz- ingworldofalgebra,forsharinghisknowledge,hisapproachestoproblemsandhisphilosophy foralready morethanhalfoftheirlives,andforbeing ashiningexampleforever. 6 AVRAHAMAIZENBUD,DMITRYGOUREVITCH,ANDANDREYMINCHENKO 2. PROOF OF THEOREM B It is enough to prove the theorem for a reductive group G defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. Since S includes the zero section of T∗G ∼=G × g∗, we have dimS ≥ dimG. Thus,itisenoughtoprovethatdimS ≤ dimG. LetB denotetheflagvariety ofG and N ⊂ g∗ denotethenilpotentcone. SinceG isreductive,wecan identify T∗B ∼= {(B,X)∈ B ×g∗|X ∈ (LieB)⊥}. Recall the Springer resolution µ : T∗B → N defined by µ(B,X) = X and consider the followingdiagram. (1) T∗B×T∗B G×N ❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚µ❚×❚µ❚❚❚❚❚❚)))) uu❦❦❦❦❦❦❦α❦❦❦❦❦❦❦ N ×N res (cid:15)(cid:15) h∗ ×h∗ 1 2 Here, α is defined by α(g,X) = (X,Ad∗(g−1)X), and res is the restriction. Passing to the fiber of0 ∈ h∗ ×h∗, weobtainthefollowingdiagram. 1 2 (2) L ×L S 1 2❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙µ❙′❙❙❙❙❙❙)))) vv♠♠♠♠♠♠♠α♠′♠♠♠♠♠♠♠♠ N ×N h1 h2 Here, N := N ∩h⊥ andL := {(B,X) ∈ T∗B|X ∈ h⊥}.Weneed toestimatedimS. We hi i i i do itusingthefollowinglemma. Lemma 2.0.1 (See §2.1 below). Let ϕ : X → Y, i = 1,2, be morphisms of algebraic i i varieties. Supposethatϕ issurjective. Then thereexistsy ∈ Y such that 2 dimX ≤ dimX +dimϕ−1(y)−dimϕ−1(y). 1 2 1 2 By this lemma, applied to φ = α′ and φ = µ′, it is enough to estimate the dimensions of 1 2 L and ofthefibers ofµ′ and α′. i Lemma 2.0.2. WehavedimL = dimL = dimB. 1 2 Proof. Since H has finitely many orbits in B, it is enough to show that L is the union of the i i conormalbundlestotheorbitsofH inB. LetB ∈ B,andb = LieB,andidentifyT B ∼= g/b. i B Then T (H ·B) ∼= h /(b∩h ) and the conormal space at B to the H -orbit of B is identified B i i i i withb⊥ ∩h⊥. (cid:3) i Let(η,Ad∗(g)η) ∈ Im(α′). Thefiber(α′)−1(η,Ad∗(g)η)is isomorphictothestabilizerG , η and the dimension of the fiber (µ′)−1(η,Ad∗(g)η) is twice the dimension of the Springer fiber µ−1(η). Recall thefollowingtheorem ofSteinberg (conjecturedby Grothendieck): Theorem 2.0.3 ([Ste76, Theorem4.6]). dimG −2dimµ−1(η) = rkG. η HOLONOMICITYOFRELATIVECHARACTERS 7 UsingLemma2.0.1, weobtainforsome(η,ad∗(g)η): dimS ≤ dim(L ×L )+dim(a′)−1(η,ad∗(g)η)−dim(µ′)−1(η,ad∗(g)η) = 1 2 = 2dimB +dimG −2dimµ−1(η) = 2dimB+rkG = dimG. η (cid:3) 2.1. Proof of Lemma 2.0.1. Recall that, for a dominantmorphismϕ : X → Y of irreducible varieties, there exists an open dense U ⊂ Y such that dimX = dimY + dimϕ−1(y) for all y ∈ U (see, e. g., [Mum99, Theorem 1.8.3]). Let Z be an irreducible component of X of 1 maximaldimensionandW ⊂ Y betheZariskiclosureofϕ (Z). SinceW isirreducible,there 1 existsan open denseU ⊂ W suchthat (3) dimX =dimZ ≤ dimW +dimϕ−1(y) 1 1 for all y ∈ U. Let V ⊂ U be an open dense subset such that ϕ−1(V) intersects those and 2 only those irreducible components C ,...,C of ϕ−1(W) that map dominantly to W. Note 1 j 2 that j > 0 since ϕ is surjective. Moreover, without loss of generality, we may assume that, 2 for every 1 ≤ i ≤ j, all fibers overV of the restriction of ϕ to C are of the same dimension. 2 i Since one of these dimensions has to be equal to dimϕ−1(V)−dimV, we have, that there is 2 an 1 ≤ i ≤ j suchthat,forall y ∈ V, (4) dimV = dimC −dim(ϕ | )−1(y) ≤ dimϕ−1(V)−dimϕ−1(y) ≤ dimX −dimϕ−1(y). i 2 Ci 2 2 2 2 Thanksto dimV = dimW,takinganyy ∈ V, formulas(3)and (4)implythestatement. (cid:3) 3. DIMENSION OF THE SPACE OF SOLUTIONS OF A HOLONOMIC SYSTEM Inthissection,weproveaneffectiveversionofTheorem1.2.1,andthenadaptittoalgebraic families. WealsoderiveTheorem D. 3.1. Preliminaries. 