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Holographic Complexity in Gauge/String Superconductors Davood Momeni,1 Seyed Ali Hosseini Mansoori,2,3 and Ratbay Myrzakulov1 1 Eurasian International Center for Theoretical Physics and Department of General Theoretical Physics, Eurasian National University, Astana 010008, Kazakhstan 2 Department of Physics, Boston University, 590 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215, USA 3Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran ∗ Following a methodology similar to [1], we derive a holographic complexity for two dimensional holographic superconductors (gauge/string superconductors) with backreactions. Applying a per- turbation method proposed by Kanno in Ref. [2], we study behaviors of the complexity for a dual quantum system near critical points. We show that when a system moves from the normal phase (T >Tc) tothe superconductorphase (T <Tc),the holographic complexity will be divergent. 6 PACSnumbers: 11.25.Tq,04.70.Bw,74.20.-z 1 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION the bulk of that spacetime. Namely, the holographic en- n tanglemententropyofsubsystemAwith its complement u Theanti-deSitter/conformalfieldtheories(AdS/CFT) is given by: J correspondence provides us a holographic dual descrip- 1 tionofthestronglyinteractinginvariousfieldsofphysics, S = Area(γA) (1) A 4G especially in condensed matter physics. More precisely, d+1 ] h this correspondence establishes a dual relationship be- where G and γ are the gravitational constant in the t tween the d dimensional strongly interacting theories on A - bulk and the (d 1)-minimal surface extended into the p the boundary and the d+1 dimensional weakly coupled − bulkwiththesameboundary∂AofsubsystemA,respec- e gravity theories in the bulk [3]. One of the most widely h tively. Recently, the behavior of entanglement entropy investigated objects is the holographic superconductors. [ forholographicsuperconductormodelshavebeenstudied The simple holographic superconductor model dual to in investigating conductor/superconductor phase transi- 3 gravity theories was made by applying a scalar field and tions [13]-[15]. We also obtained an exact form of the v aMaxwellfieldcoupledinanAdSblackholebackground holographicentropydue to anadvantageofapproximate 1 [4–6]. Then a lot of works have been carried out for 1 solutionsinsidenormalandsuperconductingphaseswith investigating holographic superconductors in other com- 0 backreactions for 2D holographic superconductors [14]. plicated gravity theories such as Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet 3 Recently, Susskind has found a new quantity releted 0 gravity, Horava-Lifshitz gravity, non-linear electrody- to complexity in CFTs which is dual to a volume of a . namics gravity and so on [7–9]. 1 codimension one time slice in anti-de Sitter (AdS) [16, Accordingto AdS/CFT duality,instabilityofthe bulk 0 17]. The time slice connect two boundaries dual to the black hole leads to exist a conductor and supercon- 6 thermofield doubled CFTs, through the Einstein-Rosen 1 ductor phase transition in holographic superconductor bridge [18]. Following Refs. [16, 17], the holographic : models. A holographic superconductor/insulator phase v complexity can be defined as: transition model was also built at zero temperature i X [10]. Then, in Ref. [11] authors investigated a com- V(γ) = , (2) r plete phase diagram for a holographic s-wave supercon- CA 8πRG a d+1 ductor/conductor/insulator system by mixing the con- ductor/superconductor phase transition with the insula- where R and V(γ) are the radius of the curvature and tor/superconductor phase transition. the volume of the part in the bulk geometry enclosed by On the other hand, the entanglement entropy plays the minimal hypersurface appearing in the computation a main role in distinguishing different phases and cor- of entanglement entropy,respectively. This quantity can responding phase transitions. It is also considered as a be carried out for certain holographic models [1]. Today useful tool for keeping track of the degrees of freedom of it is used to get more information about the quantum strongly coupled systems. systems in black hole physics and cosmology [19, 20]. In In framework of AdS/CFT duality, a holographic theframeworkofAdS/CFTcorrespondence,holographic methodforevaluatingthe entanglementofquantumsys- complexity in bulk might provide a dual description of tems has been proposed by Ryu and Takayanagi [12]. the fidelity defined in quantum information [1, 21]. Bea- Following this conjecture, the entanglement entropy of cusethefidelityispurelyaquantuminformationconcept, CFTsstateslivingontheboundaryofanAdSspacetime it would be a great advantage if one use it to character- isassociatedwiththeareaofaminimalsurfacedefinedin ize the quantum phase transitions [22, 23]. Moreover, if one extend the fidelity to thermal states, the leading term (fidelity susceptibility) of the fidelity between two neighboringthermalstatesissimplythespecificheat[24]. ∗ momeni [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Roughlyspeaking,thefidelityapproachisapowerfultool 2 to talk about quantum (or thermal) phase transitions action [26]: [22, 23]. In this paper, we will investigate behaviors of 1 2 1 phase transitions for 2Dholographicsuperconductorsby S = d3x√ g (R+ ) FabF (3) calculating the holographic complexity. The case of 2D − 2κ2 l2 − 4 ab Z h holographicsuperconductivityofourinterestis basedon ( ieA)ψ 2 m2 ψ 2 . the AdS /CFT correspondence. We also consider the −| ∇− | − | | 3 2 i influence of the backreactionon the dynamics of pertur- inwhichκ2 =8πG , F = A A where A are 3 µν µ ν ν µ µ bation in the background spacetime. Then by applying ∇ −∇ Maxwell’s fields, and e and m represent the charge and the domain wall approximation analysis [25], we will get themassofthescalarfieldψ. Inordertoregardtheeffect the holographic complexity which would be divergent at of the backreaction of the holographic superconductor, critical points. we consider a metric ansatz as follows: Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. Inthe nextSection, dr2 r2 we will have a brief glance at 2D holographic supercon- ds2 = f(r)e−β(r)dt2+ + dx2 . (4) − f(r) l2 ductors. InSectionsIII,wewillcalculatetheholographic complexitytoanalyzethephasetransitioninsuchsuper- and the electromagnetic field and the scalar field can be conductors. Finally,SectionIVisdevotedtoconclusions. chosen as: A dxµ =φ(r)dt, ψ ψ(r). (5) µ ≡ Furthermore we consider ψ as a real function without lossofgenerality. TheHawkingtemperatureofthisblack II. 2D HOLOGRAPHIC SUPERCONDUCTOR hole,whichis equivalentto the temperature ofthe CFT, WITH BACKREACTIONS is given by: f′(r)e−β(r)/2 T = . (6) In this section, we begin with a brief review of 2D 4π holographicsuperconductorawayfromtheprobelimitby (cid:12)(cid:12)r=r+ (cid:12) considering the backreaction. The dual gravity descrip- Employing the ansatz (4) and (5)(cid:12), the equations of mo- tion of these superconductors is defined by the following tioncanbeeasilyobtainedbythefollowingrelations[27]: 1 f′(r) β′(r) e2φ(r)2eβ(r m2 ′′ ′ ψ (r)+ψ (r) + +ψ(r) =0 , r f(r) − 2 f(r)2 − f(r) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 β′(r) 2e2φ(r)ψ(r)2 ′′ ′ φ (r)+φ(r) + =0 , r 2 − f(r) (cid:20) (cid:21) e2φ(r)2ψ(r)2eβ(r) 1 2r f′(r)+2κ2r +f(r)ψ′(r)2+m2ψ(r)2+ eβ(r)φ′(r)2 =0, f(r) 2 − l2 (cid:20) (cid:21) e2φ(r)2ψ(r)2eβ(r) β′(r)+4κ2r +ψ′(r)2 =0. (7) f(r)2 (cid:20) (cid:21) Here the prime denotes the derivative with respect to r. phase transition occurs. Furthermore, at the zero tem- In Ref. [27], to find the effect of the backreactionon the perature limit T = 0, the condensate < > goes to + O scalar condensation, Yunqi Liu et al did numerical cal- infinity that it justifies the same results from the BCS