3.1.1. D-modules. In this section, we will use the theory of D-modules on algebraic varieties over an arbitrary field k of characteristic zero. We will now recall some facts and notions that we will use. Fora good introductionto thealgebraic theory of D-modules, we refer the reader to[Ber] and[Bor87]. Forashort overview,see[AG09a, AppendixB]. By a D-module on a smooth algebraic variety X we mean a quasi-coherent sheaf of right modules over the sheaf D of algebras of algebraic differential operators. By a finitely gen- X erated D-module on a smooth algebraic variety X we mean a coherent sheaf of right modules overthesheafD . Denotethecategory ofD -modulesbyM(D ). X X X Fora smoothaffine varietyV, we denoteD(V) := D (V). Notethat thecategory M(D ) V V ofD-modulesonV isequivalenttothecategoryofD(V)-modules. Wewillthusidentifythese categories. The algebra D(V) is equipped with a filtration which is called the geometric filtration and defined by the degree of differential operators. The associated graded algebra with respect to this fitration is the algebra O(T∗V) of regular functions on the total space of the cotangent bundle of V. This allows us to define the singular support of a finitely generated D-module M on V in the following way. Choose a good filtration on M, i.e. a filtration such that the associatedgradedmoduleisafinitely-generatedmoduleoverO(T∗V),and definethesingular support SS(M) to be the supportof this module. One can show that the singularsupport does notdepend onthechoiceofagoodfiltrationon M. This definition easily extends to the non-affine case. A finitely generated D-module M on X is called smooth if SS(M) is the zero section of T∗X. This is equivalentto being coherent over O and to being coherent and locally free over O . The Bernstein inequality states that, X X 8 AVRAHAMAIZENBUD,DMITRYGOUREVITCH,ANDANDREYMINCHENKO for any non-zero finitely generated M, we have dimSS(M) ≥ dimX. If the equality holds thenM is calledholonomic. For a closed embedding i : X → Y of smooth affine algebraic varieties, define the functor i! : M(D ) → M(D ) by i!(M) := {m ∈ M |I m = 0}, where I ⊂ O(Y) is the ideal Y X X X of all functions that vanish on X. It has a left adjoint functor i : M(D ) → M(D ), given ∗ X Y bytensorproductwithi!(D ). Thefunctori isanequivalenceofcategoriesbetweenM(D ) Y ∗ X and the category of D -modules supported in X. Both i and i! map holonomic modules to Y ∗ holonomicones. IfV isanaffinespacethenthealgebraD(V)hasanadditionalfiltration,calledtheBernstein filtration. It is defined by deg(∂/∂x ) = deg(x ) = 1, where x are the coordinates in V. This i i i givesriseto thenotionofBernstein’s singularsupport,thatwe willdenoteSS (M) ⊂ T∗V ∼= b V ⊕V∗. It isknownthatdimSS(M) = dimSS (M). b We will also use the theory of analytic D-modules. By an analytic D-module on a smooth complex analytic manifold X we mean a coherent sheaf of right modules over the sheaf DAn X of algebras of differential operators with analytic coefficients. All of the above notions and statements, except those concerning the Bernstein filtration, have analytic counterparts. In addition,all smoothanalyticD-modulesofthesamerank are isomorphic. 