culations. They showedthatnumericalresults in solving theory. (seeRef. [28]forananalyticdescriptionofphase equation (7) for various values of the backreaction κ2 transitions). leads to drop the critical temperatures (T ρ, where c ∼ ρ is the dual chemical potential in CFT) consistently when the backreaction grows. It means that the back- reaction makes the condensation harder to occur. They alsoconfirmedthatthegapofthecondensationoperator III. HOLOGRAPHIC COMPLEXITY AND < + > becomes bigger if the backreaction increases. PHASE TRANSITIONS O Moreovernear the phase transitionthe condensationop- erator shows itself a behavior like < > 1 T O+ ∼ − Tc Now,westudytheholographiccomplexityfor2Dholo- which is the same as expected results from mqean field graphic superconductors. By defining z = r /r in the theory. The exponent 1 implies that the second order + 2 Poincares coordinate, and replacing it into the metric 3 (Eq. 4), the volume function yields: whereC andC areintegralconstants. Followingabove 1 2 considerations, the Eq. (11) can be divided into two r2 x(z)dz parts. V(γ)= + . (8) l z3 f(z) Z dz ǫ2l f (z)dz 2 x=l in order to find x(z) in above formpula,let us consider an Z z∗2−z2 f0(z) − 2 Z z∗2−z2f0(z)3/2 entangling region (subsystem A) in the shape of a strip (14) p p p [12,29]. Theminimalsurfaceγ isaonedimensionalhy- We assume that effects of backreactions to be small, so A persurface (geodesic)at t=0 when Eq. (1) is employed. one could expand the above equation in powers of κ2 as It should be noted that none of the coordinates (z;x) is follows: independent of the other. Therefore, considering z as a ∞ l2 function of x, the surface area becomes: x(z)= r c1n/2Jn1/2(z∗|z) (15) + n=0 X dx z′2 z2 ǫ2κ2l4(2C +C µ) ∞ A(z(x))=r+Z z2sf(z) + l2. (9) where cm+ = (m)2nr+32κlµ 12n, nX(=a0)c3n/2=Jn3/(2a(+zn∗−|z1))! is the Itisnoteworthythatwehavenotimposedtheminimality n n! r+ n (a−1)! conditiononthesurfaceareayet. WenowusetheHamil- Pochhammer symbo(cid:16)l [32](cid:17)and the auxiliary integrals are defined as: tonianapproachtominimizethesurfacearea. Therefore, we get to the first order differential equation as follows, ∞ ∞ (n+1/2) (1/2) z′2 z2 Jn1/2(z∗|z)≡k=0p=0 k!p!z∗pk+1 pL(2(n+k)+1+p||n) + =(Cl2)2. (10) XX f(z) l2 ∞ ∞ (n+3/2) (1/2) Defining a turning point z∗ such that z′|z=z∗ = 0, one Jn3/2(z∗|z)≡Xk=0Xp=0 k!p!z∗pk+1 pL(2(n+k)+4+p||n). can obtain the following minimal path for x(z) as: where dz x(z)=l . (11) L(M N) zM(logz)Ndz (16) f(z) z2 z2 || ≡ Z ∗ − Z p p is the Log-integralwhich satisfiesthe following recursion Letusregardf(z)=f (z)+ǫ2f (z)+...,β(z)=ǫ2β (z)+ 0 2 2 relation. ..., and µ=µ +ǫ2δµ +... where ǫ is interpreted as the 0 2 coherencelengthinasuperconductorwhichisconsidered (M+1)L(M N)+NL(M N 1)=zM+1(logz)N (17) smallandδµ µ [2,30,31]. Itisclearthatwhenµ || || − 2 0 µ , the order ≪parameter ǫ2 0. The phase transitio→n 0 On the other hand, we can employ the ”Domain Wall” → occurs at the critical value µ = µ . The equation of c 0 method in calculating holographic complexity. Domain motion for f(z) is solved at zeroth order by wall approach was proposed to investigate some aspects oftheholographicentanglemententropyalongrenormal- f (z)= r+2 (z−2 1)+κ2µ2logz (12) izationgroup(RG)trajectories[25]. Thustheexpression 0 l2 − forholographiccomplexity(21)canbewritteninthebe- low form: Nearthecriticalpoint,T T ,wehaveψ ψ (z) ǫz2. c 1 Therefore,onecantaketh∼efollowingexpre∼ssionfor≈f2(z) V(γ)= r+2 zDW x(z)dz + zUV x(z)dz . (18) when m2 =0. l z3 f(z) z3 f(z) (cid:16)Zz∗ ZzDW (cid:17) f (z)= κ2(2C +C µ)z (13) By substituting (15) intpo (18), we arrive apt: 2 2 1 − r2 zDW dz ∞ ∞ V(γ)= l+2 z3 d1n/2Jn1/2(z|z∗)+ d3n/2Jn3/2(z|z∗) (19) hZz∗ (cid:16)nX=0 nX=0 (cid:17) ∞ ∞ (logz)m (logz)m d1/2 + d3/2 × m (z−2 1)m+1/2 m (z−2 1)m+3/2 (cid:16)mX=0 − mX=0 − (cid:17) zUV dz ∞ ∞ + z3 d1n/2Jn1/2(z|z∗)+ d3n/2Jn3/2(z|z∗) ZzDW (cid:16)nX=0 nX=0 (cid:17) 4 ∞ ∞ (logz)m (logz)m d1/2 + d3/2 , × m (z−2 1)m+1/2 m (z−2 1)m+3/2 (cid:16)mX=0 − mX=0 − (cid:17) in which d1/2 = l2 c1/2,d3/2 = ǫ2κ2l4(2C2+C1µ)c3/2. Con- n r+ n n 2r+3 n sidering the following integral function, Kαγ(z ,z )= z> Jnα(z|z∗)(logz)mdz (20) nm < > z3(z−2 1)n+γ Zz< − with (α,γ) = (1/2,3/2) and (z<,z>) = (z∗,zDW,zUV), one can rewrite down the Eq. (20) as the following ex- plicit form. ∞ ∞ r2 V(γ)= l+2 DnαDmβ Knαmβ(z∗,zDW)+Knαmβ(zDW,zUV) (21) nX=0mX=0α,β=X1/2,3/2 (cid:16) (cid:17) where coefficients can be defined as: whereT = f0′(r+) isHawkingtemperatureforpure BTZ 0 4π black hole. When µ =µ , the above Hawking tempera- 0 c turetendstothecriticalpointT wheretheorderǫ2 0. Dα = gn1/2 δ + κ2ǫ2(2C2+C1µ)h3n/2δ . By putting the f2(z) (Eq. (13))cand → n r2(n+1/2) α,1/2 r2(n+3/2) α,3/2 + + l4z2µ2r2 ln( z )2 (22) β (z)= 16κ2 z3dz 1 + r+ It should be noted that the thermal part involved in the 2 − − 2 temperature and dual chemical potential are kept out Z (cid:16) 4 κ2µ2ln(rz+)+r+2(1−z2) (cid:17) the coefficients g and h. We can express the holographic (cid:16) (2(cid:17)5) complexity in terms of the temperature T, critical pa- in Eq. (24), we have: rameters like T , µ and dual quantity as µ. Note that c c from the coherence length near Tc behaves as: T T 1+ ǫ2(2πC + r+κ2(2C2+C1µ)) (26) 0 1 ≈ 4π T 0 It is also ehasy to calculate the horizon r as aifunction + ǫ < > √µ µ T T (23) of other variables as: + c c ≈ O ≈ − ≈ − p 2πT0 2δµ2 T r 1 C . (27) + ≈ κ2(2C +C µ) µ µ T − − 1 Furthermore we mention here that CFT temperature 2 1 h − 0(cid:16) 0 (cid:17) i needs to be modified by including the backreaction of Now we want to show that near the critical point, fields on the BTZ black hole background. According to when the system moves to the superconductor phase, Eq. (6), the first order correction to the temperature is (T ,µ,µ ) goes to infinity. In other words, the holo- given by the following expression: C T0 c graphic complexity will be divergent as the fidelity sus- ceptibility near the critical points. For this purpose, let T T 1 ǫ2 2πβ2(z)+r+f2′(z)T0−1 (24) uonsecotankseidsemr t=henle=ad0ining Eorqd.e(r2t1e)r.mThoufsCw(TTe0h,µav,eµ:c) when 0 z=1 ≈ − 4 π | (cid:0) (cid:1) h i T 1 2πT 2δµ T 2 1/2,1/2 0 2 C(T ,µ,µc)|T→Tc ≈ l3κ2 p00 (z<,z>) κ2(2C +C µ) µ µ T −1 −C1 (28) 0 2 1 c 0 h (cid:16) h − (cid:16) (cid:17) i(cid:17) κ2(2C +C µ)(µ µ ) + 2 1 − c p1/2,3/2(z ,z )+p3/2,1/2(z ,z ) δµ 00 < > 00 < > 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) κ4(µ µ )2(2C +C µ)2 2πT 2δµ T 2 + − c 2 1 p3/2,3/2(z ,z ) 0 2 1 C δµ22 00 < > (cid:16)κ2(2C2+C1µ)hµ−µc(cid:16)T0 − (cid:17)− 1i(cid:17) i It is obvious that when µ µ , the first term goes to other words, entering obliquely scalar hair into the sys- c → infinity andother leadingterms haveno singularities. In 5 temofanormalblackholeatµ leadstobethedivergent coupled system from a normal phase to a superconduc- c the holographic complexity of hairy BTZ black hole by torphase,requiringfreeenergy. Weneedacondensateto varying discontinuously in temperature from T > T to make this phase transition. In gauge-gravitypicture, we c T < T . It is interesting in proving analytic result by address phase transition by investigating a weakly cou- c applying numerical methods in future works. pledgravitationaltheoryinbulk. Inthisworkwestudied phasetransitionina twodimensionalholographicsuper- conductor with the holographic view of complexity. For IV. CONCLUSION this purpose, we used the domain wall method to calcu- late the holographic complexity. Our result shows that Phase transition is a change in a feature of a phys- thisquantityissingularatcriticalchemicalpotential. Its ical system, often involving the absorption or emission meansthatsingularitiesofthecomplexityhappenatnor- of energy from the system, resulting in a transition of mal/superconductorphasetransitionpoints for2Dholo- thatsystemfromonestateto anotherstate. 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