3.1.2. Distributions. We will use the theory of distributions on differentiable manifolds and the theory of tempered distributions on real algebraic manifolds, see e.g. [Ho¨r90; AG08]. For an algebraic manifold X defined over R, we denote the space of real valued distribu- tions on X(R) by D′(X(R),R) := (C∞(X(R),R))∗ and the space of real valued tempered c distributions (a.k.a. Schwartz distributions) by S∗(X(R),R) := (S(X(R),R))∗. Similarly, denote by D′(X(R)) := D′(X(R),C) the space of complex valued distributions on X(R) and by S∗(X(R)) := S∗(X(R),C) the space of complex valued tempered distributions on X(R). Also, for an algebraic bundle E (complex or real) over X we denote D′(X(R),E) := (C∞(X(R),E))∗ andS∗(X(R),E) := (S(X(R),E))∗. c The algebra D(X) acts on the spaces D′(X(R),R) and S∗(X(R),R). Thus, for affine X we can consider these spaces as D -modules and D′(X(R),R) also as an analytic D - X X module. Similarly,wewillregardthespacesD′(X(R))andS∗(X(R))asD -modules,where XC XC denotes the complexification of X. For non-affine X, define the DX-module SX∗,R by S∗ (U) := S∗(U(R),R). It is easy to see that this sheaf is quasi-coherent. Denote by S∗ the X,R X D -moduleobtainedby complexificationofS∗ . XC X,R We define the singular support of a tempered distribution to be the singular support of the D-moduleitgenerates. ItiswellknownthatthisdefinitionisequivalenttoDefinition1.1.3. We say thatadistributionisholonomicifitgenerates aholonomicD-module. Lemma 3.1.1 (See Appendix A). Let i : X → Y be a closed embedding of smooth affine algebraicvarietiesdefined over R. Then D′(X(R)) ∼= i!(D′(Y(R))) andS∗(X(R)) ∼= i!(S∗(Y(R))). Lemma 3.1.2. Let M be a smooth D(An)-module of rank r. Embed the space An(Cn) of C analyticfunctionson Cn intoD′(Rn) usingtheLebesgue measure. Then HomD(AnC)(M,D′(Rn)) = HomD(AnC)(M,An(Cn))and dimHomD(AnC)(M,D′(Rn)) = r. Proof. Let MAn := M ⊗O(Cn)An(Cn) andDAn(AnC) := D(AnC)⊗O(Cn)An(Cn) betheanaly- tizationsofM and D(An). Then C HomD(AnC)(M,D′(Rn)) ∼= HomDAn(AnC)(MAn,D′(Rn)). SinceM is alsosmooth,M ∼= An(Cn)r. Thusit isleft toprovethat An An HomDAn(AnC)(An(Cn),D′(Rn)) = HomDAn(AnC)(An(Cn),An(Cn)) HOLONOMICITYOFRELATIVECHARACTERS 9 and the latter space is one-dimensional. This follows from the fact that a distribution with vanishingpartialderivativesis amultipleoftheLebesguemeasure. (cid:3) Corollary3.1.3. If adistributiongeneratesa smoothD-module,then itis analytic. 3.1.3. Liealgebraactions. Definition 3.1.4. Let X be an algebraic manifold defined over a field k and g be a Lie algebra overk. (i) An action of g on X is a Lie algebra map from g to the algebra of algebraic vector fields on X. (ii) Assume that X is affine, fix an action of g on X and let E be an algebraic vector bundle onX. LetM bethespaceofglobalregular(algebraic)sectionsofE. AnactionofgonE isa linearmap T : g → End (M) such that,foranyα ∈ g, f ∈ O(X), v ∈ M, wehave k T(α)(fv) = (αf)v+fT(α)v. (iii) Thedefinitionaboveextendsto non-affineX in astraightforwardway. 3.1.4. Weilrepresentation. Definition 3.1.5. Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space. Let ω be the standard sym- plectic form on V ⊕ V∗. Denote by pV : V ⊕V∗ → V and pV∗ : V ⊕V∗ → V∗ the natural projections. Definean actionofthesymplecticgroupSp(V ⊕V∗) on thealgebra D(V) by (∂v)g := π(g)(∂v) := pV∗(g(v,0))+∂pV(g(v,0)), wg := π(g)w := pV∗(g(0,w))+∂pV(g(0,w)) where v ∈ V, w ∈ V∗, ∂ denotes the derivativein the direction of v, and elements of V∗ are v viewedaslinearpolynomialsandthusdifferentialoperatorsoforderzero. ForaD(V)-module M and an element g ∈ Sp(V ⊕ V∗), we will denote by Mg the D(V)-module obtained by twistingtheactionofD(V) byπ(g). Since the above action of Sp(V ⊕ V∗) preserves the Bernstein filtration on D(V), the fol- lowinglemmaholds. Lemma 3.1.6. For a finitely generated D(V)-module M and g ∈ Sp(V ⊕ V∗) we have SS (Mg) = gSS (M). b b Theorem 3.1.7([Wei64]). Thereexistsatwo-foldedcoverp : Sp(V ⊕V∗) → Sp(V ⊕V∗)(R) f andarepresentationΠofSp(V ⊕V∗)onthespaceS∗(V)oftempereddistributionsonV such f that,foranyα ∈ D(V), g ∈ Sp(V ⊕V∗), ξ ∈ S∗(V), we have f Π(g)(ξα) = (Π(g)ξ)αp(g). Corollary 3.1.8. We have an isomorphism of D(V)-modules S∗(V)g ∼= S∗(V) for any g ∈ Sp(V ⊕V∗)(R). In fact, thiscorollarycan bederiveddirectlyfrom theStone-von-Neumanntheorem. 3.1.5. Flatmorphisms. Lemma 3.1.9. Let φ : X → Y be a proper morphism of algebraic varieties defined over a field k and M be a coherent sheaf on X. Then there exists an open dense U ⊂ Y such that M|φ−1(U) isflatover U. Proof. By [EGA IV, The´ore`me II.3.I], the set V of scheme-theoretic points x ∈ X for which M is φ-flat at x is open in X. Since φ is proper, the set Z := φ(X \V) is closed in Y. Note that M is flat over U := X \Z, since φ−1(U) ⊂ V. Moreover, U contains the generic points oftheirreduciblecomponentsofY. Hence, U ⊂ Y is dense. (cid:3) 10 AVRAHAMAIZENBUD,DMITRYGOUREVITCH,ANDANDREYMINCHENKO Lemma 3.1.10 (See, e. g., [Mum74, Corollary on p. 50]). Let φ : X → Y be a proper mor- phismof algebraicvarieties defined over a fieldk andM bea coherent sheaf on X thatisflat over Y. Fora pointy ∈ Y,let M denotethepullbackofM toφ−1(y). Then thefunction y ∞ y 7→ χ(My) = X(−1)idimk(y)Hi(My) i=0 islocallyconstant. Corollary 3.1.11. Let Y be an algebraic variety defined over a field k and M be a coherent sheafon Y ×Pn. Then thereexistsan open denseU ⊂ Y suchthat theHilbertpolynomial3of M doesnot dependon y aslongas y ∈ U. y 3.2. Dimensionofthe spaceofsolutionsofa holonomicsystem. Definition3.2.1. Let k beafield ofcharacteristiczero. (i) Let M be a finitely generated D-module over an affine space An over k. Let Fi be a k good filtrationon M with respect to theBernstein filtration on thering DAn. Let p bethe k corresponding Hilbert polynomial of M, i.e. p(i) = dimFi for large enough i. Let d be thedegreeofpanda betheleadingcoefficientofp. DefinetheBernsteindegreeofM to d be deg (M) := d!a . It is well-knownthat d and a do not depend on the choice ofgood b d d filtrationFi. (ii) Let M be a finitely generated D-module over a smooth algebraic variety X defined over k. Let X = l U be an open affine cover of X and let φ : U ֒→ Ani be closed Si=1 i i i k embeddings. Denote l deg{(Ui,φi)}(M) := Xdegb((φi)∗(M|Ui)). i=1 Define the global degree of M by deg(M) := mindeg (M), where the minimum {(Ui,φi)} istaken overthesetofall possibleaffinecoversand embeddings. In thissubsection,weprove Theorem 3.2.2. Let X be an algebraicmanifold defined over R. Let M be a holonomic right D -module. Then dimHom(M,S∗(X)) ≤ deg(M). XC Wewillneed thefollowinggeometriclemmas Lemma3.2.3. LetV beavectorspaceoveranalgebraicallyclosedfield,L ⊂ V beasubspace andC ⊂ V beaclosedconicalgebraicsubvarietysuchthatL∩C = {0}. Thentheprojection p : C → V/Lisa finitemap. Proof. By induction, it is enough to provethecase dimL = 1. Choose coordinates x ,...,x 1 n on V such that thecoordinatesx ,...,x vanishon L. Let p bea homogeneouspolynomial 1 n−1 that vanishes on C but not on L. Write p = d g xi, where each g is a homogeneous Pi=1 i n i polynomial of degree d−i in x ,...,x . Then x | satisfies a monic polynomial equation 1 n−1 n C withcoefficients inO(V/L). (cid:3) Lemma 3.2.4. Let W be a 2n-dimensional real symplectic vector space, and C ⊂ WC be a closed conicsubvarietyof dimensionn. Then there exists a real LagrangiansubspaceL ⊂ W suchthatLC ∩C = {0}. 3ForthedefinitionofHilbertpolynomialsee[Har77,ChapterIII,Exercise5.2].

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